Distribution of slaughtering activity and number of federally inspected plants

This annual report displays the slaughtering activity in federally inspected plants, by province or region for hogs and cattle.


Number of hog plants by province - hog - 2024

The table below represents the data to produce the graph above
Number of plants by province - hog - 2024
Province 2024
British Columbia/Alberta 6
Saskatchewan/Manitoba 6
Ontario 3
Quebec/Atlantic 8
Canada 23
Number of plants by province - hog
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
British Columbia/Alberta 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
Saskatchewan/Manitoba 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 6
Ontario 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3
Quebec/Atlantic 12 12 13 12 12 10 10 10 9 8
Canada 26 26 28 27 27 25 25 25 26 23

Please consult the most current year posted for annual data, including historical years. Historical data is revised in current year reports only.

List of federally inspected slaughter plants - hogs - active listing
Province Establishment number Establishment name City
British Columbia #513 Donald's Fine Foods Langley
Alberta #001A Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Letbridge
Alberta #021 Lacombe Meat Research Centre Lacombe
Alberta #270A Olymel L.P. Red Deer
Alberta #604 Trochu Meat Processors Ltd. Trochu
Alberta #875 Prairie Farm Foods Inc. Wetaskiwin
Manitoba #007 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Braddon
Manitoba #058 Winkler Meats Ltd. Winkler
Manitoba #126 HyLife Foods LP Neepawa
Manitoba #791 Jowett Farms Corporation Blumenort
Saskatchewan #394 Thunder Creek Pork Inc. Moose Jaw
Saskatchewan #926 Norht 49 Foods Moose Jaw
Ontario #004 Fearman's Pork Inc. Burlington
Ontario #183 University of Guelph Guelph
Ontario #391 Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd. Breslau
Quebec #009 L.G. Hébert et Fils Ltée Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot
Quebec #010 F. Menard (Olymel), Ange-Gardien
Quebec #012 Les Viandes Du Breton Inc. Rivière-du-Loup
Quebec #080 Atrahan Transformation Inc. Yamachiche
Quebec #098 Qualiporc Regroupement Coopératif Les Cèdres
Quebec #129 Supraliment S.E.C. St-Esprit De Montcalm
Quebec #484 Asta Foods Inc. St-Alexandre
Quebec #524 Viandes Giroux (1997) Inc. East Angus
Historical changes to federally inspected slaughter plants - hog
Historical changes to federally inspected slaughter plants between 2002 and 2023 (active federally inspected in bold) - hogs
Province Establishment number Establishment name City Notes
British Columbia #181 Lawrence Meat Packing Co. Ltd. Peace River, Federally inspected slaughter until 2010
British Columbia #362 Pitt Meadows Meats Ltd. Pitt Meadows Federally inspected slaughter until 2002 and for one year in 2008
British Columbia #513 Donald's Fine Foods (Britco Pork Inc.) Langley Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
British Columbia #635 Inland Packers Salmon Arm Federally inspected slaughter from 2006 until 2011
Alberta #001A Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Lethbridge Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #008 J & M Meats International Ltd. Warburg Federally inspected slaughter until 2010
Alberta #021 Lacombe Meat Research Centre Lacombe Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #215 Sturgeon Valley Pork Sturgeon County Federally inspected slaughter from 2003 until 2012. Formerly known as Ouellette Packers 2000 Ltd.
Alberta #270A Olymel L.P. Red Deer Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #604 Trochu Meat Processors Ltd Trochu Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #875 Prairie Farm Foods Inc. Wetaskiwin Federally inspected slaughter since 2021
