Sector Trend Analysis – Meat trends in South Korea

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

Of the top ten meat suppliers to South Korea by value, Canada was ranked as the 5th largest (valued at US$317.5 million in 2022) and accounted for 4.2% of the global market share in 2022. The largest supplier was the United States, with exports valued at US$3.4 billion in 2022.

Among the top 10 meat the world exported to South Korea in 2022, frozen meat of bovine, boneless cuts was the largest, reaching US$1.8 billion, followed by frozen meat of swine, reaching US$1.7 billion and fresh or chilled meat of bovine, boneless cuts, reaching US$1.2 billion.

In 2022, Canada's top meat exports to South Korea were frozen bovine cuts, with bone in at US$75.5 million, followed by frozen meat of swine at US$72.1 million and fresh or chilled meat of swine at US$65.7 million. Frozen edible bovine offal had the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 121.7% from 2018 to 2022.

In terms of export value broken down by Canadian province, Alberta led with a value of US$167.4 million in 2022, which accounted for over 50% of Canada's total meat exports to South Korea. Manitoba ranked second, exporting US$66.8 million in 2022, followed by Ontario at US$44.1 million.

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's pork and products export increased in value by 17.8%, from US$142.3 million in 2021 to US$167.7 million in 2022 while the CAGR increased at 5.1% from 2018 to 2022.

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's beef and products export increased in value by 60.8%, from US$93.2 million in 2021 to US$149.8 million in 2022 while the CAGR was increasing at 58.9% from 2018 to 2022.


South Korea's meat production

For market year 2023, South Korea meat production (pork, chicken and beef) totaled 2.7 million tonnes, with pork accounting for 1.4 million tonnes, chicken for 935 thousand tonnes and beef for 360 thousand tonnes. Pork, chicken and beef production saw steady growth from 2018 to 2023.

South Korea's meat production in thousand tonnes, 2018-2023
Commodity 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Beef and Veal 279 286 291 304 330 360 6.6
Chicken 915 952 962 935 930 935 0.5
Pork 1,329 1,364 1,403 1,407 1,419 1,380 0.9
Total 2,523 2,602 2,656 2,646 2,679 2,675 1.5

Source: USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) 2023 - USDA production, supply and distribution

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

South Korea's trade summary

Of the top ten meat suppliers to South Korea by value, Canada was ranked as the 5th largest (valued at US$317.5 million in 2022) and accounted for 4.2% of the global market share in 2022. The largest supplier was the United States, with exports valued at US$3.4 billion in 2022. Due to the strong demand for meat, all of the top 10 countries exporting meat to South Korea had a steady CAGR from 2018 to 2022, ranging from 25.3% (Netherland) to 5.7% (Chile). Canada registered 3rd fastest growth at a CAGR of 21.5% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 meat suppliers to South Korea in US$ million, 2018 to 2022 (HS02, HS1601, 1602[a])
  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 Market share % in 2022
World's total 5,579.7 5,639.8 4,993.7 6,632.1 7,622.1 8.1 100.0
United States 2,451.0 2,468.5 2,212.4 2,944.3 3,354.5 8.2 44.0
Australia 1,250.7 1,220.7 1,237.4 1,563.4 1,682.0 7.7 22.1
Spain 292.8 255.8 220.1 488.7 506.3 14.7 6.6
Brazil 198.4 233.0 210.4 219.6 441.0 22.1 5.8
Canada 145.8 160.7 146.3 235.6 317.5 21.5 4.2
Netherlands 90.9 74.7 72.0 206.2 223.7 25.3 2.9
New Zealand 131.4 91.6 116.5 139.3 201.7 11.3 2.6
Thailand 116.7 159.8 125.1 128.7 181.1 11.6 2.4
Chile 130.4 115.4 112.9 150.6 163.0 5.7 2.1
Austria 59.1 49.7 61.5 148.2 104.9 15.4 1.4

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

a: HS 02 - meat and edible meat offal. HS1601 - sausages and products of meat, meat offal, blood or insects. HS1602 - prepared or preserved meat, meat offal, blood or insects.

Of the top 10 meat suppliers to South Korea by volume, Canada also ranked as the 5th largest in 2022, exporting 80.6 thousand tonnes and accounting for 5.5% of the total world exports (1.5 million tonnes). Canada increased at a CAGR of 13.0% from 2018 to 2022, while Hong Kong reached the highest CAGR of 23.1%, among the top 10 suppliers.

