School Food Infrastructure Fund: Step 2. Eligibility

Step 2. Eligibility

Check if you meet the criteria to apply.

Eligibility checklist

You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible:

    • Not-for-profit: Organizations that have a mandate or mission to provide community food services. They may include:
      • Sector Councils
      • Corporations
    • Not-for-profit Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, Métis) organizations

Note: Priority will be given to organizations with existing provincial/territorial, and national networks of local not-for-profit organizations involved in, or capable of, supporting school food programming.

Eligible activities

There are 2 eligible activities for initial recipients:

  • Activity 1: further distributing funds to ultimate recipients.
  • Activity 2: administrative costs ([up to 10% of requested funding for activity 1]; see eligible costs, below, for more details) to manage the funding envelope. This is meant to cover costs specific but not limited to:
    • designing and implementing a selection and merit review process that will help achieve School Food Infrastructure Fund (SFIF) objectives
    • managing funding agreements with ultimate recipients to further distribute funds
    • undertaking oversight of ultimate recipients in terms of their obligations
    • producing financial and other reports for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Eligible costs

Eligible costs are project expenses, claimed or contributed, that fall within the set program cost categories, and which respect all program limitations.

To be considered eligible, all costs must be:

  • included in the project application form budget
  • related to the activities included in the work plan
  • incurred within the work plan activities timeframe

Note: Costs incurred and work undertaken prior to your application being deemed complete are ineligible under the program. Any costs incurred after the deemed complete date but prior to the signing of a contribution agreement will be incurred solely at your risk without any obligation of payment by the program.

For more detailed information, refer to Eligible costs (Step 5).

Expected results

SFIF supports the vision of the National School Food Policy.

As an initial recipient, you’ll:

  • collect disaggregated data to measure and report on your distribution of funds
  • submit reports tracking project outcomes as they relate to the ultimate recipients involved

Contribution agreements between AAFC and the initial recipients will further confirm expected results which align with the SFIF parameters and terms and conditions. The results expected are within the reasonable control of the recipient and are stated at a level of detail that will support accountability and performance measurement. There are no performance requirements between AAFC and the ultimate recipients.

Expected outcomes and indicators for which data will be collected include, but are not limited to, the following:

Results timeline Outcome Performance indicators Data source
Immediate Organizations have increased capacity to deliver school food programs. Degree to which funded organizations’ capacity to deliver school food programs has been increased. Data collected directly from ultimate recipients following project completion.
Intermediate Food environments are improved within schools.

Percentage change in the quantity and value of foods produced, processed, distributed and/or donated through funded projects.

The degree to which ultimate recipients report improved availability and access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food.

Data collected directly from ultimate recipients following project completion.
Ultimate Strengthened community food security. Relative change in the degree to which recipients perceive access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food.

Final recipient performance reports.

Where possible, a survey of ultimate recipients may be administered by project proponents after project completion.