Consumer perceptions of environmentally sustainable food and associated labels

This overview of consumer perceptions of environmentally sustainable food and associated food labels brings together information from a variety of public opinion research commissioned, or purchased, by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. It provides information on consumer perceptions towards sustainable food, including how consumers identify this type of food, their trust in sustainability labels and the importance of these labels in food purchase decisions.

How consumers identify environmentally sustainable food

Of the 70% of Canadian consumers that say they look for environmentally sustainable food:Endnote 1

  • 75% use a label (for example, independently certified label, claims an environmental benefit).Endnote 1
  • 46% look for reduced plastics or no packaging.Endnote 1
  • 36% associate environmental sustainability with a local farm or farmers market.Endnote 1
  • 34% rely on the retailer to indicate that products are environmentally sustainable.Endnote 1

Consumers value food healthiness, taste and price over a sustainability label

  • 62% say health is more important than a sustainability label.Endnote 2
  • 61% say taste is more important than a sustainability label.Endnote 2
  • 58% say price is more important than a sustainability label.Endnote 2

Some Canadians trust that food is produced in an environmentally sustainable way, but the majority are skeptical about labels

Some are trusting

  • 45% trust that products with a sustainability label are better for the environment.Endnote 2
  • 40% of Canadians are confident that food products are produced in a sustainable way (for example, environmentally friendly, resource efficient, ethically responsible).Endnote 2

Those that lack confidence

  • 75% think products labelled “green” are a marketing toolEndnote 3
  • 44% report that sustainability labels are confusing.Endnote 2
  • Only 30% are very confident that food in grocery stores is accurately labeled as environmentally sustainable.Endnote 1

What consumers look for or want to learn

  • 7 in 10 consumers are looking for more information on sustainability in product advertisements and say they view these ads as an awareness tool.Endnote 3
  • Over 60% identified reducing packaging and plastic in packaging as sustainable actions they would like companies to take.Endnote 3
  • For food sustainability labels to be impactful, consumers want to learn more about the systems and standards behind the label and how compliance is verified.Endnote 4

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