Ulex erinaceus Welw. ex Webb, Otia Hispanica 44. 1839
Spain: Baetica, Cabo de Gata, Gros, 9 March 1921, Topotype
Ulex provincialis Lois. in Desvaux, Journ. Bot. 2: 361. 1809
France: Var, Fort Ste-Marguerite à Toulon, J. Bouchard (Soc. Fr. ex. pl. vasc. 2964), 21 février 1953, Topotype
Ulmus densa Litw. var. bubyriana Litw., Herb. fl. Ross. 2444.
U.S.S.R.: Turkestania, in urbe Samarkand, 5 Mar. 1913, Isotype
Urera sandwicensis Wedd., Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. 4, 1: 178. 1854
Hawaiian Islands: Kilauea, Bird Park, St. John et al. 11258, 22 Dec. 1931, Topotype
Urvillea biternata Weatherby, Proc. Amer. Acad. 45: 425-426. 1910
Mexico: Guerrero, Iguala Canyon, C.G. Pringle 10380, 24 July 1907, Isotype
Utricularia floridana Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 105-106. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1970, 16-30 June 1895, Isotype
Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. var. integrifolium Lepage, Nat. can. 58: 350. 1951
Canada: Quebec, entre Fort George et la Baie aux Oies, Baie James, 53º54'N 79º07'W, E. Lepage 12635, 7 août 1950, Isotype
Vaccinium boreale Hall & Aalders, Amer. J. Bot. 48: 200. 1961
Canada: Newfoundland, Avondale, I.V. Hall s.n., 22 Sept. 1955, Holotype
Vaccinium dominans Sleumer, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 71: 268. 1941
Dutch New Guinea: Mt. Wilkelmina, L.J. Brass 9422, 1938, Isotype
Vaccinium Koreanum Nakai in Mori, Enum. Pl. Cor. 280. 1922
Korea: Mt. Chiisan, J. Ohwi 7174, June 1935, Topotype
Vaccinium maderense Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. 1: 375. 1821
Portugal: Madeira, Pico Arrieiro et Poizo, J. Bornmüller 915, 14 Apr. 1900, Topotype
Vaccinium oxycoccus L. f. obovatum Lepage, Nat. Can. 81: 259. 1954
Canada: Ontario, Attawapiskat, Lepage & Duman 31752, 29 août 1953, Isotype
Vaccinium reticulatum Smith in Rees, Cycolopaedia 36: n. 30. 1819
Hawaiian Islands: Mauna Kea, near Puce Oo, Degener et al. 20350, 23 Aug. 1949, Topotype
Vaccinium yakushimanse Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 14: 22. 1910
Japan: Island of Yakushima, Kagoshima Pref., T. Makino 102782, Sept. 1909, ? Isotype
Vaccinium yatabei Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 141-142. 1901
Japan: Nikko, Nikko City, Tochigi Pref., T. Makino 102784, July 1922, Topotype
Valeriana Columbiana Piper, Bot. Gaz. 22: 489-490. 1896
U.S.A.: Washington, Kittitas Co., Wenatchee Mts. near Liberty, J.W. Thompson 11576, 8 June 1935, Topotype
Vallesia macrocarpa Hillebr., Fl. Haw. Is. 297. 1888
Hawaiian Islands: Oahu, Mokuleia, O. Degener 20625, 30 Apr. 1950, Topotype
Vandellia anagallis Yamazaki var. verbenaefolia Yamazaki, Publication unknown
Japan: Hiroshima Pref., Mt. Mitaki, T. Makino 33076, 26 Oct. 1940, ? Type Collection Material
Ventilago leptadina Tul., Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. IV 8: 124. 1857
Madagascar: Ambilobe, M. Decary, Topotype
Verbena aurantiaca Speg. f. rosea Moldenke, Phytologia 5: 342. 1956
Argentina: Chabut, Comodoro Rivadavia, Z.M. Pueblo de Colonia Sarmianto, R. Leal 14704, 17 Dec. 1952, Topotype
Verbesina cinerascens Rob. & Greenman, Proc. Am. Acad. 34: 555. 1899
Mexico: Jalisco, barranca of Guadalajara, C.G. Pringle 11601, 16 Oct. 1903, Topotype
Verbesina Columbiana Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 47: 211, 1911
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 671, 1898-1901, ? Isotype
Verbesina gracilipes Robinson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 31: 269. 1904
Mexico: Puebla, near Tehuacan, C.G. Pringle 8582, 1 Aug. 1901, Isotype
Verbesina molinaria Rob. & Greenman, Proc. Am. Acad. 34: 553. 1899
Mexico: Morelos, above Cuernavaca, C.G. Pringle 9990, 20 Nov. 1902, Topotype
Verbesina sphaerocephala Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 428. 1887
Mexico: Jalisco, near Guadalajara, C.G. Pringle 11605, 27 Sept. 1903, Topotype
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. var. terra Farwell, Papers Mich. Acad. Sci. 26: 19. 1941
U.S.A.: Michigan, Wayne Co., Northville, O.A. Farwell 9105, 22 June 1932, Lectotype/span> (DUPL.)
