Gagea pomeranica R. Ruthe, Verhandl. d. bot. V. d. Prov. Brandenburg 1892: 15-18. 1893
Germany: Pomerania, Gumlin und Neverow bei Swinemünde, R. Ruthe, Apr. 1893 and 94, Topotype
Gagea spathacea Salisb. var. transcarpatica Domin, Fl. Cechoslovenica ex. 221
Czechoslovakia: Rossia Subcarpatica, ad Fornos, A. Margittai, 3 May 1931, Isotype
Gagea stenopetala (Fr.) Reich. var. arvensis F. Schultz, Herb. normale. cent. 6: 566
France: Bas-Rhin, Wissembourg, F. Schultz, 15 avril 1858, Isotype
Gaillardia aristata Pursh f. monochroma Boivin, Nat. can. 87: 33. 1960
Canada: Saskatchewan, Waldheim, R.C. Russell S5121A, 1951, Holotype
Galactia fasciculata A.M. Vail, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 22; 505. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Hillsborough Co., Tampa, G.V. Nash 2480, 24 Aug. 1895, Isotype
Galactia floridana T. & G., Fl. N. Am. 1: 288. 1840
U.S.A.: Florida, Hillsborough Co., Tampa, G.V. Nash 2474, 24 Aug. 1895, Topotype
Galega patula Steven, Bull. Soc. Imp. des Nat. Mosc. 29: 140-141. 1856
U.S.S.R.: Tauria, Tofschanbazar, A. Callier (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 4235) July 1900, Topotype
Galeopsis reuteri Rchb. fil., Ic. fl. Germ. 17. 1858
ITALY: Alpes Maritimae, Tenda, Bicknell & Pollini (Fl. Ital. Ex. 2344), 20 Aug. 1914, Topotype
Galium angustifolium Nutt. ssp. nudicaule Dempster & Stebbins, Madrono 21: 94. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles Co., Cloudburst Summit, Chilao Recreation Area, Dempster & Stebbins 4236, 16 June 1966, Isotype
Galium asperrimum Gray, Mem. Acad. Art. & Sc. N.S. 4: 60-61. 1849
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, 9 miles east of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3802, 2 July 1897, Topotype
Galium catalinense Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. ed. 2, 1 pt. 2, suppl.: 445. 1886
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles Co., Santa Catalina Island, F.R. Fosberg S4418, 27 Mar. 1931, Topotype
Galium coronatum Sibth. & Sm. ssp. persicum (DC.) Ehrendorfer var. pilosum Ehrendorfer, Publication unknown
Iran: Montes Elburs centr., K.H. & F. Rechinger 287, 21 May 1937, Isotype
Galium crespianum Rodriguez, Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 7: 55. 1879
Europe: Insula Mallorca, Bianor (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 5466), July 1912, Topotype
Galium ellipticum Willd., Enum. hort. Berol., Suppl. p. 8. 1813
CORSICA: prope, Bastia, M.F. Spencer, (Dörfler, Herb. Norm. 5463), May 1914, Topotype
Galium fendleri Gray, Pl. Fendl. 60
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., 9 miles east of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3817, 7 July 1897, Topotype
Galium gilanicum Stapf., Denkschr. Acad. Wien 1: 53. 1885
Iran: Guilan Province, Lahijan, N. Lindsay 951, May-July 1936, Topotype
Galium glabrescens (Ehrend.) Demp. & Ehrend. ssp. harticum Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 333. 1965
U.S.A.: Oregon, Lake Co., Hart Mountain, Dempster & Hardham 1727, 22 June 1961, Paratype
Galium glabrescens (Ehrand.) Demp. & Ehrand. ssp. modocense Demp. & Ehrand., Brittonia 17: 333. 1965
U.S.A.: California, Modoc Co., Cedar Pass on road to Cedarville, Dempster & Hardham 1694, 18 June 1961, Paratype
Galium grayanum Ehrend., Contrib. Dudley Herb. 5: 15. 1956
U.S.A.: California, Butte-Plumas Co., summit above Jonesville, F. Ehrendorfer 5937, 22 July 1959, Topotype
Galium grayanum Ehrend. ssp. glabrescens Ehrend., Contrib. Dudley Herb. 5: 15. 1956
