Health and wellness series – Naturally healthy foods and beverages in United States

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

Natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks reached US$2,113.1 million in 2022 and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 6.7% from 2019 to 2022.

Natural confectionery reached US$1,763.5 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 14.3% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 15.2% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 49.2%.

Natural savoury snacks reached US$2,694.8 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.2% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 5.2% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 23.3%.

Natural baby food reached US$415.8 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 2.6% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was −15.5% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 7.9%.

Natural drinking milk products reached US$850.3 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 20.4% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 18.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 74.5%.

Natural meals and soups reached US$1,922.3 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 2.1% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was −1.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 6.4%.

Natural sweet spreads reached US$1,189.0 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.2% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 7.0% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 23.3%.

Natural baked goods reached US$2,110.7 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.9% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was −0.3% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 25.5%.

Natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat reached US$6,250.0 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 15.1% from 2019 to 2022.


Retail sales of natural food

Health and wellness (H&W) are the combination of fortified/functional (FF) food and beverages, natural food and beverages, health benefit food and beverages, better for you (BFY) food, organic food and beverages, and beverages and food intolerance products.

This report is focusing on natural food and beverages in the H&W group. Natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks reached US$2,113.1 million in 2022 and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 6.7% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 7.9% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 21.6%. Natural snack bars have the negative CAGR growth −2.5% while natural sweet biscuits record the highest CAGR growth 17.4% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Sweet Biscuits, Snack Bars and Fruit Snacks 1,737.3 1,779.1 1,958.4 2,113.1 6.7 7.9 21.6
Natural Fruit Snacks 326.1 375.2 450.8 518.8 16.7 15.1 59.1
Natural Snack Bars 997.5 826.3 893.4 924.9 −2.5 3.5 −7.3
Natural Sweet Biscuits 413.6 577.7 614.2 669.4 17.4 9.0 61.8

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks are 6.6% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 9.5% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 37.7%. Natural snack bars are projected to have the highest CAGR growth 8.8% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Sweet Biscuits, Snack Bars and Fruit Snacks 2,314.2 2,435.9 2,585.6 2,743.1 2,909.6 6.6 9.5 37.7
Natural Fruit Snacks 561.8 593.6 630.0 668.6 713.0 6.6 8.3 37.4
Natural Snack Bars 1,045.8 1,118.8 1,211.7 1,309.9 1,409.3 8.8 13.1 52.4
Natural Sweet Biscuits 706.6 723.4 743.8 764.6 787.3 3.3 5.6 17.6

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural confectionery reached US$1,763.5 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 14.3% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 was 15.2% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 49.2%. Natural gum has a negative CAGR growth of −12.1% from 2019 to 2022 while natural sugar confectionery has the biggest growth of 21.0%.

Retail sales of natural confectionery in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Confectionery 1,181.9 1,262.2 1,531.2 1,763.5 14.3 15.2 49.2
Natural Chocolate Confectionery 467.9 478.2 514.9 570.8 6.9 10.9 22.0
Natural Gum 78.7 58.1 74.7 53.5 −12.1 −28.4 −32.0
Natural Sugar Confectionery 635.3 725.9 941.6 1,139.3 21.5 21.0 79.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural confectionery is 5.3% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 7.7% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 29.3%. Natural gum is projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 8.9% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural confectionery in US$ million, 2022-2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Confectionery 1,900.1 2,002.7 2,101.5 2,192.9 2,280.7 5.3 7.7 29.3
Natural Chocolate Confectionery 618.6 650.4 674.9 695.9 716.7 4.7 8.4 25.6
Natural Gum 57.1 61.4 68.6 75.7 81.8 8.9 6.7 52.9
Natural Sugar Confectionery 1,224.4 1,290.9 1,358.0 1,421.3 1,482.2 5.4 7.5 30.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural savoury snacks reached US$2,694.8 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.2% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 5.2% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 23.3%. Natural popcorn has the biggest CAGR growth of 15.0% followed by natural pretzels at a CAGR of 14.3% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural savoury snacks in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Savoury Snacks 2,185.6 2,594.8 2,561.4 2,694.8 7.2 5.2 23.3
Natural Nuts, Seeds and Trail Mixes 631.3 700.3 672.4 708.7 3.9 5.4 12.3
Natural Salty Snacks 607.6 796.7 679.2 729.2 6.3 7.4 20.0
Natural Savour Biscuits 436.9 492.5 575.9 550.2 8.0 −4.5 25.9
Natural Popcorn 351.8 440.7 494.6 535.4 15.0 8.2 52.2
Natural Pretzels 26.4 28.8 27.2 39.4 14.3 44.9 49.2
Natural Meat, Seafood and Other Savoury Snacks 131.5 135.8 112.1 132.0 0.1 17.8 0.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural savoury snacks is 2.9% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 5.9% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 15.5%. Natural meat, seafood and other savoury snacks are projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 6.7% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural savoury snacks in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Savoury Snacks 2,855.1 2,951.3 3,017.9 3,065.5 3,111.5 2.9 5.9 15.5
Natural Nuts, Seeds and Trail Mixes 720.1 732.6 737.2 737.1 736.1 0.8 1.6 3.9
Natural Salty Snacks 800.3 854.6 884.6 901.4 915.4 4.7 9.8 25.5
Natural Savoury Biscuits 567.1 564.5 572.9 582.7 590.0 1.4 3.1 7.2
Natural Popcorn 583.9 605.8 618.7 629.0 644.8 3.8 9.1 20.4
Natural Pretzels 39.6 39.8 40.8 41.9 43.0 1.8 0.5 9.1
Natural Meat, Seafood and Other Savoury Snacks 144.1 154.0 163.7 173.4 182.2 6.7 9.2 38.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural baby food reached US$415.8 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 2.6% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021-2022 of was −15.5% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 7.9%. Natural prepared baby food has the biggest growth of 12.3% while the other three subcategory: natural dried baby food (−9.0%), natural other baby food (−3.3%) and natural milk formula (−11.2%) all have negative CAGR growths.