Top 10 meat suppliers to South Korea inthousand tonnes, 2018 to 2022 (HS02, HS1601, 1602)
 Country 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 Market share % in 2022
Total 1,384.1 1,494.5 1,153.6 1,269.4 1,473.1 1.6 100
United States 507.0 491.5 433.8 459.4 479.8 −1.4 32.6
Australia 227.9 215.8 215.5 222.2 215.7 −1.4 14.6
Brazil 115.2 126.6 132.9 119.2 196.0 14.2 13.3
Spain 98.0 76.2 54.3 121.3 145.3 10.3 9.9
Canada 49.5 52.9 45.5 65.6 80.6 13.0 5.5
Netherlands 30.5 21.5 19.1 48.9 60.0 18.4 4.1
Hong Kong 23.4 222.6 21.0 18.5 53.8 23.1 3.7
Thailand 30.5 41.2 32.1 33.9 43.4 9.2 2.9
Chile 33.9 30.3 28.5 29.9 34.8 0.7 2.4
New Zealand 29.3 19.5 24.8 25.9 32.5 2.6 2.2

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Among the top 10 meat the world exported to South Korea in 2022, frozen meat of bovine, boneless cuts was the largest, reaching US$1.8 billion, followed by frozen meat of swine, reaching US$1.7 billion and fresh or chilled meat of bovine, boneless cuts, reaching US$1.3 billion. Overall, the growth from 2018 to 2022 was a CAGR 5.9%.

Top 10 meat products that was exported to South Korea from the world in US$ million by HS code, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total 5,579.6 5,639.9 4,992.9 6,631.8 7,622.0 5.9
020230 frozen meat of bovine, boneless cuts 1,237.0 1,248.4 1,122.8 1,559.9 1,766.8 8.0
020329 frozen meat of swine 1,551.3 1,351.4 1,114.4 1,597.3 1,678.2 0.9
020130 fresh or chilled meat of bovine, boneless cuts 784.8 802.7 938.6 1,349.1 1,270.1 19.8
020220 meat; of bovine, cuts with bone in, frozen 740.3 812.8 680.6 793.4 1141.4 2.3
020714 meat and edible offal; of fowls of the species cuts and offal, frozen 255.4 383.6 247.8 248.6 473.1 −0.9
020629 offal, edible; of bovine, frozen 159.3 183.1 168.9 174.4 256.6 3.1
160232 meat or offal of fowls of the species, prepared or preserved 130.4 166.4 131.2 121.6 172.7 −2.3
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 103.8 100.8 100.6 143.2 152.7 11.3
020442 meat; of sheep, cuts with bone in , frozen 47.8 42.5 51.9 51.0 105.5 2.2
020120 meat; of bovine, cuts with bone in, fresh or chilled 79.0 62.6 59.7 120.9 101.8 15.2

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Among the top 10 meat that the world exported to South Korea in 2022, frozen meat of swine was the largest, reaching 464.8 thousand tonnes, followed by frozen meat of bovine, boneless cuts, reaching 252.5 thousand tonnes and frozen meat and edible offal of fowls of the species, cuts and offal, reaching 142.4 thousand tonnes. Overall, the total meat export growth from 2018 to 2022 was a CAGR 1.6%.

Top 10 meat products that was exported to South Korea from the world in thousand tonnes by HS code 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total 1,383.9 1,494.7 1,154.0 1,269.1 1,473.1 1.6
020329 frozen meat of swine 515.3 434.4 325.5 410.6 464.8 −2.5
020230 Frozen meat of bovine, boneless cuts 224.2 230.0 202.5 236.1 252.5 3.0
020714 Frozen meat and edible offal of fowls of the species, cuts and offal 158.2 259.9 163.0 142.1 223.0 9.0
020220 Frozen meat; of bovine, cuts with bone in 126.5 135.5 132.0 129.5 142.4 3.0
020130 meat; of bovine, boneless cuts, fresh or chilled 83.4 83.9 99.1 114.7 100.2 4.7
020629 offal, edible; of bovine, frozen 38.0 82.2 40.0 34.6 69.1 16.1
020649 Frozen offal, edible; of swine 60.7 84.1 30.3 42.4 44.6 −7.4
160232 meat or offal of fowls of the species, prepared or preserved 32.4 39.7 31.3 27.9 38.2 4.2
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 22.2 19.9 19.5 25.6 27.7 5.7
020322 meat; of swine, hams, shoulders and cuts, with bone in, frozen 37.1 28.1 24.5 33.8 26.1 −8.4