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., [1/2] mile SSE of Castle Lake, Ehrendorfer et al. 5963, 26 Sept. 1959, Topotype
Galium hardhamae Demp., Madrono 16: 167-168. 1962
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., headwaters of Chris Flood Creek, C.B. Hardham 6145, 17 June 1960, Paratype
Galium hypotrichium Gray ssp. ebbettsense Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 318. 1965
U.S.A.: California, Alpine Co., Sierra Nevada, ca. 0.5 mile southeast of Ebbetts Pass, F. Ehrendorfer 5920, 5 July 1959, Isotype
Galium martirense Demp. & Steb., Madrono 18: 110-113. 1965
Mexico: Baja California, Oaks Pasture, 15 miles by crooked road northeast of Meling Ranch, Dempster & Cory 3987, 3 June 1964, Isotype
Galium nuttallii Gray var. ovalifolium Demp., Brittonia 10: 183. 1958
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., Blue Slide on Van Dugen River, J.P. Tracy 6816, 10 Aug. 1924, Isotype
Galium pumilum Murr. ssp. islandicum Stern, Publication unknown
Iceland: Westmann Is., S Heimaey, H.G. Vevers, 29 June 1939, Topotype
Galium pumilum Murr. ssp. oelandicum Sterner & Hyl., Publication unknown
Sweden: Öland, Paroecia, Kastlösa, R. Sterner, 25 June 1928, Topotype
Galium scabriusculum (Ehrend.) Demp. & Ehrend. ssp. protoscabriusculum Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 312-313. 1965
U.S.A.: Utah, Carbon Co., Castle Gate, Ehrendorfer & Stutz 5954, 4 Aug. 1959, Isotype
Galium serpenticum Demp., Brittonia 11: 120. 1959
U.S.A.: Oregon, Baker Co., Burnt Creek, Dempster & Hardham 1754, 25 June 1961, Topotype
$$$Galium serpenticum Demp. ssp. scotticum Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 326. 1965
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., on road southwest of Callahan, Dempster & Hardham 1877, 3 July 1961, Isotype
Galium serpenticum Demp. ssp. warnerense Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 325. 1965
U.S.A.: Oregon, Lake Co., Albert Rim east of Lake Albert, Dempster & Hardham 1758, 27 June 1961, Paratype
Galium serpenticum Demp. ssp. wenatchicum Demp. & Ehrend., Brittonia 17: 323. 1965
U.S.A.: Washington, Kittitas Co., Wenatchee Mountains, Blewett Pass, Ehrendorfer & Kruckeberg 5961, 16 Sept. 1959, Topotype
Galium wirtgeni F. Schultz, Arch. Fl. 201
Europe: pr. Deidesheim, C.H. Schultz Dip, ? Type - Publication not Available
Gardenia mannii St. John & Kuykendall, Brittonia 6: 444-449. 1948
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Waianae Uka, Ditch trail along south fork of Kaukonahua Stream, R. Kuykendall 134, 9 Dec. 1945, Paratype
Gaultheria conzattii Camp var. mijorum Camp, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 66: 17. 1939
Mexico: Oaxaca, Zempoaltepetl, W.H. Camp 2659, 19-27 Feb. 1937, Isotype
Gaultheria fendleri Rusby, Descr. S. Am. Pl. 74. 1920
Columbia: Top of San Lorenzo Ridge, H.H. Smith 1719, 1898-1899, Isotype
Gaura calcicola Raven & Gregory
U.S.A.: Texas, Uvalde County, 16.0 miles north of Uvalde, Mosquin & Mosquin 5620, 19 May 1964, Paratype; McCulloch County, 4.5 miles southeast of Brady on road to Voca and Fredonia, Munz & Gregory 23430, 24 May 1958, Paratype
Gaura calcicola Raven & Gregory, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 23(1): 40- 42. 1972
U.S.A.: Texas, Jeff Davis Co., 3 mi. N of Ft. Davis, Munz & Gregory 23383, 20 May 1958, Paratype
Gaylussacia dumosa Torr. & Gray var. bigeloviana Fern., Rhod. 13: 99. 1911
Canada: Newfoundland, Whitbourne, Robinson & Schrenk 201, 16 Aug. 1894, Paratype
