Catalogue of Type Specimens in the Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO) - (C)

Cakile euxina Pobed., Not Syst. ex Herb. Inst. Bot. Nom. V.L. Komarov. 15: 71-74. 1953
U.S.S.R.: Ucraina, Ponti Euxina, in viciniis opp. Skadovak, E. Pobedimova (Pl. ex. U.S.S.R. 3705), 15 Aug. 1947, Isotype

Calamagrostis lepageana Louis-Marie, Rhod. 46: 303-304. 1944
 Canada: Quebec, Rimouski Co., Mont Commis, E. Lepage 12320, 1 July 1950, Topotype

Calamagrostis nubila Louis-Marie, Rhod. 46: 296-297. 1944
 U.S.A.: New Hampshire, Mt. Washington, P. Louis-Marie, 26 juillet 1958, Topotype

Calamagrostis purpurascens R.Br. in Richardson, Bot. App. Frankl. Journ. 731. 1823
 Canada: District of Mackenzie, Bathurst Inlet Region, 66º11'N 107º20'W, Scotter & Zoltai 32006, 2 Aug. 1979, Topotype

Calamagrostis purpurascens R.Br. ssp. tasuensis Calder & Taylor, Can. Jour. Bot. 43: 1388-1389. 1965
 Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island, Takakia Lake, Calder & Taylor 36310, 25-30 July 1964, Holotype

Calamagrostis villosa Mutel var. mutica Torges f. glabrinodis Domin, Fl. Cechoslovenica Ex. 225
 Czechoslovakia: montes Vysoké Tatry, V. Krajina, 6 Sept. 1931, Isotype

Calamagrostis yukonensis Nash, Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 154-155. 1901
 Canada: Yukon Terr., Dawson, Calder & Billard 4606, 21 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Calamintha hungarica Simk., Termeszetr. füzetek 10: 182. 1886
 Hungary: montis Tordae, A. Richter, 9 July 1907, Topotype

Calamintha mollis Jord. ex Lamotte, Prod. 2: 599
 Europe: Hte Savoie, Jordan, 1897, 1898, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Calamintha rotundifolia Willk., Publication unknown
 Spain: Sierra de Sacane, E. Reverchon 593, juillet 1891, ? Type Collection Material

Calandrinia maritima Nutt., Torrey & Gray, Fl. N. Am. 1: 197. 1838
 Mexico: Baja California, San. Simon, R. Bacigalupi 3054, 24 Mar. 1949, Topotype

Calceolaria curvirostra Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 60-61. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2731 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Calea congesta Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 155-156. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 648 pro parte (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Calea herbert-smithii Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 156. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 648 pro parte (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Calea holtoni Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 156-157. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 524 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Calendula maritima Guss., Ind. Sem. Hort. in Boccadi-falco a. 1825 p. 3
 Italy: Sicilia, Drepanum, A. Béguinot, 15 Apr. 1924 (Fl. Italy Ex. Ser 3, 2973), Topotype

Calhounia nelsonae A. Nels., Univ. Wyoming Pub. Bot. 1: 55. 1924
U.S.A.: Arizona, Baboquivari Mountains, A. & R. Nelson 1547, 17 Apr. 1935, Topotype

Callicarpa kochiana Makino, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 28: 181-182. 1914
 Japan: Mt. Godai, Kouchi City, Kouchi Pref., T. Makino, Dec. 1892, Topotype

Calligonum elatum Litw., Trav. du Musée botan. Acad. S.-Petersb. 11: 58-59. 1913
U.S.S.R.: Dominium Buchard, in arena mobili pr. Barchany (inter Czardshui et Repetek), Minkwitz (Herb. Fl. Ross. 2417), 9 Oct. 1911, Isotype

Calligonum triste Litw., Trav. du Musée botan. Acad. S.-Petersb. 11: 58. 1913
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Turgai, Distr. Irgiz, ad montem Termenbes, Minkwitz (Herb. Fl. Ross. 2416, 20 June 1913, Topotype

Callistemon montanus C.T. White, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. 69: 84. 1958
 Australia: Moreton District, Springbrook, W. Rudder, 12 Jan. 1931, Isotype

Calochortus persistens Ownbey, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 27: 448. 1940.
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., W of Wreka, Ownbey & Preece 3341, 25 June 1952, Topotype

Calochortus rhodothecus Clokey, Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sc. 37(1): 1. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Park, I.W. Clokey 7479, 21 July 1937, Isotype

Calophyllum pulcherrimum Wall., Cat. n. 4848. 1831-32
 Maylay Peninsula: Johore, Mawai, Ngadiman, 9 Jan. 1938, Topotype

Caltha arctica R.Br., Chloris Melvilliana 7. 1823
 Canada: Dist. of Franklin, Melville Island, Bailey Pt., G. Parker 20B, 18 July 1974, Topotype

Calycophysum cordatum Pittier, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 489. 1922
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1603, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Calyptridium parryi Gray var. hesseae J.H. Thomas, Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 10. 1956
U.S.A.: California, Ben Lomond Mt., V.F. Hesse 1317, 2 July 1954, Isotype

Camellia japonica Makino f. trifida Makino, Publication unknown
 Japan: Zoushigaya, Toshima-Ku, Tokyo Pref., T. Makino, 23 Mar. 1930, ? Type Collection Material

Camissonia campestris (Greene) Raven ssp. obispoensis Raven., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb 37(5): 325. 1969
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., 1.8 miles west of Bee Rock, P.H. Raven 18301, 5 May 1963, Isotype

Camissonia confusa Raven, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 37(5): 298. 1969
U.S.A.: California, San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino Mts., 2.3 miles west of Mill Creek Ranger Station, P.H. Raven 17466, 28 Apr. 1962, Isotype

Camissonia intermedia Raven, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 37: 295. 1969
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles County, Santa Monica Mts., Mandeville Canyon, Clokey & Templeton 4458, April 1929, Paratype

Camissonia lewisii Raven, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 37(5): 275. 1969
 Mexico: Baja California, 14 miles north of Colonia Guererro, P.H. Raven 17035, 30 Mar. 1962, Isotype

Camissonia luciae Raven, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 37(5): 302-303. 1969
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., Santa Lucia Mts., P.H. Raven 18267, 3 May 1963, Isotype

Camissonia sierrae Raven, Contr. U.S. National Herbarium 37(5): 327-328. 1969
U.S.A.: California, Madera County, 3.7 miles west of Oakhurst, R.W. Thorp 63-10, 15 May 1963, Paratype

Campanula canariensis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 168. 1753
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, Tacoronte, E. Asplund 644, 1 Apr. 1933, Topotype

Campanula incanescens Boiss. ssp. kermanica Rech. f. & Aell., Publication unknown
 Iran: Prov. Kerman, Montes Djamal Bariz inter Bam et Djiroft, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3730, 8-10 May 1948, Isotype

Campanula komarovii V. Maleev, Bull. Jard. Bot. Princ. URSS 29: 424-425. 1930
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Krasnodar, jugum Markotch, A. Kolakovsky, 21 June 1951, Topotype

Campanula patula L. var. albiflora G.G., Publication unknown.
 France: Isère, La Balme-les-Grotter, G.G., 26 June 1962, ? Type Collection Material

Campanula schischkinii Kolak. & Sachok., Herb. Fl. URSS 12: 13. 1953
U.S.S.R.: Krasnodar, Distr. Tuapse, inter pag. Olginskoe et Dzhubga, Kolakovsky & Sackokia, 15 June 1951, Isotype

Camptosorus rhizophyllus L. f. boycei C.L. Wilson, Amer. Fern Jour. 25: 18. 1935
U.S.A.: Vermont, Franklin Co., Highgate, Charette et al. 2545, 8 Sept. 1962, Topotype

Campylanthus saloloides Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. 3: 126. 1837
 Canary Islands: Gran Canaria, Cuesta de Silva, E. Asplund 1368, 23 May 1933, Topotype

Canarina campanulata L., Mant. 2: 225. 1771
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Tigayga, E.R. Sventenius 176, 3 Mar. 1949, Topotype

Capparis spinosa L. var. aravensis Zoh., Publication unknown
 Palestine: Env. of Dead Sea, Wadi Fiqra, M. Zohary, 4 June 1957, ? Type Collection Material

Caragana ×prestonae Moore, Can. J. Gen. & Cyt. 5(2): 123. 1963
 Cultivated: Canada, Ottawa, Central Expr. Farm, R.J. Moore C30- 01-3, 23 May 1962, Holotype

Cardamine appendiculata Fr. & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 281. 1879
 Japan: Prov. Shimotsuke, Hondo, Nikko, Lake Tadeno-umi, T. Koyama 201, 27 Aug. 1952, Topotype

Cardamine cordifolia A. Gray, Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. Mem. 4(1): 8. 1848
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3647, 2 June 1897, Topotype

Cardamine curvisiliqua Shuttl. ex Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. Suppl. p. 605. 1883
U.S.A.: Florida, St. Marks, Rugel, Apr.-May 1843, Type Collection Material

Cardamine hayneana Welw. in Reichenb. Fl. Germ. excurs. p. 676. 1832
 Austria: prope Weidlingau, Mauerbach, Hainbach etc., Halácsy (Fl. ex. Aust.-Hung. 888), Topotype

Cardamine hayneana Welw. f. simplex Domin, Fl. Cech. ex. 256
 Czechoslovakia: Slovakia austro-occidentalis, prope oppidum Skalica, E. Sillingerova, 10 May 1931, Isotype

Cardamine hayneana Welw. f. subcorymbosa Domin, Fl. Cech. ex. 257
 Czechoslovakia: Slovakia austro-occidentalis, prope oppidum Skalica, E. Sillingerova, 10 May 1931, Isotype

Cardamine integrifolia (Nutt.) Greene var. tracyi Jeps., Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 426. 1925
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., lower Van Duzen R., Parks & Tracy 0916, 26 Mar. 1931, Topotype

Cardamine vallicola Greene, Pittonia 3: 116. 1896
U.S.A.: Colorado, Larimer Co., Dale Creek at Virginia Dale, Weber & Jones 12391, 9 June 1965, Topotype

Carduncellus araneosus Boiss. & Reutes, Diagn. pl. Nov. Hisp. 18. 1842
 Spain: Castella Nova, Aranjuez, P. Font i Quer et Gros, 2 June 1924, Topotype

Carduus fontinalis Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1892: 363. 1893
U.S.A.: California, San Mateo Co., [1/2] mi. E of Crystal Springs Lake, L.S. Rose 53046, 29 June 1953, Topotype

Carduus orthocephalus Wallr. f. mulliganii Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 646. 1967
 Canada: Ontario, Grey Co., Flesherton, Mulligan & Moore, 24 July 1957, Holotype

Carduus pallidus Woot. & Standl., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 16: 195. 1913
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Pecos River National Forest near Winsors Ranch, P.C. Standley 4357, 16 July 1908, Isotype

Carduus vernalis Osterh., Muhlenbergia 7: 12. 1911
U.S.A.: Colorado, Mesa Co., DeBeque, W.A. Weber 16875, 27 June 1983, Topotype

Carex alticola Poplawska, Trav. Mus. Bot. Acad. Sc. Petersb. 12: 178-179. 1914
U.S.S.R.: Jakutia, Distr. Olekminsk inter fl. Tungir et Olekema, Sukatschew & Poplawska (Herb. Fl. URSS 2901), 29 June 1910, Topotype

Carex ×anticostensis (Fern.) Lepage nm. inflatior Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 113. 1956
 Canada: Québec, près du lac Manik, riv. Roggan, Lepage 12779, 22 août 1950, Isotype

Carex ×anticostensis (Fern.) Lepage nm. longidens Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 110-111. 1956
 Canada: Quebec, Fort Chimo, J.A. Calder 2355, 4 Aug. 1948, Holotype

Carex ×anticostensis (Fern.) Lepage nm. minor Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 111. 1956
 Canada: Québec, Gaspé, Table-top Mountain, Fernald & Collins 188, 13 Aug. 1906, Isotype

Carex ×aquanigra Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 522. 1967
 Canada: Québec, Ste. Pétronille, G. Lemieux 3231, 11 juillet 1962, Holotype

Carex aquatilis Wahl. var. plumbeophila Kelso, Biol. Leafl. 51: 2. 1950
U.S.A.: Colorado, Leadville, L. Kelso 6846, 6857, 10 Sept. 1953, Topotypes

Carex arctogena H. Smith, Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 13: 193. 1940
 Sweden: Torne Lappmark, Karesuando Parish, Moskana, H. Smith, 27 July 1933, Isotype

Carex arenaria L. f. pumila Kneucker, Publication unknown
 Germany: bei Gross-Muritz in Mecklenburg, W. Lackowitz, 14- 15 July 1901 (A. Kneucker: Carices exsiccatae. X. Lieferung. 1902), ? Type Collection Material

Carex argentina Barros, Darwiniana 8: 409-410. 1948
 Argentina: Chubut "El Clarque", Soriano 2211, 4 Dec. 1946, Isotype

Carex aristata R.Br. var. kirschsteiniana Aschers., Graebn. & Kuk., Asch., Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 41: 67. 1900
 Germany: Brandenburg, Behnitz, R. Gross, 28 June 1908, Topotype

Carex assiniboinensis Boott f. ambulans J.P. Bernard, Nat. can. 86: 16. 1959
 Canada: Manitoba, Otterburne, J.P. Bernard 58/530, 10 août 1958, Isotype

Carex austrokoreensis Ohwi, Acta Phytotax. & Geobot. Kyoto 5: 54. 1936
 Korea: Basi Mt. Chiisan, J. Ohwi 7198, June 1935, Paratype

Carex barrattii Torrey, Ann. Lyc. New York 1: 361-362. 1825
U.S.A.: New Jersey, P.D. Knieskern 406, Topotype

Carex bergrothii Palmgr., Comment. Biol. Soc. Scient. Fennicae 20(3): 4, 15. 1958
 Finaland: Alandia, par Hammarland, Hellesby, M. & A. Palmgren (Carices ext. ex. 117), 5 July 1937, Type Collection Material

Carex bonanzensis Britton, Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 160. 1901
 Canada: Yukon, mouth of Bonanza Creek, J.D. Campbell 16, 18 July 1951, Topotype

Carex brachyathera Ohwi, Jap. Jour. Bot. 7: 190-191. 1934
 Formosa: Mt. Nakotaisan, J. Ohwi 4022, July 1933, Paratype & Topotype

Carex brizoides var. brunnescens Kük., Mitth. Thür. bot. Ver. N.F. 2: 45. 1892
 Germany: COBURG, Kükenthal, 9 June 1892, Topotype

Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. pacifica Kalela, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 2: 211. 1965
 Canada: British Columbia, Azouzetta Lake, Calder et al. 13969, 3 Aug. 1954, Holotype

Carex caespitosa L. var. waisbeckeri Kük., Das Pflanzenreich 4: 20. 1909
 Hungary: Güns, A. Waisbecker (Kneucker, Carices ex. 9: 250. 1901), May 1897, Type Collection Material

Carex ×calderi Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 522. 1967
 Canada: British Columbia, about 5 miles SSE of town of Burns Lake, Calder, Savile & Ferguson 14594, 16 Aug. 1954, Holotype

Carex ×calderi Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 522. 1967
 Canada: British Columbia, 5 miles SSE of Burns Lake, Calder et al. 14594, 16 Aug. 1954, Holotype

Carex canariensis Kük., Allg. bot. zeitschr. 6: 235. 1900
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, montes de Anaga, E. Asplund 1285, 16 May 1933, Topotype

Carex castellanosii Barros, Lilloa 23: 415. 1950
 Argentina: Prov. de San Juan, Paso de Colanguil, Vaca Muerta, Castellanos 3671, 4 Feb. 1950, Isotype

Carex ciliaris Fern., Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 61. 1907.
 Mexico: Hidalgo, Lena Station, C.G. Pringle 10039, 26 Aug. 1905, Isotype

Carex consimilis Holm, Amer. Journ. Sc. 17: 310. 1904
 Canada: Yukon, 15 mi. S of Dawson, 63º55'N 139º28'W, Cody & Ginns 33449, 3 July 1984, Topotype

Carex deweyana Schw. var. stricta Farw., Mich. Acad. Sci. 20: 169. 1918
U.S.A.: Michigan, Keeweenaw Co., O.A. Farwell 603, 12 Sept. 1887, Isotype

Carex digitata L. f. eurycarpa Domin, Flora Cechoslovenica ex. 237
 Czechoslovakia: Slovakia orientalis, montes Hnilecké, Domin et al., 28 June 1931, Isotype

Carex digitata L. f. pallens Fristedt subf. brachyphylla Domin, Flora Cechoslovenica ex. 348
 Czechoslovakia: Moravia, Olomouc, J. Otruba, 16 June 1932, Isotype

Carex dissitiflora Franch var. taiwanensis Ohwi, Jap. Journ. Bot. 7: 193. 1934
 Taiwan: Noko-goe, S. Akiyama, 29 July 1938, Topotype

Carex dissitiflora Franch. var. taiwanensis Ohwi, Publication unknown
 Japan: Formosa, Prov. Taihoku, Urai, J. Ohwi, Apr. 1933, ? Type Collection Material

Carex diversiflora Host, Gram. Austr. 1: 53. 1801
 Austria Inferior: Mödling, Richter (Fl. ex. Austro Hungarica 689), Topotype

Carex ×dumanii Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 143-5. 1956
 Canada: James Bay, Vieux-Comptoir, E. Lepage 32078, 30 juillet 1954, Isotype

Carex dutillyi O'Neill & Duman, Rhod. 43: 413-414. 1941
 Canada: Manitoba, Churchill, Duman 1358, 26 July 1938, Paratype & Topotype

Carex eburnea Boott in Hook., Fl. Bor.-Am. 2: 226. 1840
 Canada: District of Mackenzie, Norman Wells, Cody & Gutteridge 7535, 24 July 1953, Topotype

Carex ensifolia (Turcz. ex Gorodk.) V. Krecz. ssp. arctisibirica Jurtz., Publication unknown
U.S.S.R.: B. Jurtzev, 26 July 1959, ? Type Collection Material

Carex erxlebeniana Kelso, Biol. Leafl. 51: 1. 1950
U.S.A.: Colorado, Rollinsville, L. Kelso 6356, 24 July 1948, Topotype

Carex eurystachya Herman, Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 109-110. 1957
 Canada: Alberta, Jasper National Park, Mt. Edith Cavell, F.J. Herman 13529, 28 Aug. 1956, Isotype

Carex exerta Mackenzie, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 42: 620. 1915
U.S.A.: California, Eldorado Co., Echo Lake, A.A. Beetle 3960, 16-22 July 1945, Topotype

Carex filifolia Nutt. var. erostrata Kük., Engler's Pflanzenreich 4(20): 89. 1909
U.S.A.: California, Eldorado Co., Echo Lake, A.A. Beetle 3960, 16-22 July 1945, Topotype

Carex foetida All. f. palustris Boggiani, Publication unknown
 Europe: Flora Verbano-Lepontica, Valle Formazza, M.O. Boggiani, 2 July 1913, ? Type Collection Material

Carex ×gardneri Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 42. 1957
 Canada: Labrador, Black Island, G. Gardner 38115, 19 July 1938, Paratype

Carex ×gauthieri Lepage, Nat. can. 103: 387-9. 1976
 Canada: Québec, co. Saguenay, Ilets-Jeremie, Gauthier & Cayouette 74-236, 13 juillet 1974, Isotype

Carex goodenoughi Y. Gay. var. juncella Fr. f. glauca Lodenkirst, Publication unknown
 Sweden: Ångml., Lidan, F. Lodenkirst, 1886, ? Type Collection Material

Carex graciliculmis Ohwi, Mem. Coll. Sc. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Sev. B. 6: 264. 1931
 Korea: Kankyo-Holudo, Seisuira, J. Ohwi 461, 4 June 1910, Isotype

Carex hachijoensis Akiyama, J. Jap. Bot. 13: 645. 1937
 Japan: Honshu, Hachijo Is., T. Koyama 12298, 21 May 1961, Topotype

Carex hatusimana Ohwi, Jap. Jour. Bot. 7: 196. 1934
 Japan: Formosa, Prov. Takao, prope Jaijurin, J. Ohwi 329, March 1933, Isotype

Carex holostoma Drej., Nat. Tidssk. 3: 447. 1841
 Greenland: Disko Island, Godhaven, C.O. Erlanson 2649, 26 Sept. 1927, Topotype

Carex hymenodon Ohwi, Acta Phytotax. et Geobot. 1: 298. 1932
 Japan: Pref. Tochigi, Mt. Asamayama, M. Furuse 52, Topotype

Carex inaniae Koidzumi var. papillaticulmis Ohwi, Publication unknown
 Japan: Hondo, Honaimura in Yechigo, J. Ohwi, NSM No. 460, 3 May 1952, ? Type Collection Material

Carex incurviformis Mack., Rydberg, Fl. Rocky Mts. 120. 1917
 Canada: Alberta, Banff National Park, A.J. Breitung 2964, 15 July 1946, Topotype

Carex interior Bailey var. charlestonensis Clokey, Bull. S. Calif. Acad. Sci. 38: 1. 1939
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Park, I.W. Clokey 7468, 19 June 1937, Isotype

Carex ischostachya Steudel var. fastigiata T. Koyama, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 69: 211. 1956
 Ryuku Islands: Okinawa Island, S. Tamaki 1959, 5 May 1957, Topotype

Carex jemtlandica (Palmgr.) Palmgr. var. kainuensis Palmgr. Comment. Biol. Soc. Scient. Fennicae 2(3): 13, 15. 1958
 Finaland: Ostrobottnia kajanensis par. Suomussalmi, O. Kyyhkynen, 10 July 1937, Paratype and Topotype

Carex jimcalderi Boivin, Phytologia 43: 67. 1979
 Canada: British Columbia, Q.C.I., Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 35217, 19 June 1964, Holotype

Carex juniperorum Catling, Crins & Reznicek
 Canada: Ontario, Hastings County., Tyendiga Twp., West of Salmon River, 5.5 km NE of Shannonville, P.M. Catling 9102, 11 June 1991, Paratype

Carex juniperorum Catling, Reznicek & Crins, Syst. Bot. 18(3): 497-499. 1993
 Canada: Hastings Co., Tyendinaga Twp., 7 km NE of Shannonville, P.M. Catling 9100, 9 June 1991, Holotype

Carex ×kenaica Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 95-97. 1957
U.S.A.: Alaska, Goose Bay, northshore of Knick Arm, E. Lepage 25271, 17 July 1949, Isotype

Carex kotilainii Palmgr., Comment. Biol. Soc. Scient. Fennicae 20: 6, 15. 1958
 Finaland: Kuusamo, M. & A. Palmgren 137, 16 July 1937, Isotype

Carex kunioi T. Koyama, J. Jap. Bot. 30: 131. 1955
 Japan: Honshu, Karuizawa, Prov. Shinano, K. Sato, 12 June 1954, Type Collection Material

Carex lagunensis M.E. Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 18: 26. 1933
 Mexico: Cape Region, La Laguna, J.H. Thomas 7890, 16-18 May 1959, Topotype

Carex latebracteata Waterfall, Rhod. 56: 23. 1954
U.S.A.: Oklahoma, 16.4 miles N of Broken Bow, U.T. Waterfall 11380, 19 Apr. 1953, Isotype

Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fernald, Rhodora 44: 304. 1942
U.S.A.: Maine, Penebscot County, Orono, M.L. Fernald 189, 23 June 1893, Type Collection Material

Carex leiophylla Mack., N. Amer. Fl. 18: 365. 1935
 Canada: Yukon, Carcross, Gillett 3382, 18 June 1949, Topotype

Carex lepageana Raymond, Can. Field-Nat. 66: 101. 1952
U.S.A.: Alaska, Anvil Hill, Nome, E. Lepage 24031, 15 Aug. 1948, Isotype

Carex lepidocarpa Tausch var. turgida Palmgr. & Florstr., Suomen Kasvio 164. 1933
 Finaland: Alandia, par. Jomala, Västansunda, M. & A. Palmgren (Carices ext. ex. 60), 16 July 1933, Type Collection Material

Carex lepoxina L. f. approximata Scheumann, Publication unknown
 Germany: bei Hohensyburg, Scheumann, 13 July 20, ? Type Collection Material

Carex leptalea Wahl. ssp. pacifica Calder & Taylor, Can. Jour. Bot. 43: 1391. 1965
 Canada: British Columbia, Q.C.I., Moresby Island, Calder & Taylor 35217, 19 June 1964, Holotype

Carex leptalea Wahl. var. tayloris Boivin, Phytologia 43: 67. 1979
 Canada: British Columbia, Mile 46 Haines Road, Taylor et al. 1421, 15 July 1956, Holotype

Carex leucochlora Bunge var. subglabra V. Vassil., Fl. Exsicattae CCCP 3604
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Chabarovsk, vic. urb. Chabarovsk, N. Desoulavy, 7 June 1910, Isotype

Carex mairii Cos. & Germain, Obs. quel. pl. crit. env. Paris, p. 18. 1840
 France: Paris, Maire, Type Collection Material

Carex maritima Gunn. ssp. yukonensis Porsild, Nat. Mus. Canada Bull. 216: 19. 1966
 Canada: Yukon, Kluane Lake, 61º02'N 138º25'W, W.J. Cody 25863, 18 June 1980, Topotype

Carex marssoni Auerswald, Bot. Zeit. 10: 409. 1852
 Germany: Wolgast, Marsson, Isotype

Carex × massonii Cayouette & Lepage, Nat. Can. 104: 567. 1977
 Canada: Quebec, compté de Montmorency, Parc des Laurentides, P. Masson 5844, 20 juillet 1953, Isotype

Carex melanocarpa Cham. ex Trautv. var. rigidior T. Koyama, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 3, 8(4): 179
 Japan: Hokkaido, Prov. Ishikari, Mt. Yuhbari, M. Furuse 13021, 31 July 1956, Topotype

Carex mirata Dewey var. minor Dewey, Amer. Jour. Sci. & Arts (ser. 2) 39: 73. 1865
 Canada: Ontario, Belleville, J. Macoun, 1864, Holotype OR Isotype

Carex missouriensis P. Rothr. & Reznicek
U.S.A.: Missouri, Macon County, south side of Hwy. 36, 0.4 mi W of the Chanton River Bridge, ca. 12 miles W of Macon, Reznicek & Reznicek 9856, 30 May 1994, Paratype

Carex missouriensis P. Rothrock & A. Reznicek, Novon 11(2): 220. 2001
U.S.A.: Missouri, Audrain Co., Possumwalk Rd.-Audrain Co. Rd., No. 963, ca 0.8 mi W of intersection with Rt. E, P.M. McKenzie & B. Jacobs 1811, 28 May 1988, Isotype

Carex molestiformis Reznicek & P. Rothr., Contr. Univ. Mich. Herb. 21: 300. 1997
U.S.A.: Arkansas, Washington Co., Springdale, Reznicek et al. 9793, 26 May 1994, Paratype

Carex ×neartica Raymond
 Canada: Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbor, 64°09'N 83°18'W, W.J. Cody 1693, 31 July 1948, Paratype

Carex ×neartica Raymond in Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 134-135. 1956; Bull. Soc. Bot. de France 99: 195-196. 1952
 Canada: Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbor, W.J. Cody 1744, 2 Aug. 1948, Isotype

Carex ×neobigelowii Lepage, Nat. can. 91: 166-167. 1964
 Canada: Québec, Rivière Romaine, Dutilly & Lepage 41305a, 12 août 1963, Isotype

Carex ×neopaleacea Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 137-9. 1956
 Canada: Québec, east coast of James Bay, Paint Hills, Dutilly et al. 32,975, 3 Sept. 1954, Isotype

Carex ×nubens Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 40-41. 1957
 Canada: Québec, Eastmain River, E. Lepage 33131, 27 juillet 1955, Isotype

Carex obispoensis Stacey, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 240. 1936
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., Cuesta Ridge, Thorne & Everett 31581, 20 Apr. 1963, Topotype

Carex obovoidea Cronq., Madrono 7: 78. 1943
U.S.A.: Idaho, Valley Co., Beaver Creek, C.L. Hitchcock 23711, 17 Aug. 1964, Topotype

Carex olbiensis Jordan, Obs. Pl. Nouv. Fr. III p. 241. 1846
 France: Hyères, Jordan, Mai 1843, Type Collection Material

Carex oronensis Fernald, Proc. Am. Acad. 37: 471. 1902
U.S.A.: Maine, Orono, M.L. Fernald (Pl. ex. Gray. 152), 27 June 1916, Topotype

Carex pallescens L. var. neogaea Fernald, Rhodora 44: 306. 1942
U.S.A.: Maine, Penebscot County, Orono, M.L. Fernald 186, 23 June 1893, Type Collection Material

Carex ×paleaceoides Lepage, Nat. can. 94: 273. 1967
 Canada: Québec, Co. Rimouski, Saint-Simon, E. Lepage 15247, 17 juillet 1966, Isotype