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, the top three U.S. meat products exported to South Korea were frozen, boneless meat of bovine at US$916.1 million, fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless at US$890.0 million and frozen bovine cuts, with bone in at US$791.8 million. Fresh or chilled meat of swine recorded the highest CAGR of 35.1% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 meat products the United States exported to South Korea in US$ million, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total 2,451.1 2,468.4 2,212.6 2,944.3 3,354.4 8.2
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine 603.5 616.2 529.7 769.3 916.1 11.0
020130 fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless 476.9 508.9 627.6 927.2 890.0 16.9
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in 539.6 606.2 460.2 535.4 791.8 10.1
020329 frozen meat of swine 560.6 491.5 364.1 424.4 489.1 −3.4
020120 fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in 48.2 38.2 36.5 84.7 66.3 8.3
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 18.6 25.0 30.0 60.4 62.0 35.1
020629 frozen edible bovine offal 45.4 38.9 42.7 22.5 34.4 −6.7
160100 sausages and similar products, of meat, offal, blood or insects; food preparations 34.1 32.7 36.6 34.3 32.5 −1.2
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 24.6 14.5 11.6 14.6 12.7 −15.2
020610 fresh or chilled edible offal of bovine 22.0 22.8 11.9 9.2 12.5 −13.2

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, the top three U.S. meat products exported to South Korea were frozen meat of swine at 149.6 thousand tonnes, frozen, boneless meat of bovine at 122.9 thousand tonnes and frozen bovine cuts, with bone in at 86.6 thousand tonnes. Fresh or chilled meat of swine recorded the highest CAGR of 28.9% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 meat products the United States exported to South Korea in thousand tonnes, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CAGR* % 2016-2020
Total 506.7 491.4 433.7 459.3 479.7 −1.4
020329 frozen meat of swine 211.2 179.3 135.1 136.6 149.6 −8.3
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine 98.3 102.6 88.5 110.6 122.9 5.7
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in 72.6 82.6 76.9 75.1 86.6 4.5
020130 fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless 48.4 52.5 65.2 77.0 70.0 9.7
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 3.3 4.7 5.5 9.5 9.1 28.9
160100 sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal, blood or insects; food preparations 10.4 9.9 11.3 9.5 8.3 −5.5
020714 frozen cuts and edible offal of fowls of the species gallus domesticus 7.9 3.3 3.3 3.5 6.7 −4.0
020629 frozen edible bovine offal 10.3 9.2 7.7 4.0 6.6 −10.5
020120 fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in 5.4 4.3 4.2 8.0 5.1 −1.4
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 11.2 6.9 4.0 5.6 4.4 −20.8

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, Canada's top meat exports to South Korea were frozen bovine cuts, with bone in at US$75.5 million, followed by frozen meat of swine at US$72.1 million and fresh or chilled meat of swine at US$65.7 million. Frozen edible bovine offal had the highest CAGR of 121.7% from 2018 to 2022.

Compared with 2021, the export of total meat to South Korea in 2022 increased at 34.7% in value, in particular, frozen edible bovine offal in creased at 1,107.1%. Total meat grew at a CAGR of 21.4% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 meat products Canada exported to South Korea in US$ million, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 146.0 160.7 146.1 235.6 317.4 21.4 34.7
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in 9.5 15.8 17.9 38.5 75.5 67.9 96.1
020329 frozen meat of swine 34.2 40.2 33.2 57.6 72.1 20.5 25.2
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 38.9 39.5 45.8 51.5 65.7 14.0 27.6
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals 9.6 10.8 10.5 44.5 54.9 54.6 23.4
020629 frozen edible bovine offal 0.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 16.9 121.7 1,107.1
020322 frozen hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in 28.6 28.3 17.5 13.1 13.9 −16.5 6.1
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 9.3 10.5 8.8 16.6 11.2 4.8 −32.5
020910 pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked 2.8 2.7 3.8 3.1 3.7 7.2 19.4
020130 fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless 3.2 3.9 3.7 7.7 1.6 −15.9 −79.2
020630 fresh or chilled edible offal of swine 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.4 58.7 300.0

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In terms of trade volume, Canada's top exports in 2022 were frozen meat of swine at 30,962.8 tonnes, and fresh or chilled meat of swine at 13,495.5 tonnes and frozen bovine cuts, with bone in at 9,659.0 tonnes. Frozen edible bovine offal had the highest CAGR of 89.4% from 2018 to 2022.