Gayophytum diffusum Torrey & Gray ssp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski
Canada: British Columbia, 29 miles southwest of Chilako Forks on road to Anahim Lake, Calder et al. 18334, 4 July 1956, Paratype
Gayophytum diffusum T. & G. ssp. parviflorum Lewis & Szweykowski, Brittonia 16: 387. 1964
Canada: British Columbia, Three miles SW of Marysville, Taylor & Ferguson 2624, 10 July 1958, Paratype
Gelonium aequorium Hce. var. hainanense Hemsl., Publication unknown
China: Hainan, H.Y. Liang 65218, 24 Feb. 1934, ? Type Collection Material
Genista corsica DC., Flore Française Suppl. 548. 1815
France: Corsica, Bastia, M.F. Spencer, 20 Feb. 1913, Topotype
Genista ovata Waldst. & Kit., Descr. et ic. pl. rar. Hung. 1: 86. 1802
Romania: Banatus, Borza et al. (Fl. Rom. Ex. 2871), 22 July 1941, Topotype
Genista saharae Coss. & Dur., Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 2: 247. 1855
Algeria: près de Mraïer, entre Biskra & Touggourt, P. Simonneau (Exsicc. B. de Retz II 4343), 2 mars 1960, Topotype
Gentiana affinis Griseb. var. major Nels. & Macbr., Bot. Gaz. 55: 376-377. 1913
U.S.A.: Nevada, Elko Co., Mountain City, Nelson & Macbride 2178, 9 Aug. 1912, Isotype
Gentiana austriaca A. & I. Kerner, Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. no. 648. 1882 [in sched.]
Austria: prope Perchtoldsdorf, Woloszczak, Isotype
Gentiana austromontana Pringle & Sharp, Rhod. 66: 402. 1964
U.S.A.: North Carolina, Roan Mtn., Pringle et al. 29372, 12 Sept. 1961, Isotype
Gentiana campestris L. var. pusilla O. Kuntze, Publication unknown
Europe: Germany, C. Reimann, Sept. 1864, ? Type Collection Material
Gentiana douglasiana Bong. f. maculata Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 634. 1967
U.S.A.: Alaska, Kenai Peninsula, 7 mi. WSW of Portage, J.A. Calder 5969, 16 July 1951, Holotype
Gentiana elegans Nelson, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 25: 276. 1898
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Albany Co., Medicine Bow Mts., A. & R.A. Nelson 968, 22 Aug. 1933, Topotype
Gentiana formosana Hayata Journ. Col. Sci. Tokyo 22: 242. 1906
Taiwan: Mt. Morrison, T.S. Liu, 23 Aug. 1949, Topotype
Gentiana gaspensis Victorin, Conrib. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montreal 20: 10. 1932
Canada: Quebec, Bonaventure Co., Bonaventure, mouth of Bonaventure River, Marie-Victorin et al. 4008, 24 Aug. 1940, Topotype
Gentiana norica A. & J. Kerner in Kern. Sched. Fl. Austro.-Hung. 6: 56. 1893
Hungary: Stiria superior, in pratis humidis ad lacum Grundlsee, A. Kerner (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 2190), Isotype
Gentiana pilosa Wettstein, Österr. botan. Zeitschr. 42: 42-43. 1892
Austria: Carthinia, a "Raibl" versus jugum "Predil" M. v. Statzer, Oct. 1894 (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 3749), Topotype
Gentiana praecox Kerner f. serotina Krist, Gent. esl. Sb. Pr. Kl. Brno. 1934
Europe: Slovakia Centr., ad ostium rivuli Kamenisty in fl. Bela, L. Filipi (Fl. ex Reip. Bohemicae Slovenicae 877), 31 July 1933, ? Isotype
Gentiana rusbyi E.L. Greene ex Kusnez., Etud. Monog. Sous-genie Eugentiana 54. 1894
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Mogollen Mts., H.H. Rusby 263, Sept. 1881, Isotype
Gentiana rhaetica A. & J. Kerner, Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. no 649. 1882 [in sched.]
Austria: Tirolia centralis, in valle Gschnitz, A. Kerner, Isotype
Gentiana sturmiana A. & J. Kerner, Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. no 647. 1882 [in sched.]
