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News articles

Shining a light on nitrogen management: prediction modelling to detect nitrogen requirements in potato crops using the spectroradiometer
Dr. Keshav Dahal is developing a prediction model that uses a light-based tool to help potato producers improve their nitrogen management practices, minimize damage to crops, and protect the environment.

Less is more: AAFC researcher sees how salicylic acid cuts down on fungicides use in Honeycrisp apples
AAFC researchers in Nova Scotia uncover how salicylic acid is reducing fungicides applications in Honeycrisp apples.

Vegetables in the North: collaboration, new technologies, and promising potato varieties
Dr. Wheeler, researchers, and farmers discover the value of low tunnel technology and alternative potato varieties to support northern agriculture.

AAFC research proving diploid breeding is more than just small potatoes
AAFC scientists pinpoint disease-resistant genes in diploid potatoes that can assist in the breeding of future common scab disease-resistant potato varieties.
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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
List of scientific achievements in agriculture
Read about AAFC's latest agricultural science achievements by browsing the following table:
Title | Science strategy | Product type | Teaser hidden column |
Shining a light on nitrogen management: prediction modelling to detect nitrogen requirements in potato crops using the spectroradiometer | Horticulture | Article | Dr. Keshav Dahal is developing a prediction model that uses a light-based tool to help potato producers improve their nitrogen management practices, minimize damage to crops, and protect the environment. |
Less is more: AAFC researcher sees how salicylic acid cuts down on fungicides use in Honeycrisp apples | Horticulture | Article | AAFC researchers in Nova Scotia uncover how salicylic acid is reducing fungicides applications in Honeycrisp apples. |
Vegetables in the North: collaboration, new technologies, and promising potato varieties | Horticulture | Article | Dr. Wheeler, researchers, and farmers discover the value of low tunnel technology and alternative potato varieties to support northern agriculture. |
AAFC research proving diploid breeding is more than just small potatoes | Horticulture | Article | AAFC scientists pinpoint disease-resistant genes in diploid potatoes that can assist in the breeding of future common scab disease-resistant potato varieties. |
Farmers love them not: AAFC researchers target invasive daisies with a natural ally | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers are helping fight the daisy invasion with a natural ally. |
AAFC scientists using genomics, breeding, and the world’s only dedicated outdoor field research site to address potato wart | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | More than a dozen scientists are collaborating to address the impacts of a major disease affecting potato producers. |
Managing nitrogen use efficiently | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Researchers are helping Prairie producers understand nitrogen and its optimal application. |
Using digital technologies to increase understanding of plants | Cereals and pulses | Article | Just as with smart farming, remote sensing and digital phenomics can be applied to agricultural research. |
Reducing food waste by adding value to a co-product | Bioproducts | Article | By putting science to good use in the circular economy, we found a way to reuse the liquid from cheese production to create a sports drink. |
Biomass, biofuels and byproducts on the Prairies | Bioproducts | Article | Whether it be winter camelina or tree biomass as fuel, or value-added products like oat starch or flax mucilage, AAFC researchers in the Prairies are on the bioproduct case! |
The IDEA-QC framework was developed by Quebec stakeholders initiated by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to assess and improve farm sustainability | Agri-food | Article | By painting a portrait of the current situation, identifying possible solutions as a team and developing an action plan, farmers are gaining the tools they need to improve sustainability of their farms. |
AAFC research biologist has tips to help Maritime-grown corn outweigh the competition | Cereals and pulses | Article | A recently completed research project provides Maritimes farmers with the missing ingredient for improving corn quality. |
Developing a super food, super-fast: how an AAFC scientist is fast-tracking healthier and high yielding lingonberry varieties | Horticulture | Article | Dr. Samir Debnath developed a new micropropagation technique that speeds up the breeding of new berry varieties, like lingonberry. |
Networking: It’s not just for social situations – it’s also for prairie crop problems | Horticulture | Article | Through multiple networks, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are collaborating to provide timely information on Prairie crop pests, including insects, weeds and diseases. It’s all about integrated pest management! |
Efficiency unveiled: At-home sensory evaluation tool continues to boost efficiency in AAFC research | Horticulture | Article | AAFC researchers in Nova Scotia have collected 3 years of data proving at-home sensory evaluation is positively changing the small fruit breeding program, saving time, and improving efficiency. |
AAFC researchers helping to combat blackheaded fireworm in cranberry | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | AAFC researcher Dr. Michelle Franklin has a promising new sustainable pest management tool to help cranberry growers combat blackheaded fireworm. |
Irrigation in Saskatchewan: a collaborative approach | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | The Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre is a unique partnership involving Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Their goal is to develop economically and environmentally sustainable irrigation practices. Outlook. |
