Sector Trend Analysis – E-commerce trends in China

Note: This report includes forecasting data that is based on baseline historical data.

Executive summary

In 2023, global e-commerce retail markets were valued at US$3.99 trillion, representing an increase in compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3% from US$2.2 trillion in 2019. China was the largest e-commerce retail market with US$1.3 trillion (33.4% market share) in 2023.

Internet users in China in 2023 reached 1.1 billion, an increase of CAGR 6.4% from 2018 to 2023. In 2023, 78.1% of population used internet, 83.5% of households with access to internet.

In 2023, online retail sales via mobile device were valued at US$1,278.8 billion, at the growth rate of CAGR 18.9% from 2018 to 2023, followed by purchases via personal computer US$225.4 billion at the growth rate of CAGR 12.3% from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce sales reached US$1,504.2 billion in 2023 with the growth of CAGR 17.7% from 2018 to 2023.

Cross border e-commerce retail sales in China were valued at US$147.7 billion in 2023 (9.8% market share), with domestic e- commerce retail sales representing US$1,356.4 billion (90.2% market share). In 2023, foodservice sales by device and platform were valued at US$206.7 billion.

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Inc were the largest companies in terms of e-commerce sales in China with retail values of US$472.6 billion and US$412.1 billion respectively in 2023.

Tmall Marketplace (Alibaba Group Holding Ltd) and JD Marketplace ( Inc) were the top e-commerce brands in China with US$441.7 billion and US$270.1 billion respectively in 2023.


Country economic profile

According to Euromonitor, The population in China reaches 1,411.75 million in 2024, the second largest after India in the world: 1,450.94 million. It constitutes 17.4% of the world population. There are fifty six nationalities in China, among which Han is the biggest nationality at 91.7%.

In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China amounted to US$17.9 trillion. GDP growth rate: 3.0% annual change in 2023 (World Bank).

Income and expenditure

In 2023, China held sixth position among 22 Asia Pacific nations in terms of average gross income, which amounted to USD8,750. The country recorded a notable growth regarding per capita disposable income levels, which increased by 5.9% in real terms in 2023, compared with the 0.8% growth witnessed in 2022. The surge in consumer income was primarily driven by an expanding economy, a decrease in unemployment rates and an increase in labour productivity. In 2023, China experienced a 5.4% real terms increase in per capita consumer expenditure, driven by increasing disposable income, a lower inflation rate and an expanding middle class. Over the year, inflation in China decreased to 0.2% from 2% in 2022. In fact, China had the lowest inflation rate in the Asia Pacific region in 2023 (Euromonitor 2024).

Global e-commerce retail market in China

In 2023, global e-commerce retail markets were valued at US$3.99 trillion, representing an increase in CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 16.3% from US$2.2 trillion in 2019. China was the largest e-commerce retail market with US$1.3 trillion (33.4% market share) in 2023, followed by the United States (U.S) valued at US$1.2 trillion (29.8% market share) and the United Kingdom (U.K) with values of US$159.5 billion (4.0% market share).

In the forecast period, global e-commerce retail markets are expected to continue to experience increasing growth, with a CAGR of 11.9%, attaining US$6.2 trillion by 2028. Similarly, China is also expected to experience a positive CAGR of 12.6% as e-commerce retail sales reach US$2.1 trillion by 2028.

Top ten global e-commerce retail[1] markets, historic and forecast, in US$ millions using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Country 2019 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 Market share % in 2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
World 2,182,411.7 3,985,931.6 16.3 100.0 4,381,756.2 6,248,893.2 11.9
China 717,016.1 1,330,909.5 16.7 33.4 1,482,921.3 2,139,468.4 12.6
United States 641,391.5 1,186,298.5 16.6 29.8 1,289,545.6 1,779,726.9 10.7
United Kingdom 100,310.3 159,464.8 12.3 4.0 175,057.1 260,279.0 13.0
South Korea 93,885.8 151,834.3 12.8 3.8 168,776.1 218,853.4 9.6
Japan 114,806.8 126,553.0 2.5 3.2 129,759.8 172,485.1 8.0
India 30,188.3 63,048.4 20.2 1.6 78,872.1 155,493.1 25.3
Indonesia 17,813.6 60,366.7 35.7 1.5 72,438.7 131,016.7 21.4
Russia 29,440.9 90,811.7 32.5 2.3 98,014.2 126,311.3 8.6
Germany 71,940.3 95,935.9 7.5 2.4 98,465.5 117,889.0 5.3
Brazil 21,077.4 50,584.8 24.5 1.3 57,479.9 92,545.5 16.3
Canada 12 25,962.5 55,101.5 20.7 1.4 57,243.7 76,849.3 8.7

