Sector Trends Analysis – Ready meals and soups in the United States

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

The United States (U.S.) meals and soups market was valued at US$63.3 billion in 2023, rising 9.1% annually over 2019-2023, partly induced by pandemic stay at home restrictions.

Between 2019 and 2023, the three fastest growing categories were food kits (17.1%), prepared salads (10.9%), and pizza (7.2%).

Under food kits, meal kits saw the fastest growth at 28.0% annually over 2019 to 2023 with chilled lunch kits and quick recipe kits seeing single digit growth.

The convenience of meal kits, especially during the pandemic, gave delivery meal kits a massive boost, with HelloFresh and Home Chef benefiting the most. Post pandemic sales growth is slower for the overall category; with inflationary trends impacting ingredient prices and consumer spending habits.

Sales growth of meals and soups is expected to slow to 3.9% annually over 2024 to 2028 due to reduced consumption to near pre-pandemic per capita levels.

Ready meals and soups sales are sold mainly in retail offline at supermarket and hypermarkets with around 80% market share, which have been effective at engaging consumer trust on value proposition and brand identity.

From 2019 to 2023, 5,620 ready meals and soups were launched in the U.S. The most popular product claim was microwavable (2,937 products from 2019 to 2023). Other popular claims include ethical, no/low claims, and free from.


Market size

The U.S. meals and soups market was valued at US$63.3 billion in 2023, rising 9.1% annually over 2019 to 2023, partly induced by pandemic stay at home restrictions. The top three categories in sales are ready meals (US$27.9 billion), food kits (US$12.6 billion) and prepared salads (US$9.8 billion). Between 2019 and 2023, the three fastest growing categories were food kits (17.1%), prepared salads (10.9%), and pizza (7.2%).

According to Euromonitor, over 2024 to 2028, sales growth of meals and soups is expected to slow to 3.9% annually as reduced consumption nears pre-pandemic per capita levels and inflation impacting ingredient prices and consumer spending habits. Post pandemic shifting social norms has given rise to a "grazing" consumption trend, which makes is making snacking and convenience more popular, which requires minimal preparation, such as specifically charcuterie style offerings in chilled lunch kits and newer single-serve products in frozen ready meals.

With respect to competition, Nestlé, HelloFresh, and Karft Heinz lead the way. Other major players are ConAgra and Campbell Soup.

Ready meals and soups retail sales by product category - Historical and forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2023-2028
Meals and soups 44,742.6 63,297.6 9.1 64,918.5 75,585.3 3.9
Ready meals 21,471.70 27,951.20 6.8 28,455.20 32,072.40 3.0
Food kits 6,717.70 12,617.70 17.1 12,845.90 15,523.60 4.8
Prepared salads 6,470.70 9,793.30 10.9 10,306.30 12,623.20 5.2
Pizza 5,381.80 7,106.50 7.2 7,319.20 8,530.60 3.9
Soup 4,700.70 5,828.90 5.5 5,992.00 6,835.60 3.3

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top five ready meals and soups companies in the United States in 2023 - Retail value sales and market share
Company Retail sales (US$ millions) Market share (%)
Nestlé SA 6,122.7 9.7
HelloFresh SE 4,935.5 7.8
Kraft Heinz Co 4,415.3 7.0
ConAgra Brands Inc 3,823.9 6.0
Campbell Soup Co 2,861.6 4.5
General Mills Inc 2,621.2 4.1
Chiquita Brands International Inc 2,165.0 3.4
Schwan Food Co, The 1,660.0 2.6
Tyson Foods Inc 1,362.2 2.2
Kroger Co 1,299.7 2.1
Private Label 9,168.3 14.5
Others 12,053.6 19.0
Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

Subsector analysis

Ready meals

Ready meals in the U.S. expanded 6.8% annually over 2019 to 2023 with sales hitting US$27.9 billion in 2023. Chilled ready meals saw the highest growth at 12.3% annually over 2019 to 2023 but is expected to grow more slowly by 5.1% annually over 2024 to 2028, reaching total sales of US$2.9 billion by 2028. All ready meal category sales are expected to slow by around half over 2024 to 2028.

Stouffers, Jimmy Dean, and Kraft are the leading brands in 2023. Other major brands are Marie Callender's and Hot Pockets with market shares of 3.3% each. According to Euromonitor, chilled ready meals has been showing significant activity in terms of new products and new brands. For example, Kevin's Natural Meals is a line of paleo- and keto-friendly chilled ready meals with an initial focus through e-commerce that was recently acquired by Mars.