Veronica anagalloides Gussone var. glabricaulis Lonatschewskij, Dörfler Herb. Norm. 5501
U.S.S.R.: prope "Tschertoroj", A. Lonatschewskij, July 1911, Isotype
Veronica angalloides Gussone var. hirsuticaulis Lonatschewskij, Dörfler Herb. Norm. 5500
U.S.S.R.: prope "Tschertoroj", A. Lonatschewskij, July 1911, Isotype
Veronica bordzilowskii Juz., Spisok Rast. Herb. Fl. U.R.S.S. 11: 149. 1949
U.S.S.R.: Tauria, Supra opp. Jalta, K. Golde, 15 June 1905 (fl. fr.) 3 July 1906 (fr.), Isotype
Veronica californica Moldenke, Known Geographic Distribution of Members of Verbenaceae and Avicenniaceae 79. 1942
U.S.A.: California, Tuolumne Co., one and one-half miles southwest of Chinese Camp, Topotype
Veronica crinita Kitaibel in Schultes, Oesterr. Flora Ed. II 1: 26. 1814
Austria: Transsilvania occidentalis, ad Déva in valle fluvii Maros, Simkovics s.n., (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 921), Topotype
Veronica didyma Tenore var. lilacina Yamazaki, Publication unknown
Japan: Kanagawa Pref., Manazuru-cho, Ashigarashimo-gun, T. Makino, 1940, ? Type Collection Material
Veronica morrisonicola Hayata, Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 25, Art. 19: 174. 1908
Taiwan: Mt. Morrison, T.S. Liu, 23 Aug. 1949, Topotype
Veronica peregrina L. var. laurentiana Vict. & Rouss., Contr. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal 36: 46. 1940
Canada: Quebec, Grosse Ile, Victorin et al. 40,099, 30 juillet 1935, Paratype
Veronica scutellata L. f. alba Boivin, Nat. can. 79: 175. 1952
Canada: Manitoba, Sasaginnigak, A.J. Breitung 7641, 8 July 1949, Holotype
Veronica serpyllifolia L. var. decipiens Boivin
Canada: Alberta, Waterton National Park, Wall Lake Road, J.J. Sexsmith 30, 15 July 1937, Paratype; Cameron Lake Road, J.J. Sexsmith 67, 15 July 1937, Paratype; British Columbia, Comox, H. Groh s.n., 3 Oct 1930, Paratype; The Gorge, J. Fletcher s.n., 20 April 1885, Paratype
U.S.A.: Idaho, Nez Perces County, about Lake Waha, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3165, 3-4 June 1896, Paratype; Washington, Mt. Baker, G.F. Ledingham 49-548, 9 Aug. 1949, Paratype
Veronica serpyllifolia L. var. decipiens Boivin, Nat. can. 79: 176. 1952
Canada: Saskatchewan, Cypress Hills, A.J. Breitung 4357, 5 July 1947, Holotype
Viburnum caudatum Greenm., Proc. Amer. Acad. 41: 250
Mexico: Hidalgo, Barranca below Trinidad Iron Works, C.G. Pringle 10037, 21 Aug. 1905, ? Type - Publication not Available
Viburnum cuneifolium Bartlett, Proc. Amer. Acad. 44: 635. 1909
Mexico: Sierra Madre, near Monterey, C.G. Pringle 10234, 27 Mar. 1906, ? Type - Publication not Available
Viburnum rigidum Vent., Jard. Malm. 98. 1803
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Valle Orotava, E.R. Sventenius 81, Topotype
Viburnum rugosum Pers., Synopsis Plantarum 1: 326. 1805
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Valle de Orotava, E. Asplund 177, 9 Mar. 1933, Topotype
Vicia amoena Led. var. angusta Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Dahuria, Nertschinsk, F. Karo, (Plantae Dahuricae 168c), 1889, ? Type Collection Material
Vicia amoena Led. var. elliptica Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Dahuria, Nertschinsk, F. Karo, (Plantae Dahuricae 168a), 1889, ? Type Collection Material
