Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO) - ( K-L )

Kadua centrathoides Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beech. Voy. 85. 1832
Hawaiian Islands: Hawaii, Degener & Degener 27608, 9 July 1961, Topotype

Kadua knudensis Hillebr., Fl. Haw. Is. 162. 1888
Hawaiian Islands: Kauai, Halemanu, O. & I. Degener 27220, 15 Nov. 1960, Topotype

Karvandarina aphylla Rech. f. Akad. Wiss., Math-Nat. 87: 198. 1950
Iran: Balucistan, inter Khash et Iranshahr, montes Karvandar, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3964, 16-17 May 1948, Isotype

Kengyilia habahenensis Baum, Yen & Yang, Plant Syst. & Ev. 174: 103-108. 1991
China: Habake, 17 km to Telike, approx. 49ºN, 86.5ºE, Yen, Yang & Baum 890939, 24 Aug. 1989, Isotype

Knautia lucana Lac. & Szabo, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. n.s. 29: 179 e tav. III. 1923
ITALY: Lucania, Pignola, O. Gavioli, (Fl. Ital. Ex. 2956), 17 June 1923, Topotype

Koeleria gracilis Pers. var. lobata Drobow, Herb. Fl. Ross 2800
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Fergana, distr. Skobelew, in jugo Alajico, W. Drobow, 14 May 1916, Isotype

Koeleria sclerophylla P. Smirn., Fedde, Repert. 30: 399-400. 1932
U.S.S.R.: Montes Shiguli ad Wolgam mediam, M. Zolotovsky, 23 June 1937, Topotype

Krynitzkia fendleri Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 268. 1885
U.S.A.: New Mexico, between Santa Fe and Canoncito, Heller & Heller 3786, 29 June 1897, Topotype

Krynitzkia fulvocanescens A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 280. 1885
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., hills at Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3517, 13 May 1897, Topotype

Kuhnia eupatorioides L. var. texana Shinners, Wrightia 1: 136. 1946
Cultivated: grown from seed collected at University Park, Dallas, Callas Co., Texas, U.S.A., L.O. Gaiser A-144, 13 Nov. 1949, Topotype

Kuhnistera pulcherrima Heller, Contr. Herb. Franklin & Marshall College 1: 50-51. 1895
U.S.A.: Texas, Kerr Co., Kerrville, A.A. Heller 1857, 14 June 1894, Isotype

Labordia tinifolia Gray var. lanaiensis Sherff, Am. Journ. Bot. 25: 583. 1938
Hawaiian Islands: Lanai, Mts. E end, B. Pauahi 281.2, June 1913, Topotype

Labordia tinifolia A. Gray var. tenuifolia Degener & Sherff, Am. Journ. Bot. 25: 583. 1938
Hawaiian Islands: Molokai, Kahuaawi Gulch, O. Degener 10272, 12 May 1928, Isotype

Laciniaria chapmanii T. & G. var. longifolia Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 106. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Tampa, G.V. Nash 2473, 24 Aug. 1895, Isotype

Lactuca tatarica (L.) C.A. Meyer var. heterophylla (Nutt.) Boivin f. stevensii Boivin, Phytologia 23: 125. 1972
U.S.A.: Minnesota, Clay Co., Felton, O.A. Stevens 2514, 10 Aug. 1961, Holotype

Lagascea helianthifolia HBK var. adenocaulis Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 38. 1907
Mexico: Michoacan, Uruapan, C.G. Pringle 13907, 24 Jan. 1909, Isotype

Lagotis glauca Gaertn, ssp. minor (Willd.) Hultén f. albifora Cody, Can. Field-Nat. 108: 94. 1994
Canada: Yukon, Ogilvie Mts., 7 miles S of Tombstone Mtn., 64°18'N 138°38'W, Cody & Ginns 34664, 16 July 1984, Holotype

Lamium album L. f. subintegrifolium Legerström, Publication unknown
Sweden: Södermanland, A.L. Legerström, 16 July 1927, ? Type Collection Material

Lamium laevigatum L. var. maculatum O. Kuntze, Publication unknown
Europe: Connewitz, O. Kuntze, July 1862, ? Type Collection Material

Lamium lovcenicum Rohl., Mem. Soc. Sc. Boheme 1933, 8: 9 (1934)
ALBANIA: Montenegro, Roblena, July 1927, Paratype

Lamium purpureum L. var. macrdontum Vestergren, Publication unknown
Sweden: Stockholm, T. Vestergren, 13 May 1923, ? Type Collection Material

Lantana svensonii Moldenke, Known Geog. Distrib. Verbenaceae & Avicenniaceae 78. 1942
PERU: Pampa de Olmos, R. Ferreyra 9095, 18 Apr. 1953, ? Topotype

Lappula anoplocarpa Greene, Ottawa Nat. 16: 39. 1902
Canada: British Columbia, Spence's Bridge, J. Fletcher 1371, 29 May 1885, Isotype

Lappula venusta Piper, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 37: 93. 1924
U.S.A.: Washington, Chelan Co., near Leavenworth in Tumwater Canyon, J.W. Thompson 11503, 18 May 1935, Topotype

Larix decidua Mill. f. tatrensis Domin, Fl. Cechoslovenica exsiccata 203
Slovakia Septentrionalis: montes Vysoké Tatry, V. Krajina, 7 Sept. 1931, Isotype

Lasiacis anomala Hitchc., Contr. U.S. Nat. herb. 22: 29-30. 1920
Trinidad: Port of Spain, A.S. Hitchcock (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 595), 27 Nov. 1912, Isotype

Lasiacis ligulata Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 18: 337. 1917
Trinidad: Port of Spain, A.S. Hitchcock 10007 (Amer. Gr. Nat. Nat. Herb. 589), 28 Nov. 1912, Isotype

Lasiacis patentiflora Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 18: 338. 1917
Trinidad: Port of Spain, A.S. Hitchcock (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 592), 27 Nov. 1912, Paratype

Lasiosiphon decaryi J. Leand., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 1929, 76. 1041. 1930
Madagascar: Ambovombe, M. Decary 8966, 2 June 1931, Topotype

Lasiosiphon hildebrandii S. Elliot, Journ. Linn. Soc. 29: 47. 1891
Madagascar: Env. Fort Dauphin-Ebakoka, M.R. Decary 10111, 12 July 1932, TOTOTYPE

Lathyrus delnorticus Hitchc., Univ. Wash. Publ. Biol. 15: 30-31. 1952
U.S.A.: California, Del Norte Co., Myrtle Creek adjacent to Smith River, C.L. Hitchcock 19100, 8 June 1949, Isotype

Lathyrus eucosmus Pursh, Rhod. 19: 160-161. 1917
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3658, 4 May 1897, Isotype

Lathyrus hapemanii Nelson, Univ. Wyoming Pub. Sci. 1: 64. 1924
U.S.A.: Nebraska, Minden, H. Hapeman, 21 May 1941, Topotype

