Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program: Step 3. Before you apply

Step 3. Before you apply

Intake period: Open

Applications will be accepted until March 31, 2030.

Program funding for the current fiscal year (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025) is fully allocated.

The program continues to consider and assess applications for the program year beginning April 1, 2025.

The program ends March 31, 2031.

Review and consider the following information before you apply.

Important dates

  • You have the flexibility to seek funding for eligible activities that started on or after March 19, 2019.
  • Project applications must be received before March 31, 2030, which is the end of the ninth year of the program. To help make sure that all program funding is used, the program may re-allocate (in consultation with the national marketing organizations) any unused funding in the program's 10th and final year in 2031.
  • Project activities must be completed by March 31, 2031.
  • Claims can be submitted starting April 1 of the April to March fiscal year of funding in your contribution agreement.

Retroactive versus non-retroactive projects

Retroactive project

If you submit a project application for activities that are completed and paid for and you provide all the necessary invoices, proofs of payment and proofs of activity (see Gather your supporting electronic documents) with your submission, it will be assessed as a retroactive project.

  • If approved as a retroactive project, you won't need to submit a claim for reimbursement. The program will submit a claim for reimbursement on your behalf once a contribution agreement with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is signed.

Non-retroactive project

If you submit a project application for activities that are not yet started, not yet completed, and/or not yet paid, it will be assessed as a non-retroactive project.

  • If approved as a non-retroactive project and for under $250,000 in program funding, you'll only be able to submit one final claim for reimbursement, once all activities are complete and paid for.
  • If approved as a non-retroactive project and for more than $250,000 in program funding, you'll be able to submit more than one claim for reimbursement, as you incur and pay project costs. However, a holdback of funding will apply to any interim/non-final claims.

Sources of funding

You must clearly indicate all sources of funding for the project (for example, other program funding) in your application. Sources of funding can include cash contributions from other sources including those from:

  • you (the applicant)
  • other federal government departments, agencies, and Crown corporations
  • provincial/territorial government departments, agencies, and Crown corporations
  • municipal governments
  • industry/partners

Your portion of the cost-share must be cash contributions.

Stacking limit

If you include funds from other government sources to meet your share of eligible costs, the stacking limit must be respected. The stacking limit refers to the maximum level of total Canadian government funding (federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal) a successful applicant can receive towards the total eligible costs of a project.

The maximum level of total government funding cannot exceed 85% of eligible costs per project.

The program's total contribution to your project(s) cannot exceed your maximum funding amount.

Quebec applicants

The Province of Quebec's M-30 legislation may apply to Quebec-based applicants only. It is the Act Respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (R.S.Q., c. M-30).

More information on the Act is available online or by contacting the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation (MAPAQ) at dpci@mapaq.gouv.qc.ca.

It is the responsibility of Quebec-based organizations to ensure that they are compliant with this Act prior to entering into a contribution agreement.