Carex panicea L. var. nigra O. Kuntze, Taschen-Flora von Leipzig 19. 1867
 Germany: O. Kuntze, June 1861, Type Collection Material

Carex persistens Ohwi, Publication unknown
 Japan: Hondo, Kibune, in Yamashiro, J. Ohwi, 15 June 1931, ? Type Collection Material

Carex pilulifera L. f. elata Domin, Fl. Cech. ex. 357
 Czechoslovakia: Slovakia Sept., montes Bielské. Tatry, Domin & Suza, 1 Aug. 1953, Isotype

Carex phaeodon T. Koyama, J. Jap. Bot. 30: 315. 1955
 Japan: Taru-toge, Yamanashi Pref. Collector unknown, 26 Apr. 1956, Topotype

Carex praestabilis Ohwi, Mem. Coll. Sc. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Ser. B 6: 262. 1931
 Japan: Hondo, Mt. Kurakake in Shimotsuke, H. Sekimoto, 25 May 1931, Isotype

Carex praticola Rydb. var. subcoriacea Hermann, Leafl. West. Bot. 8: 113. 1957
 Canada: Alberta, McLeod River, Mountain Park, F.J. Hermann 13453, 26 Aug. 1956, Isotype

Carex ×pseudo-helvola Kihlman, Medd. Soc. pro fauna et flora Fennica 1888-91: 69-74
 Finaland: Nylandia par Esbo, A.O. Kihlman, 7 July 1879 (Pl. Fin. ex. 109a), Type Collection Material

Carex ×quebecensis Lepage, Nat. can. 91: 167-168. 1964
 Canada: Québec, Rivière Romaine, Dutilly & Lepage 41305, 12 août 1963, Isotype

Carex ×quirponensis Fernald, Rhod. 28: 164. 1926
 Canada: Newfoundland, Quirpon Island, Fernald & Long 27696, 7 Aug. 1925, Isotype

Carex raleighii Nelms, Kew Bull. 1939 (6): 310. 1939
 Australia: Victoria, Bogong Co., Mt. Hotham-Omeo Road, R.A. Black, 30 Jan. 1938, Isotype

Carex raymondii Calder
 Canada: Mackenzie, Seven Mile Lake, 27 miles west of Fort Smith, 60°02'N 112>°38'W, W.J. Cody 4640, 22 July 1950, Paratype; Alexandra Falls, Hay River, 60°30'N 116°17'W, W.H. Lewis 643, 11 July 1951, Paratype; Yukon, west slope of Moosehide Mountain, Dawson, Calder & Billard 3784, 19 July 1949, Paratype; Saskatchewan, 4 miles east of McKague, A.J. Breitung s.n., 26 June 1938, Paratype; McKague, A.J. Breitung 8618, 18 June 1935, Paratype; 2 miles west of Villardville, A.J. Breitung 718, 23 July 1940, Paratype; Tallpines, G.F. Ledingham s.n., 4 July 1935, Paratype; Prince Albert National Park, W.P. Fraser s.n., 4 July 1934, Paratype; Jack Pine woods, Candle Lake, Boivin & Breitung 6261, 28 June 1949, Paratype; Alberta, Whitemud Creek, Edmonton, G.H. Turner 2570, 3 July 1941, Paratype; Beaverlodge, L. Jenkins 167, 23 June 1947, Paratype; 1 mile southwest of Fort Smith, Cody & Loan 4498, 17 July 1950, Paratype
U.S.A.: Alaska, Delta Junction, Mile 268 Richardson Highway, 64°02'N 145°45'W, Cody & Webster 5947, 13 July 1951, Paratype

Carex raymondii Calder, Rhod. 54: 246-247. 1952
 Canada: Manitoba, Gillam, W.B. Schofield 1270, 27 July 1950, Holotype

Carex reichenbachii Kük., Das Pflanzenreich 4/20: 138. 1909
 Germany: Saxonia, "Priessnitzgrund", E.R. Missbach, (Dörfler, Herb. Norm. 5198), June 1907, Topotype

Carex retrorsa Schwein. f. multispicula Lepage, Nat. can. 86: 68. 1959
 Canada: Ontario, Riv. Missinaibi, Dutilly & Lepage 36344, 1 août 1958, Isotype

Carex rorulenta Porta & Rigo, Nuovo Giron. Bot. Italy 29: 321-322. 1887
 Spain: Baléares, Puig Mayor, F. Bianor (Pl. d'Espagne-F. Sennen 1452), 31 Mar. 1912, Topotype

Carex rosea Schkuhr var. minor Boott f. debilis Farwell, Mich. Acad. Sci. 2: 19. 1923
U.S.A.: Michigan, Wayne Co., Trenton, O.A. Farwell 5781, 26 May 1921, Isolectotype

Carex rostrata Stokes ×C. saxatilis L. var. miliaris (Michx.) Bailey, Rhod. 10: 48. 1908
 Canada: Québec, Gaspé, Table-top Mountain, Fernald & Collins 188, 13 Aug. 1906, Isotype

Carex rostrata Stokes ×vesicaria L. f. glomerata Kaulfuss, Publication unknown
 Europe: Bavaria, prope Nurmberg, T. Kaulfuss, 12 July 1902, ? Type Collection Material

Carex rotundata Wahl. f. pallida Montell, Publication unknown
 Finaland: prope Onnala, I. Montell, 1 Aug. 1949, ? Type Collection Material

Carex ×saxenii Raymond nm. ferruginea Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 142. 1956
 Canada: Québec, James Bay, Fort George, Dutilly et al. 32,357, 14 août 1954, Isotype

Carex scopulorum Holm, Amer. Jour. Sc., fourth series, 14: 422-423. 1902
U.S.A.: Colorado, Gray's Peak, L. & E.H. Kelso 7317, 28 Aug. 1954, Topotype

Carex seatoniana Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 25: 270. 1898
 Mexico: near Tula, C.G. Pringle 7452, 24 June 1897, Isotype

Carex sempervirens Vill. var. pseudotristis Domin, Rozpr. Ceské Akad. tr. 2: 8. 1931
 Czechoslovakia: Rossia subcarpatica, Mil. Deyl (Fl. Cech. ex. 240), 24 July 1931, Type Collection Material

Carex shinnersii P. Rothrock & A. Reznicek, Novon 11(2): 225. 2001
U.S.A.: Kansas, Chase Co., 2.0 mi. E of Staffordville on US Hwy. 50, NW corner of jct. of 100 Rd. and Hwy. 50, C.A. Morse & D.S. Baker 344, 9 June 1999, Paratype

Carex shortiana Dewey, Am. Jour. Sci. 30: 60. 1836
U.S.A.: Kentucky, Lexington, Dr. Short, Isotype

Carex silvatica Huds. f. gigantea Vollmann, Publication unknown
 Germany: Bayern, Oberpfalz, F. Vollman, July 1900, ? Type Collection Material

Carex sonomensis Stacey, Leafl. West. Bot. 11: 63. 1937
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Pitkin Marsh, J.T. Howell 20889, 30 May 1945, Topotype

Carex sorianoi Barros, Darwiniana 9: 166-167. 1949
 Argentina: Monte Aymond, 52º10'N, 69º30'W, A. Soriano 3297, 22 Jan. 1949, Isotype

Carex stenantha Franch. & Sav. var. taisetsuensis Akiy., Publication unknown
 Japan: Mt. Taisetsu, Hokkaido, S. Akiyama 14 Aug. 1934, ? Type Collection Material

Carex ×subimpressa Clokey, Rhod. 21: 84. 1919
U.S.A.: Illinois, Macon Co., I.W. Clokey 2338, 8 June 1915, Isotype

Carex ×sublimosa Lepage, Nat. can. 83: 139-140. 1956
 Canada: Québec, Vieux-Comptoir, James Bay, E. Lepage 33072, 33069, 33057, 25-27 juillet 1955, Topotypes

Carex ×subnigra Lepage, Nat. can. 84: 46-47. 1957
 Canada: Nova Scotia, Point Michaud, Smith et al. 797, 1 Aug. 1948, Holotype

Carex subnigricans Stacey, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 167-168. 1939
U.S.A.: California, Mono Co., Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, D.D. Keck 4914, 16 Aug. 1938, Paratype

Carex superata Naczi, Reznicek & Ford, Am. J. bot. 85: 443. 1998
U.S.A.: Kentucky, Cumberland Co., N side of Ky Hwy 214, 2.2 mi W of junction with Hwy. 61 at Peytonsburg, Reznicek, Reznicek & Naczi 9563, 23 June 1993, Paratype

Carex tahoensis Smiley, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 9: 119. 1921
U.S.A.: California, Eldorado Co., Mt. Tallac, J.T. Howell 22952, 31 Aug. 1946, Topotype

Carex tasmanica Kük., Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4: 59. 1904
 Australia: Tasmania, Pontville (River Jordan), A.H.S. Lucas 20796, Dec. 1924, Topotype

Carex tenuiflora Wahlenb. ×C. trisperma Fernald, Rhod. 4: 226. 1902
U.S.A.: Maine, Fort Fairfield, Williams et al. (Pl. Ex. Gray 110), 19 July 1902, Isotype

Carex tenuior Koyama & Chuang, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 13: 227. 1960
 Japan: Ryukyus, Is. Amami-Oshima, Sumiyo-mura, Hatusima & Sako 21828, 25 Mar. 1958, Isotype

Carex tompkinsii J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 185-186. 1961
U.S.A.: California, Fresno Co., Copper Creek, J.T. Howell 35333, 6 June 1960, Isotype

Carex transylvanica Schur., Sert. Fl. Trans. 80(3009). 1853
 Romania: Transylvanie, environs de Langenthat, J. Barth (Soc. dauph. 1404), 10 mai 1876, Topotype

Carex turgidula Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 25: 271. 1898
U.S.A.: Idaho, Nez Perces Co., Lake Wawa, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3400, 9 July 1896, Isolectotype

Carex verna Chaix. var. microtricha Ohwi, Publication unknown
 Japan: Hondo, Kawakami in Shinano, J. Ohwi, NSM. No. 251, May 1951, ? Type Collection Material

Carex viridula Michx f. pygmaea Lepage, Nat. Can. 89: 115. 1962
 Canada: Quebec, côté nord du lac Chakanipun, 56°25'N 68°42'W, A. Dutilly & E. Lepage 39274, 16 août 1961, Isotype

Carex vulpinoidea Michx. var. segregata Farwell, Mich. Acad. Sci. 22: 180. 1921
U.S.A.: Michigan, Monroe Co., Dundee, O.A. Farwell 5302, 15 July 1919, Isolectotype

Carex yukonensis Britt., Bull. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 159. 1901
 Canada: Yukon, Dawson, Calder & Billard 3124, 18 June 1949, Topotype

Carpenteria californica Torr., Smithsonian Contrib. to knowledge 6: 12. 1854
U.S.A.: California, Fresno Co., northeast of Tollhouse, McClintock et al., 28 May 1967, Topotype

Carpinus betulus L. f. subacuta Domin, Fl. Cech. ex. 245
 Czechoslovakia: Bohemia centralis, prope urbem Praha, Domin & Deyl, 10 Aug. 1931, Isotype

Carpodiptera cubensis Griseb., Mem. Am. Acad. (n.s.) 8(1): 164. 1861
 Cuba: Las Villas province, Gavilan, Howard et al. (Pl. Ex. Gray 1447), 3 July 1951, Topotype

Caryophyllus balsanae Guillaum., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 1938, 85: 648. 1939
 New Caledonai: Nakety, Balansa 2071, Type Collection Material

Casearia herbert-smithii Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 63-64. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1768 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cassia depressa Pollard, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 22: 515-516. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Gadsden Co., River Junction, G.V. Nash 2571, 6 Sept. 1895, Isotype

Cassia leptadenia Greenm., Proc. Amer. Acad. 41: 238. 1905
U.S.A.: Arizona, near the Mexican boundary, G.G. Pringle 92, 20 Aug. 1884, Type Collection Material

Cassia multipinnata (Pollard) Greene var. nashii Pollard, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 22: 515. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Gadsden Co., River Junction, G.V. Nash 2577, 5 Sept. 1895, Isotype

Cassiope lycopodioides (Pall.) D. Don ssp. cristapilosa Calder & Taylor, Can. Jour. Bot. 43: 1397-1398. 1965
 Canada: British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands, Graham Island, north end of Dawson Inlet off Skidegate Channel, Calder et al. 22825, 24 July 1957, Holotype; Empire Anchorage, Calder & Savile 21462, 13 June 1957, Paratype; Masset Inlet, mountain at head of McClinton Bay, Calder et al. 21613, 17 June 1957, Paratype; north end of Dawson Inlet, Calder et al. 35097, 15-16 June 1964, Paratype; between Ells Point and Mercer Point, Calder et al. 22898, 25 July 1957, Paratype; Newton Point, west of Skidegate Channel, Calder et al. 22950, 25 July 1957, Paratype; east side of Shields Bay, Rennell Sound, Calder & Taylor 23281, 8 Aug. 1957, Paratype; about 3 miles southwest of Jalun Lake and 11½ miles west of head of Naden Harbour, Calder & Taylor 35647, 1 July 1964, Paratype; Moresby Island, south side of Buck Channel opposite Chaatl Island, Calder et al. 21795, 25 June 1957, Paratype; Newcombe Peak at head of Cushewa Inlet, Calder et al. 22029, 30 June 1957, Paratype; head of Bigsby Inlet opposite Lyell Island, Calder et al. 22172, 34898, 5-6 July 1957, ParatypeS; Echo Harbour off Darwin Sound, Calder et al. 22339, 9 July 1957, Paratype; mountain above Mosquito Lake near head of Cumshewa Inlet, Calder & Taylor 23730, 24 Aug. 1957, Paratype; head of Anna Inlet west of Lockeport, Calder et al. 34950, 11 June 1964, Paratype; upper Victoria Lake, Calder & Taylor 35714, 5 July 1964, Paratype; west of head of Cumshewa Inlet below north face of Mount Moresby, Calder & Taylor 36426, 31 July 1964, Paratype; head of Sunday Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36585, 5 Aug. 1964, Paratype; south entrance to Sunday Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36642, 5 Aug. 1964, Paratype; head of Mike Inlet, Calder & Taylor 36663, 6 Aug. 1964, Paratype

Castanea crenata Siebe & Zucc. f. pleiocarpa (Makino) Hiyama, Publication unknown
 Japan: Tokyo Pref., Ohizumi, Nerima-ku, T. Makino, 26 June 1937, ? Type Collection Material

