Quick facts

Quick Facts 2023
- Bison
- 149,539 bison on 989 farms in Canada
- Bison production in Canada is concentrated in the west, with 82% of the herd in Saskatchewan and Alberta
- 9,871 bison slaughtered by federally and provincially licensed establishments
- Exports: 40,206 live bison valued at $110 million and 304 tonnes of bison meat valued at $6.16 million. Bison meat exports are primarily to the US, but boneless product is also shipped to numerous countries in Europe, most notably Switzerland, Netherland, France and Italy
- Imports: 704 tonnes of bison meat valued at $12.4 million
- Goats
- 253,278 goats on 4,801 Canadian farms. In Canada, the goat industry can be segmented into three distinct sectors: chevon (meat), dairy (milk) and fiber (mohair and cashmere)
- 99,734 goats slaughtered in Canada. Over 99% of these goats were processed at provincially inspected establishments
- Exports - No exports for 2023 of goats live or products
- Imports: 1,241 tonnes of goat meat valued at $9.86 million
- Cervids
- 29,655 farm raised cervids (deer and elk) on 402 farms
- Elk are primarily farmed in Western Canada and red deer in Eastern Canada. Fallow deer, white-tailed deer and other cervid species are farmed throughout Canada
- 1,239 deer and 2,065 elk slaughtered in federally and provincially inspected establishments in Canada
- Exports: 111,075 kg of elk meat.
- Imports: 420 tonnes of venison.
- Mink
- 1,003,600 mink pelts valued at $30 million, produced on 63 Canadian farms (2020)
Animal genetics
- Farmed deer in Canada by species and area (Annual)
- Other livestock on census day (Every 5 years, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0427-01)
Farming revenues and expenses
- Farming revenues and expenses (Annual)
- Farm cash receipts Quarterly (Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0046-01) / Annual (Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0045-01)
Licensed processing plants
Carcass weights
Stocks, supply and disposition
- Mink and fox on fur farms: supply and disposition (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0116-01)
- Pelts: number and value produced (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0293-01 Archived)
- Mink pelts: number and value produced by colour type (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0115-01)
Supply sheets by species
- Goat statistics at a glance (Quartely, Canadian Meat Goat Association)
- Mink statistical briefer (annual)
- Bison market and supply update (Monthly, Canadian Bison Association)
- Game report by species in Canada (Annual)
- Rabbit industry at a glance (Annual)
- Red meat imports with Monthly breakdown: Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Red meat imports with prior-year comparison: Week-to-date / Annual
- Red meat imports by country: Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Game (refer to Game report by species in Canada)
- Canada's imports of red meat, by commodity, category and sub-category: Weekly / Monthly / Annual
- Live animal exports to the United States : Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Game (refer to Game report by species in Canada)
Trade - General
- Trade
- Livestock and meat tariffs
- Foreign market opportunity reports by region
- Aggregate import/export agriculture data (Monthly, Statistics Canada’s Canadian International Trade Database)
Other Resources
- Livestock associations
- Weekly livestock report schedule/calendar
- MAPAQ - Portrait-diagnostic sectoriel de l'industrie cunicole au Québec (gouv.qc.ca) (Available in french only)
If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.redmeat-vianderouge.aac@agr.gc.ca