Saskatchewan #049 Harvest Meats Co. Ltd. Yorkton Federally inspected slaughter from 2003 until 2008
Saskatchewan #069 Maple Leaf Consumer Foods Saskatoon Federally inspected slaughter from 2003 until 2007. Formerly known as Mitchell's Gourmet Foods Inc.
Saskatchewan #118 Corcan Agribusiness Prince Albert Federally inspected slaughter until 2005
Saskatchewan #394 Thunder Creek Pork Moose Jaw Federally inspected slaughter from 2003 until 2006. Closed and opened again in 2011. Formerly known as Worldwide Pork Company Ltd.
Manitoba #007 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Winnipeg Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Manitoba #007B Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Winnipeg Federally inspected slaughter until 2007
Manitoba #041 Best Brand Meats Winnipeg Federally inspected slaughter until 2005. Formerly known as Hercules Managements Ltd.
Manitoba #058 Winkler Meats Ltd. Winkler Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Manitoba #126 HyLife Foods LP. Neepawa Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002. Formerly known as Springhill Farms
Manitoba #428 Plains Processing Ltd. Carman Federally inspected slaughter until 2003
Manitoba #791 Jowett Farms Corporation Blumenort Federally inspected slaughter since 2017
Ontario #004 Fearman's Pork Inc. Burlington Federally inspected slaughter since 2004. Formerly known as Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
Ontario #005 Canada Custom Slaughtering Inc. Toronto Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2006
Ontario #014 Quality Meat Packers Toronto Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2014. Formerly known as Toronto Abattoirs Ltd.
Ontario #183 University of Guelph Guelph Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Ontario #211 Bruce Packers Ltd. Paisley Federally inspected slaughter until 2003
Ontario #262 Arnold Meat Packers Kitchener Federally inspected slaughter for 1 year in 2011. Formerly Gencor Foods Inc.
Ontario #391 Conestoga Meat Packers Ltd. Breslau Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Ontario #419 Great Lakes Specialty Meats Ltd. Mitchell Federally inspected slaughter until 2014
Ontario #656 Kinder Foods Mount Forest Federally inspected slaughter from 2008 until 2011, resumed in 2013 until 2020. Formerly known as Frey's Custom Meats Inc.
Ontario #663 FGO Organic Processing Ltd. Ingersoll Federally inspected slaughter since 2008
Ontario #680 Cambridge Meat Packers Ltd. Cambridge Federally inspected slaughter in 2011
Quebec #009 L.G. Hébert et fils Ltd. Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Quebec #010 F. Menard (Olymel) Ange-Gardien Federally inspected slaughter since 2010
Quebec #012 Les Viandes du Breton Inc. Rivière-du-Loup Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Quebec #016 Les viandes Lorraine Lorrainville Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2005
Quebec #056 Viandes Abitémis Inc. Fugereville Federally inspected slaughter for 1 year in 2003
Quebec #080 Atrahan Transformation Inc. Yamachiche Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Quebec #081 Nutri-Porc St-Blaise-Sur-Richelieu Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2010
Quebec #098 Qualiporc Regroupement Coopératif Les Cedres Federally inspected slaughter from 2006 until 2007 and since 2020
Quebec #129 Supraliment S.E.C. Saint-Henri-de-Lévis Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Quebec #147 Olymel L.P. Vallée Jonction Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004. Formerly known as Olymel and Company Ltd.