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

1: goods

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

E-commerce market-internet users and social media users China

Internet users in China in 2023 reached 1.1 billion, an increase of CAGR 6.4% from 2018 to 2023. In 2023, 78.1% of population used internet, 83.5% of households with access to internet, 82.7% of households with access to broadband internet, 75.4% of internet access: once a week, 70.0% internet access: daily, 20.5% internet use: internet banking, 9.4% internet use: selling goods and services, 61.2% internet use: telephoning or making video calls, 62.2% of uses of a Laptop, notebook, netbook or tablet to access the internet, 98.0% of use of a mobile phone to access the internet. Population Internet Use: Selling Goods or Services recorded the highest growth at a CAGR of 13.9% from 2018 to 2023.

Internet users in China, % of population, 2018 to 2023
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Internet Users (000) 776,819.0 846,919.1 931,158.3 977,554.1 1,017,774.4 1,056,910.2 6.4
% of Population Using The Internet 59.2 64.1 70.1 73.1 75.6 78.1 5.7
% of Population Using The Internet Away from Home or Workplace 38.5 43.2 48.9 52.6 56.0 59.4 9.1
% of Households with Access to Internet 65.2 72.1 77.9 79.8 81.7 83.5 5.1
% of Households with Access to Broadband Internet 64.3 71.2 77.0 79.0 80.9 82.7 5.2
Frequency of Internet Access: Once a Week Including Daily 55.1 60.3 66.4 69.8 72.6 75.4 6.5
Frequency of Internet Access: Daily 46.4 51.9 58.4 62.5 66.3 70.0 8.6
Internet Use: Internet Banking 17.3 20.5 N/C
Internet Use: Selling Goods or Services 4.9 5.7 6.8 7.6 8.5 9.4 13.9
Internet Use: Telephoning or Making Video Calls 42.4 47.3 52.9 56.1 58.7 61.2 7.6
Use of a Laptop, Notebook, Netbook or Tablet to Access the Internet 65.0 63.8 63.3 62.6 62.2 62.2 −0.9
Use of a Mobile Phone to Access the Internet 95.6 96.4 96.8 97.6 97.9 98.0 0.5

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

In 2023, 109.8 million used MOMO, 651.3 million used QQ, 38.2 million used Skype, 1,452.7 million used WeChat.

Users of different social media, 000 persons, 2018 to 2023
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
MOMO 113,300.0 114,000.0 111,991.0 111,788.0 110,381.0 109,776.7 −0.6
QQ 807,000.0 758,580.0 694,859.0 622,981.9 626,223.0 651,291.3 −4.2
Skype 20,000.0 15,000.0 26,670.0 27,226.7 35,192.2 38,218.5 13.8
WeChat 1,098,000.0 1,163,880.0 1,239,532.0 1,308,669.3 1,382,149.8 1,452,734.8 5.8

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

China's digital landscape

In 2023, online retail sales via mobile device were valued at US$1,278.8 billion, at the growth rate of CAGR 18.9% from 2018 to 2023, followed by purchases via personal computer US$225.4 billion at the growth rate of CAGR 12.3% from 2018 to 2023. App M-Commerce grew at a CAGR of 19.8%, mobile Web M-Commerce grew at a CAGR of 7.2%, mobile phone M-Commerce grew at a CAGR of 19.1% and Tablet M-Commerce grew at a CAGR of 9.6% from 2018 to 2023.

Forecasted growth is expected to continue at the rates varying from −1.3% (mobile web) to 10.7% (App M-Commerce) from 2023 to 2028.