Ready meals retail sales by product category - Historical and forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2023-2028
Ready meals 21,471.70 27,951.20 6.8 28,455.20 32,072.40 3.0
Frozen ready meals 15,940.40 20,599.20 6.6 20,862.20 23,502.70 3.0
Dried ready meals 2,445.20 3,047.20 5.7 3,103.30 3,320.90 1.7
Chilled ready meals 1,412.90 2,246.50 12.3 2,379.70 2,904.70 5.1
Shelf stable ready meals 1,673.20 2,058.30 5.3 2,109.90 2,344.10 2.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top five ready meal brands in the United States in 2023 - Retail value sales and market share
Brand (company) Retail sales (US$ millions) Market share (%)
Stouffer's (Nestlé SA) 1,730.1 6.2
Jimmy Dean (Tyson Foods Inc) 1,227.0 4.4
Kraft (Kraft Heinz Co) 1,105.5 4.0
Marie Callender's (ConAgra Brands Inc) 927.9 3.3
Hot Pockets (Nestlé SA) 923.4 3.3
Private Label 2,786.6 10.0
Others 8,079.1 28.9
Source: Euromonitor International, 2024


Soup in the U.S. expanded 5.5% annually over 2019 to 2023 with sales hitting US$5.8 billion in 2023. Sales growth is expected to grow more slowly by 3.3% annually over 2024 to 2028, reaching sales of US$6.8 billion by 2028.

According to Euromonitor, per capita consumption of store-bought soup has steadily decreased over the years and, after a brief pandemic related rise, looks set to continue its downwards trajectory. Major producers have struggled to grow this category, with new product lines, varieties, and health and wellness trends failing to increase sales. Shelf stable offerings still dominate the category overall, and are suffering from the same optics affecting shelf stable ready meals: a perception of inferior quality, excessive processing, and poor nutritional value.

Campbell's was the leading soup brand, accounting for 38.6% of the total retail value sales in 2023, followed by Progresso with 15.3% share.

Soup retail sales by product category - Historical and forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2023-2028
Soup 4,700.7 5,828.9 5.5 5,992.0 6,835.6 3.3
Shelf stable soup 3,706.60 4,543.50 5.2 4,648.90 5,220.20 2.9
Chilled soup 535.3 734.4 8.2 778.9 990.1 6.2
Dry soup 402.7 495.5 5.3 509.5 566.8 2.7
Frozen soup 56.2 55.4 −0.3 54.6 58.5 1.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top five soup brands in the United States in 2023 - Retail value sales and market share
Brand (company) Retail sales (US$ millions) Market share (%)
Campbell's (Campbell Soup Co) 2,247.2 38.6
Progresso (General Mills Inc) 892.5 15.3
Panera Bread (Blount Fine Foods Corp) 288.2 4.9
Lipton (Unilever Group) 175.0 3.0
Pacific (Campbell Soup Co) 165.1 2.8
Private Label 1,020.6 17.5
Others 633.7 10.9
Source: Euromonitor International, 2024


The pizza market grew 7.2% annually over 2019 to 2023, with retail sales of US$7.1 billion in 2023. It is expected to expand by 3.9% annually over 2024 to 2028, reaching sales of US$8.5 billion in 2028. DiGiomo led pizza sales with a market share of 25.6%, followed by Red Baron (13.8%) and Totinos (7.0%).

According to Euromonitor, frozen pizza has been an especially vibrant space in premiumization with entries from players outside of the category, such as Tillamook and Rao's, while newcomer Screamin' Sicilian has blazed its way onto shelves with eye-catching packaging that accentuate the product's ingredients.

Soup retail sales by product category - Historical and forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2022-2028
Pizza 5,381.8 7,106.5 7.2 7,319.2 8,530.6 3.9
Frozen pizza 5,189.7 6,883.5 7.3 7,093.1 8,291.0 4.0
Chilled pizza 192.1 222.9 3.8 226.1 239.6 1.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Top five ready meal brands in the United States in 2023 - Retail value sales and market share
Brand (company) Retail sales (US$ millions) Market share (%)
DiGiorno (Nestlé SA) 1,821.2 25.6
Red Baron (Schwan Food Co, The) 979.5 13.8
Totino's (General Mills Inc) 498.6 7.0
Jack's (Nestlé SA) 433.3 6.1
Freschetta (Schwan Food Co, The) 319.0 4.5
Private Label 1,181.4 16.6
Others 856.1 12.0
Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

Food kits

Food kits grew fastest within meals and soups by 17.1% annually over 2019 to 2023 with sales of US$12.6 billion in 2023. Meal kits saw the fastest growth at 28.0% annually over 2019 to 2023 with chilled lunch kits and quick recipe kits seeing single digit growth.

