Distribution channel series – Grocery ecommerce market in the United States

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

Following strong growth of food and beverage retail sales online during the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery ecommerce remains the most dynamic channel. High United States (U.S.) inflation has caused a short-term slowdown in sales growth of U.S. grocery ecommerce but long-term prospects remain bright given the time pressures consumers face.

Out of all grocery retailers, grocery ecommerce sales grew fastest by 26.4% annually over 2019 to 2023. Like off line grocery, grocery ecommerce is also highly consolidated with both led by Walmart.

Amazon is Walmart's most direct competition in grocery ecommerce but is well behind Walmart in both online and offline grocery, lagging in perishables and staple foods but has the advantage in warehouses and logistics network that allows it to stock more SKUs and shelf stable categories where variety matters most (eg. hot drinks, snacks).

Large offline grocery retailers expanded their online food and drink products ordering options in response to overwhelming demand during the pandemic, especially click-and-collect. Walmart has a massive presence in outlets that put in-store pick-up or quick delivery within range of most of the U.S. population. Although Walmart leads the way in kerbside pick-up some supermarkets are not far behind - on a relative basis.

Growth of grocery ecommerce can be in large part attributed to its focus on high-income consumers, but the needs of lower-income consumers will be key to expanding usage. Expansion has slowed considerably under the pressure of food inflation and U.S. consumers cutting their grocery bills. How well online grocery players can convince consumers to make the money for time tradeoff will determine the rate of uptake for the channel overall.


Grocery ecommerce market overview

Store based grocery retailers represent over 99% of U.S. packaged food sales. Out of all grocery retailers, grocery ecommerce sales grew fastest by 26.4% annually over 2019 to 2023. Like off line grocery, grocery ecommerce is also highly consolidated with both led by Walmart.

Walmart has a massive presence in outlets that put in-store pick-up or quick delivery within range of most U.S. consumers. Amazon is Walmart's closest rival in grocery ecommerce. Amazon's warehouses and logistics network allows it to stock more stock-keeping units (SKUs), which gives Amazon the edge in shelf stable categories where variety matters most (hot drinks, snacks) and Walmart is ahead in perishables and staple food products.

Following strong growth of food and beverage retail sales online during the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery ecommerce remains the most dynamic channel. High U.S. inflation has caused a short-term slowdown in sales growth of U.S. grocery ecommerce but long-term prospects remain bright given the time pressures consumers face.

High-income, time sensitive families with young children are the most likely U.S. consumers to use grocery ecommerce. These tend to be Millenials but with Gen Z beginning to start families, they will make up an ever-larger share of the consumer pool. According to Euromonitor, expansion to new demographics will be key for the segment, as declining fertility rates and income inequality will limit the number of wealthier families in the future.

Growth of grocery ecommerce can be in large part attributed to its focus on high-income consumers, but the needs of lower-income consumers will be key to expanding usage. Expansion has slowed considerably under the pressure of food inflation and U.S. consumers cutting their grocery bills. How well online grocery players can convince consumers to make the money for time tradeoff will determine the rate of uptake for the channel overall.

Retail sales

Historic and forecast grocery retail sales by channel in the United States, in US$ millions
Category 2019 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* (%) 2024-2028
Grocery retailers 1,457,285.6 1,950,397.4 7.6 1,793,597.2 1,984,228.8 2.6
Convenience stores 26,912.4 31,929.4 4.4 32,122.1 35,360.0 2.4
Forecourt retailers 112,218.5 150,039.9 7.5 155,201.3 175,605.5 3.1
Supermarkets 543,615.3 686,182.9 6.0 706,413.5 787,201.6 2.7
Hypermarkets 407,476.2 490,793.1 4.8 502,915.3 536,227.4 1.6
Discounters 29,602.2 37,826.3 6.3 39,263.7 46,974.9 4.6
Warehouse clubs 132,126.6 192,172.0 9.8 199,306.1 229,467.3 3.6
Food/drink/tobacco specialists 86,732.0 107,762.4 5.6 110,521.1 121,658.5 2.4
Small local grocers 37,489.4 46,894.7 5.8 47,854.2 51,733.6 2.0
Grocery ecommerce 81,113.0 206,796.6 26.4

Source: Euromonitor, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

From 2019 to 2023, grocery ecommerce saw robust annual retail sales growth of 26.4%, reaching US$206.8 billion. In offline retail, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and warehouse clubs are set to see fairly stable shares in 2023, with just slight declines, with small fluctuations for other distribution channels. Grocery ecommerce growth is driving market share of total grocery retail sales sales, almost doubling to 11.8% of total grocery sales in 2023. Within grocery ecommerce, double digit sales growth of every packaged food and drink category exceeded that of store based retailers over 2019-23. The categories that dominate grocery ecommerce are largely those that also dominate offline but there are some exceptions. Soft drinks, meals and soups, dairy, and processed meat are among the categories that do much better online than average. In general, categories that do well online are non-perishable with a huge variety, while fresh/perishable foods face either regulatory hurdles or consumer concerns about freshness.

