Sector Trend Analysis – Plant-based protein food and drink trends in India

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

In 2022, India imported a total of US$353.9 million (58.6 thousand tonnes) of plant-based and animal protein ingredients from the world. The top global suppliers of these protein ingredients to India were China (21.7%), the United States (20%), and Poland (11.4%) in 2022. While, India imported a total of US$1.3 million (87.6 metric tonnes) from Canada over the year.

The market size in terms of volume sales for non-animal derived proteins in India accounted for 1.9 thousand tonnes in 2022, while animal derived proteins totaled 45.7 thousand tonnes. Demand for plant-based protein products with the highest market share was for soy protein concentrate (49.4%), followed by soy protein isolate (36.1%), gluten (11.4%), vegetable proteins (3.1%), and pea protein (0.03%). In general, these plant-based protein ingredients were found in staple packaged food categories such as baked goods (flatbread, cakes), frozen processed poultry/red meat, instant noodle cups; ready meals, salad dressings; dairy products and alternatives (baby formula, powder milk, soy milk), snacks (potato chips, energy bars), and dog food.

In India, there is a high local consumer preference to purchase fresh foods over shelf stable or frozen foods. Thus, demand for meat substitutes or plant-based products remains neglible and is only slowly growing in the amount of options available on grocery shelves within India. Nevertheless, consumers in India are increasingly conscious of the nutritional value of what they eat, whereby 38% (n= 3,000) believe that eating a plant-based diet can help to reduce the risk of diseases. Positive nutritional claims for added/high protein are appearing more among plant-based drink launches - where high protein content is the most important feature that consumers seek for in health dietary attributes within plant-based drinks throughout the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

In contrast, products in India with a high source of protein ingredients (animal or non-animal derived) registered total sales of US$14.7 million in 2021. As reported by India, proteins by fortified/functional (FF) milk formula were the highest in demand (US$10.3 million), along with proteins by protein/energy bars (US$4.4 million).


Global market overview and trends in the Asia Pacific

Globally, new plant-based, vegan and vegetarian product developments or launches have been growing not only in the food and beverage sector with 66.7% of claims in 2022 and a growth of 3.1% (2015-2021), while such plant-based claims are also becoming popular in the consumer health (50%), and the beauty and personal care segments (74.6%) by a growth of 8.3%. Plant-based eating and alternative proteins has been steadily rising (accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic) amongst most countries, with the Middle East and Africa (MEA), having a higher propensity towards plant-based eating compared to their global peers.Footnote 1

Health benefits are the main reason for consuming plant-based diets and are mostly found in the plant-based meat substitutes and dairy milk alternatives food categories. Flexitarianism is a major driver for growth in the meatless category (23% trying to limit meat intake vs. 15% trying to follow a plant-based diet), while other motivations to a lesser extent over health reasoning includes climate change, sustainability, environmental, and animal rights/welfare concerns.Footnote 2 Consumers in the APAC region, find that positive nutritional quality claims such as 'added/high protein' content is the most important feature when purchasing plant-based drinks - as cited by nearly half of Chinese responders (48%) at a sample size of 2,936 users.Footnote 3

Plant-based innovation is now reaching all food segments like ingredient replacements in categories such as fish and seafood (ie; Green cuisine's fishless fingers and Nestlé's Vrimp), cheese (ie; Fromagerie Bel and Danone), sugar and chocolate confectionery (ie; Nestlé's vegan Kit Kat), sauces, dressings and condiments, prepared baby food, and ready meals etc. Although, plant-based alternatives are deemed to be healthier compared to their dairy/meat counterparts, the segment must continue to scientifically prove and to protect its "health halo" (not overestimate the healthfulness of their claims) by keeping labels transparent and easy to understand its ingredients through simple, clean benefit claims.Footnote 2

As the segment finds its place in the retail market, claims often used to differentiate its products and pull in more consumers include lab cultivated (pushed by regulatory bodies), animal free (preferred naming nomenclature), and more recently trying to battle the right to advertise as "natural" to compete with consumer concerns possibly found in real meat products such as toxins (mercury) and microplastics, antibiotics, added hormones, along with sustainability (overfishing). This natural claim is mostly used in plant-based beverages to market those products with natural ingredients and focus on top consumer trend claims such as those that have limited or no added sugar (sweetened instead with natural Stevia, Monkfruit, Allulose), free from preservatives, all natural, no artificial sweeteners, good for heart health, no added salt/fat/transfat or hydrogenated oils etc.Footnote 2

According to a Euromonitor survey (n=6,083), the challenge that the plant-based segment faces is that 30% of global consumers report that not enjoying the taste is a reason for not consuming plant-based dairy alternatives (Health and Nutrition Survey, Feb. 2022). In the past, soy beverages more for consumers with lactose intolerance did not taste good, which helped offset the segment's positive perception. However, there are new better tasting options like oat plant-based milks, boosting the segment further and improvements to the quality (possibly health) and natural taste are being addressed through precision fermentation for dairy-free and cell-cultivated meat and seafood products.Footnote 2 Precision-fermented proteins are being developed at a record pace but manufacturers must deliver tangible consumer-facing benefits to match those offered by plant-based alternatives.

