Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO) - ( N )

Nama dichotoma Ruiz & Pav. var. angustifolia A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 284. 1870
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3846, 13 July 1897, Topotype

Navarretia fossalis Moran, Madrono 24: 155-156. 1977
Mexico: Baja California, 2 km NW of Ejido Ruben Jaramillo, R. Moran 23503, 5 June 1976, Paratype

Navarretia plieantha H.L. Mason, Madrono 8: 199-200. 1946
U.S.A.: California, Lake Co., Bogg's Lake at north end on the slope of a depression Northwest base of Mt. Hanna, M.S. Baker 11527, 5 July 1946, Topotype

Nectandra amplifolia Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants p. 20. 1920
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1763 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Nectandra smithii Allen, J. Arn. Arb. 26: 370. 1945
Panama: Campana to Chica, Cerro Campana, P.H. Allen 2652, 10 Aug. 1941, Paratype

Nelsonia campestris R.Br., Prodr. 472. 1810
Australia: Carpentaria, R. Brown, 1802-5, ? Isotype

Nemastylis latifolia Weatherby, Proc. Amer. Acad. 45: 423. 1910
Mexico: Iguala, C.G. Pringle 10391, 29 July 1907, Isotype

Nemopanthus mucronata (L.) Trel. var. chrysocarpa Farwell, Rhod. 42: 307. 1940
U.S.A.: Michigan, Houghton Co., Rice Lake, O.A. Farwell 12140, 3 Sept. 1940, Isotype

Neoparrya lithophila Mathias, Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 16: 393. 1929
U.S.A.: Colorado, Huerfano Co., NE of Dike Mt., W.A. Weber 10571, 29 June 1957, Topotype

Neowuwraea phyllanthoides Rock, Indig. Trees Hawaiian Islands 243. 1913
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, southeast slope of Puu Hapaka, O. Degener 12341, 21 May 1939, Topotype

Nepenthes macrovulgaris Turnbull & Middleton, J. Linn. Soc. 96(4): 352-353. 1988
Malaysia: Sabah, Mt. Silam, Turnvull & Middleton 81166f, 1 June 1981, Isotype

Nepenthes madagascarensis Poir., Lamark, Encycl. 4: 459
Madagascar: Soanierana, M.R. Decary, 16 Oct. 1932, Topotype

Nepeta teydea Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. 3: 85. t 65
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Las Canadas, E.R. Sventenius 70, 24 Apr. 1944, Topotype

Nepeta teydea Webb & Berth. var. albiflorus Svent., Publication unknown
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Las Canadas, E.R. Sventenius 71, 17 Apr. 1944 & 23 June 1946, ? Type Collection Material

Neraudia angulata Cowan var. dentata Degener & Cowan, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, ¼ mi. N of Puu Kaua, R.S. Cowan 836, 29 Feb. 1948, Topotype

Neraudia melastomaefolia Gaud. var. uncinata Cowan, Publication unknown
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Koolau Range, R.S. Cowan 646, 29 June 1947, Topotype

Nicodemia madagascariensis R.N. Parker in Forest Fl. Punjab ed. 2, 357. 1924
Madagascar: Zampolletra d'Ankozobe M.R. Decary 14364, 17 July 1939, Topotype

Nigromnia globosa Carolin, Nuytsia 1: 292-293. 1974
Australia: West Australia, 25 miles north of Mingenew on a road which departs from the Mingenew-Mullewa highway, S. Carlquist 3945, 29 Oct. 1967, Paratype

Nissolia montana Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 8: 48. 1903
Mexico: near Iguala, C.G. Pringle 10393, 29 July 1907, Topotype

Nitrophila mohavensis Munz & Roos, El Aliso 3: 112. 1955
U.S.A.: California, Inyo Co., 3 mi. NE of Death Valley, J.C. Roos 6194, 18 July 1954, Paratype

Nolina brittoniana Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 158-159. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., G.V. Nash 459, 16-30 Apr. 1894, Type Collection Material

Notelaea excelsa Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. 3: 163. 1845
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Taganana, E.R. Sventenius 77, 2 Feb. 1947, Topotype

Nothofagus crenata Steenis, Blumea 7: 147. 1952
New Guinea: Bele River, 18 km NE of Lake Habbema, L.J. Brass 11335, Nov. 1938, Isotype

Notholaena schaffneri Underw. var. mexicana Davenport, Bot. Gaz. 16: 53-54. 1891; Gard. & Fr. 4: 519. 1891
Mexico: near Guadalajara, C.G. Pringle 11789, 16 Oct. 1903, Topotype

Nuphar intermedium Ledeb. f. chlorocephalum Roemer, Bot. Zeit. 13: 168. 1907
Germany: Pommerania, Belgard, F. Roemer (Dorfler Herb. Norm. 5410) June & July 1912, Topotype

Nuphar intermedium Ledebour f. luteocephalum Roemer, Dörfler, Herbarium Normale 5409
Germany: Pommerania, Belgard, F. Roemer, June & July 1912, Isotype

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