Sector Trend Analysis – Pet food in Japan

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

The Japanese pet food market exhibits dynamic trends and significant changes in consumer behaviour, reflecting a complex interplay of factors such as pet humanization, premiumization, sustainability, and evolving distribution channels.

In 2023, the global pet food market reached a retail value of US$134.0 billion.

Japan ranked as the ninth-largest market globally, with a value of US$4.2 billion, despite a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) decrease of 0.5% from 2019 to 2023. Canada and Japan shared a noteworthy trade relationship, with Canada being the tenth-largest exporter of dog and cat food globally, reaching US$713.2 million in 2023.

Pet humanization continues to drive market dynamics, with Japanese pet owners treating their animals as cherished family members. The premiumization of cat food persists, driven by an enduring trend of pet humanization and an unwavering commitment to providing high-quality food for feline companions. Japanese pet owners also exhibit a growing concern for the environment, influencing market players to adopt sustainable practices.

The pet population in Japan grew at a CAGR of 0.6% from 2019 to 2023, reaching 55.8 million pets. Cats and dogs constituted 28.1% of the pet population in 2023, with expected growth to 8.6 million and 6.2 million, respectively, by 2028.

Inaba Foods Co Ltd, Mars Inc, and Unicharm Corp dominate the cat food sector, representing 56.2% of the market share in 2022. Mars Inc, Colgate-Palmolive Co, and DoggyMan HA Co Ltd lead the dog food sector, accounting for 50.4% of the market share in 2022.

Pet food retail sales in Japan were primarily distributed through retail offline channels, comprising 70.9% market share. Retail e-commerce experienced the largest CAGR increase (6.6%) in market share representation from 2019 to 2023, reaching 23.1%.


Trade overview

Global imports

The major pet food importers are located in Western Europe and North America, except Japan. Canada was the fifth-largest importer of dog and cat food, reaching US$1.3 billion in 2023. Japan was the tenth-largest importer of pet food, reaching US$724.2 million in 2023.

World's top 10 pet food importers in 2023 (US$ millions)
Country 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023 Share % in 2023
World 15,006.5 17,603.3 20,731.9 22,722.8 23,370.7 11.7 100.0
Germany 1,514.7 1,684.4 1,993.7 2,098.6 2,425.4 12.5 10.4
United States 1,027.9 1,231.8 1,533.2 2,161.1 1,711.3 13.6 7.3
United Kingdom 890.8 975.6 1,122.7 1,364.8 1,649.2 16.7 7.1
Poland 695.5 988.3 1,149.2 1,140.4 1,398.8 19.1 6.0
Canada 799.9 898.1 1,064.3 1,258.6 1,329.9 13.6 5.7
France 719.9 902.0 1,054.1 918.1 1,193.4 13.5 5.1
Italy 677.4 705.0 847.8 912.6 901.9 10.4 3.9
Belgium 513.0 658.9 730.6 829.6 880.2 14.5 3.8
Netherlands 610.7 699.2 782.4 785.1 861.9 9.0 3.7
Japan 646.1 673.7 701.7 752.9 724.2 2.9 3.1

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

HS Code: 230910

Japan imports

Japan has a diverse supply network of pet food providers. Thailand, China and South Korea were the largest suppliers of pet food to Japan in 2023, with values of US$307.8 million (42.5% market share), US$111.1 million (15.3% market share) and US$70.8 million (9.8% market share), respectively. Canada, as Japan's seventh-largest pet food supplier, experienced an increase in CAGR of 18.2% as pet food values grew from US$12.6 million in 2019 to US$24.6 million in 2023.

Japan's pet food imports from top countries in US$ millions, historic
Country 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023 Market share % 2023
World 646.1 673.7 701.7 752.9 724.2 2.9 100.0
Thailand 262.0 286.0 297.5 306.9 307.8 4.1 42.5
China 92.0 100.4 106.7 112.2 111.1 4.8 15.3
South Korea 23.2 24.9 31.1 72.0 70.8 32.3 9.8
United States 80.1 68.9 65.0 60.7 45.8 −13.0 6.3
Netherlands 34.3 34.1 33.4 36.4 28.1 −4.9 3.9
Australia 33.6 33.9 40.2 34.0 25.3 −6.9 3.5
Canada 12.6 12.7 15.5 20.7 24.6 18.2 3.4
France 31.5 33.5 29.7 16.3 24.3 −6.2 3.4
United Kingdom 15.2 13.8 17.8 15.8 19.5 6.4 2.7
Italy 5.5 9.7 8.9 13.3 16.6 32.0 2.3

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

HS Code: 230910

Canada's performance

In 2023, Canada ranked as the tenth-largest exporter of dog and cat food in the world, exporting US$713.2 million worth of dog and cat food to the world, a 3.1% share of the total global exports of dog and cat food.

Japan, ranked the fourth-largest importer from Canada, received 3.3% (US$23.2 million) of Canadian dog and cat food exports in 2023, with a 7.8% CAGR from 2019 to 2023.

Top destinations for Canadian dog and cat food exports in 2023 (US$ millions)
Country 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023 Market share % 2023
World 598.7 754.2 844.2 790.4 713.2 4.5 100.0
United States 248.5 293.4 333.7 378.0 408.9 13.3 57.3
China 84.5 172.5 182.0 89.9 37.3 −18.5 5.2
Netherlands 12.6 12.6 20.3 20.9 23.7 17.1 3.3
Japan 17.2 16.7 21.5 18.1 23.2 7.8 3.3
Spain 13.8 14.2 19.3 25.4 21.7 12.0 3.0
Korea 16.5 17.9 29.2 28.0 21.3 6.6 3.0
Taiwan 14.6 14.5 14.9 24.2 21.0 9.6 2.9
New Zealand 15.9 16.1 17.2 15.9 18.0 3.1 2.5
Italy 8.2 8.8 10.8 13.1 13.7 13.6 1.9
Poland 9.2 8.7 12.0 11.7 12.6 8.0 1.8

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

HS Code: 230910

Ontario accounted for 50.5% of the value of pet food exports to Japan in 2023, according to Canadian export data. Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec made up most of the rest of the total.