Castanea crenata Sieb. & Zucc. f. syakacephala (Makino) Sugimoto, Publication unknown
 Japan: Tokyo Pref., Ohizumi, Nerima-ku, T. Makino, 25 June 1937, ? Type Collection Material

Castanea pumila Miller, Gardner's Dictionary ed. 8, 1768
U.S.A.: Virginia, prope Norfolk, Rugel, June 1840, Topotype

Castilleja applegatei Fern., Erythea 6: 40-50. 1898
U.S.A.: Oregon, Klamath Co., Crater Lake National Park, Mt. Scott, Holmgren & Reveal 2895, 17 July 1966, Topotype

Castilleja aquariensis N. Holmgr., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 100: 87-89. 1973
U.S.A.: Utah, Garfield Co., 17 airline miles northwest north of Escalante, Holmgren & Holmgren 4726, 11 Aug. 1970, Isotype

Castilleja barnebyana Eastw., Leafl. West. Bot. 3: 88. 1941
U.S.A.: Nevada, White Pine Co., 2.5 miles east of Conners Pass, Holmgren & Reveal 924, 13 June 1964, Topotype

Castilleja breweri Fern., Erythea 6: 49. 1898
U.S.A.: California, Tolumne Co., Yosemite National Park, between Tiogo Pass and Mt. Dana, Holmgren & Reveal 2925, 22 July 1966, Topotype

Castilleja breweri Fern. var. pallida Eastw., Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 284. 1940
U.S.A.: California, Alpine Co., Sierra Nevada, Carson Pass, Holmgren & Reveal 2917, 21 July 1966, Topotype

Castilleja carterae Beane, Contrib. Dudley Herb. 4: 37. 1950
U.S.A.: California, Fresno Co., Huntington Lake, Rancheria Camp Ground, Bacegalupi & Ferris 3515, 23 Aug. 1951, Topotype

Castilleja chlorotica Piper, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 33: 104-105. 1920
U.S.A.: Oregon, Lake Co., Gearhart Mountain Wild Area, Holmgren & Reveal 2891, 16 July 1966, Topotype

Castilleja christii N. Holmgr., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 100: 91- 93. 1973
U.S.A.: Idaho, Cache Peak Range, Harrison Mountain, Holmgren & Reveal 2866, 12 July 1966, Isotype

Castilleja cinerea A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 93. 1883
U.S.A.: California, San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino Mts., Big Bear Lake, A.J. Breitung 15488, 10 June 1953, Topotype

Castilleja clokeyi Pennel
U.S.A.: Clark County, Charleston Peak, I.W. Clokey 5585, 8 Aug. 1935, Paratype; Clark Canyon, I.W. Clokey 7318, 1 June 1936, ? Paratype

Castilleja clokeyi Pennell, Proc. Acad. Sci. Philad. 89: 420-421. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Kyle Canyon, I.W. Clokey 7322, 8 July 1936, Isotype

Castilleja dissitifolia N. Holmgren, Mem. New York Botanical Garden 21: 46-48. 1971
U.S.A.: Nevada, White Pine County, White Pine Range, Mount Hamilton, southeast slope, Holmgren & Reveal 2772, 30 June 1966, Isotype; Nye County, Toquima Range, Pine Creek drainage, Holmgren & Reveal 1413, 12 July 1964, Paratype; Toquima Range, Pine Creek Drainage, South Fork, Holmgren & Reveal 1517, 3 Aug. 1964, Paratype; Eureka County, Monitor Range, 1 mile west of summit, Holmgren & Reveal 1462, 14 July 1964, Paratype; Diamond Mountains, Cottonwood Creek drainage, Holmgren & Holmgren 4436, 16 July 1970, Paratype; White Pine County, Egan Range, Holmgren & Reveal 2804, 3 July 1966, Paratype; Schell Creek Range, Holmgren et al. 2234, 22 July 1965, Paratype; Mt. Moriah, northern Snake Range, Holmgren & Reveal 2829, 7 July 1966, Paratype

Castilleja glandulifera Pennell, Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 74: 8. 1941
U.S.A.: Oregon, Baker Co., Blue Mts., Elkhorn Range, Holmgren & Reveal 2974, 7 Aug. 1966, Topotype

Castilleja kaibabensis N. Holmgren
U.S.A.: Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab Plateau, 20 airline miles south of Jacob Lake, Holmgren & Holmgren 4668, 6 Aug. 1970, Paratype; 2 miles north of Grand Canyon National Park boundary, Holmgren & Reveal 2995, 12 Aug. 1966, Paratype

Castilleja kaibabensis N. Holmgr., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 100: 89-91, 1973
U.S.A.: Arizona, Coconino Co., Kaibab Plateau, Holmgren & Holmgren 4682, 7 Aug. 1970, Isotype

Castilleja linariaefolia Benth. f. omnipubescens Pennell, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 89: 424. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Charleston Mts., Lee Canyon, I.W. Clokey 7323, 29 July 1936, Isotype

Castilleja linoides Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 11 I. 298. 1886
U.S.A.: Nevada, Elko Co., East Humboldt Range, Holmgren & Reveal 2844, 10 July 1966, Topotype

Castilleja lutea Heller, Bull. New York. Bot. Gard. 25: 268. 1898
U.S.A.: Idaho, Nez Perces Co., Lewiston, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3090, 20 May 1896, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Castilleja martinii Abrams, Bull. So. Cal. Acad. 1: 69. 1902
U.S.A.: California, Los Angeles Co., San Gabriel Mts., 2 mi. NW of Mt. Wilson Top, Holmgren & Reveal 2614, 30 May 1966, Topotype

Castilleja neglecta Zeile in Jepson Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 936. 1925
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Tiburon, H.L. Mason 12286, 20 May 1940, Topotype

Castilleja nivea Pennell & Ownbey, Not. Nat. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. No. 227: 2-3. 1950
U.S.A.: Montana, Carbon Co., Beartooth Mts., A. Cronquist 8080, 6 Aug. 1955, Topotype

Castilleja pringlei Fern., Proc. Am. Acad. 40: 56. 1904
 Mexico: Hidalgo, Sierra de Pachuca, C.G. Pringle 8666, 22 Aug. 1902, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Castilleja pruinosa Fern., Erythea 6: 50. 1898
U.S.A.: Oregon, Klamath Co., Swan Lake Valley, Holmgren & Reveal 2682, 10 June 1966, Topotype

Castilleja revealii N. Holmgr., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 100: 87 1973
U.S.A.: Utah, Garfield Co., Bryce Canyon National Park, Holmgren & Reveal 2017, 24 June 1965, Isotype

Castilleja roseana Eastw., Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 104. 1938
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., between San Lucas and Priest Valley, Holmgren & Reveal 2621, 2 June 1966, Topotype

Castilleja salsuginosa N. Holmgr., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 100: 83-85, 1973
U.S.A.: Nevada, White Pine Co., Steptoe Valley, Monte Neva Hot Springs, Holmgren & Reveal 2764, 4 July 1966, Isotype

Castilleja viscidula Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Am. 11 I, 298. 1886
U.S.A.: Nevada, Elko Co., East Humboldt Range, Angel Lake, Holmgren & Reveal 2843, 10 July 1966, Topotype

Ceanothus fendleri A. Gray, Pl. Fendl. 29. 1849
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, 9 miles east of Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3705, 16 June 1897, Topotype

Ceanothus ferrisiae McMinn, Madrono 2: 89. 1933
U.S.A.: California, Santa Clara Co., 4 mi. E of Madrone above Coyote River, L.S. Rose 55056, 11 Apr. 1955, Topotype

Ceanothus foliosus Parry var. vineatus McMinn, Ceanothus 221. 1942
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Vine Hill, L.S. Rose 55061, 2 June 1955, Topotype

Ceanothus gloriosus Howell var. porrectus Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 4: 31. 1944
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., west of Inverness, J.T. Howell 25314, 15 May 1949, Topotype

Ceanothus maritimus Hoover, Leafl. West. Bot. 7: 111. 1953
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., Ocean Bluffs, 1.8 mi. N of Arroyo, R.H. Hoover 7411, 24 Jan. 1948, Isotype

Ceanothus purpureus Jepson, Fl. W. Middle Calif. 258. 1901
U.S.A.: California, Napa Co., Wooden Valley Grade, 6 mi. NE of Napa, L.S. Rose 48010, 8 March 1948, Topotype

Ceanothus tomentosus Parry, Proc. Davenp. Acad. 5: 190. 1889
U.S.A.: California, Amador Co., Ione, L.S. Rose 60024, 3 May 1960, Topotype

Cedrela saxatilis Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 8(4): 314-315. 1905
 Mexico: Morelos, Cuernavava, C.G. Pringle 11805, 10 Sept. 1903, EX-Holotype

Cedronella canariensis Webb & Berth., Phyt. Canar. 3: 87
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, Aguamansa, E. Asplund 1065, 1933, Topotype

Celastrus linearis L. var. madagascariensis Greve, Publication unknown
 Madagascar: M. Greve, 1883, ? Type Collection Material

Celosia whiteii Grant, Can. J. Bot. 39: 48. 1961
 Cultivated: from Maylaya, Malacca, Klebang Rd., W.F. Grant 207, 1957, Isotype

Celsia iranica Rechinger et al., Anz. OsTerr. Akad. Wiss. Math.- Nat. 87: 189-191. 1950
 Iran: Kerman, Montes Djamal Bariz inter Bam et Djiroft, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3790, 8-10 May 1948, Isotype

Celtis tenuifolia Nutt. var. soperi Boivin
 Canada: Ontario, Grand Bend, L.O. Gaiser 207, 13 Sept. 1938, Paratype
U.S.A.: Illinois, Calhoun County, Mississippi bluffs, Hamburg, V.H. Chase 10257, 23 Apr. 1949, Paratype; Pope County, Rocky bluff near Waltersburg and 3 miles east of Dixon Springs, G.S. Winterringer 1345, 21 July 1948, Paratype

Celtis tenuifolia Nutt. var. soperi Boivin, Nat. can. 94: 623-624. 1967
 Canada: Ontario, Lambton Co., Grand Bend, Soper & Burcher 2200, 18 July 1940, Holotype

Centaurea aspera L. var. uniflora Gavelle, Publication unknown
 France: Grasse, G. Gavelle, 4 juin 1963, ? Type Collection Material

Centaurea badensis Trattinick, Archiv der Gewächskunde I: 8, tab. 50. 1812
 Austria: ad Baden, Heimerl (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 970), Topotype

Centaurea busambarensis Guss., Fl. Sic. syn. 2(2): 873. 1854
 Italy: Sicily, Palermo, Picuzza, A. Béguinot, (Fl. Italy Ex. Ser. 3, 2982), 1 July 1924, Topotype

Centaurea ×bükkensis Nyar. in Prod. & Nyar. Flora R.P.R. 9: 939. 1964
U.S.S.R.: Transsilvania, Distr. Cluj, Prodan et al. (Fl. Rom. ex 3188), 17 July 1947, ? Type Collection Material

Centaurea canariensis Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol. II 928. 1809
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. sel. Can. 185), 22 May 1946, Topotype

Centaurea carpatica Porc., En. plant. Naszod. Suppl. ad Magy. Növ. Lap. 2: 34. 1878
 Romania: Transsilvania, Distr. Bistrita-Nasaud, montis Craciunel, E.I. Nyarady, 22 Aug. 1923 (Fl. Rom. Ex. 492), Topotype

Centaurea carratracensis Lge., Kjoeb. Vidensk. Meddl. 94-95. 1881
 Spain: Sierra del Agua (province de Malaga), Carratraca, St. Lager, 13 July 1910, Topotype

Centaurea castellana Boiss., Diagn. Ser. I 6: 129. 1846
 Spain: Madrid, C. Vicioso, July 1920, Topotype

Centaurea cochinensis Bernh. var. pinnatifida Fiori, Publication unknown
 Italy: Prov. of Firenze Vallombrosa, A. Fiori, (Fl. Italy Ex. 387), 12 Aug. 1906, ? Type Collection Material

Centaurea collina L. var. roseiflora Gavelle, Publication unknown
 France: Plan d'Aups, La Ste. Baume, G. Gavelle, 7 juillet 1963, ? Type Collection Material

Centaurea csatoi Borbas, Magyar Tudom. Akad. 9: 29. 1879
 Hungary: Transsilvania occidentalis ad pedem montis Szekelyko prope pagum Torocko, Csato (Fl. ex Aust.-Hung. 975), Topotype

Centaurea cyrenaica Bég. & Vacc., Spec. nuov. o rar. Fl. Lib. Padova 3. 1912
 Italy: Cyrenaica, Derna, A. Vaccari (Fl. Lybica Ex. 223), 20 Apr. 1912, Isotype

Centaurea diomedea Gasparr. var. japygica Lacaita, N. Giorn. Bot. It. (n.s.) 32: 103-104. 1924
 Italy: Apulia, Terra d'Otranto, Novaglia prope Corsano, C. Lacaita, 30 May 1924 (Fl. Italy Ex. Ser. 3, 2984), Isotype

Centaurea dissecta Ten. var. intermedia Fiori, Publication unknown
 Italy: Prov. of Firenze, Vallombrosa, A. Fiori, (Fl. Italy Ex. 389), 5 Aug. 1905, ? Type Collection Material

Centaurea erinacella Rech. f., OesTerr. Bot. Zeitschr. 97: 258- 259. 1950
 Iran: Shahrud-Bustam, montim Shahvar, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6044, 20-26 July 1948, Isotype

Centaurea euboica Rech. f., Anz. ÖsTerr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Nat. 93: 102. 1956
 Greece: Euboea, Montes Kandili, Achmet Aga versus Hagios, K.H. Rechinger 18215, 21 July 1956, Topotype

Centaurea friderici Vis., Fl. Dalm. 2: 40. 1847
 Italy: Scoglio Pelagosa Piccola, A. Richter, 1912, Topotype

Centaurea grisebachii Nym. Consp. fl. eur. 427. 1879
 Greece: South Macedonia, Hortiac District, J. Ramsbottom, 17 July 1918, Topotype

Centaurea ×gusuleaci Prod., Flora R.P.R. 9: 921. 1964
 Romania: Cluj, I. Prodan et al., 28 July 1974 (Fl. Rom. Ex. 3282), Topotype

Centaurea kobstanica Tzoel., Not. Syst. ex Herb. Inst. Bot. Nom. V.L. Komarovii Acad. Sc. U.R.S.S. 19: 425. 1959
U.S.S.R.: Azerbajdzhania, Distr. Baku, inter pag. Perikesch-Gjul et pag. Agridzha, Bogdanov et al., 12 June 1957, Topotype