The convenience of meal kits, especially during the pandemic, gave delivery meal kits a massive boost, with HelloFresh and Home Chef benefiting the most. Post pandemic sales growth is slower for the overall category with inflationary trends impacting ingredient prices and consumer spending habits.

According to Euromonitor, Blue Apron, which was the category leader, has struggled over the years against newer players as revenue, active customers, and number of orders falling in North America year over year. HelloFresh has been seeing similar struggles in 2023. Threats to the meal kits value proposition have built up post pandemic with changes in eating occasions and consumer confidence.

In addition, consumer behaviour including scheduling inconsistencies, fluctuating priorities, and shifting social norms have given rise to a "grazing" consumption trend, which has made snacking and convenience more popular. Furthermore, consumers are adapting what they have learned from meal kits and social media cooking trends and are stretching their dollars by directly purchasing fresh foods to cook at home.

Food kits retail sales by product category - Historical and forecast retail sales in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2023-2028
Food kits 6,717.7 12,617.7 17.1 12,845.9 15,523.6 4.8
Meal kits 2,940.4 7,887.8 28.0 7,828.4 9,387.9 4.6
Chilled lunch kits 2,610.6 3,366.1 6.6 3,573.9 4,466.1 5.7
Quick recipe kits 1,166.8 1,363.9 4.0 1,443.7 1,669.5 3.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth

Top five food kit brands in the United States in 2023 - Retail value sales and market share
Brand (company) Retail sales (US$ millions) Market share (%)
HelloFresh (HelloFresh SE) 4,935.5 39.1
Oscar Mayer (Kraft Heinz Co) 2,077.2 16.5
Home Chef (Kroger Co) 1,299.7 10.3
Blue Apron (Blue Apron Holdings Inc) 471.6 3.7
Hamburger Helper (Eagle Family Foods Inc) 272.2 2.2
Private Label 526.3 4.2
Others 1,782.2 14.1
Source: Euromonitor International, 2024


Ready meals and soups sales are sold mainly at supermarket and hypermarkets with around 80% market share. According to Euromonitor, retail outlets have been effective at engaging consumer trust on value proposition and brand identity. From Aldi to Trader Joe's to Costco, private label offerings have benefitted from inflation-driven trading down as consumers are placing their faith in retail as a lifestyle brand, and ready meals are a core part of that sentiment. While many shoppers have found more private label offerings in their baskets, novel high-end offerings have also made inroads across categories.

According to e-commerce data, Walmart's company share of ready meals, driven by its Marketside and Great Value brands, poses a real threat to Nestlé and ConAgra. Continued mergers and acquisitions activity in retail, combined with immediate access to shopper data, has given private label lines versatility and leverage to not only corner value share, but to pivot according to fickle consumer demands.

Distribution Channels for ready meals and soups in the United States - Retail value sales in US$ millions and market share
Outlet type 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023
Actual Share % Actual Share %
Total 44,742.6 100 63,297.6 100 9.1
Retail offline 37,582.9 84.0 49,622.2 78.4 7.2
Grocery retailers 35,949.1 80.3 47,890.8 75.7 7.4
Convenience retail 898.8 2.0 1,111.2 1.8 5.4
Convenience stores 861.0 1.9 1,076.7 1.7 5.7
Forecourt retailers 37.7 0.1 34.5 0.1 −2.2
Supermarkets 15,425.7 34.5 20,071.6 31.7 6.8
Hypermarkets 15,825.5 35.4 21,196.8 33.5 7.6
Discounters 1,180.7 2.6 1,675.3 2.6 9.1
Warehouse clubs 1,170.7 2.6 1,542.5 2.4 7.1
Small Local grocers 1,447.7 3.2 2,293.4 3.6 12.2
Non-grocery retailers 1,446.0 3.2 1,573.7 2.5 2.1
General merchandise stores 408.0 0.9 361.3 0.6 −3.0
Health and beauty specialists 1,038.1 2.3 1,212.3 1.9 4.0
Direct selling 7.8 0.4 4.7 0.2 −11.7
Retail E-commerce 179.9 16.0 153.0 21.6 −4.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

New product launch analysis

From 2019 to 2023, 5,620 ready meals and soups were launched in the U.S. The most popular product claim was microwavable (2,937 products from 2019 to 2023). Other popular claims include ethical, no/low claims, and free from. Companies with the highest number of new product launches over 2019 to 2023 was Nestlé with 245 products, followed by Aldi (225) and H-E-B (210). Over half of the product launches (1,304) were new products. The top five packaging types included flexible (1,728), tray (1,406), and tub (779).

