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Table of contents
- Overview
- 1. Production
- 2. Canadian potato storage holdings
- 3. Revenue and prices
- 4. Potato availability
- 5. Trade
- 5.1. Canadian potatoes trade balance
- 5.2. Canadian potato exports
- 5.3. Canadian potato imports
- 6. World data
- 7. Key resources
Potatoes are the fifth largest primary agriculture crop in Canada (after canola, wheat, soybean, and corn), contributing approximately $2 billion in farm cash receipts in 2023. The value of potatoes and potato products exports rose 8% from 2022/2023 to reach over $3.6 billion in 2023/2024Endnote 1. In addition, potatoes are the largest vegetable crop grown in Canada, accounting for 29% of all vegetable receipts Endnote 2 and 17% of all horticulturalEndnote 3 receipts.
Potatoes also make a significant contribution to provincial agricultural sectors; for example, in 2023, potatoes contributed over 55% of the total farm cash receipts in Prince Edward Island, and 22% of the total farm cash receipts in New Brunswick. Manitoba and Alberta also have sizable potato sectors with higher total potato farm cash receipts than both Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick; however, potato farm cash receipts represent only 4% and 2%, respectively, of the total farm cash receipts for Manitoba and Alberta.
In Canada, potatoes are generally planted in the spring and harvested throughout the late-summer and fall. Potatoes are produced for 3 uses: seed, table market, and processing (frying, chipping, dehydration and others) and the relative importance of each sector differs greatly by province. Each category is comprised of unique end-uses and markets.
In 2023, potato growers across Canada produced approximately 5.8 million metric tons of potatoes. Canadian potato production is truly national, with production distributed across the country from coast-to-coast. Production on an area basis is distributed as 35% in Atlantic Canada, 21% in Central Canada, and 44% in the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia. The main producing provinces by volume were Alberta (24%), Manitoba (23%), Prince Edward Island (20%), New Brunswick (12%), Quebec (10%), and Ontario (7%).
Approximately 68% of the total production in 2023 was destined for the processing sector, 21% for the fresh/table sector, and 11% for the seed sector. Most processing potatoes are used to produce French fries, chips, and other processed potato products. The main French fry processing provinces, by volume, are Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, while Ontario has the largest potato chip sector. Processing plants are usually located close to where production occurs. These processors offer contracts to potato growers for production of the quantities and varieties required, in advance of the growing season. Most growers have state-of-the-art storage and are responsible for keeping good quality potatoes as required by the retailers and processors.
Approximately 150 seed potato varieties are registered in Canada for commercial production. Alberta (27%), Prince Edward Island (21%), Manitoba (16%), Quebec (12%), and New Brunswick (10%) were the largest seed potato producing provinces in 2023.
Canada is a net exporter of potato and potato products and the U.S. is by far the most important market for Canadian potatoes. In 2023/2024, Canada exported $50 million of seed potatoes, $493 million of fresh potatoes, $2.7 billion worth of French fries and $424 million of other processed potato exports to all countries.
In 2023/2024, the U.S. market represented 96% ($48 million) for seed, 93% ($457 million) for fresh and 91% ($2.4 billion) for French fry exports. During the same period, Canada imported a total value of $456 million worth of potato and potato products from the U.S., accounting for 85% of total imports from all countries ($534 million). Of that total imported value, $440 million was in processed potatoes ($126 million for frozen French fry and $314 million for other processed potatoes). The remaining $94 million was in fresh potatoes ($80 million for table stock potatoes and $14 million for seed potatoes).
Canada accounts for approximately 2% of global potato production. China is by far the leading producer of potatoes with 25% of world production, followed by India (15%) and Ukraine (6%).
Worldwide, Canada is among the top 10 exporting countries for table stock and seed potatoes. In 2023, in terms of value, Canada ranked 4th in table potato exports, totalling $580 million, and ranked 7th in exports of seed potatoes with a value of $53 million.
Conversely, Canada ranked as the 13th largest importer of table potatoes in terms of value at $112 million, and ranked 17st globally for seed potatoes with imports totaling $13 million.
Belgium was the largest importer of table potatoes as well as the largest importer of seed potatoes in terms of value, while France was the largest exporter for table potatoes and Netherlands was the largest exporter of seed potatoes.
1. Production
1.1. Canadian potato production
1.1.1. Seeded area by province (hectares)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 172 | 172 | 192 | 168 | 172 | 0.1% |
Prince Edward Island | 34,601 | 33,832 | 34,398 | 33,710 | 34,196 | 21.3% |
Nova Scotia | 583 | 486 | 486 | 324 | 324 | 0.2% |
New Brunswick | 21,408 | 19,643 | 21,448 | 21,125 | 21,373 | 13.3% |
Quebec | 17,607 | 18,585 | 18,711 | 18,361 | 18,924 | 11.8% |
Ontario | 13,770 | 14,771 | 15,509 | 15,046 | 15,257 | 9.5% |
Manitoba | 28,328 | 28,935 | 31,565 | 32,577 | 32,780 | 20.4% |
Saskatchewan | 2,711 | 2,833 | 2,954 | 2,873 | 2,954 | 1.8% |
Alberta | 24,781 | 24,150 | 27,701 | 29,574 | 32,415 | 20.2% |
British Columbia | 2,711 | 2,630 | 2,550 | 2,104 | 2,347 | 1.5% |
CanadaNote 1 | 146,672 | 146,037 | 155,515 | 155,863 | 160,742 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0358-01 Area, production and farm value of potatoes |
1.1.2. Harvested area by province (hectares)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 132 | 148 | 152 | 142 | 150 | 0.1% |
Prince Edward Island | 33,994 | 33,791 | 34,196 | 33,670 | 33,589 | 21.4% |
Nova Scotia | 567 | 486 | 465 | 324 | 316 | 0.2% |
New Brunswick | 21,367 | 19,607 | 21,044 | 20,882 | 20,443 | 13.1% |
Quebec | 17,469 | 18,044 | 18,525 | 18,142 | 18,440 | 11.8% |
Ontario | 13,568 | 14,488 | 15,096 | 15,014 | 15,135 | 9.7% |
Manitoba | 23,067 | 28,814 | 31,565 | 32,071 | 32,375 | 20.7% |
Saskatchewan | 2,509 | 2,550 | 2,752 | 2,630 | 2,914 | 1.9% |
Alberta | 23,006 | 23,446 | 27,438 | 28,864 | 30,934 | 19.7% |
British Columbia | 2,671 | 2,630 | 2,550 | 2,023 | 2,347 | 1.5% |
CanadaNote 1 | 138,349 | 144,003 | 153,782 | 153,762 | 156,642 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0358-01 Area, production and farm value of potatoes |
1.1.3. Potato production by province (metric tons)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 2,449 | 2,495 | 2,495 | 2,359 | 2,268 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 1,102,320 | 952,544 | 1,234,180 | 1,260,488 | 1,170,858 | 20.0% |
Nova Scotia | 18,869 | 13,608 | 16,193 | 10,886 | 10,070 | 0.2% |
New Brunswick | 743,892 | 521,631 | 825,538 | 771,107 | 674,900 | 11.6% |
Quebec | 573,704 | 577,468 | 639,565 | 647,639 | 611,987 | 10.5% |
Ontario | 304,134 | 341,011 | 406,101 | 370,131 | 390,180 | 6.7% |
Manitoba | 893,577 | 1,088,622 | 1,089,710 | 1,185,645 | 1,349,891 | 23.1% |
Saskatchewan | 68,039 | 63,503 | 68,901 | 65,771 | 80,739 | 1.4% |
Alberta | 985,112 | 1,061,724 | 1,116,472 | 1,216,217 | 1,454,353 | 24.9% |
British Columbia | 97,296 | 97,749 | 94,347 | 72,575 | 97,069 | 1.7% |
CanadaNote 1 | 4,789,437 | 4,720,355 | 5,493,503 | 5,602,773 | 5,842,315 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0358-01 Area, production and farm value of potatoes |
1.1.4. Average yield by province (metric tons per harvested hectare)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 18.52 | 16.84 | 16.5 | 16.76 | 15.04 |
Prince Edward Island | 32.47 | 28.23 | 36.14 | 37.49 | 34.9 |
Nova Scotia | 33.36 | 28.06 | 34.86 | 33.67 | 31.99 |
New Brunswick | 34.86 | 26.64 | 39.28 | 36.98 | 33.05 |
