Taste the Commitment

A man holding a hen, a woman holding a container full of cucumbers and a man holding tomatoes, on a background full of food icons

Canadian farmers and agricultural businesses are dedicated to putting quality food on our tables while protecting the environment for future generations. Taste their commitment in each bite of your food and learn how they are growing a better future for us all.

Meet the people behind your food

Listen to Canadian farmers and agricultural business owners explain why they care about the environment, and discover how they put their sustainable practices in action.

Luna Yu smiling to the camera

Meet Luna

Co-founder and CEO, Genecis Bioindustries, Scarborough, Ontario – Find out how Luna uses bacteria to transform food waste into a biodegradable plastic.

A man in overalls standing in a field smiling to the camera.

Meet Clinton (videos)

Grain and egg producer, Monchuk Farms, Lanigan, Saskatchewan – See how Clinton uses crop rotation and new technology to grow food sustainably.

Jonathan Rodrigue smiling to the camera

Meet Jonathan

Co-founder and CEO, Still Good, Montreal, Quebec – Discover how Jonathan shows his commitment to reduce food waste.

Julie Poitras-Saulnier holding a LOOP juice towards the camera

Meet Julie and David

Co-founders, LOOP Mission, Boisbriand, Quebec – Find out how Julie and David upcycle rejected fruits and veggies through their circular economy model.

Lauren smiling with her arms crossed, in front of thousands of young shoots, in a large greenhouse

Meet Lauren (videos)

Entrepreneur, Fermes Lufa, Montreal, Quebec – Discover how Lauren farms responsibly, in the city.

Karnail, his wife and daughter in front on wine barrels, smiling.

Meet Karnail and his family (videos)

Wine producers, Kalala Organic Estate Winery, Kelowna, British Columbia – See how Karnail is proud of his family and their work on their organic farm.

Discover more inspiring stories

Join their efforts for a greener future

Close up of a family sharing spaghetti plates at a diner table.

Our food is produced through hard work and a growing sense of care for the future and the environment that surrounds us. Join the efforts made by Canadian farmers and agricultural businesses to protect the environment: take action by making food decisions with the environment in mind.

Learn more about eating for a greener future

Spotlight on responsible food production

Growing a better future

Discover how Canadian farmers and agricultural businesses work hard to produce quality food, while protecting the environment for future generations.


[A circle logo appears with a fork and a shovel in the centre. The fork and shovel swing inwards to form an X as a small plant sprouts above them.]

Text on screen: Farmers care about our future

[A colourful farm landscape appears with a house, a barn, trees, and the sun in the sky. A fence surrounds the property.]

Text on screen: They work hard

[A person driving an electric tractor appears on a yellow field and then drives off to the right.]

Text on screen: To produce quality food

[A second person appears standing in front of a large shelf with green plants growing on each level.]

Text on screen: And protect

[A third person appears with a red cap and a friendly smile. A miniature Earth hovers above their open hand. They extend their hand to the screen, and the camera zooms into the Earth.]

Text on screen: The environment

[The Earth rotates.]

Text on screen: How?

[The word "How?" appears on its own.]

Text on screen: By preserving water.

[The words "By preserving" appear on their own and stay on screen as water droplets begin falling from above to form the word "water." The words "By preserving" remain as the word "water" dissolves away.]

Text on screen: By preserving soil health

[Two hands cupping soil come into view above a grassy patch with a tiny sprout. As the words "soil health" appear, parts of the soil mixture slip through the fingers, helping the sprout grow from the healthy green soil. The words "By preserving" remain as the words "soil health" move off-screen.]

Text on screen: By preserving biodiversity

[The scene fades into a full landscape with a small river and lots of trees. The word "biodiversity" appears right before a frog jumps on top of it. A butterfly flies by, and the scene fades away.]

Text on screen: By reducing greenhouse gas emissions

[The words "By reducing" appear then reduce in size. A bar graph appears with two bars. A hand appears and presses down on the first bar, causing the words "greenhouse gas emissions" to disappear and the word "waste" to appear in its place.]

Text on screen: By reducing waste

[The hand presses down on the second bar, and the word "waste" disappears.]

Text on screen: And more!

[The words "and more!" appear on their own.]

Text on screen: Discover how our farmers

[The three people from earlier all stand proudly next to each other. The person in the middle opens their hands to reveal some soil, and a sprout begins to grow from it. The sprout grows upward to reveal a colourful landscape.]

Text on screen: Are growing a better future

[A lush landscape with mountains, trees, a river, and flowers appears.]

Text on screen: Canada.ca/Taste-the-Commitment

[The URL "Canada.ca/Taste-the-Commitment" appears on its own.]

[Music ends.]

Text on screen: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

[The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada signature appears in the centre with a Canadian flag to the left of it.]

[Government of Canada wordmark.]


Resources for farmers and agricultural businesses

Spread the word

Use our promotional toolkit to spread the word about how Canadian farmers and agricultural businesses are growing a better future.

Find the right support

Learn more about programs and services that help farms and agricultural businesses shape a bright future for food.

A woman in a greenhouse checking a tablet.

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