Retail sales of natural baby food in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Baby Food 385.5 421.7 491.9 415.8 2.6 −15.5 7.9
Natural Dried Baby Food 11.0 8.6 13.2 8.3 −9.0 −37.1 −24.5
Natural Prepared Baby Food 185.1 242.2 267.7 262.4 12.3 −2.0 41.8
Natural Other Baby Food 60.6 55.5 69.1 54.8 −3.3 −20.7 −9.6
Natural Milk Formula 128.8 115.4 142.0 90.3 −11.2 −36.4 −29.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural baby food is projected to be −2.0% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 2.6% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was −9.5%. Natural dried baby food is projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 9.2% from 2022 to 2027 followed by natural other baby food at a CAGR of 6.1%.

Retail sales of natural baby food in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Baby Food 426.8 414.9 392.4 378.1 376.2 −2.0 2.6 −9.5
Natural Dried Baby Food 10.4 11.4 12.0 12.4 12.9 9.2 25.3 55.4
Natural Prepared Baby Food 277.8 284.6 274.1 263.9 263.5 0.1 5.9 0.4
Natural Other Baby Food 59.0 62.5 66.3 70.0 73.6 6.1 7.7 34.3
Natural Milk Formula 79.7 56.5 40.1 31.8 26.3 −21.9 −11.7 −70.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural drinking milk products reached US$850.3 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 20.4% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021-2022 was 18.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 74.5%. Natural Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products reached US$2,472.3 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.2% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021-2022 of was 6.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 23.2%. Natural Other Dairy reached US$1,865.6 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 14.7% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021-2022 of was 5.0% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 50.9%.

Retail sales of natural drinking milk products, natural yoghurt and sour milk products and natural other dairy in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Drinking Milk Products 487.2 579.8 715.5 850.3 20.4 18.8 74.5
Flavoured Milk Drinks 406.3 465.7 547.3 662.5 17.7 21.0 63.1
Natural Plant-based Milk 80.8 114.1 168.2 187.8 32.5 11.7 132.4
Natural Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products 2,006.9 2,149.3 2,315.5 2,472.3 7.2 6.8 23.2
Natural Sour Milk products 51.6 47.6 57.2 41.7 −6.9 −27.1 −19.2
Natural Yoghurt 1,955.3 2,101.7 2,258.2 2,430.7 7.5 7.6 24.3
Natural Other Dairy 1,236.4 1,609.6 1,776.7 1,865.6 14.7 5.0 50.9
Natural Chilled and Shelf Stable Desserts 10.8 9.1 22.5 19.9 22.6 −11.6 84.3
Natural Coffee Whiteners 534.1 739.9 923.0 941.9 20.8 2.0 76.4
Natural Cream 691.5 860.6 831.3 903.8 9.3 8.7 30.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of drinking milk products is projected to be −4.5% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 1.1% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was −20.5%. Natural Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products are projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.3%. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 3.4% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 11.8%. Natural Other Dairy is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.0%. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 8.1% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 34.0%.

Retail sales of natural drinking milk products, natural yoghurt and sour milk products and natural other dairy in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Drinking Milk Products 859.4 827.7 776.4 716.3 675.8 −4.5 1.1 −20.5
Flavoured Milk Drinks 663.5 632.6 583.4 527.9 493.0 −5.7 0.2 −25.6
Natural Plant-based Milk 195.9 195.1 193.0 188.4 182.8 −0.5 4.3 −2.7
Natural Yoghurt and Sour Milk Products 2,556.0 2,603.2 2,651.7 2,704.8 2,763.6 2.3 3.4 11.8
Natural Sour Milk products 43.2 44.2 42.8 40.7 38.6 −1.5 3.6 −7.4
Natural Yoghurt 2,512.8 2,559.0 2,608.9 2,664.1 2,725.0 2.3 3.4 12.1
Natural Other Dairy 2,016.8 2,142.8 2,261.6 2,377.5 2,500.5 6.0 8.1 34.0
Natural Chilled and Shelf Stable Desserts 18.9 15.7 10.4 5.7 3.7 −28.6 −5.0 −81.4
Natural Coffee Whiteners 987.3 1,035.9 1,085.9 1,138.4 1,193.2 4.8 4.8 26.7
Natural Cream 1,010.6 1,091.2 1,165.3 1,233.3 1,303.6 7.6 11.8 44.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural meals and soups reached US$1,922.3 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 2.1% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was −1.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 6.4%. Natural pizza has the biggest growth of 6.1% while natural prepared salads have the lowest growth of −4.6% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural meals and Soups in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Meals and Soups 1,806.7 2,139.7 1,958.4 1,922.3 2.1 −1.8 6.4
Natural Ready Meals 1,136.1 1,373.2 1,334.9 1,274.1 3.9 −4.6 12.1
Natural Soup 452.8 547.0 404.0 404.4 −3.7 0.1 −10.7
Natural Pizza 168.1 193.0 206.4 200.7 6.1 −2.8 19.4
Natural Prepared Salads 49.7 26.6 13.1 43.2 −4.6 229.8 −13.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural meals and soups are projected to be 0.4% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was −0.9% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 1.9%. Natural soup is projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 3.0% while natural prepared salads are projected to be slowest growth of −8.6% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural meals and Soups in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Meals and Soups 1,905.7 1,849.3 1,862.4 1,902.5 1,959.7 0.4 −0.9 1.9
Natural Ready Meals 1,264.8 1,229.9 1,246.9 1,278.1 1,319.6 0.7 −0.7 3.6
Natural Soup 418.4 425.9 437.7 451.9 469.6 3.0 3.5 16.1
Natural Pizza 179.7 155.6 143.2 140.0 142.9 −6.6 −10.5 −28.8
Natural Prepared Salads 42.8 38.0 34.7 32.6 27.6 −8.6 −0.9 −36.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural sweet spreads reached US$1,189.0 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.2% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021-2022 of was 7.0% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 23.3%. Natural Nut and Seed