Centaurea latronum Pau, Not. Bot. Fl. Espan. 6: 67. 1895
 Spain: near Calatayud, Lacaita, 18 June 1923, Topotype

Centaurea leucadea Lacaita, N. Gioin. Bot. It. (n.s.) 32: 105. 1924
 Italy: Apulia, Terra d'Otranto, capo de Leuca, C. Lacaita, 30 May 1924 (Fl. Italy Ex. Ser. 3, 2985), Type Collection Material

Centaurea sadleriana Janka, Magy. tudom. akadem. math. es termeszetud. kozl. 12: 178. 1875
 Hungary: Budapest, Janka (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 657), Topotype

Centaurea schistosa Sosn. in Komarov Fl. URSS 28: 433, 611-612. 1963
U.S.S.R.: Caucasus orientalis Distr. Divitschi. pr. p. Arab- dagnja, Karjagin & Schevljakov, 24 May 1937, Topotype

Centaurea semi-adami Simk., Magy. Botan. Lapok. 5: 377. 1907
 Hungary: Budapest, C. Lyka, 15 July 1911, Typotype

Centaurea subtilis Bertoloni, Fl. Italy 9: 451. 1853
 Italy: Monte Gargano, Herb. Lacaita, Topotype

Centaurea tagananensis Svent., Contrib. Conoc. Fl. Canar. Svent. 184. 1946
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, Nivaria, Taganana, E.R. Sventenius 21 June 1944 (Fl. Sel. Canar. 93), Isotype

Centaurea triumfettii All. var. perfoliosa Domin, Fl. Cech. ex. 294
 Czechoslovakia: montis Cerna prope oppidum Sevlus, Domin et al., 27 May 1931, Isotype

Centaurea webbiana Sch. Bip., Phyt. Canar. 2: 353. 1836-50
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Garachico, E.R. Sventenius 187, 15 June 1949, Topotype

Centaurium glomeratum (Wittr.) R. & Br. var. scanicum Sterner, Publication unknown
 Sweden: Skåne, Engelholm, E. Broddesson, 11 July 1906, ? Topotype

Centaurium pusillum Eastw., Proc. Amer. Acad. 44: 605-606. 1909
 Mexico: Michoacan, Morelia, C.G. Pringle 10408, 29 Nov. 1907, Isotype

Centrochloa singularis Swallen, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 192. 1935
 Brazil: Barra do Corda to Grajahu, Maranhao, J.R. Swallen (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1570) 1-5 Mar. 1934, Isotype

Centromadia parryi Greene, Man. Bot. Reg. San Francisco Bay 197. 1894
U.S.A.: California, Sonome Co., Calistoga Warm Springs, J.I. McMurphy 697, 7 Aug. 1909, Topotype

Centropogon foliosum Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 146. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1385 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cephalaria daghestanica Bobr., Journ. Bot. URSS 17: 502. 1932
U.S.S.R.: Daghestania, Dist. Chunsach, prope pag. Moxon, E. Bobrov, (Fl. ex. USSR 3796), ? Type Collection Material

Cephalaria linearifolia Lange, Kjoeb Vidensk. Meddel. 226. 1877- 78
 Spain: Regn. Granat. Sierra Nevada, pr. San Geronimo, Porta & Rigo 465, Julio 1891, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Cephalaria sillingeri Domin, Acta. Bot. Bohem. 9: 255. 1930
 Czoslovakia: Slovakia australis prope Kovacov, Sillinger & Deyl (Domin & Krajina, Fl. Cech. ex 194), 17 Sept. 1930, Isotype

Cerastium alpinum L. var. robustum Hulten, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 50: 434. 1956
 Canada: Dist. of Franklin, Baffin Island, Frobisher Bay, H.A. Senn 3547, 24 June 1948, Paratype

Cerastium alpinum L. var. strigosum Hulten, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 50: 435. 1956
 Canada: Dist. of Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbour, W.J. Cody, 1948, Paratype

Cerastium arcticum Lange var. sordidum Hulten, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 50: 456. 1956
 Canada: Dist. of Franklin, Ellesmere I., Cape Belknap, P.F. Bruggeman 189, 4 July 1951, Paratype

Cerastium arcticum Lange var. vestitum Hulten, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 50: 453. 1956
 Canada: Dist. of Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbour, W.J. Cody 1071, 1 July 1948, Paratype

Cerastium arvense L. ssp. calcicolum (Schur) Borza var. eglandulosum Borza, Fl. Rom. ex. 399
 Romania: Transsilvania, Trascau, A. Borza, 18 June 1923, Isotype

Cerastium arvense L. var. ophiticola Raymond, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 102: 126. 1955
 Canada: Quebec, Megantic Co., Black Lake, Raymond et al., 17 juillet 1951, Isotype

Cerastium arvense L. var. purpurascens Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 4. 1951
 Canada: British Columbia, Victoria, J.W. Tolmie, 1897, Holotype

Cerastium beeringianum C.&S. var. glabratum Hultén
 Canada: Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbour, W.J. Cody 1874, 6 Aug. 1948, Paratype

Cerastium beeringianum C. & S. var. glabratum Hulten, Sv. Bot. Tdiskr. 50: 481. 1956
 Canada: Dist. of Keewatin, Southampton Island, Coral Harbour, W.J. Cody 1528, 24 July 1948, Paratype

Cerastium caespitosum Gilibert var. hallaisanense Mizushima, Publication unknown
 Japan: Prov. Kazusa, Hondo, Ichinomiya-machi, Chosei-gun, T. Makino, 1931, ? Type Collection Material

Cerastium nutans Raf. var. occidentale Boivin
 Canada: Ontario, Rainy River, H. Groh s.n., 10 Oct. 1929, Paratype; Manitoba, Indian Bay, M.C. Dudley 90, 7 June 1941, Paratype; Swan River, G. Batho s.n., 1 Nov. 1938, Paratype; North Kildonan, W.N. Denike 38, 1 June 1940, Paratype; Saskatchewan, Regina, L.T. Carmichael 96, 1 June 1944, Paratype; Muskeg trail, Big River, H. Groh 1169, 30 Sept. 1939, Paratype; Shellbrook, T. Rowles S2753, 1 July 1947, Paratype; Wallwort, at camping ground along Stoney Lake, A.J. Breitung 560, 15 June 1940, Paratype; Langham, in river valley, R.C. Russell s.n., 12 & 26 June 1938, Paratype; Alberta, Peace River, H. Groh s.n., 12 Sept. 1934, Paratype; Fort Saskatchewan, G.H. Turner 6, 5 June 1938, Paratype; 6 miles NE of Fort Saskatchewan, G.H. Turner 2877, 4 June 1942, Paratype; 2 miles west of Fort Saskatchewan, G.H. Turner 4440, 26 June 1945, Paratype; 2 miles west of Fort Saskatchewan, G.H. Turner 4051, 16 June 1944, Paratype; Barrhead, H. Groh s.n., 27 June 1935, Paratype; Blackfolds, June 1934, Paratype; Peace River District, Heart River, near Grouard, H. Groh 1074, Paratype

Cerastium nutans Raf. var. occidentale Boivin, Can. Field-Nat. 65: 5. 1951
 Canada: Saskatchewan, 5 mi. W of Wallwort, A.J. Breitung 655, 15 July 1940, Holotype

Cerastium trigynum Vill. var. morrisonense Hayata, Publication unknown
 Taiwan: Mt. Morrison, T.S. Liu, 23 Aug. 1949, ? Type Collection Material

Ceratophyllum pentacanthum Haynald, Magyar Noventani Lapok 5: 109-116. 1881
 Hungary: Kalocsa, Haynald (Fl. ex. Austro-Hungarica 662), Topotype

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. in Torrey & Gray var. intermontanus N.H. Holmgren, Brittonia 39(4): 424. 1987
U.S.A.: Utah, Canyon Mountains, Oak Creek Canyon, west ridge of South Walker Canyon, Holmgren & Holmgren 11298, 24 May 1987, Isotype

Chaenactis xantiana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 6: 545. 1865
U.S.A.: California, Kern Co., near Old Fort Tejon, H.M. Hall 6285, 17 June 1905, Topotype

Chaenotheca neopeltandra Urb., Symb. Antill. 3: 284. 1902
 Cuba: Matanzas Bay, F. Rugel, May 1849, Isotype

Chamaecrista keyensis Pennell, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 44: 344. 1917
U.S.A.: Florida, Monroe Co., Big Pin Key, E.P. Killip 32879, 29 Jan.-16 Feb. 1940, Topotype

Cheilanthes carlotta-halliae Wagner & Gilbert, Amer. Jour. Bot. 44: 738. 1957
U.S.A.: California, Marin Co., Mt. Tamalpais, W.A. Wagner 4604, 10 Feb. 1948, Isotype

Cheilanthes clevelandii D.C. Eaton, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 6: 33. 1875
U.S.A.: California, San Diego Co., D. Cleveland, July 1877, Topotype

Chelone obliqua L. var. speciosa Pennell & Wherry, Bartonia 10: 19. 1929
U.S.A.: Indiana, Spencer Co., NE of Grandview, Wherry & Pennell 13577, 4 Sept. 1927, Isotype

Chenolea canariensis Moq., Chenopodearum Monog. Enum. 96. 1840
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, Punta de Terro, E. Asplund 809, 14 Apr. 1933, Topotype

Chenopodium album L. var. dacoticum, Aellen, Feddes Reportroium Spec. 26: 131. 1929
U.S.A.: North Dakota, Fargo, O.A. Stevens 6, 1917, Syntype

Chenopodium ×aellenianum Blom., Acta Horti Gotoburgensis 11: 165. 1936
 Sweden: Västergötland, Göteborg, Marieholm, C. Blom, (Pl. Suec. Ex. 688), 9 Sept. 1933, Isotype

Chenopodium album L. ssp. iranicum Aellen, Publication unknown
 Iran: Kazvin, Keredj, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6700a, 20 Aug. 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Chenopodium album L. var. novopokrovskyarum Aellen, Publication unknown
 Iran: Khorasan, Shoukatabad, prope Birdjand, K.H. Rechinger 4152, 25 May 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Chenopodium album L. var. stevensii Aellen, Phytologia 26: 130. 1929
U.S.A.: North Dakota, Fargo O.A. Stevens 21, 4 Oct. 1917, Isotype

Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. f. purpurascens Ludw. & Aellen Feddes Rep. 26: 56. 1929
U.S.A.: North Dakota, Fargo, O.A. Stevens 24, 4 Oct. 1917, Paratype

Chenopodium blomianum Aellen, Bot. Notis. 1928: 203-205. 1928
 Sweden: Göteborg, C. Blom, 5 Sept. 1927, Type Collection Material

Chenopodium bushianum Aellen f. acutidentatum Aellen, Feddes Rep. 26: 119. 1929
U.S.A.: North Dakota, Fargo, O.A. Stevens 26, 1 Oct. 1946, Isotype

Chenopodium foggii Wahl, Bartonia 27: 9. 1954
 Canada: Quebec, Pontiac Co., Mt. Martin, A.J. Breitung 7133, 29 July 1948, Paratype

Chenopodium missouriense Aellen, Bot. Notis. 1928: 206-297. 1927
U.S.A.: Missouri, Courtney, B.F. Bush 11608, 28 Sept. 1927, Type Collection Material

Chikusichloa aquatica Koidzumi, Bot. mag. Tokyo 39: 23-24. 1925
 Japan: Kyushu, Pref. Kumamoto, Hitoyoshi, K. Mayebara 5445, 14 Sept. 1958, Topotype

Chloanthes stachadis R. Br., Prodr. 514. 1830
 Australia: Port Jackson, R. Brown, 1802-5, ? Isotype

Chloris cubensis Hitchc. & Ekman, U.S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Publ. 243: 131. 1936
 Cuba: Province Oriente, Holguin, E.L. Ekman (Amer. Gr. Nat. Herb. 1014), 18 Nov. 1922, Paratype

Chlorogalum purpureum Bdg. var. reductum Hoover, Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 124. 1964
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., 18 mi. E of Creston, R.F. Hoover 7691, Paratype

Chomelia longicaudata Rusby, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 52: 139. 1925
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 392 (1898-1901), Isotype

Chorizanthe cuspidata S. Wats., Proc. Am. Acad. 17: 379. 1882
U.S.A.: California, San Francisco, L.S. Rose 58121, 11 July 1958, Topotype

Chorizanthe ventricosa Goodman, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 193. 1939
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., Mustang Grade, J.T. Howell 39489, 21 July 1963, Topotype

Chorizanthe villosa Eastwood, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 485-486. 1903
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Bodega Point, L.S. Rose 56128, 16 July 1956, Topotype

Chrysanthemum anethifolium Brouss. in Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol. 2: 904. 1809
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Las Canadas, E.R. Sventenius, 24 April 1954 (Fl. Sel. Canariensis 86), Topotype

Chrysanthemum ornatum Hemsley var. crassum Kitamura, Publication unknown
 Japan: Prov. Ohsumi, Kyushu, T. Makino, 1932, ? Type Collection Material

Chrysanthemum ornatum Hemsley var. spontaneum (Makino) Kitamura, Publication unknown
 Japan: Prov. Musasi, Hondo, Ohizumi-machi, Tokyo, T. Makino, 1933, ? Type Collection Material

Chrysanthemum ornatum Hemsley var. spontaneum (Makino) Kitamura f. debilis Kitamura, Publication unknown
 Japan: Kyogo Pref., T. Makino, Dec. 1930, ? Type Collection Material

Chrysanthemum shahrudense Rechinger et al., OesTerr. Bot. Zeitschr. 97: 230-231. 1950
 Iran: Shahrud-Bustam, in jogo Khosh-Jaila, K.H. & F. Rechinger 5416, 17 June 1948, Isotype

Chrysanthemum shimotomaii Makino, Journ. Jap. Bot. 8: 13. 1932
 Japan: Nijigahama, Hirari City, Yamaguchi Pref., T. Makino, 1931, Type Collection Material

Chrysophyllum polynesicum Hillebr., Fl. Haw. Isl. 277. 1888
 Hawaiin Islands: Molokai, Kaluaaha, rain-forest, O. Degener 10281, 28 June 1928, Topotype

Chrysosplenium doianum Ohwi in Acta Phytotax & Geobot. 2: 105. 1933
 Japan: Kyushu, Mt. Shigehirayama in Satsuma, Y. Doi, 5 March 1933, Isotype

Chrysosplenium hebetatum Ohwi in Fedde, Repert. 36: 52. 1934
 Formosa: Taihoku, J. Ohwi 996, April 1933, Isotype