To further drive the plant-based, vegan or vegetarian segment, next steps are working towards having more big foodservice companies to take-on these products and help propel the trend towards bringing plant-based products to a more general consumer base. Yum! BrandsFootnote 4 (KFC: Beyond Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell etc.) were the first International brand to bring meat alternatives to consumers on a wide scale. Burger King pledges to reduce its meat consumption by 50% in the UK by 2030.Footnote 5 While, full-service restaurants (FSRs) are trying to introduce new plant-based options not as a deprivation but something to seek out, vary their menu items and follow healthy eating trends and wider green pushes.Footnote 2

Trade overview – India

In 2022, India imported a total of US$353.9 million (58.6 thousand tonnes) of plant-based and animal protein ingredients from the world (consisting of protein concentrates/substances, peptones and their derivatives, milk and egg or other albumins/albuminates, pea/bean/lentil or vegetable powder, whey proteins and wheat gluten, along with food preparations - that could include plant-based burgers, patties, sausages). This import value has been increasing at a CAGR of 10.1%, especially dried egg albumin (83.5%), casein (38.7%) and milk albumin (32%) between 2018 and 2022. During this time period, pea/bean/lentil or vegetable powder registered a significant decline of 42.5%.

The top global suppliers of plant-based and protein ingredients to India were China (21.7%), the US (20%), and Poland (11.4%) in 2022. While, India imported a total of US$1.3 million (87.6 metric tonnes) from Canada over the year.

India's value imports of plant-based and animal protein ingredients from the world (US$ million), historic
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - imports from the world 241.3 251.4 209.8 316.5 353.9 10.1
350220 Milk albumin, >80% proteins by weight (including concentrates of 2 or more whey proteins) 47.8 63.0 44.8 119.9 145.2 32.0
350400 Subtotal: Peptones and other protein substances and its derivatives, not elsewhere specified 34.2 34.4 39.9 57.5 79.4 23.5
35040091 Isolated soya protein 24.4 22.8 25.9 41.2 58.4 24.3
35040010 Peptones 3.6 4.4 6.2 5.3 6.9 17.6
35040099 Other proteins and its derivatives, not elsewhere specified 6.1 7.3 7.7 11.0 14.1 23.3
21069099 Other food preparations[1], not elsewhere specified 43.9 44.5 38.6 39.8 43.6 −0.2
210610 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 76.9 64.0 26.2 46.5 30.5 −20.7
110900 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 19.5 15.5 16.1 17.9 24.9 6.3
040410 Whey and modified whey proteins 12.9 14.3 22.2 16.5 15.9 5.3
350190 Caseinates and other casein derivatives 3.9 7.6 12.4 14.0 10.5 27.9
350110 Casein 0.3 3.8 7.9 1.8 1.3 38.7
350219 Egg albumin, excluding dried 0.003 0.011 0.028 0.1 0.006 23.5
350211 Egg albumin, dried (for example, sheets, scales, flakes, powders) 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.0 83.5
350290 Other albumins, albuminates and its derivatives (excluding egg and milk albumins) 1.2 2.3 1.3 2.0 2.7 23.0
110610 Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and the other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 0.6 1.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 −42.5

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Food preparations - All plant-based meat products would be classified under HS 21069099 that is, burgers, patties, sausages, yet also includes other various food preparations, not elsewhere specified (thus, not true representation of segment)

India's volume imports of plant-based and protein ingredients from the world (metric tonnes), historic
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - imports from the world 53,201 54,491 52,315 62,120 58,595 2.4
350220 Milk albumin, >80% proteins by weight (including concentrates of 2 or more whey proteins) 9,032 10,816 8,041 17,275 12,868 9.3
350400 Subtotal: Peptones and other protein substances and its derivatives, not elsewhere specified 8,178 8,036 9,062 11,701 15,573 17.5
35040091 Isolated soya protein 6,860 6,546 7,614 10,300 13,801 19.1
35040010 Peptones 329 351 420 232 325 −0.3
35040099 Other proteins and its derivatives, not elsewhere specified 989 1,139 1,028 1,169 1,447 10.0
21069099 Other food preparations[1], not elsewhere specified 6,030 4,912 3,767 3,402 4,949 −4.8
210610 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 8,010 6,596 2,885 4,481 2,859 −22.7
110900 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 12,045 11,121 12,463 12,359 13,320 2.5
040410 Whey and modified whey proteins 7,614 8,767 12,918 10,590 7,685 0.2
350190 Caseinates and other casein derivatives 475 1,024 1,424 1,575 1,016 20.9
350110 Casein 84 572 1,078 234 148 15.2
350219 Egg albumin, excluding dried 0 1 13 11 0 −100.0
350211 Egg albumin, dried (for example, sheets, scales, flakes, powders) 6 125 32 63 0 −100.0
350290 Other albumins, albuminates and its derivatives (excluding egg and milk albumins) 138 299 205 290 177 6.4
110610 Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and the other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 1,589 2,222 427 139 0 −100.0

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Food preparations - All plant-based meat products would be classified under HS 21069099 that is, burgers, patties, sausages, yet also includes other various food preparations, not elsewhere specified (thus, not true representation of segment)

India's - Top 10 suppliers of plant-based and protein ingredients (US$ million), historic
Country 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - global suppliers 241.3 251.4 209.8 316.5 353.9 10.1
1. China 28.4 26.3 23.9 48.9 76.7 28.2
2. United States 122.0 120.5