Based Spreads has the biggest CAGR growth of 7.9% followed by natural jams and preserves at the CAGR growth of 6.1% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural sweet spreads in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Sweet Spreads 964.0 1,122.6 1,110.8 1,189.0 7.2 7.0 23.3
Natural Jams and Preserves 348.9 399.5 399.4 416.5 6.1 4.3 19.4
Natural Nut and Seed Based Spreads 615.1 723.1 711.4 772.5 7.9 8.6 25.6

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural sweet spreads are projected to be 4.2% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 4.6% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 23.1%. Natural nut and seed-based spreads are projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 4.7% followed by natural Jams and preserves at the CAGR growth of 3.3% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural sweet spreads in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Sweet Spreads 1,244.0 1,300.6 1,341.0 1,401.4 1,463.1 4.2 4.6 23.1
Natural Jams and Preserves 440.7 461.1 470.4 479.5 490.5 3.3 5.8 17.8
Natural Nut and Seed Based Spreads 803.3 839.5 870.6 921.9 972.6 4.7 4.0 25.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural baked goods reached US$2,110.7 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 7.9% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was −0.3% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 25.5%. Natural bread has the biggest growth of 12.7% while the natural pastries have the lowest at CAGR growth of −6.6% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural baked goods in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Baked Goods 1,681.3 1,863.0 2,117.4 2,110.7 7.9 −0.3 25.5
Natural Bread 815.5 1,059.8 1,109.7 1,166.0 12.7 5.1 43.0
Natural Cakes 397.2 344.2 552.4 486.1 7.0 −12.0 22.4
Natural Dessert Mixes 92.4 131.3 130.1 110.7 6.2 −14.9 19.8
Natural Frozen Baked Goods 157.7 166.6 209.1 169.7 2.5 −18.8 7.6
Natural Pastries 218.4 161.2 116.1 178.1 −6.6 53.4 −18.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural baked goods are projected to be 11.2% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 14.4% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 70.2%. Natural cakes are projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 30.0% while natural pastries are projected to be slowest growth of −8.0% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural baked goods in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Baked Goods 2,414.1 2,611.3 2,894.8 3,228.5 3,592.4 11.2 14.4 70.2
Natural Bread 1,215.9 1,184.9 1,236.7 1,314.7 1,400.6 3.7 4.3 20.1
Natural Cakes 735.5 992.0 1,248.0 1,520.4 1,808.2 30.0 51.3 272.0
Natural Dessert Mixes 109.5 108.9 109.9 113.0 117.1 1.1 −1.1 5.8
Natural Frozen Baked Goods 167.5 155.1 150.0 147.7 149.2 −2.5 −1.3 −12.1
Natural Pastries 185.6 170.3 150.2 132.7 117.2 −8.0 4.2 −34.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat reached US$6,250.0 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 15.1% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 10.4% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 52.6%. Natural meat and seafood substitutes have the biggest growth of 33.6% followed by the natural processed meat at a CAGR growth of 15.6% from 2019 to 2022.

Retail sales of natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Processed Meat, Seafood and Alternatives to Meat 4,095.3 5,101.6 5,659.3 6,250.0 15.1 10.4 52.6
Natural Processed Meat 3,550.0 4,365.0 4,919.7 5,478.1 15.6 11.4 54.3
Natural Processed Seafood 519.7 690.8 675.7 710.7 11.0 5.2 36.8
Natural Meat and Seafood Substitutes 25.6 45.9 63.8 61.1 33.6 −4.2 138.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat are projected to be 4.1% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 was 5.6% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 22.3%. Natural processed meat is projected to record the highest CAGR growth of 4.2% followed by the natural meat and seafood substitutes at a CAGR growth of 3.4% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat in US$ million,2022-2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Processed Meat, Seafood and Alternatives to Meat 6,602.5 6,870.6 7,144.2 7,399.3 7,645.8 4.1 5.6 22.3
Natural Processed Meat 5,792.3 6,036.7 6,284.8 6,515.1 6,737.7 4.2 5.7 23.0
Natural Processed Seafood 745.2 769.7 792.9 814.7 836.0 3.3 4.9 17.6
Natural Meat and Seafood Substitutes 65.0 64.1 66.5 69.4 72.2 3.4 6.4 18.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top 10 companies of natural food

Top three companies are General Mills Inc (US$501.9 million, market share 23.8% in 2022), Mondelez International Inc (US$329.4 million, market share 15.6%) and Marc Inc (US$169.4 million, market share 8.0%). Among top 10 companies, all companies have the positive growth except General Mills Inc which has the negative growth at a CAGR of −7.5%.

