Enrol now for AgriStability


About AgriStability

AgriStability is an important tool to help you manage risks and financial losses due to poor yields, low commodity prices, or rising input costs. AgriStability provides support when you experience a large margin decline.

AgriStability is delivered by the federal government in Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories and Yukon.

AgriStability is delivered provincially in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Prince Edward Island. Please visit your respective provincial administration for more information.

Use the Benefit Estimator to help you understand how the program works and how benefits are calculated.

Learn more about the AgriStability program.

Video transcript

[A guitar strums. The title appears above images of cattle in a field, crops and bales of hay float in water, a line of fire in the distance behind a harvested hay field, and dry cracked soil.]

Text on screen: AgriStability Manage your risks

[The silhouette of a rooster at sunrise, a farm field with bright sun on the horizon.]

[Calm, acoustic guitar music begins.]

[Cut to an image of boots. Farming tools hang on a wall. A close-up of a tractor wheel turning. The silhouette of a farmer in a peaked cap with her two dogs outside at sunrise]

Farmer: I wear lots of hats.

[Cut to a cowboy hat on a bale of hay. An equestrian helmet on a fence post. A beekeeper in a full suit examines a hive tray covered in bees. A woman sits in a field working on her laptop, with a tractor in the background.]

Farmer: I'm a business person.

Farmer: A soil...

[Cut to hands in soil.]

Farmer: ...plant...

[Cut to hands full of corn kernels.]

[Cut to hands in soil.]

Farmer: ...plant...

[Cut to hands full of corn kernels.]

Farmer: ...livestock expert...

[Cut to a boy feeding a young calf with a bottle.]

Farmer: ...a mechanic...

[Cut to a man with tools fixes a tractor.]

Farmer: ...a meteorologist...

[Cut to a storm looming over a field.]

Farmer: ...and...

[Cut to a young hockey player protecting a net.]

Farmer: Coach of my daughter's hockey team.

Farmer: All that...

[Cut to a farmer staring straight into the camera.]

Farmer: ...and more.

[A woman smiles and holds bunch of chard.]

Farmer: I am a manager of risks.

[Gloved hands hold a loop of barbed wire, then the screen fades to black.]

[Fade up on a field with dark storm clouds.]

Farmer: But, I can't manage Mother Nature.

[Then flooded crops and bales of hay, a line of fire in the distance, dry, cracked soil.]

Farmer: I can't control rising costs of inputs.

[A stack of one dollar coins. Then to a farmer looking at an iPad beside a tomato plant in a greenhouse.]

[The screen fades to black.]

Farmer: Despite those factors...

[The screen fades up to a tractor driving through a field at sunset.]

Farmer: I can still control my future...

[Cut to a young farming family, with three young children smiling at the camera.]

All: ...with AgriStability.

[Cut to a farmer in a greenhouse smiling while holding a handful of cucumbers.]

Farmer: It covers my operation.

[Cut to a woman smiling in a field.]

Farmer: In case of drought...

[Cut to a farmer smiling as he harvests tomatoes in a greenhouse.]

Farmer: ...flood...

[Cut to a farmer smiling in front of a barn of cows.]

Farmer: ...rising costs of inputs...

[Cut to a couple in a winery with wine glasses, a man stands smiling in the produce section of a grocery store and holds a basket of food.]

Farmer: ...or market fluctuations.

[The screen fades to black. Then fades up on a farmer holding his daughter wearing a cowboy hat in a cornfield. A woman holding a squash speaks with a young child in an outdoor market.]

Farmer: It gives me that extra confidence...

[The screen fades to black. Then fades up on three hard hats hanging on hooks. Work boots and gloves rest on a brick floor.]

Farmer: ...that extra protection.

[The screen fades to black. Then fades up on a bright green field under a blue sky with fluffy white clouds.]

Text on screen: AgriStability Enrol by April 30, 2025

Text on screen: agriculture.canada.ca/agristability

[The logos of the Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories appear at the bottom of the screen.]

Text on screen: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada

[Cut to the Canada wordmark. Calm, acoustic guitar music ends.]

Benefits of participating

  • Provides support when risks are beyond your capacity to manage
  • Offers personalized and affordable coverage
  • Helps you manage your farm during periods of market downturns, falling market prices and rising input costs
  • Protects your farm against drought, flooding, poor yields or other unexpected disasters
  • Can be used to secure financing
  • Provides whole farm protection
AgriStability gives you: Personalized coverage, Affordable coverage, Whole farm protection, Simplified enrollment, Payment in times of financial distress, Access to other financing.

Important dates for the 2025 program year

  • April 30, 2025 – deadline to enrol in AgriStability for the 2025 program year
  • December 31, 2025 – final deadline to pay your 2025 fee (with penalty)
  • March 31, 2026 – deadline to apply for a 2025 Interim payment
  • June 30, 2026 – deadline to submit your 2025 form without penalty
  • September 30, 2026 – final deadline to submit your 2025 form with a penalty applied

Case studies

Learn how AgriStability helped farms that have faced various disaster situations.

Drought increases feed costs for a Manitoba cattle producer

A drought led to a feed shortage for a Manitoba cattle operator. AgriStability and AgriInvest support helped keep his cattle fed over the winter months.

Nova Scotia fruit grower fights insect infestation

A Nova Scotia tree fruit grower is forced to spend more on insect control measures to protect her crop. Assistance provided through AgriStability and AgriInvest helps cover the extra input costs and limit her losses.

Manitoba cow/calf producer faces low prices and poor sales

A price decline in the cattle market reduced calf sales on a Manitoba cow/calf operation. AgriStability and AgriInvest assistance helped the producer offset some of the lost farm revenue and cover costs.


Find out more

AgriStability is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal, provincial, territorial initiative, which came into effect April 1, 2023.