China's retail e-commerce by device and platform in US$ million
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Retail E-Commerce By Device and Platform 664,559.8 1,504,176.3 17.7 1,694,058.3 2,414,859.7 9.9
Retail M-Commerce[1] By Platform 538,465.3 1,278,792.9 18.9 1,448,679.1 2,076,809.6 10.2
Retail - App M-Commerce 488,623.3 1,208,203.6 19.8 1,376,534.8 2,010,559.3 10.7
Retail - Mobile Web M-Commerce 49,842.0 70,589.4 7.2 72,144.2 66,250.2 −1.3
Retail M-Commerce By Device 538,465.3 1,278,792.9 18.9 1,448,679.1 2,076,809.6 10.2
Retail - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 525,542.1 1,258,332.2 19.1 1,426,948.9 2,056,041.5 10.3
Retail - Tablet M-Commerce 12,923.2 20,460.7 9.6 21,730.2 20,768.1 0.3
Retail PC[2] E-Commerce 126,094.5 225,383.4 12.3 245,379.2 338,050.1 8.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Mobile commerce

2: personal computer

In 2023, total online travel by device and platform were valued at US$164.5 billion, among which purchases via personal computer was US$39.4 billion. Purchases via App reached US$120.2 billion while purchase via Web reached $4.9 billion. Purchase via mobile phone reached US$112.6 billion while purchase via tablet reached US$12.5 million in 2023.

All device types made decreases in growth rates within the historic period, ranging from −18.3% (via Web) to −9.4% (via App) from 2018 to 2023. But all types increases in growth rates, ranging from 9.6% (PC E-Commerce) to 22.0% (mobile phone m-commerce) from 2023 to 2028.

Travel E-Commerce By Device and Platform in US$ million, using fixed 2023 exchange rates
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Travel E-Commerce By Device and Platform 193,297.6 164,521.3 −13.2 211,942.8 397,093.2 19.3
Travel M-Commerce[1] 116,411.8 125,092.6 −9.9 165,824.6 334,876.1 21.8
Travel M-Commerce By Platform 116,411.8 125,092.6 −9.9 165,824.6 334,876.1 21.8
Travel - App M-Commerce 108,805.5 120,239.1 −9.4 159,539.9 323,155.4 21.9
Travel - Mobile Web M-Commerce 7,606.3 4,853.6 −18.3 6,284.8 11,720.7 19.3
Travel M-Commerce By Device 116,411.8 125,092.6 −9.9 165,824.6 334,876.1 21.8
Travel - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 103,606.5 112,583.4 −9.7 149,573.8 303,732.6 22.0
Travel - Tablet M-Commerce 12,805.3 12,509.3 −11.4 16,250.8 31,143.5 20.0
Travel PC[2] E-Commerce 76,885.8 39,428.7 −19.3 46,118.1 62,217.1 9.6

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Mobile commerce

2: personal computer

Lodging e-commerce recorded the biggest expense at US$55.9 billion in 2023, followed by surface travel e-commerce at US$40.1 billion and air travel e-commerce at US$27.2 billion. Top three projected growth will be packages e-commerce at a CAGR of 24.7%, car rental e-commerce at 24.1% and experiences and attractions e-commerce at 24.1% too from 2023 to 2028 although they were at −22.1%, 0% and −14.2% from 2018 to 2023 respectively due to the Covid-19.

Travel E-Commerce by type in US$ million, using fixed 2023 exchange rates
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Travel E-Commerce By type 193,297.6 164,521.3 −13.2 211,942.8 397,093.2 19.3
Air Travel E-Commerce 29,263.5 27,181.0 −19.7 35,699.3 69,158.5 20.5
Car Rental E-Commerce 5,458.6 6,944.0 0.0 9,122.0 20,405.3 24.1
Cruise E-Commerce 6,898.2 2,676.1 −21.3 3,189.5 4,565.8 11.3
Experiences and Attractions E-Commerce 23,245.1 23,497.5 −14.2 32,507.8 69,130.3 24.1
Lodging (Source) E-Commerce 67,279.6 55,980.8 −10.0 69,686.3 120,467.6 16.6
Packages E-Commerce 12,816.6 8,028.9 −22.1 10,723.7 24,207.4 24.7
Surface Travel E-Commerce 48,203.0 40,077.6 −13.2 50,843.0 88,844.0 17.3
Other Travel Products E-Commerce 133.0 135.3 −5.1 171.2 314.4 18.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