Top 10 company shares for natural sweet biscuits, snack bars and fruit snacks, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
General Mills Inc 633.3 516.3 514.1 501.9 −7.5 23.8
Mondelez International Inc 235.1 294.9 340.8 329.4 11.9 15.6
Mars Inc 166.9 120.2 159.4 169.4 0.5 8.0
Sun-Maid Growers Inc 129.1 130.8 155.3 135.5 1.6 6.4
Kellogg Co 69.2 63.0 87.8 86.7 7.8 4.1
PepsiCo Inc 21.8 33.9 52.3 53.0 34.5 2.5
Lenny & Larry's LLC 23.0 21.6 24.1 39.7 20.0 1.9
Kroger Co 12.7 24.8 19.1 39.2 45.6 1.9
Lotus Bakeries NV 7.1 13.6 17.4 36.9 73.2 1.7
Summit Naturals Inc 2.2 24.2 32.3 N/C 1.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

N/C: Not calculable

Top three companies are Mars Inc (US$230.7 million, market share 20.2% in 2022), Haribo GmbH & Co KG (US$138.3 million, market share 12.1%) and Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG (US$134.3 million, market share 11.8%).

Top 10 company shares for natural confectionery, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Mars Inc 147.8 162.9 248.2 230.7 16.0 20.2
Haribo GmbH & Co KG 122.4 97.1 139.3 138.3 4.2 12.1
Ricola AG 132.9 121.7 140.1 134.3 0.3 11.8
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG 101.1 71.1 92.2 83.0 −6.4 7.3
Ferrero & related parties 19.4 38.0 59.9 61.3 46.7 5.4
Hershey Co, The 59.1 73.7 79.7 58.2 −0.5 5.1
Po Ho Co AG 20.9 14.5 9.3 51.9 35.4 4.6
Darrell Lea Chocolate Co Pty Ltd 11.8 28.9 33.9 51.6 63.5 4.5
Ritter GmbH & Co KG, Alfred 78.0 68.7 54.9 51.2 −13.1 4.5
Lofthouse of Fleetwood Ltd 0.5 7.4 14.1 36.7 318.7 3.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Top three companies are Hershey Co, (US$375.6 million, market share 13.9% in 2022), Mondelez International Inc (US$261.0 million, market share 9.7%) and Wonderful Co LLC (US$222.8 million, market share 8.3%). All the top 10 companies have the positive growth except Wonderful Co LLC (−3.8%) from 2019 to 2022.

Top 10 company shares for natural savoury snack, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Hershey Co 211.7 264.8 325.0 375.6 21.1 13.9
Mondelez International Inc 167.0 217.0 251.2 261.0 16.0 9.7
Wonderful Co LLC, 250.0 270.0 209.9 222.8 −3.8 8.3
PepsiCo Inc 172.5 190.1 166.8 177.1 0.9 6.6
Campbell Soup Co 155.4 189.9 192.7 156.6 0.3 5.8
Kettle Heroes LLC 37.1 59.7 72.3 126.3 50.4 4.7
Blue Diamond Growers 112.2 109.3 111.6 114.8 0.8 4.3
Kroger Co 71.0 140.3 119.6 89.2 7.9 3.3
Kellogg Co 39.0 33.9 66.3 54.8 12.0 2.0
Hain Celestial Group Inc 14.6 29.3 36.7 45.5 46.1 1.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Top three companies are Nestlé SA (US$217.6 million, market share 52.3% in 2022), Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc (US$90.3 million, market share 21.7%) and Hero Group GmbH (US$49.1 million, market share 11.8%).

Top 7 company shares for natural baby food, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Nestlé SA 150.5 178.2 231.5 217.6 13.1 52.3
Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc (RB) 128.8 115.4 142.0 90.3 −11.2 21.7
Hero Group GmbH 46.6 64.4 52.4 49.1 1.8 11.8
Hain Celestial Group Inc 31.6 31.0 31.7 28.7 −3.2 6.9
Sun-Maid Growers Inc 14.7 18.7 20.2 17.6 6.2 4.2
Danone, Groupe 13.3 14.1 14.2 12.5 −2.0 3.0
Total 385.5 421.7 491.9 415.8 2.6 100.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Top three companies are Chobani LLC (US$1,559.8 million, market share 63.1% in 2022), Fage International SA (US$227.7 million, market share 9.2%) and Noosa Yoghurt LLC (US$186.4 million, market share 7.5%).

Top 10 company shares for natural yoghurt and sour milk products, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Chobani LLC 1,110.2 1,281.6 1,391.0 1,559.8 12.0 63.1
Fage International SA 231.8 245.9 245.3 227.7 −0.6 9.2
Noosa Yoghurt LLC 168.7 176.1 179.8 186.4 3.4 7.5
Lactalis, Groupe 144.1 132.0 147.2 142.1 −0.5 5.7
Danone, Groupe 124.4 89.5 85.2 103.5 −5.9 4.2
General Mills Inc 50.1 35.6 47.0 48.8 −0.9 2.0
Lifeway Foods Inc 51.6 47.6 57.2 41.7 −6.9 1.7
Kroger Co 5.8 6.0 7.1 8.9 15.3 0.4
Wegmans Food Markets Inc 7.8 12.0 8.7 3.6 −22.7 0.1
Hy-Vee Inc 2.6 4.5 6.3 N/C 0.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

N/C: Not calculable

Top three companies are Amy's Kitchen Inc (US$474.9 million, market share 24.7% in 2022), ConAgra Brands Inc (US$376.5 million, market share 19.6%) and Campbell Soup Co (US$142.4 million, market share 7.4%).