Quebec #147C Olymel L.P. Vallée Jonction Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004. Formerly known as Olymel and Company Ltd.
Quebec #320 Olymel and Company Ltd. St. Valerien Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2007
Quebec #330 Les Salaisons Brochu Inc. St.Henri Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2005
Quebec #376 Firme Roger Dubreuil Inc. Ste-Hénédine Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2010
Quebec #466 Jacques Forget Ltd. Terrebonne Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2019
Quebec #468E Lucyporc Yamachiche Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2019.
Quebec #475 Abattoir de Luceville Inc. Luceville Federally inspected slaughter from 2016 until 2019
Quebec #484 Asta Foods Inc. St-Alexandre Federally inspected slaughter since 2004. Formerly known as Aliments Asta Inc.
Quebec #493 Viandes Kamouraska St-Pascal Federally inspected slaughter until 2007
Quebec #505 Les Viandes de la Petite-Nation St. André Avelin Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2009
Quebec #524 Viandes Giroux (1997) Inc. East Angus Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2004
Quebec #563 Viandes Abitémis Inc. Fugereville Federally inspected slaughter until prior to 2002
Quebec #724 Xtra Meats Inc. Bécancour Federally inspected slaughter from 2010 until 2012. Formerly known as Les Viandes Syrmel Inc.
Quebec #735 Abattoir Lamarche Bécancour Federally inspected slaughter from 2012 until 2017
Nova-Scotia #026 Antigonish Abattoir Antigonish Federally inspected slaughter until 2013
Nova-Scotia #150 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Berwick Federally inspected slaughter until 2010. Formerly known as Larsen Meat Packers
New-Brunswick #095 Maple Leaf Foods Inc Moncton Federally inspected slaughter until 2002. Formerly known as Hub Meat Packers Ltd.
Prince Edward Island #474 Natural Organic Food Group PEI Inc. Charlottetown Federally inspected slaughter until 2008.
Average hog slaughtering activity in federally inspected Plants
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
British Columbia/Alberta 583,358 569,335 572,694 547,334 540,914 595,452 480,032 476,034 493,109 445,462
Saskatchewan/Manitoba 1,374,267 1,376,245 1,121,988 1,110,033 1,144,523 1,223,923 1,243,636 1,209,504 894,438 1,072,272
Ontario 726,209 722,275 733,780 749,398 802,186 865,849 1,066,740 1,086,023 1,107,982 1,506,993
Quebec/Atlantic 690,619 647,256 663,043 709,915 700,038 829,060 753,561 754,720 805,070 842,332
Canada 782,013 755,339 740,314 761,215 771,799 904,864 836,037 799,808 803,741 885,480
Total hog slaughtering activity in federally inspected Plants
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Western Provinces 8,413,857 8,368,449 8,440,325 8,286,834 8,427,181 9,096,877 9,098,368 8,903,722 9,219,722 9,106,402
Ontario 3,631,047 3,611,375 3,668,901 3,746,991 4,010,931 4,329,243 4,266,959 4,344,091 4,431,926 4,520,978
Quebec/Atlantic 8,287,430 8,414,334 8,619,560 8,518,974 8,400,454 8,290,604 7,532,184 7,547,203 7,245,629 6,738,657
Canada 20,332,334 20,394,158 20,728,786 20,552,799 20,838,566 21,716,724 20,897,511 20,795,016 20,897,277 20,366,037
Hog slaughtering in Canada
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of establishments 26 26 28 27 27 25 25 25 26 23
Total slaughter 20,332,334 20,394,158 20,728,786 20,552,799 20,838,566 21,716,724 20,897,511 20,795,016 20,897,277 20,366,037
Average slaughter 782,013 755,339 740,314 761,215 771,799 904,864 836,037 799,808 803,741 885,480
% Top 4 companies 65 65 64 63 63 64 63 64 75 74
% Top 8 companies 89 88 88 88 90 90 90 89 95 95
% Top 4 Plants 46 46 45 45 45 46 48 48 49 52
% Top 8 plants 74 74 75 76 77 77 76 80 80 83

