Navigating through food regulatory requirements

Access resources that help industry navigate the relevant regulatory approval processes, including scientific substantiation, for innovative food products.

The food regulatory environment plays an important role in supporting industry innovation and competitiveness, enabling market access and attracting investment while protecting the health and safety of Canadians. Industry needs to consider the regulatory requirements when making decisions on investment, product development and marketing.

Additional information

Health Canada resources

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) resources

  • Industry Food Labelling Tool
    A tool to help industry interpret food labelling and advertising requirements as well as policies that apply to statements and claims made for foods. This tool has replaced the Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising.
  • Guidance documents from Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    Guidance for regulated parties to help ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Pre-market Application Submissions Office (PASO)
    PASO processes applications for livestock feeds, Plant Breeder’s Rights, fertilizers, variety registration, plants with novel traits, and veterinary biologics.
  • My CFIA
    Industry’s point of entry to secure online services including licences, permits, registrations and export certificates.
  • Ask CFIA
    A service that provides industry with one point of entry to ask questions to help in understanding and complying with regulatory requirements.