New product launches of ready meal and soup products in United States, 2019 to 2023
Product attributes Number of new products by year Total
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Yearly product launches 1,328 1,191 1,061 908 1,132 5,620
Top 10 claims
Microwaveable 652 625 560 439 661 2,937
Ease of use 446 365 308 266 337 1,722
No additives/preservatives 425 386 307 260 321 1,699
Ethical - environmentally friendly package 324 318 306 343 336 1,627
Ethical - recycling 307 287 283 310 303 1,490
Free from added/artificial flavourings 306 262 203 188 213 1,172
Low/no/reduced allergen 277 257 227 184 217 1,162
Gluten free 250 234 209 172 200 1,065
Free from added/artificial preservatives 288 240 189 136 180 1,033
Social media 222 207 186 193 211 1,019
Top 10 companies
Nestlé 48 76 48 24 49 245
Aldi 48 40 70 37 30 225
H-E-B 106 67 25 11 1 210
ConAgra Brands 53 50 31 36 34 204
Giant Eagle 53 38 28 41 35 195
Campbell Soup Company 26 24 27 27 48 152
Kroger 31 44 36 10 18 139
Walmart 32 15 14 30 25 116
Trader Joe's 19 24 31 16 21 111
Whole Foods Market 19 29 16 19 27 110
Top 5 flavours (including blend)
Chicken 42 55 44 42 54 237
Pepperoni 40 32 31 33 33 169
Cheese 30 28 31 16 23 128
Three/Four/mixed cheeses 26 29 26 20 22 123
Mac and cheese/macaroni & cheese 17 13 25 23 21 99
Launch types
New variety/range extension 610 482 445 376 420 2,333
New product 305 259 260 188 292 1,304
New packaging 273 204 214 229 271 1,191
Relaunch 102 115 75 61 87 440
New formulation 11 7 10 2 2 32
Top 5 package types
Flexible 357 274 318 384 395 1,728
Tray 367 291 274 170 304 1,406
Tub 179 175 139 115 171 779
Carton 272 207 128 31 33 671
Not Specified 0 3 26 69 54 152
Location of manufacturer
Not specified 1,006 918 774 713 849 4,260
United States 196 154 133 100 145 728
Canada 45 41 48 20 40 194
Italy 9 19 37 19 32 116
Thailand 17 8 22 8 5 60
Source: Mintel GNPD, 2024

Examples of new product launches

Savory Lorraine Quiche
Company JSUT International
Brand BB Amino
Category Meals and meal centers
Sub-category Pastry dishes
Market United States
Store name Aldi
Store type Supermarket
Launch type New packaging
Price in US dollars 4.99

Bremer Bistro Savory Lorraine Quiche has been repackaged, and retails in a 12-ounce pack containing two units. - Quiche in a pastry with tangy Swiss cheese and savory ham - 15 grams protein per serving - Contains bioengineered food ingredients - Microwavable - Cooking instructions - Logos and certifications: How2Recycle

Plant-Based Spicy Sno' Crab Roll
Company Genji
Brand Genji
Category Meals and meal centers
Sub-category Prepared meals
Market United States
Store name Whole Foods Market
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 14.49

Genji Plant-Based Spicy Sno' Crab Roll contains Spicy - White rice - Veggie - Plant-based Sno' Crab, avocado, cucumber, spicy mayo, tempura crunch, fried onion, scallion, nori, sushi rice, black sesame seed - Featuring Konscious plant-based Sno' Crab - Made fresh daily.

Classic Crust Canadian Style Bacon Pizza
Company Cygnus Home Service
Brand Yelloh!
Category Meals and meal centers
Sub-category Pizzas
Market United States
Location of manufacture United States
Store name Schwan's
Launch type Relaunch
Price in US dollars 7.99

Yelloh! Classic Crust Canadian Style Bacon Pizza has been relaunched with a new brand name, previously Schwan's. Topped with thick cut Canadian style bacon slices, a blend of mozzarella and cheddar cheeses and a savory sauce - Contains a bioengineered food ingredient.

Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup
Company Relish Labs
Brand Home Chef
Category Soup
Sub-category Wet soup
Market United States
Store name Mariano's
Launch type New variety / range extension
Price in US dollars 6.99

Home Chef Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup retails in a 24-ounce pack. - 17 gram protein per serving - Made of chicken raised with no antibiotics ever - Preparation instructions - Microwavable.

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  • Euromonitor International:
    • Meals and soups in the USA (November 2024)
  • Mintel Global New Products Database, 2024

Sector Trends Analysis – Ready meals and soups in the United States
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Kris Clipsham, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2025).

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