African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream - Applicant guide

Applicant guide

Applicants should contact the program should they wish to apply.

The program ends March 31, 2025.

Purpose of this guide

This guide will:

  1. help you determine if you may be eligible for funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) under the African Swine Fever (ASF) Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream
  2. give you directions and instructions to help you complete the project application form

Your completed application form should provide AAFC with the information needed to make decisions about eligibility and funding. It is highly recommended that you read this guide and Annex A: How to complete the application form before you complete the form.

Table of contents

1.0 About the African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program

The African Swine Fever Prevention and Preparedness investment aims to enhance efforts to prevent African swine fever (ASF) from entering Canada and prepare for a potential outbreak.

Program objective

As part of the investment from AAFC, the African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program (ASFIPP) will provide up to $23.4 million over 3 years. The program supports the pork industry to:

  • address identified gaps in prevention and mitigation efforts
  • develop the tools, partnerships, and activities needed to ensure the early detection of ASF and an effective emergency response in case of an outbreak

For more information on ASF, please visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

The ASFIPP offers support under 2 streams:

The Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream will provide non-repayable contributions to projects that focus on processor retrofits and regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal.

Note: There is a separate application process for the African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Prevention and Preparedness Stream.

1.1 Eligible applicants

The following organization types are eligible under this program:

  • 1. For-profit: organizations that exist to make a profit. They can include:

    • corporations
    • partnership
  • 2. Not-for-profit: organizations that operate solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, any other purpose except profit. They may include:

    • sector council
    • corporation
  • 3. Provincial / territorial / municipal governments

  • 4. Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit, Métis): A First Nation, Inuit or Métis individual or a First Nation, Métis or Inuit organization. They may include :

    • First Nations, Inuit or Métis community and/or governmentEndnote 1
    • First Nations, Inuit, or Métis association
    • First Nations, Inuit, or Métis not-for-profit organization
    • First Nations, Inuit, or Métis for-profit organization
  • 5. Academia: Organizations involved in providing education or developing educational materials or tools. They may include:

    • Private university and college
    • Public degree-granting college
    • Public degree-granting university
  • 6. Other: If none of the other selections apply, select 'other' and specify the organization type.

Note: Eligible applicants must be legal entities capable of entering into legally binding agreements.

Consideration may be given to regional applicants if they can demonstrate the ability to deliver a project that contributes to the greater good of the Canadian pork sector in the face of ASF.

1.2 Funding and Cost-sharing

Available funding

The maximum AAFC contribution for a project will normally not exceed $1 million over 3 years.

Cost sharing

Please note that this program has a cost-sharing requirement.

Eligible project costs will normally be shared between AAFC and you as follows:

  • Eligible provincial/territorial/municipal government applicants: a maximum of 60% AAFC and a minimum of 40% applicant
  • All other eligible applicants: a maximum of 85% AAFC and a minimum of 15% applicant

A more favourable cost-share may be applied for some activities, where the applicant is unable to cost share and where there is a strong benefit to the pork sector.

You must clearly indicate all sources of funding for the project, including your contribution and other industry and/or partner sources of funding including:

  • other federal government departments, agencies and crown corporationsEndnote 2
  • provincial/territorial governmentsEndnote 2
  • municipal governmentEndnote 2
  • Industry and/or partners such as:
    • industry associations and networks
    • businesses
    • academia
What is a cash contribution?

A cash contribution means the cash provided by either your organization or by a participant/contributor (such as a partner or other government) secured by your organization for the project and used during the life of the project to pay for eligible costs for goods and/or services required to complete project activities. To be considered a cash contribution to the project, the funds must be used to pay for eligible costs.

What is an in-kind contribution?

In-kind means the fair value of goods and/or services that are contributed to a project's eligible costs and require no outlay of cash by your organization or by a participant/contributor (such as a partner or other government). If your organization does not pay for goods and/or services required for a project, the values may be shown as in-kind contributions. Any in-kind contributions must be made towards eligible costs, be essential to complete project activities and achieve project results, and would otherwise have to be purchased or paid for your organization. These contributions will not be reimbursed by AAFC.

