Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO) - (A)

Aaronsohnia factorovskyi Warb. & Eig., Inst. of Agr. & Nat. Hist. Tel-Aviv, 40 p. 1927
Palestine: Judaean Desert, Hirbeth-el-Mird, Eig et al, 3 Apr. 1932, Topotype

Abelia serrata Sieb. & Zucc. f. colorata Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Mt. Rokko, Hondo, T. Makino, May 1936, ? Type Collection Material

Abies balsamea L. var. phanerolepis Fern. f. aurayana Boivin
Canada: Quebec, canton Leclercq, Boivin & Blain 614, 16 ou 20 août 1938, Paratype

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. var. phanerolepis Fern. f. aurayana Boivin, Nat. Can. 75: 216. 1948
Canada: Quebec, Mont Blanc, Boivin & Blain 473, 5 août 1938, Holotype, Isotype

Abronia orbiculata Stand., Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 322. 1909
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Cottonwood Springs, I.W. Clokey 7920, 24 May 1938, Topotype

Absinthium canariense Bess., Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc. 1(8): 229-230. 1929
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Santa Ursula, La Quinta, E. Asplund 722, 10 Apr. 1933, Topotype

Acacia parramattensis Tindale, Contrib. N.S. Wales Nat. Herb. 3: 127. 1962
Australia: New South Wales, Kanimbla Valley, Blue Mountains, E.F. Constable NSW42284, 2 Feb. 1948, Topotype

Acacia pubicosta C.T. White, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 1938 L: 73. 1939
Australia: Queensland, Burnett District, Biggenden Bluff, C.T. White 7722, 17 Aug. 1931, Isotype

Acalypha decaryana Leandri, Not. Syst.ed. Humbert 10: 284. 1942
Madagascar: Betsimeda, M.R. Decary 9079, July, Paratype

Acantholinum gisalae Bornm. in Fedde Repert. 41: 342. 1937
Iran: Kazvin, Halkedar ad Mardabad prope Keredj, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6838, 31 Aug. 1948, Topotype

Acanthomintha lanceolata Curran, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1: 13. 1884
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., M.K. Curran, June 1885, Topotype

Acer leucoderme Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 367-368. 1895
U.S.A.: Georgia, Yellow River, near Stone Mt., A.H. Curtiss 6465, 1 June & 15 Aug. 1899, Topotype

Acer miyabei Maxim. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 365. 1937
Japan: Honshu, Kawakami in Shinano, M. Togasi 1069, 27 Aug. 1954, Topotype

Acer mono Maxim. var. mabiguum Rehder f. makinoi Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Tokyo Pref., Asakawa, Hachioji City, T. Makino, 12 May 1940, ? Type Collection Material

Acer mono Maxim. var. marmoratum Hara f. pilosulum Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Tochigi Pref., Nikko, Nikko City, T. Makino, Oct. 1901, ? Type Collection Material

Acer negundo L. var. interius (Britton) Sarg. f. loveorum Boivin
Canada: Prince Edward Island, Kings County, Montague, Dore & Gorham45,298, 25 June 1945, Paratype; Manitoba, Macdonald District, Carman,Boivin et al. 9184, 7 June 1952, Paratype; 6 milles à l'est deRoseisle, B. Boivin 13390, 31 mai 1960, Paratype; Springfield District,5 miles north of Beauséjour, Dore & Lindsay 10932, 21 June 1950, Paratype; Alberta, cultivated in town, Lac La Biche, Cody & Gutteridge 6889, 23 June 1953, Paratype

Acer negundo L. var. interius (Britton) Sarg. f. loeveorum Boivin, Nat. Can. 93: 962. 1966
Canada: Manitoba, 3 mls. W of Delta, A. & D. Löve 5330, 24 May 1952, Holotype

Acer negundo L. f. sanguineum Martin, Can. Field-Nat. 63(5): 213. 1949
Canada: Ontario, Carleton Co., March Twp., 1 mi. west of Ottawa, on Highway 17, W.G. Dore 9802, 31 May 1949, Holotype

Acer negundo L. var. violaceum (Kirchner) Jaeger f. dorei Boivin, Nat.Can. 93(6): 900-961. 1966
Canada: Quebec, Nicolet, Frère Allyre 2696, 17 May 1949, Paratype;Ontario, Prescott County, Plantagenet, W.G. Dore 13705, 24 May 1952,Holotype; Ottawa, J. Macoun 543, 29 May 1905, Paratype; Stormont County,Cornwall Twp., Sheek Island, J.M. Gillett 8431, 27 May 1954, Paratype;Manitoba, Dufferin, Red River Bank, T.T.W. Burgess s.n., 6 June 1873,Paratype; along Little Souris River, 5 miles south of Brandon, Dore & Breitung10672, Paratype
U.S.A.: Idaho, Nez Perces County, about Lewiston, A.A. & E.G. Heller3082, 18 May 1896, Paratype; Minnesota, 20-21 Ave. Fourth St., Duluth,O. Lakela 8105, 26 May 1949, Paratype; Hunters Hill Woods, Woodland Ave., Duluth, O. Lakela 10447, 14 June 1950, Paratype

Acer palmatum Thunb. ssp. amoenum Hara f. hakonense Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Kanagawa Pref, Yumoto, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, T. Makino, 11 Sept. 1944, ? Type Collection Material

Acer palmatum Thunb. f. latialatum Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Shizuoka Pref., Atami, Atami City, T. Makino, 23 Nov. 1941, ? Type Collection Material

Acer pseudoplatanthus L. ssp. borbasii Blonski f. connivens Blonski
U.S.S.R.: Ucraine, Distr. Lipowiec, gub. Kroviens, Oczaretna, F. Blonski s.n. 8/7 1903, Type Collection Material

Acer pseudoplatanus L. ssp. borbasii Blonski f. rhodopterum Blonski, Magyar bot. lapok 83. 1903
U.S.S.R.: Ucraine, distr. Lipowiec, gub. Kioviens, Pliskow, Dr. Fr. Blonski, 21 May, 10 July 1903, Isotype

Acer shibatai Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 51: 365. 1937
Japan: Honshu, Kawakami in Shinano, M. Togasi, 27 Aug. 1954, Topotype

Achaetogeron versicolor Greenm., Proc. Amer. Acad. 41: 255. 1905
Mexico: Hidalgo near Buena Vista Station, C.G. Pringle 8849, 7 Aug. 1904, Isotype

Acanthophyllum khorasanicum Rech. f., Fedde, Repert. 48: 43. 1940
Iran: Khorasan, inter Meshhed et Djenaran, K.H. & F. Rechinger 4754, 2 June 1948, Topotype

Acalypha asterifolia Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 48-49. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 429 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Acalypha salicioides Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 46. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1428 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Achillea lingulata Waldst. & Kit., Descr. et Icon pl. rar. Hung. I p. 2, tab 2, 1802, recte 1799
Hungary: Szatmar, montis Rozsaly supra Nagybanya, S. Javorka (Fl. Hung. ex. 581), 21 June 1913, Topotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 10-11. 1951
Canada: Quebec, Fort Chimo area, mouth of small creek emptying into Koksoak River, J.A. Calder 2231, 1 Aug. 1948, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin var. fulva Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 11-12. 1951
Canada: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Mt. Arrowsmith, Anderson & Fletcher, 7 Aug. 1901, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin var. fulva Boivin f. roseiflora Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 12. 1951
Canada: Quebec, Saguenay Co., Harrington Harbour, Wood & Thompson 3, 18 Aug. 1940, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin var. parviligula Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 11. 1951
U.S.A.: Alaska, Raspberry Island, Port Vita, W.J. Eyerdam 3841, 25 July 1945, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin var. parvula Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 11. 1951
Canada: Manitoba, Fort Churchill, J.M. Gillett 2038, 9 July 1948, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. atrotegula Boivin var. parvula Boivin f. discolor Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 11. 1951
Canada: Ontario, Albany, Dutilly & Lepage 15957, 3 août 1946, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. var. lapponica Mont. Publication unknown.
Finland: Onnala, I. Montell, 1 Aug. 1940, ? Type Collection Material

Achillea millefolium L. var. lapponica Mont. f. neumanii Mont. Publication unknown.
Finland: Kelpisjaura, I. Montell, 2 Aug. 1952, ? Type Collection Material

Achillea millefolium L. ssp. pallidotegula Boivin var. russeolata Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65(1): 10. 1951
Canada: Saskatchewan, Tisdale, A.J. Breitung 1754, 1 Aug. 1943, Holotype

Achillea millefolium L. var. rubra Sadl. subvar. parviligulata Farwell, Amer. Midl. Nat. 12: 73-74. 1930
U.S.A.: Michigan, Houghton Co., Lake Linden, O.A. Farwell 6597, 25 June 1923, Type Collection Material

Achillea pyrenaica Sibth. ex DC., Fl. Fr. 4: 211. 1805
France: Pyrenees, Mt. Canigon, Chalet-Refuge des Cortalets, G. Gavelle, 14 juillet 1961, Topotype

Achillea rupestris Huter, Porta et Porta, Nuovo Giornale botanico Italiano 11: 281. 1879
Italy: Monte Pollino, G. Rigo (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 4119), June 1898, Topotype

Achnatherum perplexum Hoge & Barkworth, Phytologia 74(1): 11. 1993
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Taos County, 9 miles north of Arroyo Hondo, M.E. Barkworth 4768, 8 Sept. 1985, Topotype

Aconitum crassipes Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 500. 1935
Japan: Omi, Mt. Ibuki, M. Togasi (TSM 800), 6 Oct. 1983, Topotype

Aconitum paludicola Nakai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42: 18-19. 1928
Japan: Shinano, Kamikochi, Ohwi et al. (TSM 1066), Aug. 1954, Topotype

Acrostichum microphyllum Bert. (Cheilanthes persica (Bory) Mett. ex Kuhn, Propag. agric 6. 343. 1856
Italy: Mt. Mauro, Corredo Tielto, 10 July 2001, Topotype

Actinella argentea A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 4: 100. 1849
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3518, 13 May 1897, Topotype

Actinella richardsonii Nutt. var. floribunda Gray, Rhodora 38: 408. 1936
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe, Heller & Heller 3780, 28 June 1897, Topotype

Actinella rusbyi Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 19: 33. 1883
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Mogollon Mts., H.H. Rusby, Aug. 1881, ? Isotype

Adenophora denticulata Fisch var. latifolia Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Nertschinsk, auf Bergabhängen am Nertsch-Flusse, J. Freyn (F. Karo Dahur. 268b), 1889, ? Type Collection Material

Adenostyles crassifolia A. Kerner, Shed. Fl. Austro-Hung. 5: 78. 1888
Austria: Tirolia centralis, A. Kerner, (Fl. ex. Austro-Hung. 1828), Isotype

Adiantum bellum T. Moore, Gard. Chr. n.s. 1: 172 f. 24. 1879
Bermuda: Warwick Parish, W.J. Cody 35437, 4 Apr. 1987, Topotype

Adiantum pedatum L. ssp. calderi Cody
Canada: Quebec, Megantic Co., Black Lake, Marie-Victorin et al. 46,653, 20 Sept. 1936, Paratype; Sherbrooke Co., Sawdust Lake, L.M. Terrill 7970, 13 Aug. 1957, Paratype; Cantons de l'est, Lac Sunday, Blais et al. 11,428, 20 juillet 1996, Paratype; Newfoundland: Humber District, Goose Arm, Parson's Cove, E. Rouleau 1751, 10 July 1951, Paratype; Serpentine (Coal) River, Red Barren Brook, E. Rouleau 1893, 17 July 1951, Paratype; North Arm, E. Rouleau 872, 18 July 1950, Paratype; North Arm, Flagstaff Point, E. Rouleau 842, 17 July1950, Paratype; Cloudy Pond Mountain, E. Rouleau 200, 15 July 1948, Paratype; Humber East District, Bear Lake, E. Rouleau 4584, 25 July 1958, Paratype; Humber West District, Rileys Brook, E. Rouleau 4423, 1 Sept. 1957, Paratype; St. Barbe District, Bonne Bay, Stanleyville, E. Rouleau 443, 10 Aug. 1948, Paratype; Trout River Big Pond, Rocky Brook, E. Rouleau 3278, 26 July 1952, Paratype; Bonne Bay, The Tableland, E. Rouleau 3773, 29 July 1953, Paratype; St. Georges District, Bond Asbestos Mine, E. Rouleau 4436, 1 Sept. 1957, Paratype; St. Anthony, east slope of Eastern White Hills, Savile & Vaillancourt 2776, 8 Aug. 1951, Paratype
U.S.A.: Washington, Wenatchee National Forest, Mount Stewart, W.J.Cody 18454, 24 Aug. 1969, Paratype; California, Gasquet, Del Norte County, Parks & Tracy 9520, 30 May 1931, Paratype

Adiantum pedatum L. ssp. calderi Cody, Rhod. 85: 93-94. 1983
Canada: Quebec, Gaspé Co., Mt. Albert, Collins & Fernald, 14 Aug. 1905, Holotype

Adiantum pedatum L. var. rangiferinum Burgess, Proc. Roy. Soc. Can. 4(4): 11. 1887
Canada: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Mt. Finlayson, J.R. Anderson, Isotype

Adinandra epunctata Merr. & Chun., Sunyatsenia 5: 132-134. 1940
China: Hainan, Ting-On District, Tung-Gap, Mo-Cheong Shan, H.Y. Liang 64384, 10 Jan. 1934, Paratype

Adonis vernalis L. f. jovinienii Senn. & Elias, Publication unknown
Spain: Castille, H. Elias, 4 Apr., 5 June 1907, ? Type Collection Material

Aegilops persica Boiss., Diag. Pl. Orient. Nov. 1: 129. 1846
PERSIA: montis Sabst-Buschom prope Schiraz, T. Kotschy 365, 13 May 1842, Isotype