Austria: prope urbem Mautern ad Danubium, J. Kerner, Isotype
Gentiana tenella Rottb. var. occidentalis Rousseau & Raymond, Nat. can. 79: 77. 1952
Canada: Quebec, Poste de Puvungnituk, J. Rousseau 200, 16 juillet 1948, Isotype
Gentiana triflora Pallas var. japonica Hara f. montana Toyokuni & Tanaka, Publication unknown
Japan: Prov. Ishikari, Mt. Yupari, H. Toyokuni, 4 Aug. 1960, Topotype
Gentiana victorinii Fern., Rhod. 25: 87-88. 1923
Canada: Quebec, Quebec Co., Cap rouge, St. Lawrence River, Gillett & van Rens 9700, 23 Aug. 1955, Topotype
Gentiana yuparensis Takeda, Notes Bot. Gard. Edin. 8: 234. 1915
Japan: Ishikari Province, Hokkaido, on Mt. Yupari, H. Toyokuni, 19 Aug. 1957, Topotype
Gentianella detonsa G. Don. ssp. yukonensis Gillett, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 44: 215. 1957
U.S.A.: Alaska, Richardson Highway, 4 miles south of Delta Junction, Cody & Webster 5587, 28 June 1951, Holotype
Gentianella propinqua (Richards.) Gillett f. acyanea Gillett, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 44: 240. 1957
Canada: British Columbia, 9 mi. NE of Skeena Crossing, Calder et al. 15201A, 30 Aug. 1954, Holotype
Gentianella yuparensis Satake f. gigantea Toyokuni, Publication unknown
Japan: prov. Ishikari, Hokkaido, Mt. Yupari, H. Toyokuni, 31 Aug. 1958, Topotype
Gentrya racemosa Breedlove & Heckard, Brittonia 22: 21-22. 1970
Mexico: Sinaloa, Sierra Surutato, 3 miles N of Los Ornosalong road to Ocurahui, D.E. Breedlove 19200, 7 Mar. 1971, Topotype
Geranium atropurpureum Heller, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 25: 195-196. 1898
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Creek, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3723, 17 June 1897, Isotype
Geranium carolinianum L.f. albiflorum Boivin, Nat. can. 93: 1060. 1966
Canada: Ontario, Hastings Co., Point Anne, E of Belleville, W.G. Dore 20292, 15 June 1963, Holotype
Geranium monanthum Small, Fl. N. Amer. 25: 21. 1907
Mexico: Oaxaca, Zempoatepec, W.H. Camp 2624, 19-27 Feb. 1937, Topotype
Geranium pratense L. var. erianthum (DC.) Boivin f. leucanthum Boivin, Phytologia 23(1): 136. 1972
U.S.A.: Alaska, Cold Bay, W.B. Schofield 2489, 28 July 1952, Holotype
Geranium purpureum Vill. var. forsteri Wilmott, Journ. Bot. 59: 95. 1921
England: between Bognor and Littlehampton, A.J. Wilmott 919, 23 June 1919, Isotype
Geranium sphaerospermum Fernald, Rhod. 37: 298. 1935
U.S.A.: South Dakota, Deadwood, W.P. Carr 67, 19 July 1913, Paratype
Geranium toquimensis Holmgren & Holmgren
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye County, Toquima Range, Pine Creek, Middle Fork, A.H. Holmgren 7077, 4 Aug. 1947, Paratype; head of Middle Fork, Holmgren & Reveal 1523, 4 Aug. 1964, Paratype
Geranium toquimense Holmgren & Holmgren, Brittonia 26(3): 311- 313. 1974
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., Toquima Range, head of the north brand of South Fork Pine Creek, Holmgren & Reveal 1518, 3 Aug. 1964, Isotype
Gesneria onacaensis Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, 123-124. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1386 (1898-1901), ? Isotype
Geum ×catlingii Bernard & Gauthier, Nat. can. 113: 321. 1986
Canada: Quebec, Sillery, J.-P. Bernard B82-68, 20 juillet 1982, Isotype
Geum kerneri Blocki ex Bolle in Fedde Repert, Beih. 72: 77. 1933
Poland: Galizien, Blocki, 1910, Type Collection Material
Geum ×macneillii Bernard & Gauthier, Nat. can. 113: 321. 1986
Canada: Quebec, Sillery, J.-P. Bernard B82-73C, 21 juillet 1982, Isotype
