Red meat exports by country - year to date cumulative

These annual reports display red meat exports by country of beef and veal combined, and pork.

1 - Beef and veal
Beef and veal exports by country - year-to-date
  2024 - December
(Canadian dollars)
2023 - December
(Canadian dollars)
% Difference 2024 - December
2023 - December
% Difference
United States of America 3,883,237,701 4,036,613,763 -3.80% 374,345,535 375,172,804 -0.22%
Japan 362,186,964 351,833,964 2.94% 43,084,422 45,373,659 -5.05%
Mexico 259,943,317 283,780,003 -8.40% 28,860,741 32,312,375 -10.68%
Korea, South 152,037,885 121,822,254 24.80% 15,018,822 14,220,329 5.62%
Viet Nam 120,859,451 78,959,836 53.06% 12,897,567 12,241,309 5.36%
Hong Kong 41,519,667 60,447,346 -31.31% 3,411,300 5,601,447 -39.10%
Colombia 17,565,227 464,167 3684.25% 3,220,301 416,502 673.18%
Taiwan 15,859,796 10,201,563 55.46% 1,337,406 1,030,941 29.73%
Philippines 12,387,006 6,944,458 78.37% 1,859,984 1,795,891 3.57%
Saudi Arabia 11,995,974 12,463,997 -3.75% 1,201,987 1,257,343 -4.40%
Others 55,669,771 58,891,861 -5.47% 9,455,994 9,565,008 -1.14%
Total 4,933,262,759 5,022,423,212 -1.78% 494,694,059 498,987,608 -0.86%
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section
2 - Pork
Pork exports by country - year-to-date
  2024 - December
(Canadian dollars)
2023 - December
(Canadian dollars)
% Difference 2024 - December
2023 - December
% Difference
United States of America 1,804,963,892 1,792,365,518 0.70% 412,345,960 427,670,651 -3.58%
Japan 1,496,478,361 918,998,600 62.84% 285,651,256 190,888,670 49.64%
China 480,021,410 569,418,574 -15.70% 208,193,783 240,078,056 -13.28%
Mexico 476,763,960 425,865,340 11.95% 193,622,180 172,666,505 12.14%
Philippines 278,676,360 304,999,892 -8.63% 102,190,213 108,766,430 -6.05%
Korea, South 398,267,303 227,033,601 75.42% 83,708,841 54,830,024 52.67%
Taiwan 160,092,858 164,620,932 -2.75% 43,985,590 51,036,167 -13.81%
Colombia 77,589,659 65,392,501 18.65% 25,866,902 22,144,977 16.81%
Australia 40,983,121 31,771,213 28.99% 12,111,417 9,444,465 28.24%
New Zealand 33,675,498 21,140,561 59.29% 8,931,196 7,404,793 20.61%
Others 222,784,163 195,251,237 14.10% 71,619,092 66,437,183 7.80%
Total 5,470,296,585 4,716,857,969 15.97% 1,448,226,430 1,351,367,921 7.17%
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section

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