Quebec | 32.88 | 32.04 | 34.57 | 35.75 | 33.23 |
Ontario | 22.45 | 23.57 | 26.94 | 24.68 | 25.81 |
Manitoba | 38.79 | 37.83 | 34.57 | 37.01 | 41.75 |
Saskatchewan | 27.15 | 24.94 | 25.07 | 25.04 | 27.74 |
Alberta | 42.87 | 45.34 | 40.74 | 42.19 | 47.08 |
British Columbia | 36.48 | 37.21 | 37.06 | 35.91 | 41.41 |
Canada | 34.67 | 32.83 | 35.77 | 36.49 | 37.35 |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0358-01 Area, production and farm value of potatoes |
1.2. Number of potato farmsNote 1 in Canada (2011, 2016 and 2021)
2011 | 2016 | 2021 | 2021 % Share | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 25 | 5 | 8 | 0.8% |
Prince Edward Island | 262 | 202 | 175 | 18.4% |
Nova Scotia | 13 | 7 | 9 | 0.9% |
New Brunswick | 193 | 144 | 111 | 11.7% |
Quebec | 224 | 191 | 198 | 20.8% |
Ontario | 170 | 147 | 132 | 13.9% |
Manitoba | 99 | 77 | 77 | 8.1% |
Saskatchewan | 61 | 33 | 34 | 3.6% |
Alberta | 149 | 125 | 123 | 12.9% |
British Columbia | 127 | 74 | 84 | 8.8% |
Canada | 1,323 | 1,005 | 951 | 100.% |
Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Agriculture. Table 32-10-0166-01 Farms classified by farm type, Census of Agriculture historical data. |
1.3. Top 50 registered seed potato varieties grown in Canada, total area accepted in 2023 (hectares)
NFL | PEI | NS | NB | QC | ON | MB | SK | AB | BC | Total | |
Russet Burbank | 336 | 29 | 783 | 47 | 1,345 | 48 | 2,118 | 4,705 | |||
Ranger Russet | 86 | 0 | 352 | 37 | 475 | 950 | |||||
Goldrush | 5 | 35 | 91 | 674 | 7 | 21 | 6 | 33 | 2 | 873 | |
Mountain Gem Russet | 626 | 41 | 33 | 45 | 23 | 767 | |||||
Dakota Russet | 407 | 19 | 1 | 139 | 3 | 43 | 611 | ||||
Ho2000 | 249 | 169 | 164 | 582 | |||||||
Norland | 1 | 128 | 23 | 126 | 0 | 81 | 138 | 58 | 3 | 558 | |
Eva | 475 | 0 | 475 | ||||||||
Colomba | 21 | 0 | 160 | 49 | 70 | 7 | 120 | 427 | |||
Caribou Russet | 141 | 162 | 41 | 16 | 29 | 0 | 29 | 419 | |||
Ciklamen | 18 | 5 | 58 | 190 | 126 | 11 | 408 | ||||
Russet Norkotah | 51 | 1 | 36 | 275 | 17 | 381 | |||||
Shepody | 107 | 20 | 99 | 0 | 4 | 27 | 108 | 365 | |||
Chieftain | 2 | 24 | 62 | 223 | 7 | 5 | 25 | 348 | |||
Innovator | 54 | 124 | 3 | 113 | 18 | 312 | |||||
Milva | 1 | 40 | 259 | 300 | |||||||
Satina | 170 | 4 | 94 | 269 | |||||||
Sangre | 5 | 0 | 4 | 161 | 19 | 71 | 261 | ||||
Dakota Pearl | 26 | 95 | 31 | 93 | 0 | 245 | |||||
Prospect | 180 | 36 | 25 | 241 | |||||||
Umatilla Russet | 119 | 5 | 112 | 236 | |||||||
Atlantic | 4 | 160 | 4 | 14 | 1 | 54 | 235 | ||||
Whitney | 0 | 0 | 18 | 167 | 10 | 31 | 226 | ||||
Anouk | 12 | 0 | 106 | 11 | 96 | 225 | |||||
Envol | 9 | 179 | 20 | 0 | 209 | ||||||
Ivory Russet | 19 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 172 | 206 | |||||
Lamoka | 55 | 68 | 27 | 14 | 37 | 201 | |||||
Orchestra | 169 | 5 | 24 | 198 | |||||||
Bintje | 1 | 190 | 191 | ||||||||
Highland Russet | 34 | 96 | 43 | 5 | 9 | 1 | 189 | ||||
Targhee Russet | 97 | 20 | 10 | 31 | 157 | ||||||
Clearwater Russet | 23 | 0 | 33 | 95 | 3 | 154 | |||||
Kennebec | 39 | 33 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 1 | 21 | 39 | 145 | ||
Superior | 3 | 28 | 14 | 87 | 5 | 138 | |||||
Yellow Star | 0 | 11 | 82 | 42 | 135 | ||||||
Alverstone Russet | 109 | 13 | 5 | 3 | 130 | ||||||
Actrice | 14 | 24 | 17 | 45 | 21 | 5 | 125 | ||||
Perline | 26 | 42 | 56 | 125 | |||||||
Penni | 33 | 40 | 40 | 113 | |||||||
Yukon Gold | 0 | 1 | 21 | 11 | 3 | 22 | 4 | 28 | 19 | 109 | |
Sifra | 9 | 0 | 10 | 42 | 43 | 5 | 108 | ||||
Frisian Gold | 69 | 9 | 29 | 107 | |||||||
Nonpareil Russet | 60 | 37 | 8 | 105 | |||||||
Constance | 4 | 11 | 9 | 6 | 67 | 3 | 101 | ||||
Agata | 0 | 59 | 7 | 34 | 0 | 100 | |||||
Waneta | 44 | 6 | 33 | 16 | 99 | ||||||
Baby Boomer | 44 | 51 | 3 | 98 | |||||||
Vivaldi | 9 | 0 | 87 | 96 | |||||||
Vigor | 21 | 74 | 0 | 94 | |||||||
Electra | 72 | 14 | 4 | 90 | |||||||
Total top 50 registered varieties | 12 | 3,874 | 176 | 1,929 | 1,882 | 472 | 3,224 | 1,201 | 5,047 | 121 | 17,939 |
Total other varietiesNote 1 | 3 | 967 | 10 | 439 | 851 | 311 | 523 | 530 | 1,145 | 55 | 4,834 |
Total all | 14 | 4,841 | 186 | 2,368 | 2,732 | 783 | 3,747 | 1,732 | 6,192 | 175 | 22,773 |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Potatoes Section |
1.4. Total area of registered seed potato varieties grown in Canada – hectares accepted 2019-2023
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 7 | 28 | 33 | 11 | 14 | 0.1% |
Prince Edward Island | 6,858 | 6,555 | 6,982 | 5,580 | 4,841 | 21.3% |
Nova Scotia | 131 | 152 | 159 | 161 | 186 | 0.8% |
New Brunswick | 2,982 | 2,754 | 2,742 | 2,437 | 2,368 | 10.4% |
Quebec | 2,917 | 3,108 | 3,293 | 3,025 | 2,732 | 12.0% |
Ontario | 247 | 351 | 467 | 669 | 783 | 3.4% |
Manitoba | 3,226 | 3,081 | 3,447 | 3,831 | 3,747 | 16.5% |
Saskatchewan | 1,230 | 1,170 | 1,260 | 1,426 | 1,732 | 7.6% |
Alberta | 5,268 | 5,477 | 5,860 | 5,846 | 6,192 | 27.2% |
British Columbia | 297 | 275 | 266 | 225 | 175 | 0.8% |
Total | 23,163 | 22,952 | 24,509 | 23,210 | 22,773 | 100.0% |
Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Potatoes Section |
2. Canadian potato storage holdings
2.1. Canadian potato storage by provinceNote 1 (hundreds of metric tons)
December 2023 | January 2024 | February 2024 | March 2024 | April 2024 | May 2024 | June 2024 | July 2024 | |
Prince Edward Island | 9,489 | 8,461 | 7,323 | 6,326 | 5,295 | 4,358 | 2,753 | 1,935 |
New Brunswick | 4,357 | 3,871 | 3,298 | 2,750 | 2,167 | 1,580 | N/A | N/A |
Quebec | 4,212 | 3,697 | 3,094 | 2,712 | 2,169 | 1,501 | 844 | 466 |
Ontario | 2,898 | 2,448 | 2,065 | 1,746 | 1,354 | 929 | 552 | 237 |
Manitoba | 9,548 | 8,662 | 7,627 | 6,574 | 5,557 | 4,337 | 2,541 | 1,473 |
Alberta | 11,744 | 11,034 | 9,862 | 8,703 | 7,057 | 5,594 | 3,866 | 2,583 |
British Columbia | 490 | 384 | 311 | 230 | 165 | 91 | 0 | 0 |
Canada | 42,738 | 38,558 | 33,580 | 29,041 | 23,765 | 18,390 | 10,557 | 6,694 |
Source: AAFC (Infohort) |
2.2. Canadian potato storage

Source: AAFC (Infohort)
Description of above image
Canadian Potato Storage Crop Years: 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 (hundreds of metric tonnes per month)
December | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | |
2021-2022 | 40,319 | 36,358 | 31,687 | 25,882 | 20,572 | 15,576 | 9,109 | 5,587 |
2022-2023 | 39,880 | 35,450 | 30,464 | 25,875 | 20,604 | 14,798 | 8,242 | 3,257 |
2023-2024 | 42,738 | 38,558 | 33,580 | 29,041 | 23,765 | 18,390 | 10,557 | 6,694 |
2.3. Intended utilization of potatoes by provinceNote 1 (hundreds of metric tons)
December 2023 | January 2024 | February 2024 | March 2024 | April 2024 | May 2024 | June 2024 | July 2024 | ||
Prince Edward Island | Fresh | 3,034 | 2,607 | 2,173 | 1,797 | 1,394 | 1,080 | 817 | 342 |
Processed | 5,718 | 5,117 | 4,420 | 3,809 | 3,180 | 2,557 | 1,927 | 1,583 | |
Seed | 737 | 737 | 729 | 721 | 721 | 721 | 9 | 9 | |
New Brunswick | Fresh | 924 | 846 | 768 | 689 | 573 | 446 | N/A | N/A |
Processed | 2,724 | 2,344 | 1,877 | 1,435 | 996 | 589 | N/A | N/A | |
Seed | 709 | 680 | 653 | 627 | 598 | 545 | N/A | N/A | |
Quebec | Fresh | 2,152 | 1,785 | 1,445 | 1,184 | 882 | 649 | 352 | 139 |
Processed | 1,544 | 1,414 | 1,197 | 1,102 | 930 | 695 | 490 | 328 | |
Seed | 516 | 498 | 452 | 426 | 357 | 158 | 2 | 0 | |
Ontario | Fresh | 789 | 590 | 484 | 393 | 278 | 169 | 83 | 36 |
Processed | 2,008 | 1,757 | 1,488 | 1,261 | 1,005 | 741 | 469 | 201 | |
Seed | 102 | 102 | 93 | 93 | 71 | 20 | 0 | 0 | |
Manitoba | Fresh | 761 | 687 | 542 | 365 | 239 | 214 | 137 | 78 |
Processed | 7,929 | 7,117 | 6,226 | 5,350 | 4,496 | 3,399 | 2,404 | 1,395 | |
Seed | 859 | 859 | 859 | 859 | 822 | 723 | 0 | 0 | |
Alberta | Fresh | 724 | 650 | 497 | 396 | 176 | 95 | 6 | 0 |
Processed | 9,358 | 8,727 | 7,734 | 6,947 | 5,888 | 5,011 | 3,839 | 2,583 | |
Seed | 1,662 | 1,658 | 1,632 | 1,359 | 993 | 488 | 21 | 0 | |
British Columbia | Fresh | 431 | 348 | 276 | 200 | 136 | 90 | 0 | 0 |
Processed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Seed | 59 | 35 | 35 | 31 | 29 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Source: AAFC (Infohort) |
2.4. Percentage of intended utilization of potatoes – total

Storage holdings as of December 1, 2023.