Lathyrus hitchcockianus Barneby & Reveal, El Aliso 7(3): 362-363. 1971
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., Central bullfrog Hills, J.L. Reveal 2202, 4 May 1970, Isotype

Lathyrus rollandii Victorin & Rousseau, Contrib. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal, 36: 22. 1940
Canada: Quebec, comté de Bonaventure, Rivière Petite Cascapedia, Victorin & Rolland 49446, 25 juillet 1937, Topotype

Lathyrus venosus Muhl. var. intonsus Butters & St. John, Rhod. 19: 158. 1917
U.S.A.: West Virginia, Greenbrier Co., Kates Mountain, A.A. Heller 828, 17 May 1893, Paratype

Lathyrus zionis C.L. Hitchcock, U. Wash. Pub. Biol. 15: 36. 1952
U.S.A.: Utah, Washington Co., 10 mi. E of Zion National Park entrance, C.L. Hitchcock 19013, 30 May 1949, Isotype

Laurus canariensis Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. iii: 229. 1846
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Taganana, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. Sel. Can. 27), 21 Feb. 1944, Topotype

Lavandula buchii Webb. & Berth., Phyt. Canr. 3: 58. 1844
Canary Islands: Tenerife, inter San Andrés et Igneste, E. Asplund 1176, 9 May 1933, Topotype

Lavandula canariensis Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8 n. 4
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Valle de Oratava, Puerto de la Cruz, E. Asplund 504, 22 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Lavandula multifida L. var. canariensis Ktze., Publication unknown
Canary Islands: Nivaria, P. to Cruz, Montaneta de la Horca, E.R. Sventenius 164, 11 Mar. 1949, Topotype

Lavandula pinnata L.f., Diss. Lav. 55
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Bajamas, E. Asplund 792, 12 Apr. 1933, Topotype

Lavandula stoechas L. var. lampaiana Roz., Publication unknown
Spain: Tras-o-Montes, Vidago, Braun-Blanquet et al. 2909, 19 May 1916, ? Type Collection Material

Lavatera acerifolia Cav., Anal. Cienc. Nat. 6: 339. 1803
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Buenavista, E. Asplund 1013, 30 Apr. 1933, Topotype

Layia ziegleri Munz, Suppl. Calif. Fl. 149. 1968
U.S.A.: California, Riverside Co., San Jacinto Mts., between Mountain Center and Keen Camp Summit, L.B. Ziegler, 10 June 1966, Isotype

Leontodon helveticus Mérat, Ann. Sc. Nat. Sér. I, 22: 108-109. 1831
Switzerland: Curvuletum, sur l'arête séparant le Val Muragl du Val Champagna (Grisons), C. Favarger, 27 July 1950, Topotype

Lepechiniella balchaschensis M. Pop., Spisok Rast. Herb. Fl. URSS 12: 50. 1953
U.S.S.R.: Kasahstania, Lac. Balchasch, M. Popov, 15 June 1934, Isotype

Lepidium barnebyanum Reveal, Great Basin Nat. 27: 178-179. 1967
U.S.A.: Utah, Duchesne Co., Indian Creek Canyon 3.5 mi. SW of Duchesne, Reveal & Reveal 848, 1 July 1967, Paratype and Topotype

Lepidium densiflorum Schrader var. macrocarpum Mulligan
Canada: Saskatchewan, District de Swift Current, Webb, 7 milles du nord, Boivin et al. 12005, 11 juin 1958, Paratype; Saskatchewan Landing, Russell S58099, 2 Aug. 1958, Paratype; Alberta, District de Riviere-la-Paix, Canyon Creek, Boivin & Perron 12744, 28 juillet 1958, Paratype; District de Lethbridge, Boivin & Perron 12166, 22 juin 1958, Paratype; District de Medicine Hat, Lost River Canyon, 7 milles au sud de la station Expérimental de Manyberries, Boivin & Alex 9561, 29 juin 1952, Paratype; British Columbia, Kamloops District, Tranquille, H. Groh 246, 21 July 1939, Paratype; Cache Creek, Mulligan & Woodbury 1617, 12 July 1955, Paratype; Hat Creek Valley, Marble Mts., Thompson & Thompson 221, 26 June 1938, Paratype; Yahk, Bassett & Cumming 3988, 27 Aug. 1958, Paratype; Cecil Lake, F. Mertens 12, 8 July 1958, Paratype

Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. var. macrocarpum Mulligan, Madrono 16: 86. 1961
Canada: Alberta, Lethbridge, Boivin et al. 12197, 23 June 1958, Holotype

Lepidium draba L. var. stenopetalum Domin, Domin & Krajina, Fl. Cech. ex. 165
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bohemia centralis prope urbem Praha, J. Rohlena, 11 June 1929, Isotype

Lepidium fletcheri Rydb., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34: 428. 1907
Canada: Manitoba, Winnipeg, J. Fletcher, 12 July 1905, Isotype

Lepidium montanum Nutt. f. wyomingense C.L. Hitchc., Madrono 3: 304. 1936
U.S.A.: Wyoming, 5 mi. W of Laramie, Rollins & Beetle 2397, 27 June 1938, Topotype

Lepidospartum squamatum Gray var. obtectum Jepson, Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 1159. 1925.
U.S.A.: California, Riverside Co., Whitewater Wash, C.B. Wolf 2452, 14 Oct. 1932, Topotype

Leptolaena pauciflora Baker, J. Linn. Soc. 20: 96. 1894
Madagascar: Foret d'Ambohitantely, M.R. Decary 7473, 12 Mar. 1930, Topotype

Leptoloma arenicola Swallen, Contr. Texas Res. Found. 1: 1. 1950
U.S.A.: Texas, Kennedy Co., 8/ miles S of Sarita, C.L. Lundell 14963, 24 April 1949, Topotype, ? Isotype

Leptomeria acida R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 1: 353. 1810
Australia: Port Jackson R. Brown, 1802-5, Type Collection Material

Leptospermum attenuatum Sm. var. subsessile C.T. White, Publication unknown
Australia: Traverston, mouth of Burrum River, C.T. White 6353, 6 Oct. 1929, ? Type Collection Material

Leptotaenia anomala Coulter & Rose, Revision of North American Umbelliferae 53. 1888
U.S.A.: California, Amador Co., Carbondale, Constance et al. 3622, 30 March 1956, Topotype

Leptotaenia watsoni Coulter & Rose, Revision of north American Umbelliferae 52. 1888
U.S.A.: Washington, Chelan Co., Wenatchee Mts., Stuart Ridge, J.W. Thompson 11553, 14 Aug. 1935, Topotype

Lepturus pilgerianus Hansen & Potztal, Bot. Jahrb. 76: 268. 1954
Phoenix Islands: Canton Island, Degener & Degener 24619, 14 Feb. 1958, Topotype

