Quick facts

Quick facts 2023
- 846,800 sheep and lamb on 8,487 farms in Canada. Ontario, Quebec and Alberta account for 72% of Canada’s sheep/lamb inventory.
- 607,262 sheep and lamb slaughtered in federally and provincially inspected establishments in Canada. 72% of sheep and lamb are processed in provincially inspected establishments
- 17.52 tonnes of mutton and lamb produced.
- Exports: 19,459 head of sheep valued at $1.61 million and 48 tonnes of mutton and lamb valued at $1.2 million.
- Imports: 6,989 head of sheep valued at $2.23 million and 25,193 tonnes of mutton and lamb valued at $258.2 million.
- Farm cash receipts for sheep and lamb totaled $221 million, 0.2% of total farm cash receipts.
Animal genetics
Animal genetics -
- Number of sheep and lambs on farms by province (Semi-annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0129-01)
- Sheep and lambs, number by class and lamb crop, United States (Semi-annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0143-01)
- Supply comparison by species between Canada and the United States (annual)
Revenues and expenses
- Farming revenues and expenses (Annual)
- Livestock: Annual value per head (Annual, Statistics CanadaTable:32-10-0124-01)
- Manufacturing sales/shipments by industry (Monthly, Statistics Canada Table:16-10-0047-01)
- Sheep and lamb slaughtered – federally inspected Weekly / Monthly
- United States and Canada slaughter by species – federally inspected: Weekly / Monthly
- United States slaughter by species – federally inspected: Weekly / Monthly
- Canada slaughter by species – federally inspected (Annual with Months)
- Canada slaughter by species – provincially inspected (Annual with Months)
- Government of Canada Open data portal
Licensed processing plants
Carcass weights
Stocks, supply, disposition
- Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, domestic and imported (Quarterly, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0137-01)
- Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, imported (Quarterly, Statistics Canada Table:32-10-0138-01)
- Food available in Canada (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0054-01)
- Hogs, sheep and lambs: farm and meat production (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0126-01)
- Manufacturers' sales, inventories, orders and inventory to sales ratios, by industry (Monthly, Statistics Canada Table: 16-10-0047-01)
- Food in Canada: supply and disposition (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0053-01)
- Supply comparison by species between Canada and the United States (Annual)
- Sheep wool: quantity of wool purchased, used on farm, values (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0142-01)
- Sheep and lambs: supply and disposition (Semi-annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0141-01)
Supply sheets by species
- Sheep statistics at a glance (Monthly, Canadian Sheep Federation)
Protein available and demand
- Protein available and demand (Annual)
- Sheep, lamb and goats (Ontario, Quebec and Alberta (goats only) (Weekly)
- Sheep and lambs (Ontario and Quebec) (Annual)
- Weighted average price of livestock - by species (Ontario and Quebec) (Annual)
- United States livestock prices for red meat species: Weekly / Monthly / Annual
- Value per head of livestock at July 1 (Annual, Statistics Canada Table: 32-10-0124-01)
- Livestock imported from the United States (Annual)
- Imports with monthly breakdown: Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Imports with prior-year comparison: Week-to-date / Annual
- Imports by country: Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Canada's imports of red meat, by commodity, category and sub-category: Weekly / Monthly / Annual
- Live animal exports to the United States : Week-to-date / Monthly / Annual
- Statistics Canada's Canadian international merchandise trade database
Trade - General
- Trade
- Livestock and meat tariffs
- Foreign market opportunity reports by region
- Aggregate import/export agriculture data (Monthly, Statistics Canada’s Canadian International Trade Database)
Other resources
If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.redmeat-vianderouge.aac@agr.gc.ca