Aeginetia indica L. var. sekimotoana Makino, Publication unknown
Japan: Prov. Shimotsuke, T. Makino, 1929, ? Type Collection Material

Aegiphila stricta Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 107-108. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 330 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Aegopodium bipinnatisectum M. Hiroe, Publication unknown
Japan: Hokkaido, Mt. Yubari, M. Hiroe 6655, 29 Aug. 1951, ? Type Collection Material

Aeschynomene pringlei Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 8: 312. 1905
Mexico: Morelos, Jojutia, C.G. Pringle 8709, 30 Aug., 18 Oct. 1902, Isotype

Aetanthus ovalis Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants. p. 13. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1494 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze f. bernardii Boivin, Nat. can 87: 25-26. 1960
Canada: Quebec, Comté de Labelle, Nomininque, lac Laflèche,

J.-P. Bernard 252, 29 juillet 1947, Holotype

Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Ktze. f. bernardii Boivin
Canada: Saskatchewan, Bjorkdale, J. Laycock s.n., Paratype; Katepwa, L.T. Carmichael 32, 15 July 1941, Paratype

Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Ktze. f. candidum Boivin
Canada: Manitoba, Mont Dauphin, Boivin et al. 11003, 20 juillet 1955, Paratype; Saskatchewan, Earlswood, B. Boivin 8370, 29 juillet 1951, Paratype

Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze f. candidum Boivin, Nat. Can. 87: 26. 1960
Canada: Saskatchewan, McKague, A.J. Breitung, July 1934, Holotype

Agastache glaucifolia Heller, Muhlenbergia 1: 32. 1904
U.S.A.: California, Nevada Co., Lower end of Donner Lake, A.A. Heller 7077, 1 Aug. 1903, Paratype

Ageratum lucidum Robins., Proc. Amer. Acad. 36: 475. 1901
Mexico: Morelos, Sierra de Tepoxtlan, C.G. Pringle 13022, 27 Sept. 1904, Topotype

Agoseris eisenhoweri Boivin
Canada: Alberta, Banff Park, sur le flanc sud-est du Mt. Eisenhower, B. Boivin 4760, 18 juillet 1946, Paratype

Agoseris eisenhoweri Boivin, Nat. can 75: 208-209. 1948
Canada: Alberta, Banff Park, sud-est du Mt. Eisenhower, B. Boivin 4778, 18 juillet 1946, Holotype

×Agroelymus adamsii Rousseau, Mem. Jard. Bot. Montreal 29: 16-17. 1952
Canada: Quebec, Anticosti, Anse aux Fraises, J. Adams, 7 Aug. 1936, Paratype

× Agroelymus colvillensis Lepage
U.S.A.: Alaska, north side of Colville River, E. Lepage 23,638, 30 July 1948, Isotype

×Agroelymus colvillensis Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 250-251. 1952
U.S.A.: Alaska, Colville River, Umiat, E. Lepage 23744, 2 Aug. 1948, Paratype

×Agroelymus dorei Bowden, Can. Jour. Bot. 45: 715. 1967
Canada: Quebec, Gatineau Co., Breckenridge, Dore & Boivin 8617, 9 July 1948, Holotype (and Isotype)

×Agroelymus hodgsonii Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 257-258. 1952
U.S.A.: Alaska, Palmer, E. Lepage 25264, 13 July 1949, Isotype

×Agroelymus jamesensis Lepage var. anticostensus Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 247-248. 1952
Canada: Anticosti Island, J. Adams, 24 July 1935, Holotype

×Agroelymus jamesensis Lepage, var. stoloniferus Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 248-249. 1952
Canada: Quebec, Baie James, Fort George, E. Lepage 13031, 11 sept. 1950, Isotype

×Agroelymus palmerensis Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 241-242. 1952
U.S.A.: Alaska, Palmer, Dutilly et al. 21876, 3 Aug. 1947, Isotype

×Agroelymus turneri Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 252-253. 1952
Canada: Alberta, Fort Saskatchewan, G.H. Turner 3224, 27 Aug. 1942 and 3194a, 13 Aug. 1942, Paratypes

×Agrohordeum pilosilemma Mitchell & Hodgson
U.S.A.: Alaska, along Farm Road about 5 miles SW of Palmer, W.W. Mitchell 958, 11 July 1963, Paratype

×Agrohordeum pilosilemma Mitchell & Hodgson, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 92: 404. 1965
U.S.A.: Alaska, Galena, Mitchell & Wilton 1458, 27 July 1964, Isotype

Agronandra granatensis Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants pp. 14-15. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1771, 1950 (1898-1901), Type Collection Material

Agropyron ×bowdenii Boivin
Canada: Alberta, 5 miles SW of Twin Butte, W.G. Dore s.n., 1 Aug. 1950, Paratype

Agropyron ×bowdenii Boivin, Phytologia 43: 105. 1979
Canada: Alberta, Twin Butte, Dore & Breitung 12224, 1 Aug. 1950, Holotype

Agropyron ciliatum Degen, Gramina Hungarica 350
Hungary: Ins. Csepel, A. de Degen, 23 June 1902, Isotype

Agropyron donianum F.B. White, Proc. Perthshire Soc. Nat. Sc. 1: 41. 1890 (?)
Scotland: Cultivated at Ottawa from seed from Ben Lawers, W.M. Bowden 1578S1, 16 July 1954, Hortotype?

Agropyron psammophilum Gillett & Senn, Can. Jour. Bot. 39: 1170. 1961
Canada: Ontario, Bruce Co., mouth of Pine River, Soper & Dale 3964, 19 June 1948, Holotype

Agropyron ×pseudorepens Scribn. & Sm. nm. sennii Boivin, Nat. Can. 94: 520. 1967
Canada: Ontario, Bruce Co., Dorcas Bay, Senn et al. 4927, 21 July 1949, Isotype

Agropyron sericeum Hitchc., Amer. Jour. Bot. 2: 309. 1915
Canada: Yukon Territory, Dawson, M.O. Malte, 10 Aug. 1916, Topotype

Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte var. pilosiglume Malte ex H.F. Lewis
Canada: British Columbia, Victoria, M.O. Malte s.n., 14 June 1940, ? Isotype, Annual Report, National Museum of Canada 48. 1932

Agropyron ungavense Louis-Marie, Revue d'Oka 20: 18. 1946
Canada: Quebec, Fort Chimo, J.A. Calder 2468, 9 Aug. 1948, Topotype

Agrostis algida Soland in Phipps, Voy. North Pole 200. 1774.
Spetsbergen: Kings Bay, Arnell & Martensson, 22 July 1956, Topotype

Agrostis exarata Trin., De gram. unifl. et sesquifl. 207. 1824
U.S.A.: Alaska, Unalaska, J.R. Parker 9, Topotype

Agrostis hooveri Swallen
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo County, edge of San Luis Valley on Carpenter Canyon road to Arroyo Grande, R.F. Hoover 7546, 29 June 1948, Paratype

Agrostis hooveri Swallen, Leafl. West. Bot. 12: 198. 1949
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., between Arroyo Grande and Huasna district, R.F. Hoover 7549, 29 June 1948, Isotype

Agrostis idahoensis Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 42-43. 1897
U.S.A.: Idaho, Nez Perces Co., Forest, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3431 16 July 1896, Isotype

Agrostis longiligulata Hitchc. var. australis J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 246. 1946
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Shell Beach N of Inverness, J.T. Howell 20737, 10 Sept. 1944, Paratype

Agrostis vulgaris With. var. minor D. Litw., Herb. Fl. Ross. 2693 c. 1917
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Kurex, pr. urb. Belgorod, I. Pallon, June 1909, Isotype

Ainsliaea morrisonicola Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 25 Art. 19, 142. 1908
Taiwan: Mt. Morrison, T.S. Liu, 23 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Aira spicata L., Sp. Pl. 64. 1753
Sweden: Lapland, Tärna, Artfjäll, K. Holm, 5 Aug. 1950, Topotype

Aizoon canariense L., Gen. Pl. ed. 5. p. 216. 1754
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Puerto Cruz, Martianez, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. Sel. Can. 114) 15 Sept. 1949, Topotype

Ajuga nipponensis Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 23: 67-68. 1909
Japan: Oizumi, Nerima-ku, Tokyo Pref., T. Makino 36628, 28 Apr. 1937, Topotype

Alchemilla acutiloba Steven ssp. catillaris Buser in Dörfler Herbarium Normale 4656
Cultivated: horto botanico Innsbruck, R. Buser, June 1905, Sept. 1906, Type Collection Material

Alchemilla arvensis L. ssp. collina Buser in Vacari, Pl. ital. crit. ex. 61
Italy: Firenze, Etruria, R. Pampanini, 5 June 1906, Isotype

Alchemilla borealis G. Sam., Fl. Murm. Prov. 4: 106, 324. 1959
Sweden: Torne Lappmark, Jukkasjärvi, between Abisko and Björkliden, E. Asplund, 30 July 1949, Topotype

Alchemilla gorcensis Pawl., Bull. Intern. Acad. Polon. Lett. Cl. Sci. Math. & Nat. 1951 Ser. B.1: 311. 1953
POLAND: Montes Gorce, Wilgotna Laka, J. Kornas (Pl. Pol. Ex. 431), 7 Aug. 1952, Topotype

Alchemilla minima S.M. Walters, Watsonia 1: 10. 1949
England: Alum Pot Hole, prope Selside, Mid-West Yorkshire, Ashford, Marchant, Sell & Walters 67/388, 14 June 1967, Topotype

Alchemilla oleosa G. Sam., Publication unknown
Norway: Sör-Tröndelag, Opal herred, Mt. Knudshö, (cult. in Horto Botanico Upsaliensi), G. Samuelsson, 22 June 1955, ? Type Collection Material

Alchemilla pseudincisa Pawl., Bull. Intern. Acad. Polon. Sci. & Lett. Cl. Sci. Math. & Nat. 1951. Ser. B.1: 326. 1953
POLAND: Tatri occid., Gladkie Uplazianskie, P. Pawlowski (Pl. Pol. Ex. 431), 9 Aug. 1952, Paratype & Topotype

Achemilla semilunaris Alechin, Not. Syst. Herb. Hort. Petrop. 3: 132. 1922
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Mosqua, distr. Odintzovo, prope pag. Bolschie Vjazemy, V. Alechin, 19 June 1922, ? Type-Publication not available

Alchemilla substrigosa Juz., apud Majewski Fl. Sredn. Pol. Evr. Tsch. SSSR ed. 7. 446. 1940
U.S.S.R.: Gorkov, Juzepczuk & Golubkova (Fl. Ex. USSR 3919), 8 June 1951, Topotype

Alcoceria pringlei Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 36: 193. 1901
Mexico: Guerrero, Iguala Canyon, C.G. Pringle 13952, 23 July 1907, Topotype

Alectorolophus simplex Stern. var. maculatus Semler, Publication unknown
Romania: Tirol, Stubai, C. Semler, 20 July 1907, ? Type Collection Material

Aletes macdougalii Coult. & Rose ssp. brevivadiatus Theobald & Tseng, Brittonia 16: 306-309. 1964
U.S.A.: Colorado, Montezuma Co., Mesa Verde National Park, J. Erdman, 31 May 1959, Isotype

Allionia craterimorpha Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants pp. 15-16. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 569 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Allium canadense L., Sp. Pl. II, App. p. 1195. 1753
U.S.A.: New York, Washington, Co., Stillwater, Dore & Howard 00105, 12 June 1976,

Allium dichlamydeum Greene, Pittonia 1: 166. 1888
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco, L.S. Rose 65079, 14 June 1965, Topotype

Allium fimbriatum Wats. var. diabolense Ownbey & Aase in Munz & Keck, California Flora: 1377. 1957
U.S.A.: California, San Benito Co., N of Bittersweet, Raven et al. 10842, 11 May 1957, Type Collection Material

Allium flavum L. f. robustum Suza, Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 600.
Czechoslovakia: Slovakia Merid., Parkan, J. Suza, Aug. 1929, Isotype

Allium passenyi Holmgren & Holmgren, Brittonia 26: 309. 1974
U.S.A.: Utah, Box Elder Co., southwest part of Howell Valley, Holmgren et al. 13125, 13 June 1960, Isotype

Allium perdulce S.V. Fraser, Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 42: 124. 1940
U.S.A.: Kansas, Rooks and Cloud counties, S.V. Fraser 72, 1 June 1938, Isotype

Allium schoenoprasum Sw. var. riparium Celak sous-var. albiflorum Gavelle, Publication unknown
FRANCE: Col de la Cayolle, Gavelle, 4 Aug. 1964, ? Type Collection Material

Alnus arguta (Schecth.) Spach var. cuprea Bartlett, Proc. Amer. Acad. 44: 610. 1909
Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, C.G. Pringle 10251, 27 May, 1906, Type Collection Material

Alnus arguta (Schecth.) Spach var. subsericea Bartlett, Proc. Amer. Acad. 44: 610. 1909
Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, C.G. Pringle 10252, 27 May, 1906, Isotype

Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh var. harricanensis Lepage, Nat. Can. 77: 44. 1950
Canada: Quebec, rivière Harricana, Dutilly & Lepage 15164, 2 juillet 1946, Isotype

Alnus firmifolia Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 61-62. 1907
Mexico: Federal District, Cima Station, C.G. Pringle 10040, 30 Aug. 1905, Isotype

Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. f. macrococcus Gunn. Publication unknown.
Sweden: Skåne, Farsterlo, T.G. Gunnarsson, Sept. 1928, ? Type Collection Material

Alnus maritima Nutt. var. formosana Burkill, J. Linn. Soc. 26: 500. 1899
Taiwan: Mt. Morrison, collector unknown, 23 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Alnus pringlei Fernald, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 62. 1907
Mexico: Michoacan, Uruapan, C.G. Pringle 10125, 13 Nov. 1905, Isotype