Top 10 company shares for natural meals and soups, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Amy's Kitchen Inc 450.4 677.0 529.1 474.9 1.8 24.7
ConAgra Brands Inc 261.1 296.6 392.9 376.5 13.0 19.6
Campbell Soup Co 139.9 176.5 144.8 142.4 0.6 7.4
Nestlé SA 82.6 125.1 131.3 134.3 17.6 7.0
General Mills Inc 81.1 87.0 89.8 79.2 −0.8 4.1
Kroger Co 40.5 50.3 44.5 55.7 11.2 2.9
Evol - Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Volos 31.0 45.3 37.6 33.3 2.4 1.7
Newman's Own Inc 17.4 18.0 25.2 28.6 18.0 1.5
PepsiCo Inc 14.8 14.5 15.8 20.1 10.7 1.0
Productos Fernandez SA 20.1 23.1 19.8 17.9 −3.8 0.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Top three companies are JM Smucker Co (US$569.9 million, market share 47.9% in 2022), Hormel Foods Corp (US$216.2 million, market share 16.2%) and Andros SAS (US$61.7 million, market share 5.2%).

Top 10 company shares for natural sweet spreads, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
JM Smucker Co. 372.5 476.0 565.6 569.9 15.2 47.9
Hormel Foods Corp 168.3 189.7 187.7 216.2 8.7 18.2
Andros SAS 76.1 65.9 59.1 61.7 −6.8 5.2
St Dalfour Frères 23.3 29.7 37.2 43.2 22.9 3.6
National Grape Coop Association Inc 53.1 62.3 59.6 42.3 −7.3 3.6
Stonewall Kitchen LLC 11.5 16.9 16.0 27.9 34.4 2.3
Oswal Organics Pvt Ltd 9.7 11.7 7.1 16.3 18.9 1.4
Kroger Co 7.1 5.3 4.3 15.5 29.7 1.3
Alimer SA 5.6 7.9 11.8 14.5 37.3 1.2
Adolf Darbo AG 6.3 12.4 9.6 11.4 21.9 1.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Top three companies are Kellogg Co (US$116.0 million, market share 5.5% in 2022), Aras Gida San Tic Ltd Sti (US$105.7 million, market share 5.0%) and Katrin Ko EOOD (US$89.1 million, market share 4.2%). Among top 10 companies, Dr Schär AG/SpA has the biggest CAGR growth of 76.8% while the lowest growth is Mestemacher GmbH at a CAGR of −24.3%.

Top 10 company shares for natural baked good, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Kellogg Co 126.0 93.8 95.4 116.0 −2.7 5.5
Aras Gida San Tic Ltd Sti 57.4 56.1 102.0 105.7 22.6 5.0
Katrin Ko EOOD 180.3 89.1 N/C 4.2
Flowers Foods Inc 54.2 59.5 95.7 74.4 11.1 3.5
Kroger Co 84.3 176.8 143.4 74.4 −4.1 3.5
Ener-G Foods Inc 19.6 29.9 25.0 73.3 55.2 3.5
Dr Schär AG/SpA 13.1 31.1 40.8 72.4 76.8 3.4
HE Butt Grocery Co 43.8 22.1 85.6 63.5 13.2 3.0
Hostess Brands LLC 15.5 25.6 49.1 62.9 59.5 3.0
Mestemacher GmbH 112.4 106.5 36.8 48.7 −24.3 2.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

N/C: Not calculable

Top three companies are Tyson Foods Inc (US$1,245.2 million, market share 19.9% in 2022), Hormel Foods Corp (US$860.4 million, market share 13.8%) and Kraft Heinz Co (US$824.3 million, market share 13.2%).

Top 10 company shares for natural processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Tyson Foods Inc 721.3 938.4 1,230.5 1,245.2 20.0 19.9
Hormel Foods Corp 526.4 680.9 738.3 860.4 17.8 13.8
Kraft Heinz Co 538.4 678.0 740.9 824.3 15.3 13.2
WH Group 190.5 214.8 222.8 290.5 15.1 4.6
Land O'Frost Inc 109.8 117.9 148.6 149.0 10.7 2.4
Kroger Co 101.9 175.6 153.4 129.6 8.3 2.1
Dongwon Group 112.8 118.7 128.7 119.5 1.9 1.9
Wegmans Food Markets Inc 65.7 173.1 116.0 109.5 18.6 1.8
Johnsonville Sausage LLC 69.4 101.3 100.3 100.8 13.2 1.6
Albertsons Cos Inc 3.3 4.4 90.2 79.8 189.2 1.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Retail sales of natural beverages

Natural hot drinks reached US$2,300.4 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 15.7% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 6.9% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 54.8%. Natural sugar fresh coffee has the biggest CAGR growth of 19.9% while natural instant coffee has the lowest CAGR growth of 2.7% from 2019 to 2022.