Canada's top pet food exports to Japan by supplying provinces in 2023 - Export values in US$ and volume in kilograms
Province Export value Export volume Share among provinces, % of value
Canada 713,244,564 216,924,622 100.0
Ontario 360,469,700 106,758,844 50.5
Alberta 176,501,159 71,935,810 24.8
British Columbia 107,028,212 14,188,088 15.0
Quebec 62,221,895 20,993,730 8.7
New Brunswick 4,043,997 2,121,794 0.6
Saskatchewan 1,790,946 650,527 0.3
Manitoba 1,009,599 205,038 0.1
Nova Scotia 127,217 51,644 0.0
Prince Edward Island 51,691 19,074 0.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 148 73 0.0

Source: Global Trade Tracker, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

HS Code: 230910

Pet food market overview

In 2023, the global pet food market was worth US$134.0 billion retail value. Japan was ranked the ninth-largest market in the world, reaching US$4.2 billion in 2023, representing a decrease by a CAGR of 0.5% (2019-2023). Pet food retail sales in Japan are expected to grow to US$5.3 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 4.6%.

Top 10 markets in the wold for pet food - retail sales (US$ millions) historical and forecast
Geography 2019 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2024-2028
World 96,213.2 134,025.7 8.6 142,441.7 177,015.0 5.7
United States 35,348.1 53,232.3 10.8 55,820.1 65,032.7 4.1
Brazil 5,179.1 8,008.5 11.5 9,217.7 14,236.6 12.2
China 4,877.5 7,637.2 11.9 8,366.8 12,236.0 9.9
United Kingdom 4,737.1 5,451.8 3.6 5,837.9 6,742.9 4.3
Russia 2,752.3 4,621.8 13.8 4,919.3 5,856.8 4.9
Germany 3,965.3 4,508.0 3.3 4,678.5 5,493.7 4.0
Canada 3,156.7 4,401.3 8.7 4,737.9 6,184.1 7.0
France 3,968.5 4,400.2 2.6 4,518.0 5,252.0 3.6
Japan 4,326.5 4,240.9 −0.5 4,426.5 5,297.8 4.6
Italy 2,906.4 3,357.3 3.7 3,491.1 4,238.0 4.8

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Pet humanization

Japanese pet owners are increasingly treating their pets as cherished family members, driving demand for pet treats with specific attributes such as quality and ingredient source. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened concerns over food safety, prompting pet owners to seek not only delicious tastes but also enhanced product specifications. Concurrently, the pandemic has led to a growing focus on personal health among Japanese consumers. Aligned with the health and wellness trend, pet owners are now more conscientious about their pets' health and are actively searching for premium, high-quality pet food to ensure complete nutrition and a balanced diet. This trend, driven by pet humanization, is expected to persist despite inflation and economic uncertainty (Euromonitor International, 2023).


Despite inflation and increased financial strain on consumers, the enduring trend of pet humanization, coupled with stronger bonds with cats, will sustain the premiumization of cat food. Pet owners are unlikely to cut back on their spending for cat food; instead, they prioritize food quality over cost considerations for their cherished feline companions. Consequently, premium cat food products, including gourmet, functional, and natural options, continue to thrive, contributing to overall value growth in this market. Within the premiumization trend, health remains a paramount focus, gaining momentum in the cat food segment. Pet owners are increasingly health-conscious, not only for themselves but also for their pets. Products with specific health functions are particularly capturing the attention of pet owners, further driving the premiumization of cat food (Euromonitor International, 2023).


Japanese pet owners, while still in pursuit of high-quality pet food, are concurrently developing heightened concerns about the planet's future. Responding to this environmental consciousness, Mars Japan Ltd joined the "Go Ethical" initiative, repurposing products previously discarded due to renewal or packaging issues. Roster Bell Ltd innovatively introduced "Umi no Oyatsu," dog treats upcycled from fish scraps (Euromonitor International, 2023). To address plastic pollution, Purina in Japan revamped its Mon Petit Crispy Kiss cat snacks with a new paper outer pack, achieving a substantial 66% reduction in plastic use (Mintel, 2023).

Pet population and ownership

The pet population in Japan has increased at a CAGR of 0.6%, from 54.5 million pets in 2019 to 55.8 million pets in 2023. The pet population is forecast to decrease by a CAGR of 0.3%, to 55.0 million pets by 2028. In 2023, cats and dogs accounted for 28.1% of the pet population, while other pets accounted for 71.9%. The cat and dog populations will reach 8.6 million and 6.2 million, respectively, in 2028.

Japan's dog ownership experienced a 2.3% decrease in CAGR, from 6.0 million households in 2019 to 5.5 million households in 2023. The corresponding percentage of those households owning dogs decreased from 10.8% in 2019 to 9.6% in 2023. The number of households owning cats increased from 4.85 million in 2019 to 4.88 million in 2023, representing a decrease in the percentage of those same households owning cats from 8.8% to 8.6% in the same period.

