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Beekeeping is an important agricultural industry in Canada, producing honey and other hive products, and delivering valuable pollination services to farmers of orchard fruits, many berries, vegetables, forage, and the production of hybrid canola seed. In 2021, AAFC estimated that the total annual economic contribution of honey bee pollination through direct additional harvest value was about $3.18 billion. When the estimated contribution of honey bee pollination to the production of hybrid canola seed is added, the total estimated contribution rises to $7 billion per year.
In the 2023 season the industry was continuing to rebuild from the 2022 season's higher than usual level of overwinter colony losses, which required beekeepers to rebuild honey bee colony populations through the spring and summer. (For more details on provincial and national over winter loss rates please refer to the Canadian Association of Provincial Apiculturists (CAPA) reports at Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists.)
The national total number of hives increased in 2023 to 794,341, 3.6% more than the previous year, and 0.7% higher than the average of the previous four years. Honey production in Canada in 2023, by volume, increased by 23.4% from a year earlier to 91.8 million pounds. With higher volumes and modestly lower prices for honey the total value of the national harvest rose by 8.2% over the previous year to $277 million. The total value of the 2023 harvest is 22% higher than the average of the previous four years ($226 million).
While beekeepers operate in all provinces, the majority (64%) of Canadian honey bee colonies were kept in the Prairie provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta) where long summer days and large areas of good forage crops for bees make it possible for beekeepers in those provinces to produce honey well in surplus to provincial demand. In contrast, the majority (59%) of beekeepers (anyone with one or more honey bee colonies) operate in Ontario and British Columbia, managing 23% of the national total of colonies. The three Prairie Provinces produced 81% of the total national honey production in 2023, totaling 74,222 thousand pounds (out of a total national production of 91,807 thousand pounds).
This regional concentration of honey production is echoed in the regional balance of honey exports. The Prairie Provinces were responsible for 73% of 2023 export shipments of honey by value, with the remainder (27%) of Canadian honey exports left Canada from Ontario and Quebec. In 2023, the United States received 48.3% (3,383 MT) of total annual honey exports and Japan was the destination for 46.3% (3,244 MT).
Canadian beekeepers import queen bees and package bees (a few pounds of worker bees and a mated queen) each spring to supplement domestic supplies of bees. These imported bees are used to rapidly replace over-winter queen and hive losses and to grow beekeeping operations over the season. Queens can be imported from certain countries and regions which have been deemed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as safe and that bees from these places do not pose any unacceptable risk to Canada. Beekeepers imported 343,125 queens in 2023; most came from California and Hawaii (75.9%), with contributions from New Zealand (6.6%), Italy (5.6%), Australia (5.2%), Chile (3.4%), and Ukraine (3.1%). In 2023 package bees were imported from a short list of approved sources: Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Chile. Beekeepers imported a total of 69,364 kgs of package bees; 22.3% more than the previous year and 230% of the average quantity of packages received in each of the previous four years. 38% (26,485 kgs) of the total number of imported packages arrived from New Zealand, 32% (22,435 kgs) from Italy, 23% (16,071 kgs) from New Zealand, and 6% (4,373 kgs) from Chile.