Alnus rubra Bong. var. pinnatasecta Starker, J. Forest. 37: 415-416. 1939
U.S.A.: Oregon, Multnomah Co., O. Matthews, Dec. 1947, Topotype

Alopecurus aequalis Sobol var. sonomensis Rubtzoff, Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 170. 1961
U.S.A.: California, Duncan Mills Marsh, P. Rubtzoff 1957, 10 July 1955, Paratype

Alopecurus alpinus J.E. Sm. Sowerby, English Botany 1126. 1803
Scotland: Aberdeenshire Loch-na-gore, collector unknown, Topotype

Alopecurus ventricosus Pers. var. hirtulus V. Reverdatto, Publication unknown
U.S.S.R.: 1927, ? Type Collection Material

Alphitonia ponderosa Hillebrand, Fl. Haw. Is. 81. 1888
Hawaiian Islands: Kaunai, Waimea, C.N. Forbes 427K, Sept. 1909, Topotype

Alphonsea monogyna Merrill & Chun, Sunyatsenea 2: 26. 1934
China: Hainan, H.Y. Liang 64215, 8 Jan. 1934, ? Type-Publication not available

Alseodaphne rugosa Merr. & Chun, Sunyatsenia 2: 232-233. 1935
China: Hainan, C. Wang 35424, 15 Dec. 1933, Topotype

Alsine clandestina Portenschlag, Enum. plant. in Dalmatia lect. p. 13. 1824
Hungary: Dalmatia, montis Biokovo, Pichler (Fl. ex. Austro- Hungarica 567), Topotype

Alsinodendron obovatum Sherff var. parviflorum Degener & Sherff, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, summit ridge between Puu Manawahua and Mauna Kapu, Degener et al. 20675, 25 June 1950, Isotype

Althaea micrantha Wiesb. f. umbrosa Wiesb., Publication unknown
Hungary: Nagy Kapornak im Zalaer Komitate, J. Wiesbaur, 21 Aug. 1877, ? Type Collection Material

Alyssum alyssoides L. f. deserticolum Podp., Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 736
Czechoslovakia: Moravia merid., Pavlovské Kopce, Podpera & Mrkos, 10 May 1925, Isotype

Alyssum americanum Greene, Pittonia 2: 224. 1892
Canada: Yukon Terr., Rampart House, C.C. Loan 421, 7 June 1951, Topotype

Alyssum borzaeanum Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. bot. Cluj 6: 90-91. 1926
Romania: Dobrogea, distr. Constanta, Nyarady & Pop (Fl. Rom. ex 647b), 25 June 1926, Paratype

Alyssum caliacrae Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. bot. Cluj 6: 92. 1926
Romania: distr. Caliacra, Dobrogea, E.I. Nyarady (Fl. Rom. ex 648), 28 June 1926, Isotype

Alyssum caliacrae Nyar. var. humerosum Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. bot. Cluj 6: 93. 1926
Romania: distr. Constanta, Dobrogea, Nyarady & Pop (Fl. Rom. ex 649), 28 June 1926, Isotype

Alyssum corsicum Duby, Bot. Gall. ed. II i 34. 1828
Corsica: Bastia, M.F. Spencer, 15 May 1906, Topotype

Alyssum euboeum Hal., Consp. fl. Graec. 1: 93. 1900
Greece: Ins. Euboea, K.H. Rechinger 18202, 20 July 1956, Topotype

Alyssum eximium Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. bot. Cluj 6: 90. 1926
Romania: distr. Tulcea, Dobregea, E.I. Nyarady (Fl. Rom. ex. 646), 21 June 1926, Isotype

Alyssum montanum L. ssp. eumontanum Hayek f. normale Podp. sf. laxum Podp., Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 738
Czechoslovakia: Moravia centralis, Brno, J. Podpera, 22 May 1927, Isotype

Alyssum montanum L. var. serpentina Podp., Pub. fac. sc. univ. Masaryk Brno n. 12.26.1922
Czechoslovakia: Moravia occid., Mohelno, J. Podpera, (Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 1042), 1 June 1925, Topotype

Alyssum murale W. & K. var. variabile Nyar f. biangulare Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. bot. Cluj. 6: 90. 1926
Romania: distr. Hunedoara, Transsilvania, E.I. Nyarady (Fl. Rom. ex. 644), 28 July 1926, Isotype

Alyssum orientalis Ard. f. clata Heldr., Publication unknown
Europe: Flora Hellenicae, Flora Attica, in m. Parnethe pr. Dekeleiam, De Heldreich, 2 May 1899, ? Type Collection Material

Alyssum styriacum Jordan & Fourreau, Breviarium Plantarum nov., Fasc 2: 7. 1868
Austria: Stiria media prope pagum Peggau, M. Heider (Hayek, Fl. stiriaca ex. 433), April 1905, Topotype

Alyssum troodii Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. 49. 1888
CYPRUS: Mt. Troodos, M. Huradjian 468, 1-20 juillet 1912, Topotype

Alyssum wierzbickii Heuff., Flora 18: 242. 1835
Romania: Distr. Caras, Banatus, E.I. Nyarady (Fl. Rom. Ex. 1013), 11 June 1930, Topotype

Alyxia olivaeformis Gaud., Freye. Voy. Bot. Pt. 11: 451. 1829
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Kuaokala, Keekee Gulch, F. Rathburn, 31 Oct. 1948, Topotype

Amaranthus albus L. f. rubricapsulata Buj. et Nyar., Bul. Grad. Mus. Bot. Cluj 27: 117. 1947
Romania: Distr. Timis-Torontal, Banatus, G. Bujorean (Fl. Rom. ex. 2856), 8 Oct. 1943, Isotype

Amaranthus ×budensis Priszter, Ind. Hort. Bot. Univ. Budapest 7: 125. 1949
Hungary: Budapest, Z. Karpati, 14 Oct. 1947, Type Collection Material

Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. delilei (Richt. & Lor.) Thell. f. heteriflorus Buj. & Nyar sf. densiflorus Buj. et Nyar., Bul. Grad. Bot. Cluj 27: 115. 1947
Romania: Distr. Timis-Torontal, Banatus, Bujorean & Todor (Fl. Rom. ex. 2851a), 1 Oct. 1943, Type Collection Material

Amaranthus retroflexus L. var. delilei (Richt. & Lor.) Thell. f. heteriflorus Buj. & Nyar sf. laxiflorus Buj. et Nyar., Bul. Grad. Bot. Cluj 27: 114. 1947
Romania: Distr. Timis-Torontal, Banatus, G. Bujorean, (Fl. Rom. ex. 2850c), 28 Sept. 1943, Type Collection Material

Amaranthus retroflexus L. ssp. genuinus Thell. f. crispulus Nyar., Bul. Grad. Bot. Cluj 27: 113. 1947
Romania: Transsilvania, distr. Cluj, I. Prodan, (Fl. Rom. ex. 2847), 20 Aug. 1946, Isotype

Amaranthus retroflexus L. f. ludwigianus Thell sf. pedunculatus Buj. et Nyar., Bull. Grad. Bot. Cluj 27: 112. 1947
Romania: Dist. Timis-Torontal, Banatus, G. Bujorean (Fl. Rom. ex. 2846), 15 Sept. 1943, Isotype

Ambrosia ×intergradiens W.H. Wagner
U.S.A.: Michigan, Grand Traverse Co., Interlochen, W.H. Wagner, Jr. 8473-1, 19 Aug. 1957, Paratype

Amelanchier basalticola Piper in Piper & Beattie, Fl. Palouse Region, 100. 1901
U.S.A.: Washington, Whitman Co., opposite Clarkston, 46º25'55" N 117º02'52"W, P.M. Catling 20439b, 10 July 1994, Topotype

Amelanchier ephemeotricha Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 20-21. 1927
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Falcon Valley, W. Suksdorf 10026, 23 May, 20 June, 20 Sept. 1918, ? Type-Publication not available

Amelanchier nitens Tidestr., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 36: 182-183. 1923
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Wilson's Ranch, I.W. Clokey 8236 7 June 1938, Topotype

Amelanchier quebecensis Bertrand, Trav. Jeunes Scientif. 1(2): 61. fig. 1964.
Canada: Quebec, Glen Sutton, M. Bertrand et al. 591, 19 mai, 22 juin 1962, Isotype

Amelanchier quinti-martii Lalonde, Rhod. 59: 121. 1957
Canada: Quebec, Rougemont, L. Cinq-Mars, 9 mai, 4 juillet 1955, Holotype

Amelanchier vestita Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 22. 1927
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., near Bingen, W. Suksdorf 11841, 17 Apr., 1 and 27 June, 21 Sept. 1925, Type Collection Material

×Amelasorbus jackii Rehder, J. Arn. Arb. 6: 154. 1925
Cultivated: from seed of J.G. Jack 1329 from Elk Butte, Clearwater Co., Idaho, U.S.A. at Arnold Arboretum, T.R. Dudley, 25 June 1965, Holotype

Ammophila breviligulata Fern., Rhod. 22: 71. 1920
U.S.A.: Connecticut, East Haven, L.A. Charette 2702, 12 Aug. 1965, Topotype

Ammophila champlainensis Seymour, Sida 2: 349. 1966
U.S.A.: New York, Clinton Co., Ausable, L.A. Charette 3207, 14 July 1968, Topotype

Amorpha occidentalis Abrams., Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 394. 1910
U.S.A.: California, San Diego River near Old San Diego Mission, L. Abrams 3425, 6 May 1903, Isotype

Amphicarpa chamaecaulis Boivin & Raymond, Nat. Can. 69: 223. 1942
Canada: Quebec, Ile d'Orléans, Y. Desmarais 1129, 10 août 1950. Topotype

Amphistelma leptocarpa Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 98-99. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1679 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Amsinckia latifolia Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 101. 1931
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., north end of Bodega Head, p. Kamb 2298, 30 May 1952, Topotype

Amsinckia leptosperma Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 85. 1931
U.S.A.: California, Pt. Lobos, San Francisco, J.T. Howell 11333, 24 May 1933, Topotype

Amsonia rigida Shuttl. ex Small, Fl. S.E. U.S. ed. 1: 935. 1903
U.S.A.: Florida, St. Marks, Rugel, Apr. 1843, ? Isotype

Anamomis simpsonii Small, Torreya 17: 222. 1917
U.S.A.: Florida, Dade Co., Arch Creek, J.K. Small, 12 May 1917, Isotype

Anarthrophyllum strigulipetalum Soraru, Darwiniana 18(1-2): 37. 1973
Argentina: Los Lagos, Parque Nac., Nahuel Huapi, Estancia "Fortin Chacabuco", Boelcke & Hunziker 3515, 3 Nov. 1949, Paratype

Anchusa laxiflora DC., Fl. Fr. 3: 631. 1805
CORISCA: M.F. Spencer, 5 Mar. 1912, Topotype

Andira cubensis Benth., Journ. Linn Soc. IV Suppl. 121. 1860
Cuba: Santa Clara Province, east of Cascajal, R.A. Howard 5497 (Pl. Ex. Gray. 1252), 3 July 1941, Topotype

Andromeda polifolia L. var. concolor Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 16. 1951
U.S.A.: Alaska, Kodiak Island, E.H. & H.B. Looff 569, 15 June 1938, Holotype

Andropogon edwardsianus Gould, Field & Lab. 19: 184. 1951
U.S.A.: Texas, Sutton Co., 30 miles SE of Sonora, Gould & Merrill 5763, 2 July 1950, Paratype

Andropogon elliottii Chapm. var. glaucescens Scribn., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 145. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 489, 16-30 April 1894, Isotype

Andropogon elliottii Chapm. var. laxiflorus Scribn., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 146. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1597, 1-15 Aug. 1894, Topotype

Andropogon floridanus Scribn., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 145. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1572, Aug. 1894, Isotype

Andropogon longiberis Hack. f. macra Scribn., U.S. Dept. Agriculture Bull. 1: 20. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1194, 1-15 July 1894, Topotype

Andropogon nashianus Hitchc., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 193-194. 1909
Cuba: Herradura, Province Pinar del Rio, E.L. Ekman (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1003), 21 June 1921, Topotype

Andropogon praematurus Fern., Rhod. 42: 413. 1940
U.S.A.: Virginia, northeast of Burgess, Fernald & Long 8096, 17 June 1938, Paratype

Andropogon reedii Hitchc. & Ekman, U.S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Publ. 243: 390. 1936
Cuba: Minas, E.L. Ekman (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1004), 25 Oct. 1922, Isotype

Andropogon saccharioides Swartz var. longipaniculatus Gould, Field. & Lab. 23: 18. 1955
U.S.A.: Texas, Brazos Co., College Station, F.W. Gould 5948, 8 May 1951, Paratype and Topotype

Andropogon scoparius Michx. var. virilis Shinners, Rhod. 56: 36-37. 1954
U.S.A.: Texas, Greenville, B.L. Turner 1383, 11 Sept. 1949, Paratype

Androsace bulleyana G. Forest, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 4(19): 233. 1908
China: NE of Yangtze Bend, G. Forest 10611, July 1913, Topotype

Andryala canariensis Lowe, Man. Fl. Madeira 564. 1868
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Ursula, E. Asplund 160, 8/3/1933, Topotype

Andryala sinuata L. var. longipes Petit (?), Publication unknown
Europe: Möllen ad Primelli, Petit (?), 4 Apr. 1884, ? Type Collection Material

Anemia sanctae-martae Christ, Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 791. 1907
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1114, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Anemone canadensis L. f. dicksonii Boivin, Nat. Can. 87: 26. 1960
Canada: Alberta, Lacombe, R.H. Dixon, 10 July 1927, Holotype