Source: AAFC (Infohort)
Description of above image
2023/2024 Intended utilization of potatoes
Processed | 68% |
Fresh | 21% |
Seed | 11% |
2.5. Percentage of intended utilization of potatoes by provinceNote 1
% Fresh | % Processed | % Seed | |
Prince Edward Island | 32.0% | 60.3% | 7.8% |
New Brunswick | 21.2% | 62.5% | 16.3% |
Quebec | 51.1% | 36.7% | 12.2% |
Ontario | 27.2% | 69.3% | 3.5% |
Manitoba | 8.0% | 83.0% | 9.0% |
Alberta | 6.2% | 79.7% | 14.2% |
British Columbia | 88.0% | 0.0% | 12.0% |
Source: AAFC (Infohort) |
3. Revenue and prices
3.1. Potato farm cash receiptsEndnote 1 (CAN$ ‘000)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 1,307 | 1,305 | 1,317 | 1,246 | 1,152 | 0.1% |
Prince Edward Island | 234,233 | 252,085 | 218,187 | 350,219 | 409,136 | 20.9% |
Nova Scotia | 6,873 | 5,227 | 6,115 | 4,661 | 4,131 | 0.2% |
New Brunswick | 166,836 | 153,500 | 166,152 | 233,418 | 262,908 | 13.4% |
Quebec | 176,428 | 181,105 | 185,203 | 236,352 | 241,396 | 12.3% |
Ontario | 108,091 | 112,123 | 132,602 | 148,646 | 154,409 | 7.9% |
Manitoba | 240,296 | 283,620 | 305,802 | 357,417 | 414,653 | 21.1% |
Saskatchewan | 34,225 | 31,720 | 31,585 | 35,004 | 37,530 | 1.9% |
Alberta | 254,658 | 273,061 | 290,052 | 315,215 | 381,032 | 19.4% |
British Columbia | 61,391 | 60,732 | 62,886 | 55,918 | 55,187 | 2.8% |
Canada | 1,284,339 | 1,354,478 | 1,399,900 | 1,738,096 | 1,961,534 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0045-01 Farm cash receipts, annual (x 1,000) |
3.2. Canadian potato farm average pricesNote 1 (CAN$ per ton metric)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Newfoundland and Labrador | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
Prince Edward Island | 281.31 | 295.86 | 313.28 | 323.86 | 390.44 |
Nova Scotia | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
New Brunswick | 285.50 | 303.36 | 310.63 | 341.50 | 410.06 |
Quebec | 380.96 | 371.92 | 390.22 | 408.52 | 440.48 |
Ontario | 406.97 | 406.09 | 406.31 | 427.26 | 465.62 |
Manitoba | 313.72 | 338.85 | 326.50 | 354.94 | 404.77 |
Saskatchewan | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
Alberta | 297.84 | 299.17 | 310.19 | 330.03 | 366.85 |
British Columbia | 682.33 | 736.56 | 757.51 | 789.25 | 782.86 |
Canada | 326.50 | 336.65 | 344.80 | 362.44 | 410.50 |
..: Not available for a specific reference period. Source: Statistics Canada, Farm Income and Prices |
4. Potato availability
4.1. Potatoes availableNote 1 in CanadaNote 2 (kilograms per person)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Potatoes-chips | 3.6 | 3.7 | 3.9 | 3.95 | 3.69 |
Potatoes-chips, fresh equivalent | 12.61 | 12.95 | 13.65 | 13.81 | 12.92 |
Potatoes-frozen | 5.82 | 6.1 | 6.47 | 4.41 | 4.82 |
Potatoes-frozen, fresh equivalent | 9.89 | 10.38 | 11 | 7.5 | 8.19 |
Potatoes-other processed | 4.25 | 4.13 | 4.63 | 4.49 | 4.64 |
Potatoes-other processed, fresh equivalent | 11.23 | 10.89 | 12.22 | 11.85 | 12.25 |
Potatoes-total processed | 13.67 | 13.93 | 15 | 12.85 | 13.15 |
Potatoes-total processed, fresh equivalent | 33.73 | 34.22 | 36.87 | 33.17 | 33.36 |
Potatoes-white fresh | 21.2 | 20.09 | 21.24 | 20.45 | 22.2 |
Potatoes-white fresh and processed, fresh equivalent | 54.93 | 54.31 | 58.11 | 53.61 | 55.56 |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada |
4.2. Potatoes availableNote 1 in Canada adjusted for lossesNote 2 (kilograms per person)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Potatoes-chips | 3.25 | 3.34 | 3.52 | 3.56 | 3.33 |
Potatoes-frozen | 4.59 | 4.82 | 5.11 | 3.48 | 3.8 |
Potatoes-other processed | 3.57 | 3.46 | 3.88 | 3.76 | 3.89 |
Potatoes-total processed | 11.41 | 11.62 | 12.51 | 10.81 | 11.03 |
Potatoes-white fresh | 14.7 | 13.93 | 14.73 | 14.17 | 15.39 |
Potatoes-white fresh and processed | 38.36 | 37.93 | 40.59 | 37.44 | 38.81 |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada |
5. TradeEndnote 4
5.1. Canadian potatoes trade balance (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
Exports | Fresh potatoesNote 1 | 334,997,298 | 320,412,338 | 423,024,147 | 622,103,164 | 493,102,830 |
Seed potatoes | 41,834,238 | 41,633,863 | 35,450,567 | 52,040,541 | 50,249,104 | |
Frozen potatoesNote 2 | 1,366,479,307 | 1,506,488,493 | 1,883,807,057 | 2,356,033,707 | 2,672,943,501 | |
Other processed potatoesNote 3 | 187,237,056 | 203,536,174 | 212,938,617 | 339,218,005 | 423,929,202 | |
Total exports | 1,930,547,899 | 2,072,070,868 | 2,555,220,388 | 3,369,395,417 | 3,640,224,637 | |
Imports | Fresh potatoesNote 1 | 113,747,014 | 117,501,256 | 99,195,542 | 121,853,069 | 80,309,605 |
Seed potatoes | 9,143,410 | 10,903,293 | 12,423,274 | 12,801,061 | 14,391,518 | |
Frozen potatoesNote 2 | 103,169,142 | 85,894,136 | 109,363,357 | 112,232,072 | 125,571,891 | |
Other processed potatoesNote 3 | 207,177,153 | 217,609,400 | 230,714,635 | 281,016,283 | 314,008,166 | |
Total imports | 433,236,719 | 431,908,085 | 451,696,808 | 527,902,485 | 534,281,180 | |
Trade balance (exports - imports) | Fresh potatoesNote 1 | 221,250,284 | 202,911,082 | 323,828,605 | 500,250,095 | 412,793,225 |
Seed potatoes | 32,690,828 | 30,730,570 | 23,027,293 | 39,239,480 | 35,857,586 | |
Frozen potatoesNote 2 | 1,263,310,165 | 1,420,594,357 | 1,774,443,700 | 2,243,801,635 | 2,547,371,610 | |
Other processed potatoesNote 3 | -19,940,097 | -14,073,226 | -17,776,018 | 58,201,722 | 109,921,036 | |
Overall trade balance | 1,497,311,180 | 1,640,162,783 | 2,103,523,580 | 2,841,492,932 | 3,105,943,457 | |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.2. Canadian potato exports
5.2.1. Fresh potatoes Fresh potato exportsNote 1 by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 85 | 347 | 0 | 1,017 | 2,204 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 98,824,358 | 113,602,323 | 104,657,167 | 230,035,688 | 183,280,709 | 37.2% |
Nova Scotia | 330,623 | 481,902 | 120,128 | 267,174 | 254,532 | 0.1% |
New Brunswick | 66,554,067 | 53,114,079 | 86,438,419 | 107,849,356 | 56,689,330 | 11.5% |
Quebec | 46,784,393 | 45,279,179 | 80,586,677 | 103,205,795 | 61,076,371 | 12.4% |
Ontario | 30,456,995 | 42,751,958 | 58,411,270 | 86,543,337 | 102,953,485 | 20.9% |
Manitoba | 55,555,468 | 31,407,104 | 36,766,266 | 40,219,176 | 36,985,813 | 7.5% |
Saskatchewan | 7,999,071 | 6,701,487 | 16,843,732 | 14,026,140 | 9,428,165 | 1.9% |
Alberta | 21,561,786 | 19,376,531 | 30,489,375 | 34,313,222 | 32,341,032 | 6.6% |
British Columbia | 6,930,452 | 7,697,428 | 8,711,113 | 5,642,259 | 10,091,189 | 2.0% |
Canada | 334,997,298 | 320,412,338 | 423,024,147 | 622,103,164 | 493,102,830 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato exportsNote 1 by province, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 127,666 | 135,952 | 116,398 | 220,235 | 168,902 | 34.2% |
Nova Scotia | 444 | 720 | 176 | 237 | 205 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 89,021 | 73,109 | 109,308 | 121,986 | 66,952 | 13.6% |
Quebec | 54,876 | 61,351 | 98,014 | 100,419 | 63,369 | 12.8% |
Ontario | 69,058 | 87,886 | 117,599 | 108,748 | 111,094 | 22.5% |
Manitoba | 65,857 | 42,260 | 40,692 | 43,639 | 47,916 | 9.7% |
Saskatchewan | 7,591 | 6,509 | 12,117 | 10,108 | 7,557 | 1.5% |