1. Production
1.1 Number of beekeepersTable note 1 by province
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 50 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 0.2% |
Nova Scotia | 690 | 788 | 886 | 946 | 912 | 6.0% |
New Brunswick | 415 | 450 | 495 | 513 | 558 | 3.7% |
Quebec | 440 | 485 | 547 | 495 | 533 | 3.5% |
Ontario | 2,506 | 2,856 | 3,227 | 3,781 | 3,980 | 26.3% |
Manitoba | 905 | 914 | 926 | 905 | 965 | 6.4% |
Saskatchewan | 1,101 | 1,050 | 1,226 | 1,267 | 1,308 | 8.6% |
Alberta | 1,653 | 1,621 | 1,754 | 1,817 | 1,950 | 12.9% |
British Columbia | 2,763 | 3,800 | 4,300 | 4,600 | 4,911 | 32.4% |
CanadaTable note 2 | 10,523 | 11,994 | 13,391 | 14,354 | 15,147 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey |
1.2. Number of coloniesTable note 1 by province
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 3,591 | 4,250 | 3,436 | 4,472 | 3,421 | 0.4% |
Nova Scotia | 25,716 | 26,282 | 27,751 | 26,531 | 26,028 | 3.3% |
New Brunswick | 4,120 | 8,456 | 9,250 | 5,892 | 6,568 | 0.8% |
Quebec | 66,700 | 67,173 | 74,979 | 57,340 | 65,696 | 8.3% |
Ontario | 90,675 | 101,989 | 102,328 | 102,562 | 101,161 | 12.7% |
Manitoba | 114,668 | 116,697 | 114,837 | 103,934 | 105,000 | 13.2% |
Saskatchewan | 115,000 | 100,000 | 115,000 | 102,000 | 99,000 | 12.5% |
Alberta | 314,800 | 283,000 | 324,500 | 300,450 | 302,900 | 38.1% |
British Columbia | 55,781 | 56,769 | 62,181 | 63,693 | 84,567 | 10.6% |
CanadaTable note 2 | 791,051 | 764,616 | 834,262 | 766,874 | 794,341 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey |
1.3. Number of beekeepers and number of colonies by province

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey
Description of the image above.
Number of beekeepers and number of colonies by province in 2023
Province | Number of beekeepers 2023 | Number of colonies 2023 |
Prince Edward Island | 30 | 3,421 |
Nova Scotia | 912 | 26,028 |
New Brunswick | 558 | 6,568 |
Quebec | 533 | 65,696 |
Ontario | 3,980 | 101,161 |
Manitoba | 965 | 105,000 |
Saskatchewan | 1,308 | 99,000 |
Alberta | 1,950 | 302,900 |
British Columbia | 4,911 | 84,567 |
1.4. Total honey productionTable note 1 by province – thousands of pounds
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 181 | 159 | 192 | 213 | 85 | 0.1% |
Nova Scotia | 390 | 550 | 530 | 544 | 485 | 0.5% |
New Brunswick | 218 | 346 | 406 | 238 | 271 | 0.3% |
Quebec | 3,963 | 2,996 | 4,039 | 3,267 | 3,476 | 3.8% |
Ontario | 7,963 | 8,535 | 6,402 | 7,591 | 7,069 | 7.7% |
Manitoba | 18,350 | 20,300 | 18,490 | 15,490 | 17,220 | 18.8% |
Saskatchewan | 20,240 | 15,700 | 19,665 | 13,464 | 20,048 | 21.8% |
Alberta | 31,418 | 30,735 | 34,061 | 29,755 | 36,954 | 40.3% |
British Columbia | 3,907 | 3,843 | 4,346 | 3,851 | 6,199 | 6.8% |
CanadaTable note 2 | 86,630 | 83,165 | 88,132 | 74,413 | 91,807 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey |
1.5. Production valueTable note 1 of honey by province – thousands of Canadian dollars
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 423 | 332 | 462 | 533 | 277 | 0.1% |