72.4 70.8 −12.7
3. Poland 2.1 3.4 4.3 28.4 40.5 109.4
4. Netherlands 14.0 18.2 23.2 33.6 33.3 24.2
5. New Zealand 10.3 14.6 16.3 16.5 23.0 22.2
6. United Kingdom 4.0 6.7 10.2 27.9 20.7 50.9
7. France 11.2 15.0 22.4 16.4 18.2 12.9
8. Germany 5.4 7.5 5.4 14.4 13.5 26.1
9. Denmark 4.4 4.4 2.3 8.9 6.7 11.5
10. Sri Lanka 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.043 5.6 72.1
Subtotal - top 10 suppliers 202.3 216.7 165.0 267.5 309.1 11.2
Canada (24th) 2.2 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.3 −12.0

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

India's - Top 10 suppliers of plant-based and protein ingredients (metric tonnes), historic
Country 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - global suppliers 53,201.2 54,490.7 52,314.0 62,121.3 58,594.9 2.4
1. China 13,693.0 13,464.7 11,898.7 18,007.9 23,318.5 14.2
2. United States 14,792.9 14,502.5 7,161.2 7,812.5 6,197.7 −19.5
3. Netherlands 2,681.7 2,800.9 3,902.5 4,904.4 4253.0 12.2
4. Poland 400.3 972.2 1,349.8 4,208.2 3910.0 76.8
5. France 3,745.2 4,704.7 7,282.5 5,403.1 3,859.1 0.8
6. New Zealand 1,986.4 2,541.1 2,340.5 2,476.0 2298.0 3.7
7. Germany 1,962.5 2,868.9 2057.0 4,230.1 1,998.5 0.5
8. Iran 304.1 232.8 805.0 1,108.0 1,870.8 57.5
9. United Kingdom 596.0 1,051.3 1,072.6 2,809.4 1,626.1 28.5
10. Lithuania 500.0 238.8 911.0 375.2 1,289.2 26.7
Subtotal - top 10 suppliers 93,863.2 97,868.3 91,094.9 113,456.1 109,215.8 3.9
Canada (32) 635.4 267.5 150.4 111.5 87.6 −39.1

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Canada's performance

Canada was India's 24th largest supplier for plant-based and protein ingredients, representing 0.4% market share at Can$1.6 million in 2022. India's imports from Canada have declined by 12.6% (2018-2022). Top plant-based or protein ingredients that Canada supplied to India were milk albumin, >80% proteins by weight (including concentrates of 2 or more whey proteins) (HS: 350220) at Can$709.6 thousand, followed by protein concentrates and textured protein substances (HS: 210610) at Can$707.6 thousand, and other food preparations, not elsewhere specified that may contain plant-based or vegetarian meat products (HS: 21069099) at Can$212.4 thousand in 2022.

Peptones and other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified (HS: 350400) has picked up over the years increasing by a CAGR of 604.8% (2018-2022); while pea/beans/lentil and other leguminous vegetable flour, meal and powder, along with other plant-based food preparations declined by a CAGR of 78.6% and 38.1%, respectively.

India's value imports of plant-based and protein ingredients from Canada, in US$ thousands, historic
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - imports from Canada 2,798.6 1,974.1 1,508.5 1,114.7 1,629.6 −12.6
350220 Milk albumin, >80% proteins by weight (including concentrates of 2 or more whey proteins) 565.1 283.8 828.5 228.7 709.6 5.9
210610 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 409.9 1,268.3 285.6 699.7 707.6 14.6
21069099 Other food preparations[1], not elsewhere specified 1,442.9 340.3 394.3 186.3 212.4 −38.1
350400 Peptones and other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified 0.0 0.143 0.346 0.059 50.1 604.8
110610 Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and the other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 380.8 81.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 −78.6

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Food preparations - all plant-based meat products are classified under HS 210690 that is, burgers, patties, sausages, yet also includes other various food preparations, not elsewhere specified (thus, not true representation of segment)

India's volume imports of plant-based and protein ingredients from Canada, in kilograms, historic
HS code Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 CAGR* % 2018-2022
Total - imports from Canada 635,412 267,510 150,354 111,494 86,724 −39.2
350220 Milk albumin, >80% proteins by weight (including concentrates of 2 or more whey proteins) 99,920 32,980 126,106 45,155 31,700 −24.9
210610 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 31,740 142,185 14,964 60,639 48,834 11.4
21069099 Other food preparations[1], not elsewhere specified 72,313 18,863 9,284 5,700 6,190 −45.9
350400 Peptones and other protein substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere specified 0 1 1 0 900 865.5
110610 Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and the other dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713 431,439 73,482 0 0 0 −100.0

Source: Global trade tracker, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Food preparations - all plant-based meat products are classified under HS 210690 that is, burgers, patties, sausages, yet also includes other various food preparations, not elsewhere specified (thus, not true representation of segment)

Market sizes

In 2022, the market size of animal derived protein ingredients in India registered a volume of 45.7 thousand tonnes, equivalent to an historical volume sales CAGR of 9.0% (2017-2022) and a forecast CAGR of 9.6% (2022-2027) set to reach 72.4 thousand tonnes by 2027. In 2022, the majority of the animal derived protein market consisted of 88.2% of caseinates (40.3 thousand tonnes), followed by 5.6% of whey protein concentrate (2.6 thousand tonnes) and 5.1% of gelatin (2.3 thousand tonnes); smaller market sizes being hydrolysed keratins, whey protein isolates, milk protein concentrates, egg whites, casein, albumin, and milk protein isolates. Historically, volume sales of egg white had the largest compound growth of 11.4%, followed by casein (10.9%) and caseinates (9.7%).