Natural hot drinks in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Hot Drinks 1,485.7 2,027.9 2,152.1 2,300.4 15.7 6.9 54.8
Natural Coffee 833.6 1,127.0 1,303.1 1,420.3 19.4 9.0 70.4
Natural Fresh Coffee 809.7 1,102.4 1,272.0 1,394.4 19.9 9.6 72.2
Natural Instant Coffee 23.9 24.7 31.1 25.9 2.7 −16.7 8.4
Natural Tea 652.1 900.9 849.0 880.1 10.5 3.7 35.0
Natural Black Tea 150.1 200.5 203.9 197.4 9.6 −3.2 31.5
Natural Fruit/Herbal Tea 454.4 638.4 584.0 630.3 11.5 7.9 38.7
Natural Green Tea 47.7 62.0 61.2 52.4 3.2 −14.4 9.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural hot drinks is 4.4% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 4.7% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 24.2%. Natural fruit/herbal tea is projected to have the highest CAGR growth 6.1% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural soft drinks in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Hot Drinks 2,409.2 2,511.4 2,625.2 2,740.4 2,857.7 4.4 4.7 24.2
Natural Coffee 1,476.9 1,541.1 1,612.4 1,681.9 1,753.0 4.3 4.0 23.4
Natural Fresh Coffee 1,447.6 1,510.8 1,582.2 1,652.3 1,724.0 4.3 3.8 23.6
Natural Instant Coffee 29.3 30.3 30.2 29.6 29.0 2.3 13.1 12.0
Natural Tea 932.3 970.2 1,012.8 1,058.6 1,104.7 4.7 5.9 25.5
Natural Black Tea 202.5 202.5 201.7 201.5 202.6 0.5 2.6 2.6
Natural Fruit/Herbal Tea 675.5 713.2 756.6 802.8 847.9 6.1 7.2 34.5
Natural Green Tea 54.2 54.6 54.4 54.2 54.2 0.7 3.4 3.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Natural soft drinks reached US$45,516.1 million in 2022 and the CAGR is 11.0% from 2019 to 2022. Annual growth 2021 to 2022 of was 4.8% and total growth 2019 to 2022 was 36.9%. Natural sports drinks have the biggest CAGR growth of 21.9% while natural concentrates have the lowest CAGR growth of 7.3% from 2019 to 2022.

Natural soft drinks in US$ million, 2019 to 2022
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2019-2022 Annual growth (%) 2021-2022 Total growth (%) 2019-2022
Natural Soft Drinks 33,241.3 37,162.5 43,411.5 45,516.1 11.0 4.8 36.9
Natural Bottled Water 9,926.2 10,991.7 11,630.5 12,361.8 7.6 6.3 24.5
Natural Carbonates 8,336.8 8,904.0 11,342.3 11,410.4 11.0 0.6 36.9
Natural Cola Carbonates 1,650.3 1,858.0 2,779.9 2,655.3 17.2 −4.5 60.9
Natural Non-Cola Carbonates 6,686.5 7,046.0 8,562.4 8,755.1 9.4 2.3 30.9
Natural Concentrates 262.7 278.9 306.9 324.5 7.3 5.7 23.5
Natural Juice 5,026.6 5,838.8 6,696.9 7,019.2 11.8 4.8 39.6
Natural RTD Coffee 823.5 972.8 1,375.8 1,318.7 17.0 −4.2 60.1
Natural RTD Tea 2,464.6 2,656.8 3,152.2 3,131.7 8.3 −0.7 27.1
Natural Energy Drinks 3,828.5 4,574.8 5,112.9 5,295.1 11.4 3.6 38.3
Natural Sports Drinks 2,572.4 2,944.7 3,794.1 4,654.7 21.9 22.7 80.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

The CAGR of the natural soft Drinks is 3.1% from 2022 to 2027. Annual growth 2022 to 2023 of was 5.1% and total growth 2022 to 2027 was 16.6%. Natural sports drinks are projected to have the highest CAGR growth 8.1% from 2022 to 2027.

Retail sales of natural soft drinks in US$ million, 2022 to 2027
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027 Annual growth (%) 2022-2023 Total growth (%) 2022-2027
Natural Soft Drinks 47,842.2 49,131.7 50,311.1 51,560.5 53,075.9 3.1 5.1 16.6
Natural Bottled Water 12,890.4 13,273.8 13,675.2 14,046.0 14,455.7 3.2 4.3 16.9
Natural Carbonates 11,755.3 11,945.7 12,101.2 12,260.8 12,439.5 1.7 3.0 9.0
Natural Cola Carbonates 2,597.4 2,554.3 2,500.4 2,477.9 2,431.3 −1.7 −2.2 −8.4
Natural Non-Cola Carbonates 9,157.9 9,391.3 9,600.8 9,782.9 10,008.2 2.7 4.6 14.3
Natural Concentrates 346.8 356.4 361.5 367.3 374.7 2.9 6.9 15.5
Natural Juice 7,172.5 7,114.5 7,086.1 7,093.5 7,136.9 0.3 2.2 1.7
Natural RTD Coffee 1,448.9 1,538.8 1,629.7 1,720.2 1,813.7 6.6 9.9 37.5
Natural RTD Tea 3,262.7 3,354.7 3,430.5 3,487.0 3,570.1 2.7 4.2 14.0
Natural Energy Drinks 5,803.4 5,988.6 6,078.3 6,233.6 6,423.5 3.9 9.6 21.3
Natural Sports Drinks 5,162.1 5,559.1 5,948.6 6,352.0 6,861.8 8.1 10.9 47.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top 10 companies of natural beverages

Top three companies are Nestlé SA (US$555.2 million, market share 24.0% in 2022), East West Tea Co LLC (US$191.2 million, market share 8.3%) and Ekaterra (US$188.9 million, market share 8.2%). Organic India Pvt Ltd has the biggest CAGR growth of 33.4% followed by Kroger Co at a CAGR of 16.5%.