Chrysopsis flexuosa Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 23: 107. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Leon Co., Bellair, G.V. Nash 2545, 3 Sept. 1895, Isotype

Chrysopsis hirtella DC., Prodr. 5: 327. 1836
U.S.A.: Washington, Grant Co., Sagebrush slopes N of Soap Lake in Grand Coulee, J.W. Thompson 11490, 18 May 1935, Topotype

Chrysopsis wisconsinensis Shinners, Wrightia 1: 218. 1948
U.S.A.: Wisconsin, Adams Co., Brooks, L.H. Shinners 4314, 28 June 1942, Paratype

Chrysosplenium rosendahlii Packer, Can. J. Bot. 41: 89. 1963
 Canada: Dist. of Franklin, Somerset Island, D.B.O. Savile 3619, 25 July 1958, Holotype

Chrysosplenium woroschilovii Neczajeva, Biul. Gl. Bot. sada 101: 62. 1976
U.S.S.R.: Prov. Primorje, p. Anisomovka, Neczaeva & Polijezuk, 27 June 1974, (Fl. U.S.S.R. 5918), Topotype

Chrysothamnus gramineus Hall, Muhlenbergia 2: 342. 1916
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mountains, Lee Canyon, I.W. & C.B. Clokey 7417, (Pl. ex. Gray 779), 27 July 1936, Topotype

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britt. var. nanus Cronquist, Vasc. Pl. Pacific Northwest 5: 129. 1955
U.S.A.: Washington, Asotin Co., Big Butte, Cronquist & Preece 6812, 24 Sept. 1950, Isotype

Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britt. ssp. washoensis Anderson, Phytologia 38: 315-317. 1978
U.S.A.: Nevada, Washoe Co., Buckhorn Road, Tiehm & Schoolcraft 9239, 14 Aug. 1984, Topotype

Cibotium hawaiense Naka & Ogura, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44: 468. 1930
 Hawaiin Islands: Volcano P.O., T.M.C. Taylor 6477, 30 Nov. 1960, Topotype

Cicuta victorinii Fern., Rhodora 41: 441. 1939
 Canada: Québec, Cap Rouge, Victorin & Rolland-Germain 7321, 23 août 1942, Topotype

Cirsium chellyense Moore & Frankton, Can. J. Bot. 52: 547. 1974
U.S.A.: Arizona, Apache Co., Canyon de Chelly, E.M. Norman 680, 1 July 1961, Holotype

Cirsium clokeyi Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 51: 8-10. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., I.W. Clokey 7456, 6 Aug. 1937, Isotype

Cirsium congdonii Moore & Frankton, Can. J. Bot. 45: 1738. 1967
U.S.A.: California, Mono Co., 3[1/2] miles NW of Bridgeport, Bacigalupi et al. 8015, 28 July 1961, Holotype

Cirsium creticum d'Urv. var. spinosissimum Reverchon, Publication unknown
 Europe: Crète, Marais de Platania, Reverchon 89, 15 July 1883, ? Type Collection Material

Cirsium erisithales L. var. rubrum Porta, Publication unknown
 Austria: Tirolia austral., Val Vestino, Porta, July 1893, ? Type Collection Material

Cirsium fabium Porta, Sched. Fl. Austro-Hung. 5: 63. 1888
 Austria: Tirolia australis, val di Ledro, montis Lomar, Porta, Aug.-Sept. 1882, Topotype

Cirsium filipendulum Lge., Pugillus Plantarum 142. 1861
 Portugal: Gallaecia, inter Cebreiro et Piedrafita, Font quer & Rothmaler, 3 Aug. 1935 (Fl. Iber. Sel. 288), Topotype

Cirsium flodmani (Rydb.) Arth. f. albiflorum D. Löve, Rhod. 55: 362-363. 1953
 Canada: Manitoba, W of Langruth, D. & A. Löve 5672, 24 July 1952, Isotype

Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jepson var. obispoense J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 2: 71. 1938
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., R.F. Hoover 8025, 21 June 1951, Topotype

Cirsium heldreichii Hal. ssp. euboicum Petrak, Publication unknown
 Greece: Euboea, K.H. Rechinger 18213-b, 20 July 1956, Isotype

Cirsium longistylum Moore & Frankton, Can. J. Bot. 41: 1562. 1963
U.S.A.: Montana, Cascade Co., Little Belt Mountains, 3 mi. SE of Monarch, Senn et al. 5666, 23 Aug. 1951, Holotype

Cirsium rosani Tenore, Ind. Sem. Hort. Neap. 15. 1830
 Italy: Lucania, Potenza, O. Gavioli, July 1926, (Fl. Italy Ex. 2990), Topotype

Cirsium serotinum Porta, Publication unknown
 Europe: Tirolia austral., Porta, Sept. 1897, ? Type Collection Material

Cirsium terrae-nigrae Shinners, Field & Lab. 17: 27-29. 1949
U.S.A.: Texas, Fannin Co., 5[1/2] miles E of Bonham, L.S. Shinners 7846, 10 June 1945, Isotype

Cirsium trigenum Porta, Publlication unknown
 Europe: Tirolia austral., Porta, Aug. 1893, ? Type Collection Material

Cirsium trinum Goller, OesTerr. Bot. Zeitschr. 56: 318. 1906
 Austria: Tirolia orient. Pusteria, pr. Hollbruck, Goller, Aug. 1895, Type Collection Material

Cirsium turneri Warnock, Southw. Nat. 5: 101. 1960
U.S.A.: Texas, Brewster Co., Doubtful Canyon, Del Norte Mts., 25 mi. SE of Alpine, B.H. Warnock 7974, 11 July 1948, Isotype

Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. var. franktonis Boivin, Phytologia 23: 113-114. 1972
 Canada: British Columbia, at foot of Mt. Anarchist, just east of Osoyoos, Calder & Savile 9838, 29 June 1953, Holotype

Cirsium ×vancouverense Moore & Frankton, Can. J. Bot. 40: 1190. 1962
 Canada: British Columbia, Nanaimo, E.G. Anderson 987, 20 July 1950, Holotype

Cirsium ×vodicense Morariu, Studii si cercet. stünt., Cluj 4(3- 4): 119-120. 1953
 Romania: Oltenia, Distr. Turnu Severin, in valle Vodita ad pag. Virciorova, I. Morariu, 17 July 1948 (Fl. Rom. Ex. 2981), Isotype

Cistus corsicus Lois., Nouv. Not. 24. 1827
 France: Corsica, Bastia, M.F. Spencer, 6 May 1911, Topotype

Cistus vaginatus Dryand in Aiton, Hort. Kew. Ed. 2, 3: 304. 1811
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, La Guancha, E.R. Sventenius 128, 3 June 1949, Topotype

Citropsis gilletiana Swingle & Kellerman, J. Arn. Arb. 21: 116- 117. 1940
 Cultivated: Greenhouse, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (seeds from Kisantu, Belgian Congo by Père J. Gillet), W.T. Swingle, 13 Feb. 1939, Type Tree

Clarkia australis E. Small
U.S.A.: California, Tuolomne County, 0.5 mile east of Hardin Flat along Highway 120, T. Mosquin 3166, 3322, 26 July 1957, ParatypeS; junction of California State Highway and road to Mather, Mosquin 3321, 30 June 1959, Paratype; Tuolumne County, State Highway 120, 0.6 mile east of intersection of road to Hardin Flat, 37°46'N 119°56'W, E. Small 226, 26 July 1967, Paratype

Clarkia australis E. Small, Can. J. Bot. 49: 1216-1217. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Tuolumne Co., State Highway 120, 0.6 miles east of intersection of road to Hardin Flat, E. Small 155, 14 July 1967, Holotype

Clarkia borealis Small
U.S.A.: California, Shasta County, O'Briens, Lake Shasta, Shasta Caverns Road, 40°48'N 122°06'W, E. Small 189, 1969, Paratype; Trinity County, east shore of Clair Eagle Lake, 40°52'N 122°41'W, E. Small 197, 1969, Paratype; Trinity County, 3.5 miles south-east of Five Pines, Raven & Snow 13564, 18 July 1958, Paratype; Shasta County, Lake Shasta, 40°48'N 122°06'W, E. Small 190, 20 July 1967, Paratype

Clarkia borealis E. Small, Can. J. Bot. 49: 1215. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Shasta Co., Shasta Caverns Road, E. Small 189, 20 July 1967, Holotype

Clarkia borealis E. Small ssp. arida E. Small, Can. J. Bot. 49: 1215. 1971
U.S.A.: Shasta Co., Highway 44 east of Redding, E. Small 206, 21 July 1967, Holotype

Clarkia exilis Lewis & Vasek, Madrono 12: 211. 1954
U.S.A.: California, Kern Co., 1 mile from mouth of Kern River Canyon, Lewis & Vasek 908, 19 Apr. 1952, Isotype

Clarkia franciscana Lewis & Raven, Brittonia 10: 7-8. 1958
U.S.A.: California, San Fransisco, P.H. Raven 9321, 1 June 1956, Isotype

Clarkia imbricata Lewis & Lewis, Madrono 12: 38. 1953
U.S.A.: California, Sonoma Co., Vine Hill Road between Santa Rosa and Guerneville, H. & M. Lewis 865, 10 July 1951, Isotype

Clarkia mosquinii E. Small, Can. J. Bot. 49: 1216. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Plumas Co., 3.7 miles SW of entrance to Plumas National Forest, T. Mosquin 3335, 2 July 1959, Holotype

Clarkia mosquinii E. Small ssp. xerophila E. Small, Can. J. Bot. 49: 1216. 1971
U.S.A.: California, Butte Co., 0.2 miles west of Enterprise, E. Small 178, 19 July 1967, Holotype

Clarkia nitens Lewis & Lewis, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 20: 287. 1955
U.S.A.: California, Madera Co., Wawona Road to Yosemite, Lewis & Lewis 325, 7 June 1947, Paratype

Clarkia similis Lewis & Ernst., Madrono 12: 89. 1953
U.S.A.: California, San Diego Co., 7.6 miles west of Ramona, Lewis et al. 773, 22 Apr. 1951, Isotype

Clarkia speciosa Lewis & Lewis ssp. immaculata Lewis & Lewis, Univ. Calif. Pub. Bot. 20: 291. 1955
U.S.A.: California, San Luis Obispo Co., Carpenter Canyon, Lewis & Lewis 469, 24 June 1947, Isotype

Clarkia stellata Mosquin
U.S.A.: California, Plumas County, Spring Garden along California State Highway 89, T. Mosquin 3328, 1 July 1959, Paratype

Clarkia stellata Mosquin, Leafl. West. Bot. 9: 215. 1962
U.S.A.: California, Plumas Co., Humbug Road, 1.2 miles west of Humbolt Road, T. Mosquin 3332, 2 July 1959, Isotype

Claytonia cupulata Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 11. 1923
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, W. Suksdorf 10169, 14 Apr. 1919, Isotype

Claytonia lanceolata Pursh var. pacifica McNeill, Can. J. Bot. 50: 1897. 1972
 Canada: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, slope of Golden Hinde above Burman Lake, Calder & McKay 32497, 15 Aug. 1961, Holotype

Claytonia ogilviensis McNeill, Can. J. Bot. 50: 1895-1896. 1972
 Canada: Yukon, Ogilvie Mts., L.H. Green 3, 20 June 1958, Holotype

Claytonia parviflora Doug. ex Hook. var. sparsiflora Suksdorf, Werdenda 1: 11. 1923
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, W.N. Suksdorf 4022, 21 April 1906, 5 May 1904, Paratype

Clematis acuminata DC. var. multiflora Comber, Publication unknown
TIBET & S.W. China: Sheveli Valley, G. Forrest 12129, 1913, ? Type Collection Material

Clematis albicoma Wherry, J. Wash. Acad. Sc. 21: 9. 1931
U.S.A.: West Virginia, Kate's Mountain, Herman & Martin (Pl. ex. Gray. 951), 21 May 1939, Topotype

Clematis apiifolia DC. var. biternata Makino, Publication unknown
 Japan: Tochigi Pref., Nikko City, T. Makino, July 1904, ? Type Collection Material

Clematis forrestii W.W. Sm., Roy. Bot. Gard. Edin. Notes 7: 183. 1914
 China: Shweli-Salwin divide, G. Forrest 12116, Dec. 1913, Topotype

Clematis gattingeri J.K. Small, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 209. 1897
U.S.A.: Tennessee, Cumberland River above Nashville, A. Gattinger, June 1897, Type Collection Material

Clematis verticillaris DC. var. grandiflora Boivin, Phytologia 16: 241. 1968
 Canada: Ontario, Thunder Bay District, 5 mi. S of Fort William, Dore & Lindsay 10723, 15 June 1950, Holotype

Cleome cornuta Rydb., Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 30: 249. 1903
U.S.A.: Utah, Wayne Co., 25 mi. SW of Hanksville, A. Cronquist 9185, 3 June 1961, Topotype

Cleomella plocasperma S. Wats., Bot. King. Exp. 33. 1871
U.S.A.: Nevada, Elko Co., Ruby Valley, Holmgren & Kern 3659, 7 July 1969, Topotype

Clermontia kakeana Meyen, Reise 2: 139
 Hawaiin Islands: Koolau Mts., Waahila Ridge Trail, S. Carlquist 1605, 29 Nov. 1964, Topotype

Clermontia oblongifolia Gaudich., Freye. Voy. Bot. 459 t71.
 Hawaiin Islands: Oahu, Halawa Valley Ridge, Kaalau Range, R.S. Cowan 555, 2 Mar. 1947, Topotype

Clermontia pallida Hilleb., Fl. Haw. Isl. 241-242. 1888
 Hawaiin Islands: Molokai, ca. 1 mi. east of Waikolu Lookout, S. Carlquist 2217, 25 Aug. 1966, Topotype

Clermontia parviflora Gaudich ex. A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 5: 150. 1861
 Hawaiin Islands: end of Route 148A northeast of Kilauea, Degener & Degener 27733, 13 July 1961, Topotype

Clerodendron floribundum R. Br., Prodr. 511. 1830
 Australia: North Coast, R. Brown, 1802-5, ? Isotype

Clusiophyllum sprucei Muell.-Arg., Flora 47: 518-519. 1864
 Venezuela: Rio Negro, San Carlos, Schultes & Lopez 9284, 9 Dec. 1947, Topotype

$$$$Clyostoma pterocabyx Sprague ex Urban, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 34: 741. 1916
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2401, 1898-1901, ? Isotype

Cneorum pulverulentum Vent., Jard. Cels, t 77. 1802
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Teno, E.R. Sventenius 52, 6 Mar. 1947, Topotype