Lespedeza neo-tomentosa Hiyama, Publication unknown
Japan: Kanagawa Pref., Hiratsuka City, T. Makino, 13 June 1933, ? Type Collection Material

Lespedeza nikkoensis Nakai, Lespedeza of Japan & Korea 49. 1927
Japan: Hondo, Nikko in Shimotsuke, H. Kubota (Nat. Sc. Museum No. 336), 7 Sept. 1951, Topotype

Lesquerella alpina (Nutt.) S. Wats. var. intermedia S. Wats., Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 251. 1888
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3516, 13 May 1897, Topotype

Lesquerella arenosa (Richards.) Rydb. var. argillosa Rollins & Shaw, The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America 178. 1973
U.S.A.: South Dakota, Fall River Co., 4 mi. W of Hot Springs, Mulligan & Mosquin 2799, 22 June 1973, Paratype

Lesquerella bernardina Munz, Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 31: 62. 1932
U.S.A.: California, San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino Mts., A.J. Breitung 15474, 10 June 1953, Topotype

Lesquerella calderi Mulligan & Porsild, Can. J. Bot. 47: 215. 1969
Canada: Yukon Territory, Ogilvie Mts., Cathedral Rocks, Calder & Gillett 26016, 29 June 1960, Holotype

Lesquerella douglasii Wats., Proc. Amer. Acad. 23: 225. 1888
U.S.A.: Oregon, Gillam Co., above Columbia R., 10 mi. W of Arlington, J.W. Thompson 11327, 13 Apr. 1935, Topotype

Lesquerella hitchcockii Munz, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 56: 163. 1929
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., I.W. Clokey 5478, 8 Aug. 1935 and 16 July 1936, Topotype

Lesquerella hitchcockii Munz. ssp. confluens Maguire & Holmgren
U.S.A.: Nevada, Quinn Canyon Range, Upper Cherry Creek, Maguire & Holmgren 25590, 23 June 1945, Paratype

Lesquerella hitchcockii Munz ssp. confluens Maguire & Holmgren, Madrono 11: 174. 1951
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., N of Cherry Creek Pass, Maguire & Holmgren 25534, 20 June 1945, Isotype

Lesquerella kingii var. nevadensis Maguire & Holmgren, Madrono 11: 182-183. 1951
U.S.A.: Nevada, Nye Co., 3 mi. E of Reese River Ranger Station, Toiyabe Range, Maguire & Holmgren 25418, 14 June 1945, Isotype

Lesquerella multiceps Maguire, Amer. Midl. Nat. 27: 465. 1942
U.S.A.: Utah, Cache Co., Bear River Range, Tony Grove, B. Maguire 21563, 27 June 1942, Topotype

Lesquerella perforata Rollins, Rhod. 54: 190. 1952
U.S.A.: Tennessee, Wilson Co., Lebanon, R.C. Rollins 5306, 29 Mar. 1953, Topotype

Lesquerella stonensis Rollins, Rhod. 57: 255. 1955
U.S.A.: Tennessee, Rutherford Co., Stone R., A.J. Sharp 25620, 11 Apr. 1959, Topotype

Lessingia arachnoides Greene, Leafl. Bot. Osbs. & Crit. 2: 29. 1910
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo Co., San Mateo Canyon, L.S. Rose 41434, 6 Sept. 1941, Topotype

Lessingia germanorum Cham., Linnaea 4: 203. 1829
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco, L.S. Rose 41435 (Pl. Ex. Gray 1191), 9 Sept. 1941, Topotype

Lessingia micradenia Greene, Leafl. Bot. Obs. Crit. 2: 28. 1910
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., 4 mi. W of Fairfax, L.S. Rose 49151, 6 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Leucophae canariensis Webb & Berth. var. pannosa Christ., Publication unknown
Canary Islands: Nivaria, inter Erxo et Valle Santiago, E.R. Sventenius 167, 31 Apr. 1949, ? Type Collection Material

Leucosceptrum stellipilum Kitam. & Murata var. tosaense (Makino) Kitam. & Murata, Publication unknown
Japan: Shikoku Prov., Ehime Pref., T. Makino, 1923, ? Type Collection Material

Leuzea rhaponticoides Graells, Mem. Acad. Cienc. Madrid 2: 468. 1859
Spain: Castilla, Hoyo casero, Gros, 22 July 1924, Topotype

Levenhookia pulcherrima S. Carlquist, Aliso 7(1): 62-64. 1969
Australia: Western Australia, above the Phillips River just east of the bridge, Ongerup-Ravensthorpe Highway, S. Carlquist 4027, 8 Nov. 1967, Isotype

Leymus salinus (M.E. Jones), A. Löve ssp. mojavensis, Barkworth & Atkins, Am. Jour. Bot. 71(5): 621. 1984
U.S.A.: California, San Bernadino Co., Keystone Canyon, east side of New York Mountains, Barkworth et al. 4336, 11 Sept. 1983, Topotype

Liabum biattenuatum Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 159. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2013 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Liabum falcatum Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 161. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2012 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Liatris bracteata Gaiser, Rhod. 48: 371. 1946
U.S.A.: Texas, 15 mi. N of Houston, R.G. Reeves 152, Oct. 1936, ? Isotype

×Liatris creditonensis L.O. Gaiser, Rhodora 48: 409. 1946
Canada: Ontario, grown in Crediton garden, L.O. Gaiser 52 seedling, 24 Aug. 1938, Hortotype

Liatris ×creditonensis Gaiser, Rhod. 48: 409. 1946
Cultivated: Canada, Ontario, Huron Co., Crediton, L.O. Gaiser, 24 Aug. 1938, Hortotype

Libyella maroccana Maire, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 21: 76. 1930
Morocco: près de Rabat, J. Vindt 3386, 21 Feb. 1950, Topotype

Licuala concinna Burret, Jour. Arn. Arb. 20: 187. 1939
PAPUA: Palmer River, L.J. Brass 6894, June 1936, Isotype

Ligusticum calderi Mathias & Constance, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 86: 374. 1959
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, below Mt. de la Touche, Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 23546, 16-17 Aug. 1957, Holotype

Ligusticum pyrenaeum Gouan, Illustr. 14 t. 7. 1773
Spain: Pyrenees orientales, Mont Louis, G. Vidal, 1 juillet 1892, Topotype

Ligusticum pyrenaicum Gow. var. carnosulum Port. & Rig., Publication unknown
Spain: Prov. Almeria, Sierra de Maria, Porta et Rigo 205, 29 July 1895, ? Type Collection Material

Ligusticum simulans Coult. & Rose, U.S. Dept. Agr. Contrib. Nat. Herb. 7: 138. 1900
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Albany Co., Woods Creek, A. Nelson 8031, 7 Aug. 1900, Topotype

Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk. var. pacificum Mizushima, Publication unknown
Japan: Honshu, Ins. Hachijo in Izu Prov., J. Yokoyama, 14 June 1954, Topotype

Lilaeopsis occidentalis Coult. & Rose, Bot. Gaz. 24: 48. 1897
U.S.A.: Oregon, Tillamook Bay, T.J. Howell, July 1882, Isotype

Lilium canadense L. f. duplex Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 647. 1967
Canada: Québec, cté Champlain, St.-Proper, A. Gagnon, 17 juillet 1957, Holotype

Lilium jankae Kerner, Oesterr. bot. Zeitsch. 27: 402. 1877
Austria: Transsilvania, Verespatak, Csato (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 680), Topotype

Lilium pensylvanicum Ker-Gawl. f. praecox Vrishcz, Publication unknown
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Primorje, distr. Anuczinck, D. Vrishcz (Fl. Ex. U.S.S.R. 4961), 12 June 1967, ? Type Collection Material

Lilium wigginsii Beane & Vollmer, Contrib. Dudley Herb. 4: 355. 1955
U.S.A.: California, Siskyou Co., Siskyou Mts., Beane & Vollmer 1266, 16 July 1954, Isotype

Limnanthes bakeri J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 206. 1943
U.S.A.: California, 1.5 mi. N of Willits, L.S. Rose 54009, 24 Apr. 1954, Topotype

Limnanthes liniflora (Benth.) Greene var. vallicola Jepson, Man. Pl. Calif. 803. 1925
U.S.A.: California, Kern Co., Lerdo, Bakersfield plain, W.L. Jepson 17,343, 1 May 1935, Topotype

Limnanthes macounii Trelease, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 85. 1888
Canada: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Victoria, Calder & MacKay 28504, 25 Apr. 1961, Topotype

Linaria cirrhosa Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol. Part 2: 689. 1809
CORSICA: Bonifacio, J. Stefani, 25 juin 1903, Topotype

Linaria filifolia Lagasca & Segura, Genera et Species Plantarum Novae 19. 1816
Spain: Madrid, Caroli Pau, 17 May 1897, Topotype

Linaria michauxii Chav. ssp. robusta Rech. f., Publication unknown
Iran: Balucistan, in ditione montis Taftan prope Sangon, K.H. & F. Rechinger 4066, 19 May 1948, Isotype

Linaria scoparia Brouss. & Spreng., System vegetabilum 2: 789. 1825
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Montes de los Guires, E. Asplund 446, 20 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Linum australe Heller, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 25: 627. 1898
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fé, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3724, 17 June 1897, Isotype

Linum baicalense Juz., Flora U.R.S.S. 14: 715. 1949
U.S.S.R.: Lac Baical, M. Popov, 29 Aug. 1955 (Fl. ex. U.R.S.S. 4035), Topotype

Linum bicarpellatum Sharsmith, Madrono 8: 143. 1945
U.S.A.: California, Lake Co., 3.8 miles east of Middletown, L.S. Rose 11782, 31 May 1947, Topotype

Linum congestum Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 6: 521. 1865
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Tiburon Peninsula, H.L. Mason 12289, 20 May 1940, Topotype

Linum dolmiticum Borbas, Termeszettud. Közlöny p. 208-209. 1897
Hungary: Szent-Ivany, Degen (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 3617), Topotype

Linum goulimyi Rech. f., Anz. Österr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-Nat. 93: 96. 1956
Greece: Euboea, K.H. Rechinger 16564, 25 May 1955, Isotype

Linum lasiocarpum Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 274. 1909
Mexico: Nuevo Leon, near Monterey, C.G. Pringle 10209, 15 Apr. 1906, Isotype

Linum lepagei Boivin
KEEWATIN: Akimiski Island, James Bay, Dutilly & Lepage 15563, 22 July 1946, Paratype

Linum lepagei Boivin, Nat. can. 75: 219. 1948
Canada: Ontario, 45 milles au nord d'Attawapiskat, Dutilly & Lepage 15786, 20-30 julliet 1946, Holotype

Linum leptopoda A. Nels., Bot. Gaz. 47: 426. 1909
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., 1 mile southwest of Las Vegas, I.W. Clokey 5974, 20 May 1942, Topotype

Linum rigidum Pursh puberulum Engelm. in A. Gray, Pl. Wright 1: 25. 1852
U.S.A.: New Mexico, ninteen miles west of Santa Fé, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3635, 31 May 1897, Topotype

Linum tommasinii Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. et Helv. 6: 66 t. 337 f. 5156a. 1844
Austria: montis Spaccato, Marchesetti (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 489), Topotype

Lipochaeta dubia Sherff & Degener, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. 17: 580. 1939
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Puu Hapapa, Degener et al. 12285, 2 Aug. 1939, Isotype

Lipochaeta kamolensis Degener & Sherf., Amer. J. Bot. 38: 63. 1951
Hawaiian Islands: East Maui, Kamole Gulch, Gegener et al. 19288, 21 Dec. 1948, Isotype

Lipochaeta lobata DC. var. leptophylla Degener & Sherff, Bot. Gaz. 95: 92. 1933
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, northeast slope of Puu Hopapa, Degener et al. 12287, 2 Apr. 1939, Topotype

Lippia dulcis Trev., Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. 13: 187-188. 1826
CUBA: five miles above Mantanzas, F. Rugel 58, 1849, Topotype

Listera borealis Morong, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20: 31. 1893
Canada: District of Mackenzie, Fort Smith, Cody & Loan 3888, 19 June 1950, Topotype

Lithospermum helianthemoides Shuttl., in DC. Prod. 10: 85. 1846
U.S.A.: Alabama, Sunmerville, Rugel, Oct. 1843, ? Isotype

Lithospermum oblongifolium Greenman, Proc. Amer. Acad. 32: 300. 1897
Mexico: Cima de Ajusco, C.G. Pringle 15624, 17 July 1908, Topotype

Litsea alveolata Allen, J. Arn. Arb. 23: 121-122. 1942
Dutch New Guinea: Lake Habbema, L.J. Brass 9559, Aug. 1938, Isotype

Litsea pringlei Bartlett, Proc. Am. Acad. 44: 598. 1909
Mexico: Nuevo Leon, Sierra Madre above Monterey, C.G. Pringle 10238, 8 Mar. 1906, Isotype