The pandemic-induced shift to remote work and social isolation further boosted cat adoption. However, with Japan's declining population and low birth rate, the cat population has now reached maturity, impacting the cat food market. Looking ahead, a decline in the dog population is expected due to changing demographics, such as an aging population, increasing dual-income and single-person households, and limited urban living space. Cat ownership is favoured for its compatibility with busy lifestyles, with a preference for small-to-medium breeds in smaller living spaces. Ongoing demographic shifts discourage ownership of larger pets like dogs but support demand for other pets. Nevertheless, the significant decline in Japan's overall human population due to a declining birth rate will impact the growth of the overall pet population, including other pet (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Pet population in Japan: Historical and forecast numbers of animals in '000s
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2024-2028
Pet population 54,472.1 55,776.6 0.6 55,583.5 55,009.6 −0.3
Cat 8,764.0 8,761.6 0.0 8,709.3 8,617.5 −0.3
Dog (total) 7,579.0 6,888.4 −2.4 6,736.0 6,236.8 −2.0
Small dogs (up to 20 lbs or 9 kg) 5,927.9 5,515.5 −1.8 5,429.8 5,138.3 −1.4
Medium dogs (20 to 50 lbs or 9 to 23 kg) 1,401.4 1,128.3 −5.3 1,080.8 929.2 −3.8
Large dogs (over 50 lbs or over 23 kg) 249.7 244.6 −0.5 225.4 169.3 −7.1
Other pet (total) 38,129.1 40,126.6 1.3 40,138.2 40,155.3 0.0
Bird 2,035.4 2,100.1 0.8 2,102.5 2,105.6 0.1
Fish 31,147.9 33,091.5 1.5 33,107.4 33,128.1 0.0
Small mammal/reptile (total) 4,945.7 4,935.0 −0.1 4,928.4 4,921.6 −0.1
Small mammal 3,148.0 3,222.8 0.6 3,224.8 3,231.1 0.1
Reptile 1,797.7 1,712.3 −1.2 1,703.6 1,690.5 −0.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Pet ownership in Japan: Number of households in '000 and % share, historic
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023
% Households owning a cat 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.6 8.6 −0.6
Households owning a cat 4,851.6 4,896.3 5,018.5 4,873.6 4,881.1 0.2
% Households owning a dog 10.8 10.3 9.8 9.7 9.6 −2.9
Households owning a dog 5,992.5 5,728.2 5,490.1 5,472.2 5,459.3 −2.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Market Segmentation

Cat food

Current value sales of cat food have grown by 1.8% (CAGR, 2018 to 2023) to US$2.2 billion. Cat treats and mixers had the best performance and most dynamic category in 2023, with a CAGR of 9.2% from 2018 to 2023.

Japanese consumers increasingly prioritize indulgent treats for their cats, emphasizing communication and shared time (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Japanese customers spent US$1.1 billion on dry cat food and US$627.1 million on wet cat food in 2023. They spent more money buying premium dry cat food (US$858.0 million in 2023) than mid-priced dry food (US$82.5 million) and economy dry food (US$133.7 million). They also spent more money buying premium wet cat food (US$357.8 million in 2023) than mid-priced wet food (US$226.9 million) and economy wet food (US$42.3 million).

Retail sales of cat food will continue to grow throughout 2023-2028 with an expected CAGR of 5.4%, achieving US$2.9 billion by 2028. Retail sales in premium non-therapeutic dry cat food will experience the highest CAGR of 7.0%, while economy wet cat food will experience the lowest CAGR of 0.1% in the forecast period.

Cat treats and mixers will continue to lead cat food categories, driven by pet owners enhancing their bond with cats. Innovation and expansion in this category are expected, catering to a broad audience. While demand for cat treats, especially wet purée formats, will grow, wet cat food is likely to decline due to the shift towards wet treats. The preference for a balanced diet with dry cat food and the rise of pouch packaging over cans, influenced by cost and aluminum price hikes, is impacting wet cat food volumes. Manufacturers, like AIXIA Corp, are adjusting product offerings to focus on mid-priced and premium ranges in pouch packaging, discontinuing wet canned products. These trends will persist, influencing the volume performance of wet cat food in the forecast period (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Cat food inJapan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historic retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cat Food (total) 2,025.7 2,097.8 2,290.1 2,361.4 2,112.8 2,213.9
Cat Treats and Mixers 330.7 368.2 446.9 511.5 481.2 512.6
Dry Cat Food 1,012.9 1,046.4 1,113.1 1,130.3 1,016.2 1,074.2
Economy Dry Cat Food 158.1 158.0 163.7 153.5 132.7 133.7
Mid-Priced Dry Cat Food 105.5 101.2 105.1 95.5 81.9 82.5
Premium Dry Cat Food 749.3 787.2 844.3 881.3 801.5 858.0
Premium Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 153.3 163.6 172.4 172.6 153.4 161.3
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 596.0 623.6 672.0 708.6 648.1 696.7
Wet Cat Food 682.1 683.2 730.2 719.7 615.5 627.1
Economy Wet Cat Food 64.4 59.7 60.3 54.7 43.7 42.3
Mid-Priced Wet Cat Food 277.6 268.9 287.2 255.3 223.6 226.9
Premium Wet Cat Food 340.1 354.6 382.7 409.6 348.2 357.8
Premium Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 12.5 13.6 14.8 15.2 13.2 13.7
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 327.6 341.0 367.9 394.4 334.9 344.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Cat food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historical retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2022-2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 Total growth % 2018-2023
Cat Food (total) 4.8 1.8 9.3
Cat Treats and Mixers 6.5 9.2 55.0
Dry Cat Food 5.7 1.2 6.1
Economy Dry Cat Food 0.8 −3.3 −15.4
Mid-Priced Dry Cat Food 0.7 −4.8 −21.8
Premium Dry Cat Food 7.0 2.7 14.5
Premium Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 5.1 1.0 5.2
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 7.5 3.2 16.9
Wet Cat Food 1.9 −1.7 −8.1
Economy Wet Cat Food −3.2 −8.1 −34.3
Mid-Priced Wet Cat Food 1.5 −4.0 −18.3
Premium Wet Cat Food 2.8 1.0 5.2
Premium Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 3.8 1.9 9.6
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 2.8 1.0 5.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Cat food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Cat Food 2,213.9 2,334.7 2,505.0 2,661.2 2,799.1 2,878.7
Cat Treats and Mixers 512.6 550.5 600.1 646.7 689.0 717.0
Dry Cat Food 1,074.2 1,139.3 1,228.7 1,310.8 1,383.7 1,427.5
Economy Dry Cat Food 133.7 135.2 139.5 143.1 145.7 145.6
Mid-Priced Dry Cat Food 82.5 83.7 86.8 89.4 91.4 91.7
Premium Dry Cat Food 858.0 920.4 1,002.4 1,078.4 1,146.6 1,190.2
Premium Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 161.3 170.5 183.2 195.0 205.4 211.7
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 696.7 749.9 819.2 883.4 941.1 978.5
Wet Cat Food 627.1 645.0 676.2 703.7 726.3 734.3
Economy Wet Cat Food 42.3 41.9 42.5 43.0 43.2 42.6
Mid-Priced Wet Cat Food 226.9 233.6 245.0 254.9 263.1 265.9
Premium Wet Cat Food 357.8 369.4 388.7 405.8 420.1 425.8
Premium Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 13.7 14.3 15.2 16.0 16.7 17.1
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 344.2 355.2 373.5 389.8 403.4 408.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Cat food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2023-2024 CAGR* % 2023-2028 Total growth % 2023-2028
Cat Food (total) 5.5 5.4 30.0
Cat Treats and Mixers 7.4 6.9 39.9
Dry Cat Food 6.1 5.9 32.9
Economy Dry Cat Food 1.1 1.7 8.9
Mid-Priced Dry Cat Food 1.5 2.1 11.2
Premium Dry Cat Food 7.3 6.8 38.7
Premium Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 5.7 5.6 31.2
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Cat Food 7.6 7.0 40.4
Wet Cat Food 2.9 3.2 17.1
Economy Wet Cat Food −0.9 0.1 0.7
Mid-Priced Wet Cat Food 3.0 3.2 17.2
Premium Wet Cat Food 3.2 3.5 19.0
Premium Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 4.4 4.5 24.8
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Cat Food 3.2 3.5 18.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Dog food

