Goat milk production by province

Statistics about goat milk production by province in Canada.

Goat Milk Producers
Goat milk producers in Canada
Years BC AB MB ON QC NB NS PEI NL Canada [1]
2022 9 8 4 207 82 .. .. 1 .. 311
2021 10 .. 4 230 92 .. .. 1 .. 337
2020 10 .. 4 228 89 .. .. 1 .. 332
2019 9 .. .. 260 96 .. .. 2 1 368
2018 10 13 .. 271 102 .. .. 2 .. 398
2017 13 14 .. 290 109 .. .. 2 .. 428
2016 16 12 .. 258 .. .. .. 2 .. 288
2015 18 12 1 240 .. .. .. 2 .. 273
2014 16 13 1 218 .. .. 4 4 .. 256
2013 12 14 1 224 .. 1 4 4 .. 260
Goat Milk Production
Goat milk production in Canada, expressed in millions of litres
Years BC AB MB ON QC NB NS PEI NL Canada [1]
2022 .. .. .. 57.0 6.7 .. .. .. .. 63.7
2021 .. .. .. 55.0 [1] 7.6 .. .. .. .. 62.6
2020 .. .. .. 55.0 7.8 .. .. .. .. 62.8
2019 .. .. .. 55.0 8.3 .. .. .. .. 63.3
2018 .. .. .. 50.5 10.3 .. .. .. .. 60.8
2017 .. .. .. 53.3 9.8 .. .. .. .. 63.1
2016 .. .. .. 45.9 .. .. .. .. .. 45.9
2015 .. .. .. 43.2 .. .. .. .. .. 43.2
2014 .. .. 0.2 38.2 .. .. 0.1 .. .. 38.5
2013 .. .. 0.2 40.0 .. .. .. .. .. 40.2

Note: Amounts for other provinces - nil or minute
.. Not available
[1] Based on available data
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ), Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI), Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, PEI Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the Canadian Committee of the International Dairy Federation (IDF).
Calculations done by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Animal Industry Division, Market information Section

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If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.cdic-ccil.aac@agr.gc.ca