Geum perincisum Rydb. var. intermedium Boivin, Phytologia 15: 355. 1967
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, A.J. Breitung 4249, 2 July 1947, Holotype
Geum ×pervale Boivin, Phytologia 15: 355. 1967
Canada: Saskatchewan Cypress Hills, A.J. Breitung 5507, 9 July 1947, Holotype
Geum pyrenaicum Willd., Sp. Pl. 2: 1115. 1800
Switzerland: Hautes-Pyrénées, paturages de Gavarnie, H. Bordère, 2 June 1889, Topotype
Geum schofieldii Calder & Taylor
Canada: British Columbia, Graham Island, Masset Inlet, head of McClinton Bay, Calder et al. 21574, 18 June 1957, Paratype; Mt. de la Touche, Fairfax Inlet, Tasu Sound, west coast of Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 23519, 16-17 Aug. 1957, Paratype
Geum schofieldii Calder & Savile, Can. J. Bot. 43: 1394. 1965
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 36144, 21 July 1964, Holotype
Geum speciosum Alboff, Bull. Herb. Bois. 1: 224. 1893
U.S.S.R.: Abchazia, distr. Gudauty, A. Kolakovsky (Fl. ex. URSS 3214), 20 July 1935, Topotype
Gilia capitata Sims ssp. pacifica Grant, Aliso 2; 305-306. 1950
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Bay near Buckspot, J.P. Tracy 2188, 11 June 1905, Paratype
Gilia chamissonis Greene, Erythea 3: 105. 1895
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco, Laurel Hill Cemetery, L.S. Rose 48123, 31 May 1948, Topotype
Gilia malior Day & Grant, Aliso 4: 484. 1964
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., Carissa Plains 2 miles south of Simmler, B. Hardham 3154, 28 Apr. 1958, Paratype
Gilia nyensis Reveal
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye County, south face of Ranier Mesa, Reveal & Holmgren 1775, 14 Aug. 1968, Paratype
Gilia nyensis Reveal, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 96: 480-483. 1969
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., Nevada Test Site, 0.5 mi. W of Buckboard Mesa (Tippipah Spring) Road to Cat Canyon, Timber Mountain, Reveal & Beatley 1048, 29 May 1968, Isotype
Gilia splendens Douglas ex Paxton ssp. australis Mason & Grant, Madrono 9: 213. 1948
U.S.A.: California, Riverside Co., Temecula Valley, H.L. Mason 3195, 2 May 1926, Isotype
Gilia tenuiflora Bentham ssp. interior Mason & Grant, Madrono 9: 217. 1948
U.S.A.: California, Kern Co., H.L. Mason 8244, 30 Mar. 1935, Topotype
Gilibertia amplifolia I.M. Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 81. 1924
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1778 1898-1901, ? Isotype
Glaux maritima L. var. angustifolia Boivin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 88: 9. 1955
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Hanna, C.L. Porter 3257, 12 July 1943, Holotype
Glaux maritima L. ssp. obtusifolia (Fern.) Boivin var. macrophylla Boivin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 88: 10. 1945
U.S.A.: Alaska, Eagle River near Juneau, J.P. Anderson 6356, 28 June 1940, Holotype
Glaux maritima L. var. rosea Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Nertschinsk, in nassen Steppen, J. Freyn, 1889, ? Type Collection Material
Gleichenia Kiushiana Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 18: 139. 1904
Japan: Kyushu, Pref. Nagasaki, Y. Kaneko, Topotype, Type Collection Material?
Glottidium floridanum DC. var. atro-rubrum Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 23: 101. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Hillsborough Co., Tampa, G.V. Nash 2415, 20 Aug. 1895, Isotype
Glyceria fernaldii (Hitchc.) St. John (G.pallida var. fernaldii Hitchc.)
