Average production per cow and breed for selected countries

This section contains information related to the average milk production per breed and selected countries based on Milk recording.


Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 271,841 11,253 4.08 3.32
Brown Swiss 1,317 8,764 4.24 3.57
Ayrshire 5,806 8,265 4.16 3.42
Jersey 13,097 7,330 5.16 3.90
Guernsey 383 7,197 4.69 3.51
Milking Shorthorn 266 7,137 3.97 3.32
Canadienne 221 5,992 4.26 3.59
United States (2021) table 1 note 1
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 2,145,688 12,702 4.05 3.20
Jersey 342,754 9,401 4.87 3.72
Isreal (Not Available)
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 365 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Estonian Holstein 70,456 10,905 3.85 3.34
Estonian Red 8,924 9,529 4.08 3.45
Denmark ( 365 day rolling average )
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 365 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 341,136 11,443 4.12 3.55
Cross 62,950 10,183 4.35 3.65
Red Nordic 22,659 9,698 4.47 3.76
Jersey 72,120 7,626 6.00 4.35
Sweden ( 365 day rolling average )
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 365 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 104,343 11,247 4.17 3.57
Red and White 54,886 9,586 4.50 3.75
Jersey 1,748 7,383 5.91 4.24
Swedish Polled 464 5,117 4.38 3.58
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 365 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein Black & White 60,114 10,050 4.18 3.47
Holstein Red and White 10,757 8,915 4.39 3.57
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein Black & White 583,056 9,645 4.35 3.56
Holstein Red & White 111,548 8,995 4.53 3.63
Meuse-Rhine-Yssel 4,964 6,797 4.55 3.70
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 39,327 11,049 4.27 3.54
Brown 111 10,553 4.32 3.57
Ayrshire 26,893 9,736 4.53 3.67
Jersey 367 8,087 5.43 4.02
Finnish Cattle 772 6,462 4.34 3.43
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Holstein 86,962 10,068 3.80 3.30
Dairy breeds by country Number of lactations Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) Fat (%) Protein (%)
Italian Friesian 697,117 10,552 3.85 3.35
Italian Brown 37,370 7,832 4.04 3.61
Italian Simmental 39,018 7,434 3.90 3.42
Grigio Alpina 5,840 5,316 3.75 3.34
Valdostana Red Spotted 8,803 3,810 3.51 3.27
Source: Canada- Lactanet, all other countries- International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR)

The countries selected are Canada and United States first then the top 9 countries based on Milk per recorded cow in 305 days (kg) if available, if not based on Milk yield per recorded cow (kg)- 365 day rolling average.

Compiled by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Animal Industry Division, Market Information Section

Table 1 Notes
Table 1 Note 1

Based on milk recording records United States production is unavailable for 2022 and 2023

Return to table 1 note 1 referrer


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