AgriMarketing Program: Step 3. Before you apply

Step 3. Before you apply

Intake period: Open

Information about the second intake of applications will be available here soon, for the 2026-27 and 2027-28 program years.

Application intake periods

Although intake periods open and close on specific dates for the priority intake, your application may be accepted after the intake period closes if funding remains.

Program years 2026-27 and 2027-28

Information on applications for funding in the final 2 fiscal years of the program (2026-27 and 2027-28) will be available here soon.

Program years 2023-24 to 2025-26

Applications for funding in the first 3 fiscal years (April-March) of the program (2023-24 to 2025-26) were accepted starting March 6, 2023.

Funding in the first 3 fiscal years of the program will only be considered if enough funding remains.

Due to high demand, please contact the program to discuss funding before you apply.

Sources of funding

You must clearly show all sources of funding for your project, including your contribution and other industry and/or partner sources of funding:

  • other federal government departments, agencies, and crown corporationsnote 1
  • provincial/territorial governmentsnote 1
  • municipal governmentsnote 1
  • Industry and/or partners such as:
    • industry associations and networks
    • businesses
    • academia

How we assess your application

We'll review your application for eligibility, appropriateness, and relevance to the sector. You must prove that each activity and corresponding cost meet each of the following criteria in a manner that allows us to conduct an appropriate assessment. For detailed information, please refer to Complete the application and apply.

The program is typically oversubscribed so all application requests will be prioritized against the assessment criteria.

  1. Your application will be assessed against the following criteria:
    • the application is complete, and the proposed project is eligible
    • the proposed activities, including outcomes, support program objectives
    • all sources of funding for the proposed project to be funded under this program are identified
  2. If the above criteria are met, a more thorough review of your application will be done to assess the following criteria:
    • your capacity to deliver the project, taking into consideration resources and timelines
    • the proposed activities and expenditures are eligible, reasonable, and required to meet the project objectives
    • the degree to which your proposed project can demonstrate a current or potential market opportunity or need
    • your strategy to diversify into new and emerging markets
    • your project's impact to stakeholders and how it benefits the sector
    • your performance on previous projects where you received Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) funding, including project administration
    • the sector's export potential and market access opportunities (for example, recent or anticipated changes in market access) and your project's value for money
    • the strategic merit of your project (that is, does your project link to the AgriMarketing Program Questionnaire provided with the application?)
    • how your project activities complement or build upon previously completed AgriMarketing Program projects
    • your organization's ability to purchase eligible carbon offset credits from a vendor that has received third-party verification and adheres to internationally agreed standards, including Gold Standard, VER+, VERRA (formerly VCS, Verified Carbon Standard), or B.C. Offset System
  3. The assessment process will determine an appropriate amount of funding for approved projects. This will be based on the:
    • scope and duration of your project
    • reasonableness of proposed eligible expenses
    • importance of proposed eligible activities for greater impact to the sector
    • reasonableness of the overall projected cost of eligible expenditures given the projected outcome(s)
    • other sources of funding
    • your due diligence to obtain and provide performance reports

You must provide enough detail for us to assess your application. When you describe your initiatives and project activities, you should be clear and concise to avoid confusion. You should clearly outline:

  • the important points (who, what, where, why and how) of what you're trying to achieve
  • how the value for each cost was calculated or estimated, including any external sources consulted


M-30 Act (Quebec organizations only)

The Province of Quebec's M-30 legislation may apply to Quebec-based applicants only. It is the Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (R.S.Q., c. M-30).

More information on the act is available online or by contacting the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation at

All Quebec-based organizations will have to address this matter and demonstrate their compliance with the act during the application assessment process, and prior to entering into a contribution agreement.

Intellectual property

If your project is approved for funding, the contribution agreement will contain an intellectual property clause confirming that the title to all intellectual property in any materials created or developed by, or for, the recipient under the agreement will be owned by the recipient or a third party. However, the recipient must grant to AAFC the right to utilize any material or information produced, for AAFC and other Government of Canada purposes.