Compared with 2021, the export of total meat to South Korea in 2022 increased 23.0% in volume. in particular, frozen edible bovine offal increased at 1,149.0%. Total meat export grew at a CAGR of 13.0% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 meat products Canada exported to South Korea in tonnes, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 49,508.0 52,916.7 45,545.9 65,577.2 80,633.1 13.0 23.0
020329 frozen meat of swine 18,921.8 22,821.3 14,957.9 26,715.3 30,962.8 13.1 15.9
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 8,524.3 7,170.3 8,754.8 9,831.1 13,495.5 12.2 37.3
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in 2,165.3 3,439.1 3,850.9 5,775.5 9,659.0 45.3 67.2
020322 frozen hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in 7,538.9 7,333.9 6,778.6 6,381.9 7,777.9 0.8 21.9
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 5,465.1 6,645.2 5,153.3 7,790.2 6,810.2 5.7 −12.6
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals 1,700.7 1,518.5 2,066.3 5,992.6 6,370.5 39.1 6.3
020629 frozen edible bovine offal 215.2 197.1 332.4 221.6 2,767.7 89.4 1,149.0
020910 pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked 2,616.9 1,698.2 2,310.7 1,734.0 2,066.1 −5.7 19.2
021011 hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in 23.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 184.0 68.2 300.0
020630 fresh or chilled edible offal of swine 0.0 6.8 112.0 61.8 167.2 N/C 170.6

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

In terms of export value broken down by Canadian province, Alberta led with a value of US$167.4 million in 2022, which accounted for over 50% of Canada's total meat exports to South Korea. Manitoba ranked second, exporting US$66.8 million in 2022, followed by Ontario at US$44.1 million. Total meat export grew at a CAGR of 21.4% from 2018 to 2022.

Canada's meat exports to South Korea by province in US$thousand, 2018 to 2022
Province 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total 145,779.3 160,740.0 146,320.9 235,601.3 317,462.5 21.4
Alberta 66,170.5 67,928.4 69,809.9 111,944.0 167,420.5 26.1
Manitoba 28,494.6 37,417.0 40,574.0 60,089.6 66,841.5 23.8
Ontario 8,593.1 15,353.9 17,667.9 32,277.0 44,055.9 50.5
Quebec 41,893.1 39,762.2 18,092.6 28,982.3 37,404.1 −2.8
British Columbia 542.1 240.5 146.2 2,074.2 1,712.0 33.3
Saskatchewan 0.0 0.0 0.0 181.7 28.5 −84.3
Nova Scotia 31.1 38.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.2
Newfoundland and Labrador 54.8 0.0 30.3 52.5 0.0 −1.4

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2021

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In terms of export volume by province, Alberta exported 28,874.4 tonnes of meat to South Korea in 2022, followed by Manitoba at 20,757.4 tonnes and Quebec at 17,578.8 tonnes.

Canada's meat export to South Korea by province in tonnes, 2018 to 2022
Province 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total 49,508.0 52,916.6 45,546.2 65,577.3 80,633.0 13.0
Alberta 14,700.4 15,327.7 19,328.3 20,397.5 28,874.4 18.4
Manitoba 10,965.2 12,741.4 12,112.2 19,422.7 20,757.4 17.3
Quebec 20,041.6 19,540.5 8,252.4 14,142.2 17,578.8 −3.2
Ontario 3,368.7 5,027.0 5,700.1 10,625.1 12,281.5 38.2
British Columbia 394.1 257.0 140.4 881.3 1,117.9 29.8
Saskatchewan 0.0 0.0 0.0 93.5 23.0 N/C
Nova Scotia 23.0 23.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/C
Newfoundland and Labrador 15.0 0.0 12.8 15.0 0.0 N/C

