Help Guide - AgriStability Benefit Quick Estimator

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Completing the Quick Estimator

Reference Margin

Follow these steps to determine your reference margin:

Step 1: Calculate a production margin for each of your previous years (up to five) as follows:

A: Subtract your Allowable Expenses from your Allowable IncomeFootnote1

B: If you file to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on the cash basis, you must add the following change in valueFootnote2 calculations to amount you calculated in step 1:

  • Change in crop inventory = (ending inventory multiplied by end of year price) minus (starting inventory multiplied by start of year price).
  • Change in livestock inventory = (ending inventory multiplied by end of year price) minus (starting inventory multiplied by start of year price). If you have breeding herd, your change in your breeding herd inventory is calculated differently from your market livestock. Change in breeding herd inventory = (ending inventory minus starting inventory) multiplied by end of year price.
  • Change in purchased inputs = end of year amount minus start of year amount.
  • Change in deferred income and receivables = ending receivables and deferred income minus starting receivables and deferred income.
  • Change in accounts payable = starting accounts payable minus ending accounts payable.

The above calculations can result in either a positive or negative value.

Production margin calculation example:

Allowable Income
− Allowable Expenses
= Net Income
+ Change in purchased inputs
+ Change in accounts receivable and deferred income
+ Change in accounts payable
+ Change in crop inventory
+ Change in livestock inventory
= Production Margin

Step 2: Calculate an average of your production margins as follows:

  • If you farmed in each of the previous five years, remove the highest and the lowest years, then average the remaining three years.
  • If you did not farm in each of the previous 5 years, average the previous 3 years.
  • If you did not farm in each of the previous 3 years, average the years you have available.

The average you calculate is your reference margin.

Reference margin calculation example:
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
$25,000 $30,000 $20,000 $36,000 $35,000
include include exclude lowest exclude highest include
Reference margin $25,000 + $30,000 + $35,000 = $90,000 ÷ 3 = $30,000

Program Year Margin

Follow these steps to calculate your program year margin:

Step 1: Subtract your Allowable Expenses from your Allowable IncomeFootnote1

Step 2: If you file to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on the cash basis, you must add the following change in valueFootnote2 calculations to the amount you calculated in step 1:

  • Change in crop inventory = (ending inventory multiplied by end of year price) minus (starting inventory multiplied by start of year price).
  • Change in livestock inventory = (ending inventory multiplied by end of year price) minus (starting inventory multiplied by start of year price). If you have breeding herd, your change in your breeding herd inventory is calculated differently from your market livestock. Change in breeding herd inventory = (ending inventory minus starting inventory) multiplied by end of year price.
  • Change in purchased inputs = end of year amount minus start of year amount.
  • Change in deferred income and receivables = ending receivables and deferred income minus starting receivables and deferred income.
  • Change in accounts payable = starting accounts payable minus ending accounts payable.

The above calculations can result in either a positive or negative value.

Program year calculation example:

Allowable Income
− Allowable Expenses
= Net Income
+ Change in purchased inputs
+ Change in accounts receivable and deferred income
+ Change in accounts payable
+ Change in crop inventory
+ Change in livestock inventory
= Program Year Margin

Partnership percentage

Enter your partnership percentage using one of the following methods:

  • Your percentage share of your partnership, if you entered your reference margin and program year margin based on 100% of your partnership.
  • Your partnership percentage as 100%, if you entered your reference margin and program year margin based on your share of the partnership.

For example: You are in a 50/50 partnership with your spouse. The partnership has the following:

Reference Margin:
Program Year Margin:

If you entered $150,000 for your reference margin and $60,000 for your program year margin, enter 50% in the partnership percentage box.

If you entered only your 50% share for your reference margin and program year margin, enter 100% in the partnership percentage box.

If you are using a Calculation of Benefits (COB) to complete the calculator the calculations on the COB were done using your partnership percentage. Therefore, enter 100% in the partnership percentage box.

Whole Farm percentage

Enter your whole farmFootnote3 percentage using one of the following methods:

  • Your percentage share of the whole farm, if you entered your reference margin and program year margin based on 100% of the whole farm.
  • Your whole farm percentage as 100%, if you entered your reference margin and program year margin based on your share of the whole farm.

For example: You farm represents 50% of the whole farm. The whole farm has the following:

Reference Margin:
Program Year Margin:

If you entered $150,000 for your reference margin and $60,000 for your program year margin, enter 50% in the whole farm percentage box.

If you entered only your 50% share for your reference margin and program year margin enter 100% in the whole farm percentage box.

Change in farm size

Indicate if your farm size has:

  • Not changed by more than 10% since last year
  • Increased by more than 10% since last year
  • Decreased by more than 10% from last year

Percent change in farm size

Enter the percent change your farm size has increased or decreased. Percentage values entered in this field must be more than 10%.

Understanding the results calculations

Estimated Benefit

This is your estimated benefit. Payments are not issued for less than $250 or more than $3 million or 70% of the difference between the Reference Margin and the Program Year Margin (whichever is less).

Benefit calculation example

Program Years 2018-2022 2023-2027
Support Level $39,200 $39,200
Program Year Margin with adjustments $10,000 $10,000
Decline $29,200 $29,200
AgriStability coverage 70% 80%
Estimated AgriStability Benefit $20,440 $23,360

Reference Margin with adjustments

This is your reference margin after it has been adjusted for structural change, partnership share and/or whole farm share.

Support Level

Your support level is 70% of your reference margin with adjustments. Your program year margin must fall below your support level to trigger a benefit.

For example:

Reference Margin with adjustments
= Support Level

Program Year Margin with adjustments

This is your program year margin after it has been adjusted for your partnership share and/or whole farm share.