Nova Scotia | 1,073 | 2,133 | 1,549 | 1,616 | 1,889 | 0.7% |
New Brunswick | 666 | 1,399 | 1,809 | 1,248 | 1,226 | 0.4% |
Quebec | 15,408 | 8,136 | 15,168 | 13,092 | 16,699 | 6.0% |
Ontario | 29,437 | 32,007 | 30,088 | 37,195 | 29,690 | 10.7% |
Manitoba | 32,997 | 43,435 | 52,868 | 50,752 | 48,186 | 17.4% |
Saskatchewan | 32,384 | 31,400 | 58,995 | 41,892 | 45,157 | 16.3% |
Alberta | 58,188 | 66,846 | 93,216 | 92,679 | 105,580 | 38.1% |
British Columbia | 11,040 | 13,780 | 14,248 | 17,159 | 28,515 | 10.3% |
CanadaTable note 2 | 181,615 | 199,468 | 268,403 | 256,165 | 277,219 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey |
2. Trade
2.1. Trade balance
2.1.1. Canada's honey trade balance – thousands of Canadian dollars
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Export | 53,827 | 47,371 | 44,723 | 72,201 | 46,300 |
Import | 45,403 | 42,576 | 47,481 | 73,936 | 57,388 |
Trade Balance (Exports − Imports) | $8,424 | $4,795 | −$2,758 | −$1,735 | −$11,088 |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.2. Exports
2.2.1. Canada's honey exports by provinceTable note 1 — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 0 | 2 | 0 | 41 | 0 | 0.0% |
Nova Scotia | 60 | 113 | 2 | 13 | 3 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 0 | 0 | 0 | 135 | 0 | 0.0% |
Quebec | 4,098 | 6,200 | 5,374 | 5,734 | 5,973 | 12.9% |
Ontario | 5,722 | 2,527 | 6,217 | 7,227 | 6,484 | 14.0% |
Manitoba | 11,943 | 16,407 | 17,270 | 34,166 | 17,147 | 37.0% |
Saskatchewan | 11,097 | 7,230 | 3,178 | 6,667 | 4,002 | 8.6% |
Alberta | 19,735 | 14,387 | 12,080 | 18,036 | 12,463 | 26.9% |
British Columbia | 1,172 | 506 | 602 | 182 | 228 | 0.5% |
Canada | 53,827 | 47,371 | 44,723 | 72,201 | 46,300 | 100.0% |
0: True zero or a value rounded to zero. Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.2.2. Canada's honey exports by provinceTable note 1 — by volume (metric tonnes)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Prince Edward Island | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0.0% |
Nova Scotia | 7 | 20 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0.0% |
New Brunswick | 0 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 0.0% |
Quebec | 611 | 965 | 744 | 751 | 1,049 | 15.0% |
Ontario | 1,006 | 398 | 946 | 987 | 947 | 13.5% |
Manitoba | 2,959 | 3,358 | 2,941 | 5,247 | 2,664 | 38.0% |
Saskatchewan | 2,735 | 1,630 | 599 | 956 | 596 | 8.5% |
Alberta | 4,358 | 2,852 | 2,020 | 2,663 | 1,720 | 24.5% |
British Columbia | 171 | 85 | 98 | 31 | 30 | 0.4% |
Canada | 11,847 | 9,309 | 7,349 | 10,664 | 7,006 | 100.0% |
0: True zero or a value rounded to zero. Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.2.3. Canada's top honey export destinations — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 33,615 | 19,363 | 17,574 | 38,212 | 23,199 | 50.1% |
Japan | 17,884 | 23,735 | 25,096 | 30,710 | 20,899 | 45.1% |
South Korea | 503 | 671 | 823 | 1,062 | 1,567 | 3.4% |
China | 1,403 | 1,648 | 458 | 1,267 | 385 | 0.8% |
Barbados | 62 | 45 | 27 | 41 | 75 | 0.2% |
Lebanon | 25 | 22 | 24 | 14 | 68 | 0.1% |