Alberta | 17,206 | 13,504 | 20,260 | 36,091 | 21,249 | 4.3% |
British Columbia | 6,225 | 6,667 | 7,284 | 3,710 | 6,833 | 1.4% |
Canada | 437,944 | 427,959 | 521,848 | 645,175 | 494,079 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato exportNote 1 destinations, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 318,897,712 | 306,922,831 | 402,530,336 | 586,079,397 | 456,806,620 | 92.6% |
Trinidad and Tobago | 2,655,679 | 2,479,094 | 3,914,733 | 5,833,410 | 9,036,862 | 1.8% |
Dominican Republic | 979,927 | 1,206,895 | 3,324,306 | 5,356,910 | 7,752,095 | 1.6% |
Indonesia | 2,093,904 | 1,405,396 | 2,737,543 | 8,030,718 | 6,374,945 | 1.3% |
Guatemala | 2,472,377 | 516,422 | 1,154,295 | 5,665,268 | 4,043,703 | 0.8% |
Others | 7,897,699 | 7,881,700 | 9,362,934 | 11,137,461 | 9,088,605 | 1.8% |
Total | 334,997,298 | 320,412,338 | 423,024,147 | 622,103,164 | 493,102,830 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato exportNote 1 destinations, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 407,659 | 406,538 | 486,903 | 601,060 | 449,534 | 94.2% |
Trinidad and Tobago | 5,839 | 4,915 | 8,267 | 9,416 | 13,552 | 1.5% |
Dominican Republic | 2,045 | 1,873 | 5,691 | 6,284 | 9,150 | 0.8% |
Indonesia | 4,032 | 2,828 | 5,544 | 9,490 | 7,000 | 0.9% |
Guatemala | 4,176 | 960 | 1,968 | 5,250 | 4,015 | 0.7% |
Others | 14,193 | 10,845 | 13,475 | 13,675 | 10,828 | 1.9% |
Total | 437,944 | 427,959 | 521,848 | 645,175 | 494,079 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.2.2. Seed potatoes Seed potato exports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Prince Edward Island | 5,096,054 | 3,437,179 | 1,068,369 | 1,523,533 | 1,657,898 | 3.3% |
Nova Scotia | 11,355 | 24,079 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 6,940,529 | 5,821,203 | 5,700,421 | 7,593,087 | 6,133,152 | 12.2% |
Quebec | 1,230,448 | 1,748,454 | 1,457,243 | 1,770,900 | 1,474,929 | 2.9% |
Ontario | 217,230 | 173,810 | 226,551 | 252,136 | 449,862 | 0.9% |
Manitoba | 3,171,214 | 6,590,733 | 2,107,999 | 5,880,979 | 3,351,270 | 6.7% |
Saskatchewan | 2,838,745 | 3,672,105 | 3,675,425 | 4,918,040 | 4,316,333 | 8.6% |
Alberta | 20,354,137 | 18,531,778 | 19,644,649 | 28,483,419 | 31,753,361 | 63.2% |
British Columbia | 1,974,526 | 1,634,522 | 1,569,910 | 1,618,447 | 1,112,299 | 2.2% |
Canada | 41,834,238 | 41,633,863 | 35,450,567 | 52,040,541 | 50,249,104 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato exports by province, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Prince Edward Island | 7,262 | 5,431 | 1,540 | 1,162 | 2,551 | 3.2% |
Nova Scotia | 10 | 43 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 12,361 | 10,487 | 9,537 | 11,065 | 9,834 | 12.4% |
Quebec | 1,687 | 2,645 | 2,164 | 2,448 | 2,221 | 2.8% |
Ontario | 390 | 253 | 325 | 338 | 584 | 0.7% |
Manitoba | 4,712 | 13,410 | 3,094 | 4,324 | 4,980 | 6.3% |
Saskatchewan | 4,830 | 5,810 | 6,320 | 7,420 | 7,265 | 9.2% |
Alberta | 39,224 | 37,245 | 35,852 | 43,336 | 50,668 | 63.8% |
British Columbia | 2,863 | 2,603 | 2,474 | 1,975 | 1,268 | 1.6% |
Canada | 73,339 | 77,927 | 61,306 | 72,068 | 79,371 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato export destinations, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 39,488,591 | 38,377,629 | 34,053,088 | 50,212,835 | 48,241,616 | 96.0% |
Thailand | 591,049 | 382,489 | 531,654 | 1,453,262 | 1,583,550 | 3.2% |
Dominican Republic | 197,684 | 506,429 | 32,790 | 77,040 | 125,650 | 0.3% |
Jamaica | 22,746 | 23,926 | 210,254 | 27,698 | 114,204 | 0.2% |
Uruguay | 571,572 | 883,285 | 252,400 | 70,271 | 95,736 | 0.2% |
Others | 962,596 | 1,460,105 | 370,381 | 199,435 | 88,348 | 0.2% |
Total | 41,834,238 | 41,633,863 | 35,450,567 | 52,040,541 | 50,249,104 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato export destinations, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 70,249 | 72,896 | 59,339 | 70,485 | 76,313 | 96.1% |
Thailand | 700 | 504 | 675 | 1,107 | 2,437 | 3.1% |
Jamaica | 26 | 26 | 264 | 43 | 175 | 0.2% |
Dominican Republic | 258 | 741 | 54 | 108 | 162 | 0.2% |
Uruguay | 696 | 1,345 | 219 | 55 | 150 | 0.2% |
Others | 1,410 | 2,415 | 755 | 270 | 134 | 0.2% |
Total | 73,339 | 77,927 | 61,306 | 72,068 | 79,371 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.2.3. Frozen potatoes Frozen potato exports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 106 | 0 | 44,021 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 369,208,454 | 359,030,258 | 437,116,118 | 584,238,927 | 691,262,774 | 25.9% |
Nova Scotia | 282,889 | 1,077,865 | 2,700,255 | 58,160 | 29,796 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 155,109,786 | 113,808,549 | 185,252,262 | 340,056,055 | 347,585,899 | 13.0% |
Quebec | 2,339,389 | 628,584 | 2,120,509 | 9,547,016 | 81,732,703 | 3.1% |
Ontario | 45,282,359 | 35,495,549 | 52,350,343 | 68,603,710 | 4,478,898 | 0.2% |
Manitoba | 438,234,618 | 574,931,268 | 698,588,551 | 644,326,627 | 745,860,351 | 27.9% |
Saskatchewan | 24,245 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Alberta | 352,490,824 | 406,697,583 | 486,200,441 | 688,953,218 | 776,658,038 | 29.1% |
British Columbia | 3,506,637 | 14,818,837 | 19,434,557 | 20,249,994 | 25,335,042 | 0.9% |
Canada | 1,366,479,307 | 1,506,488,493 | 1,883,807,057 | 2,356,033,707 | 2,672,943,501 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato exports by province, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 86 | 0 | 35,555 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 242,908,391 | 239,362,606 | 260,691,952 | 271,092,492 | 289,133,615 | 20.6% |
Nova Scotia | 396,477 | 866,365 | 1,754,831 | 56,409 | 18,370 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 107,531,072 | 81,123,625 | 126,454,802 | 233,418,597 | 230,025,265 | 16.4% |
Quebec | 1,852,653 | 558,791 | 1,538,117 | 4,174,930 | 35,021,859 | 2.5% |
Ontario | 28,776,464 | 23,757,969 | 32,536,647 | 32,849,369 | 1,825,981 | 0.1% |
Manitoba | 385,658,012 | 483,363,076 | 561,246,043 | 465,065,666 | 494,390,213 | 35.3% |
Saskatchewan | 17,636 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Alberta | 227,956,596 | 283,794,191 | 308,613,462 | 322,240,793 | 334,733,453 | 23.9% |
British Columbia | 2,459,812 | 11,651,723 | 13,817,770 | 12,753,545 | 16,247,627 | 1.2% |
Canada | 997,557,199 | 1,124,478,346 | 1,306,689,179 | 1,341,651,801 | 1,401,396,383 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato export destinations, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 1,208,034,290 | 1,348,789,076 | 1,683,655,398 | 2,142,686,967 | 2,431,620,497 | 91.0% |
Mexico | 34,340,576 | 29,491,110 | 46,631,839 | 49,412,962 | 64,218,709 | 2.4% |
Japan | 20,139,472 | 48,627,027 | 43,638,173 | 40,295,832 | 40,692,436 | 1.5% |
Panama | 6,123,730 | 12,155,968 | 14,089,954 | 17,438,075 | 25,716,707 | 1.0% |
Taiwan | 14,930,402 | 16,797,221 | 18,767,147 | 18,714,233 | 22,509,350 | 0.8% |
Others | 82,910,837 | 50,628,091 | 77,024,546 | 87,485,638 | 88,185,802 | 3.3% |
Total | 1,366,479,307 | 1,506,488,493 | 1,883,807,057 | 2,356,033,707 | 2,672,943,501 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato export destinations, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 876,332,692 | 995,166,748 | 1,151,376,187 | 1,185,071,969 | 1,226,276,249 | 87.5% |
