Poultry slaughter raw data file structure and explanation

Poultry slaughter raw data file - Report 039

Sample file structure: 2008010599C72006856700973230132412A

  • 20080105 = Date (format YYYYMMDD)
  • 9 = Prov=in
  • 9 = Prov=from
  • C = Type
  • 72 = Product category group code
  • 0068567 = Number of head
  • 0097323 = Eviscerated weight in kilogram
  • 0132412 = Live weight in kilogram
  • A = Actual


The date is in the format YYYYMMDD. This date represents the last day of the week, which is a Saturday. The slaughter data included in the records are from Sunday to Saturday, up to and including the date of the record.

The end of the year week is the exception to this rule. It will be split into two; the first part will end on December 31st and the second part will end the following Saturday. Each part will include its fraction of data in their respective year.


Prov-in is the province of destination. It is the province in which the poultry was slaughtered.


The Prov-from is the province of origin. It is the province or country from which the live poultry originated.


  • C = Chicken
  • T = Turkey
  • F = Mature Chicken
  • D = Duck
  • G = Geese

Product category

  • 71 = Under 1.4 kg
  • 72 = 1.4 and under 2.7 kg
  • 75 = 6.2 kg and under
  • 76 = Over 6.2 kg but no more than 8.5 kg
  • 77 = Over 8.5 kg but no more than 10.8 kg
  • 78 = Over 10.8 kg but no more than 13.3 kg
  • 79 = Over 13.3 kg
  • 80 = Mature Turkey
  • 73 = Under 2.7 kg
  • 74 = 2.7 kg and over
  • 70 = Geese/Duck

Slaughter volume

The slaughter data reported when the Prov-in code is the same as the Prov-from code (e.g Prov-in = 4 and Prov-from=4) represents the total slaughter volume that occurred in that province, regardless of origin.

In this case, slaughter figures for poultry originating from within a given province = A - (B+C) where;

  1. Total slaughter volume in the province (Prov-in code = Prov-from code AND Prov-in represents the province of interest, as detailed below)
  2. Slaughter volume from out of province production (Prov in code ≠ prov-from code AND Prov-in represents the province of interest, as detailed below)
  3. Slaughter volume of poultry imported from another country (Prov-from code = I)

Data Status

  • E = Estimate
  • A = Actual
  • F = Final estimate

Below is a listing of all of the destination/origin codes. Some of the data is aggregated to protect confidentiality.

  • 0 = Atlantic provinces (NL/PE/NS/NB)
  • 4 = Quebec
  • 5 = Ontario
  • 6 = Manitoba
  • 7 = Saskatchewan
  • 8 = Alberta
  • 9 = British Columbia
  • I = Another country
  • B = Alberta/British Columbia combined
  • M = Manitoba/Saskatchewan combined
  • W = Western provinces (MB/SK/AB/BC)
  • C = Canada
  • Q = Atl/Quebec

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.poultry-volaille.aac@agr.gc.ca

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