Anemone multifida Poir. var. nowosadii Boivin, Nat. Can. 87: 26. 1960
Canada: British Columbia, Swift River along Alaska Hy., F.S. Nowosad 31, 4 July 1944, Holotype

Anemone multifida Poir. var. sansonii Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 2. 1951
Canada: Alberta, Banff Park, Tunnel Mt., N.B. Sanson, 8 June 1898, Holotype

Anemone multifida Poir. var. sansonii Boivin f. galactiflora Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 2. 1951
Canada: British Columbia, Thompson River, A.J. Hill, no date, Holotype

Anemone multifida Poir. var. saxicola Boivin
Canada: Alberta, Mount Coleman, B. Boivin 4937, 26 juillet 1946, Paratype; Waterton National Park, Summit, Carthew Trail, J.J. Sexsmith 53, 16 July 1937, Paratype; Banff, Mt. Edith, J. Fletcher s.n., 8 July 1902, Paratype; British Columbia, Mt. Cheam, J. Fletcher s.n., 8 Aug. 1899, Paratype

Anemone multifida Poir. var. saxicola Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 2. 1951
Canada: Alberta, Banff Park, Mt. Wilson, B. Boivin 5005, 27 July 1946, Holotype

Anemone narcissiflora L. ssp. interior Hulten, Fl. Alaska & Yukon 4: 735. 1944
Canada: Yukon Terr., Keno Hill, Gillett et al. 4302, 6 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Anemone patens L. var. wolfgangiana (Besser) Koch f. stevensonis Boivin, Phytologia 16: 240. 1968
Canada: Manitoba, Brandon, G.A. Stevenson 2025, 9 May 1960, Holotype

Anemone sikokiana Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 27: 116. 1913
Japan: Mt. Ishizuchi, H. Yamamoto 33623, 30 July 1921, Topotype

Anemone virginiana L. var. cylindroidea Boivin, Phytologia 18: 281. 1969
Canada: Saskatchewan, Pike Lake, Boivin et al. 6733, 31 July 1949, Holotype

Angelica hendersonii Coult. & Rose, Bot. Gaz. 13: 80. 1888
U.S.A.: Washington, Pacific Co., 3 miles west of Ilwaco, L. Constance 3643, 30 July 1956, Topotype

Angelica pringlei Coult. & Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3: 295. 1895
Mexico: Mexico,Sierra de Los Cruces, C.G. Pringle 4748, 25 July 1894, Topotype

Angelica scabrida Clokey & Mathias, Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sc. 37: 8-10. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Park, I.W. Clokey 5548, 4 Aug. 1935, 10 July 1936, 25 July 1936, Isotype

Angelica tenuisecta Makino, Jour. Jap. Bot. 3: 44. 1926
Japan: Wakayama Pref., Shingu City, T. Makino, 1924, ? Type-Publication not available

Anisomeles salvifolia R. Br., Prodr. fl. Novae Hollandiae, 503. 1810
Australia: Keppel Bay, R. Brown, 1802-5, ? Isotype

Anoda hastata Cavanilles, Diss. 1: 39, t. 10. 1785
Cuba: Tomory Valley, F. Rugel 40, 1848, ? Type-Publication not available

Anoda parviflora Cavanilles, Diss. 5: 19, t. 431. 1788
Mexico: Jalisco, barranca of Tequila, C.G. Pringle 4575, 13 Oct. 1893, ? Type-Publication not available

Antennaria aizoides Greene, Pittonia 3: 283. 1898
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, A.J. Breitung 4219, 1 July 1947, Topotype

Antennaria anaphaloides Rydb. var. straminea Boivin
Canada: British Columbia, Canal Flats, J.W. Eastham, 12 July 1947, Holotype

Antennaria aprica Greene f. brunnea Boivin
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, A.J. Breitung 4409, 7 July 1947, Paratype

Antennaria aprica Greene f. brunnea Boivin, Nat. Can. 80: 120. 1953
Canada: Saskatchewan, Swift Current, A.J. Breitung 4146, 27 June 1946, Holotype

Antennaria aprica Greene f. roseoides Boivin, Nat. Can. 80: 121. 1953
Canada: Saskatchewan, Swift Current, A.J. Breitung 3970, 21 June 1947, Holotype

Antennaria callilepis Greene, Nat. Can. 17: 201-202. 1904
Canada: British Columbia, Chilliwack, J.M. Macoun 26186, 8 Aug. 1901, Isotype

Antennaria chlorantha Greene, Nat. Can. 18: 38. 1904
Canada: British Columbia, Chilliwack, J.M. Macoun 26197, 23 July 1901, Isotype

Antennaria denikeana Boivin
Canada: Manitoba, near Winnipeg, W.N. Denike B-3, 22 May 1939, Paratype

Antennaria denikeana Boivin, Nat. Can. 80(3-4): 121-122. 1953
MANITOBA: Sec. 9, Twp. 12, R. 6E, between Lyall and Hazelridge, W.N. Denike C-18, 28 May 1939, Holotype

Antennaria leontopodioides Cody, Can. Field-Nat. 70: 127. 1957
Canada: District of Mackenzie, Indin Lake, Cody & McCanse 3473, 12 Aug. 1949, Holotype

Antennaria neodioica Greene, Rhod. 35: 345. 1933
Canada: Quebec, Rimouski Co., Bic, M.L. Fernald (Pl. Ex. Gray 599), 1 July 1931, Topotype

Antennaria neodioica Greene var. gaspensis Fernald, Ott. Nat. 19: 156. 1905
Canada: Quebec, Gaspé Co., Mt. Ste. Anne, Percé, M.L. Fernald (Pl. Ex. Gray 291), 24 July 1905, Topotype

Antennaria nordhagiana Rune & Rönning, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 50(1): 118. 1956
Norway: Finmark Co., Mt. Suoidnegaissa, Rune & Rönning, 13 Aug. 1954, Isotype

Antennaria parlinii Fernald, Gard. & For. 10: 284. 1897
U.S.A.: Maine, North Berwick, J.C. Parlin (Pl. Ex. Gray 94), 30 May 1902, Topotype

Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Green var. sordida Boivin
Canada: Manitoba, Churchill, P.Q.MacKinnon 64, 2 Aug. 1957, Paratype

Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Greene var. sordida Boivin, Nat. Can. 80: 124. 1953
Canada: Keewatin, Ile Manawanan (Baie James), Dutilly & Lepage 15622, 22 juil. 1946, Holotype

Antennaria rosea Greene f. decipiens Boivin, Nat. Can. 80: 124. 1953
Canada: Alberta, Banff, J. Fletcher, 8 June, Holotype

Antennaria rousseaui Porsild, Can. Field-Nat. 63: 80. 1949
Canada: Québec, Rivière Payne, J. Rousseau 991, 7 août 1948, Isotype

Antennaria rupicola Fernald, Rhod. 1: 74. 1899
U.S.A.: Maine, Aroostook Co., Mattawankeay River, Island Falls, M.L. Fernald (Pl. Ex. Gray 37), 3 June 1901, Topotype

Antennaria russellii Boivin, Phytologia 23: 61-62. 1972
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills Park, A.J. Breitung 4414, 7 July 1947, Holotype; Cypress Hills Park, A.J. Breitung 4214, 1 July 1947, Paratype; A.J. Breitung 4426, 7 July 1947, Paratype

Antennaria russellii Boivin, Phytologia 23: 61-62. 1972
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, A.J. Breitung 4414, 7 July 1947, Holotype

Antennaria soliceps Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 51: 7-8. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., I.W. Clokey 7459, 18 July 1937, Isotype

Antennaria stenolepis Greene, Ott. Nat. 17: 201. 1904
Canada: British Columbia, Chilliwack, J.M. Macoun 26187, 30 June 1901, Isotype

Antennaria subviscosa Fernald, Rhod. 16: 131. 1914
Canada: Quebec, Rimouski Co., Bic, A.A. De Champlain 1528, 17 juil. 1947, Topotype

Anthemis arvensis L. var. microcephala Heldr., Publication unknown
Europe: Messenia, circa Kalamata, Zahn, 1-24 May 1898, ? Type Collection Material

Anthemis barrelieri Tenore, Pradromo della Flora Napolitana, in Flora Nap. I. p.L. 1811-15
Italy: Aprutii, "La Majella", G. Rigo (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 4117), Aug. 1898, Topotype

Anthemis cyrenaica Cosson, Bull. Soc. Bot. Franc. 19: 82. 1872
LIBYA: Cyrenaica, A. Vaccari (Fl. Lybica ex. 205), 6 Apr. 1913, Topotype

Anthemis flexicaulis Rech. f., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 80: 415-416. 1961
Greece: Insula Euboea meridionalis, 3 km a promontorio Kaphireos occidentem versus, K.H. Rechinger 18943, 22 June 1958, Isotype

Anthemis galilaea Eig var. rotundata Yavin
Palestine: Sharon Plain, Env. of Sarafend, Z. Yavin, 16 May 1967, ? Type Collection Material

Anthemis glareosa Dur. & Barr., Fl. Lib. prodr. p. 130. 1910
Lybia: Tripolitania, Oasi di Tripoli, A. Vaccari, 24 Mar. 1914 (Fl. Lyb. Ex. 204), Topotype

Anthemis kabylica Battand. & Trab., Fl. de l'Algér (Dicot.) 484. 1889
Algeria: route du col de Tirouda, St-Lager, 9 July 1909, Topotype

Anthemis klorasanica Rech. f., Fedde Repert. 48: 130. 1940
Iran: Khorasan, inter Marawe Tappeli et Budjnurd, K.H. Rechinger 1802, 25-27 July 1937, Isotype

Anthemis macrantha Heuff. f. monocephala Gergely, Studii Cercet. Biol. Ser. Bot. 20(2): 135. 1968
Romania: Transsilvania, distr. Alba, Mtes. Trascauenses, I. Gergely, ? Topotype

Antidesma pulvinatum Hilleb., Fl. Haw. Is. 403. 1888
Hawaiian Islands: Maui, O. Degener 8133, 23 June 1927, Topotype

Aphanostephus skirrhobasis (DC.) Trel. f. quasigigantiusculus Shinners, Wrightia 1: 103. 1946
U.S.A.: Texas, Freestone Co., 12 mi. S of Fairfield, L.H. Shinners 7104, 9 Apr. 1945, Isotype

Aphelandra daemonia Leonard, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 31: 223- 226. 1953
Columbia: Dept. Magdalena, near Bonda, vicinity of Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1415, 31 Oct. 1898, Isotype

Aphelandra mildbraediana Leonard, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 31: 218-220. 1953
Columbia: Dept. Magdalina, above Las Nubes at Alto de Cielo, H.H. Smith 1414, 18 Dec. 1898, Isotype

Aphelexis selaginifolium DC., Prodr. 6: 217. 1837
Madagascar: Pic d'Gvohibe, M. Decary 5296, 23 Sept. 1926, Topotype

Apios priceana Robinson, Bot. Gaz. 25: 451-452. 1898
U.S.A.: Kentucky, Warren Co., Bowling Green, S.F. Price, July & Aug. 1896, Isotype

Apium australe Thou., Flora Trist. D'Acugn 43
Australia: C.J. Cameron, 1874, ? Type-Publication not available

Aplopappus hallii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 389. 1872
U.S.A.: Oregon, Wasco Co., The Dalles, G.N. Jones 4281, 15 Sept. 1933, Topotype

Aplopappus orcuttii Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 297. 1885
Mexico: Baja California, Ensenada, L.S. Rose 60080, 22 Aug. 1960, Topotype

Apocynum farwellii Greene var. glaucum Farwell f. anomalum Farwell, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sc. 17: 170. 1916
U.S.A.: Michigan, Oakland Co., Parkdale Farm near Rochester, O.A. Farwell 3803, 30 July 1914, Isotype

Apocynum russanovii Pob., Acad. Nauk. Bot. Inst. Gerbarii, Bot. Mat. 11: 129. 1948 (1949)
U.S.S.R.: Ucraine, Prov. Cherson, insula Dsharylgacz, E. Pobedimova, 22 Aug. 1947, (Herb. Ex. U.S.S.R. 3456), Topotype

Aquilegia chrysantha Gray var. rydbergii Munz f. pleiocalcarta Boivin, Amer. Midl. Nat. 50: 510. 1953
Cultivated: Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada, F. Fyles, 4 July 1928, Holotype

Aquilegia formosa Fischer var. communis Boivin
Canada: British Columbia, Ruskin, H. Groh s.n., 16 May 1931, Paratype; Mt. Cheam, Fletcher & Anderson s.n., 15 Aug. 1901, Paratype; Enderby, G.R. Sawes s.n., July 1898, Paratype

Aquilegia formosa Fisch. var. communis Boivin, Amer. Midl. Nat. 50: 510. 1953
Canada: British Columbia, Bennett, Gillett & Mitchell 3661, 11 July 1949, Holotype

Aquilegia formosa Fisch. var. megalantha Boivin, Amer. Midl. Nat. 50: 510. 1953
Canada: British Columbia, first summit W of Skagit River, J.M. Macoun 69384, 18 July 1905, Holotype

Aquilegia scopulorum Tidest. ssp. perplexans Clokey, So. Calif. Acad. Sc. Bull. 37: 3-4. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., Charleston Peak, I.W. Clokey 7094, 16 July 1936, Isotype

Aquilegia splendens G.N. Jones, Madrono 6: 85. 1941
U.S.A.: Washington, Mt. Rainier, W.C. McCalla 5098, 3 Aug. 1938, Topotype

Aquilegia wawawensis Pays., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 20: 145. 1918
U.S.A.: Washington, Whitman Co., Snake River across from Truax, G.N. Jones 1134, 11 May 1928, Topotype

Arabis anachoretica Porta ex Huter, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 54: 139. 1904
Italy: Tirol, Val di Ledro, Porta, July 1894, Isotype

