Red meat and livestock price reports

This section houses detailed statistics related to industry prices by species and region, along with other sectoral reports and links.

For customized reports, please utilize the links provided below:

Red meat prices

Cattle price reporting

Red meat price reports by species

United States livestock prices

For more details on United States prices and regulations, visit:


Statistics Canada price reports

Monthly average retail prices for selected products (Monthly, Statistics Canada Table: 18-10-0245-01)
Monthly average retail prices for selected products, for Canada and provinces. Prices are presented for the current month and the previous four months. Prices are based on transaction data from Canadian retailers, and are presented in Canadian current dollars.
Monthly average retail prices for selected products, by province (Monthly, Statistics Canada Table: 18-10-0245-01)
Monthly average retail prices for selected products, by province. Prices are presented for the current month and the previous four months. Prices are based on transaction data from Canadian retailers, and are presented in Canadian current dollars.
Farm product prices, crops and livestock (Monthly, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0077-01)
Farm product prices, crops and livestock, by province (in dollars per metric tonne unless otherwise noted). 

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