Vicia amoena Fisch. var. macrophylla D. Litwinow, Sched. Herb. Fl. URSS 2872
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Krasnojarsk, Minusinsk, N. Martjanov, 5 Aug. 1903, Isotype
Vicia amoena Led. var. oblonga Freyn, Publication unknown
Europe: Dahuria, Nertschinsk, F. Karo, (Plantae Dahuricae 168b), 1889, ? Type Collection Material
Vicia hybrida L. var. albiflora Gavelle, Publication unknown
France: Mt. Boron, Gavelle, 21 avril 1968, ? Type Collection Material
Vicia lutea L. var. laevigata Boissier sous-var. violascens Gavelle, Publication unknown
France: St. Vallier, Gavelle, 22 mai 1966, ? Type Collection Material
Vicia washingtonensis Suksdorf, West. Am. Sci. 15: 59. 1906
U.S.A.: Washington, W. Klickitat Co., near Bingen, W.N. Suksdorf 2643, 21 May 1900, Isotype
Viguiera morelensis Greenman, Proc. Am. Acad. 40: 40-41. 1904
Mexico: Morelos, Barranca near Cuernaraca, C.G. Pringle 10825, 30 Oct. 1908, Topotype
Viguieria mucronata Blake, Proc. Amer. Acad. 54: 103. 1918
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 517, 1898-1901, ? Type - Publication not Available
Viola adunca J.E. Smith f. albiflora Vict. & Rousseau, Contrib. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal 36: 20. 1940
Canada: Quebec, Ile-aux-Basques, R. Cayouette 8033, 14 juin 1966, Topotype
Viola andersonii Greene, Pittonia 4: 287. 1901
Canada: British Columbia, Thetis Lake, J.R. Anderson, 28 Apr. 1900, Isotype (2 sheets)
Viola beckwithii T. & G. ssp. glabrata Baker, Madrono 12: 18. 1953
U.S.A.: California, Lassen Co., west of Tredouyer Pass, M.S. Baker 12423, 23 May 1952, Paratype
Viola biflora L. ssp. carlottae Calder & Taylor
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Graham Island, mountain at head of McClinton Bay at head of Masset Inlet, Calder et al. 21575, 18 June 1957, Paratype; between Ells Point and Mercer Point, west Skidegate Channel, Calder et al. 22924, 25 July 1957, Paratype; Rennell Sound, east side of Shields Bay, Calder et al. 23293, 8 Aug. 1957, Paratype; about 3 miles SW of Jalun Lake and 11½ miles west of head of Naden Harbour, Calder & Taylor 35645, 1 July 1964, Paratype; Moresby Island, Newcombe Peak at head of Cumshewa Inlet, Calder et al. 22005, 30 June 1957, Paratype; north end of Long Arm, Calder & Taylor 35977, 15 July 1964, Paratype; Echo Harbour off Darwin Sound, Calder et al. 22379, 9 July 1957, Paratype; about 2 miles south of Moresby Logging Camp, 52°55'N 132°03'W, Calder et al. 23060A, 23121, 29 July-2 Aug. 1957, ParatypeS; west of Mosquito Lake, head of Cushewa Inlet area, Calder et al. 23761, 24 Aug. 1957, Paratype; small lake immediately west of head of Bigsby Inlet, Calder et al. 34893, Paratype; head of Anna Inlet, west of Lockeport, Calder et al. 34924, 11 June 1964, Paratype; head of Pallant Creek below Mount Moresby west of Cumshewa Inlet, Calder & Taylor 35320, 21 June 1964, Paratype; about 3 miles west of head of Cumshewa Inlet below north face of the Mt. Moresby, Calder & Taylor 36402, 31 July 1964, Paratype; upper Victoria Lake, Calder & Taylor 35711, 5 July 1964, Paratype; south end of Kootenay Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36165, 21 July 1964, Paratype; mountain above west end of Mosquito Lake, Calder & Taylor 36449, 1 Aug. 1964, Paratype; north side of Sunday Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36608, 5 Aug. 1964, Paratype