Cnicus muticus (Michx.) Pursh var. monticola Fern., Ott. Nat. 19: 166. 1905
 Canada: Quebec, West Gaspé Co., Mt. Albert, Mosquin & Spicer 5991, 2 Aug. 1964, Topotype

Cnidoscolus pringlei Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. n.s. 68: 85-86. 1923
 Mexico: Guerrero, near Iguala, C.G. Pringle 10387, 28 July 1907, Paratype

Cochlearia islandica Pobed., Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc., Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S. 1968: 130-131. 1968
Iceland: N Brimsey, H.G. Vevers 90 & 94, 11 July 1939, Topotype

Cochlearia polonica E. Frohlich, Posl Polsk., Pl. Polon. Exsicc. Ser. 2, Cent. 3. 11. 1936
 Poland: Wywierzyska rzeki Bailej na poludniowo - wschodnim krancu Pustyni Bledowskiej, E. Frolick (Pl. Pol. ex. 423), May 1936, Type Collection Material

Codonopsis lanceolata Trautv. var. omurae T. Koyama, Publication unknown
 Japan: Honshu, Central District, Pref. Shzu-oka, Shibukawa Hot Spring, T. Koyama 16742/3, 3 Sept. 1959, ? Type Collection Material

Codonopsis ussuriensis Hemsley var. lanceolata T. Koyama, Publication unknown
 Japan: Takai District, Pref. Shizuoka, Inasa, Twp., Shibulawa Spa., T. Ohmura 16744, 4 Sept. 1956, ? Type Collection Material

Coelocarpus madagascariensis Scott-Elliot, Journ. Linn. Soc. 29: 43. 1891
 Madagascar: Ambovombe, M.R. Decary 2689, 18 May 1924, Topotype

Colchicum neopolitatum Ten. f. candidum Gavioli, Fl. Italica ex. Ser. 3: 2819
 Italy: Lucania, Potenza, O. Gavioli, 4 Oct. 1925, ? Isotype

Coleocarya gracilis S.T. Blake, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 14(9): 75-77. 1943
 Australia: Queensland, Moreton District, Stradbroke Island, S.T. Blake 14300, 21 Sept. 1940, Isotype

$$$$Colicodendron anceps Shuttl. in Chapman, Fl. S. US. p. 32. 1860
U.S.A.: Florida, Key West, F. Rugel 24, May 1846, Type Collection Material

Collinsia antonina Hardham, Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 133. 1964
U.S.A.: California, Monterey Co., W side of Hames Valley near Jolon-Bradley Road, C.B.Hardham 11012, 20 Apr. 1964, Isotype

$$$$Collomia tracyi Mason, Madrono 9: 254. 1948
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., South Fork Mt. nr. Blake Lookout, J.P. Tracy 9046, 16-19 July 1930, Paratype

Colpodium latifolium R.Br., Chlor. Melv. 28. 1823
 Canada: District of Franklin, Melville Island, G. Parker 39a, 28 July 1974, Topotype

Colubrina megacarpa Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 8: 50. 1903
 Mexico: Puebla, near Tehuacan, C.G. Pringle 10179, 12 May 1906, Topotype

Combretum latipaniculatum Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 69. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 2101 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Combretum multidiscum Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 69-70. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 874 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Combretum oblongifolium Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 70-71. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1947 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Commelina swingleana Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 22: 160. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1525, 1-15 Aug. 1894, Isotype

Convolvulus argyracanthus Rech. f. & Aellen, Anz. ÖsTerr. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Nat. 87: 303-304. 1950
 Iran: prope Tarum, K.H. & F. Rechinger 3234, 29 May 1948, Topotype

Convolvulus fruticulosus Desr., Lam. Encyc. 3: 541. 1789
 Canary Islands: Santa Cruz, E. Asplund 468, 21 Mar. 1933, Topotype

Conyza daveauana Sennem, Bol. Soc. Arag. (Iberica) 11: 194. 1912; 15: 98. 1916
 Spain: Fre. Sennen, 10 Dec. 1912, ? Type Collection Material

Coprosma longifolia A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 4: 48. 1860
 Hawaiin Islands: Oahu, between Mauna Kapu and Palikea, Degener & Silva 21032, 29 Oct. 1950, Topotype

Coprosma menziesii A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 4: 49. 1860
HAWAIAN ISLANDS: between Waiakea and Olaa, C.N. Forbes 569.H, 19 May 1915, Topotype

Coprosma pubens A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 4: 49. 1860
 Hawaiin Islands: Along Saddle Road 7 miles from Hilo, Degener et al. 20158, 5 Sept. 1949, Topotype

Coprosma rapensis F. Brown, Bull. Bishop Mus. Honolulu, 130: 316. 1935
 Rapa: Anarua Valley, Fosberg 11523, 12 July 1934, Topotype

Coprosma rhynchocarpa A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 4: 48. 1860
 Hawaiin Islands: Kona, south of Paploa, Degener & Mureshige 20341, 13 Aug. 1949, Topotype

Corallorhiza macrantha Schlechter, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 36, Ab. 2, 411. 1918
 Mexico: Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe, C.G. Pringle 4723, June 1894, Isolectotype

Cordia morelosana Standley, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23: 220. 1924
 Mexico: Morelos, near Cuernavaca, C.G. Pringle 8205, 17 Mar. 1899, Isotype

Cordia subtruncata Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 105. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 583, (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cordylanthus glandulosus Pennell & Clokey, Proc. Acad. Sc. Philad. 90: 11. 1938
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts., I.W. Clokey 7715, 16 July 1937, Isotype

Cordylanthus tecopensis Munz & Ross, El Aliso 2: 233-234. 1950
U.S.A.: California, Inyo Co., Mojave Desert, Tecopa Hot Springs, Munz & Campbell 14358, 9 Oct. 1949, Isotype

Corispermum hookeri Mosyakin
 Canada: Mackenzie, 16 miles downstream from Fort Simpson, 61º58'N 121º45'W, Cody & Matte 8944, 25 July 1955, Paratype; Ontario: Sarnia, W.A. Dent s.n., Oct. 1936, Paratype; Norfolk County, Long Point, F.A. Clarkson 6684, 22 Sept. 1946, Paratype; Norfolk County, Squires Ridge to Little Creek Ridges, Reznicek & Catling 5255, 20 Sept. 1979, Paratype; Manitoba: 16 miles south of Carberry, G.A. Stevenson 2255, 23 Sept. 1960, Paratype; Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 20 miles southwest of Pike Lake, G.F. Ledingham 1219, 10 Sept. 1951, Paratype; Moose Jaw Region, Caron, J.H. Hudson 1768, 24 Sept. 1955, Paratype; Coulée Agassiz Canton Bernard, 12-15 milles au sud-est de Demaine, B. Boivin 14156, 18 Sept. 1960, Paratype

Corispermum hookeri Mosyakin, Novon 5: 349-350. 1996
 Canada: Saskatchewan, District of Moose jaw, 5-6 milles à l'est de Mortlach, B. Boivin & G.F. Ledinham 14079, 11 Sept. 1960, Holotype

Corispermum nitidum Kitaib. apud Schult., OesTerr. Fl. ed. 2, 1: 7. 1814
 Hungary: insula Csepel prope Budapest, Mágósy & Pollák (Fl. Ex. Aust.-Hung. 3842), Topotype

Corispermum pacificum Mosyakin, Novon 5: 347-348. 1995
U.S.A.: Washington, Whitman Co., Wawawai-Lewiston road along Snake River, R.T. Ogilvie s.n., 15 Sept. 1956, Paratype

Cornus canadensis L. var. dutillyi (Lepage) Boivin f. viride Boivin, Nat. can. 87: 30. 1960
 Canada: Alberta, Kananaskis, B.W.G. Denyer 50/57, 3 July 1950, Holotype

Cornus microcarpa Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 23: 103. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Gadsden Co., River Junction, G.V. Nash 2589, 5 Sept. 1895, Isotype

Cornus racemosa Lam. f. caeruleocarpa Oswald, Phytologia 5(8): 337. 1956
U.S.A.: New Jersey, Bergen Co., Alpine Scout Camp, Alpine, F. Oswald, 30 Aug. 1955, Isotype

Cornus stolonifera Michx. f. azurea Lepage, Nat. can. 81: 59. 1954
 Canada: Ontario, rivière Albany, 51º28'W, 87ºW, 20 août 1952, Dutilly et al. 30825, 6 Sept. 1952, Isotype

Cornus stolonifera Michx f. dolichocarpa Lepage, Nat. can. 81: 60. 1954
 Canada: Ontario, rivière Albany, 51º30'W 83º27'W, Dutilly & Lepage 30365, 11 août 1952, Isotype

Coronilla varia L. var. albiflora Gavelle, Publication unknown
 Europe: Foret de la Hardt, Habsheim, G. Gavelle 1057, ? Type Collection Material

Corydalis cava Schweigg. f. angustisecta Otruba, Fl. ex. Reip. Bohem. Slov. 215
 Czechoslovakia: Moravia Centr.-Sept., Olomouc, J. Otruba, 7 Apr. 1927, Isotype

Corydalis montanum Engelm. in Gray Man. Bot. N. United States (ed. 5) p. 62. 1867
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3529, Topotype

Corydalis ×samuelssonii Fedde in Fedde Repert. 16: 59. 1919
 Sweden: Södermanland, Paroecia Strängnäs,, Gorsingeholm, G. Samuelsson, 16 May 1926, Topotype

Corydalis ussuriensis Aparina, Nov. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 1966: 108- 110. 1966
U.S.S.R.: Primorje, Distr. Khasan, in reservato "Kedrovaja Padj", T. Neczaeva, 12 May 1966, Topotype

Corylus cornuta Marsh. var. glandulosa Boivin, Phytologia 15: 420. 1967
 Canada: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Finlayson Arm, Calder & MacKay 31517, 16 July 1961, Holotype

Corylus rostrata Ait. var. tracyi Jeps., Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 271. 1923
U.S.A.: California, Humboldt Co., Table Bluff, J.P. Tracy 17639, 25 Aug. 1946, Topotype

Coryopsis cordylocarpus Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 22: 428. 1887
 Mexico: Jalisco, banks of Rio Blanco near Guadalajara, C.G. Pringle 11506, 20 Oct. 1903, Topotype

Coryphantha rosea Clokey, Madrono 7: 75. 1943
U.S.A.: Nevada, Clark Co., between Kyle Canyon and Deer Creek, I.W. Clokey 8038, 24 June 1938, Isotype

Cousinia decumbens Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 57: 77-78. 1950
 Iran: Shahrud-Bustam, montium Shahvar supra Nekarman (Nigarman), K.H. & F. Rechinger 6003, 20-26 July 1948, Isotype

Cousinia nekarmanica Rech. f., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 57: 78- 79. 1950
 Iran: Shahrud-Bustam, montium Shahvar prope Nekarman (Nigarman), K.H. & F. Rechinger 5820, 20-26 July 1948, Isotype

Cousinia turcomanica C. Winkl. var. carinata Bornm., Publication unknown
 Iran: Khorasan, in valle Atrek, inter Kucan et Shirwan, K.H. Rechinger 1862, 25-27 July 1937, ? Type Collection Material

Coussarea grandifolia Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 144. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1830 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cracca floridana A.M. Vail, Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 22: 35. 1895
U.S.A.: Florida, Lake Co., Eustis, G.V. Nash 1552, 1-15 Aug. 1894, Type Collection Material

Crambe laevigata DC. ex Christ. in Bot. Jahrb. 9: 94. 1888
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Masca, E.R. Sventenius, Fl. Sel. Can. 34, 1 May 1946, Topotype

Crambe strigosa L'Herit. Stirp. 151 t.72
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, E.R. Sventenius, Fl. Sel. Can 33, 11 June 1948, Topotype

Crataegus baroussana Eggleston, Torreya 7(2): 35-36. 1907
 Mexico: San Lorenzo Canyon near Saltillo, C.G. Pringle 10211, 12 Apr. 1906, Isotype

Crataegus bicknellii Eggleston, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 38: 244. 1911
U.S.A.: Massachusetts, Nantucket Island, Quidnet, F.C. MacKeever 821, 25 Aug. 1964, Topotype

Crataegus calciphila Hrabetova-Uhrova, Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Masaryk No. 378: 7. 1956
 Czechoslovakia: Moravia centr.-merid., Distr. Bruno. A. Hrabetova (Fl. ex. Reip. Soc. Cechoslovacae No. 1439) 15 May 1962 (fl.), 3 Oct. 1961 (fr.), Topotype

Crataegus douglasii Lindl. var. suksdorfii Sarg., Bot. Goz. 44: 65. 1907
U.S.A.: Washington, Klickitat Co., Bingen, W.N. Suksdorf 5026, 21, 25 Apr. 1905, Type Collection Material

Crataegus egglestonii Sarg., Rhod. 3: 30. 1901
U.S.A.: Vermont, Bald Mt., Clarendon, Shrewsbury, W.W. Eggleston 1808, 1858, 3 June, 7 Oct. 1900, Topotype

Crataegus illinoiensis Ashe, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 16: 76. 1900
U.S.A.: Illinois, Fulton Co., Canton, V.H. Chase 11203, 1 July 1950, Topotype

Crataegus macropoda Sarg., Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard: 19: 80. 1908
U.S.A.: Missouri, Webb City, E.G. Palmer 2726, 18 Sept. 1909, Topotype

Crataegus okanagensis Phipps & O'Kennon
 Canada: British Columbia, Castlegar, edge of Campus Road off Frank Bunder Road, Phipps & O'Kennon 6826, 27 Sept. 1993, Paratype

Crataegus okanaganensis J.B. Phipps & R.J. O'Kennon, Sida 18(1): 178. 1994
 Canada: British Columbia, Okanagan Valley, about 8 km NNE of Vernon, 50°18'18.0"N 119°14'50.7"W, J.B. Phipps 6882, 2 May 1994, Paratype

Crataegus okanaganensis J.B. Phipps & R.J. O'Kennon, Sida 18(1): 170. 1998
 Canada: British Columbia, Castlegar, edge of Campus Road off Frank Beinder Road, J.B. Phipps & R.J. O'Kennon 6826, 27 Sept. 1993, Paratype

Crataegus okennonii J.B. Phipps, Sida 18(1): 170. 1998
 Canada: British Columbia, Castlegar, Selkirk College Grounds, 49°19'N 117°38'W, J.B. Phipps 6928, 6 May 1994, Paratype

Crataegus okennonii Phipps & O'Kennon
 Canada: British Columbia, Okanagan Valley, Newport Beach campsite on W side Road, Phipps & O'Kennon 6988, 19 Aug. 1994, Paratype