Meals and soups continue to be growth areas for supermarkets. Kroger recently enhanced its fulfilment capacity for Home Chef, the meal kits brand it acquired in 2018, with a production facility in the Atlanta area. In addition, in October 2023, supermarket chain Wegmans opened a location at Astor Place in New York City showcasing its new hybrid supermarket concept; in addition to its traditional grocery inventory, where there is a food hall inside.

Staple foods saw a significant increase in sales via grocery ecommerce over 2019-23 due to its convenience and wide product range. Significant growth is expected in retail current value terms across all staple food categories driven by price increases. Retail volumes are not expected to keep up with retail value growth, as unit prices have constantly increased, making these products more expensive for consumers.

Historic retail sales of packaged food from 2019 to 2024 in US$ millions
Category Outlet type 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023
Hot drinks Store-based 14,474 14,242 13,964 15,349 15,973 2.5
Hot drinks Ecommerce 2,228 4,830 5,672 5,868 6,362 30.0
Edible oils Store-based 3,480 4,052 3,927 4,493 4,949 9.2
Edible oils Ecommerce 214 426 436 562 668 32.9
Meals and soups Store-based 35,949 38,326 39,688 45,861 47,891 7.4
Meals and soups Ecommerce 7,160 11,765 11,531 12,788 13,676 17.6
Sauces, dips and condiments Store-based 24,598 28,089 25,533 27,259 28,515 3.8
Sauces, dips and condiments Ecommerce 1,419 2,923 3,724 4,258 4,779 35.5
Sweet spreads Store-based 3,992 4,356 4,179 4,669 4,933 5.4
Sweet spreads Ecommerce 370 692 781 856 903 25.0
Baby food Store-based 5,297 4,552 4,927 4,922 5,352 0.3
Baby food Ecommerce 1,165 2,451 2,241 2,569 2,848 25.1
Dairy Store-based 60,055 65,341 64,924 69,666 73,702 5.3
Dairy Ecommerce 2,156 5,202 6,288 7,738 9,006 43.0
Plant-based dairy Store-based 2,849 3,269 3,440 3,555 3,995 8.8
Plant-based dairy Ecommerce 39 70 92 378 450 84.5
Baked goods Store-based 60,055 64,349 67,221 77,343 85,624 9.3
Baked goods Ecommerce 2,510 4,497 4,865 5,041 7,285 30.5
Breakfast cereals Store-based 9,382 9,655 8,804 9,966 11,582 5.4
Breakfast cereals Ecommerce 527 1,340 1,530 1,727 2,011 39.8
Processed fruit and vegetables Store-based 13,712 15,871 14,639 15,939 17,545 6.4
Processed fruit and vegetables Ecommerce 917 1,826 2,131 2,400 2,673 30.7
Processed meat/seafood/alternatives Store-based 33,137 39,484 39,007 43,034 46,357 8.8
Processed meat/seafood/alternatives Ecommerce 2,747 5,514 6,673 7,501 8,276 31.8
Rice, pasta and noodles Store-based 7,614 9,064 8,262 9,901 11,743 11.4
Rice, pasta and noodles Ecommerce 425 783 928 1,125 1,344 33.3
Confectionery Store-based 27,289 27,236 29,889 33,206 35,809 7.0
Confectionery Ecommerce 1,211 1,906 2,426 3,410 4,128 35.9
Ice cream Store-based 14,101 15,037 15,001 15,959 16,917 4.7
Ice cream Ecommerce 555 1,557 1,591 1,813 1,989 37.6
Savoury snacks Store-based 44,517 47,153 49,134 55,815 61,167 8.3
Savoury snacks Ecommerce 1,396 2,856 3,813 5,121 6,365 46.1%
Sweet biscuits/snack bars/fruit snacks Store-based 17,492 18,249 18,715 20,009 21,301 5.0
Sweet Biscuits/snack bars/fruit snacks Ecommerce 1,386 1,790 2,321 3,425 3,894 29.5
Soft drinks Store-based 103,256 107,776 113,930 126,413 139,594 7.8
Soft drinks Ecommerce 4,847 8,625 10,757 11,998 15,153 33.0

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Key players

Grocery ecommerce retailers are highly consolidated in the U.S. with 61.8% of online grocery sales made from the top five retailers in 2023. Walmart is the largest grocery ecommerce retailer, reaching online sales of US$76.9 billion with a market share of 37.2% in 2023. Target is the second largest, with sales of US$18.1 billion and a market share of 8.7%. Kroger is the third biggest grocery retailer with sales of US$15.5 billion and a market share of 7.5%.

Amazon is Walmart's most direct competition in grocery ecommerce but is well behind Walmart in both online and offline grocery, lagging in perishables and staple foods but has the advantage in warehouses and logistics network that allows it to stock more SKUs and shelf stable categories where variety matters most (eg. hot drinks, snacks).