In 2022, demand in India for animal derived protein ingredients in terms of volume was highest within packaged food categories such as dairy products at 85.6% (39.1 thousand tonnes), especially for protein found in yogurt and sour milk at 80.1% within its category. Snacks were the second highest category in demand for animal derived protein ingredients by 6.9% (3.1 thousand tonnes), specifically within sugar confectionery (3.3%), potato chips (1.8%) and chocolate confectionery (1.6%) products in 2022. Staple foods were the next in demand at 1.8% (809.3 tonnes) mostly for baked cake goods, followed by cooking ingredients and meals at 0.4% (164.9 tonnes) mostly within the sauces, dressings and condiments sub-category.

India - Market volume sizes of animal derived protein ingredients by category in tonnes historic and forecast
Category 2017 2022 CAGR* % 2017-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027
Total - animal derived proteins 29,724.9 45,689.2 9.0 50,604.0 72,353.0 9.6
Albumin 11.8 12.0 0.3 12.3 13.6 2.5
Casein 20.9 35.1 10.9 38.5 53.4 8.8
Caseinates 25,406.5 40,291.0 9.7 44,885.6 65,326.9 10.1
Egg white 37.4 64.3 11.4 69.4 89.2 6.8
Gelatin 1,951.4 2,314.4 3.5 2,426.2 2,849.8 4.2
Milk protein concentrates 111.0 150.3 6.2 162.6 206.5 6.6
Milk protein isolate 1.7 2.3 6.2 2.5 3.2 6.8
Whey protein concentrate 1,961.6 2,579.7 5.6 2,760.5 3,543.6 6.6
Whey protein isolate 222.7 240.2 1.5 246.2 266.8 2.1
Hydrolysed keratins 232.5 273.9 3.3 283.0 318.0 3.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

India - Demand of animal derived protein ingredients by product category in tonnes historic and forecast
Category Data type 2017 2022 CAGR* % 2017-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027
Total - packaged food (animal derived proteins) Total volume 27,499.5 43,231.6 9.5 48,101.4 69,672.8 10.0
% breakdown 92.5 94.6 0.4 95.1 96.3 0.4
Snacks: Total volume 2,538.5 3,134.7 4.3 3,300.0 3,956.9 4.8
% breakdown 8.5 6.9 −4.1 6.5 5.5 −4.4
Chocolate confectionery Total volume 671.4 744.2 2.1 778.2 908.2 4.1
% breakdown 2.3 1.6 −7.0 1.5 1.3 −4.1
Sugar confectionery Total volume 1,254.4 1,510.0 3.8 1,572.9 1,793.9 3.5
% breakdown 4.2 3.3 −4.7 3.1 2.5 −5.4
Ice cream Total volume 8.6 7.0 −4.0 8.1 12.9 13.0
Potato chips Total volume 582.4 836.9 7.5 900.7 1,185.8 7.2
% breakdown 2.0 1.8 −2.1 1.8 1.6 −2.3
Puffed snacks Total volume 20.6 34.5 10.9 37.9 52.2 8.6
% breakdown 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
Tortilla chips Total volume 0.7 1.4 14.9 1.6 2.7 14.0
Protein/energy bars Total volume 0.3 0.5 10.8 0.6 1.1 17.1
Dairy products and alternatives: Total volume 24,130.4 39,122.7 10.1 43,768.9 64,457.9 10.5
% breakdown 81.2 85.6 1.1 86.5 89.1 0.8
Baby milk formula Total volume 525.4 548.3 0.9 547.1 534.6 −0.5
% breakdown 1.8 1.2 −7.8 1.1 0.7 −10.2
Processed cheese (excluding spreadable) Total volume 270.8 418.9 9.1 466.3 674.3 10.0
% breakdown 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.0
Yogurt and sour milk Total volume 21,915.6 36,598.5 10.8 41,125.5 61,312.5 10.9
% breakdown 73.7 80.1 1.7 81.3 84.7 1.1
Coffee Whiteners Total volume 887.1 980.1 2.0 1,038.5 1,274.7 5.4
% breakdown 3.0 2.1 −6.9 2.1 1.8 −3.0
Condensed milk Total volume 531.6 577.0 1.7 591.6 661.9 2.8
% breakdown 1.8 1.3 −6.3 1.2 0.9 −7.1
Cooking ingredients and meals: Total volume 115.1 164.9 7.5 173.5 205.4 4.5
% breakdown 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.3 −5.6
Ready meals Total volume 32.4 55.5 11.4 59.3 72.0 5.3
% breakdown 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0
Other sauces, dressings and condiments Total volume 82.7 109.4 5.8 114.2 133.4 4.0
% breakdown 0.3 0.2 −7.8 0.2 0.2 0.0
Staple foods: Total volume 715.5 809.3 2.5 859.0 1,052.5 5.4
% breakdown 2.4 1.8 −5.6 1.7 1.5 −3.6
Baked cake goods Total volume 709.9 799.7 2.4 848.1 1,034.4 5.3
% breakdown 2.4 1.8 −5.6 1.7 1.4 −4.9
Processed frozen potatoes Total volume 5.6 9.5 11.1 10.9 18.1 13.8