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2022

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's pork and products export increased in value by 17.8%, from US$142.3 million in 2021 to US$167.7 million in 2022 while the CAGR increased at 5.1% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 pork and products that was exported to South Korea from Canada in US$ thousand by HS code, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 122,511.5 128,508.7 112,400.3 142,322.9 167,658.6 5.1 17.8
020329 frozen meat of swine 34,172.5 40,183.5 33,197.4 57,593.1 72,086.7 19.0 25.2
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 38,893.4 39,475.7 45,842.0 51,469.3 65,715.1 9.8 27.7
020322 frozen hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in 28,607.2 28,317.6 17,521.1 13,073.3 13,920.3 −23.0 6.5
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 9,293.0 10,483.9 8,817.3 16,602.3 11,237.6 21.3 −32.3
020910 pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked 2,792.2 2,682.8 3,795.4 3,080.5 3,720.8 3.3 20.8
020630 fresh or chilled edible offal of swine 0.0 52.4 297.7 112.7 376.2 46.7 233.8
021011 hams, shoulders and cuts of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in 52.9 0.0 0.0 83.9 283.1 16.6 237.4
020641 frozen edible livers of swine 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 190.7 N/C N/C
020312 fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts of swine, with bone in 8,157.3 7,197.3 2,849.6 307.8 128.1 −66.5 −58.4
150120 pig fat, rendered or otherwise extracted 0.0 59.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/C N/C

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's pork and products export increased in volume by 16.9%, from 52,722.8 tonnes in 2021 to 61,625.2 tonnes in 2022 while the CAGR increased at 8.1% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 pork and products that was exported to South Korea from Canada in tonnes by HS code, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 45,054.3 47,282.1 38,789.8 52,722.8 61,625.2 8.1 16.9
20329.0 frozen meat of swine 18,921.8 22,821.3 14,957.9 26,715.3 30,962.8 13.1 15.9
020319 fresh or chilled meat of swine 8,524.3 7,170.3 8,754.8 9,831.1 13,495.5 12.2 37.3
020322 frozen hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in 7,538.9 7,333.9 6,778.6 6,381.9 7,777.9 0.8 21.9
020649 edible offal of swine, frozen 5,465.1 6,645.2 5,153.3 7,790.2 6,810.2 5.7 −12.6
020910 pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked 2,616.9 1,698.2 2,310.7 1,734.0 2,066.1 −5.7 19.2
021011 hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in 23.0 0.0 0.0 46.0 184.0 68.2 300.0
020630 fresh or chilled edible offal of swine 0.0 6.8 112.0 61.8 167.2 N/C 170.6
020641 frozen edible livers of swine 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.1 N/C N/C
020312 fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in 1,672.8 1514.4 700.0 162.5 69.4 −54.9 −57.3
150120 pig fat, rendered or otherwise extracted 0.0 46.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/C N/C

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's beef and products export increased in value by 60.8%, from US$93.2 million in 2021 to US$149.8 million in 2022 while the CAGR was increasing at 58.9% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 beef and products that was exported to South Korea from Canada in US$ thousand by HS code, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 23,213.0 32,262.0 33,890.4 93,189.4 149,804.2 58.9 60.8
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in (excluding carcases and half-carcases) 9,467.5 15,787.4 17,928.4 38,460.5 75,485.2 68.0 96.3
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals 9,627.2 10,780.0 10,539.8 44,480.3 54,896.8 54.5 23.4
020629 frozen edible bovine offal (excluding tongues and livers) 658.9 1,542.1 1,436.1 1,364.2 16,884.4 125.0 1137.7
020130 fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless 3,158.5 3,877.9 3,732.8 7,748.3 1,606.1 −15.6 −79.3
020120 fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in (excluding carcases and 1/2 carcases) 183.0 0.0 57.2 649.5 435.1 24.2 −33.0
020610 fresh or chilled edible offal of bovine animals 93.8 219.2 144.3 444.3 319.9 35.9 −28.0
020110 carcases or half-carcases of bovine animals, fresh or chilled 24.1 43.4 51.8 38.0 176.7 64.6 365.0
020622 frozen edible bovine livers 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 N/C N/C
020210 frozen bovine carcases and half-carcases 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/C N/C

