Poultry slaughter reports

This section provides information on poultry slaughter (chicken, mature chicken, turkey, ducks and geese) at federally and/or provincially inspected packing plants in Canada by region(s)/province(s).

Please note:

Federally inspected slaughter data lags one week after week end. Data reported in this section is based on the poultry and egg industry market information calendar. Monthly reporting applies percentage splits.

Slaughter at federally and/or provincially inspected packing plants by species

Dynamic reports displaying slaughter of chicken, mature chicken, turkey, ducks and geese by weight category, for selected species for selected region(s)/province(s) for the week/month/year from 1992 to 2017.

Poultry slaughter reports

Poultry slaughter Weekly (003)/Monthly (002)/Annual (001)

Raw data file

Poultry slaughter raw data file (Report 039)
Raw data file in csv format including the number of head and the weight of birds slaughtered for all poultry species and all weight categories in all regions, for the selected year. Poultry slaughter raw data file structure and explanation (Report 039)

Open data portal

Weekly poultry slaughter
Weekly federally and provincially inspected slaughter and weight data from 1997 to present, Canada totals, is available on the Government of Canada’s Open Government Registry for chicken, turkey, ducks, geese and mature chicken.


If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.poultry-volaille.aac@agr.gc.ca