Top 10 company shares for natural hot drinks, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Nestlé SA 367.6 419.6 505.4 552.2 14.5 24.0
East West Tea Co LLC 128.3 179.4 148.3 191.2 14.2 8.3
Ekaterra 172.2 204.4 161.6 188.9 3.1 8.2
JDE Peet's BV 58.0 70.1 84.4 90.9 16.2 4.0
Associated British Foods Plc 60.0 80.4 86.0 78.5 9.4 3.4
Kroger Co 40.5 38.0 39.0 64.0 16.5 2.8
ZooScape Corp 98.6 131.0 63.2 N/C 2.7
RC Bigelow Inc 57.4 71.4 66.0 61.1 2.1 2.7
Organic India Pvt Ltd 23.4 36.9 48.7 55.6 33.4 2.4
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 52.8 47.0 53.3 54.5 1.1 2.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

N/C: Non calculable

Top three companies are Coca-Cola Co (US$9,310.6 million, market share 20.5% in 2022), PepsiCo Inc (US$5,762.2 million, market share 12.7%) and Red Bull GmbH (US$4,058.9 million, market share 8.9%). PepsiCo Inc has the biggest CAGR growth of 17.7% followed by Starbucks Corp at a CAGR of 17.5%.

Top 10 company shares for natural soft drinks, US$ millions
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % in 2019-2022 Market share % in 2022
Coca-Cola Co 6,591.0 7,538.9 8,756.9 9,310.6 12.2 20.5
PepsiCo Inc 3,531.7 3,779.7 5,103.2 5,762.2 17.7 12.7
Red Bull GmbH 2,744.5 3,339.9 3,849.5 4,058.9 13.9 8.9
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc 2,476.3 2,745.2 3,217.9 3,246.2 9.4 7.1
BlueTriton Brands Inc 1,478.3 1,598.0 1,594.2 1,854.1 7.8 4.1
Tropicana Brands Group 751.0 916.2 1,221.1 1,185.6 16.4 2.6
Starbucks Corp 729.0 850.7 1,210.2 1,182.9 17.5 2.6
Nestlé SA 727.3 792.4 940.5 1,068.4 13.7 2.3
Talking Rain Beverage Co 559.3 642.5 759.8 762.5 10.9 1.7
Hornell Brewing Co 671.2 711.0 785.1 755.6 4.0 1.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

New product launch analysis

According to Mintel's Global New Products Database (GNPD), there were 58,360 natural products launched in US between January 2018 and December 2022. Among which, 43,865 were food, 9,499 were beverages, 2,825 were health and 2,171 were pets.

Natural products launched in the United States 2018 to 2022
Description of this image follows.
Description of above image
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total sample
Products launched 12,849 12,680 11,536 10,775 10,520 58,360

Source: Mintel, 2023

Number of natural foods versus number of natural beverages
Date Published Number of natural food Number of natural beverages
2018 9,471 2,190
2019 9,668 1,997
2020 8,840 1,759
2021 8,052 1,837
2022 7,834 1,716
Total Sample 43,865 9,499
Source: Mintel, 2023

In 2022, the top five natural food manufacturers were located in USA, Mexico, Italy and Germany. The top five brands were Signature Select, Great Value, Giant Eagle, Good & Gather and Kroger. The top ingredient claims were natural, vegetable Based, organic, enriched and artificial.

Analysis of product launches of natural food only, 2018 to 2022
Product attributes Yearly launch count
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Top five flavours component
Unflavoured/Plain 1,611 1,651 1,629 1,387 1,329 7,607
Chocolate 599 592 501 561 489 2,742
Strawberry 339 343 268 273 285 1,508
Chicken 361 306 273 230 215 1,385
Vanilla/Vanilla Bourbon/Vanilla Madagascar 248 274 210 252 197 1,181
Top five locations of manufacture
United States 1,808 1,810 1,584 1,222 1,210 7,634
Canada 348 404 326 449 408 1,935
Mexico 142 154 120 159 183 758
Italy 103 173 131 167 161 735
Germany 64 122 61 59 134 440
Top five brands
Signature Select 134 156 68 148 54 560
Great Value 183 69 92 84 127 555
Giant Eagle 85 95 91 111 124 506
Good & Gather 0 43 167 71 72 353
Kroger 137 89 41 43 42 352
Top launch types
New Variety/Range Extension 3,515 4,027 3,903 3,321 3,259 18,025
New Packaging 3,179 2,804 2,452 2,386 2,572 13,393
New Product 1,886 2,067 1,797 1,717 1,477 8,944
Relaunch 867 749 655 602 506 3,379
New Formulation 24 21 33 26 20 124
Top five categories
Snacks 1,545 1,832 1,477 1,317 1,217 7,388
Bakery 1,265 1,261 1,202 1,345 1,158 6,231
Sauces & Seasonings 992 783 1,028 838 941 4,582
Processed Fish, Meat & Egg Products 963 933 918 787 943 4,544
Dairy 908 1,019 902 689 569 4,087
Top ingredient claims
Natural 7,077 7,116 6,396 6,276 6,131 32,996
Vegetable Based 1,529 1,614 1,375 1,398 1,289 7,205
Organic 1,566 1,707 1,669 1,090 974 7,006
Enriched 1,510 1,408 1,244 1,325 1,198 6,685
Artificial 1,407 1,403 1,115 1,292 1,302 6,519
Source: Mintel, 2023

In 2022, the top five nutrition of the natural beverages were energy, carbohydrates, fat, protein and sodium. The top five brands were great value, ritual, signature select, Coca-Cola and Meijer. The top ingredient claims were natural, organic, artificial, green, and vegetable based.