Number of plants by province - cattle - 2024

Image of a map as indicated in the table below
The table below represents the data to produce the graph above
Number of plants by province - cattle - 2024
Province 2024
Western Provinces 8
Ontario 4
Quebec/Atlantic 5
Canada 17
Number of plants by province - cattle
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Western Provinces 9 8 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 8
Ontario 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 4
Quebec/Atlantic 5 6 5 4 4 3 3 4 5 5
Canada 20 20 21 20 20 18 19 19 19 17

Please consult the most current year posted for annual data, including historical years. Historical data is revised in current year reports only.

List of federally inspected slaughter plants - cattle - active listing
Province Establishment number Establishment name City
Alberta #021 Lacombe Meat Research Centre Lacombe
Alberta #038 JBS Food Canada Inc. Brooks
Alberta #093 Cargill Ltd. High River
Alberta #506 Bouvry Export Calgary Ltd. Fort Macleod
Alberta #657 Canadian Premium Meats Inc. Lacombe
Alberta #794 Harmony Beef Company Ltd. Rocky View County
Alberta #875 Prairie Farm Food Inc. Wetaskiwin
Manitoba #763 True North Foods Winnipeg
Ontario #011 Elbee Meat Packers Ltd. Toronto
Ontario #051 Cargill Canada (2005) G.P. Guelph
Ontario #183 University of Guelph Guelph
Ontario #656 Canada Finest Meat Packers Southgate Twsp. Mount Forest
Quebec #076 Viande Richelieu Inc. Massueville
Quebec #431 3681611 Canada Inc. (Valleyfield) Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka
Quebec #837 Louis LaFrance et Fils Ltée. Shawinigan
Quebec #466 Jacques Forget Ltée. St-Louis de Terrebonne
Prince Edward Island #443 Atlantic Beef Products Inc. Albany
Historical changes to federally inspected slaughter plants - cattle
Historical changes to federally inspected slaughter plants between 2002 and 2021 (active federally inspected in bold) - cattle
Province Establishment number Establishment name City Notes
British Columbia #061 Rangeland Beef Processors Inc. Salmon Arm Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2006
British Columbia #181 Lawrence Meat Packing Co. Ltd. Peace River Federally inspected slaughter until 2010
British Columbia #362 Pitt Meadows Meat Ltd. Pitt Meadows Federally inspected slaughter until 2010
British Columbia #587 KML Meat Processed Ltd. Westwold Federally inspected slaughter from 2003 until 2008, resumed in 2014. Formerly known as Medallion Meats Corporation until 2014
British Columbia #748 Lambert Creek Organic Meats Ltd. Grindrod Federally inspected slaughter from 2014 until 2021
Alberta #021 Lacombe Meat Research Centre Lacombe Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #038 JBS Food Canada UCL Brooks Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002. Formerly known as Lakeside Packers until 2008 then XL Foods until 2014
Alberta #054 Northwest Foods Inc. Edmonton Federally inspected slaughter until 2004. Formerly known as Alsask Food Processors until 2002
Alberta #093 Cargill Limited High River Federally inspected slaughter since prior to 2002
Alberta #136 Sungold Specialty Meats Innisfail Federally inspected slaughter until 2002, resumed in 2005 until 2011
Alberta #401 XL Foods Inc. (XL Beef) Calgary Federally inspected slaughter until 2011
Alberta #506 Bouvry Export Calgary Ltd. Fort Macleod Federally inspected slaughter until 2007, resumed in 2012
Alberta #630 Ranchers Beef Inc. Balzac Federally inspected slaughter from 2006 until 2007
Alberta #657 Canadian Premium Meats Inc. Lacombe Federally inspected slaughter from 2007. Also doing business as Beretta Farms Ltd.
Alberta #748 Lambert Creek Organic Meats Ltd. Grindrod Federally inspected slaughter from 2013 until 2021
Alberta #794 Harmony Beef Company Ltd. Balzac Federally inspected slaughter since 2017
Alberta #875 Prairie Farm Food Inc. Wetaskiwin Federally inspected slaughter since 2021
Saskatchewan #118 Corcan Agribusiness Prince Albert Federally inspected slaughter until 2003
Saskatchewan #597 XL Foods Ltd. (XL Beef) Moose Jaw Federally inspected slaughter until 2009
Saskatchewan #659 Northern Natural Processing LP Neudorf Federally inspected slaughter from 2006 until 2007, resumed in 2014 until 2015, resumed in 2017 until 2020. Formerly known as Natural Valley Foods Inc.until 2014
Manitoba #058 Winkler Meats Ltd. Winkler Federally inspected slaughter until 2010
Manitoba #428 Plain Processing Ltd. Carman Federally inspected slaughter until 2003
Manitoba #763 True North Foods Carman Federally inspected slaughter since 2015
Ontario #005 Canada Custom Slaughtering Inc. Toronto Federally inspected slaughter until 2006
Ontario #011 Elbee Meat Packers Ltd. Toronto Federally inspected slaughter since 2004
Ontario #051 Cargill Canada Ltd. Guelph Federally inspected slaughter since 2005. Also doing business as Better beef
Ontario #099 Tri-Pet Holdings Inc. Toronto Federallyinspected slaughter until 2019. Also did business as Ryding-Regency