Lloydia serotina (L.) Rchb. ssp. flava Calder & Taylor
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Graham Island, Empire Anchorage, Athlow Bay, Calder & Savile 21483, 13 June 1957, Paratype; mountain at head of McClinton Bay, Masset Inlet, Calder et al. 21583, 18 June 1957, Paratype; end of Dawson Inlet off Skidegate Channel, Calder et al. 22863, 24 July 1957, Paratype; east side of Shields Bay, Rennell Sound, Calder & Taylor 23292, 8 Aug. 1957, Paratype; 3 miles SW of Jalun Lakes, Calder & Taylor 35646, 1 July 1964, Paratype; north end of Long Arm, Calder & Taylor 35990, 15 July 1964, Paratype; Moresby Island, south side of Buck Chaatl Island, Calder et al. 21769, 25 June 1957, Paratype; Newcombe Peak at head of Cumshewa Inlet, Calder et al. 2003, 30 June 1957, Paratype; head of Bigsby Inlet opposite Lyell Island, Calder et al. 22169, 5-6 July 1957, Paratype; small lake immediately west of Bigsby Inlet, east coast of Moresby Island, Calder et al. 34884, 10 June 1964, Paratype; Echo Harbour off Darwin Sound, east coast of Moresby Island, Calder et al. 22375, 9 July 1957, Paratype; about 20 miles south of Moresby Logging Camp, 52°55'N 132°03'W, Calder et al. 23107, 29 July-2 Aug. 1957, Paratype; Mt. de la Touche, Fairfax Inlet, Tasu Sound, Calder & Taylor 23564, 16-17 Aug. 1957, Paratype; mountain at west end of Mosquito Lake, Calder & Taylor 23755, 24 Aug. 1957, Paratype; head of Anna Inlet west of Lockeport, Calder et al. 34920, 11 June 1964, Paratype; Upper Victoria Lake, Calder & Taylor 35715, 5 July 1964, Paratype; west end of south arm of Kootenay Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36163, 21 July 1964, Paratype; north side of Sunday Inlet east of narrows, Calder & Taylor 36615, 5 Aug. 1964, Paratype

Lloydia serotina (L.) Rchb. ssp. flava Calder & Taylor, Can. J. Bot. 43: 1392. 1965
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 36266, 25-30 July 1964, Holotype

Lobelia cardinalis L. ssp. meridionalis Bowden
U.S.A.: Florida, Marion County, about 7 miles east of Ocala, Bowden Cyt. Numbers 99-54-56 & 96-54-512, grown in Ottawa greenhouse from seed collected at type locality

Lobelia cardinalis L. var. meridionalis Bowden, Can. Journ. Genet. & Cytol. 2: 241. 1960
U.S.A.: Florida, Marion Co., 7 mi. E of Ocala and 1 mi. E of Silver Springs, Bowden & Gillett 99-54, 3 Sept. 1954, Holotype

Lobelia pringlei S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 25: 157. 1890
Mexico: Nuevo Leon, near Monterey, C.G. Pringle 13744, 7 Apr. 1906, Topotype

Lobelia puberula Michx., Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 152
U.S.A.: Louisiana, Alexandria, Hale, ? Paratype

Lobelia puberula Michx. var. mineolana E. Wim, Fedde, Rep. Spec. Nov. 26: 4. 1929
U.S.A.: Texas, Wood Co., Mineola, Reverchon, 23 June 1908, Holotype (fragment)

Lobelia reverchoni Turner, Field & Lab. 18: 46. 1950
U.S.A.: Texas, Freestone Co., 14.5 mi. south of Fairfield, B.L. Turner 1594, 2 Oct. 1949, Paratype

Lobelia ×rogersii Bowden, Can. J. Bot. 39. 1688. 1961
Cultivated: Central Expr. Farm, Ottawa, Ont., W.M. Bowden X-949- 56, 4 Jan. 1954, Holotype

Lobelia spicata Lam. var. campanulata McVaugh, Rhod. 38: 316. 1936
U.S.A.: New York, Kinderhook, R. McVaugh 5111, 7 July 1940, Topotype

Loeflingia squarrosa Nutt. ssp. artemisiarum Barn. & Twiss., Madrono 20: 406. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Inyo Co., Owens Valley, E.C. Twisselmann 15537, 22 May 1969, Paratype

Lolium dorei Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 525. 1967
Canada: Saskatchewan, Rutland, Boivin & Alex 9837, 14 juillet 1952, Holotype

Lolium dorei Boivin var. laeve Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 525. 1967
Canada: Saskatchewan, Sturgis, Boivin & Mosquin 10885 (pro parte), 11 juillet 1955, Holotype

Lomatium raveni Const., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 86: 379-380. 1959
U.S.A.: California, Lassen Co., 0.5 mile north of Ravendale, Mosquin & Raven 4390, 28 May 1962, Topotype

Lomatium tracyi Mathias & Constance, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 69: 154. 1942
U.S.A.: California, Trinity Co., Mary Blaine Mt., J.P. Tracey 14462, 3 Aug. 1935, Paratype

Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) E. Fries ssp. tenuifolium (Griseb.) A.E. Porsild f. albiflorum Porsild, Nat. Mus. Can. Pub. Bot. 4: 54. 1994
Canada: Yukon, Dempster Hwy., Km 142, 65°02'N 138°11'W, W.J. Cody 27927, 17 July 1980, Topotype

Lonicera hirsuta Eaton var. schindleri Boivin, Phytologia 16: 38. 1968
Canada: Quebec, versant sud de la baie James, rivière Nottaway, Dutilly & Lepage 35179, 1 août 1957, Paratype; Ontario, Algoma District, Sault Ste. Marie, 47°00'N 84°45'W, Taylor et al. 1192, 9 July 1935, Paratype: Lake Superior, Mamainse Point, Bartlett & Richards 464, 12 Sept. 1951, Paratype; Thunder Bay District, Crooks Township, 1 mile north of Little Pigeon Bay, C.E. Garton 1831, 12 July 1952, Paratype

Lonicera hirsuta Eaton var. schindleri Boivin, Phytologia 16(1): 38. 1968
Canada: Manitoba, Réserve Forestière Whiteshell, Lac Falcon, Boivin et al. 13058, 24 juin 1959, Holotype

Lopatherum sinense Rendle f. leiophyllum T. Koyama, J. Jap. Bot. 31: 70. 1956
Japan: Yukyuzan, Nagaoka, Prov. Yechigo, I. Ito, Aug. 1955, Isotype

Lopezia ciliatula Raven, Plitmann & Breedlove, Ann. Missouri Bot. Club 59: 279-280. 1972
Mexico: Sierra Surutato, Sinaloa, Cañon de Tatahumares, D.F. Breedlove 15921, 27 Feb. 1968, Isotype

Lopezia pringlei Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 12: 300. 1909
Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, C.G. Pringle 6005, 25 Sept. 1894, Isotype

Lopezia racemosa Cav. ssp. moelchenensis Plitmann, Breedlove & Raven, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 60: 547. 1973
Mexico: Chiapas, Moel Ch'en near Tenejapa Center, D.E. Breedlove 7794, 30 Nov. 1964, Isotype

Lophiola septentrionalis Fernald, Rhod. 23: 243. 1921
Canada: Nova Scotia, Tiddville, Little River, Fernald & Fernald (Pl. ex. Gray 541), 5 Sept. 1932, Topotype