U.S.A.: Maine, Piscataquis County, Foxcroft, M.L. Fernald 147, 31 Aug. 1896 - near, Topotype
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br. var. islandica Löve, Bot. Not. 1951: 237. 1951
Iceland: Arnessysla, Söloholt, A. & D. Löve A075, 14 Sept. 1949, Isotype
Glyceria ×gatineauensis Bowden
Canada: Quebec, Gatineau Park Road, 3.5 miles north of Eardley, W.M. Bowden 1-58-1, 20 June 1959, Paratype + Hortotype; Gatineau Park Road, 3.5 miles north of Eardley, W.M. Bowden 1-59-2, 20 June 1959, Paratype + Hortotype
Glyceria ×gatineauensis Bowden, Can. J. Bot. 38: 126-127. 1960
Canada: Quebec, 3.3 miles N of Eardley, Bowden & Dore 125-55, 29 June 1955, Holotype
Glyceria otisii A.S. Hitchcock, Amer. J. Bot. 21: 128-129. 1934
U.S.A.: Washington, Jefferson Co., Hoh R., C.L. Hitchcock 19891, 25 June 1953, Topotype
Glyceria ×ottawensis Bowden
Canada: Ontario, Collection plots, originally from Mer Bleu Peat Bog, Dore & Jenkins 15206, 7 July 1954, Hortotype
Glyceria ottawensis Bowden, Can. J. Bot. 38: 127. 1955
Canada: Ontario, Carleton Co., Mer Bleue, Dore & Jenkins 15206, 7 July 1954, Holotype (PLUS Isotype, and HortotypeS)
Glycine hainanensis Merr. & Chun, Lingnan Sc. Journ. 16: 194-196. 1937
China: Hainan, H.Y. Liang 65132, 22 Feb. 1934, Paratype
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. var. pubescens D. Litwinow, Sched. Herb. Fl. U.R.S.S. 2870a
U.S.S.R.: Turcomania, Farab ad fl. Amu-darja, N. Androsov, 17 May 1904, Isotype
Gnaphalium madagascariense Poir., Encyc. Meth. Bot. Suppl. 2: 804. 1811
Madagascar: Fort Dauphin, M.R. Decary 9175, 1 Oct. 1931, Topotype
Gnaphalium saxicola Fassett, Rhod. 33: 75. 1931
U.S.A.: Wisconsin, Adams Co., Coldwater Canyon, Wisconsin Dells, N.C. Fassett 20407, 17 July 1937, Topotype
Godetia cylindrica Hitchcock var. tracyi Jeps., Fl. Cal. 2: 584. 1936
U.S.A.: California, Mendocino Co. near Hopland, J.P. Tracy 9904, 8 May 1932, Paratype
Godetia quadrivulnera Spach var. davyi Jepson, Univ. Cal. Pub. Bot. 2: 341. 1907
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Point Reyes Peninsula, L.S. Rose 56134, 30 July 1956, Topotype
Gomphrena caespitosa Torr., Bot. Mex. Bound. 181. 1859
U.S.A.: New Mexico, C. Wright 1752, 1851-2, Type Collection Material
Goniphlebium pringlei Maxon, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 27: 953.t.48. 1904
Mexico: Vera Cruz, near Jalapa, C.G. Pringle 11855, 30 Nov. 1903, Isotype
Gonolobus sororius Gray ex S. Watson, Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 437. 1887
Mexico: Oaxaca, Tomellin Canyon, C.G. Pringle 4800, 31 July 1894, ? Type - Publication not Available
Gonospermum fruticosum Less., DC. Prodr. 6: 84. 1837
Canary Islands: Tenerife, E. Asplund 1150, 7/5, 1933, Topotype
Gonospermum revolutum Sch. Bip. in Webb & Berth, Phyt. Canar. 2: 292 t88
Canary Islands: Nivaria Taganana, E.R. Sventenius 85, 3 May 1957, Topotype
Gonzalagunia acutifolia Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 131-132. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 99, (1898-1901), ? Isotype
Goodyera oblongifolia Raf. var. reticulata Boivin, Can. Field- Nat. 65: 20. 1951
Canada: British Columbia, Victoria, F. Fyles, 20 Aug. 1914, Holotype
Gorodkovia jacutica Botsch. & Karav., Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 19: 109. 1959
U.S.S.R.: Jakutia, distr. Ojnjakonsk, B. Jurtzev, 22 June 1958, Topotype
Gouldia macrocarpa Hillebrand, Fl. Hawaiian Islands 170. 1888
Hawaiian Islands: Kauai, west of Kokee Stream, Degener & Cadenheads 27228, 19 Nov. 1960, Topotype
Gouldia ×St.-Johnii Fosberg, Bull. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, No. 7: 62. 1937