China's e-commerce market: retail sales

E-commerce sales reached US$1,504.2 billion in 2023 with the growth of CAGR 17.7% from 2018 to 2023. Other Products E-Commerce recorded the biggest growth of CAGR 23.1% followed by Foods E-Commerce at a CAGR 20.7% and Drinks and Tobacco E-Commerce at a CAGR 18.7% from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce retail sales by product in China, historic and forecast, in US$ millions using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Retail E-Commerce by Product 664,559.8 789,610.0 948,245.1 1,090,426.5 1,408,487.3 1,504,176.3 17.7
Fashion E-Commerce 91,476.1 110,013.2 141,065.8 159,575.5 153,630.6 169,345.5 13.1
Health and Beauty E-Commerce 34,651.5 43,897.1 56,493.2 61,510.1 65,151.7 71,252.8 15.5
Appliances and Electronics E-Commerce 151,485.5 159,162.8 171,179.2 193,073.6 186,464.6 200,502.6 5.8
Drinks and Tobacco E-Commerce 17,402.4 19,848.6 21,561.5 24,971.2 34,817.8 41,075.6 18.7
Foods E-Commerce 39,588.1 48,314.0 65,275.9 77,403.9 96,210.4 101,265.2 20.7
Home Products E-Commerce 23,222.9 28,177.8 39,190.2 46,861.5 49,974.1 53,364.9 18.1
Other Products E-Commerce 306,733.4 380,196.5 453,479.2 527,030.7 822,238.0 867,369.7 23.1

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

First-party Marketplace E-Commerce enjoys the fastest growth of CAGR 23.0% followed by other E-Commerce retailer to a CAGR 21.2% from 2018 to 2023. Leisure and Personal Goods Specialist E-Commerce declines at a CAGR of −41.1% from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce retail sales by type in China, historic and forecast, in US$ millions using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Category 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Retail E-Commerce by Type 531,091.4 659,615.3 827,274.5 974,493.9 1,293,004.0 1,387,553.4 21.2
Marketplace E-Commerce 101,829.3 117,936.8 150,931.1 169,842.1 178,119.8 178,640.4 11.9
First-Party (1P) Marketplace E-Commerce 429,262.1 541,678.4 676,343.3 804,651.8 1,114,884.2 1,208,913.0 23.0
Third-Party (3P) Marketplace E-Commerce 15,316.8 20,360.2 27,602.6 30,056.3 37,340.8 37,792.6 19.8
Grocery E-Commerce 17,016.5 18,904.0 19,791.9 22,425.5 15,413.7 15,615.7 −1.7
General Merchandiser E-Commerce 9,009.0 10,678.3 12,198.5 11,492.7 12,257.0 12,690.9 7.1
Apparel and Footwear Specialist E-Commerce 23,871.3 22,301.4 23,106.2 22,930.7 21,541.1 22,587.2 −1.1
Appliances and Electronics Specialist E-Commerce 6,887.2 6,327.3 3,913.3 4,056.4 4,752.5 4,836.4 −6.8
Health and Beauty Specialist E-Commerce 10,066.8 11,313.7 12,707.3 12,005.0 14,495.2 13,959.8 6.8
Home Products Specialist E-Commerce 3,633.9 4,077.0 4,443.1 4,605.7 5,703.0 5,771.5 9.7
Leisure and Personal Goods Specialist E-Commerce 47,666.8 36,032.8 17,207.7 8,360.2 3,979.9 3,368.8 −41.1
Other E-Commerce Retailers 531,091.4 659,615.3 827,274.5 974,493.9 1,293,004.0 1,387,553.4 21.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Cross-border e-commerce

Cross border e-commerce retail sales in China were valued at US$147.7 billion in 2023 (9.8% market share), with domestic e-commerce retail sales representing US$1,356.4 billion (90.2% market share).

E-commerce retail sales (cross-border vs domestic) in China, historic and forecast, in US$ billions, using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Country 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Retail E-Commerce 664.6 789.6 948.2 1,090.4 1,408.5 1,504.2 17.7
Cross-Border Retail E-Commerce 69.1 92.3 117.1 139.8 138.7 147.7 16.4
Domestic Retail E-Commerce 595.5 697.3 831.2 950.6 1,269.8 1,356.4 17.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

E-commerce market: retail sales of goods and services (foodservice)

In 2023, bill Payments E-Commerce By Device and Platform reached US$896.6 billion, Bill Payments M-Commerce reached US$711.7 billion followed by purchases via personal computer US$184.9 billion. Purchases via App reached US$590.2 billion while purchase via Web reached $121.5 billion. Purchase via mobile phone reached US$671.8 billion while purchase via tablet reached US$39.9 billion in 2023.