Lotus biolettii Greene var. spiralis Hoover, Leafl. West. Bot. 10(16): 346-347. 1966
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., Oak Park District, R.F. Hoover 6198, 28 June 1946, Isotype

Lotus campylocladus Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. 2: 83. 1842-1850
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Las Canadas, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. Sel. Can. 47), 27 Apr. 1964, Topotype

Lotus conimbricensis Brotero, Flora Lusitanica 2: 118. 1804
Spain: Coimbra, prope Quintas das-sete-fontes, W. Rothmaler, 15 June 1936, Topotype

Lotus douglasii Greene var. congestus Ottley, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 10: 225-226. 1923
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., Klamath River, H.P. Chandler 1487, June 1901, Paratype

Lotus laricus Rech. f. & Allen, Engler Bot. Jahr. 75: 333-4. 1951
Iran: Inter Hajiabad prope Tarum et Parabedin Rechinger et al. 3327, 29 Apr. 1948, Isotype

Lotus mascaënsis Burchard, Fedde Repert. Nov. Sp. 7: 328. 1909
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Masca, E.L. Sventenius (Fl. Sel. Canariensis 48), 1 May 1957, Topotype

Lotus scoparius (Nutt.) Ottley var. perplexans Hoover, Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 348. 1966
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., Malpaso Creek, R.F. Hoover 9486, 11 July 1965, Isotype

Lotus sessilifolius DC., Cat. Hort. Monsp. 122
Canary Islands: Tenerife, E. Asplund 428, 20 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Loxopterygium gutierrezii F. Barkley, Lloydia 25: 121. 1962
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 911, 1898-1901, Isotype

Loysia aloysioides Loes. & Moldenki, Phytologia 2: 9. 1941
PERU: Lima, cerros al Norte de Chosica, Weberbauer, Apr. 1923, Topotype

Lozanella trematoides Greenm., Proc. Am. Acad. 41: 236-237. 1906
Mexico: Hidalgo, Barranca below Honey Station, C.G. Pringle 10817, 17 June 1908, Topotype

Ludwigia ravenii Peng., Syst. Bot. 9: 129. 1984
U.S.A.: South Carolina, Berkeley Co., W of Moncks Corner, Ching-I Peng 4402, 9 Sept. 1982, Isotype

Luina serpentina Cronq., Vasc. Pl. Pac. N.W. 5: 257-258. 1955
U.S.A.: Oregon, Grant Co., Fields Creek, 17 miles SE of Dayville, A. Cronquist 7620, 26 July 1953, Isotype

Lupinus argenteus Pursh f. albiflorus Boivin, Nat. can. 87:38. 1960
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, Maple Creek, A.J. Breitung 4981, 22 July 1947, Holotype

Lupinus amphibius Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 13. 1923
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Columbia River at Bingen, W. Suksdorf 7154, 19 Sept. 1910, Isotype

Lupinus arcticus S. Wats. forma albus Cody
Canada: Yukon, about 15 miles on 60 Mile Road from West Dawson, Calder & Billard 3750, 11 July 1949, Paratype

Lupinus aridus Dougl. in Edwards, Bot. Req. t. 1242. 1829
U.S.A.: Washington, Kittitas Co., near Vantage, J.W. Thompson 11441, 11 May 1935, Topotype

Lupinus bingenensis Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 12. 1923
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, W. Suksdorf 5036, 12 June 1905, Isotype

Lupinus bingenensis Suksdorf var. roseus Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 24. 1927
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen Mountain, W. Suksdorf 11855, 5 May 1925, Isotype

Lupinus bingenensis Suksdorf var. subsaccatus Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 13. 1923
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., W. Suksdorf 11405, 25 May, 10 May 1924, Isotype

Lupinus christinae Heller, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 279. 1940
U.S.A.: California, Shasta Co., Lassen Volcanic National Park, L.S. Rose 55137, 18 July 1955, Topotype

Lupinus corymbosus Heller, Muhlenbergia 2: 69. 1905
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., Montague, A.A. Heller 14607, 9 June 1928, Topotype

Lupinus eximius Davy, Erythea 3: 116. 1895
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo Co., Crystal Springs Lake, Eastwood & Howell 6077, 26 June 1938, Topotype

Lupinus hintonii Smith, Species Lupinorum 63. 1938
Mexico: Crucero to Raices, G.B. Hinton 9019, 25 Apr. 1936, Paratype

Lupinus humicola Nelson, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 204. 1898
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Albany Co., Laramie Hills, E.B. Payson 4755, 18 May 1925, Topotype

Lupinus kuschei Eastw., Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 170. 1942
Canada: Yukon Territory, Carcross, W.J. Cody 25601, 13 June 1980, Topotype

Lupinus leucophyllus Dougl. var. belliaeC.P. Smith, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 51: 305. 1924
U.S.A.: Idaho, Power Co., Crystal Creek, M.B. Zundel, 10 Sept. 1914, Isotype

Lupinus sericeus Pursh f. leucanthus Boivin, Phytologia 15: 365. 1967
Canada: Alberta, Montagne de Lait, 10 milles au sud ouest de Milk River, Boivin & Alex 9501, 26 juin 1952, Holotype

Lupinus sierrae-blancae Wooton & Standley, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 138. 1913
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Sierra Blanca, W.W. Eggleston 18854, 30 July 1923, Topotype

Lupinus tracyi Eastw., Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 268. 1940
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., Trinity Summit, J. Tracy 10598, 15 July 1932, Isotype

Lupinus violaceus Heller, Muhlenbergia 2: 65. 1905
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., A.A. Heller 14371, 14 May 1927, Topotype

Lupinus volcanicus Greene, Pittonia 3: 308. 1898
U.S.A.: Washington, Pierce Co., Mt. Rainier, J.W. Thompson 12570, 14 Aug. 1935, Topotype

Luzula campestris (L.) DC. var. acadiensis Fernald, Rhod. 19: 38-39. 1917
Canada: Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Fernald & St. John, 30 June 1914 (Pl. ex. Gray 190), Paratype

Luzula canariensis Poir., Encycl. meth. Suppl. 3: 532. 1813
Spain: Canary Islands, Nivaria, Las Mercedes, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. sel. canariensis 99), 13 Apr. 1947, Topotype

Luzula chilensis Nees & Meyer f. frequentor Barros, Darwiniana 10: 321. 1953
Argentina: Chubut, Coreovado, A. Krapovickas 4014, 2-1-1. 1948, Paratype

Luzula groenlandica Böcher, Med. om Gron. 147(7): 18. 1950
Greenland: Sondre Stromfjord, T.W. Böcher 856, 28 Aug. 1946, Topotype