Viola biflora L. ssp. carlottae Calder & Taylor, Can. J. Bot. 43: 1395. 1965
Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 36306, 25-30 July 1964, Holotype
Viola californica Baker, Madrono 12: 13. 1953
U.S.A.: California, Trinity Co., South Fork Mountain, M.S. Baker 11492, 14 June 1946, Isotype
Viola cardaminaefolia Greene, Pittonia 4: 289-290. 1901
Canada: Quebec, Aylmer, J. Fletcher, 6 June 1901, Topotype
Viola charlestonensis Baker & Clausen, Madrono 8: 58. 1945
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., south of Deer Creek, I.W. Clokey 7501, 23 May 1937, Isotype
Viola cheIranthifolia Humb. & Bonpl., Pl. Aequinoct 1: 111, t 32. 1808
Canary Islands: Tenerife, Pico del Teyde, E. Asplund, 21 Apr. 1933, Topotype
Viola conspersa var. masonii Farwell, Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 19: 248. 1918
U.S.A.: Michigan, Macomb Co., Utica, O.A. Farwell 4163, 6 June 1916, ISOLectotype/span>
Viola corsica Nym., Sylloge Florae Europaea 228. 1855
France: Corsica, Bastia, M.F. Spencer, 5 May 1913, Topotype
Viola crenulata Greene, Pittonia 4: 295. 1901
U.S.A.: New York, Onondaga Co., Jamesville, H.D. House, 1 June 1901, Isotype
Viola dicksonii Greene, Pittonia 4: 65. 1901
Canada: Ontario, Wentworth Co., Hamilton, J. Fletcher, 12 May 1903, Topotype
Viola euboea (Hal.) Hal., Publication unknown
Greece: Euboea, Montes Ocha, K.H. Rechinger 16260, 22-23 June 1955, Topotype
Viola eugeniae Parlatore, Plantarum Italicarum species duae novae, in Nuovo Giornale Botanico 7: 68. 1875
Italy: Aprutii, G. Rigo, (Herb. Norm. ed. Dörfler 4312), July & Aug. 1899, Topotype
Viola fletcheri Greene, Pittonia 4: 296. 1899-1901
Canada: Ontario, Beachwood, Ottawa, J. Fletcher s.n., 3 June 1902, Holotype
Viola fletcheri Greene, Pittonia 4: 296. 1901
Canada: Ontario, Ottawa, J. Fletcher, 7/6/1904, Topotype (grown from seed from type locality)
Viola glabella Nutt. var. remotifolia Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 26. 1927
U.S.A.: Washington, Scamania Co., Cape Horn, W. Suksdorf 10396, 29 Apr., 27 May 1920, Isotype
Viola gracilescens Jord. var. unicolor Bardère, Publication unknown
Europe: Sougue (?), Bardère, June 1869, ? Type Collection Material
Viola haynaldi Wiesb. in Baenitz, Herb. Eur. n. 3133 & 3443
Austria: in colle Eichkogel prope oppidum Mödling, P.J. Wiesbaur, 13 Apr., 29 May 1881 (F. Schultz Herb. Norm., nov. ser. Cent. 20, 1931), ? Type Collection Material
Viola hondoensis Becker & Boiss., Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. II, 8: 739. 1908
Japan: Hondo, Kanazawa in Kaga, N. Satomi, (TNS. No. 1292), 12 Apr. 1956, Topotype
Viola insignis K. Richter, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wein 38: 220. 1886
Austria: Gloggnitz, K. Richter, 27 Apr. & 17 Aug. 1889, Topotype
Viola jooi Janka, Oesterr. botan. Wochenblatt 7: 198. 1857
Hungary: Transsilvania prope Kolozsvar, Gulyas & Papai, June 1906 (Dörfler Herb. Norm. 5231), Topotype
Viola maderensis Lowe, Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 4: 36. 1831
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Aguamansa, E.R. Sventenius 36, 19 Dec. 1945, Topotype