Large offline grocery retailers expanded their online food and drink products ordering options in response to overwhelming demand during the pandemic, especially click-and-collect. The most popular model of click-and-collect fulfilment in the U.S. is kerbside pickup, largely due to the U.S.' vehicle-centric culture. Kerbside pick-up is also experiencing higher growth post-pandemic because it is generally less expensive - for both retailers and customers - than grocery delivery options. It also gives consumers the opportunity to inspect their purchase before leaving the store, which is helpful for perishable items.

Walmart has a massive presence in outlets that put in-store pick-up or quick delivery within range of most of the U.S. population. Although Walmart leads the way in kerbside pick-up some supermarkets are not far behind - on a relative basis. By the end of 2023, Kroger offered a kerbside pick-up service at over 1,100 of its outlets across the U.S. According to Euromonitor, Investment in kerbside pick-up capabilities is no longer an option, but a must-have as many grocery stores still do not offer online pick-up options, highlighting the need for the physical and digital components of the grocery shopping experience to work together seamlessly.

Top-ten e-grocery retailers from 2019 to 2023: historical retail sales in US$ million
Company name 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* (%) 2019-2023
Walmart Inc 27,437 48,094 54,529 61,590 76,899 29.4
Target Corp 6,787 16,616 19,698 20,011 18,083 27.8
Kroger Co 6,127 13,235 13,051 13,573 15,473 26.1
Costco Wholesale Corp 5,599 8,405 11,609 12,887 12,187 21.5
Grocery Delivery E-Services USA Inc 1,124 2,337 3,844 4,848 5,141 46.2
Albertsons Cos Inc 877 3,141 3,298 3,463 4,225 48.1
Ahold USA Inc 1,101 2,259 3,720 4,292 4,082 38.8
BJ's Wholesale Club Inc 385 1,002 1,223 1,702 1,992 50.7
GoBrands Inc 258 594 1,961 2,232 1,579 57.2
Blue Apron Holdings Inc 447 456 465 453 410 −2.1
Transform Holdco LLC 292 83 61 44 33 −42.1
Others 30,673 35,393 50,667 58,643 66,080 21.2
Total 81,113 131,619 164,131 183,743 206,796 26.4

Source: Euromonitor, 2024

*CAGR: Compound annual growth rate

Product launch analysis

Between 2019 and 2023, 1,657 food and drink products were launched online in the U.S. Canada was the largest foreign manufacture of online food and drink product launches. The top categories of food and drink products offered were healthcare, snacks, sauces and seasonings, bakery and hote beverages. The top claims (may contain more than one claim per package) were no/low allgergen, gluten free, kosher, GMO free and no addititives/preservatives. The top five companies were Amazon, Target, Williams-Sonoma, Cygnus Home Service, and Whole Foods. The top four storage types were shelf stable, frozen and chilled.

New e-commerce product launches of food and drink products in the United States from 2019 to 2023
Product attributes Yearly launch count
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Yearly product launches 1,260 3,006 2,708 2,543 1,657
Top five categories
Healthcare 396 446 371 375 218
Snacks 218 391 306 261 115
Sauces & seasonings 31 348 226 294 200
Bakery 87 352 256 229 165
Hot beverages 65 196 226 120 62
Top five claims
Low/no/reduced allergen 515 1,352 1,100 889 541
Gluten free 484 1,238 991 778 471
Kosher 409 1,188 862 855 490
GMO free 399 1,086 809 820 443
No additives/preservatives 314 749 630 595 485
Top five companies
Amazon.com 105 195 95 132 21
Target 11 60 104 124 166
Williams-Sonoma 3 70 79 60 85
Cygnus Home Service 2 16 27 36 171
Whole Foods Market 0 24 28 144 26
Top five launch types
New product 621 1,312 1,253 955 561
New variety/range extension 435 1,073 950 1,088 805
New packaging 161 528 385 398 212
Relaunch 35 86 108 96 74
New formulation 8 7 12 6 5
Top five locations of manufacture
Not specified 726 1,731 1,519 1,338 843
United States 368 711 660 625 459
Canada 50 79 83 87 51
Italy 12 71 65 67 58
France 3 22 80 67 25
Top four storage types
Shelf stable 771 2,297 2,113 1,894 1,114
Not specified 398 449 374 377 222
Frozen 36 93 111 146 232
Chilled 55 167 110 126 89

Source: Mintel, 2024

Note: Online food and drinks products are defined as food and drink products ordered from internet/mail: this option is used to identify products available through online (web-based) retailers or through mail-order catalogs

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  • Euromonitor International:
    • Passport statistics, 2024
    • Retail e-commerce in the U.S. (March 2024)
    • The online grocery landscape of the U.S. (July 2023)
    • Staple foods in the U.S. (November 2023)
    • Supermarkets in the U.S. (March 2024)

Distribution channel series – Grocery ecommerce market in the United States
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Kris Clipsham, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2024).

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All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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