Arabis boivinii Mulligan, Rhodora 97: 157. 1995 [1996]
Canada: Saskatchewan: District de Maple Creek, Carmichael, 10 milles au sud, Monts Cyprès, Boivin & Alex 9738, 8 juillet 1952, Holotype

Arabis calderi Mulligan, Rhodora 97: 144-147. 1995 [1996]
Canada: British Columbia, common on open grassy flats on bench above river, Indian River at Mile 34 from Alaska Highway on Atlin Road, approx 59º54'N 133º48'W, Calder & Gillett 25180, 9 June 1960, Holotype

Arabis ciliata Clairv., Man. Herb.: 222. 1811
Switzerland: Gessenaei republicae Bermae, in monte "Cholisgrind", H. Burdet (ex gen. 128), 18 June 1972, Topotype

Arabis codyi Mulligan, Rhodora 97: 151. 1995 [1996]
Canada: Kaskawulsh nunatak, jct. N and central arms Kaskawalsh Glacier W of Kluane Lake, 6000 ft., D.F. & B.M. Murray sn., 1 July-1 Aug. 1965, Holotype

Arabis collinsii Fern., Rhod. 7: 32. 1905
Canada: Quebec, Rimouski Co., Bic, Collins & Fernald, 18 July 1904, Isotype

Arabis croatica Schott, Nym. & Kotschy Analecta bot. 44. 1854
Hungary: Croatia, montium Vellebith ad Ostarjie, Pichler (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 606), Topotype

Arabis divaricarpa Nelson var. dechamplainii Boivin, Nat. Can. 94: 645. 1967
Canada: Québec, Bic, A.A. De Champlain 1577, 17 juil. 1947, Holotype

Arabis divaricarpa A. Nels. var. hemicylindrica Boivin, Amer. Midl. Nat. 54: 510. 1955
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, Boivin & Alex 9738, 9 July 1952, Holotype

Arabis divaricarpa Nelson var. stenocarpa Hopkins, Rhod. 39: 133. 1937
Canada: Québec, Co. de Rimouski, Pointe du Vieux Bic, J. Rousseau 26391, 29 juin 1927, Paratype

Arabis gunnisoniana Rollins, Rhod. 43: 434. 1941
U.S.A.: Colorado, Gunnison Co., Saguache Creek, 6 mi. E of Gunnison, R.C. Rollins 2090, 21 May 1938, Isotype

Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. minshallii Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 16. 1951
Canada: Ontario, Carleton Co., Lemieux Island, W.H. Minshall, 26 June 1934, Holotype

Arabis hispida Mygind in Linné Syst. Veget. ed. XIII p. 501. 1774
Austria: montis "Kleiner Anninger" et vallis Klausen ad urben Mödling. Pernhoffer (Fl. ex. Aust-Hung. 605), Topotype

Arabis holboellii Hornem. var. fendleri S. Wats., A. Gray, Syn. Fl. 1: 164. 1895
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Canon one mile SE of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3562, 21 May 1897, Topotype

Arabis lyrata L. ssp. kamtschatica (Fisch.) Hult., Publication unknown
U.S.S.R.: Kamchatskay province, Koryaksky Natsionalny okrug, Kharkevich & Buch, 29 June 1976, ? Topotype

Arabis lyrata L. var. kawasakiana (Makino) Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Mie Pref., Yokkaichi, Yokkaichi City, T. Makino, 1913, ? Type Collection Material

Arabis murrayi Mulligan, Rhodora 97: 151-152. 1995 [1996]
Canada: Yukon, Kaskawulsh nunatak jct. N and central arms Kaskawulsh Glacier W of Kluane Lake, 6000 ft., D.F. & B.M. Murray 91b, 1 July-1 Aug. 1965, Holotype

Arabis neglecta Schultes, Osterr. Flora II, 248. 1814
Hungary: in valle "Grosses Kohlbachthal" Tatrae, Pantocsek (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 602), Topotype

Arabis ovirensis Wulfen in Jacquin, Collectanea ad botanicum 1: 196-197. 1786.
Hungary: Carinthia, montis obir supra Ebriancum, Jabornegg (Fl. Aust.-Hung. 601), Topotype

Arabis petrogena A. Kerner, Oesterr. bot. Zeitschr. 13: 141. 1863
Hungary: Budam, Staub & Steinitz (Fl. ex. Austro-Hung. 604), Topotype

Arabis retrofracta Graham var. multicaulis Boivin, Can. Field- Nat. 67: 17. 1951
Canada: Alberta, Jasper National Park, G.H. Turner 5086, 14 Aug. 1946, Holotype

Arabis rimarum Rech. f., Phyton 3: 58. 1981
Iran: Shahrud-Bustan, Khosh-Jaila, K.H. Rechinger 5420, 17 June 1948, Paratype

Arabis viridis Harger, Rhod. 13: 38. 1911
U.S.A.: Connecticut, Southbury, C.B. Harger, 13 June and Sept. 1920 (Pl. ex. Gray 458), Topotype

Aragallus albertinus Greene, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 18: 15. 1905 (1906)
Canada: Saskatchewan, Prince Albert, J.S. Rowe 536, 16 June 1952, Topotype

Aragallus aven-nelsonii Lunell, Bull. Leeds Herbarium 2: 6. 1908
U.S.A.: North Dakota, Benson Co., Butte, J. Lunell, 2 July 1908, Topotype

Arbutus canariensis Duhamel, Traité des Arbres et Arbustes Ed. 2, i. 80. 1825
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Valle de Orotava, E. Asplund 173, 9 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Arceuthobium pusillum Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Museum, Nat. Hist. 112. 1875
U.S.A.: New York, Forestburgh, C.H. Peck, Topotype, ? Isotype

Archangelica dentata Champm., in Torrey & Gray, Flora of North America 1: 622. 1840
U.S.A.: Florida med., supra Aspalaga Rugel, Oct. 1845, Topotype

Archemora fendleri A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. II 2: 56. 1849
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, 9 miles east of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3801, 2 July 1897, Topotype

Arctagrostis arundinacea (Trin.) Beal var. crassispica Bowden, Can. Jour. Bot. 38: 118-119. 1960
Canada: Dist. of Mackenzie, Norman Wells, Cody & Gutteridge 7808, 5 Aug. 1953, Holotype

Arctagrostis uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. var. coactilis Fern. & Macbride f. heterochroma Fern., Rhod. 35: 350. 1933
U.S.A.: Massachusetts, Wellfleet, Fernald et al. (Pl. Ex. Gray 674), 13 Oct. 1932, Paratype, Topotype

Arctomecon californica T. & F., Fremont Report p. 312. 1884
U.S.A.: California, Clark Co., W of Las Vegas, I.W. Clokey 5837, 23 April 1938, Topotype

Arctostaphylos andersonii Gray var. pajaroensis Adams ex McMinn, Calif. Shrubs 418. 1939
U.S.A.: California, Montery Co., west of Prunedale, L.S. Rose 50025, 27 Feb. 1950, Topotype

Arctostaphylos auriculata Eastwood, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32: 202-203. 1905
U.S.A.: California, Contra Costa Co., Mt. Diablo, above Rock City, L.S. Rose 49004, 6 Mar. 1949, Topotype

Arctostaphylos bakeri Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 115. 1934
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., 2 mi. NE of Occidental, L.S. Rose 55031, 21 Mar. 1955, Topotype

Arctostaphylos coloradensis Rollins, Rhod. 39: 436. 1937
U.S.A.: Colorado, Mesa Co., 3 mi. W of Cold Spring, W.A. Weber 3674, 28 Aug. 1947, Topotype

Arctostaphylos crustacea Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 74. 1933
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo Co., Kings Mountain, L.S. Rose 42007, 30 Mar. 1942, Topotype

Arctostaphylos cushingiana Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 75, 1933
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Mt. Tamalpais, L.S. Rose 61005, 17 Feb. 1961, Topotype

Arctostaphylos densiflora M.S. Baker, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 31. 1932
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Vine Hill Schoolhouse, 10 miles west of Santa Rosa, J. Clausen 743, 26 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Arctostaphylos edmundsii J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 6: 202- 203. 1952
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., Little Sur, Hurricane Pt., Everett & Balls 24002, 29 Oct. 1959, Topotype

Arctostaphylos franciscana Eastwood, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32: 201-202. 1905
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco Co., San Francisco, Laurel Hill Cemetary, L.S. Rose 42002, 19 Mar. 1942, Topotype

Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood var. crassifolia Jepson, Madrono 1:86. 1922
U.S.A.: California, between Del Mar and San Diego, A.J. Breitung 15352, 31 May 1953, Topotype

Arctostaphylos helleri Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 148. 1945
U.S.A.: California, Amador Co., Ione (cult. at Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Contra Costa Co., W. Knight 2789, 28 Sept. 1969, Topotype

Arctostaphylos howellii Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 123. 1934
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., Santa Lucia Mts., J.T. Howell 30156, 17 May 1955, Topotype

Arctostaphylos imbricata Eastwood, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 20: 149. 1931
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo, Co., San Bruno Mts., P.H. Raven 2733, 18 Feb. 1951, Topotype

Arctostaphylos laevigata Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 76. 1933
U.S.A.: California, Contra Costa Co., W slope of Mt. Diable near Rock City, L.S. Lewis 49014, 24 Mar. 1949, Topotype

Arctostaphylos laxiflora Heller, Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 149. 1945
U.S.A.: California, Butte Co., Near Forest Ranch, A.A. Heller 14477, 27 Feb. 1928, Topotype

Arctostaphylos montereyensis Hoover, Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 87-90. 1964
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Airport, R.F. Hoover 8614, 17 Dec. 1963, Isotype

Arctostaphylos morroensis Wiesl. & Schreib., Madrono 5: 42-43. 1939
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., S side of Morro Bay, Thorne & Everett 31624, 22 Apr. 1963, Topotype

Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Parry, Pittonia 1: 34-35. 1887
U.S.A.: California, Amador Co., 1 mi. SE of Ione, L.S. Rose 66000, 26 Feb. 1966, Topotype

Arctostaphylos oaxacana DC., Prodr. 7: 585. 1839
Mexico: Oaxaca, hills above Oaxaca City, C.G. Pringle 13762, 22 May 1906, Topotype

Arctostaphylos obispoensis Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 8. 1937
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., along Cuesta Ridge Rd., Thorne & Everett 32151, 7 June 1963, Topotype

Arctostaphylos pajaroensis Adams, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 41, 1940
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., W of Prunedale, L.S. Rose 61036, 12 Apr. 1961, Topotype

Arctostaphylos pilosula Jepson & Wieslander, Erythea 8: 101. 1938
U.S.A.: California, Arroyo Grande, A.E. Wieslander 610, 26 Feb. 1936, ? Type-Publication not available

Arctostaphylos regismontana Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 77. 1933
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo Co., Kings Mountain, L.S. Rose 61003, 16 Feb. 1961, Topotype

Arctostaphylos rosei Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 77-78. 1933
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco, east side of Lake Merced, R.F. Hoover 8739, 23 Apr. 1964, Topotype (Type shrub)

Arctostaphylos sensitiva Jepson, Madrono 1: 85. 1922
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., West Point Trail, Mt. Tamalpais, L.R. Abrams, 19 Feb. 1926, Topotype

Arctostaphylos silvicola Jepson & Wieslander, Erythea 8: 101. 1938
U.S.A.: California, Santa Cruz Co., Mt. Hermon, L.S. Rose 55011, 3 Mar. 1955, Topotype

Arctostaphylos sonomensis Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 78-79. 1933
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Rincon Ridge, east of Sonoma, L.S. Rose 48002, 17 Jan. 1948, Topotype

Arctostaphylos stanfordiana Parry, Bull. Cal. Acad. 2: 493. 1887; J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 19. 1940
U.S.A.: California, Napa Co., Calistoga Quadrangle, A.E. Wieslander 356, 24 Feb. 1934, Topotype

Arctostaphylos tracyi Eastwood, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 79. 1933
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., Big Lagoon, J.P. Tracy 8331, 14 Aug. 1927, Topotype

Arctostaphylos truei Knight, The Four Seasons 3(1): 19-20. 1969
U.S.A.: California, Plumas Co., Feather River Canyon, Howell & True 42229, 9 May 1967, Topotype

Ardisia pickeringia T. & G. in A. DC. Prodr. 8: 124. 1844
U.S.A.: Florida, Key West, J.M. Gillett 7388, 2 Dec. 1952, Topotype

Arenaria compacta Cov., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 7: 67. 1892
U.S.A.: California, Inoyo Co., Army Pass, J.T. Howell 26046, 5 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Arenaria congesta Nutt. var. glandulifera Maguire, Amer. Midl. Nat. 46: 501. 1951
U.S.A.: Idaho, Washington Co., 10 mi. SE of Weiser, Ownbey & Ownbey 2763, 12 June 1946, Isotype

Arenaria cumberlandensis Wofford & Kral, Brittonia: 31: 255. 1979
U.S.A.: Tennessee, Pickett Co., Pickett State Park, Wofford et al. 79-205, 13 July 1979, Topotype

Arenaria dawsonensis Britton, Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 169. 1901
Canada: Yukon Terr. 7-8 mi. E of Dawson, Calder & Billard 3530, 5 July 1949, Topotype

Arenaria fendleri Gray var. glabrascens S. Wats, U.S. Geolog. Explor. Fortieth Parallel 5: 40. 1871
U.S.A.: Nevada, Lander Co., Kingston Creek, Linsdale & Linsdale 168, 15 June 1930, Topotype

Arenaria huteri Kerner, Olsterr. bot. Zeitsch 22: 368. 1872
Austria: Canale di Cimolais, Huter, Isotype

Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb. var. longipedunculatum Duncan, Phytologia 3: 282. 1950
U.S.A.: Georgia, Fulton Co., Chattahoochee R., W.H. Duncan 9701, 5 June 1949, Isotype