United Arab Emirates | 0 | 22 | 34 | 39 | 22 | 0.0% |
Viet-Nam | 15 | 15 | 0 | 10 | 21 | 0.0% |
Taiwan | 48 | 54 | 23 | 46 | 19 | 0.0% |
Kuwait | 5 | 60 | 42 | 28 | 15 | 0.0% |
Others | 266 | 1,738 | 622 | 771 | 31 | 0.1% |
Total | 53,827 | 47,371 | 44,723 | 72,201 | 46,300 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.2.4. Canada's top honey export destinations — by volume (metric tonnes)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 7,872 | 4,143 | 2,992 | 5,774 | 3,383 | 48.3% |
Japan | 3,575 | 4,362 | 4,010 | 4,384 | 3,244 | 46.3% |
South Korea | 128 | 135 | 141 | 146 | 264 | 3.8% |
China | 209 | 295 | 82 | 190 | 71 | 1.0% |
Barbados | 11 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 14 | 0.2% |
Lebanon | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 12 | 0.2% |
United Arab Emirates | 0 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 0.1% |
Viet-Nam | 2 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 4 | 0.1% |
Taiwan | 9 | 9 | 4 | 8 | 3 | 0.0% |
Kuwait | 1 | 11 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 0.0% |
Others | 37 | 335 | 100 | 139 | 5 | 0.1% |
Total | 11,847 | 9,309 | 7,349 | 10,664 | 7,006 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3. Imports
2.3.1. Canada's honey imports by province — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Nova Scotia | 73 | 3 | 2 | 94 | 675 | 1.2% |
New Brunswick | 7 | 0 | 22 | 28 | 0 | 0.0% |
Quebec | 10,817 | 11,302 | 15,249 | 23,111 | 13,776 | 24.0% |
Ontario | 27,543 | 24,404 | 24,216 | 39,767 | 29,429 | 51.3% |
Manitoba | 44 | 28 | 378 | 516 | 433 | 0.8% |
Saskatchewan | 69 | 1 | 550 | 153 | 525 | 0.9% |
Alberta | 737 | 825 | 1,019 | 1,819 | 4,568 | 8.0% |
British Columbia | 6,112 | 6,013 | 6,045 | 8,447 | 7,983 | 13.9% |
Canada | 45,403 | 42,576 | 47,481 | 73,936 | 57,388 | 100.0% |
0: True zero or a value rounded to zero. Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.2. Canada's honey imports by province — by volume (metric tons)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Nova Scotia | 22 | 1 | 0 | 20 | 99 | 1.3% |
New Brunswick | 0 | 0 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 0.0% |
Quebec | 2,896 | 3,080 | 3,460 | 4,905 | 2,899 | 39.2% |
Ontario | 3,151 | 3,660 | 4,070 | 4,446 | 2,912 | 39.3% |
Manitoba | 5 | 2 | 63 | 97 | 91 | 1.2% |
Saskatchewan | 2 | 0 | 100 | 35 | 126 | 1.7% |
Alberta | 25 | 26 | 121 | 224 | 779 | 10.5% |
British Columbia | 412 | 376 | 383 | 831 | 500 | 6.8% |
Canada | 6,513 | 7,144 | 8,200 | 10,566 | 7,405 | 100.0% |
0: True zero or a value rounded to zero. Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.3. Canada's top sources of honey imports — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
New Zealand | 17,470 | 14,122 | 12,918 | 20,123 | 20,224 | 35.2% |
Brazil | 6,890 | 5,864 | 11,650 | 19,261 | 10,982 | 19.1% |
United States | 2,539 | 4,931 | 3,520 | 7,522 | 5,545 | 9.7% |
Australia | 3,110 | 2,719 | 2,594 | 5,354 | 3,737 | 6.5% |
Thailand | 3,476 | 2,450 | 1,955 | 2,338 | 2,495 | 4.3% |
