Stocks, production, supply and disposition

This section provides information on storage stocks, production, supply and disposition of livestock along with other sectoral reports and links.

Total supply of livestock - Canada (thousands of head)
  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Cattle - January to June 15,245.2 15,369.5 15,523.0 15,582.7 15,453.1 15,676.3 15,538.1 15,215.0
Cattle - July to December 14,406.2 14,744.4 14,777.7 14,748.3 14,745.5 14,888.9 14,482.4 14,271.70
Hogs - January to June 28,727.6 29,647.6 29,091.0 28,995.6 29,605.4 30,416.2 30,028.9 29,925.8
Hogs - July to December 28,653.0 29,451.9 28,906.6 29,279.8 30,203.7 30,222.3 29,576.7 29562.9
Sheep and lambs - January to June 1,588.2 1,567.4 1,572.1 1,569.7 1,571.9 1,560.7 1,603.6 1,621.1
Sheep and lambs - July to December 1,301.5 1,309.3 1,311.7 1,313.8 1,342.8 1,372.8 1,389.9 1,359.2
Source: Statistics Canada
Note: Supply = beginning inventory + births + imports

Stocks and food availability reports

Production reports

Supply and disposition

Supply sheets by species

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to