Mexico | 31,156,628 | 26,020,515 | 38,368,166 | 36,018,730 | 44,828,112 | 3.2% |
Japan | 18,324,559 | 41,857,145 | 34,779,684 | 27,584,568 | 27,256,832 | 1.9% |
Panama | 5,081,565 | 10,417,835 | 11,871,259 | 12,278,924 | 19,346,888 | 1.4% |
Taiwan | 10,344,807 | 12,797,180 | 14,281,611 | 14,000,169 | 16,804,927 | 1.2% |
Others | 56,316,948 | 38,218,923 | 56,012,272 | 66,697,441 | 66,883,375 | 4.8% |
Total | 997,557,199 | 1,124,478,346 | 1,306,689,179 | 1,341,651,801 | 1,401,396,383 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.2.4. Other processed potatoes Other processed potatoNote 1 exports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 3,260 | 4,976 | 6,114 | 5,895 | 4,381 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 16,754,417 | 21,966,175 | 19,426,923 | 38,165,286 | 32,871,611 | 7.8% |
Nova Scotia | 432,575 | 696,361 | 440,984 | 968,144 | 1,315,440 | 0.3% |
New Brunswick | 30,540,012 | 25,244,053 | 34,309,661 | 49,456,613 | 51,748,773 | 12.2% |
Quebec | 5,399,590 | 9,736,066 | 6,252,784 | 6,653,573 | 8,555,466 | 2.0% |
Ontario | 120,240,690 | 126,656,563 | 129,345,824 | 184,105,112 | 206,427,141 | 48.7% |
Manitoba | 1,997,643 | 3,806,047 | 7,262,390 | 11,250,345 | 10,285,925 | 2.4% |
Saskatchewan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9,969 | 0 | 0.0% |
Alberta | 10,130,554 | 9,420,140 | 9,692,539 | 39,715,804 | 102,593,379 | 24.2% |
British Columbia | 1,738,315 | 6,005,793 | 6,201,398 | 8,887,264 | 10,127,086 | 2.4% |
Canada | 187,237,056 | 203,536,174 | 212,938,617 | 339,218,005 | 423,929,202 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 exports by province, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 597 | 913 | 1,123 | 1,082 | 805 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 9,292,923 | 11,861,757 | 11,522,634 | 16,918,050 | 12,611,705 | 14.5% |
Nova Scotia | 386,266 | 580,217 | 531,297 | 948,026 | 893,772 | 1.0% |
New Brunswick | 15,931,168 | 11,664,688 | 16,324,159 | 17,368,769 | 16,877,578 | 19.4% |
Quebec | 2,042,204 | 2,569,720 | 1,900,833 | 2,028,126 | 2,857,103 | 3.3% |
Ontario | 23,493,787 | 25,398,887 | 24,048,849 | 26,047,851 | 27,326,237 | 31.4% |
Manitoba | 848,565 | 1,811,783 | 4,611,079 | 5,799,621 | 4,472,185 | 5.1% |
Saskatchewan | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3,100 | 0 | 0.0% |
Alberta | 10,058,435 | 11,764,401 | 11,829,298 | 12,938,695 | 20,573,274 | 23.7% |
British Columbia | 233,239 | 753,634 | 802,651 | 1,059,359 | 1,324,645 | 1.5% |
Canada | 62,287,184 | 66,406,000 | 71,571,923 | 83,112,679 | 86,937,304 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 export destinations, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 176,472,944 | 193,913,708 | 205,156,793 | 331,580,285 | 416,814,299 | 98.3% |
Japan | 1,425,037 | 1,771,460 | 1,732,839 | 1,440,691 | 1,775,605 | 0.4% |
Chile | 175,543 | 42,737 | 1,436,971 | 1,778,164 | 1,363,122 | 0.3% |
Panama | 0 | 0 | 0 | 340,334 | 666,459 | 0.2% |
Guatemala | 168,562 | 434,373 | 222,320 | 372,165 | 431,386 | 0.1% |
Others | 8,994,970 | 7,373,896 | 4,389,694 | 3,706,366 | 2,878,331 | 0.7% |
Total | 187,237,056 | 203,536,174 | 212,938,617 | 339,218,005 | 423,929,202 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 export destinations, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 60,412,857 | 64,524,573 | 69,883,240 | 81,279,042 | 85,561,845 | 98.4% |
Japan | 205,383 | 234,679 | 290,153 | 267,961 | 394,838 | 0.5% |
Panama | 0 | 0 | 0 | 248,929 | 224,184 | 0.3% |
Chile | 35,088 | 7,846 | 289,568 | 248,681 | 200,264 | 0.2% |
Guatemala | 31,563 | 106,525 | 45,016 | 73,307 | 66,558 | 0.1% |
Others | 1,602,293 | 1,532,377 | 1,063,946 | 994,759 | 489,615 | 0.6% |
Total | 62,287,184 | 66,406,000 | 71,571,923 | 83,112,679 | 86,937,304 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.2.5. All potato products Exports of all potato products by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 3,451 | 5,323 | 50,135 | 6,912 | 6,585 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 489,883,283 | 498,035,935 | 562,268,577 | 853,963,434 | 909,072,992 | 25.0% |
Nova Scotia | 1,057,442 | 2,280,207 | 3,261,367 | 1,293,478 | 1,599,768 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 259,144,394 | 197,987,884 | 311,700,763 | 504,955,111 | 462,157,154 | 12.7% |
Quebec | 55,753,820 | 57,392,283 | 90,417,213 | 121,177,284 | 152,839,469 | 4.2% |
Ontario | 196,197,274 | 205,077,880 | 240,333,988 | 339,504,295 | 314,309,386 | 8.6% |
Manitoba | 498,958,943 | 616,735,152 | 744,725,206 | 701,677,127 | 796,483,359 | 21.9% |
Saskatchewan | 10,862,061 | 10,373,592 | 20,519,157 | 18,954,149 | 13,744,498 | 0.4% |
Alberta | 404,537,301 | 454,026,032 | 546,027,004 | 791,465,663 | 943,345,810 | 25.9% |
British Columbia | 14,149,930 | 30,156,580 | 35,916,978 | 36,397,964 | 46,665,616 | 1.3% |
Canada | 1,930,547,899 | 2,072,070,868 | 2,555,220,388 | 3,369,395,417 | 3,640,224,637 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Destinations of overall potato exports, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 1,742,893,537 | 1,888,003,244 | 2,325,395,615 | 3,110,559,484 | 3,353,483,032 | 92.1% |
Mexico | 34,340,576 | 29,491,110 | 46,631,839 | 49,412,962 | 64,218,709 | 1.8% |
Japan | 21,564,509 | 50,398,487 | 45,371,012 | 41,736,523 | 42,468,041 | 1.2% |
Panama | 6,437,773 | 12,674,944 | 14,411,610 | 18,647,493 | 26,603,289 | 0.7% |
Taiwan | 14,954,938 | 17,068,736 | 19,113,253 | 18,799,066 | 22,526,067 | 0.6% |
Others | 110,356,566 | 74,434,347 | 104,297,059 | 130,239,889 | 130,925,499 | 3.6% |
Total | 1,930,547,899 | 2,072,070,868 | 2,555,220,388 | 3,369,395,417 | 3,640,224,637 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.3. Canadian potato imports
5.3.1. Fresh potatoes Fresh potato importsNote 1 by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
New Brunswick | 6,705,085 | 8,523,177 | 4,187,497 | 3,519,544 | 3,515,588 | 4.4% |
Quebec | 1,432,384 | 391,016 | 317,975 | 854,626 | 489,871 | 0.6% |
Ontario | 37,594,995 | 30,952,730 | 25,042,440 | 30,894,058 | 33,060,869 | 41.2% |
Manitoba | 5,286,371 | 23,983,888 | 20,680,035 | 26,503,225 | 2,523,698 | 3.1% |
Saskatchewan | 556,118 | 1,012,809 | 1,799,373 | 626,554 | 1,079,246 | 1.3% |
Alberta | 10,376,043 | 8,193,073 | 3,738,995 | 4,141,690 | 4,523,019 | 5.6% |
British Columbia | 51,796,018 | 44,444,563 | 43,429,227 | 55,313,372 | 35,117,314 | 43.7% |
Canada | 113,747,014 | 117,501,256 | 99,195,542 | 121,853,069 | 80,309,605 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato importsNote 1 by province, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
New Brunswick | 14,603 | 20,499 | 8,261 | 10,919 | 6,722 | 4.5% |
Quebec | 3,657 | 713 | 257 | 1,462 | 452 | 0.3% |
Ontario | 49,746 | 39,408 | 22,071 | 28,672 | 73,936 | 49.2% |
Manitoba | 15,098 | 74,570 | 60,504 | 68,563 | 4,496 | 3.0% |
Saskatchewan | 668 | 1,742 | 5,335 | 551 | 1,174 | 0.8% |
Alberta | 24,763 | 19,633 | 4,424 | 4,706 | 5,093 | 3.4% |
British Columbia | 57,752 | 54,620 | 54,118 | 112,845 | 58,278 | 38.8% |