All device types made increases in growth rates within the historic period, ranging from 16.5% (via tablet) to 7.0% (PC E-commerce) from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce retail sales of goods and services by industry: bill payment, historic and forecast, in US$ millions, using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Bill Payments E-Commerce By Device and Platform 481,875.3 896,556.6 13.2 1,006,039.7 1,519,038.1 11.1
Bill Payments M-Commerce 350,000.5 711,692.9 15.3 808,582.7 1,281,004.8 12.5
Bill Payments M-Commerce By Platform 350,000.5 711,692.9 15.3 808,582.7 1,281,004.8 12.5
Bill Payments - App M-Commerce 285,843.1 590,206.9 15.6 671,204.5 1,067,077.1 12.6
Bill Payments - Mobile Web M-Commerce 64,157.4 121,486.0 13.6 137,378.2 213,927.8 12.0
Bill Payments M-Commerce By Device 350,000.5 711,692.9 15.3 808,582.7 1,281,004.8 12.5
Bill Payments - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 331,450.5 671,838.1 15.2 763,302.0 1,207,987.6 12.5
Bill Payments - Tablet M-Commerce 18,550.0 39,854.8 16.5 45,280.6 73,017.3 12.9
Bill Payments PC E-Commerce 131,874.8 184,863.7 7.0 197,457.0 238,033.3 5.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

In 2023, Ticketed Entertainment E-Commerce By Device and Platform reached US$11.0 billion, Ticketed Entertainment M-Commerce reached US$9.8 billion followed by purchases via personal computer US$1.2 billion. Purchases via App reached US$8.95 billion while purchase via Web reached $828.3 million. Purchase vial mobile phone reached US$9.3 billion while purchase via tablet reached US$449.9 million in 2023.

Ticketed Entertainment E-Commerce By Device and Platform increased in growth by 5.1% from 2018 to 2023 while Ticketed Entertainment PC E-Commerce declined in growth by −8.3% from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce retail sales of goods and services by industry: ticketed entertainment, historic and forecast, in US$ millions, using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Ticketed EntertainmentE-Commerce By Device and Platform 8,583.2 11,014.4 5.1 12,533.5 18,756.4 11.2
Ticketed Entertainment M-Commerce 6,682.0 9,779.7 7.9 11,222.5 17,188.3 11.9
Ticketed Entertainment M-Commerce By Platform 6,682.0 9,779.7 7.9 11,222.5 17,188.3 11.9
Ticketed Entertainment - App M-Commerce 5,942.2 8,951.3 8.5 10,282.1 15,799.5 12.0
Ticketed Entertainment - Mobile Web M-Commerce 739.8 828.3 2.3 940.4 1,388.8 10.9
Ticketed Entertainment M-Commerce By Device 6,682.0 9,779.7 7.9 11,222.5 17,188.3 11.9
Ticketed Entertainment - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 6,180.8 9,329.8 8.6 10,728.7 16,603.9 12.2
Ticketed Entertainment - Tablet M-Commerce 501.1 449.9 −2.1 493.8 584.4 5.4
Ticketed Entertainment PC E-Commerce 1,901.2 1,234.7 −8.3 1,311.0 1,568.0 4.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

Livestreaming is a very popular form of e-commerce in the PRC where Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) conduct live video broadcasts of themselves while they market different goods to their audiences. The pandemic has led to the rapid advancement and adoption of livestreaming. According to an Ali Research Institute report, livestreaming e-commerce users reached 388 million, accounting for 39.2% of the total Chinese citizens. The top five livestreaming platforms for live shopping are Taobao,, Douyin (Tiktok), Xiaohongshu (the Little Red Book or RED in English), and Kuaishou, with products ranging from jewelry and cosmetics to cars and real estate (China - Country Commercial Guide).

In 2023 Streaming Services E-Commerce By Device and Platform reached US$19.5 billion. Streaming Services M-Commerce reached US$19.0 billion followed by purchases via personal computer US$509.4 million. Purchases via App reached US$19.0 billion while purchase via Web was 0. Purchase vial mobile phone reached US$15.5 billion while purchase via tablet reached US$3.5 billion in 2023.

All device types made increases in growth rates within the historic period, ranging from 8.6% (via mobile phone) to 3.6% (via Tablet) except −20.0% (via PC e-commerce) from 2018 to 2023.