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Wiliwelinui Ridge, Degener et al. 19695, 27 June 1949, Topotype
Gouldia terminalis Hillebrand f. eukaala Fosberg, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Molsuleia, Dillingham Ranch, O. Degener 20621, 30 Apr. 1950, Topotype
Gouldia terminalis Hillebrand var. macrothyrsa Fosberg, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Central Makaleha Valley ridge, Degener et al. 20756, 19 Aug. 1950, Topotype
Gouldia terminalis Hillebrand var. purpurea Fosberg, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Kohala Ulakahi Valley, O. Degener et al. 20045, 27 Aug. 1949, Topotype
Grammitis oahuensis Copel., Philip. J. Sci. 80: 158. 1952
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu Island, Kipapa Gulch, T.M.C. Taylor 6267, Nov. 1960, Topotype
Grindelia perennis Nels. f. pseridopinnatifida D. Löve & Bernard, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 53: 431. 1959
Canada: Manitoba, Otterburne, J.P. Bernard 58/263, Isotype
Grossularia echinella Coville, J. Agric. Research 28: 71-72. 1924
U.S.A.: Florida, Jefferson Co., Lake Miccosukee, R.K. Godfrey 56238, 11 Mar. 1958, Topotype
Grypsocarpa hebeclada Blake, Contr. Gray Herb. 52: 35. 1917
Mexico: Hidalgo, near Tula, C.G. Pringle 13863, 20 May 1906, Isotype
Guaicum sloanei Shutt. ex Gray Pl. Wright 1: 29. 1850-52
U.S.A.: Florida, Key West, F. Rugel 68, 69, 1842-1849, Type Collection Material
Guarea smithii C.DC. Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 10: 150. 1907
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1550, 1898-1901, ? Isotype
Guarea trichilioides L. var. colombiana C.DC., Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. Genève 10: 138. 1907
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 421, 1898-1901, ? Isotype
Guettarda roupalaefolia Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 135-136. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 441 (1898-1901), ? Isotype
Gymnocarpium appalachianum Pryer & Windham, Syst. Bot. 18: 161. 1993
U.S.A.: North Carolina, Ashe Co., near summit of Bluff Mt., Bozeman et al. 10678, 9 July 1967, Paratype
Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz. ssp.parvulum Servela
Canada: Yukon, Haggert Creek near Keno Hill north of Mayo, C. Broadfoot 18, June or July of 1958 or 1959, Paratype
Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz. ssp. parvulum Sarvela, Ann. Bot. Fennici 15: 103-104. 1978
Canada: Dist. of Mackenzie, Nahanni National Park, below Virginia Falls, T. Ahti 31910, 8 July 1977, Isotype
Gymnopogon floridanus Swallen, North Amer. Flora 17: 607. 1939
U.S.A.: Florida, Clay Co., Penny Farms, J.R. Swallen 5596 (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1247), 15 Nov. 1938, Isotype
Gypsophila benscensio Rigo, Publication unknown
Europe: Verone, G. Rigo, Sept. 1911, ? Type Collection Material
Gypsophila ×castellana Pau, Bol. Soc. Arag. 15: 167. 1916
Spain: Madrid, J. Beltroin, Aug. 1912, Topotype
Gypsophila mucronifolia Rech.f., Fedde, Repert. 48: 40. 1940
Iran: Semnan, ad Sorkeh, K.H. & F. Rechinger 1793, 15 Apr. 1948, Topotype
Gypsophila pseudomelampoda Gauda & Rech.f., Fedde, Repert. 48: 39-40. 1940
Iran: Kazvin, prope Keredj, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6793, 31 Aug. 1948, Topotype
Gypsophila subaphylla Rech.f., Bot. Jahrbucher (Engler) 75: 355-356. 1951
Iran: Luristan, Bisheh, 50 km a Khorramabad orientem versus, K.H. & F. Rechinger 5770, 14-16 July 1948, Isotype
Gypsophila xanthochlora Rech.f., Bot. Jahrbucher (Engler) 75: 355. 1951
Iran: Shahrud-Bustan, montim Shahvar ad Nekarman, K.H. & F. Rechinger 5836, 20-26 July 1948, Isotype