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

From 2021 to 2022, Canada's beef and products export increased in volume by 48.1%, from 12,833.6 tonnes in 2021 to 19,007.9 tonnes in 2022 while the CAGR was increasing at 43.9% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 beef and products that was exported to South Korea from Canada in tonnes by HS code, 2018 to 2022
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2022 vs 2021
Total 4,438.7 5,658.8 6,743.3 12,833.6 19,007.9 43.9 48.1
020220 frozen bovine cuts, with bone in 2,165.3 3,439.1 3,850.9 5,775.5 9,659.0 45.3 67.2
020230 frozen, boneless meat of bovine 1,700.7 1,518.5 2,066.3 5,992.6 6,370.5 39.1 6.3
020629 frozen edible bovine offal 215.2 197.1 332.4 221.6 2,767.7 89.4 1149.0
020130 fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless 327.9 473.1 444.6 729.5 121.0 −22.1 −83.4
020120 fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in 16.8 0.0 7.2 53.0 40.0 24.2 −24.5
020610 fresh or chilled edible offal of bovine 10.4 23.3 38.0 55.8 33.1 33.6 −40.7
020110 carcases or half-carcases of bovine, fresh or chilled 2.4 3.1 3.9 2.1 16.6 62.2 690.5
020622 frozen edible bovine livers 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 N/C N/C
020210 frozen bovine carcases and half-carcases 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/C N/C

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

Consumption and spending

1) Market size

The total volume of sales of meat in South Korea reached 2.6 million tonnes in 2022. Pork accounted for the largest volume of meat sold in South Korea in 2022 at 1.2 million tonnes (44.2% of the total meat sales), followed by poultry at 0.9 million tonnes and beef at 0.5 million tonnes. Meat sales in all categories except pork increased from 2018 to 2022 . Pork had the lowest CAGR of −1.6%. It is forecast that by 2027, total meat sales in South Korea will reach 3.1 million tonnes. Poultry are projected to have a CAGR of 4.0% from 2023 to 2027, followed by beef and pork at a CAGR of 3.8% and 2.5% respectively.

Historical and forecast total volume sales of meat by category in thousand tonnes, 2018 to 2027
Category 2018 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2023-2027
Meat 2,342.9 2,610.3 2.7 2,709.1 3,080.1 3.3
Pork 1,232.6 1,154.3 −1.6 1,190.6 1,312.9 2.5
Poultry 692.5 910.2 7.1 950.9 1,111.5 4.0
Beef and Veal 391.0 516.4 7.2 537.4 622.8 3.8
Other Meat 15.8 17.2 2.1 17.5 18.6 1.5
Lamb, Mutton and Goat 11.1 12.3 2.6 12.7 14.3 3.0

Source: Euromonitor, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Per capita consumption of meat by South Korean consumers was 50.6 kilograms in 2022, increased from 45.4 kilograms in 2018, and it is projected to reach 60.0 kilograms by 2027. Only pork has the negative growth at a CAGR of −4.4% from 2018 to 2022 but projected to have 2.6% CAGR from 2023 to 2027. Poultry and beef both had a growth of same CAGR 5.7% from 2018 to 2022.

South Korean per capita meat consumption in kilograms, 2018 to 2027
Category 2018 2022 CAGR* % 2016-2020 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2023-2027
Meat 45.4 50.6 0.7 52.5 60.0 3.4
Pork 23.9 22.4 −4.4 23.1 25.6 2.6
Poultry 13.4 17.6 5.7 18.4 21.6 4.1
Beef and Veal 7.6 10.0 5.7 10.4 12.1 3.9
Other Meat 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.4 7.5
Lamb, Mutton and Goat 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 10.7

Source: Source: Euromonitor, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Compared with Canadian consumers, South Korean consumers consume less (50.6 kilograms in 2022) than Canadians do (75.4 kilograms in 2022) but will increase their meat consumption in the next five years from 2023 (52.5 kilograms) to 2027 60.0 kilograms).