Arenaria litorea Fern., Rhod. 8: 33. 1906
Canada: Quebec, Carleton, Tracadigash Point, Fernald & Weatherby (Pl. ex. Gray. 547), 12 July 1931, Topotype

Arenaria macrocarpa Pursh var. jooi (Makino) Mizushima, Publication unknown
Japan: Prov. Shimano, Hondo, Mt. Yatsugatake, T. Makino, Aug. 1907, ? Type Collection Material

Arenaria peploides L. ssp. major Mizushima, Publication unknown
Japan: Prov. Ugo, Hondo, Isl. Tobishima, Akumi-gun, T. Makino, 1931, ? Type Collection Material

Arenaria pumicola Cov. & Leib., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 11: 169. 1897
U.S.A.: Oregon, Kalmath Co., Crater Lake, J.W. Thompson 12224, 20 July 1935, Topotype

Arenaria pungens Clem. in Boissier Lag. Gen. et Sp. Nov. p. 15. 1816
Spain: Sierra Nevada, Herb. E. Boissier, Aug. 1837, Topotype

Arenaria rosei Maguire & Barneby, Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 56-57. 1956
U.S.A.: California, Trinity Co., 1 mi. SW of Peanut, L.S. Rose 55126, 17 July 155, Paratype

Arenaria rubella (Wahl.) Sm. f. plena Calder in Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 4. 1951
Canada: Dist. of Franklin, Baffin Island, Frobisher Bay, Senn & Calder 3739, 3 July 1948, Holotype

Arenaria tetraquetra L. ß granatensis Boiss, El. no. 34. 1838
Spain: Sierra Nevada, E. Boissier, July-Aug. 1837, ? Type Collection Material

Argemone corymbosa Greene ssp. arenicola Ownbey, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 118. 1958
U.S.A.: Utah, Emery Co., 37.9 mi. SW of Green R. on road to Hanksville, Ownbey & Ownbey 2146, 7 June 1954, Isotype

Argemone hispida Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. ser. 2 4: 5. 1849
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3704, 14 June 1897, Topotype

Argemone munita Dur. & Hilg. ssp. robusta Ownbey, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 73. 1958
U.S.A.: California, Orange Co., between Modjeska Peak and Santiago Peak, Ownbey & Ownbey 2177, 2 July 1954, Paratype

Argemone pleiacantha Greene ssp. ambigua Ownbey, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 01. 1958
U.S.A.: Arizona, Gila Co., 37.2 mi. NE of Globe. Ownbey & Ownbey 1803, 4 Sept. 1953, Paratype

Argyrophyllum sandwicense Hooker, Comp. Bot. Mag. 2: 163. 1836
Hawaiian Islands: Mauna Ken, source of Wailuku River, C.N. Forbes 880H, 19 June 1915, Topotype

Arisaema tosaense Makino Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 130. 1901
Japan: Mt. Yokogura, Ochi-cho, Takaoka-gun, Koochi Pref., T. Makino, June 1893, Type Collection Material

Aristida fragilis Hitchc. & Ekman, North Amer. Flora 17: 393. 1935
Cuba: Province Pinar del Rio, San Juan and Martinez, E.L. Ekman (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1010) 6 June 1923, Topotype

Aristida laevigata Hitchc. & Ekman, North Amer. Flora 17: 390-391. 1935
Cuba: Province Oriente, headwaters of Rio Piloto, Sierra de Nipe, E.L. Ekman (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1011) 21 Sept. 1922, Isotype

Aristida patula Chapm., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 23: 98. 1896; Fl. S. U.S.A. 663. 1884
U.S.A.: Florida, Brevard Co., Titusville, G.V. Nash 2295, 30 July-1 Aug. 1895, Topotype

Aristolochia bianorii Sen. et Pau., Bull. Inst. Catal. Hist. Nat. 11: 19. 1911
Spain: Baléares, Montagnes à Soller, F. Bianor (Pl. d'Espagne- F. Sennen Na 1284), May 1911, Topotype

Armeria berlengensis Dav. var. villosa Dav., Bol. Soc. Geogr. de Lisboa 4(9): 427. 1884
Portugal: Ile Berlenga, J. Daveau (Ch. Magnier, Fl. sel. ex. 951), mai-juin 1884, Topotype

Armeria caespitosa (Ortg.) Boiss. var. genuina C. Vic. & Beltr., Bol. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 13: 305-312. 1913
Spain: Sierra Guadarrama, Puerto de Navacerrada, J. Beltroiss, May 1912, Topotype

Armeria eriophylla Willk. Bol. Soc. Broter. 2: 145. 1884
Portugal: Braganca, J. Castro, July 1939, Topotype

Armeria ruscinonesis Gir., Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. III 2: 323. 1844
Spain: Banyuls-sur-Mer, J. Kohlmeyer 1374, 21 May 1962, Topotype

Armoracia aquatica (Eaton) Wiegand f. capillifolia Victorin & Rousseau, Contrib. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal 36: 18. 1940
Canada: Québec, Chambly Co., Boucherville, Marie-Victorin & Rolland-Germain 33988, 11 sept. 1930, Isotype

Arnica aprica Greene, Ott. Nat. 15: 280. 1902
Canada: British Columbia, Chilliwack Valley, J.M. Macoun 26284, 10 July 1901, Isotype

Arnica frigida Meyer var. glandulosa Boivin, Rhod. 55: 56. 1953
Canada: Yukon Territory, Klondike River, about 20 miles east of Dawson on road to McQuester, Calder & Billard 3767, 17 July 1949, Holotype

Arnica maguirei A. Nelson, Am. J. Bot. 21: 581. 1934
U.S.A.: Montana, Glacier National Park, Maguire et al. 15356, 11 July 1934, Topotype

Arnica nevadensis Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 55. 1883
U.S.A.: California, Tehama Co., Mineral Mt., A.A. Heller 15291a, 28 July 1938, Topotype

Arnica sornborgeri Fernald var. ungavensis Boivin, Nat. Can. 75: 211. 1948
Canada: Quebec, Ungava, Fort Chimo, Dutilly & Lepage 14768, 17 août 1945, Holotype

Arnica whitneyi Fernald, Rhod. 37: 334-335. 1935
U.S.A.: Michigan, Keweenaw Co., Copper Harbor, C.D. Richards 2221, 28 June 1949, Topotype

Arrabidae magnifica Sprague, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 24: 830. 1927
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 741, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Arrabidae pachyalyx Sprague, Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 373. 1906
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 744, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Arrabidaea sanctae-martae Sprague ex Sandw., Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 34: 229. 1937
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 743, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Arrenantherum palaestinum Boiss., Pl. Orient ser. 1, 13: 51. 1833
Palestine: Jerusalum, Mt. Scopus, Zohary & Jahlom (Fl. Pal. Ex. 108), 15 Apr. 1931, Topotype

Arrhenatherum thorei Desm. var. versicolor Miciol in Magnier Fl. Sel. ex. 728. 1883
FRANCE: Finistère, Gorlan, Miciol, 14 juillet 1883, Isotype

Artagrostis arundinaceae (Trin.) Beal var. crassispica Bowden
Canada: Yukon, Coffee Creek, M.O. Malte s.n., 6 Aug. 1916, Paratype

Artemisia aralensis H. Krasch., Publication unknown
U.S.S.R.: coll. ? 3196, 26 June 1908, ? Type Collection Material

Artemisia austriaca Jacq. var. advena Rech. f., Publication unknown
Austria: Wein, Breitenlee, zwischen den Bahngeleisen, K.H. Rechinger, Oct. 1949, Isotype

Artemisia canadensis Michx., Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 128-129. 1803
Canada: Quebec, Lac Saint-Jean, Ile Dumais, Victorin 15448, 25 July 1921, Topotype

Artemisia canadensis Michx. f. pumila Victorin & Rousseau, Nat. Can. 71: 197. 1944
Canada: Quebec, Co. de Bonaventure, Paspebiac, Victorin et al. 33772, 17 août 1930, Isotype

Artemisia canadensis Michx. f. rupestris Victorin & Rousseau, Nat. Can. 71: 192. 1944
Canada: Quebec, Co. Rimouski, Bic, Victorin et al. 45472, 6 août 1933, Isotype

Artemisia caudata Michx. var. majuscula Victorin & Rousseau, Nat. Can. 71: 199. 1944
Canada: Quebec, Pontiac Co., Ile-aux-Allumettes, Victorin et al. 43926, 15 août 1933, Paratype

Artemisia caudata Michx. var. rydbergiana Boivin
Canada: Yukon, 3 miles north of Mayo, J.A. Calder 4294, 8 Aug. 1949, Paratype; McRae's Landing on the Stewart River near the McQuesten River, 63°33'N 137°27'W, Gillett & Mitchell 4163, 29 July 1949, Paratype

Artemisia caudata Michx. var. rydbergiana Boivin, Nat. Can. 82: 171. 1955
Canada: Yukon, Whitehorse, Gillett & Mitchell 4486, 15 Aug. 1949, Holotype

Artemisia deserti H. Krasch. in sched, Herb. Fl. URSS 10: 106. 1936
U.S.S.R.: Turcomania, Montes Kjuren-dagh, N. Androssov, (Herb. Fl. URSS 3199a), 20 Oct. 1915, Isotype

Artemisia eriantha Tenore, Index Seminum Hort. Neap. 14. 1830
Italy: La Majella, G. Rigo, Aug. 1898 (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 4127), Topotype

Artemisia frigida Willd. var. williamsae Welsh, Great Basin Naturalist 28(3): 149-151. 1968
Canada: Yukon Territory, Slims R., S end of Kluane Lake, 61º01'N 138º31'W, Cody & Ginns 28606, 29 July 1980, Topotype

Artemisia glauca Pallas var. megacephala Boivin
Canada: Alberta, Spidden, E.C. Taylor s.n., 3 Oct. 1933, Paratype; Golf Course at Lac Beauvert near Jasper, G.H. Turner 6923, 5 Aug. 1949, Paratype

Artemisia glauca Pallas var. megacephala Boivin, Nat. Can. 82: 167. 1955
U.S.A.: Alaska, Glen Highway Mile 102, E. Lepage 25283a 21 July 1949, Holotype

Artemisia herba-alba Asso., Syn. Arag. 117
Spain: Calatayud, C. Vicioso, 27 Sept. 1907, Topotype

Artemisia hultenii Maximova, Pl. ex. CCCP 6098. 1982
U.S.S.R.: Archipelagus insulae Ursinae (mare Sibiricum orientale), insula Leontjevi, M. Maximova, 24 Aug. 1971, Isotype

Artemisia hyperborea Rydb., N. Amer. Flora 34: 262. 1916
Canada: Dist. of Mackenzie, Cape Young, J.A. Parmelee 3040, 1 Aug. 1963, Topotype

Artemisia lindleyana Besser in Hook., Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 322. 1833
U.S.A.: Washington, Walla Walla Co., Walla Walla, R.K. Beattie 11750, 1 Aug. 1946, Possible Topotype

Artemisia palmeri Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 79. 1876
U.S.A.: California, San Diego Co., F.F. Gander 2910, 14 Aug. 1936, Topotype

Artemisia parishii Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 17: 220. 1882
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles Co., 3 miles SW of Newhall, J.T. Howell 27484, 9 Nov. 1950, Topotype

Artemisia porteri Cronquist, Madrono 11: 145. 1951
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Fremont Co., Riverton, C.L. Porter 4969, 6 July 1949, Isotype

Artemisia richardsoniana Bess. Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Am. 1: 323. 1833
Canada: Dist. of Mackenzie, Cape Parry Peninsula region, 69º41'N 124º39'W, Scotter & Zoltai 25595, 18 July 1978, Topotype

Artemisia rothrockii Gray, Bot. Cal. 1: 618. 1876
U.S.A.: California, Tulare Co., J.T. Howell 26102, 7 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Artemisia rupestris L. ssp. woodii Neilson, Can. Field-Nat. 82: 119. 1968
Canada: Yukon, S flank of (Sheep Mt.) Mt. Wallace, J.A. Neilson 1136, 19 July 1967, Topotype

Artemisia scopulorum Gray, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1863: 66. 1864
U.S.A.: Colorado, Gray's Peak, L. & E.H. Kelso 4508, 2 Aug. 1944, Topotype

Artemisia terrae albae H. Krasch., Otch. O Rab., Pochv.-Bot. Otr. Kazaksk. Eksp. Ansssr. IV (2), 1930
U.S.S.R.: Turgai, Kasakstan, M.D. Spiridonov 1798, 19 Dec. 1927, Topotype

Artocarpus hainanensis Merr., Publication unknown
China: Hainan, Yaichow, H.Y. Liang 62103, 16 July 1933, ? Type Collection Material

Asclepias incarnata L. f. rosea Boivin, Nat. Can. 94: 521. 1967
Canada: Ontario, Middlesex Co., Harrietsville, W.G. Dore 44-35, 8 July 1944, Holotype

Asclepias syriaca L. f. leucantha W.G. Dore
Canada: Quebec, Papineau County, railway embankment east of Thurso, Groh & Dore,s.n., 16 July 1943, Paratype: Ontario, Carleton County, Fitzroy Township,east of Pakenham, W.G. Dore s.n., 8 July 1943, Paratype; Ontario County, near Whitby, W.G. Dore 44-44, 15 July 1944, Paratype

Asclepias syriaca L. f. leucantha Dore, Rhod. 46: 387-388. 1944
Canada: Ontario, Renfrew Co., 4 miles west of Renfrew, W.G. Dore, 8 July 1943, Holotype

Asclepias syriaca L. f. polyphylla Boivin, Nat. Can. 94: 521. 1967
U.S.A.: South Dakota, River Jasques, 4 mi. NE of Yankton, B. Boivin 13829, 12 July 1960, Holotype

