Red meat exports by month - year to date cumulative

These annual reports display red meat exports by month of beef and veal combined, and pork.

1 - Beef and veal
Beef and veal exports by month - year-to-date (Canadian dollars)
Months 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 251,949,043 268,696,946 360,616,391 395,813,318 438,089,463
February 216,974,668 250,090,057 341,596,155 376,256,950 427,278,083
March 261,363,139 293,262,190 424,025,023 411,280,596 461,949,840
April 168,384,119 329,498,203 395,111,268 396,728,553 379,143,514
May 309,980,079 374,234,762 391,024,622 383,783,752 361,334,066
June 317,812,178 393,097,452 360,422,887 363,818,869 329,400,837
July 286,699,905 405,564,821 408,740,990 390,481,380  
August 277,911,441 479,704,246 373,121,037 416,997,514  
September 253,659,745 435,988,190 397,916,201 438,768,643  
October 311,171,003 473,047,378 433,760,199 471,938,233  
November 327,789,100 427,753,983 401,812,580 496,293,640  
December 273,547,520 321,028,015 388,810,901 480,188,646  
Total 3,257,241,940 4,451,966,243 4,676,958,254 5,022,350,094 2,397,195,803
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section
Beef and veal exports by month - year-to-date (kilogram)
Months 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 33,677,022 36,770,513 39,319,041 43,031,205 43,976,515
February 29,364,231 33,868,281 33,968,166 40,909,167 44,048,482
March 34,245,957 38,489,637 46,298,436 42,170,862 48,815,227
April 24,948,083 41,396,866 43,790,722 39,517,172 40,952,366
May 28,893,398 44,214,785 43,705,377 38,270,789 38,680,587
June 37,054,745 44,449,544 41,402,191 36,500,501 33,983,021
July 40,946,985 45,230,712 44,916,765 37,887,511  
August 40,044,897 51,503,688 42,121,745 40,954,864  
September 35,894,525 43,991,335 45,041,875 42,655,881  
October 39,517,723 48,846,950 46,189,038 44,524,133  
November 42,259,205 42,829,923 42,090,149 46,323,290  
December 36,369,600 32,609,535 42,177,132 46,191,864  
Total 423,216,371 504,201,769 511,020,637 498,937,239 250,456,198
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section
2 - Pork
Pork exports by month - in Canadian dollars
Months 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 413,709,647 390,303,640 359,657,657 349,930,722 452,769,992
February 425,343,578 412,365,943 382,535,239 352,602,427 444,482,980
March 463,914,779 466,867,198 447,558,251 403,445,704 483,980,473
April 418,946,532 476,044,780 410,884,185 382,057,723 462,797,058
May 488,891,833 426,362,821 412,357,195 420,051,754 417,100,406
June 392,398,993 422,588,123 435,258,541 422,354,182 465,135,118
July 397,173,939 383,382,427 408,745,071 372,913,847  
August 345,357,009 401,378,992 405,413,242 392,079,578  
September 409,478,706 408,618,643 391,166,836 383,709,918  
October 480,442,738 401,794,385 444,828,277 381,185,181  
November 440,949,072 377,925,943 370,381,562 402,786,512  
December 422,967,597 402,172,057 363,810,102 449,190,871  
Total 5,099,574,423 4,969,804,952 4,832,596,158 4,712,308,419 2,726,266,027
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section
Pork exports by month - year-to-date (kilogram)
Months 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 115,047,430 119,891,294 111,169,088 103,073,465 121,887,998
February 123,678,701 124,898,407 116,077,727 106,437,606 121,765,572
March 133,051,977 140,078,442 136,876,028 119,061,673 134,199,414
April 122,629,589 134,264,717 118,442,671 113,852,030 130,603,841
May 136,838,949 118,922,524 120,400,240 124,167,714 109,575,292
June 117,614,284 116,297,104 124,276,133 126,146,658 120,208,269
July 124,807,421 106,808,387 113,143,294 104,218,588  
August 103,260,314 111,189,072 110,392,443 106,319,450  
September 124,168,801 113,156,929 108,047,968 104,396,056  
October 133,055,779 117,894,169 123,766,225 105,126,252  
November 126,753,528 115,278,860 104,233,086 111,413,684  
December 130,079,367 123,599,999 106,780,789 125,774,461  
Total 1,490,986,140 1,442,279,904 1,393,605,692 1,349,987,637 738,240,386
Domestic exports only (excludes re-exports)
Source: Statistics Canada
Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section

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