Despite a decline in overall demand for dog food during the review period due to a shrinking dog population, positive value sales persisted, driven by inflation and premiumization. In the forecast period, certain dog food categories, including treats and mixers, as well as premium therapeutic and non-therapeutic options, are expected to maintain positive current value performances, aligning with the pet humanization trend (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Retail sales of dog food reached US$1.9 billion in 2023, at a CAGR of −1.3% from 2018 to 2023. Premium therapeutic wet dog food had the best performance in 2023, with a CAGR of 2.2% from 2018 to 2023. Premium dry food led sales of dry dog food (US$780.0 million in 2023), with a −0.5% CAGR from 2018 to 2023. Premium wet food led sales of wet dog food (US$147.1 million in 2023), with a −1.3% CAGR from 2018 to 2023.

Retail sales of dog food will recover throughout 2023-2028 with an expected CAGR of 3.6%, achieving US$2.2 billion by 2028. Retail sales of dog treats and mixers will experience the highest CAGR, with 5.7%, while economy wet dog food will experience the lowest CAGR, with −5.2% in the forecast period. It is forecast that premium dry food will continue to lead sales in dry dog food (US$926.9 million in 2028) with a 3.5% CAGR from 2023 to 2028, while premium wet dog food (US$171.1 million in 2028) will continue to lead sales in wet dog food with a 3.1% CAGR from 2023 to 2028.

Dog food inJapan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historic retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Dog Food (total) 2,055.4 2,064.2 2,184.7 2,154.0 1,851.6 1,880.2
Dog Treats and Mixers 720.1 716.1 773.6 782.5 680.7 705.1
Dry Dog Food 1,101.4 1,111.0 1,161.4 1,136.4 976.7 984.2
Economy Dry Dog Food 151.4 141.4 137.9 124.0 103.3 98.7
Mid-Priced Dry Dog Food 152.1 145.5 145.6 133.5 110.8 105.5
Premium Dry Dog Food 797.9 824.2 877.9 878.8 762.6 780.0
Premium Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 242.0 260.0 278.4 281.9 246.8 255.1
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 556.0 564.1 599.4 596.9 515.8 525.0
Wet Dog Food 233.9 237.2 249.7 235.1 194.1 190.9
Economy Wet Dog Food 35.2 34.2 34.5 27.5 20.4 18.2
Mid-Priced Wet Dog Food 41.9 41.3 42.5 37.1 28.1 25.5
Premium Wet Dog Food 156.8 161.7 172.8 170.6 145.6 147.1
Premium Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 19.7 21.5 23.4 24.0 21.2 22.0
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 137.1 140.2 149.4 146.6 124.4 125.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Dog food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historical retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2022-2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 Total growth % 2018-2023
Dog Food (total) 1.5 −1.8 −8.5
Dog Treats and Mixers 3.6 −0.4 −2.1
Dry Dog Food 0.8 −2.2 −10.6
Economy Dry Dog Food −4.5 −8.2 −34.8
Mid-Priced Dry Dog Food −4.8 −7.1 −30.6
Premium Dry Dog Food 2.3 −0.5 −2.2
Premium Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 3.4 1.1 5.4
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 1.8 −1.1 −5.6
Wet Dog Food −1.6 −4.0 −18.4
Economy Wet Dog Food −10.8 −12.4 −48.3
Mid-Priced Wet Dog Food −9.3 −9.5 −39.1
Premium Wet Dog Food 1.0 −1.3 −6.2
Premium Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 3.8 2.2 11.7
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 0.6 −1.8 −8.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Dog food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Dog Food (total) 1,880.2 1,939.7 2,040.7 2,131.2 2,208.5 2,242.1
Dog Treats and Mixers 705.1 745.3 801.4 853.7 900.6 929.4
Dry Dog Food 984.2 1,002.8 1,042.4 1,076.1 1,102.8 1,107.8
Economy Dry Dog Food 98.7 95.1 93.4 91.0 88.0 83.3
Mid-Priced Dry Dog Food 105.5 102.4 101.9 101.2 100.2 97.5
Premium Dry Dog Food 780.0 805.4 847.1 883.9 914.7 926.9
Premium Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 255.1 265.9 282.2 296.8 309.5 315.8
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 525.0 539.5 565.0 587.1 605.2 611.1
Wet Dog Food 190.9 191.6 196.8 201.4 205.1 205.0
Economy Wet Dog Food 18.2 16.9 16.1 15.4 14.7 13.9
Mid-Priced Wet Dog Food 25.5 23.7 22.8 21.9 21.0 19.9
Premium Wet Dog Food 147.1 151.0 158.0 164.2 169.3 171.1
Premium Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 22.0 23.2 24.9 26.5 27.9 28.7
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 125.2 127.8 133.1 137.7 141.4 142.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Dog food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2023-2024 CAGR* % 2023-2028 Total growth % 2023-2028
Dog Food (total) 3.2 3.6 19.2
Dog Treats and Mixers 5.7 5.7 31.8
Dry Dog Food 1.9 2.4 12.6
Economy Dry Dog Food −3.6 −3.3 −15.6
Mid-Priced Dry Dog Food −2.9 −1.6 −7.6
Premium Dry Dog Food 3.3 3.5 18.8
Premium Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 4.2 4.4 23.8
Premium Non-Therapeutic Dry Dog Food 2.8 3.1 16.4
Wet Dog Food 0.4 1.4 7.4
Economy Wet Dog Food −7.1 −5.2 −23.6
Mid-Priced Wet Dog Food −7.1 −4.8 −22.0
Premium Wet Dog Food 2.7 3.1 16.3
Premium Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 5.5 5.5 30.5
Premium Non-Therapeutic Wet Dog Food 2.1 2.6 13.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Other pet food