Asclepias welshii Holmgren & Holmgren, Brittonia 31(1): 110. 1979
U.S.A.: Utah, Kane Co., north end of Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Holmgren & Holmgren 9009, 20 June 1978, Isotype

Asimina cuneata Shuttl., Bot. Gaz. 11: 163. 1886
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Monroe, Rugel 8, May 1848, Isotype

Asimina longifolia Kral var. spatulata Kral, Brittonia 12: 266. 1960
U.S.A.: Alabama, 4 mi. NE of Geneva, R. Kral 2486, 27 May 1956, Paratype

Asimina ×nashii Kral, Brittonia 12: 270-271. 1960
U.S.A.: Florida, 15 mi. SSE of Madison, R. Kral 2707, 15 June 1956, Paratype

Asimina reticulata Shuttl. ex Chapm., Fl. South U.S. ed. 2: 603. 1883
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Monroe, Rugel 8, May 1848, Lectotype

Asimina rugelii B.L. Robins, Sysn. Fl. N. Am. 1 suppl 465. 1897
U.S.A.: Florida, prope Smyrna, Rugel 9, May 1848, Isotype

Asimina secundiflora Shuttl., Jour. Bot. 65: 69. 1927
U.S.A.: Florida, near Jacksonville and Smyrna, Rugel 10, Apr.-May 1848, Isotype

Asperula baetica Rouy., Bull. Soc. Bot. Francais 38: 80. 1891
Spain: Prov. d'Andalousie, Sierra de Grazalema, Willkomm, juillet 1890, (Elisee Reverchon, Pl. d'Espagne 501), ? Type-Publication not available

Asperula doerfleri Wettstein in Luerss., Biel. Bot. Heft. 26: 59. 1892
Albania: Wettstein, I. Dörfler, Julio 1914, (Herb. Norm. 5469), ? Type-Publication not available

Asperula lutea Sibth & Sm. ssp. euboea Ehrendorfer, Publication unknown
Greece: insula Euboea, K.H. Rechinger 19198, 27 June 1958, Isotype

Asperula occidentalis Rouy, Flore de France 8: 60, 1903
FRANCE: Basses-Pyrénées, prope Biarritz, E.J. Neyraut, (Dörfler, Herb. Norm. 4534), Aug. 1903, Topotype

Asperula stricta Boiss. ssp. pruinosa Ehrendorfer, Publication unknown
Greece: insula Euboea, K.H. Rechinger 19312, 29 June 1958, ? Type Collection Material

Aspidosperma elliptica Rusby, Description of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 82. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 836 (1898-1901), Isotype

Asplenium cryptolepis Fernald, Rhod. 30: 41. 1928
U.S.A.: Vermont, Manchester, M.A. Day 253, 29 June 1898, Paratype

Asplenium dacicum Borb., Term. Kozlem. 46: 71. 1898
Hungary: Transsilvania, prope Petrozseny, A. Richter, July 1909, Topotype

Asplenium ebenoides (Scott) Wherry + platyneuron (L.) Oakes Amer. Fern. J. 46(2): 75-82. 1956
U.S.A.: Michigan, Univ. bot. Gard. at Ann Arbor (cult.), W.H. Wagner 8136, 1955, Isotype

Asplenium fontanum (L.) Bernh. ssp. jahandiezii Litard, Bull. Acad. int. geogr. bot. 1911: 273-276
FRANCE: Basses-Alpes, Pont du Soleil, G. Gavelle, 12 juillet 1962, Topotype

Aster ageratoides Turcz. ssp. leiophyllus Kitamura, Publication unknown
Japan: Tochigi Pref., Nikko City, T. Makino, Aug. 1930, ? Type Collection Material

Aster bernardinus Hall, Calif. Pub. Bot. 3: 79. 1907
U.S.A.: California, San Bernardino, S.B. Parish 5543, 5 Sept. 1905, Isotype

Aster calderi Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 14. 1951
Canada: Quebec, Hudson Bay Post, Fort Chimo, J.A. Calder 2642, 15 Aug. 1948, Holotype

Aster castaneus Burgess in Small, Fl. Southeasern U.S. 1211, 1339. 1903
U.S.A.: New York , Hillview swamp, Yonkers, E.S. Burgess, 22 Sept. 1900, Topotype

Aster catalaunicus Willk. & Costa, Linnaea 30: 104-105. 1859-60
Spain: Pyrénées, Ripoll au Catllar, F. Sennen 990, Sept. 1910, Topotype

Aster chasei G.N. Jones in Jones & Fuller, Vasc. Pl. Illinois 466. 1955
U.S.A.: Illinois, Peoria Co., Peoria Heights, V.H. Chase 13595, 17 Aug. 1953, Topotype

Aster kentuckiensis Britton, Man. Fl. Northern States and Canada, 960. 1901
U.S.A.: Kentucky, Bowling Green, S.F. Price, 1 Oct. 1900, Isotype

Aster laurentianus Fernald, Rhod. 16: 59. 1914
Canada: Prince Edward Island, Brackley Beach, Erskine & Smith 2438, 22 Aug. 1953, Topotype

Aster linariifolius L. var. victorinii Fernald, Rhod. 16: 194. 1914
Canada: Quebec, Co. Portneuf, Saint-Raymond, Marie-Victorin & Rolland-Germain 46693, 9 août 1936, Topotype

Aster longifolius L. var. villicaulis Gray, Syn. Fl. 1(2): 189. 1884
U.S.A.: Maine, Fort Kent, Robinson & Fernald (Pl. ex. Gray. 54), 10 Aug. 1901, Topotype

Aster microlonchus Greene, Ott. Nat. 15: 278. 1902
Canada: British Columbia, Chilliwack Valley between Lat 49º and 49º10', J.M. Macoun, 26384, 18 Aug. 1901, Type Collection Material

Aster nahanniensis Cody in Scotter & Cody, Nat. Can. 101: 888. 1974
Canada: District of Mackenzie, South Nahanni River area, G.W. Scotter 17412, 16 Sept. 1971, Holotype

Aster nemoralis Ait. var. blakei Porter, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 311. 1894
U.S.A.: Maine, Mount Desert Island, Rand & Redfield, 18 Sept. 1894, Topotype

Aster olivaceus Burgess, Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 13: 204. 1906
U.S.A.: New York, Brace's Bay, Sheridan, E.S. Burgess, 15 Aug. 1896, Paratype

Aster pattersoni A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 13: 272. 1878
U.S.A.: Colorado, headwaters of Clear Creek, Gray's Peak and vicinity, H.N. Patterson 48, Aug. 1885, Topotype

Aster persaliens Burgess, Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 13: 140. 1906
U.S.A.: New York, vicinity of New York, E.S. Burgess, 17 Sept. 1898, Paratype

Aster puniceus L. var. calderi (Boivin) Lepage f. brachyphyllus Lepage, Nat. Can. 79: 183. 1952
Canada: Quebec, Fort Chimo, Dutilly et al. 28330, 2 sept.. 1951, Isotype

Aster pygmaeus Lindl. In DC. Prodr. 5: 228. 1836
Canada: District of Mackenzie, Bloody Falls on Coppermine River, W.I. Findlay 205, 27 July 1951, Topotype

Aster roscidus Burgess in Britton & Brown, Illus. Fl. 3: 360. 1898
U.S.A.: New York, vicinity of New York, E.S. Burgess, 14 Sept. 1898, Type Collection Material

Aster sibiricus L. f. albinus Lepage, Amer. Midl. Nat. 46: 758. 1951 (1952)
U.S.A.: Alaska, Richardson Highway 20 miles south of Fairbanks, E. Lepage 25,319, 2 Aug. 1949, Isotype

Aster simmondsii Small, Flora of Miami 190. 1913
U.S.A.: Florida, Dade Co., Everglades, Small & Mosier 5563, 28 Feb. 1915, Topotype

Aster simplex Willd. var. estuarinus Boivin, Nat. Can. 94: 646. 1967
Canada: Quebec, Co. Portneuf, Saint-Augustin, Marie-Victorin & Rolland-Germain 2451, 30 août 1943, Holotype

Aster stragulus Fernald, Rhod. 28: 214. 1926
Canada: Newfoundland, Pistolet Bay, Cook Point, Fernald et al. 28584, 13 Aug. 1925, Isotype

Aster tenebrosus Burgess in Britton & Brown, Illus. Fl. 3: 357. 1898
U.S.A.: New York, High Br., E.S. Burgess, 17 Aug. 1896, Type Collection Material

Aster trinervius Don ssp. amplenifolius (Sieb. & Zucc.) Kitamura var. yokoguraensis Kitamura, Publication unknown
Japan: Kochi Pref., Mt. Yokogura, Ochi-cho, Takaoka-gun, T. Makino, 1892, ? Type Collection Material

Aster tripolium L. var. pygmaeus Béguinot, Fl. Ital. Ex. Ser. 2, 1153
Italy: Prov. di Venetia, Venetia, A. Béguinot, 10 Oct. 1909, Isotype

Aster yukonensis Cronquist, Madrono 8: 98-99. 1945
Canada: Yukon, south end of Kluane Lake, Calder & Kükkonen 28230, 13 Aug. 1960, Topotype

Astragalus aequalis Clokey, Madrono 6: 215. 1942
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Harris Springs road, I.W. Clokey 7572, 4 June 1937, Isotype

Astragalus agnidicus Barneby, Madrono 14: 39-40. 1957
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., 4 mi. S of Miranda, H. Tosten, 7 June 1931, Isotype

Astragalus alpinus L. var. alaskanus (Hulten) Lepage f. albovestitus Lepage, Amer. Midl. Nat. 46: 758. 1952
U.S.A.: Alaska, Kotzebue, E. Lepage 25410
, 11 Aug. 1949, Isotype

Astragalus alpinus L. var. brunetianus Fernald, Rhod. 10: 51. 1908
U.S.A.: Maine, Aroostook Co., Fort Fairfield, M.L. Fernald 24, 18 July 1893, Isotype

Astragalus amblytropis Barneby, Amer. Midl. Nat. 41: 501. 1949
U.S.A.: Idaho, Custer Co., D. Henderson 6310, 21 July 1982, Topotype

Astragalus callipheysa Bunge, Astragalus 1: 76; 2: 128
Iran: Prov. Yezd et Kerman, inter Yezd et Kerman, K.H. & F. Rechinger 2850, 22-23 Apr. 1948, Topotype

Astragalus camptopus Barneby, Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 228. 1946
U.S.A.: Idaho, Owyhee Co., 8 mi. SW of Bruneau, Holmgren & Holmgren 4950, 31 May 1971, Topotype

Astragalus castaneiformis Wats. var. consobrinus Barneby, Amer. Midl. Nat. 41: 496. 1949
U.S.A.: Utah, Wayne Co., Holmgren et al. 2092, 29 June 1965, Topotype

Astragalus chrysostachys Boiss. var. khorasamicus Sirj. & Rech. f., Publication unknown
Iran: Khorasan, Montis Kopet Degh. inter Kucan et jugum Alamli, K.H. Rechinger 4802, 3 June 1948, Isotype

Astragalus coltoni Jones, Zoe 2: 237. 1891
U.S.A.: Utah, Carbon Co., Castlegate, M. Rever 413, 20 June 1970, Topotype

Astragalus coltoni Jones var. moabensis Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8:11. 1898
U.S.A.: Utah, San Juan Co., 13 miles south of Moab, A. Cronquist 8997, 12 May 1961, Topotype

Astragalus cronquistii Barneby, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 13(1): 258. 1964
U.S.A.: Utah, San Juan Co., 9 miles west of Bluff, A. Cronquist 9123, 27 May 1961, Isotype

Astragalus danicus Retz. f. albiflorus Podp., Fl. ex. Rep. Bohem. Slov. 841
Czechoslovakia: Moravia Merid. Or., Uh. Ostroh, Podpera & Filipi 5 June 1933, Isotype

Astragalus darii Sirj. & Rech. f., Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Nat. 90: 124. 1953
Iran: Kerman, inter Bam et Djiroft, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3791, 8- 10 May 1948, Isotype

Astragalus djiroftensis Sirj. & Rech. f., Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. 91: 158. 1954
Iran: Kerman, montes Djamal Bariz inter Bam et Djiroft, Rechinger et al. 3871, 8-10 May 1948, Isotype

Astragalus elmeri Greene, Erythea 3: 98. 1895
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., L.E. James 1739, 16 Apr. 1946, Topotype

Astragalus franciscanus Sheld., Bull. Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Minne. 9: 135. 1894
U.S.A.: California, SE end of Lake Merced, J.T. Howell 31856, 9 Sept. 1956, ? Type-Publication not available

Astragalus gruinus Barneby, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 13(2): 847. 1964
U.S.A.: Mexico, Baja California, La Encantada, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Wiggins & Demaree 4890, 18 Sept. 1930, Topotype

Astragalus gypsodes Barneby, Amer. Midl. Nat. 55: 499-500. 1956
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Eddy Co., 12.1 miles south of Whites City, Mosquin & Mosquin 5679, 26 May 1964, Topotype

Astragalus gysensis Del. var. brachycarpus Sirj. Publication unknown
Iran: Kerman et Fars, inter Saidabad et jugum Cah Coghuk, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3151, 28 May 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Astragalus hamiltoni Porter, Rhod. 54: 159. 1952
U.S.A.: Utah, Uintah Co., 5 miles south of Vernal, C.L. Porter 5313, 3 June 1950, Paratype

Astragalus hemigyrus Clokey, Madrono 6: 220-221. 1942
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Indian Springs, C.B. & I.W. Clokey 8409, 18 Apr. 1939, Isotype

Astragalus holmgreniorum Barneby, Brittonia 32: 24-25. 1980
U.S.A.: Arizona, Mohave Co., Mokiah Wash drainage, Holmgren et al. 9175, 25 May 1979, Isotype