Examples of potential in-kind contributions:

  • Equipment you must use for the project (with a useful life in excess of one year and a per item cost greater than $10,000) is already owned by the applicant or was donated / loaned by a partner.
  • An inspection you must use for the project, is donated without charge by a partner.
Eligible costs

All costs claimed or contributed under the program must fall within the program cost categories and respect all limitations, including effective dates of the Contribution Agreement. For more information and details on cost categories, eligible/ineligible costs and other limitations, refer to the Project costs section of Annex A: How to complete the application form.

1.3 Eligible activities

The program will prioritize projects that support the pork industry's ASF prevention and mitigation efforts to address gaps and position Canada to anticipate the tools, partnerships, and activities that would be required to ensure an early detection of ASF and an effective emergency response once detected. Program priorities and examples of eligible activities are:

  • Processor retrofits and regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal
    • Evaluation of technologies for destruction and disposal
    • Processor retrofits
    • Preparation for carcass disposal
    • Creation of engineering designs for retrofits and disposal sites
    • Development of transportation strategies for slaughter and disposal, including truck washes
    • Development of contingency plans
    • Purchase of slaughter and disposal equipment and provision of training on proper usage
    • Welfare slaughter and disposal exercises
    • Other activities that support the objective of the program

Note: For-profit applicants who are approved for funding to update their supply chains may be asked to agree to use their increased capacity at fair market value to help the sector respond in the event of an ASF outbreak. In these cases, it would form part of the terms of their Contribution Agreement.

1.4 Application deadlines

Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until November 30, 2024 or until otherwise announced by the program, or until funding has been fully committed. The program ends March 31, 2025.

For detailed information on how to complete a project application form, refer to Annex A: How to complete the application form.

2.0 Expected results

The Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream will help the Canadian hog sector to increase resiliency following detection of ASF. This will be done by enhancing the pork industry's capacity to prevent and prepare for the entry of ASF into Canada and reduce its impacts in case of an outbreak.

The expected outcomes of the Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream are:

  • increased sector readiness for an ASF outbreak
  • sector, including processors from underrepresented and marginalized groups, is prepared to mitigate the impacts of an ASF outbreak
  • increased resiliency of the Canadian hog sector

Examples of performance indicators, which are used to measure the relevance and effectiveness of the program, will include:

  • percentage of processing plants that apply and are approved to the Program for retrofit projects
  • number of provinces that are approved by the Program for disposal projects
  • percentage increase of processing facilities with improved welfare slaughter and disposal capacity
  • percentage increase of processing facilities with improved welfare slaughter and disposal capacity by province and underrepresented and marginalized groups' ownership
  • percentage increase in processing capacity specific to dealing with surplus hogs through retrofit support.
  • number of disposal sites created or retrofitted
  • average hog farm debt ratio in Canada (total farm liabilities/total farm assets)

Applications must demonstrate how the proposed project will promote industry preparedness for ASF, as well as provide clearly defined targets and performance measures.

3.0 How we assess your application

Project proposals must be related to supporting the pork industry's ASF prevention and mitigation efforts by addressing one or more of the following areas:

  • Processor retrofits
  • Regional preparation for welfare slaughter and disposal

Each application will be meticulously reviewed for eligibility, appropriateness, and impact. For you to prove that the activity cost meets each of the above elements, it is important that each activity and corresponding cost is provided in a manner that is required for an appropriate assessment by AAFC.

  1. Your application will initially be reviewed against the following criteria:
    • the application is complete and the proposed project is eligible
    • the proposed activities, including expected results and outcomes, support program objectives and priorities
    • all sources of funding, including any in-kind support, for a proposed project to be funded under this program are identified
  2. If the above criteria are met, a more thorough assessment of your application will be done. This will include:
    • the degree to which the proposed project can demonstrate ASF prevention and mitigation efforts for the Canadian pork industry
    • the proposed activities and expenditures are eligible, reasonable and required to meet the project objectives
    • you possess or have access to the qualifications (such as, capability/capacity including the necessary technical, financial and managerial capacities) and track record required to complete the project
    • evaluation of the project's impact to stakeholders and how it benefits the sector

The assessment process will determine the funding amount for approved projects. This will be based on:

  • scope and duration of project
  • reasonableness and fair market value of proposed eligible expenses
  • importance of proposed eligible activities for greater impact to the sector
  • reasonableness of the overall projected cost of eligible expenditures given the projected outcome(s)
  • other sources of funding
  • demonstrated due diligence in obtaining and reporting on performance results

AAFC will provide a written decision letter outlining the level of assistance awarded and any other conditions, if applicable.