Canada | 166,287 | 211,185 | 154,970 | 227,718 | 150,151 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato importstNote 1 by country of origin, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 113,636,921 | 117,434,945 | 98,999,752 | 121,470,536 | 80,122,028 | 99.8% |
Others | 110,093 | 66,311 | 195,790 | 382,533 | 187,577 | 0.2% |
Total | 113,747,014 | 117,501,256 | 99,195,542 | 121,853,069 | 80,309,605 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Fresh potato importsNote 1 by country of origin, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 166,149 | 211,123 | 154,781 | 227,396 | 149,984 | 99.9% |
Others | 138 | 62 | 189 | 322 | 167 | 0.1% |
Total | 166,287 | 211,185 | 154,970 | 227,718 | 150,151 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.3.2. Seed potatoes Seed potato imports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
New Brunswick | 2,948,307 | 2,420,508 | 5,425,235 | 6,512,820 | 5,503,181 | 38.2% |
Quebec | 136,631 | 135,843 | 203,423 | 161,835 | 311,350 | 2.2% |
Ontario | 2,851,112 | 3,814,181 | 2,850,260 | 2,088,726 | 4,394,858 | 30.5% |
Manitoba | 1,014,011 | 2,323,945 | 2,401,925 | 2,117,519 | 3,161,081 | 22.0% |
Saskatchewan | 311,342 | 366,388 | 181,923 | 712,895 | 162,987 | 1.1% |
Alberta | 1,513,958 | 1,214,542 | 714,661 | 351,357 | 495,755 | 3.4% |
British Columbia | 368,034 | 627,886 | 645,847 | 855,909 | 362,306 | 2.5% |
Canada | 9,143,410 | 10,903,293 | 12,423,274 | 12,801,061 | 14,391,518 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato imports by province, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
New Brunswick | 7,050 | 8,495 | 14,774 | 14,832 | 11,582 | 38.2% |
Quebec | 180 | 262 | 480 | 374 | 515 | 1.7% |
Ontario | 7,773 | 11,083 | 8,213 | 5,464 | 10,589 | 35.0% |
Manitoba | 1,754 | 5,810 | 5,287 | 3,788 | 6,271 | 20.7% |
Saskatchewan | 225 | 622 | 451 | 878 | 220 | 0.7% |
Alberta | 3,373 | 2,634 | 1,700 | 646 | 558 | 1.8% |
British Columbia | 510 | 1,007 | 1,219 | 1,309 | 562 | 1.9% |
Canada | 20,865 | 29,913 | 32,124 | 27,291 | 30,297 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato imports by country of origin, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 9,143,265 | 10,891,746 | 12,423,274 | 12,800,945 | 14,391,373 | 100.0% |
Others | 145 | 11,547 | 0 | 116 | 145 | 0.0% |
Total | 9,143,410 | 10,903,293 | 12,423,274 | 12,801,061 | 14,391,518 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Seed potato imports by country of origin, quantity (metric tons)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 20,865 | 29,889 | 32,124 | 27,291 | 30,297 | 100.0% |
Others | 0 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Total | 20,865 | 29,913 | 32,124 | 27,291 | 30,297 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.3.3. Frozen potatoes Frozen potato imports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Nova Scotia | 630 | 476 | 38,752 | 557 | 2,347 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 13,436,691 | 9,338,957 | 13,143,281 | 13,214,872 | 21,240,179 | 16.9% |
Quebec | 5,462,866 | 5,304,027 | 6,564,230 | 9,290,923 | 7,561,153 | 6.0% |
Ontario | 38,180,033 | 35,898,747 | 44,403,706 | 41,617,704 | 49,308,370 | 39.3% |
Manitoba | 12,210,804 | 7,994,840 | 10,712,269 | 9,095,457 | 11,816,912 | 9.4% |
Saskatchewan | 2,440,529 | 1,015,687 | 4,601,886 | 1,080,031 | 1,039,147 | 0.8% |
Alberta | 8,970,275 | 7,765,807 | 7,881,516 | 10,103,041 | 10,462,371 | 8.3% |
British Columbia | 22,467,314 | 18,575,595 | 22,017,717 | 27,829,487 | 24,141,276 | 19.2% |
Canada | 103,169,142 | 85,894,136 | 109,363,357 | 112,232,072 | 125,571,891 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato imports by province, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Nova Scotia | 385 | 519 | 23,732 | 303 | 1,231 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 15,745,990 | 12,005,797 | 16,115,140 | 11,535,703 | 13,572,520 | 25.9% |
Quebec | 2,800,843 | 3,339,922 | 3,535,791 | 4,126,709 | 3,193,503 | 6.1% |
Ontario | 17,044,800 | 18,036,399 | 21,170,156 | 18,179,158 | 18,236,241 | 34.8% |
Manitoba | 6,875,950 | 4,261,303 | 5,868,600 | 4,302,870 | 4,753,293 | 9.1% |
Saskatchewan | 1,590,691 | 536,389 | 1,545,050 | 540,457 | 517,358 | 1.0% |
Alberta | 4,460,670 | 4,527,920 | 4,376,597 | 4,383,506 | 4,345,697 | 8.3% |
British Columbia | 9,014,407 | 7,079,009 | 8,410,253 | 9,665,349 | 7,818,610 | 14.9% |
Canada | 57,533,736 | 49,787,258 | 61,045,319 | 52,734,055 | 52,438,495 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato imports by country of origin, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 89,768,366 | 73,432,558 | 95,656,568 | 93,290,282 | 103,190,896 | 82.2% |
Belgium | 7,056,520 | 7,160,751 | 7,966,732 | 12,264,755 | 17,609,600 | 14.0% |
France | 1,404,681 | 1,344,964 | 1,959,399 | 2,304,207 | 1,244,477 | 1.0% |
Netherlands | 110,165 | 464,559 | 632,794 | 1,366,471 | 438,131 | 0.3% |
Egypt | 14,480 | 15,408 | 9,673 | 182,275 | 349,078 | 0.3% |
Others | 4,814,930 | 3,475,896 | 3,138,191 | 2,824,082 | 2,739,709 | 2.2% |
Total | 103,169,142 | 85,894,136 | 109,363,357 | 112,232,072 | 125,571,891 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Frozen potato imports by country of origin, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 48,310,082 | 40,187,365 | 51,883,994 | 43,660,411 | 42,850,716 | 81.7% |
Belgium | 5,246,615 | 6,540,102 | 6,413,232 | 6,545,125 | 7,926,598 | 15.1% |
France | 350,012 | 308,645 | 466,821 | 438,732 | 297,168 | 0.6% |
Netherlands | 22,589 | 428,658 | 492,659 | 741,631 | 210,564 | 0.4% |
Egypt | 7,218 | 8,004 | 4,626 | 115,645 | 144,309 | 0.3% |
Others | 3,597,220 | 2,314,484 | 1,783,987 | 1,232,511 | 1,009,140 | 1.9% |
Total | 57,533,736 | 49,787,258 | 61,045,319 | 52,734,055 | 52,438,495 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.3.4. Other processed potatoes Other processed potatoNote 1 imports by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 1,008 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Nova Scotia | 138,775 | 4,258,634 | 193,347 | 643,560 | 113,093 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 1,230,353 | 990,173 | 1,732,607 | 1,254,145 | 2,935,949 | 0.9% |
Quebec | 4,952,893 | 5,589,580 | 6,348,736 | 6,915,011 | 7,205,717 | 2.3% |
Ontario | 128,396,740 | 128,557,028 | 140,802,989 | 177,009,416 | 202,000,643 | 64.3% |
Manitoba | 4,437,034 | 5,605,668 | 11,053,703 | 12,160,713 | 8,200,890 | 2.6% |
Saskatchewan | 1,279,028 | 561,684 | 663,561 | 650,418 | 1,226,071 | 0.4% |
Alberta | 11,365,485 | 10,085,769 | 9,671,453 | 11,708,562 | 13,210,713 | 4.2% |
British Columbia | 55,375,837 | 61,960,773 | 60,248,239 | 70,674,458 | 79,115,090 | 25.2% |
Canada | 207,177,153 | 217,609,400 | 230,714,635 | 281,016,283 | 314,008,166 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 imports by province, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 57 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Nova Scotia | 67,835 | 2,633,529 | 106,004 | 63,668 | 11,166 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 700,834 | 592,713 | 926,831 | 515,413 | 687,854 | 0.9% |