Astragalus inyoensis Sheld., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 4: 86. 1893
U.S.A.: California, Inyo Co., E.C. Twisselman 15545, 22 May 1969, Topotype

Astragalus iodanthus Wats. var. viperius Barneby, Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 13(2): 963. 1964
U.S.A.: Idaho, Owyhee Co., A. Cronquist 8383, 9 June 1959, Topotype

Astragalus kaibensis M.E. Jones, Contrib. West. Bot. 10: 64. 1902
U.S.A.: Arizona, Kaibab Plateau, L.N. Goodding 244-48, 3 Sept. 1948, Topotype

Astragalus kernensis Jepson, Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 569. 1925
U.S.A.: California, Tulare Co., Kern River, P.A. Munz 15098, 15 July 1950, Topotype

Astragalus kernensis Jepson var. charlestonensis Clokey, Madrono 6: 218. 1942
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Peak, I.W. Clokey 7573, 29 July 1937, Isotype

Astragalus krajinae Domin., Acta Bot. Bohem. 10: 48. 1931
Czechoslovakia: Rossia Subcarpatica, montes Svidovec ad rupes Dragobrat, Mil Deyl (Fl. Cech. ex. 270), 11 July 1931, Isotype

Astragalus lagunensis Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 8: 11. 1898
Mexico: Lower California, Laguna Mts., M.E. Jones 24175, 2 March 1928, Topotype

Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. var. micans Barneby
U.S.A.: California, south end of Eureka Valley east of Inyo Mts., Mung & Roos 20581, 8 April 1955, Type Collection Material

Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. var. micans Barneby, Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 22. 1956
U.S.A.: California, Inyo Co., Eureka Valley, J.C. Roos 6354, 13 May 1955, Type Collection Material

Astragalus lusitanicus Lam., Encycl. 1: 312. 1783
Portugal: Alentejo-Odemira, Romaris & Mendes 807, 11 Mar. 1953, Topotype

Astragalus masendranus Bunge var. trichocarpus Sirj. & Rech. f. Publication unknown
Iran: Khorasan, montes Hazar Masdjid, K.H. & F. Rechinger 5065a, 8-9 June 1948, Isotype

Astragalus metilotoides Pall. var. cuneilobus Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Dahuria, Nertschinsk, F. Karo (Pl. Dahuricae 176a), 1889, ? Type Collection Material

Astragalus microcymbus Barneby, Amer. Midl. Nat. 41: 499-500. 1949
U.S.A.: Colorado, Gunnison Co., 4 mi. West of Gunnison, W.A. Weber 9144, 9 July 1955, Topotype

Astragalus mucronifolius Boiss. ssp. robustus Sirj. & Rech. f. Publication unknown
Iran: Isfahan, Djulfa, K.H. & F. Rechinger 2688, 20 Apr. 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Astragalus naftabensis Sirj. & Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist Mus. Wien 58: 69-70. 1951
Iran: Mazanderan, inter Kamarband et jugum Naftab, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6465, 8 Aug. 1948, Isotype

Astragalus neomexicanus Wooton & Standley, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 136. 1913
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Otero Co., Cloudcroft, James Canyon, E.R. Schaffner 2072, 7 July 1940, Topotype

Astragalus ophiocarpus Benth. var. vermicularis Sirj., Publication unknown
Iran: Kerman et Fars, inter Saidabad et jugum Cah Coghuk, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3108, 28 Apr. 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Astragalus oxyphysus Gray, Proc. Calif. Acad. 3: 103. 1863
U.S.A.: California, Stanislaus Co., Mount Oso, Arroyo del Puerto, L.S. Rose 49140, 8 May 1949, Topotype

Astragalus pectinatus (Hook.) Dougl. var. platyphyllus Jones ex. G. Don, Contr. West. Bot. 10: 87. 1902
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., Bitter Creek, M. Rever 434, 21 June 1970, Topotype

Astragalus phoenix Barneby, Madrono 20: 395-396. 1971
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., Munz et al. 18308, 8 May 1970, Topotype

Astragalus pictus A. Gray var. foliosus A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 6: 215. 1864
U.S.A.: New Mexico, 15 mi. W of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3572, 22 May 1897, Topotype

Astragalus podolobus Boiss. f. albovillosus Sirj. & Rech. f. Publication unknown
Iran: Khorasan, inter Djenaran et Kucan, K.H. & F. Rechinger 4715, 2 June 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Astragalus pseudobrachystachys Sirj. & Rech. f., Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. 90: 161. 1953
Iran: Kerman & Fars, inter Saidabad et jugum Cah Coghuk (Cafut), Rechinger et al. 3138, 28 Apr. 1948, Isotype

Astragalus rahensis Sirj. & Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist Mus. Wien 58: 66-67. 1951
Iran: Shahrud-Bustam, Shahvar ad supra Nekarman, K.H. & F. Rechinger 5954, 20-26 July 1948, Paratype

Astragalus rahensis Sirj. & Rech. f. var. dehbakriensis Sirj. & Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist Mus. Wien 58: 67. 1951
Iran: Kerman, montes Djamal Bariz inter Bam et Djiroft, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3872, 8-10 May 1948, Isotype

Astragalus ripleyi Barneby, Leafl. West. Bot. 6: 175. 1952
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Taos Co., Tres Piedras, Weber & Salamum 12744, 8 July 1965, Topotype

Astragalus robbinsii Gray var. jesupi Sheldon & Eggleston, Bull. Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Minne, 9: 155-156. 1894
U.S.A.: Vermont, Hartland, W.W. Eggleston, 20 May, 30 June 1894, Topotype

Astragalus rubrolineatus Sirj. & Rech. f., Ann. Nat. Mus. Wien 58: 71. 1951
Iran: Shahurd-Bustam, Shahvar, K.H. Rechinger 6004, 20-26 July 1948, Isotype

Astragalus sachalinensis Bunge, Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. (Sci. Phys. Math.), serv. 7, 11, 16: 26, 1868 (Gen. Astrag. Sp. Geront. 1)
U.S.S.R.: Insula Sachalin, N. Pavlova (Fl. Ex. U.S.S.R. 5970), 14 July 1978, Topotype

Astragalus salinus Howell, Erythea 1: 111. 1893
U.S.A.: Oregon, Harney Valley, T. Howell, 6 Oct. 1885, ? Isotype

Astragalus sangonensis Sirj. et Rech. f., Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. 91: 164. 1954
Iran: Balucistan, in dictione montis Taftan prope Sangon, K.H. & F. Rechinger 4075, 19 May 1948, Isotype

Astragalus schmollae C.L. Porter, Madrono 8: 100. 1945
U.S.A.: Colorado, Montezuma Co., Mesa Verde National Park, W.A. Weber 4823, 13 June 1949, Topotype

Astragalus scrupulicola Fernald & Weath., Rhod. 33: 238-239. 1931
Canada: Quebec, Gaspé Co., Mont St. Pierre, Fernald & Weatherby (Pl. ex. Gray 559), 4 July 1931, Paratype

Astragalus spectabilis Porter, Rhod. 54: 160. 1952
U.S.A.: Utah, Uintah Co., 5 miles south of Vernal, C.L. Porter 5309, 3 June 1950, Isotype

Astragalus tiehmii Barneby, Brittonia 36(2): 169. 1984
U.S.A.: Nevada, Washoe Co., Yellow Hills area, Bernards Corall, Tiehm et al. 8768, 23 June 1984, Topotype

Astragalus tyghensis Peck, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 49: 110. 1936
U.S.A.: Oregon, Wasco Co., Tygh Valley, L.M. Kemp, 14 June 1978, Topotype

Astragalus zingeri Korsh. var. violascens M. Pop., Fl. ex. U.S.S.R. 3330
U.S.S.R.: Saratov, opp. Chvalynsk, K. Gross, 19 June 1928, Isotype

Astrantia bavarica F. Schultz, Flora 1: 159. 1859
Europe: Tirolia septentrionalis, circa Klösterle, Gremblich (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 2106), Topotype

Astrantia carinthiaca Hoppe, Flora 223. 1832
Austria: Carinthia, in pratis montanis vallis "Loibel", Jabornegg (Fl. Ex. Austro-Hung. 2105), Topotype

Astronium fraxinifolium Schott, f. glaberrimum Mattick, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 1005. 1934
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 910, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Ateleia herbert-smithii Pittier, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 20: 112. 1918
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 817, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Atelophragma herriotii Rydb., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 123. 1928
Canada: Manitoba? Saskatchewan?, Qu'Appelle Valley, J. Macoun, 22 July 1879, Paratype

Atelophragma herriottii Rydb., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 55: 123. 1928
Canada: Saskatchewan, Welby Geme Preserve [Qu'Appelle River], Boivin & Dore 7702, 7 July 1951, Topotype

Athyrium alpestre (Hoppe) Rylands var. gaspense Fernald, Rhod. 30: 48. 1928
Canada: Québec, co. Gaspé Nord. Table Top, Mont Jacques Cartier, Belzile & Gervais 2626, 9 août 1958, Topotype

Atriplex acadiensis Taschereau
Canada: Nova Scotia, Cumberland County, Parrsboro, Taschereaux & Wright341, 25 Sept. 1968, Paratype; Advocate Harbour, Taschereaux & Belliveau350, 29 Sept. 1968, Paratype; Halifax County, Lawrencetown, Bassett & Spicer5104, 18 Sept. 1968, Paratype; Lunenburg County, Blue Rocks, Taschereau & Wright334, 21 Sept. 1968, Paratype; Queens County, North Cove, Goose Haven,Taschereau & Martell 143, 2 Aug. 1968; Paratype; Shelburne County,Shelburne, Taschereau & Forwood 63, 4 Aug. 1968, Paratype; King’sCounty, Wolfville, P.M. Taschereau 394A, 23 Oct. 1968, Paratype; Quebec,Bonaventure County, St. Omer, Bassett & Spicer 5171, 23 Sept. 1968,Paratype; Gaspé-Est County, Cap-Gaspé, Bassett & Spicer 5183, 24 Sept. 1968, Paratype

Atriplex acadiensis Taschereau, Can. J. Bot. 50: 1577. 1972
Canada: Nova Scotia, Lunenburg, Taschereau & Wright 329, 21 Sept. 1968, Holotype

Atriplex franktonii Taschereau, Can. J. Bot. 50: 1586. 1972
Canada: Nova Scotia, Martin Brook, Taschereau & Wright 327, 21 Sept. 1968, Holotype

Atriplex julacea Wats., Proc. Amer. Acad. 20: 370. 1885
Mexico: Lower California, Ensenada, L.S. Rose 58132, 21 Aug. 1958, Topotype

Atriplex oahuensis Meyen, Reise 2: 127. 1834
Hawaiian Islands: Hawaii, 1 mile south of Kamuela, S. Carlquist 2085, 29 July 1966, Topotype

Atriplex oblongifolium Waldst. et Kit. var. campestre Gürke f. prostratum Podp., Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 1113
Czechoslovakia: Moravia Centr., Brno, Podpera & Krist., 20 Oct. 1935, Isotype

Atriplex pleiantha Weber, Madrono 10: 189. 1950
U.S.A.: Colorado, Montezuma Co., W.A. Weber 7651, 7 June 1952, Topotype

Atriplex tataricum L. f. lanceolata Wiesb., Publication unknown
Hungary: Vajas, J. Wiesbaur, 19 Aug. 1878, ? Type Collection Material

Atropis limosa (Schur) Degen f. polyantha Degen, Fl. ex. Austro- Hungarica 3962
Hungary: Budapest, Staub., Isotype

Atropis peisonis Beck, Fl. von. N.-Oesterr. p. 89. 1890
Hungary: ad lacum Peisonem prope pagum Nyulas, A. de Degen (Gram. Hung. 90), 8 June 1901, Topotype

Avena agadiriana, Baum & Fedak, Can. J. Bot. 63(8): 1379. 1985
Cultivated: Grown in greenhouse Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont. from seed from 32 km SW Sebt-des-Gzouls, Morocco. Baum & Spicer CAV 6743, 20 Apr. 1984, Holotype & Isotype

Avena atlantica Baum & Fedak, Can. J. Bot. 63(6): 1057. 1985
Cultivated: grown in greenhouse, Central Exp. Farm, Ottawa, Ont. from seed from 32 km N Agadir, Morocco, Baum & Spicer CAV6764, 20 Apr. 1984, Holotype & Isotype

Avena canariensis Baum, Rajhathy & Sampson, Can. Jour. Bot. 51: 759. 1973
Canary Islands: Lanzarote, Teguise, J. Duvigneaud, 5 avril 1976, Topotype

Avena damascena Rajhathy & Baum, Can. Jour. Gen. and Cyt. 14: 646. 1972.
Cultivated: grown at Ottawa from seeds gathered by Martens and Rajhathy, 60 km N of Damascus, Syria, Baum CAV 0258, 1972, Holotype (plus 2 IsotypeS)

Avena hideoi Honda, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40: 435. 1926
Japan: Honshu, Misayama in Shinano, M. Furuse, 21 May 1955 (TSM No. 1168), Topotype

Avena magna Murphy & Terrell, Science 159: 103-104. 1968
Cultivated: grown at Beltsville, MD, from seed coll. by F.J. Zillinsky 30 km SE of Tiflet, Morocco, 27 May 1964, Isotype

Avena segetalis Bianca in Nymen, Consp. Fl. Eur. 810. 1882
Cultivated: grown in botanical garden Panormitano from seed collected by Bianca, Todaro, Fl. Sicula Ex. 712, Isotype

Axonopus columbiensis Henrard, Blumea 5: 278. 1942
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 183, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Ayenia acuminata Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 56. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 358, (1898-1901), ? Isotype

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