Retail sales of other pet food decreased at a CAGR of 2.1%, from US$163.3 million in 2018 to US$146.8 million in 2023 and are expected to recover at a CAGR of 3.8%, reaching US$176.9 million by 2028.

Small mammal/reptile food was the largest category of other pet food in absolute value terms, with retail sales of US$68.2 million (46.5% market share) in 2023, declining 0.9% in CAGR from retail sales of US$71.8 million in 2018. Retail sales of small mammal/reptile food are expected to increase in CAGR by 4.2% to US$83.9 million by 2028.

During the 2018-2023 period, retail sales of fish food experienced the largest decrease, with a CAGR of 3.3% from US$61.4 million in 2018. Retail sales of fish food are forecast to recover by a CAGR of 3.2% to US$60.5 million by 2028.

Retail sales of bird food decreased at a CAGR of 2.5%, from US$30.5 million in 2018 to US$26.9 million in 2023, and are expected to recover at a CAGR of 3.9% reaching US$32.5 million by 2028.

Other pet food inJapan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historic retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Other Pet Food 163.3 164.4 171.8 173.3 146.8 146.8
Bird Food 30.5 31.0 32.3 31.9 26.9 26.9
Fish Food 61.4 60.5 63.4 63.1 52.4 51.8
Small Mammal/Reptile Food 71.4 72.8 76.1 78.3 67.4 68.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Other pet food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Historical retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2022-2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 Total growth % 2018-2023
Other Pet Food 0.0 −2.1 −10.1
Bird Food 0.0 −2.5 −11.8
Fish Food −1.1 −3.3 −15.6
Small Mammal/Reptile Food 1.2 −0.9 −4.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Other pet food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Other Pet Food 146.8 152.1 160.5 167.9 174.2 176.9
Bird Food 26.9 27.9 29.4 30.8 32.0 32.5
Fish Food 51.8 53.2 55.8 58.0 59.8 60.5
Small Mammal/Reptile Food 68.2 71.0 75.2 79.1 82.4 83.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Other pet food in Japan: Retail value sales by product subcategory - Forecast retail value sales growth
Category Annual growth % 2023-2024 CAGR* % 2023-2028 Total growth % 2023-2028
Other Pet Food 3.6 3.8 20.5
Bird Food 3.7 3.9 20.8
Fish Food 2.7 3.2 16.8
Small Mammal/Reptile Food 4.1 4.2 23.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Company shares

Inaba Foods Co Ltd, Mars Inc and Unicharm Corp clearly dominate the cat food sector, representing 56.2% of the market share in 2022, ahead of other competitors. However, Mars Inc had a negative CAGR of −4.5% from 2018 to 2022. Pet Line Corp gained the highest CAGR with 11.3% over the past five years.

Inaba Pet Food maintained its leadership in Japan's cat food market, with a strong presence in cat treats, particularly the Ciao Churu brand. The purée format treats, constituting over 70% of total cat treat sales, are packaged in small sachets, promoting intimate feeding moments and fostering communication between owners and pets. Inaba's active innovation and expansion, including the introduction of functional treats, like the AIM line to prevent kidney disease, contributed to double-digit value growth in 2022. AIM's potential to increase cats' life expectancy from 15 to 30 years has attracted considerable attention, solidifying Inaba's success (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Top players in the cat food sector and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Inaba Pet Food Co Ltd 16.3 18.0 19.8 22.3 23.1 9.1
Mars Inc 21.4 21.2 20.3 18.0 17.8 −4.5
Unicharm Corp 12.4 12.9 13.8 14.9 15.3 5.4
Nestlé SA 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.9 13.7 0.0
Pet Line Corp 5.4 5.3 9.2 8.4 8.3 11.3
Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.9 6.5 0.0
Nippon Pet Food Ltd 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.5 0.0
Colgate-Palmolive Co 6.4 6.3 5.8 5.3 5.1 −5.5
Smack Co Ltd 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.8 −7.7
DoggyMan HA Co Ltd 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0
Private Label 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 −8.1
Others 9.7 8.1 3.1 2.8 2.7 −27.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Mars Inc, Colgate-Palmolive Co and DoggyMan HA Co Ltd dominate the dog food sector, accounting for 50.4% of the market share in 2022. In particular, Inaba Pet Food Co Ltd had a high CAGR of 44.7% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 players in the dog food sector and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Company Name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Mars Inc 24.7 25.3 25.2 25.0 24.5 −0.2
Colgate-Palmolive Co 14.6 14.9 14.9 15.0 14.7 0.2
DoggyMan HA Co Ltd 11.1 11.0 11.2 11.6 11.2 0.2
Unicharm Corp 9.9 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.4 1.2
Inaba Pet Food Co Ltd 1.3 2.6 3.6 4.9 5.7 44.7
Marukan Co Ltd 5.9 5.8 5.4 5.4 5.6 −1.3
Yamahisa Pet Co Ltd 4.7 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.6 −0.5
Iris Ohyama Co Ltd 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 −2.6
Nippon Pet Food Ltd 2.9 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.7 −1.8
DBF Petfood Co Ltd 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3
Private Label 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 −3.1
Others 18.1 16.2 15.8 14.4 14.1 −6.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Kamihata Fish Ind Ltd, Marukan Co Ltd and Yeaster Co Ltd dominate the other pet food sector, accounting for 40.4% of the market share in 2022. In particular, Nippon Pet Food Ltd had a high CAGR of 54.3% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 players in the other pet food sector and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Company Name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Kamihata Fish Ind Ltd 20.3 20.0 20.5 20.5 20.1 −0.2
Marukan Co Ltd 10.5 10.6 10.6 12.4 12.5 4.5
Yeaster Co Ltd 9.1 9.2 9.2 7.5 7.8 −3.8
Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.7 −4.3
Natural Foods Co Ltd 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 1.4
Itosui Co Ltd 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.7 5.4
Pets Ishibashi Co Ltd 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.6 −3.8
Nippon Pet Food Ltd 0.6 0.6 0.6 3.7 3.4 54.3
Gex Corp 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 −2.9
Kurose Pet Food Co Ltd 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 3.4
Private Label 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 −3.3
Others 38.0 38.4 38.2 35.6 35.7 −1.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Brand shares