India | 3,397 | 3,342 | 3,391 | 4,695 | 2,000 | 3.5% |
Greece | 1,282 | 1,439 | 1,628 | 1,780 | 1,970 | 3.4% |
Saudi Arabia | 1,297 | 990 | 1,373 | 1,774 | 1,728 | 3.0% |
Spain | 2,606 | 2,013 | 3,162 | 2,477 | 1,585 | 2.8% |
Viet-Nam | 276 | 1,356 | 955 | 1,335 | 1,134 | 2.0% |
Others | 3,058 | 3,351 | 4,335 | 7,277 | 5,987 | 10.4% |
Total | 45,403 | 42,576 | 47,481 | 73,936 | 57,388 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.4. Canada's top sources of honey imports — by volume (metric tons)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
Brazil | 1,811 | 1,749 | 2,509 | 3,858 | 2,379 | 32.1% |
United States | 575 | 1,148 | 807 | 1,303 | 859 | 11.6% |
Thailand | 891 | 700 | 756 | 579 | 640 | 8.6% |
India | 1,092 | 1,079 | 1,118 | 981 | 550 | 7.4% |
Viet-Nam | 129 | 544 | 438 | 626 | 507 | 6.8% |
New Zealand | 412 | 331 | 285 | 427 | 410 | 5.5% |
Spain | 529 | 416 | 795 | 537 | 339 | 4.6% |
Greece | 142 | 255 | 338 | 233 | 313 | 4.2% |
Australia | 279 | 223 | 219 | 467 | 261 | 3.5% |
Saudi Arabia | 130 | 91 | 174 | 225 | 158 | 2.1% |
Others | 523 | 607 | 760 | 1,330 | 988 | 13.3% |
Total | 6,513 | 7,144 | 8,200 | 10,566 | 7,405 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.5. Canada's sources of package honey beeTable note 1 imports — by value (Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
New Zealand | 1,988,220 | 848,695 | 0 | 981,539 | 4,256,389 | 49.6% |
Italy | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2,075,939 | 24.2% |
Australia | 1,255,269 | 187,448 | 736,172 | 2,020,863 | 1,885,139 | 22.0% |
Chile | 167,180 | 86,400 | 0 | 199,800 | 357,426 | 4.2% |
Others | 8 | 14 | 0 | 5,343 | 0 | 0.0% |
Total | 3,410,677 | 1,122,557 | 736,172 | 3,207,545 | 8,574,893 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.6. Canada's sources of package honey beeTable note 1 imports — by volume (kilograms)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
New Zealand | 25,308 | 10,804 | 0 | 12,808 | 26,485 | 38.2% |
Italy | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22,435 | 32.3% |
Australia | 13,462 | 1,926 | 8,661 | 40,219 | 16,071 | 23.2% |
Chile | 2,569 | 1,016 | 0 | 3,649 | 4,373 | 6.3% |
Others | 0 | 0 | 0 | 63 | 0 | 0.0% |
Total | 41,339 | 13,746 | 8,661 | 56,739 | 69,364 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.7. Canada's sources of queen bee imports — by value (Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 7,177,805 | 7,313,155 | 7,327,062 | 9,275,434 | 10,267,637 | 77.9% |
New Zealand | 103,034 | 318,928 | 254,707 | 1,706,163 | 1,274,520 | 9.7% |
Italy | 0 | 136,325 | 471,134 | 533,173 | 586,453 | 4.5% |
Australia | 191,143 | 106,147 | 179,022 | 191,720 | 429,301 | 3.3% |
Chile | 504,080 | 143,554 | 177,519 | 435,838 | 321,786 | 2.4% |
Ukraine | 0 | 727 | 110,927 | 361,059 | 276,613 | 2.1% |
Others | 0 | 21,274 | 6,424 | 33,883 | 18,667 | 0.1% |
Total | 7,976,062 | 8,040,110 | 8,526,795 | 12,537,270 | 13,174,977 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