Luzula hawaiiensis Buchenau, Krit. Vers. Junc. 54, 85. 1880
Hawaiian Islands: Kanai, O. & I. Degener 23852, 7 Sept. 1955, Topotype

Luzula saltuensis Fernald, Rhod. 5: 195. 1903
U.S.A.: Maine, Orono, M.L. Fernald (Pl. ex. Gray 85) 14 May 1902, Type Collection Material (2 Sheets)

Lychnis alpina L. var. oelandica Alhq., Publication unknown
Sweden: Vickleby, B. Boivin et al. 6989, 3 juillet, 1950, Topotype

Lychnis apetala L. var. nutans Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 5. 1951
Canada: Dist. of Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbor, W.J. Cody 1341, 16 July 1948, Holotype

Lychnis apetala L. f. palea Polunin, Contr. Gray Herb. 165: 97. 1947
Canada: Dist. of Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbor, W.J. Cody 1334, 15 July 1948, Topotype

Lychnis drummondii Watson var. heterochroma Boivin, Phytologia 16: 319.168
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Medicine Bow Mts. near Keystone, C.L. Porter 4650, 14 July 1948, Holotype

Lychnis gillettii Boivin
Canada: Manitoba, Fort Churchill, 57º45'N 94º05'W, J.M. Gillett 1917, 30 June 1948, Paratype; same locality, J.M. Gillett 2099, 15 July 1948, Paratype; same locality, E. Beckett 3794, 10 July 1946, Paratype

Lychnis gillettii Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 6. 1951
Canada: Manitoba, Fort Churchill, J.M. Gillett 2418, 5 Aug. 1948, Holotype

Lychnis ×loveae Boivin, Nat. can. 93: 643. 1966
Canada: Alberta, Lethbridge, Boivin & Perron 12174, 22 juin 1958, Holotype

Lychnis mexicana Rose, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 5: 141. 1897
Mexico: La Cima de Ajusco, C.G. Pringle 13774, 2 Aug. 1906, Topotype

Lychnis nivalis Kit. apud Schult., Osterr. Fl. ed. 2. I: 698. 1814
Hungary: Beszterce-Noszod; Unoko supra pag. Radna-Borberek, L. Haynald (Fl. Hung. ex. IX 937), 26 July 1860, Topotype

Lynchis sorensensis Boivin
GREENLAND: Home Foreland, Red River, 73º53'N 21º00'W, T. Sorensen 4446, 26 July 1933, Paratype; Skaerfjord: Cape Amelie, 77º32'N 19º20'W, T. Sorensen 2352, 12 Aug. 1933, Paratype; Clavering Island: Granatdal, 74º10'N 21º34'W, T. Sorensen 4445, 20 July 1933, Paratype; The northernmost Fame Island, 70º50'N 22º30'W, T. Sorensen 386, 8 July 1933, Paratype; Clavering Island: Hird Bay, 74º10'N 20º30'W, T. Sorensen 4439, 23 July 1933, Paratype; Skaerfjord: C.F.Mourier Fjord, 77º25'N 20º15'W, T. Sorensen 2319 and 2321, 15 Aug. 1933, Paratype; Clavering Island: Eskimonaes, 74º06'N 21º20'W, T. Sorensen 4470, 4482 and 4485, 16 July 1933, Paratype; Germania Land: Danmarkshavn, 76º46'N 18º46'W, T. Sorensen 2307, Paratype; Skaerfjord: north side of Klaegbugt, 77º40'N 20º54'W, T. Sorensen 2337, 2338, 13 Aug. 1933, Paratype; Gael Hamke Bay: Terneskaer, 73º55'N 21º00'W, T. Sorensen 4428, 4437, 26 July 1933, Paratype; Clavering Island: Granatelv, 74º10'N 21º34'W, T. Sorensen 4453,4457, 4463, 19 July 1933, Paratype; Liverpool Land, east side of Hurry Inlet, Kalkal, 70º50'N 22º20'W, T. Sorensen 394, 395, 396, 390, 10 July-9 Aug. 1933, Paratype

Lychnis sorensensis Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 6. 1951
Greenland: Liverpool Land, T. Sorensen 359a, 10 July 1933, Holotype

Lycium chilense Miers var. o'donellii Barkl., Lilloa 26: 231-232. 1953
Argentina: Puerto Madryn, C.A. O'Donell 3226, 24 Oct. 1945, Paratype

Lycium torreyi Gray var. filiforme Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. ser. 2, 5: 714. 1895
U.S.A.: Arizona, Beaverdam, M.E. Jones 5015, 5 Apr. 1894, Isotype

Lycopodium alpinum L. var. thellungii W. Herter, Schinz und Keller, Fl. der Schweiz III Aufl. I. 14. 1909
Switzerland: Zentralalp, A. Thellung, (Fl. Raetica Exsiccata 901) 10 Aug. 1905, Topotype

Lycopodium annotinum L. var. annotinum f. proliferum Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 37. 1957
Canada: Quebec, ïle Wood Harbour, 52º33'N 78º47'W, E. Lepage 33,074, 26 juillet 1955, Isotype

Lycopodium complanatum L. var. gartonis Boivin
Canada: District of Mackenzie, Fort Simpson, Cody & Matte 9171, 4 Aug. 1955, Paratype; Ontario: Thunder Bay District, Hardwick Twp., Gravel Lakes, C.E. Garton 1651, 25 Aug. 1951, Paratype; Saskatchewan: District of Melfort, Candle Lake, 5 miles au sud, Boivin, Greenwood & Mosquin 10754, 5 juillet 1955, Paratype; Candle Lake, Boivin & Breitung 6277, 29 June 1949, Paratype; Candle Lake, Boivin & Mosquin 11464, 20 août 1955, Paratype; Fort a La Corne, Boivin & Breitung 6126, 21 June 1949, Paratype; Vicinity of Wolverine Point, Lake Athabasca, H.M. Raup 6797, 3 Aug. 1935, Paratype

Lycopodium complanatum L. var. gartonis Boivin, Nat. can. 87: 38. 1960
Canada: Ontario, Thunder Bay Dist., Robbins Twp., 1 mile north of Arrow River, C.E. Garton 2457, 10 Oct. 1954, Holotype

Lycopodium douglasii Hook. & Grev., Monogr. Lyc. II: 92. 1850
U.S.A.: Oregon, Multnomah Co., Multnomah Falls, J.W. Thompson 11368, 18 Apr. 1935, Topotype

Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd. var. sitchense (Rupr.) Fern. f. decipiens Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 89. 1957
Canada: Quebec, lac Duncan, 53º35'N 77º55'W, Dutilly & Lepage 34,141, 7 août 1956, Isotype

Lycopodium sabinaefolium Willd. var. superfertile Marie-Victorin, Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montreal 3: 43. 1925
Canada: Quebec, co. Port-Neuf, St-Raymond (Petit-Saguenay) Marie-Victorin et al. 56115, 2 août 1943, Topotype