Ciao by Inaba Foods Co Ltd is the top brand in cat food (23.1% share in 2022), followed by Gin No Spoon by Unicharm Corp (11.6% share) and Royal Canin by Mars Inc (8.4% share). Ciao saw the biggest CAGR of 9.1% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 brands in cat food and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Brand Name Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Ciao Inaba Pet Food Co Ltd 16.3 18.0 19.8 22.3 23.1 9.1
Gin No Spoon Unicharm Corp 9.0 9.8 10.3 11.0 11.6 6.6
Royal Canin Mars Inc 9.0 9.3 8.8 8.5 8.4 −1.7
Mon Petit Nestlé SA 7.6 7.7 7.8 8.4 7.4 −0.7
ONE Nestlé SA 4.0 4.0 3.8 4.0 4.5 3.0
Kal Kan Mars Inc 6.6 6.4 6.1 4.6 4.4 −9.6
Sheba Mars Inc 4.6 4.4 4.3 3.9 4.1 −2.8
Combo Nippon Pet Food Ltd 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 1.4
Canet Pet Line Corp 4.5 4.4 4.2 3.8 3.7 −4.8
Hill's Science Diet Colgate-Palmolive Co 4.0 3.9 3.6 3.2 3.0 −6.9
Private label Private Label 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 −8.1
Others Others 29.5 27.2 26.5 25.6 25.1 −4.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Royal Canin by Mars Inc leads the brand in dog food (11.5% share in 2022), followed by Hill's Science Diet by Colgate-Palmolive Co (8.9% share) and Hill's Prescription Diet by Colgate-Palmolive Co (5.8% share). Inaba saw the biggest CAGR of 44.7% from 2018 to 2022.

With increased bonds formed during home seclusion, pet owners now better understand their dogs' needs. Specialist dog food brands, like Nestlé's Pro Plan and Unicharm Corp's Grand Deli, tailored for various pet types, life stages, and health functions, have shown strong double-digit value growth in 2022 (Euromonitor International, 2023).

Top 10 brands in dog food and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Brand Name Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Royal Canin Mars Inc 10.3 11.0 11.1 11.4 11.5 2.8
Hill's Science Diet Colgate-Palmolive Co 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 8.9 −1.1
Hill's Prescription Diet Colgate-Palmolive Co 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.8 5.8 1.8
Inaba Inaba Pet Food Co Ltd 1.3 2.6 3.6 4.9 5.7 44.7
Grand Deli Unicharm Corp 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.4 6.5
Petio Yamahisa Pet Co Ltd 4.7 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.6 −0.5
Gonta Marukan Co Ltd 4.6 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.4 −1.1
Nutro Mars Inc 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.7
Aiken Genki Unicharm Corp 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.2 −6.6
Iris Iris Ohyama Co Ltd 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 −2.6
Private label Private Label 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 −3.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Hikari by Kamihata Fish Ind Ltd leads the brand in other pet food (20.1% share in 2022), followed by Marukan by Marukan Co Ltd (12.5% share) and Yeaster by Yeaster Co Ltd (7.8% share). Comet saw the biggest CAGR of 5.4% from 2018 to 2022.

Top 10 brands in other pet food and their market share (% breakdown), 2018 to 2022
Brand Name Company name 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Hikari Kamihata Fish Ind Ltd 20.3 20.0 20.5 20.5 20.1 −0.2
Marukan Marukan Co Ltd 10.5 10.6 10.6 12.4 12.5 4.5
Yeaster Yeaster Co Ltd 9.1 9.2 9.2 7.5 7.8 −3.8
Tetra Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.7 −4.3
Natural Foods Natural Foods Co Ltd 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 1.4
Comet Itosui Co Ltd 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.7 5.4
Pets Ishibashi Pets Ishibashi Co Ltd 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.6 −3.8
GEX Gex Corp 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 −2.9
Nippai Nippon Pet Food Ltd 3.1 2.8 N/A
Kurose Kurose Pet Food Co Ltd 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 3.4
Private label Private Label 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 −3.3
Others Others 34.5 34.9 34.6 35.6 35.9 1.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

N/A: Not available

Distribution channels

Pet food retail sales in Japan were distributed primarily through retail offline channels (70.9% market share representation), while the remaining pet food retail sales were distributed via retail e-commerce and veterinary clinics (29.1% market share representation) in 2023. Most distribution channels' market share representation declined in varying CAGRs between 2019 to 2023. In contrast, retail e-commerce increased by the largest CAGR (6.6%) in all channels, from a 17.9% market share recorded in 2019.

