AgriMarketing Program: Step 2. Eligibility

Step 2. Eligibility

Check if you meet the criteria to apply.

Eligibility checklist

You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible.

    • Not-for-profit organizations may include:
      • an association of workers and/or employers
      • a local community, charitable or voluntary organization
      • a sector council
      • a corporation
    • An Indigenous organization may include:
      • a First Nations, Inuit or Métis community
      • a First Nations, Inuit, or Métis association
      • a First Nations, Inuit, or Métis not-for-profit organization
    • participation of relevant industry stakeholders in the project development and/or implementation
    • the ability to implement the project nationally
    • support from relevant industry stakeholders in the proposed project through letters of support

Note: Applicants are encouraged to become a member of the Canada Brand.

Program priorities and eligible activities

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) reserves the right the prioritize submitted activities.

The program will prioritize projects on new or incremental project activities in international markets, beyond the scope of previously funded activities under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and avoid any repetition or duplication.

1. Marketing Canada's green products

Encourage you to promote Canada's products that are linked to environmental certification and assurance systems.

2. Digital engagement

Projects that use digital promotional activities and virtual forms of engagement (such as, online training, e-commerce platforms, virtual business-to-business meetings, and virtual trade missions) with the intent to reduce waste and lower the carbon footprint from recurring travel to the same markets or trade shows supported in previous years.

3. Inclusive trade

Expand eligible recipients to include Associations that represent underrepresented stakeholders such as Indigenous-led and Women-owned groups in the agriculture, agri-food agri-based products sector, including fish and seafood, that can deliver a project from a national perspective.

The program will also prioritize projects that:

  • contribute to the Government of Canada's trade and economic priorities of diversifying markets, increasing annual agricultural exports and supporting Canada's economic growth
  • focus on new or incremental marketing, promotional and business development activities. If returning to an existing market, the applicant must clearly demonstrate how the proposed activity represents an incremental change to support the project's objectives and expected results.
  • target high-growth export markets that align with AAFC's and the Government of Canada's international trade and market development priorities such as the Indo-Pacific Strategy
  • prioritize countries where Canada has Free Trade Agreements in place
  • market and promote Canada's green products that are linked to environmental certification and assurance systems
  • implement digital marketing campaigns that reduce waste and lower CO2 emissions by limiting high-volume printing of promotional materials
  • adopt virtual forms of engagement and outreach that reduce the carbon footprint and decrease the frequency of repeat business travel (such as, webinars, online training, e-commerce, virtual B2B meetings, virtual trade missions)

You are encouraged to consult your proposed project activities with agriculture and agri-food trade commissioners at missions abroad, to help identify emerging business opportunities, consumer trends, on-the-ground intel and to pre-qualify and connect with local business contacts.

Eligible activities

Eligible activities include:

  • industry-wide advertising and promotion, including in-store and food service promotions and product demonstrations for buyers (businesses and consumers)
  • incoming, outgoing and exploratory missions to advance market development and trade- visit travel advice and advisories by destination (Government of Canada).
  • market research that aligns with the objectives of the program
  • technical training for buyers about Canadian products and product handling
  • trade seminars designed to inform industry representatives of specific attributes of Canadian agriculture, agri-food, fish and seafood products
  • industry-to-industry trade advocacy (note: activities aimed at lobbying Canadian and foreign governments are ineligible)
  • participation in or attendance at signature trade shows and multilateral industry meetings and conferences

Each activity requires an explanation of the benefits and impacts to the target market proposed, and how they will be measured and assessed. You should outline the anticipated number of buyers reached by the activity and detail how the activity will positively impact the target audience and generate results.

Please refer to eligible activities for a complete list.

Eligible costs

Note: Costs you incur prior to AAFC approval or the project start date may not be reimbursed by AAFC, and you may be solely responsible for those costs.

Eligible costs are project expenses, claimed or contributed, that fall within the set program cost categories and respect all program limitations. To be considered eligible, all costs must be:

  • included in the project application form budget
  • related to the activities included in the work plan
  • fall within the work plan activities timeframe

For more information and details on cost categories, eligible costs, limitations or instructions, refer to the eligible costs.

Expected results

Your application must clearly demonstrate how the proposed project activities support the specific outcomes and outputs listed below:

  • address the industry/sector need
  • provide clearly defined targets and performance indicators

Performance indicators, which are used to measure the relevance and effectiveness of both projects and the program, include:

  • increased exports
  • number of new markets explored
  • results of marketing activities (for example, new business opportunities and sales leads)
  • results of trade advocacy activities (for example, number of issues resolved)

Annual targets should represent incremental changes and forecasted results, such as to increase market share or to reduce market access barriers, thereby building on the success of previously approved funding or in-market activities in prior years.