Lycoseris oblongifolius Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 162-163. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 661 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Lysiloma bahamensis Benth. in Hooker, London J. Bot. 3: 82-83. 1844
Bahamas: New Providence, along Farrington Rd., W of Nassau, Webster et al. 10600, 23 July 1960, Topotype

Lysimachia commixta Fern., Rhod. 52: 199. 1950
Canada: Quebec, Co. de Chambly, Iles de Boucherville, Victorin & Germain 44155, 30 août 1931, Paratype

Lysimachia hilldebrandii Hook. f., Proc. Am. Acad. 5: 328-329. 1861-62
Hawaiian Islands: W Maui, Olowalu Valley, C.N. Forbes 2368, 14 May 1920, Topotype

Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP. f. florifera Boivin
Canada: Newfoundland, 6 miles north of Tompkins, I.J. Bassett 749, 12 Aug. 1949, Paratype; Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Savayard, M. Le Hors s.n., 5 août 1931, Paratype; Nova Scotia, Sable Island, H.T. Gussow s.n., Sept. 1911, Paratype; Antigonish County, Copper Lake, near Lochaber, E. Gorham s.n., 25 July 1946, Paratype; Colchester County, Bible Hill near Truro, A.R. Prince 1587, 9 July 1930, Paratype; Truro, F.Fyles s.n., 24 July 1915, Paratype; Lunenburg County, Chester, M.N. Zinck 1183, Paratype; Queens County, Port Mouton, R.J. Baylis s.n., 20 July 1939, Paratype; Prince Edward Island, Keefis Lake, H. Groh s.n., 26 July 1926, PARATPE; New Brunswick, Sunbury County, Fredericton, H. Groh s.n., 16 July 1926, Paratype; near Fredericton, C. McKenny 30, 4 Aug. 1939, Paratype; co. de Berthier, Lavaltrie, C. Marcoux s.n., 17 juillet 1940, Paratype; Brome County, north of Brome Lake, J.A. Calder 1218, 27 July 1947, Paratype; Gatineau County, Blue Sea Lake near Burbidge, H.A. Senn 2217, 6 Sept. 1943, Paratype; Aylmer, J.A. Hayes s.n., 4 July ___, Paratype; Aylmer, H.A. Senn 920, 20 Sept. 1938, Paratype; Wakefield, H.A. Senn 1495, 1937, 9 July 1939, & 16 July 1941, ParatypeS; Lac Johnson, Senn et al. 128, 28 June 1940, Paratype; Lac Philippe, Minshall & Zinck 189, 267 & 308, 1, 6 Aug. 1949, ParatypeS; Saint-Roch-des-Aulnaies, H. Groh s.n., 12 July 1926, Paratype; Montmagny, Grosse-Ile, St. Lawrence River, R.P. Hanson 353, 1 July 1944, Paratype; Papineau County, Templeton, J.A. Calder M-116, 27 July 1946, Paratype; Lac des Loups, Senn et al. 917, 16 July 1941, Paratype; Quebec, Lorette, F. Fyles s.n., 20 Aug. 1913, Paratype; Ontario, Algoma District, Michipicoten Harbour, Hosie et al. 2031, 2 Aug. 1938, Paratype; Ingolf, W.N. Denike 343, 394, 545, 1291, 8 July, 5 July, 15 July 1939, 1 Aug. 1940, ParatypeS; Carleton County, Shirley Bay, Calder & Cody 976, 6 July 1947, Paratype; Ottawa, C. Frankton 884, 6 July 1949, Paratype; Goulbourn Twp., Soper et al. 3203,25 June 1946, Paratype; Torbolton Twp., MacLaren Warf, Soper & Minshall 2871, 1 Aug. 1945, Paratype; Torbolton Twp., H.S. Senn 1952, 10 July 1941, Paratype; North Gower, I.J. Bassett 73, 15 July 1948, Paratype; Constance Bay, W.H. Minshall s.n., 30 June 1938, Paratype; Torbolton Twp., Senn et al. 953, 10 July 1942, Paratype; Brittania, R.A. Inglis s.n., 30 July 1916, Paratype; New Orchard Beach, R.A. Inglis s.n.., 1 July 1920, Paratype; Lanark County, Beckwith Twp., Senn et al. 62,602, 3 July 1941, Paratype; Lambton County, Ipperwash Beach Park, Soper & Burcher 2261, 21 July 1940, Paratype; Muskoka County, Milford Bay, W.H. Minshall 3069, 24 June 1942, Paratype; Nipissing County, south of Mattawa, Frankton & Bibbey 585, 14 Aug. 1947, Paratype; Lac Nipissing, Victorin et al. 46393, 2 août 1932, Paratype; Norfolk County, Lake Erie, Turkey Point, J.H. Soper 271, 30 June 1938, Paratype; Parry Sound County, Franklin Island, M. Cordingly s.n., 9 July 1946, Paratype; Chinook Island, F.D. McDonald 35, 11 July 1942, Paratype; Prescott County, Hawksbury, Minshall 1474, 27 July 1939, Paratype; Renfrew County, 35 miles southeast of Mattawa, Bassett et al. 175, 19 Sept. 1948, Paratype; Castleford, W.H. Minshall 3593, 29 July 1945, Paratype; Deux-Rivières, Mulligan & Dore 578, 4 Aug. 1949, Paratype; Waterloo County, Grand River near Doon, F.H. Mongomery 294, 2 July 1939, Paratype; Manitoba, Sasaginnizak Lake, A.J. Breitung 7635, 8 July 1949, Paratype; Caddy Lake, W. Leach 332, July 1939, Paratype; Winnipeg, W.N Denike 153, 1 July 1940, Paratype
U.S.A.: Indiana, Jasper County, Jasper-Pulaski Game Preserve, R.C. Friesner 22269, 17 July 1948, Paratype; Maine, Waldo County, Meguticook Lake, R.C. Friesner 10238, 10 August 1936, Paratype; Massachussets, Amherst, W.P. Brooks s.n.. 30 June 1874, Paratype; Michigan, northwest of Oscoda, G.A. Loughridge 2400, 16 July 1944, Paratype; New Jersey, Burlington County, west of Warren Grove, Lawrence & Dress 291, 20 June 1948, Paratype; New York, Cold Spring-on-Hudson, I.K. McMorine s.n., 21 July 1894, Paratype

Lysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP. f. florifera Boivin, Nat. can. 87(2): 40. 1960
Canada: Ontario, Kiministiquia River, C.E. Garton 1237, 4 Aug. 1950, Holotype

Lythrum flagellare Shuttlw. ex. Koehne, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 1: 321. 1881; ex Nieuw. Am. Midl. Nat. 3: 268. 1914
U.S.A.: Florida, Braidentown, S.M. Tracy 7594, 20 July 1901, Type Collection Material

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