E-commerce retail sales of goods and services by industry: streaming services, historic and forecast, in US$ millions, using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2028 CAGR* % 2023-2028
Streaming Services E-Commerce By Device and Platform 14,763.0 19,518.6 5.7 20,783.3 25,731.8 5.7
Streaming Services M-Commerce 13,211.4 19,009.1 7.5 20,155.6 24,604.7 5.3
Streaming Services M-Commerce By Platform 13,211.4 19,009.1 7.5 20,155.6 24,604.7 5.3
Streaming Services - App M-Commerce 13,211.4 19,009.1 7.5 20,155.6 24,604.7 5.3
Streaming Services - Mobile Web M-Commerce N/C N/C
Streaming Services M-Commerce By Device 13,211.4 19,009.1 7.5 20,155.6 24,604.7 5.3
Streaming Services - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 10,291.7 15,530.5 8.6 16,567.9 20,717.2 5.9
Streaming Services - Tablet M-Commerce 2,919.7 3,478.7 3.6 3,587.7 3,887.5 2.2
Streaming Services PC E-Commerce 1,551.6 509.4 −20.0 627.7 1,127.1 17.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

In 2023, foodservice sales by device and platform were valued at US$206.7 billion. Purchases via App reached US$197.5 billion while purchase via Web reached $5.9 billion. Purchase vial mobile phone reached US$195.3 billion while purchase via tablet reached US$8.1 billion in 2023.

All device types made significant increases in growth rates except via PC e-commerce (−7.5%) within the historic period, ranging from 28.6% (via App) to 16.3% (via Web) from 2018 to 2023.

China foodservice retail e-commerce by device and platform in US$ million, using fixed 2023 exchange rates
Category 2018 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023 2024 2027 CAGR* % 2023-2027
Foodservice E-Commerce By Device and Platform 63,774.3 206,683.6 26.5 236,050.8 347,929.2 11.0
Foodservice M-Commerce[1] By Platform 58,936.3 203,415.5 28.1 232,928.4 345,421.8 11.2
Foodservice - App M-Commerce 56,155.0 197,496.1 28.6 226,499.6 337,373.4 11.3
Foodservice - Mobile Web M-Commerce 2,781.3 5,919.4 16.3 6,428.8 8,048.3 6.3
Foodservice - M-Commerce By Device 58,936.3 203,415.5 28.1 232,928.4 345,421.8 11.2
Foodservice - Mobile Phone M-Commerce 56,461.0 195,278.9 28.2 224,310.1 336,095.4 11.5
Foodservice - Tablet M-Commerce 2,475.3 8,136.6 26.9 8,618.4 9,326.4 2.8
Foodservice - PC[2] E-Commerce 4,838.0 3,268.1 −7.5 3,122.3 2,507.4 −5.2

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

1: Mobile commerce

2: personal computer

Top e-commerce companies and brands China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Inc were the largest companies in terms of e-commerce sales in China with retail values of US$472.6 billion and US$412.1 billion respectively in 2023. Of note, Walmart Inc accumulated the largest growth of 68.5% as sales increased from US$385.7 million in 2018 to the most recent value of US$5,243.4 million in 2023. In contrast Co Ltd experienced the largest decline in growth rate (−4.0%), as sales declined from US$31.5 billion in 2018 to US$25.6 billion in 2023.

Top ten e-commerce companies, historic retail value in US$ millions, using fixed 2023 exchange rate
Company 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd 285,761.6 328,581.8 409,426.2 506,027.7 547,902.6 472,600.4 10.6 Inc 211,444.0 250,489.6 310,961.8 415,945.0 437,723.0 412,112.0 14.3
ByteDance Ltd 167,574.4 246,891.6 N/C
PDD Holdings Inc 18,191.2 36,222.8 63,102.3 99,250.6 174,294.1 223,338.0 65.1 Co Ltd 31,492.6 34,559.9 46,448.0 31,590.7 26,735.8 25,624.9 −4.0
Vipshop Holdings Ltd 19,047.1 20,802.6 22,454.8 27,446.6 16,618.8 15,725.6 −3.8
Beijing Xiao Mi Co Ltd 6,960.8 7,550.4 8,126.0 11,624.7 10,127.1 10,897.1 9.4
Walmart Inc 385.7 1,040.0 2,061.5 3,992.8 5,040.9 5,243.4 68.5 2,993.3 2,868.8 2,684.6 3,385.1 3,818.7 4,101.8 6.5
Dingdong (Cayman) Ltd 374.8 629.4 1,835.2 3,486.3 3,865.2 2,977.2 51.4

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

Tmall Marketplace (Alibaba Group Holding Ltd) and JD Marketplace ( Inc) were the top e-commerce brands in China with US$441.7 billion and US$270.1 billion respectively in 2023. Pinduoduo Marketplace (PDD Holdings Inc) experienced the largest increase in growth rate (65.1%) as the value increased from US$18.2 billion 2018 to US$223.3 billion in 2023.