Pet food in Japan: Distribution channels in market % share, historic
Outlet 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2019-2023
Retail Channels 93.3 93.5 93.7 93.9 94.0 0.2
Retail Offline 75.4 74.0 72.8 71.9 70.9 −1.5
Grocery Retailers 22.9 22.0 22.2 22.3 22.5 −0.4
Convenience Retail 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 −3.8
Hypermarkets 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 −1.6
Supermarkets 16.0 15.7 16.0 16.1 16.3 0.5
Small Local Grocers 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 −5.4
Non-Grocery Retailers 52.5 51.9 50.6 49.6 48.4 −2.0
Home Products Specialists 41.8 40.7 39.0 37.5 36.0 −3.7
Home Improvement and Gardening Stores 32.9 32.3 30.7 29.5 28.2 −3.8
Pet Shops and Superstores 8.9 8.5 8.3 8.0 7.9 −2.9
Health and Beauty Specialists 10.7 11.2 11.6 12.0 12.4 3.8
Retail E-Commerce 17.9 19.6 20.9 22.0 23.1 6.6
Non-retail channels 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.1 6.0 −2.7
Veterinary clinics 6.7 6.5 6.3 6.1 6.0 −2.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: compound annual growth rate

Product launch analysis

From 2019 to 2023, a total of 1,890 pet food products were launched in Japan. The number of yearly product launches has declined by a CAGR of 6.0% from the larger launch of 438 pet products in 2019 to its lowest and most recent launch of 261 pet products in 2023. Cat food wet, cat food dry, and dog food dry were the top categories of newly released pet food product launches, while no additives/preservatives, free from added/artificial colourings, and functional pet - digestion were the top claims associated with new pet food products released during the prescribed period.

New product launches of pet food in Japan, 2019 to 2023
Product attributes Yearly launch count
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Yearly product launches 438 461 388 342 261
Top five categories
Cat food wet 116 159 87 77 43
Cat food dry 51 61 83 97 72
Dog food dry 138 57 27 54 58
Dog snacks & treats 48 67 94 25 32
Cat snacks & treats 48 88 64 39 20
Top five claims
No additives/preservatives 158 156 123 149 94
Free from added/artificial colourings 149 153 115 145 95
Functional pet - digestion 152 128 114 137 117
Vitamin/mineral fortified 156 116 91 83 69
Pet - adult 170 101 49 87 66
Top five price groups (US dollars)
0.43-7.42 332 345 320 266 201
7.43-14.42 55 71 38 45 35
14.43-21.42 34 29 19 21 21
21.43-28.42 13 8 11 10 4
28.43-38.00 1 7 0 0 0
Top five launch types
New product 107 145 159 113 70
New variety/range extension 127 160 113 108 81
Relaunch 168 119 94 81 94
New packaging 36 37 22 38 16
New formulation 0 0 0 2 0
Top five flavours (including blend)
Chicken 95 77 56 54 36
Tuna 33 47 45 36 27
Bonito 10 23 51 17 26
Tuna & bonito 21 37 18 17 13
Unflavoured/plain 42 10 5 8 34
Top five ingredients
Vitamin E 302 325 309 306 207
Food Acids 331 276 239 301 195
Minerals 304 249 197 267 184
Vitamins 294 207 154 217 157
Thickeners 193 307 228 173 119
Source: Mintel, 2024

Product examples

Bonito Cat Food

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Inaba Petfood
Brand Ciao for AIM Crunky
Category Cat food dry
Store name Yodobashi Online Store
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published December 2023
Launch type New product
Price in US dollars 6.80

Ciao for AIM Crunky Bonito Cat Food is now available and retails in a 560 gram pack with four 140 gram packets. - Formulated with amino acid S18 that supports kidney function - Designed for a long, healthy life of the cat - Features fish extract, containing DHA and EPA, for healthy skin and coat - Prevents kidney stones with reduced mineral contents - Contains Ajinomoto's Amino A&G that supports healthy digestion - Minimizes hairball formation with dietary fibre cellulose - Has fermented plant extracts that increase good bacteria in the gut - Formulated with green tea extract that absorbs odours and deodorises the cat's urine and excretions - Comes with tasty, crunchy kibble infused with fish extract and coated with bonito flake powder - Free from colourings - Complete cat food - Patented - Feeding instructions - Launched in Winter 2023, open-priced

Kidney Care Fish & Chicken Cat Food for Japanese Cats From 11 Years and Up with Aged Bonito

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Nippon Pet Food
Brand Nippon Pet Food Lacine
Category Cat food dry
Store name Petemo
Store type Specialist retailer
Date published November 2023
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 6.46

Nippon Pet Food Lacine Kidney Care Fish & Chicken Cat Food for Japanese Cats From 11 Years and Up with Aged Bonito is now available and retails in a 560 gram pack containing four 140 gram units. - Complete cat food for senior cats - Number one brand in the dry cat food category according to the magazine Cat DK - Easy-to-eat thin kibbles - Supervised by vets and Healthy Food Science Laboratory in Shizuoka, which specialises in pet food - Helps maintain healthy kidneys with the amended formulation of protein, phosphorus and calcium - Free from artificial colouring - Enriched with vitamin E - Contains three times the vitamin E, 10% more glucosamine and chondroitin, and 5% less fat compared to Japanese Cat Food from the brand - Contains glucosamine and chondroitin for healthy knees, back and joints - Contains only 0.10% magnesium for a healthy lower urinary tract - Nutritionally designed for senior Japanese cats - Contains beta-glucan for healthy immune system - Topped with tender aged bonito - Packed with the umami of aged bonito - Crunchy, tasty and healthy kibbles - A taste loved by Japanese cats - Feeding instructions - Pack is partly printed with botanical ink. - Launched on September 1, 2023, recommended retail price unavailable - Logos and certifications: QR code

Tuna & Bonito Jelly Cat Food with Whitebait & Crab Stick

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Unicharm
Brand Unicharm Pet Gin No Spoon Mitsuboshi Gourmet
Category Cat food wet
Location of manufacture Thailand
Import status Imported product
Store name Your Petia
Store type Specialist retailer
Date published December 2023
Launch type New packaging
Price in US dollars 2.19

Unicharm Pet Gin No Spoon Mitsuboshi Gourmet Tuna & Bonito Jelly Cat Food with Whitebait & Crab Stick has been repackaged and retails in a pack with three 35 gram packets. - With toppings - Luxurious, tasty, and aromatic - Feeding instructions - Easy-to-open packets - Launched on September 4, 2023, open-priced