Source: Euromonitor, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2022, the market size of plant-based protein ingredients (non-animal derived) in India registered a volume of 1.9 thousand tonnes, equivalent to an historical volume sales CAGR of 8.0% (2017-2022) and a forecast CAGR of 7.7% (2022-2027) set to reach 2.8 thousand tonnes by 2027. In 2022, 49.4% of non-animal derived protein ingredients consisted of soy protein concentrate (953.8 tonnes), followed by 36.1% of soy protein isolate (696.2 tonnes), 11.4% of gluten (219.5 tonnes), 3.1% of vegetable proteins (59.0 tonnes), and 0.03% pea protein (0.6 tonnes). Historically, volume sales of pea protein has been increasing with the largest compound growth of 14.9%, followed by soy protein concentrate (9.3%) and gluten (7.9%). Noting that protein hydrolysates (3.1 thousand tonnes) and other proteins (1.7 thousand tonnes) were not included in the protein ingredients total since these categories may not necessarily be all inclusively non-animal derived. However, typically these proteins do come from plant, pulse or cereal sources.

India - Market volume sizes of plant-based protein ingredients by category in tonnes, historic and forecast
Category 2017 2022 CAGR* % 2017-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027
Total - non-animal derived proteins[1] 1,313.5 1,929.2 8.0 2,098.8 2,801.8 7.7
Gluten 150.1 219.5 7.9 239.4 315.1 7.5
Pea protein 0.3 0.6 14.9 0.7 1.2 14.9
Soy protein concentrate 612.2 953.8 9.3 1,051.2 1,494.9 9.4
Soy protein isolate 501.8 696.2 6.8 746.4 921.4 5.8
Vegetable proteins 49.0 59.0 3.8 61.2 69.3 3.3
Protein hydrolysates[1] 1,943.5 3,149.3 10.1 3,445.6 4,710.0 8.4
Other proteins[1] 1,744.0 3,737.3 16.5 4,192.9 6,549.6 11.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Non-animal derived proteins - Note that this category is not all inclusive since non-animal derived proteins may be used in the more ambiguous categories "Hydrolysed Keratins", "Protein Hydrolysates" and "Other Proteins" (not including in total volume). Typically, however, these proteins come from plant, pulse or cereal sources.

In 2022, demand in India for plant-based protein ingredients in terms of volume was highest within packaged food categories such as staple food products at 63.1% (1.2 thousand tonnes), especially for added protein found in frozen processed poultry/red meat at 57.5% and packaged cakes at 3.9% within its category. Cooking ingredients and meals were the second highest category in demand for non-animal derived protein ingredients at 16% (308.4 tonnes), specifically within salad dressings (13.1%), and ready meals (2.9%) products. Dairy products and alternatives were the next in demand at 10.4% (199.7 tonnes) mostly for powder milk (6.2%), special baby powder milk formula (3.2%), and plant-based soy milk (1.2%); followed by the snacks category at 6.8% (130.8 tonnes) mostly for protein energy bars (6.4%) and salty potato chips (0.4%); lastly in demand was dog food at 1.2% (22.3 tonnes) in 2022.

India - Demand of plant-based protein ingredients by product category in tonnes, historic and forecast
Category Data type 2017 2022 CAGR* % 2017-2022 2023 2027 CAGR* % 2022-2027
Total - packaged food (non-animal derived proteins) Total volume 1,252.5 1,856.2 8.2 2,023.4 2,717.7 7.9
% breakdown 95.4 96.2 0.2 96.4 97.0 0.2
Snacks: Total volume 64.4 130.8 15.2 148.6 250.6 13.9
% breakdown 4.9 6.8 6.8 7.1 8.9 5.5
Salty potato chips Total volume 5.6 8.0 7.4 8.6 11.3 7.2
% breakdown 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0
Protein energy bars Total volume 58.9 122.8 15.8 140.0 239.2 14.3
% breakdown 4.5 6.4 7.3 6.7 8.5 5.8
Dairy products and alternatives: Total volume 144.7 199.7 6.7 209.1 243.1 4.0
% breakdown 11.0 10.4 −1.1 10.0 8.7 −3.5
Special baby powdered milk formula Total volume 46.4 61.4 5.8 66.4 83.9 6.4
% breakdown 3.5 3.2 −1.8 3.2 3.0 −1.3
Powder milk Total volume 82.0 119.0 7.7 123.3 139.3 3.2
% breakdown 6.2 6.2 0.0 5.9 5.0 −4.2
Plant-based soy milk Total volume 16.3 19.3 3.4 19.5 20.0 0.7
% breakdown 1.2 1.0 −3.6 0.9 0.7 −6.9
Cooking ingredients and meals: Total volume 164.7 308.4 13.4 349.6 562.0 12.8
% breakdown 12.5 16.0 5.1 16.7 20.1 4.7
Ready meals Total volume 34.9 56.5 10.1 62.3 88.7 9.4
% breakdown 2.7 2.9 1.4 3.0 3.2 2.0
Salad dressings Total volume 129.7 252.0 14.2 287.3 473.3 13.4
% breakdown 9.9 13.1 5.8 13.7 16.9 5.2
Staple foods: Total volume 878.7 1,217.3 6.7 1,316.0 1,662.0 6.4
% breakdown 66.9 63.1 −1.2 62.7 59.3 −1.2
Baked goods: Total volume 58.5 80.1 6.5 87.3 113.4 7.2
% breakdown 4.5 4.2 −1.4 4.2 4.0 −1.0
Packaged flat bread Total volume 3.4 5.3 9.3 6.4 10.6 14.9
% breakdown 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.4 5.9
Packaged cakes Total volume 55.2 74.8 6.3 80.9 102.8 6.6
% breakdown 4.2 3.9 −1.5 3.9 3.7 −1.0
Frozen processed poultry / red meat Total volume 799.9 1,108.7 6.7 1,196.5 1,496.7 6.2
% breakdown 60.9 57.5 −1.1 57.0 53.4 −1.5
Noodles - instant cups Total volume 20.3 28.5 7.0 32.2 51.9 12.7
% breakdown 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.5 1.9 4.8
Pet - dog food: Total volume 16.7 22.3 6.0 23.2 26.0 3.1
% breakdown 1.3 1.2 −1.6 1.1 0.9 −5.6