Viola mauiensis Mann. var. kohalana Rock, College of Hawaii Pub. Bull. 1: 5. 1911
Hawaiian Islands: Kokala Mts., J.F. Rock 8385, 21 June 1910, Isotype
Viola minor Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 26: 151. 1912
Japan: Kochi Pref., Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun, T. Makino, 1885, ? Type - Publication not Available
Viola mulfordae Pollard, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15: 203. 1902
U.S.A.: New York, transplanted from Hempstead Plains, E. Brainerd, 23 Aug. 1910, Topotype
Viola nephrophylla Greene f. bicolor Boivin, Nat. can. 87: 49. 1960
Canada: Quebec, Papineau Co., Templeton Parish, Conc. XI, Lot 17, J.A. Calder M-11, 25 May 1946, Holotype
Viola oreocallis Greene, Pittonia 4: 288. 1901
Canada: British Columbia, Mill Hill, J.R. Anderson, 29 Apr. 1900, Holotype
Viola parnassifolia Greene, Pittonia 5: 32. 1902
U.S.A.: California, Plumas Co., Darlingtonia Bog, Howell et al. 1912, 12 June 1967, Topotype
Viola pedatifida ×sororia Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 40: 253. 1913
U.S.A.: Illinois, Galva, V.H. Chase 1954, (transplanted to Middlebury, Vt.), 16 May 1909, E. Brainerd 122, 14 Sept. 1910, Isotype
Viola pedunculata T. & G. ssp. tenuifolia Baker & Clausen, Madrono 10: 127. 1949
U.S.A.: California, San Benito Co., 4 miles east of Pinacles Lodge on Hwy. to Tres Pinos, M.S. Baker 9267, 4 Apr. 1939, Isotype
Viola polychroma Kerner, Schedae ad floram exsiccatam Austro.- Hung. 2:89. 1882
Austria: Salisburgia al Juvaviam, Eysn, Isotype
Viola praemorsa Dougl. in Baker, Brittonia 9: 223-224. 1957
U.S.A.: Washington, South Tacoma, M.S. Baker 9634, Apr. 1940, Lectotype/span>
Viola praemorsa Dougl. ssp. arida Baker & Clausen, Brittonia 9: 227. 1957
U.S.A.: Oregon, Klamath Falls, M.S. Baker 11462 (fl), 12086 (fr), 1949, Isotype
Viola praemorsa Dougl. ssp. oregona Baker & Clausen, Brittonia 9: 228. 1957
U.S.A.: Oregon, Hy 66 - 20.5 miles from Klamath Falls toward Medford, M.S. Baker 8662, 30 May 1937, Isotype
Viola purpurea Kellogg in Baker, Madrono 10: 112. 1949
U.S.A.: California, Tehama Co., 2 miles below Payne Creek, M.S. Baker 8655, 15 May 1937, Lectotype/span>
Viola russellii Boivin
Canada: Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, R.C. Russell s.n., 17 May 1935, Paratype; Alberta, Pincher Creek, 23 June 1902, Paratype; British Columbia, Keremeos, J. Bostock s.n., May 1924, Paratype; Bridesville, H. Groh s.n., 2 June 1931, Paratype
U.S.A.: Montana, eight miles north of Kalispel, J. Grove s.n., 23 May 1930, Paratype
Viola russellii Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 22. 1951
Canada: Saskatchewan, Duval, Last Mountain, Russell & Sallans, 13 May 1942, Holotype
Viola senamiana Nakai, Journ. Jap. Bot. 15: 405. 1939
Japan: Hondo, Senami in Yechigo, M. & S. Togasi, 3 May 1952, (NSM No. 462), Topotype
Viola skofitziana Wiesb., Oestr. Bot. Zeitschr. 36: 190. 1886
Austria: Laxenburg bei Wien, J. Wiesbaur, 29 May 1882, Type Collection Material
Viola spectabilis K. Richter, Oestr. Bot. Zeitschr. 35: 419. 1885
Austria: ad Gloggnitz, K. Richter, 30 May & 27 Nov. 1887, Topotype
Viola subviscosa Greene, Pittonia 4: 293. 1901
Canada: Quebec, Aylmer, J. Fletcher, 6 June 1901, Isotype?