2.3.8. Canada's sources of queen bee imports — by quantity (number)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 208,530 | 193,794 | 220,403 | 255,557 | 260,570 | 75.9% |
New Zealand | 2,843 | 8,721 | 5,452 | 13,122 | 22,629 | 6.6% |
Italy | 0 | 4,089 | 17,170 | 18,797 | 19,202 | 5.6% |
Australia | 7,837 | 3,023 | 7,302 | 7,294 | 17,861 | 5.2% |
Chile | 16,718 | 3,625 | 7,554 | 12,676 | 11,588 | 3.4% |
Ukraine | 0 | 19 | 3,908 | 14,159 | 10,683 | 3.1% |
Others | 0 | 672 | 224 | 1,350 | 592 | 0.2% |
Total | 235,928 | 213,943 | 262,013 | 322,955 | 343,125 | 100.0% |
Source: Statistics Canada. (CATSNET, February 2024) |
3. Consumption
3.1. Honey availableTable note 1 for consumption in Canada – kilograms per person
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
HoneyTable note 2 | 0.95 | 0.98 | 1.12 | 0.90 | 1.09 |
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada |
4. World data
4.1 World trade data
4.1.1. Top exporters of honey worldwide — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
China | 311,714 | 340,817 | 326,422 | 360,590 | 343,268 | 12.5% |
New Zealand | 304,314 | 439,327 | 409,760 | 347,062 | 327,192 | 11.9% |
Argentina | 194,508 | 230,082 | 274,924 | 320,615 | 247,459 | 9.0% |
India | 134,046 | 111,235 | 170,838 | 298,386 | 209,988 | 7.7% |
Spain | 117,712 | 150,682 | 161,366 | 156,199 | 155,901 | 5.7% |
Germany | 176,548 | 201,025 | 186,364 | 159,593 | 153,127 | 5.6% |
Ukraine | 134,398 | 185,340 | 180,765 | 177,849 | 134,816 | 4.9% |
Brazil | 90,693 | 132,113 | 204,008 | 178,882 | 115,168 | 4.2% |
Belgium | 86,204 | 101,113 | 104,546 | 123,172 | 104,895 | 3.8% |
Mexico | 90,040 | 91,148 | 155,127 | 176,377 | 88,067 | 3.2% |
Hungary | 107,558 | 119,692 | 118,353 | 102,490 | 84,538 | 3.1% |
Poland | 57,868 | 83,525 | 79,129 | 68,476 | 57,556 | 2.1% |
Australia | 44,369 | 49,901 | 45,847 | 50,503 | 51,049 | 1.9% |
Romania | 56,262 | 65,794 | 73,446 | 67,801 | 50,671 | 1.8% |
Bulgaria | 53,611 | 53,331 | 59,477 | 55,752 | 47,864 | 1.7% |
Viet-Nam | 65,013 | 84,677 | 97,669 | 70,928 | 47,498 | 1.7% |
Canada | 53,827 | 47,371 | 44,723 | 72,201 | 46,300 | 1.7% |
Türkiye | 32,850 | 35,080 | 39,126 | 60,283 | 43,106 | 1.6% |
France | 40,046 | 38,865 | 43,159 | 47,127 | 41,290 | 1.5% |
Greece | 19,548 | 28,999 | 38,389 | 41,275 | 37,434 | 1.4% |
Others | 395,698 | 435,245 | 502,394 | 474,861 | 353,059 | 12.9% |
Total | 2,566,827 | 3,025,362 | 3,315,832 | 3,410,422 | 2,740,246 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (February 2024) |
4.1.2. Top exporters of honey worldwide — by volume (metric tons)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
China | 120,845 | 132,469 | 145,886 | 156,002 | 152,636 | 22.7% |
India | 65,351 | 54,834 | 70,514 | 86,183 | 88,071 | 13.1% |
Argentina | 65,242 | 71,564 | 65,720 | 73,001 | 75,587 | 11.2% |
Ukraine | 55,769 | 80,872 | 57,590 | 48,021 | 54,714 | 8.1% |
Brazil | 30,039 | 45,728 | 47,190 | 36,886 | 28,555 | 4.2% |
Spain | 22,528 | 28,263 | 28,442 | 28,317 | 27,762 | 4.1% |
Belgium | 19,328 | 22,454 | 25,605 | 32,393 | 25,576 | 3.8% |
Mexico | 26,901 | 27,485 | 33,579 | 34,633 | 21,530 | 3.2% |