Source: Euromonitor, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Retail sales

Demand for meat substitutes remains negligible in India. There is a high local consumer preference to purchase fresh foods over shelf stable or frozen foods. Additionally, there is limited availability and marketing regarding alternative products and consumers in India are less aware about their alternative options. Meat substitute start-ups in India are mainly restricted to online shopping from players such as Urban Platter, Vezlay, Wakao Foods, Good Dot and VegetaGold.Footnote 6

In 2022, the strong return of avian influenza in India has significantly reduced the availability of poultry to be processed in multiple states including Bihar, Maharashtra and Kerala. Also, with a rise in feed prices for chickens, demand slowed for processed poultry in particular and as a result, caused unit prices of processed meat to increase amid lower livestock and high inflation.Footnote 6 Albeit, value sales of processed meat continued to record double digit annual growth by 13.2% moving from US$217.9 million in 2021 to US$246.7 million in 2022.

In comparison, products with a high source of protein ingredients (animal or non-animal derived) registered total sales of US$14.7 million in 2021. Generally, products that contain a high source of protein ingredients include naturally healthy (NH) fruit and nut bars, fortified/functional (FF), organic and NH cereal bars; FF protein/energy bars, FF milk (powder, flavoured drinks, formula), and FF yogurt. As reported by India, proteins by FF milk formula were the highest in demand (US$10.3 million) and proteins by protein/energy bars (US$4.4 million).

India - Retail sales of protein ingredient products by category, historic fixed 2021 exchange rates - US$ millions
Category 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total - processed meat 118.2 133.9 151.9 170.4 195.9 217.9
Total - high source of protein ingredients 9.3 10.3 11.6 13.7 14.2 14.7
Proteins by fortified / functional milk formula 8.7 9.1 9.7 10.9 10.5 10.3
Proteins by fortified / functional


protein/energy bars
0.6 1.1 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.4
Source: Euromonitor International, 2023
India - Retail sales growth (%) of protein ingredient products by category, historic
Category Annual growth % 2021/2020 CAGR* % 2016-2021 Total growth % 2016-2021
Total - processed meat 11.2 13.0 84.3
Total - high source of protein ingredients 3.5 9.6 58.1
Proteins by fortified / functional milk formula −1.9 3.4 18.4
Proteins by fortified / functional protein/energy bars 18.9 49.0 633.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Competitive landscape

In 2021, packaged food companies (brands) for animal/non-animal derived high in protein ingredients products (FF milk formula, FF protein/energy bars) in India included the Bombay Oxygen Corporation Ltd. (Lactodex) at a market share of 70.0% (US$10.3 million), Sproutlife Foods Pvt. Ltd. (Yoga Bar) at 27.7% (US$4.1 million), 365 Build Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (HYP Protein bar) at 1.3% (US$0.2 million), and General Mills Inc. (Nature Valley) at 1.0% (US$0.2 million).

India- Company (brands) ofprotein ingredient products by category, 2021 retail value sales (US$ million) and market share (%) - fixed 2021 exchange rates
Company Top brand Retail sales (US$ million) Market share in 2021
Bombay Oxygen Corporation Ltd. Lactodex 10.3 70.0
Sproutlife Foods Pvt. Ltd. Yoga Bar 4.1 27.7
365 Build Technologies Pvt. Ltd. HYP Protein bar 0.2 1.3
General Mills Inc. Nature Valley 0.2 1.0
Total - proteins by fortified / functional protein / energy bars or milk formula products 14.7 100.0
Source: Euromonitor International, 2023

New product launches in India

Mintel indicated that there were 4,246 new protein food (3,372), drink (668), and pet food (206) products launched in India's grocery retailer outlets (including new variety/range extension, packaging, formulation or relaunched) between the period of January 2018 and May 31st, 2023: which consisted of 14.1% claims suitable for plant-based (599) and 91.2% of high/added protein (3,874) products. [Note: each product can contain more than one of these claims]

