Number of farms by industry type

This section provides information on the number of farms in Canada by industry type. The farm type is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) farm-typing categories.

Number of farms in Canada
2016 2021 % change
2016 to 2021
All farms in Canada 193,492 189,874 -1.9%
Chicken egg production 2,008 2,197 9.4%
Broiler and other meat-type chicken production 2,175 2,377 9.3%
Turkey production 294 256 -12.9%
Poultry hatcheries 52 48 -7.7%
Combination poultry and egg production 212 233 9.9%
All other poultry production 162 185 14.2%
Total poultry and egg 4,903 5,296 8.0%
Dairy 10,525 9,403 -10.7%
Beef cattle 36,013 39,633 10.1%
Total cattle ranching and farming 46,538 49,036 5.4%
Hog 3,305 3,016 -8.7%
Sheep and goat 3,056 3,575 17.0%
Other animal production 19,792 15,873 -19.8%
Livestock combination 5,749 4,838 -15.8%
Soybean 7,859 11,741 49.4%
Oilseed (except soybean) 12,870 16,661 29.5%
Dry pea and bean 4,058 1,918 -52.7%
Wheat 8,872 7,827 -11.8%
Corn 6,631 5,306 -20.0%
Other grain 23,338 21,682 -7.1%
Total grain and oilseed 63,628 65,135 2.4%
Hay 20,711 17,626 -14.9%
Fruit 7,845 7,101 -9.5%
Vegetable 5,514 5,076 7.9%
Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 and 2021 Census of Agriculture
Note: The farm type is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) farm-typing categories.
Calculations done by AAFC - AID , Market Information Section

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