Product launches of natural beverages only, 2018 to 2022
Product attributes Yearly launch count
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total
Top five flavours
Unflavoured/Plain 465 408 314 246 218 1,651
Lime 132 100 99 94 92 517
Strawberry 91 101 105 124 93 514
Lemon 105 98 105 94 96 498
Mango 85 72 84 78 86 405
Top five nutrition
Energy (kcal) (listed on pack) 1,533 1,412 1,257 1,283 1,220 6,705
Carbohydrates (listed on pack) 1,520 1,408 1,253 1,280 1,217 6,678
Fat (listed on pack) 1,477 1,361 1,229 1,242 1,154 6,463
Protein (listed on pack) 1,475 1,361 1,229 1,235 1,151 6,451
Sodium (listed on pack) 1,468 1,352 1,205 1,208 1,161 6,394
Top five brands
Great Value 36 18 14 14 13 95
Ritual 4 27 17 24 9 81
Signature Select 14 8 12 42 4 80
Coca-Cola 16 21 8 8 4 57
Meijer 15 22 9 8 1 55
Top launch types
New Variety/Range Extension 691 668 612 679 619 3,269
New Product 678 678 491 483 481 2,811
New Packaging 619 535 501 565 530 2,750
Relaunch 192 108 151 109 85 645
New Formulation 10 8 4 1 1 24
Top categories
Hot Beverages 463 370 388 409 295 1,925
Nutritional Drinks & Other Beverages 381 341 238 301 373 1,634
Alcoholic Beverages 309 330 292 329 298 1,558
Water 262 237 252 202 128 1,081
Juice Drinks 299 280 186 172 141 1,078
Top five ingredient claims
Natural 1,444 1,316 1,231 1,392 1,284 6,667
Organic 388 384 308 215 212 1,507
Artificial 313 213 204 278 313 1,321
Green 129 128 115 106 144 622
Vegetable Based 112 107 86 92 85 482

Source: Mintel, 2023

Examples of new product launches

Heritage Natural Duroc Pork Traditional Breakfast Sausages

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Kroger
Brand Private Selection
Category Processed fish, meat and egg products
Sub-category Meat products
Market United States
Store name Kroger
Store type Supermarket
Date published December 2022
Product source Shopper
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in local currency $3.99
Price in Euros 3.77

Seamix Bei Ji Xia (Cold Water Shrimp) have been repackaged. They are caught in the North Atlantic, and are described as firm, fleshy and sweet. This protein-rich premium product is microwaveable and retails in a new 365 gram pack bearing the MSC logo, a QR code and Tao Xian Da mobile Apps information.

Onion & Vinegar Baked Crispy Mushroom Chips

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company MHM Global Manufacturing
Manufacturer MHM Global Manufacturing
Brand Mom's Haus of Mushroom
Category Snacks
Sub-category Vegetable snacks
Market United States
Location of manufacture Philippines
Import status Imported product
Store type Supermarket
Date published December 2022
Product source Shopper
Launch type New product
Price in local currency $7.99
Price in Euros 7.61

Mom's Haus of Mushroom Onion & Vinegar Baked Crispy Mushroom Chips are now available, and retail in a 3.53 ounce pack. - Baked- All natural commitment - Free from added preservatives and food colorings - Resealable pack - Logos and certifications: QR code

California Natural Raisins

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Dan-D-Pak
Manufacturer Dan-D-Pak
Brand Dan-D-Pak
Category Snacks
Sub-category Fruit snacks
Market United States
Location of manufacture United States
Import status Not imported
Store name Seafood City
Store type Supermarket
Date published December 2022
Product source Shopper
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in local currency $0.99
Price in Euros 0.94

Dan-D Pak California Natural Raisins are now available, and retail in a 5.3 ounce pack. - Resealable pack - Logos and certifications: Kosher, QR code

Mucho Mango Fruit Juice Cocktail Liquid Water Enhancer

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Arizona Beverages
Manufacturer Arizona Beverages
Brand Arizona
Category Nutritional drinks and other beverages
Sub-category Beverage concentrates
Market United States
Location of manufacture United States
Import status Not imported
Store type Supermarket
Date published December 2022
Product source Shopper
Launch type New packaging
Price in local currency $4.49
Price in Euros 4.25

AriZona Mucho Mango Fruit Juice Cocktail Liquid Water Enhancer has been repackaged, and now retails in a newly designed 1.62 fluid ounce pack. - All natural flavors- Five calories per serving- Contains 3% juice - Just two squeezes per 16.9 fluid ounces serving - Manufacturer is an American company, family owned and operated - Logos and certifications: Kosher

Lemon Mint Cold Pressed Fruit Juice

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Good Crop
Distributor Good Crop
Brand Sofresco
Category Juice drinks
Sub-category Juice 
Market United States
Store type Supermarket
Date published December 2022
Product source Shopper
Launch type New packaging
Price in local currency $2.99
Price in Euros 2.83

Sofresco Lemon Mint Cold Pressed Fruit Juice has been repackaged in a newly designed 12 fluid ounce pack. - 100% natural - Cold pressed - No added sugar, GMO - 100% fruit and vegetables juice - HPP processed - BPA free pack - Logos and certifications: High Pressure Certified, QR code

For more information

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For additional information on the Natural Products Expo East (NPEE) or Americas Food and Beverage Show (AFB), please contact:

Cecile Landgrebe
Trade Commissioner
Consulate General of Canada
Government of Canada


  • Euromonitor International. 2023
  • Mintel Global New Products Database, 2023

Health and wellness series – Naturally healthy foods and beverages in United States
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Hongli, Wang, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2023).

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All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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