Canadian per capita meat consumption in kilograms, 2018 to 2027
Category 2018 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2023-2027
Meat 72.1 75.4 1.1 76.2 77.3 0.4
Poultry 34.6 35.0 0.3 35.4 36.3 0.6
Pork 17.6 21.2 4.8 21.6 21.6 0.0
Beef and Veal 19.1 18.4 −0.9 18.5 18.7 0.3
Lamb, Mutton and Goat 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.0
Other Meat 0.0 0.0 N/C 0.0 0.0 N/C

Source: Euromonitor, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not Calculable

2) Retail sales value

The value of the South Korea meat sector increased from US$5.1 billion in 2018 to US$5.8 billion in 2022, registering a CAGR of 3.3%. The sector is expected to reach US$7.3 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 3.3% from 2023 to 2027.

Historical and forecast retail sales ofmeat by category in US$ million, year-over-year exchange rates, 2018 to 2022
Category 2018 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2023-2027
Meat 5,128.9 5,840.0 3.3 6,409.4 7,290.5 3.3
Pork 2,974.3 3,059.2 0.7 3,318.3 3,573.3 1.9
Beef and Veal 1,326.2 1,763.8 7.4 1,961.8 2,368.6 4.8
Poultry 769.8 954.5 5.5 1,061.0 1,272.1 4.6
Lamb, Mutton and Goat 35.2 38.4 2.2 42.3 49.2 3.8
Other Meat 23.3 24.1 0.8 26.0 27.3 1.2

Source: Euromonitor,2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

3) Leading companies and brands in the South Korean processed meat sector

CJ Corp (US$421.7 million), Hormel Foods Corp (US$271.0 million) and Lotte Group (US$245.4 million) are the leading companies in the South Korea processed meat sector. CJ Corp registered the highest CAGR 0f 5.0% among the top 10 companies from 2018 to 2022.

Company retail share (in US$ million) in the processed meat sector, 2018 to 2022
Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
CJ Corp 347.0 352.4 375.9 409.6 421.7 5.0
Hormel Foods Corp 252.7 248.9 268.6 284.1 271.0 1.8
Lotte Group 263.8 232.2 242.5 255.1 245.4 −1.8
Dongwon Group 196.8 184.6 196.6 205.7 196.4 −0.1
Daesang Corp 143.1 119.3 129.9 143.0 140.3 −0.5
Harim Co Ltd 107.6 113.1 116.4 119.4 118.1 2.4
Moguchon Corp 96.3 94.4 100.8 107.2 102.8 1.6
Sajo Industrial Co Ltd 65.4 64.4 66.6 69.9 66.2 0.3
Jinju Ham Co Ltd 28.2 17.1 18.0 18.3 17.5 −11.2
Sajohaepyo Corp 2.3 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 −2.2

Source: Euromonitor,2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, CJ Corp recorded 20.1% share, Hormel Foods Corp recorded 12.9% share while Lotte Group recorded 11.7% share. CJ Corp had the biggest growth at a CAGR of 1.6% from 2018 to 2022.

Company retail share (in %) in the processed meat sector, 2018 to 2022
Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
CJ Corp 18.9 19.8 19.5 19.5 20.1 1.6
Hormel Foods Corp 13.7 14.0 13.9 13.5 12.9 −1.5
Lotte Group 14.4 13.1 12.6 12.2 11.7 −5.1
Dongwon Group 10.7 10.4 10.2 9.8 9.4 −3.2
Daesang Corp 7.8 6.7 6.7 6.8 6.7 −3.7
Harim Co Ltd 5.9 6.4 6.0 5.7 5.6 −1.3
Moguchon Corp 5.2 5.3 5.2 5.1 4.9 −1.5
Sajo Industrial Co Ltd 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.2 −2.9
Jinju Ham Co Ltd 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 −14.5
Sajohaepyo Corp 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0

Source: Euromonitor,2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, the top three brands in South Korea's processed meat sector in 2022 were Spam (US$271.0 million), Healthier Ham (US$140.3 million) and Harim (US$118.1 million). Gourmet registered the highest growth at a CAGR of 14.7% from 2018 to 2022.