Viola tenerrima Wiesb. in Baenitz. Herb. Eur. n. 3137
Austria: Kalksburg bei Wien, J. Wiesbaur, 1 May, 17 July 1879, (F. Schulz, Herb. Norm, nov. ser. Cent. 5, 441), ? Type Collection Material
Viola tenuipes Pollard, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15: 201. 1902
U.S.A.: Alabama, Auburn, F.S. Earle, 6 Apr. 1901, Paratype
Viola tomentosa Baker & Clausen, Leafl. West. Bot. 5: 142. 1949
U.S.A.: California, Nevada Co., road to Excelsior Point, Baker & Smith 8722a, 9 July 1937, Isotype
Viola tricolor L. var. ammotropha Wettr., Publication unknown
Sweden: Scania, L.M. Neuman, May 1901, Topotype
Viola trinervata Howell, Bot. Gaz. 11: 290. 1886
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., north of Goldendale, J.W. Thompson 11326, 13 Apr. 1935, Topotype
Viola vagula Greene, Pittonia 4: 67. 1899-1901
Canada: Ontario, vicinity of Ottawa, J.M. Macoun s.n., 18 May 1899, ?Isotype
Viola vallicola A. Nels., Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 26: 128. 1899
U.S.A.: Wyoming, Albany Co., near Rock River, Porter & Porter 7747, 8 June 1959, Topotype
Viola verecunda A. Gray f. radicans Makino, Publication unknown
Japan: Akita Pref., Nibuna, Yamamoto-gun, T. Makino, 1927, ? Type Collection Material
Viola wettsteinii C. Richter, Verh. d. zool. bot. Ges. in Wein 37: 197. 1887
Austria: Gloggnitz, C. Richter, 30 Apr., 24 jun. 1887, (F. Schultz, herb. norm., nov. ser. Cent. 24: 2312), ? Isotype
Viola xylorrhiza Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 25. 1927
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., east of Husum, W. Suksdorf 10200, 10 May, 30 June 1919, 1 June 1920, Isotype
Virola loretensis A.C. Smith, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 58: 95-96. 1931
Peru: Dept. of Loreto, Rio Mamon, T.B. Croat 20025, 5 Sept. 1972, Topotype
Viscia larissae, Novosti Syst. Vyssh. Rast. 11: 225. 1974
U.S.S.R.: Caucasus orientalis, Azerbajdzhania, ad fontes fl. Karatschaj, V. Prima, (Fl. ex. U.S.S.R. 6123), 19 June 1971, Topotype
Viscum bancroftii Blakely, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 53: 46. 1928
Australia: Queensland, Eidsvold, T.L. Bancroft, Nov. 1918, Isotype
Visnea mocanera L.f., Supp. 251. 1781
Canary Islands: Nivaria, Los Silos, E.R. Sventenius 38, 25 Sept. 1945, Topotype
Vitex berteroana Pittier, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 485. 1922
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2107, 1898-1901, ? Isotype
Vitis girdiana Munson, Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci. 1887: 59. 1887
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles, Munson & Hopkins, 1889, Topotype
Vochysia aurantiaca Stafleu, Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 41: 487. 1948
Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1877, 1898-1901, ? Isotype