Viet-Nam | 39,003 | 52,162 | 50,655 | 29,112 | 20,949 | 3.1% |
Germany | 25,320 | 29,742 | 29,758 | 20,948 | 18,018 | 2.7% |
Poland | 16,837 | 24,691 | 19,277 | 15,036 | 13,982 | 2.1% |
Hungary | 19,389 | 19,629 | 17,662 | 14,881 | 13,537 | 2.0% |
New Zealand | 9,455 | 14,236 | 13,822 | 11,781 | 11,198 | 1.7% |
Thailand | 7,908 | 7,672 | 10,315 | 10,967 | 10,910 | 1.6% |
Romania | 10,497 | 13,185 | 11,941 | 12,127 | 10,273 | 1.5% |
Bulgaria | 12,950 | 12,834 | 12,137 | 12,739 | 10,035 | 1.5% |
Türkiye | 5,548 | 6,038 | 9,994 | 17,248 | 9,386 | 1.4% |
Portugal | 6,112 | 7,442 | 9,635 | 10,999 | 8,853 | 1.3% |
Uruguay | 7,904 | 15,766 | 10,598 | 9,948 | 7,520 | 1.1% |
Canada | 11,847 | 9,309 | 7,349 | 10,664 | 7,006 | 1.0% |
Others | 71,137 | 76,091 | 88,002 | 76,327 | 57,757 | 8.6% |
Total | 649,910 | 752,466 | 765,671 | 748,213 | 673,855 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (February 2024) |
4.1.3. Top importers of honey worldwide — by value (thousands of Canadian dollars)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 553,350 | 592,357 | 835,747 | 1,036,942 | 789,159 | 27.4% |
Germany | 338,773 | 373,687 | 395,242 | 395,544 | 308,605 | 10.7% |
Japan | 191,607 | 233,619 | 212,824 | 217,645 | 195,273 | 6.8% |
France | 157,936 | 173,943 | 151,996 | 183,367 | 156,236 | 5.4% |
United Kingdom | 145,564 | 157,945 | 164,230 | 165,168 | 150,765 | 5.2% |
Belgium | 85,360 | 94,983 | 106,306 | 133,659 | 115,660 | 4.0% |
Italy | 105,873 | 108,676 | 128,188 | 132,356 | 106,648 | 3.7% |
Spain | 77,001 | 88,430 | 104,310 | 122,042 | 92,013 | 3.2% |
China | 112,309 | 119,270 | 131,999 | 92,823 | 84,959 | 2.9% |
Saudi Arabia | 99,935 | 140,765 | 108,202 | 109,405 | 82,470 | 2.9% |
Poland | 84,143 | 105,908 | 114,464 | 93,193 | 75,222 | 2.6% |
Netherlands | 70,282 | 75,328 | 95,232 | 87,374 | 68,293 | 2.4% |
Switzerland | 47,995 | 50,582 | 54,470 | 59,759 | 59,387 | 2.1% |
Canada | 45,403 | 42,576 | 47,481 | 73,936 | 57,388 | 2.0% |
Australia | 48,231 | 54,748 | 44,514 | 53,045 | 53,158 | 1.8% |
Austria | 33,708 | 33,657 | 35,924 | 37,716 | 31,785 | 1.1% |
Portugal | 20,889 | 22,899 | 26,920 | 39,885 | 29,559 | 1.0% |
Ireland | 24,831 | 29,816 | 19,384 | 23,159 | 27,322 | 0.9% |
Singapore | 28,550 | 30,993 | 30,947 | 31,882 | 26,178 | 0.9% |
Sweden | 31,286 | 29,263 | 24,286 | 27,789 | 25,871 | 0.9% |
Others | 302,142 | 355,034 | 451,853 | 440,395 | 346,411 | 12.0% |
Total | 2,605,168 | 2,914,479 | 3,284,519 | 3,557,084 | 2,882,362 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (February 2024) |
4.1.4. Top importers of honey worldwide — by volume (metric tons)
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 % Share | |
United States | 178,948 | 196,531 | 220,085 | 205,677 | 199,296 | 29.6% |
Germany | 82,203 | 90,136 | 78,702 | 75,442 | 64,427 | 9.6% |
United Kingdom | 48,537 | 52,016 | 45,853 | 51,428 | 50,922 | 7.6% |
Japan | 44,788 | 49,348 | 47,132 | 47,276 | 41,924 | 6.2% |
Belgium | 24,847 | 28,089 | 31,596 | 39,747 | 36,864 | 5.5% |
Spain | 26,547 | 31,690 | 31,628 | 37,568 | 31,380 | 4.7% |