Please refer to Annex A: How to complete the application form for detailed information on how to complete a project application.

  • Each activity requires an explanation of the benefits and impact proposed in each activity, and how each will be measured and assessed
  • Each activity must be clearly defined and articulated in each section of the application
  • Each cost must clearly outline how the value was calculated

4.0 Reporting on your project

Should you be approved for funding, you will be required to report on finances, performance and results. These reports include:

Progress reports

You will be required to provide progress reports describing the activities completed and progress made towards deliverables, as described in the Project Work Plan. Progress report frequency is either quarterly, semi-annually or annually, depending on risk level.

Performance reports

You will also be required to provide performance reports at the end of the project. The reports will track progress against mutually agreed to performance measures outlined in the Contribution Agreement.

Financial reports

Financial reporting is required with each request for reimbursement of expenditures, in addition to year-end accounting and other financial reports. When submitting a claim for reimbursement, supporting invoices representing 10%, 20% or 40% may be required.

Other reports may be required at AAFC's discretion.

5.0 Considerations

5.1 M-30 Act (Quebec organizations only)

The Province of Quebec's M-30 Act legislation may apply to Quebec-based applicants only. It is the Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (R.S.Q., c. M-30).

More information on the act is available online or by contacting the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ) at

All Quebec-based organizations will have to address this matter and demonstrate their compliance with the act during the project assessment process, and prior to entering into a Contribution Agreement.

5.2 Intellectual Property

The Contribution Agreement will contain an intellectual property clause which will confirm that all title to the intellectual property in any materials created or developed by or for the applicant of contribution funding will vest in the applicant or in a third party, as may be negotiated by the applicant. However, AAFC may, at its sole discretion, include a provision in the Contribution Agreement requiring the applicant to grant, or ensure, a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free licence to the Crown to such material, in whole or in part, in any form or medium, for internal government administration purposes.

6.0 After you apply

Once you submit your application, an acknowledgment notice will be forwarded to you.

Note: You should not consider your application as submitted to the program until you receive the acknowledgement notice.

Our goal is to:

  • acknowledge receipt of your application within one (1) business day
  • respond to general inquiries made to our phone number or email address before the end of the next business day
  • assess your application and send you an approval or a rejection notification letter typically within 100 business days of the application being deemed complete

After your application is received, AAFC verifies that all required forms and declarations have been completed and there is sufficient detail in the application for a full assessment.

Next, a full review and assessment of your application against the principles and criteria of the program will be carried out by assessors including program administrators and other technical reviewers within AAFC.

AAFC may contact you for more information at any point after you apply.

If your application is approved, a program officer will communicate with you to go over the details of the approval including activities, funding levels as well as start and end dates. The program officer will then follow up with you to negotiate the details and enter into a Contribution Agreement.

AAFC may allow eligible costs to be incurred starting from the ministerial announcement date of August 26, 2022, but prior to the signing of a Contribution Agreement if the Minister deems this necessary for the achievement of objectives under the project and if such costs are reasonable, incremental and required to carry out the eligible activities to which they relate. It is very important that you understand that in these cases, costs cannot be reimbursed until a signed Contribution Agreement between your organization and AAFC is in place, therefore these incurred costs are done solely at your risk without obligation of payment by AAFC.

Please note that even if a project meets all eligibility criteria, the submission of an application creates no obligation on the part of the Minister or of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada officials to provide funding for the proposed project. The Minister retains discretion to determine, based on other public policy and public interest considerations, whether an application that meets the criteria identified in this guide will ultimately receive funding.

7.0 Contact us

For more information on the African Swine Fever Industry Preparedness Program: Welfare Slaughter and Disposal Stream, please contact the program by:

Telephone: 1-877-246-4682