Number of product launches with plant-based, high/added protein claims in India
Total food, drink and pet food product item count (4,246) (January 2018 to May 2023)
Description of this image follows.
Description of above image
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (up to May 31)
High/added protein (3,874) 628 602 687 747 795 415
Plant-based (599) 23 30 72 141 203 130

Source: Mintel, 2023

Meat substitute launches in Asia with meat and poultry flavours are surging ahead in the retail market. Asian consumers are interested in reducing their meat intake mostly as a dietary staple, and many want to enjoy the same meat-like taste and texture of meat. Asian consumers are also keen on having a diverse range of meat flavour-inspired options (including fauna - dark fruit, light tannins wine flavours), along with infused flavours like pairing umami vegetables and seaweed with plant-based meat substitutes.Footnote 7

The APAC region seek health dietary attributes, which are linked to longevity and disease prevention. Meat substitute brands are highlighting high protein, low/no/reduced cholesterol content, added fibre and other better-for-you or nutritional beneficial claims; while reducing artificial ingredients. Consumers in India are increasingly conscious of the nutritional value of what they eat, whereby 38% (sample size= 3,000) believe that eating a plant-based diet can help to reduce the risk of diseases.Footnote 7

Leading parent companies launching plant-based or high/added protein food and drink products (1,257) in India between Q2-2022 and Q2-2023 were Happilo International (34), Bright Lifecare (33), Hector Beverages (17), Istore Direct Trading (17), Flogre International (16), and Naturell (15). New brands appearing for the first time launched in the Indian market within the last 6 months, included Nutraj Snackrite (sports mix), Brave Nutrition Series Your Starter Protein (vanilla flavoured protein powder), The Naturik Co. (oats Cheela mix) and Desi Nutri (multi millet health drink mix).

Top categories for plant-based or high/added protein claims in India were snacks (30%), nutritional drinks and other beverages (14.5%), bakery (10%), breakfast cereals (9%), and dairy (7%) between January 2018 and May 2023. New baby food ingredients appearing within the last 12 months included jasmine, lotus root, starches enzyme treated, yellow mustard seed, dill seed, chlorella flour, lemon mint and Kakvi (jaggery or gur, unrefined sweetener). The fastest growing baby food flavours were Masala (+500%), berry (+300%), peppercorn, hazelnut, barbecue, and Cardamom (+200%) between Q2-2021 and Q2-2023.

Between January 2018 and May 2023, top claims for high/added and/or plant-based protein food and beverage (not including pet food) product launches include vegetarian, high/added protein, no additives/preservatives, high/added fibre, free from added/artificial preservatives, low/no/reduced allergen, gluten free, all natural product, functional - energy, low/no/reduced cholesterol, and plant-based. Top growing plant-based and high in protein claims were palm oil free (+1100%), hormone free (+800%), Kosher (+400%), time/speed (+288%), and ethical - human (+250%) between Q1-2022 and Q1-2023. Meanwhile, declining claims by −100% were male, carbon neutral, ethical - biodegradable, functional - beauty benefits, and functional - eye health (−83%) during the same period.

India - Top 10 claims for high/added and/or plant-based protein food and drink product launches, by product item count (January 2018 to May 2023)
Description of this image follows.
Description of above image
  • Vegetarian: 3,797
  • High / added protein: 3,668
  • No additives / preservatives: 1,680
  • High / added fibre: 1,567
  • Free from added / artificial preservatives: 1,403
  • Low / no / reduced allergen: 1,373
  • Gluten free: 1,177
  • All natural product: 815
  • Functional - energy: 772
  • Low / no / reduced cholesterol: 681
  • Plant-based: 599

Total item count (excluding pet food): 4,040

Source: Mintel, 2023

New product launches of plant-based, high / added protein food and drinks in India, January 2018 to May 31, 2023
Product attributes Yearly launch - item count
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total
Yearly product launches 616 579 696 785 890 474 4,040
Top launch types
New product 291 272 447 434 415 224 2,083
New variety / range extension 132 121 131 182 267 154 987
New packaging 154 148 102 144 164 92 804
Relaunch 37 30 15 24 41 3 150
New formulation 2 8 1 1 3 1 16
Top sub-categories
Snacks 131 165 229 232 320 143 1,220
Nutritional drinks and other beverages 140 93 88 132 92 42 587
Bakery 82 64 71 67 76 46 406
Breakfast cereals 59 51 59 72 80 42 363
Dairy 58 44 55 47 40 41 285
Top five companies / parent
Bright Lifecare 22 7 7 15 22 13 86
SproutLife Foods Private 5 6 21 5 13 1 51
Happilo International 4 6 4 7 11 19 51
Naturell 9 18 0 6 14 2 49
BigBasket - Supermarket Grocery Supplies 13 2 17 7 6 1 46
Top five brands
Urban Platter 3 7 7 11 19 5 52
Happilo 3 5 5 5 10 17 45
Yoga Bar 5 6 13 5 13 3 45
True Elements 4 4 2 12 5 2 29
Epigamia 6 3 9 4 1 5 28
Import status (if reported)
Not imported 144 179 194 285 361 182 1,345
Imported 24 17 7 18 20 5 91
Location of manufacture
India 144 179 194 285 361 182 1,345
United States 6 7 3 2 5 0 23
Thailand 6 2 0 3 1 1 13
Bhutan 5 2 1 0 0 0 8
Italy 0 1 0 3 2 1 7
Top five flavours (including blend)
Unflavoured / plain 268 215 308 338 348 194 1,671
Chocolate 72 51 38 66 50 28 305
Vanilla / vanilla Bourbon / vanilla Madagascar 25 13 11 11 20 5 85
Peanut butter 6 16 13 18 20 10 83
Roasted/toasted 6 11 19 9 24 5 74
Top package types
Flexible (stand-up pouch / sachet) 388 384 435 510 637 334 2,688
Jar 100 100 122 153 119 61 655
Carton 36 29 39 23 28 18 173
Can 23 18 28 25 30 6 130
Tub 28 13 20 16 17 18 112
Source: Mintel; Global New Product Database, 2023