Quebec | 2,521,197 | 2,621,657 | 2,841,904 | 2,657,718 | 2,564,244 | 3.4% |
Ontario | 40,989,046 | 39,829,211 | 40,062,708 | 41,386,366 | 44,638,974 | 59.9% |
Manitoba | 1,861,268 | 1,404,827 | 3,585,324 | 5,126,673 | 3,451,176 | 4.6% |
Saskatchewan | 323,825 | 118,636 | 145,018 | 196,343 | 146,711 | 0.2% |
Alberta | 2,398,353 | 1,721,229 | 1,736,777 | 1,847,333 | 1,805,554 | 2.4% |
British Columbia | 16,451,722 | 19,418,348 | 18,370,592 | 19,412,763 | 21,270,847 | 28.5% |
Canada | 65,314,137 | 68,340,156 | 67,775,158 | 71,206,277 | 74,576,526 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 imports by country of origin, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 178,639,959 | 181,952,729 | 198,627,897 | 233,952,216 | 257,994,124 | 82.2% |
Mexico | 6,689,495 | 6,452,285 | 6,503,700 | 11,222,090 | 13,653,172 | 4.3% |
Netherlands | 3,307,061 | 2,541,373 | 2,861,389 | 6,299,938 | 8,257,235 | 2.6% |
Germany | 3,713,683 | 4,733,322 | 3,867,212 | 5,869,585 | 8,010,612 | 2.6% |
Denmark | 4,737,352 | 4,163,655 | 5,468,416 | 7,075,661 | 6,695,772 | 2.1% |
Others | 10,089,603 | 17,766,036 | 13,386,021 | 16,596,793 | 19,397,251 | 6.2% |
Total | 207,177,153 | 217,609,400 | 230,714,635 | 281,016,283 | 314,008,166 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Other processed potatoNote 1 imports by country of origin, quantity (kilograms)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 53,006,105 | 52,850,050 | 54,205,054 | 55,443,142 | 57,024,799 | 76.5% |
Netherlands | 2,101,373 | 1,790,688 | 1,782,630 | 3,377,691 | 4,083,691 | 5.5% |
Germany | 2,192,939 | 3,107,497 | 2,580,594 | 2,928,875 | 3,972,575 | 5.3% |
Denmark | 3,709,346 | 3,412,001 | 3,887,404 | 4,064,213 | 3,848,430 | 5.2% |
Mexico | 1,483,489 | 1,417,740 | 1,255,420 | 1,548,439 | 1,464,444 | 2.0% |
Others | 2,820,885 | 5,762,180 | 4,064,056 | 3,843,917 | 4,182,587 | 5.6% |
Total | 65,314,137 | 68,340,156 | 67,775,158 | 71,206,277 | 74,576,526 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
5.3.5. All potato products Imports of all potato products by province, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 1,008 | 91 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0% |
Prince Edward Island | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 136 | 0.0% |
Nova Scotia | 139,405 | 4,259,110 | 232,099 | 644,117 | 115,440 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 24,320,436 | 21,272,815 | 24,488,620 | 24,501,381 | 33,194,897 | 6.2% |
Quebec | 11,984,774 | 11,420,466 | 13,434,364 | 17,222,395 | 15,568,091 | 2.9% |
Ontario | 207,022,880 | 199,222,686 | 213,099,395 | 251,609,904 | 288,764,740 | 54.0% |
Manitoba | 22,948,220 | 39,908,341 | 44,847,932 | 49,876,914 | 25,702,581 | 4.8% |
Saskatchewan | 4,587,017 | 2,956,568 | 7,246,743 | 3,069,898 | 3,507,451 | 0.7% |
Alberta | 32,225,761 | 27,259,191 | 22,006,625 | 26,304,650 | 28,691,858 | 5.4% |
British Columbia | 130,007,203 | 125,608,817 | 126,341,030 | 154,673,226 | 138,735,986 | 26.0% |
Canada | 433,236,719 | 431,908,085 | 451,696,808 | 527,902,485 | 534,281,180 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) | Imports of all potato products by country of origin, value (CAN$)
2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | 2023/24 % Share |
United States | 391,188,511 | 383,711,978 | 405,707,491 | 461,513,979 | 455,698,421 | 85.3% |
Belgium | 7,517,011 | 7,942,335 | 8,693,401 | 12,902,446 | 17,835,639 | 3.3% |
Mexico | 6,689,514 | 6,453,545 | 6,506,245 | 11,222,286 | 13,653,172 | 2.6% |
Netherlands | 3,417,540 | 3,007,519 | 3,494,183 | 7,666,409 | 8,695,475 | 1.6% |
Germany | 3,733,119 | 4,787,336 | 4,034,164 | 5,986,149 | 8,017,580 | 1.5% |
Others | 20,691,024 | 26,005,372 | 23,261,324 | 28,611,216 | 30,380,893 | 5.7% |
Total | 433,236,719 | 431,908,085 | 451,696,808 | 527,902,485 | 534,281,180 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada (CATSnet, September 2024) |
6. World data
6.1. World production
6.1.1. World potato productionNote 1,Note 2 (thousands metric tons)
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2022 % Share |
China | 90,259 | 89,500 | 92,800 | 94,300 | 95,570 | 25.5% |
India | 51,310 | 50,190 | 48,562 | 54,230 | 56,176 | 15.0% |
Ukraine | 22,504 | 20,269 | 20,838 | 21,356 | 20,899 | 5.6% |
Russia | 22,395 | 22,075 | 19,607 | 18,296 | 18,888 | 5.0% |
United States | 20,422 | 19,251 | 19,052 | 18,590 | 17,792 | 4.7% |
Germany | 8,921 | 10,602 | 11,715 | 11,312 | 10,683 | 2.9% |
Bangladesh | 9,744 | 9,655 | 9,606 | 9,887 | 10,145 | 2.7% |
France | 7,860 | 8,560 | 8,822 | 8,987 | 8,067 | 2.2% |
Pakistan | 4,592 | 4,869 | 4,553 | 5,873 | 7,937 | 2.1% |
Netherlands | 6,025 | 6,961 | 7,020 | 6,676 | 6,916 | 1.8% |
CanadaNote 3 | 5,205 | 5,364 | 5,287 | 6,372 | 6,248 | 1.7% |
Egypt | 4,960 | 5,201 | 6,786 | 6,274 | 6,155 | 1.6% |
Poland | 7,312 | 6,482 | 7,860 | 7,081 | 6,031 | 1.6% |
Peru | 5,134 | 5,389 | 5,515 | 5,702 | 6,021 | 1.6% |
Türkiye | 4,550 | 4,980 | 5,200 | 5,100 | 5,200 | 1.4% |
United Kingdom | 5,060 | 5,307 | 5,513 | 5,127 | 4,797 | 1.3% |
Algeria | 4,653 | 5,020 | 4,659 | 4,361 | 4,300 | 1.1% |
Kazakhstan | 3,807 | 3,912 | 4,007 | 4,032 | 4,080 | 1.1% |
Brazil | 3,729 | 3,712 | 3,753 | 3,853 | 3,890 | 1.0% |
Belarus | 4,348 | 4,355 | 3,708 | 3,405 | 3,857 | 1.0% |
Belgium | 3,045 | 4,028 | 3,929 | 3,871 | 3,578 | 1.0% |
Uzbekistan | 2,912 | 3,090 | 3,144 | 3,286 | 3,443 | 0.9% |
Nepal | 3,088 | 3,113 | 3,132 | 3,325 | 3,411 | 0.9% |
Denmark | 1,807 | 2,409 | 2,763 | 2,375 | 2,618 | 0.7% |
Iran | 3,575 | 3,452 | 3,215 | 2,599 | 2,600 | 0.7% |
Other countries | 56,801 | 59,055 | 58,336 | 57,516 | 55,475 | 14.8% |
World | 364,018 | 366,802 | 369,381 | 373,787 | 374,778 | 100.0% |
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations | © FAO Statistics Division 2024 - 27 August 2024 |
6.1.2. A Comparison: United States production statistics
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Seeded area (hectares) | 388,620 | 372,108 | 380,000 | 373,525 | 390,522 |
Harvested area (hectares) | 378,098 | 368,911 | 376,196 | 371,582 | 388,579 |
Average yield, measured in metric tons / hectare | 50.8 | 51.6 | 49.8 | 49.1 | 51.4 |
Production, measured in metric tons | 19,195,531 | 19,040,947 | 18,716,991 | 18,236,864 | 19,992,085 |
Amount utilizedNote 1, measured in metric tons | 17,854,440 | 17,772,567 | 17,486,803 | 17,072,900 | .. |
Average priceNote 2, measured in CAN$ / metric ton | 290.6 | 275.1 | 282 | 370.2 | 381 |
Total value of salesNote 2, measured in CAN$ (x 1,000) | 5,203,604 | 4,896,191 | 4,938,274 | 6,294,728 | .. |
..: Not available for a specific reference period. Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0017-01 Area, production and farm value of potatoes, by harvest season, United1 States |
6.2. World trade
6.2.1. Top 20 importers of fresh potatoesNote 1 worldwide (CAN$ ‘000)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Belgium | 875,359 | 682,439 | 710,662 | 880,145 | 1,483,048 | 20.3% |
Netherlands | 515,742 | 401,337 | 440,223 | 435,584 | 647,036 | 8.9% |
Spain | 378,668 | 358,758 | 301,754 | 444,871 | 622,919 | 8.5% |
United States | 258,422 | 339,650 | 318,574 | 503,619 | 551,425 | 7.6% |