Ontario #183 University of Guelph Guelph Federally inspected slaughter since 2004
Ontario #262 Arnold Meat Packers Kitchener Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2008, resumed in 2011 until 2011. Formerly known as Gencor Foods Inc.until 2011
Ontario #287 St. Ann's Foods Inc. St. Ann's Federally inspected slaughter from 2005 until 2014
Ontario #418 Norval Meats Proton Station Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2008. Formerly known as Litt International Exports Ltd. until 2006
Ontario #656 Kinder Foods Mount Forest Federally inspected slaughter from 2005 until 2011, resumed in 2013. Formerly known as Frey's Custom Meats Inc. until 2013
Ontario #663 FGO Organic Processing Ltd. Ingersoll Federally inspected slaughter since 2009
Ontario #715 Holly Park Meat Packers Inc. Caledon Federally inspected slaughter from 2010 until 2012
Ontario #902 Tru Harvest Meats Inc. Toronto Federally inspected slaughter since 2005
Quebec #010 Agromex Ange-Gardien Federally inspected slaughter for 1 year in 2014
Quebec #042 Les Abattoirs Z.Billette Inc. St-Louis-de-Gonzagu Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 200
Quebec #053 Levinoff - Colbex LP. St-Cyrville de Wendover Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2012.
Quebec #056 Laprobec Inc. St-Luc-de-Vincennes Federally inspected slaughter until 2005
Quebec #076 Richelieu Meat Inc. Massueville Federally inspected slaughter in 2010, 2012 and since 2016
Quebec #098 Abattoir les cèdres Ltd. Les Cèdres Federally inspected slaughter until 2002
Quebec #376 Firme Roger Dubreuil Inc. St-Hénédine Federally inspected slaughter since 2004
Quebec #431 Les Viandes Valleyfields Inc. St-Stanislas-de-Kostka Plant began operation in 2004
Quebec #454 Abattoir St-Germain Inc. St-Germain-de-Grantham Federally inspected slaughter since 2004
Quebec #466 Jacques Forget Ltd. St-Louis-de-Terrebonne Federally inspected slaughter since 2004
Quebec #475 Abattoir de Luceville Inc. Luceville Federally inspected slaughter from 2004 until 2019
Quebec #505 Les Viandes de la Petite-Nation Inc. St-André Avelin Federally inspected slaughter until 2017
Quebec #524 Viandes Giroux (1997) Inc. East Angus Federally inspected slaughter until 2016
Quebec #563 Viandes Abitémis Inc. Fugereville Federally inspected slaughter until prior to 2002
Quebec #701 Abattoirs Abramov Inc. St-Isidore-de-Laprairie Federally inspected slaughter for 1 year in 2010
Quebec #714 Les Viandes Laroche Inc. Val-des-Sources (Asbestos) Federally inspected slaughter from 2010 until 2015
Quebec #837 Louis LaFrance et Fils Ltée Fugereville Federally inspected slaughter until prior to 2002
Nova Scotia #026 Antagonish Abbatoir (1983) Ltd. Antagonish Federally inspected slaughter until prior to 2002
New Brunswick #095 Maple Leaf Consumer Foods. Moncton Federally inspected slaughter until prior to 2002
Prince Edward Island #443 Atlantic Beef Products Inc. Albany Federally inspected slaughter since 2005
Prince Edward Island #474 Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Charlottetown Federally inspected slaughter until 2004. Formerly known as Garden Province Meats Inc
Average cattle slaughtering activity in federally inspected Plants - Annual
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Western Provinces 278,902 292,671 274,640 293,132 308,571 299,167 286,090 323,557 310,173 342,126
Ontario 89,491 94,427 99,480 103,092 104,017 113,910 101,643 102,119 112,438 122,328
Quebec/Atlantic 6,162 5,197 8,263 11,774 12,144 23,044 23,943 17,901 16,568 16,624
Canada 120,131 132,611 135,450 151,201 158,067 170,004 173,037 182,201 166,300 176,136
Total cattle slaughtering activity in federally inspected Plants
Province 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Western provinces 1,954,570 2,054,050 2,206,053 2,358,372 2,488,661 2,421,387 2,606,023 2,621,193 2,514,674 2,421,878
Ontario 536,946 566,564 596,878 618,551 624,099 569,551 609,856 612,713 562,188 489,311
Quebec/Atlantic 31,244 31,601 41,511 47,096 48,576 69,131 71,828 71,605 82,841 83,120
Canada 2,522,760 2,652,215 2,844,442 3,024,019 3,161,336 3,060,069 3,287,707 3,305,511 3,159,703 2,994,309
Cattle slaughtering in Canada
Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of establishments 20 20 21 20 20 18 19 19 19 17
Total slaughter 2,522,760 2,652,215 2,844,442 3,024,019 3,161,336 3,060,069 3,287,707 3,305,511 3,159,703 2,994,309
Average slaughter 120,131 132,611 135,450 151,201 158,067 170,004 173,037 182,201 166,300 176,136
% Top 4 companies 98 98 96 95 96 95 95 95 95 95
% Top 8 companies 100 100 99 99 99 99 98 98 99 99
% Top 4 Plants 95 96 94 92 93 92 91 91 92 91
% Top 8 plants 99 100 97 97 98 98 97 97 98 98

Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Compiled by Agriculture and agri-food Canada, Animal industry division, Market information section


If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.redmeat-vianderouge.aac@canada.ca

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