Top-10 processed meat brands in South Korea, retail share (in US$ million) 2018 to 2022
Brand name Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Spam Hormel Foods Corp 252.7 248.9 268.6 284.1 271.0 1.8
Healthier Ham CJ Corp 105.5 104.1 108.0 125.2 140.3 7.4
Harim Harim Co Ltd 107.6 113.1 116.4 119.4 118.1 2.4
Gourmet CJ Corp 62.7 80.7 99.6 109.3 108.4 14.7
Dongwon Dongwon Group 98.9 96.6 102.0 107.7 103.2 1.1
Moguchon Moguchon Corp 96.3 94.4 100.8 107.2 102.8 1.6
Beksul CJ Corp 101.6 78.9 81.9 86.0 82.9 −5.0
Richam Dongwon Group 75.0 68.5 76.3 81.3 79.7 1.5
Chungjungone Daesang Corp 70.2 59.2 65.5 70.9 70.9 0.2
Daerim Sajo Industrial Co Ltd 65.4 64.4 66.6 69.9 66.2 0.3

Source: Euromonitor,2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

The top three brands in South Korean processed meat sector in 2022 were Spam (12.9%). Healthier Ham (6.7%) and Harim (5.6%). Gourmet registered the highest growth at a CAGR of 11.2% from 2018 to 2022.

Top-10 processed meat brands in South Korea, retail share (in %) 2018-2022
Brand name Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Spam Hormel Foods Corp 13.7 14.0 13.9 13.5 12.9 −1.5
Healthier Ham CJ Corp 5.7 5.9 5.6 6.0 6.7 4.1
Harim Harim Co Ltd 5.9 6.4 6.0 5.7 5.6 −1.3
Gourmet CJ Corp 3.4 4.5 5.2 5.2 5.2 11.2
Dongwon Dongwon Group 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.1 4.9 −2.4
Moguchon Moguchon Corp 5.2 5.3 5.2 5.1 4.9 −1.5
Beksul CJ Corp 5.5 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.0 −7.7
Richam Dongwon Group 4.1 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.8 −1.9
Chungjungone Daesang Corp 3.8 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 −2.7
Daerim Sajo Industrial Co Ltd 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.2 −2.9

Source: Euromonitor,2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Opportunities for Canada

Benefits of Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)

The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will create thousands of jobs for hardworking Canadians by increasing Canadian exports to South Korea by 32 percent and boosting Canada's economy by $1.7 billion. It will level the playing field for Canadian businesses competing with South Korea's other trading partners, including the United States and the European Union, who already have free trade agreements in place with South Korea. For more information, please visit: Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA)

It is important for Canadian exporters to work closely with their importing partners to ensure that South Korea's import requirements are met and that the necessary documentation is provided. Please also note that only federally registered meat establishments meeting certain criteria are eligible to export meat products to South Korea. Please contact CFIA local office before making any shipments.

Canada does not currently have market access to South Korea for poultry and poultry products. For pork, Canada has system-wide market access to South Korea, and Canadian beef access is granted on an establishment-by-establishment basis. For more information on the list of establishments approved for beef exports to South Korea, please visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website: List of establishments approved to export to South Korea. Canadian meat exporters are encouraged to verify if their information is accurately reflect on the CFIA website before shipping their products to South Korea in order to avoid potential delay or rejection at the Korean ports because of information discrepancies.

Exporters are strongly recommended to work with the local import agent, the distributor and the end user to make sure the products are in compliance with South Korean regulations and all proper documentation has been completed. For more information, please consult the following resources: Exporting food out of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting (Trade Commissioner Service of Canada).

Exporters should also determine the import classification and tariff rate for products. The Tariff Finder tool can assist exporters in determining tariff information for specific products and countries where Canada has a free trade agreement.

For more information

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service:

International Trade Commissioners can provide Canadian industry with on-the-ground expertise regarding market potential, current conditions and local business contacts, and are an excellent point of contact for export advice.

More agri-food market intelligence:

International agri-food market intelligence
Discover global agriculture and food opportunities, the complete library of Global Analysis reports, market trends and forecasts, and information on Canada's free trade agreements.

Agri-food market intelligence service
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More on Canada's agriculture and agri-food sectors:

Canada's agriculture sectors
Information on the agriculture industry by sector. Data on international markets. Initiatives to support awareness of the industry in Canada. How the department engages with the industry.


Customized Report Services – Ingredient focus: Products containing cocoa or chocolate chips in selected markets
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Hongli Wang, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2023).

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All photographs reproduced in this publication are used by permission of the rights holders.
All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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The Government of Canada has prepared this report based on primary and secondary sources of information. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) assumes no liability for any actions taken based on the information contained herein.

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