Top ten e-commerce brands in Singapore, historic, in US$ million
Brand 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 CAGR* % 2018-2023
Tmall Marketplace (Alibaba Group Holding Ltd) 282,366.9 319,913.3 390,725.0 476,105.5 512,631.4 441,699.1 9.4
JD Marketplace ( Inc) 132,843.3 162,057.0 201,268.4 273,024.6 290,046.3 270,146.2 15.3
Douyin Marketplace (ByteDance Ltd) 167,574.4 246,891.6 N/C
Pinduoduo Marketplace (PDD Holdings Inc) 18,191.2 36,222.8 62,160.6 97,980.9 174,259.0 223,303.0 65.1
JD ( Inc) 72,956.3 83,540.4 106,745.1 142,920.4 147,676.7 141,965.7 14.2
Tmall (Alibaba Group Holding Ltd) 2,662.9 4,514.5 10,282.0 15,733.4 17,988.3 16,002.2 43.1
Suning ( Co Ltd) 22,641.0 22,934.3 27,920.0 18,300.9 14,014.5 13,419.8 −9.9
Suning Marketplace ( Co Ltd) 8,851.6 11,625.6 18,528.0 13,289.8 12,721.3 12,205.1 6.6 (Beijing Xiao Mi Co Ltd) 6,960.8 7,550.4 8,126.0 11,624.7 10,127.1 10,897.1 9.4
Vipshop (Vipshop Holdings Ltd) 13,383.0 13,813.1 15,235.4 18,477.7 10,896.7 10,385.1 −4.9

Source: Euromonitor International, 2024

*CAGR: Compound Annual Growth Rate

N/C: Not calculable

Opportunities for Canada

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ("RCEP") Agreement is a Free Trade Agreement ("FTA") between 15 countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Australia, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and New Zealand.

It is the world's largest FTA, comprising about 30% of global GDP and about a third of the world's population. RCEP negotiations were formally launched at the 2012 ASEAN Summit in Cambodia and the Agreement was signed on 15 November 2020. The quorum for entry into force was met in November 2021.

The RCEP Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2022 for ten participating countries (Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Japan, Lao PDR, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam). It has also entered into force for South Korea (1 February), Myanmar (4 March) and Malaysia (18 March).

In total, China has signed off 22 FTAs, which involve a total of 29 countries and regional blocs (including ASEAN, comprising 10 nations). A further 10 FTAs are currently under negotiation, while 8 more are under consideration.

Countries/Regions Having Free Trade Agreements with China
Free Trade Agreement Countries Status
China-Serbia FTA Serbia Signed
China-Ecuador FTA Ecuador Signed
China-Nicaragua FTA Nicaragua Early harvest arrangement signed
RCEP ASEAN (10), China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand Signed and effective
China-Cambodia FTA Cambodia Signed and effective
China-Mauritius FTA Mauritius Signed and effective
China-Maldives FTA Maldives Signed
China-Georgia FTA Georgia Signed and effective
China-Australia FTA Australia Signed and effective
China-Korea FTA South Korea Signed and effective
China-Switzerland FTA Switzerland Signed and effective
China-Iceland FTA Iceland Signed and effective
China-Costa Rica FTA Costa Rica Signed and effective
China-Peru FTA Peru Signed and effective
China-Singapore FTA Singapore Signed and effective
China-New Zealand New Zealand Signed and effective
China-Chile FTA Chile Signed and effective
China-Pakistan FTA Pakistan Signed and effective
China-ASEAN FTA Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam Signed and effective
Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic and Partnership Arrangement Hong Kong Signed and effective
Mainland and Macao Closer Economic and Partnership Arrangement Macao Signed and effective
China-Taiwan ECFA Taiwan Signed and partly suspended since 2023
(China's Free Trade Agreements Framework)

For more information

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service:

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Sector Trend Analysis – E-commerce trends in China
Global Analysis Report

Prepared by: Hongli Wang, Market Analyst

© His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2025).

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All images, unless otherwise noted, are copyright His Majesty the King in Right of Canada.

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