Italy | 291,856 | 214,118 | 190,385 | 227,852 | 440,443 | 6.0% |
Germany | 416,164 | 295,831 | 257,081 | 271,394 | 359,307 | 4.9% |
France | 177,793 | 104,892 | 112,748 | 145,873 | 289,211 | 4.0% |
Portugal | 131,155 | 102,363 | 94,065 | 146,738 | 219,661 | 3.0% |
Russia | 166,672 | 163,759 | 283,634 | 324,459 | 202,942 | 2.8% |
Mexico | 78,037 | 80,775 | 69,593 | 108,691 | 154,914 | 2.1% |
Malaysia | 103,634 | 115,296 | 102,157 | 129,008 | 140,031 | 1.9% |
Greece | 128,061 | 79,166 | 74,062 | 110,915 | 132,055 | 1.8% |
Canada | 134,439 | 109,703 | 118,815 | 102,738 | 112,260 | 1.5% |
Romania | 88,179 | 62,127 | 57,451 | 71,145 | 101,305 | 1.4% |
Czech Republic | 88,730 | 61,522 | 45,851 | 57,762 | 86,517 | 1.2% |
Slovakia | 47,885 | 46,799 | 28,041 | 45,887 | 85,337 | 1.2% |
Ireland | 66,559 | 48,666 | 44,490 | 49,656 | 81,789 | 1.1% |
Poland | 131,113 | 72,309 | 44,723 | 63,840 | 77,380 | 1.1% |
United Kingdom | 144,443 | 141,480 | 66,752 | 47,002 | 70,734 | 1.0% |
Switzerland | 15,481 | 23,216 | 28,807 | 54,118 | 64,673 | 0.9% |
Others | 1,132,399 | 1,011,178 | 1,055,278 | 1,328,451 | 1,368,239 | 18.8% |
Total | 5,370,791 | 4,515,384 | 4,445,146 | 5,549,748 | 7,291,226 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (September 2024) |
6.2.2. Top 20 exporters of fresh potatoesNote 1 worldwide (CAN$ ‘000)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
France | 931,849 | 780,441 | 699,236 | 972,255 | 1,320,981 | 18.9% |
Netherlands | 563,815 | 407,202 | 449,073 | 573,933 | 921,970 | 13.2% |
Germany | 520,851 | 429,538 | 411,632 | 544,780 | 829,586 | 11.9% |
Canada | 267,425 | 348,899 | 330,689 | 520,300 | 580,497 | 8.3% |
Egypt | 335,358 | 304,194 | 249,735 | 454,571 | 453,259 | 6.5% |
United States | 320,399 | 305,919 | 324,281 | 368,768 | 429,392 | 6.2% |
Belgium | 253,742 | 236,388 | 215,220 | 244,473 | 356,730 | 5.1% |
China | 525,152 | 387,013 | 263,961 | 321,327 | 308,606 | 4.4% |
Spain | 171,400 | 145,413 | 157,895 | 179,153 | 289,580 | 4.1% |
Pakistan | 45,231 | 85,069 | 128,405 | 265,253 | 189,865 | 2.7% |
India | 100,907 | 94,687 | 87,758 | 123,266 | 137,392 | 2.0% |
United Kingdom | 134,459 | 81,558 | 93,308 | 115,583 | 137,390 | 2.0% |
Israel | 67,955 | 92,297 | 99,921 | 93,242 | 119,695 | 1.7% |
Iran | 271,632 | 155,470 | 169,311 | 50,312 | 117,186 | 1.7% |
Italy | 97,938 | 68,198 | 55,438 | 59,030 | 94,197 | 1.3% |
Cyprus | 70,810 | 55,194 | 61,815 | 59,030 | 62,371 | 0.9% |
Portugal | 36,748 | 21,038 | 24,688 | 25,320 | 58,193 | 0.8% |
South Africa | 52,562 | 48,320 | 48,677 | 42,314 | 44,161 | 0.6% |
Azerbaijan | 36,005 | 46,774 | 48,855 | 45,057 | 41,853 | 0.6% |
Kazakhstan | 25,035 | 36,475 | 27,558 | 26,461 | 40,610 | 0.6% |
Others | 539,399 | 440,576 | 455,337 | 415,517 | 445,037 | 6.4% |
Total | 5,368,672 | 4,570,663 | 4,402,793 | 5,499,945 | 6,978,551 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (September 2024) |
6.2.3. Top 20 importers of seed potatoes worldwide (CAN$ ‘000)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Belgium | 119,316 | 125,156 | 120,325 | 92,120 | 166,202 | 14.8% |
Egypt | 140,535 | 100,269 | 136,863 | 166,645 | 148,606 | 13.2% |
Spain | 65,055 | 59,999 | 46,865 | 57,825 | 66,828 | 5.9% |
Italy | 61,144 | 61,987 | 49,535 | 55,845 | 61,221 | 5.4% |
Morocco | 33,821 | 39,638 | 26,133 | 48,473 | 57,405 | 5.1% |
United States | 34,063 | 44,789 | 33,965 | 35,144 | 53,779 | 4.8% |
Germany | 63,414 | 47,138 | 35,726 | 35,894 | 48,365 | 4.3% |
France | 33,189 | 32,613 | 36,197 | 36,062 | 45,036 | 4.0% |
Saudi Arabia | 35,883 | 31,045 | 24,382 | 36,774 | 34,112 | 3.0% |
Netherlands | 79,293 | 67,723 | 43,520 | 28,975 | 34,083 | 3.0% |
Portugal | 36,477 | 30,222 | 27,920 | 25,965 | 32,051 | 2.8% |
Türkiye | 16,761 | 21,830 | 15,030 | 15,027 | 32,047 | 2.8% |
Israel | 20,943 | 28,495 | 21,512 | 24,868 | 27,957 | 2.5% |
Greece | 22,693 | 18,351 | 14,223 | 16,217 | 19,770 | 1.8% |
Romania | 10,339 | 10,019 | 9,914 | 11,240 | 15,305 | 1.4% |
Russia | 10,604 | 10,123 | 14,734 | 13,177 | 13,200 | 1.2% |
Canada | 8,522 | 9,764 | 10,907 | 12,510 | 12,907 | 1.1% |
United Kingdom | 5,667 | 8,703 | 3,220 | 4,618 | 12,674 | 1.1% |
Brazil | 10,716 | 10,596 | 11,301 | 11,373 | 12,510 | 1.1% |
Jordan | 10,323 | 8,923 | 7,680 | 5,845 | 12,479 | 1.1% |
Others | 224,461 | 258,873 | 218,117 | 251,026 | 218,131 | 19.4% |
Total | 1,043,219 | 1,026,256 | 908,069 | 985,623 | 1,124,668 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (September 2024) |
6.2.4. Top 20 exporters of seed potatoes worldwide (CAN$ ‘000)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share |
Netherlands | 777,233 | 699,337 | 602,450 | 718,741 | 816,519 | 53.9% |
France | 162,203 | 156,717 | 144,676 | 157,094 | 161,476 | 10.7% |
United Kingdom | 95,548 | 97,644 | 83,899 | 105,549 | 110,829 | 7.3% |
Germany | 69,147 | 78,235 | 72,633 | 65,982 | 84,937 | 5.6% |
Egypt | 8,639 | 7,784 | 6,623 | 6,141 | 83,682 | 5.5% |
Denmark | 50,811 | 35,087 | 41,306 | 49,315 | 62,680 | 4.1% |
Canada | 36,159 | 48,096 | 36,103 | 36,165 | 52,704 | 3.5% |
Belgium | 66,763 | 63,840 | 36,109 | 31,829 | 39,360 | 2.6% |
United States | 17,179 | 20,670 | 21,692 | 27,414 | 28,222 | 1.9% |
South Africa | 8,345 | 9,350 | 15,665 | 20,659 | 14,863 | 1.0% |
Spain | 57,866 | 9,266 | 7,643 | 7,789 | 10,452 | 0.7% |
Dominican Republic | 2,887 | 3,483 | 2,450 | 3,989 | 5,414 | 0.4% |
Australia | 6,670 | 5,372 | 6,437 | 4,971 | 5,279 | 0.3% |
Portugal | 5,762 | 6,217 | 5,047 | 5,410 | 4,800 | 0.3% |
Austria | 4,049 | 4,736 | 3,253 | 2,847 | 4,169 | 0.3% |
Türkiye | 732 | 1,170 | 1,319 | 1,514 | 2,679 | 0.2% |
Poland | 2,287 | 2,404 | 4,125 | 2,928 | 2,531 | 0.2% |
Luxembourg | 4,326 | 5,020 | 3,097 | 1,479 | 2,489 | 0.2% |
Pakistan | 834 | 2,490 | 1,343 | 1,392 | 2,483 | 0.2% |
Kyrgyzstan | 87 | 2,627 | 1,063 | 6,137 | 2,396 | 0.2% |
Others | 31,317 | 37,583 | 18,380 | 22,673 | 16,584 | 1.1% |
Total | 1,408,844 | 1,297,128 | 1,115,313 | 1,280,018 | 1,514,548 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (September 2024) |
7. Key resources
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Infohort
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Potatoes Section
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Statistics Division
Global Trade Tracker
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0045-01
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0166-01
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0358-01
Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0017-01
Statistics Canada. CATSNET
Statistics Canada. 2021 Census of Agriculture
Import and export data is based on the following Harmonized System Codes (H.S. Codes):
- Fresh potato export
- 07019000
- Seed potato export
- 07011000
- Frozen potato export
- 07101000
- 20041000
- Processed export
- 07121000
- 11051000
- 11052000
- 11081300
- 20052000
- Fresh potato import
- 0701900010
- 11051000
- 0701900020
- Seed potato import
- 0701100000
- Frozen potato import
- 0710100000
- 2004100000
- Processed import
- 0712909010
- 1105100000
- 1105200000
- 1108130010
- 1108130020
- 2005200010
- 2005200020
- 2005200090