Examples of new products

100% Plant-based Spicy Fingers

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Novolutions Food & Beverage
Manufacturer SFP Foods, India
Brand Just Dig In!
Category Meat substitutes
Market India
Related claims No additives / preservatives, low / no / reduced cholesterol / transfat, vegan / no animal ingredients, plant-based
Related ingredients Textured vegetable protein (soya), wheat gluten, breadcrumbs, natural flavouring seasoning, Methyl cellulose binder mix and gaur gum (stabilizers), refined coconut, sesame seed and palm oil
Store name Modern Bazaar
Store type Department store
Date published July 2022
Launch type New product
Price in US dollars 3.85

This 100% Plant Based Spicy Fingers product contains 12.2 grams protein per 100 gram. This vegetarian and vegan product is free from trans fat, MSG, preservatives and cholesterol, and retails in a 250 gram pack.

Sports Mix

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company VKC Nuts
Brand Nutraj Snackrite
Category Snacks, snack mixes
Market India
Related claims No additives / preservatives, low / no / reduced cholesterol, high / added fibre, vegetarian, gluten-free, antioxidant, high / added protein, on-the-go, plant based
Store name D-Mart, Bangalore 560062
Store type Supermarket
Date published June 2023
Launch type New product
Price in US dollars 1.81

This product retails in a 150 gram pack. Guilt free snacking at 6.5 grams plant protein per 100 gram of product. Rich in antioxidants, fibre, plant protein, minerals and vitamins. Contains raisins, California almond, cranberry, blueberry, pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts. Free from GMO, gluten, cholesterol and added preservatives. Recyclable pack with vegetarian green dot logo. Also, available in varieties such as nuts and dry fruit, roasted and salted almond, cranberry and nuts trio and nutty corn mixes.

Protein Rich Ragi Cheela Mix

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Wholesoul Consumer Products
Manufacturer Samasta Foods
Brand The Naturik Co.
Category Bakery, baking ingredients and mixes
Market India, not imported
Related claims No additives / preservatives, vegetarian, high / added protein, time / speed, ease of use, vegan / no animal
Store name JioMart
Store type Internet / mail order
Date published June 2023
Launch type New product
Price in US dollars 1.80

This product retails in a 250 gram pack. No preservatives: 100% vegan, 81% ragi pulses. Comprises ragi, split chickpeas, split green gram, asafoetida, cumin and turmeric. Convenient food options. Blend of savour and well-being for everyone who wants a nutritious, protein rich meal ready in quick three minutes. Recyclable pack with logos and certifications: FSSAI, Vegetarian green dot. Also, available in oats or multigrain Cheela mix.

Multi Millet Health Drink Mix

Source: Mintel, 2023
Company Skandhanshi Agro Foods
Manufacturer Adithi Millets & Organics
Brand Desi Nutri
Category Nutritional drinks and meal replacement drinks
Market India, not imported
Related claims High / added fibre, vegetarian, functional – cardiovascular, immune system, energy and slimming, high / added protein, ease of use, vegan / no animal ingredients
Store name Ushodaya Supper Market
Store type Supermarket, Hyderabad 500007
Date published June 2023
Launch type New product
Price in US dollars 1.80

This drink mix retails in a 250 gram pack. High in fibre and protein. Rich in iron and calcium. Balances blood sugar, improves immunity. A wholesome mix of essential millets, pulses and cereals. Easy to prepare, energy packed powder can be had warm with water or milk. Rich in nutrients, making it a perfect choice for weight watchers and those looking for a holistic health solution for their family. The manufacturer provides natural, millet-based, holistic-health anchored, nutritionally balanced functional foods to enrich everyday meals; they also empower farmer communities. Recyclable pack.

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For additional information on the Food Ingredients & Health Ingredients (FIHI) - 2023 event in India from August 17-19, please contact:

Kesha Dhruv
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The Consulate General of Canada, Mumbai
Government of Canada


  • Euromonitor, 2023. Presentation: The Evolution of Plant Base – Eating and Beyond
  • Euromonitor International | January 2023. Country Report: Processed meat, seafood and alternatives to meat in India
  • Euromonitor | March 2022. Plant-Based Eating and Alternative Proteins in Middle East and Africa
  • Mintel Global New Products Database, 2023
  • Mintel | October 2022. A year of innovation in meat substitutes and eggs: Asia
  • Walji, Amrin. Mintel | A year of innovation in plant-based drinks, yogurt & ice cream, 2023

Sector Trend Analysis – Plant-based protein food and drink trends in India
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Erin-Ann Chauvin, Senior Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2023).

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All photographs reproduced in this publication are used by permission of the rights holders.
All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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