Crataegus okennonii J.B. Phipps in J.B. Phipps & R.J. O'Kennon, Sida 18(1): 170. 1998
 Canada: British Columbia, Okanagan Valley, Newport Beach Campsite, 50°20'N 119°22'W, J.B. Phipps & R.J. O"Kennon 6988, 19 Aug. 1994, Paratype

Crataegus ovata Sarg., Man. Trees N. Am. 402. 1905
U.S.A.: Missouri, St. Louis, mouth of River Desfreres, J.F. Kellogg, 21 Oct. 1906, Topotype (type tree)

Crataegus palmeri Sarg., Trees & Shrubs 1: 57. 1903
U.S.A.: Missouri Jasper Co., Webb City, E.J. Palmer 1567, 3 May 1903, Topotype

Crataegus phippsii O'Kennon
U.S.A.: Montana, Lake County, Flathead Lane, off Tower Rd., off Hwy. 93, few miles northwest of Polson, Phipps &O'Kennon 7078, 25 Aug. 1994, Paratype

Crataegus phippsii O'Kennon, Sida 18(1): 185. 1998
 Canada: British Columbia, abt. 3 km NE of Enderby, 50°34'N 119°08'W, J.B. Phipps & R.J. O'Kennon 7037, 21 Aug. 1994, Paratype

Crataegus rotunda Sarg., Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 19: 59. 1908
U.S.A.: Missouri, Webb City, E.J. Palmer 1472, 24 Sept. 1908, Topotype

Crataegus scabrida Sarg., Rhod. 3: 29. 1901
U.S.A.: Vermont, Bennington, W.W. Eggleston 1804, 30, 31 May 1900, Type Collection Material

Crataegus stankovii Kossych, Bull. Princ. Bot. Gard. Acad. Sci. URSS No. 57: 78. 1965
U.S.S.R.: Tauria, Distr. Bjelogorsk, in vicinitate pag. Rodniki, V. Kossych (Fl. ex. URSS 5025), 26 Sept. 1961, Paratype

Crepis cretica Boiss., Diagn. Ser. I 11: 53. 1849
 Greece: Crete, Isthmus of Hierapetra, J.B. Patten K49, 17 May 1900, Topotype

Crepis heterotricha DC. ssp. lobata Babcock, Publication unknown
 Iran: Mazanderan, Kudjur, Ulodj, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6473, 9 Aug. 1948, ? Type Collection Material

Crepis rostrata Coville, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3: 564. 1896
U.S.A.: Washington, Grant Co., Soap Lake in Grand Coulee, J.W. Thompson 11488, 18 May 1935, Topotype

Crotalaria filifolia Rose, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 5: 136. 1897
 Mexico: near Cuernavaca, C.G. Pringle 6553, 15 Sept. 1896, Isotype

Crotalaria linaria Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 679. 1933
U.S.A.: Florida, Monroe Co., Big Pine Key, E.P. Killip 32775, 29 Jan.-16 Feb. 1940, Topotype

Croton arenicola Leandri, Ann. Mus. Coll. Marseille Ser. V, ii Fasc. 1, 57. 1939
 Madagascar: Moyenne Mananara (Env. de l'Androy), M.R. Decary 9443, 27 Nov. 1931, Paratype

Croton cassinoides Lam., Encyc. 2: 211. 1790
 Madagascar: Ft. Dauphin, M.R. Decary 9786, 5 Jan. 1932, Topotype

Croton cienagensis Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 44. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 368 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Croton elliottianus Baill., Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 2: 863. 1890
 Madagascar: Behara (Androy), M.R. Decary 10455, 3 Oct. 1932, Topotype

Croton geayi Leandri, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Ser. 2: 3: 368. 1931
 Madagascar: Behara (Amboronibe), M.R. Decary 9482, 3 Oct. 1931, Topotype

Croton hainanensis Merrill, Lingnan Sc. Journ. 16: 391. 1937
 China: Hainan, H.Y. Liang 65398, 28 Feb. 1934, Paratype

Croton hirtus L'Herit., Stirp. Nov. 17. t 9
COLUMBIA: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 370, 1898-1901, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Croton nummulariaefolium A. Rich., In Sagra, Fl. Cub. Fanerog. 2: 211. 1850
 Cuba: Las Villas province, 10 km south of Santa Clara, R.A. Howard 343, (Pl. Ex. Gray, 1441), 13 July 1951, Topotype

Croton rosmarinifolius Griseb. in Goett, Nachr. 174. 1865
 Cuba: Matanzas, F. Rugel 160, Jan. 1849, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Crucianella glauca A. Rich. ssp. elbursensis Ehrendf. f. hirsuta Ehrendf.
 Iran: Mazanderan, Kudjur, in monte Ulodj, K.H. & F. Rechinger 6474b, 9 Aug. 1948, ? Type - Publication not Avavilable

Crucianella khorasanica Ehrend., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 56: 219. 1948
 Iran: Khorosan, in montibus inter Budjnurd et Morawe Tappeh, K.H. Rechinger 1903, 25-27 July 1937, Isotype

Cryptantha circumscissa (H. & A.) Johnston var. rosulata J.T. Howell, Leafl. West. Bot. 6: 104. 1951
U.S.A.: California, Tulare Co., Siberian Pass Creek, J.T. Howell 25743, 25 July 1949, Paratype

Cryptantha milobakeri Johnston, Journ. Arn. Arb. 21: 63-64. 1940
U.S.A.: California, Lake Co., Bottlerock Road, ca. 1 mi. S of the junction with the Lakeport-Lower Lake Hwy., M.S. Baker 10897, 24 May 1945, Topotype

Cryptantha thompsonii Johnston, Contrib. Arn. Arb. 3: 88-89. 1932
U.S.A.: Washington, Kittitas Co., near head of Beverly Creek, J.W. Thompson 8741, 13 July 1932, Topotype

Cryptantha weberi Johnston, Journ. Arn. Arb. 33: 72-73. 1952
U.S.A.: Colorado, Saguache Co., 4 miles southwest of Cochetopa Pass, W.A. Weber 5778, 28 July 1950, Isotype

Cryptotaenia elegans Webb, Index Seminum Hort. Berol. App. 9. 1861
 Canary Islands: Tenerife, in vicin. pag. Santa Ursula, Barranco de la Cruz, E. Asplund 1216, 10 May 1933, Topotype

Ctenopteris isidrensis Copel., Philip. Jour. Sc. 84: 441. 1956
COSTA RICA: Cerros de Zurqui, northeast of San Isidro, Standley & Valerio 50474, 3 Mar. 1926, Paratype

Cunuaria spruceana Baill., Adansonia 4: 288. 1863-64
 Venezuela: Rio Negro at mouth of Casiquiare, Schultes & Lopez 9380, 17 Dec. 1947, Topotype

Cuphea imberbis Rose, Engl. Jahrb. 41: 94. 1907
 Mexico: Hidalgo, Trinidad, Iron Works, C.G. Pringle 8979, 29 July 1904, Isotype

Cupressus abramsiana Wolf, El Aliso 1: 215-216. 1948
U.S.A.: California, Santa Cruz Co., Eagle Rock, J.H. Thomas 1225, 5 Nov. 1949, Topotype

Cupressus bakeri Jepson, Fl. Calif. 1: 61. 1909
U.S.A.: California, Siskiyou Co., O.V. Matthews 21, 5 July 1939, Topotype

Cupressus forbesii Jepson, Madrono 1: 75. 1922
U.S.A.: California, San Diego Co., Barrett, Epling & Robison 43, 31 Mar. 1932, Topotype

Cupressus macnabbiana Murray, Edinb. New Phil. Jour. n.s. 1: 293, pl. 11. 1855
U.S.A.: California, Whiskeytown, L.S. Rose 55092, 14 June 1955, Topotype

Cupressus nevadensis Abrams, Torreya 19: 92. 1916
U.S.A.: California, Kern Co., Piute Mts., Red Hill near Bodfish, L.R. Abrams 5368, 29 July 1915, Isotype

Cuscuta desmouliniana Yuncker, Illinois Biol. Monog. 6: 40-41. 1921
 Mexico: Sonora, Hills near Altar, C.G. Pringle 105, 26 Aug. 1884, Isotype

Cuscuta epilium Weihe f. camelinae S. Ganeschin, Des-Moul. Etud. org. Cusc. 65. 1853
U.S.S.R.: Ucraina, Prov. Czernigov, Distr. Priluki, S. Ganeschin, (Herb. Fl. URSS 2945), July 1914, ? Isotype

Cuscuta howelliana Rubtzoff, Leafl. West. Bot. 10: 335. 1966
U.S.A.: California, Lake Co., Boggs Lake, Rubtzoff & Arnaud 5792, 20 Aug. 1966, Isotype

Cuscuta sandwichiana Choisy, Cusc. 184 t.5 f. 4
 Hawaiin Islands: Lanai, Lae Wahie, O. Degener 22011, 1 Mar. 1952, Topotype

Cuscuta warneri Yuncker
U.S.A.: Utah, Millard County, 15 miles west of Fillmore, L. Warner s.n., 10 Sept. 1957, Isotype

Cussonia bojeri Seem., Journ. Bot. 4: 298. 1866
 Madagascar: est de Tananarive, M. Decary 6870, 30 Sept. 1928, Topotype

Cyanea shipmanii J.F. Rock, Occas. Papers Bishop Mus. Honolulu 22: 44. 1957
 Hawaiin Islands: Hawaii, Mauna Kea, S. Carlquist 2121, 4 Aug. 1966, Topotype

Cyanea sylvestris A.A. Heller, Minnes. Bot. Studies 1: 909-910. 1896
 Hawaiin Islands: Kauai, Hanalei, northeast of Kapalilsea, Degener & Hatheway 20459, 4 Feb. 1950, Topotype

Cyathea hainanensis Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 168. t. 21(23). 1959
 China: Hainan, Yaichow, H.Y. Liang 62675, 18 Aug. 1933, Isotype

Cyathea rapensis Copel., Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus. 14: 53 t.5. 1938
 Polynesia: Rapa, Maungaeae, St. John & Maireau 15355, 4 July 1934, Isotype

Cymophora pringlei Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 39. 1907
 Mexico: Guerrero, Iguala Canyon, C.G. Pringle 10068, 22 Sept. 1905, Isotype

Cymophora pringlei Robinson, Proc. Amer. Acad. 43: 39-40. 1907
 Mexico: Guerrero, Iguala Canyon, C.G. Pringle 10068[1/2], 2 Oct. 1906, Topotype

Cymopteris fendleri A. Gray, Pl. Fend. 56. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Art. & Sc. N. Ser. 4(1): 56. 1849)
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Co., Santa Fe, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3539, 15 May 1897, Topotype

Cynacrambe japonica Makino, Bot. Mag., Tokyo 8: 348. 1894
 Japan: Mt. Torigata, T. Makino, 22 May 1889, Type Collection Material

Cynoglossum austriacum Rechinger, Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 38: 151-152. 1925
 Austria: Marchfeld, "Weikendorfer Remise", K. Rechinger, 19 June 1927, Isotype

Cynometra insularis A.C. Smith, Sargentia 1: 38. 1942
FIJI: Vatudamusewa, Rewasa, Viti Levu, O. Degener 15491, 6 June 1941, Isotype

Cyperus ×amurico-compressus T. Koyama, Jour. Jap. Bot. 33: 256. 1958
 Japan: Shimotsuke, Akama, T. Koyama 7188, 21 Oct. 1956, Isotype

Cyperus aristatus Rottb. var. runyonii O'Neill, Rhod. 44: 56. 1942
U.S.A.: Texas, Kennedy Co., Los Norias, R. Runyon 2655, 11 May 1941, Paratype

Cyperus ×condensatus T. Koyama, Jour. Jap. Bot. 28: 334-335. 1953
 Japan: Hondo, Musashi Prov., Tajimagahara, T. Koyama 272, 1 Oct. 1950, Isotype

Cyperus fendlerianus Boeckl., Linnaea 35: 520. 1868
U.S.A.: New Mexico, Santa Fe Canyon, A.A. & E.G. Heller 3839, 12 July 1897, Topotype

Cyperus granitophilus McVaugh, Castanea 2: 103-104. 1937
U.S.A.: Georgia, Walton Co., Loganville, W.H. Duncan 2868 (Pl. Ex. Gray. 1021), 30 Aug. 1940, Topotype

Cyperus iwatsakii Makino, Tokyo Bot. Mag. 6: 47. 1892
 Japan: Hondo, Ueno Park in Tokyo, J. Ohwi (NSM 326), 21 Sept. 1951, Topotype

Cyphomandra bassovioides Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, pp. 116-117. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1181, (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cyphomandra chlorantha Rusby, Descriptions of Three Hundred New Species of South American Plants, p. 116. 1920
 Columbia: Santa Marta, H.H. Smith 1180 (1898-1901), ? Isotype

Cyrilla parviflora Shuttlworth in Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 101-102. 1896
U.S.A.: Florida, Wakulla Co., St. Mark's, G.V. Nash 2543, 3 Sept. 1895, Isotype

Cyrtorhyncha neglecta Greene, Pittonia 4: 146. 1900
U.S.A.: Colorado, Jefferson Co., Mt. Morrison, Bethel & Clokey 4118, 3 June 1921, Topotype

Cytisus cincinnatus Ball, J. Linn. Soc. 16: 404. 1878
 Marocco: Anti Atlas occidental, J. Vindt 4593, 15 avril 1952, Topotype

Cytisus grandiflorus DC., Prodr. 2: 154. 1825
 Portugal: Coimbra, pr. Santo Antonio dos Olivaes, W. & M. Rothmaler, 4 May 1936, Topotype

Cytisus hirtellus Rchb., Conspectus fl. europaeae 157. 1878
 Turkey: Constantinopel, zwischen Sträuchern auf Anhöhen, Dr. Noë, exs. 188, June 1841, Isotype

Cytisus osyrioides Svent., Bol. Inst. Nac. Invest. Agron. Madrid 9(20): 201. 1949
 Canary Islands: Nivaria, Masca, Guelgue, E.R. Sventenius (Fl. Sel. Canariensis 144), 1 May 1945, Topotype

Cytisus rochelii Wierzb. in Wiegm., Archiv für Naturgeschichte 18(1): 293. 1852
 Hungary: Mehadia, Banat, Wierzbicki, Isotype

Cytisus supinus L., Spec. plant ed. 1. 740. 1753
 Austria: ad Newwaldegg, Woloszczak (Fl. ex Austro-Hungarica 808), Topotype

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