Digestive Care Cat Food for Adult Cats

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Royal Canin
Brand Royal Canin Feline Care Nutrition
Category Cat food dry
Market Japan
Location of manufacture France
Import status Imported product
Store name Yahoo
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published November 2023
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 8.58

Royal Canin Feline Care Nutrition Digestive Care Cat Food for Adult Cats is now available and retails in a 400 gram pack. It is also available in a 2 kilogram pack for 5,254 yen and a 4 kilogram pack for 9,347 yen. - Sufficient for seven days - Provides 207 kcal per 53 g - Suitable for cats from 12 months - With clinically proven results, improving over 95% healthy stool quality in 10 days - Gives a precisely balanced nutrition that helps support optimal digestive health - Contains antioxidants from natural origin - Free from artificial flavours and colours - Features highly digestible proteins L.I.P, prebiotics FOS, and a blend of fibres, including psyllium, to promote optimal stool quality - Has an optimal level of minerals for urinary health - Complete cat food for adult cats - Feeding instructions - Easy-to-open fresh pack is packed in a protective atmosphere to preserve the taste, freshness and nutrition - Launched on October 3, 2023, with a recommended retail price of 1,280 yen

Dental Care Chicken Breast & Cheese Dog Treat Assortment

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Inaba Foods
Brand Inaba Tulle
Category Dog snacks and treats
Store name Yodobashi Online Store
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published December 2023
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 7.50

Inaba Tulle Dental Care Chicken Breast & Cheese Dog Treat Assortment is now available and retails in a twenty 14 gram pack with packets, containing ten 14 gram packets of Dental Care Chicken Breast Dog Treat, ten 14 gram packets of Dental Care Chicken Breast & Cheese Dog Treat. - Liquid dog treats - Contains 500 billion lactic acid bacteria for the digestive system - Features catechin and cyclodextrin for the teeth and gums - Formulated with green tea extract that absorbs odours and deodorises the dog's urine and excretions - Has six times as much catechin as the Inaba Tulle chicken breast dog food - Launched in Winter 2023, open-priced

Chicken Flavour Dog Food for Junior to Adult Shiba Inu

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Yeaster
Brand Yeaster Nihonken
Category Dog food dry
Market Japan
Store name Rakuten
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published December 2023
Launch type Relaunch
Price in US dollars 8.56

Yeaster Nihonken Chicken Flavour Dog Food for Junior to Adult Shiba Inu has been relaunched and retails in a 2 kilogram pack. - Complete dog food for junior to adult shiba inu dogs - Luxurious, packed with the umami of chicken - Granules contain three layers made with chicken - Hard outer layer made with chicken liver powder - Inner layer made with chicken fat - Aromatic core made with chicken powder - Free from synthetic preservatives and colourings - Designed for the health, delicate skin and coat of shiba inu dogs - Formulated with DHA and EPA from refined fish oil, chamomile, linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid from Oenothera oil, vitamins A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, inositol and choline - Helps maintain the skin barrier - Contains lactic acid bacteria and oligosaccharides for digestion - Contains zeolite to minimise the odour of dog feces - Feeding instructions - Resealable pack - Launched on September 01, 2023, recommended retail price not available - Logos and certifications: QR code

Jelly Dog Food for Senior Dogs

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Mars
Brand Nutro Supremo
Category Dog food wet
Location of manufacture Thailand
Import status Imported product
Store name Pet Forest
Store type Specialist Retailer
Date published October 2023
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 0.98

Nutro Supremo Jelly Dog Food for Senior Dogs is now available and retails in a 35 gram pack. - Made with over 10 types of selected natural ingredients - Dog food in jelly - Easy to eat - Provides 18 kcal - Nutritional and tasty dog food - Features synthetic vitamins, minerals, and amino acids - Formulated with antioxidants for senior dogs - Made using highly digestible ingredients and Meat First chicken - Contains omega 6 fatty acids and zinc for healthy skin and coat - Can be served with Nutro Supremo range dry dog food - Feeding instructions - Launched on August 23, 2023, with an recommended retail price of 146 yen

Extra Small Puppy Dog Food

Source: Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
Company Royal Canin
Brand Royal Canin
Category Dog food dry
Location of manufacture South Korea
Import status Imported product
Store name My Royal Canin
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published May 2023
Launch type Relaunch
Price in US dollars 16.15

Royal Canin Extra Small Puppy Dog Food has been relaunched under a new brand name, having been previously known under Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition, and retails in an 800 gram pack. - Sufficient for 11 days - Complete dog food developed by vets - Suitable for extra-small puppies between 2 and 10 months old that will weigh up to 4 kilograms when fully grown - Supports the immune system - Helps contribute to brain development - With scientifically proven antioxidants from ingredients of natural-origin - Stage three - Free from artificial flavours or colours - Contains antioxidants vitamins E and C for immunity and omega 3 unsaturated fatty acid DHA to support brain development and learning during early training - Features prebiotics, including mannan oligosaccharides, and highly digestible protein to help digestive health and restore the natural balance of bacteria in the gut - Provides a high level of energy needed for the healthy growth of dogs - Comes with kibble specially designed for extra-small puppies - Pack bears a feeding guide and is designed to preserve taste, freshness and nutrition, with an easy-to-open zip - Launched in Spring 2023, with an recommended retail price of 2,167 yen - Logos and certifications: QR code

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For additional information on the upcoming FOODEX Japan 2024, please contact:

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Trade Show Strategy and Delivery
Agriculture and agri-food Canada


  • Global Trade Tracker, 2024
  • Euromonitor International, 2024
  • Euromonitor International 2023, Cat Food in Japan
  • Euromonitor International 2023, Dog Food in Japan
  • Euromonitor International 2023, Other Pet Food in Japan
  • Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024
  • Mintel 2023, A year of innovation in pet food and products, 2023

Sector Trend Analysis – Pet food in Japan
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Zhiduo Wang, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2024).

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All photographs reproduced in this publication are used by permission of the rights holders.
All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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