France | 32,842 | 34,913 | 29,348 | 35,538 | 31,260 | 4.6% |
Poland | 29,802 | 37,343 | 37,594 | 31,769 | 27,004 | 4.0% |
Italy | 23,580 | 21,041 | 24,116 | 24,770 | 22,402 | 3.3% |
Netherlands | 15,115 | 13,584 | 17,711 | 17,403 | 14,589 | 2.2% |
Saudi Arabia | 18,512 | 23,529 | 20,856 | 21,271 | 14,251 | 2.1% |
Portugal | 7,553 | 8,707 | 9,463 | 13,594 | 10,445 | 1.6% |
Australia | 4,747 | 7,991 | 7,893 | 7,864 | 8,774 | 1.3% |
Greece | 8,576 | 8,596 | 7,822 | 9,735 | 8,612 | 1.3% |
Ireland | 6,540 | 7,461 | 4,535 | 6,755 | 8,498 | 1.3% |
Switzerland | 8,240 | 8,192 | 8,235 | 8,615 | 8,207 | 1.2% |
Canada | 6,513 | 7,144 | 8,200 | 10,566 | 7,405 | 1.1% |
Austria | 6,619 | 6,899 | 6,762 | 6,605 | 5,630 | 0.8% |
Romania | 2,373 | 5,906 | 5,226 | 5,310 | 4,929 | 0.7% |
South Africa | 5,249 | 6,138 | 6,843 | 2,628 | 4,654 | 0.7% |
Others | 64,996 | 74,613 | 93,090 | 94,167 | 71,298 | 10.6% |
Total | 647,127 | 719,867 | 742,690 | 753,728 | 672,771 | 100.0% |
Source: Global Trade Tracker (February 2024) |
4.2 World production
4.2.1. Top producers of honey worldwideTable note 1 — by volume (metric tons)
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2022 % Share | |
China | 446,879 | 444,054 | 458,100 | 472,700 | 461,900 | 27.6% |
Türkiye | 107,920 | 109,330 | 104,077 | 96,344 | 118,297 | 7.1% |
Iran | 73,286 | 73,645 | 74,887 | 77,484 | 79,535 | 4.7% |
India | 65,267 | 67,606 | 69,783 | 74,000 | 74,204 | 4.4% |
Argentina | 79,468 | 79,140 | 72,183 | 70,715 | 70,437 | 4.2% |
Ukraine | 71,279 | 69,937 | 68,028 | 68,558 | 63,079 | 3.8% |
Russia | 65,006 | 63,526 | 66,368 | 64,533 | 67,014 | 4.0% |
Mexico | 64,253 | 61,986 | 54,165 | 62,079 | 64,320 | 3.8% |
United States | 69,857 | 71,179 | 66,948 | 57,490 | 56,849 | 3.4% |
Brazil | 42,268 | 45,801 | 52,493 | 55,679 | 60,966 | 3.6% |
Canada | 43,089 | 39,295 | 37,723 | 39,976 | 33,745 | 2.0% |
Tanzania | 30,659 | 31,218 | 31,362 | 31,617 | 31,345 | 1.9% |
Romania | 29,162 | 25,269 | 30,714 | 30,831 | 29,760 | 1.8% |
South Korea | 27,422 | 29,573 | 29,168 | 29,560 | 29,951 | 1.8% |
Angola | 23,459 | 23,463 | 23,437 | 23,447 | 23,457 | 1.4% |
Others | 564,470 | 510,806 | 474,891 | 440,999 | 410,289 | 24.5% |
Total | 1,803,743 | 1,745,829 | 1,714,328 | 1,696,012 | 1,675,149 | 100.0% |
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations | © FAO Statistics Division 2024 |
5. Key Resources
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Statistics Division
- Global Trade Tracker
- Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0353-01 Production and value of honey
- Statistics Canada. Table 32-10-0054-01 Food available in Canada
- Statistics Canada. CATSNET
Import and export data is based on the following Harmonized System Codes (H.S. Codes):
- Honey for import: 0409000010; 0409000021; 0409000022; 0409000023; 0409000024; 0409000025; 0409000026; 0409000029; 0409000090
- Honey for export: 04090000
- Honey Bees for import: 0106410010; 0106410011; 0106410012; 0106900011; 0106900012
- Queen Bees for imports: 0106410020