More than scratching the surface: AAFC scientists and farmers achieve the right balance with residue tillage | Horticulture | Article | Living Lab – Atlantic research reveals benefits of residue tillage which disturbs soil less than other tillage methods. |
AAFC scientists support development of risk forecasting tool to help Maritime farmers predict arrival of fusarium head blight disease in cereal crops | Horticulture | Article | A new web tool helping farmers take the guesswork out of controlling fusarium head blight. |
Fanning the Frost: New tool may provide a solution to freezing events for Canadian vineyards | Horticulture | Article | Wine grape growers in Nova Scotia are no strangers to potentially devastating frost events. There’s no need for wine fans to worry, AAFC scientists have recruited the industry’s biggest “fan” to help. |
Turning over a new leaf: tackling tan spot disease in wheat | Cereals and pulses | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers are working to discover new solutions to protect farmers from a rapidly-emerging threat: tan spot disease in wheat. |
"Sea-feed" for beef heifers: AAFC biologist finds seaweed is helping to lower methane emissions in cattle | Forages and beef | Article | Trading feed supplements for seaweed – AAFC researcher in Nappan, Nova Scotia discovers the potential of seaweed to help reduce methane emissions in beef heifers. |
Purple power: pigmented potatoes may help reduce inflammation and improve gut health | Agri-food | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers find strong link between improved gut health and consuming purple potatoes. |
Results of the 2020-2023 Living Lab – Quebec Project | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Producers, scientists (Etienne Lord, Jean-Philippe Parent, Jacynthe Masse) and stakeholders meet periodically to exchange ideas and learn from each other. |
AAFC researchers discover that sorghum Sudan grass increases beneficial microorganisms in soils to reduce fusarium crown and root rot disease | Cereals and pulses | Article | Cover crop research shows their ability to suppress fusarium crown and root rot in barley and soybean crops. |
The smell of success: manure and high-residue cover crops can boost potato yields, improve soil health | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists learn that cover crops mixed with manure provide a good one-two punch for farmers looking to improve soil health and grow more potatoes. |
Restoring sweetgrass with W8banaki | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Scientists from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are collaborating with the W8banaki Nation to identify and develop techniques for restoring sweetgrass and its benefits in the agro-ecosystem of the Nation's traditional territory. Their work was initiated during the first Living Lab – Quebec project with the Union des producteurs agricoles. |
Canada’s grasslands: Genomic discoveries for a greener tomorrow | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are studying grasslands to understand how genetic diversity improves environmental sustainability potentially increasing soil carbon stocks and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. |
Getting into the weeds: AAFC researchers set their sights on the wildest weeds in the West | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers in the Prairies are working together to find new solutions that help producers win the fight against the most challenging weeds. |
The Value of Wetlands (Video) | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Video | Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally explains how wetlands and riparian areas on the prairies provide ecological benefits such as water purification, habitat, increased biodiversity and benefits to farmers such as drought and flood mitigation. |
AAFC researchers find stone burier and bed shaper equipment to be a rock-solid investment for Newfoundland farmers | Horticulture | Article | Researchers and farmers are impressed after testing an innovative tiller and bed shaper specifically designed for rocky soils common to Newfoundland. |
Would you like fries with that drought resistant potato? | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists pinpoint drought-resistant genes in diploid potatoes that can assist in the breeding of future drought-resistant potato varieties. |
The power of water: Dr. Serban Danielescu’s new tools help farmers optimize water usage for crops | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada scientist, Dr. Serban Danielescu, launches new hydrology tools to help farmers and water resource professionals worldwide be more environmentally sustainable. |
The research partnership between AAFC and the Pye Centre is blossoming new possibilities for Northern agriculture | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | AAFC and the Pye Centre are growing together for the benefit of Northern agriculture farmers and local communities in Labrador. |
3D model to map the fate of Canada’s water in a changing climate | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Known as Canada1Water (C1W), the project is Canada’s first 3D model describing the entire water (hydrological) cycle of Canada. It tracks every part; from evaporation and transpiration to precipitation and snowmelt runoff. It will show how water is stored and moved across Canada’s different landscapes, like the Rockies in the west and the Canadian Shield in central Canada. What’s more, the model will predict how the groundwater and surface water could be affected by current and future climate conditions, as well as shifts in land use. |
AAFC partners with Nova Scotia farm to test new rinsate treatment system to reduce pesticide residue in the field | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientist, Dr. Erin Smith, and biologist, Dr. Tobias Laengle, collaborate with a farm in Nova Scotia to test the first commercial on-farm biobed in Atlantic Canada. |
A recipe for success: Technology, collaboration and legacy in AAFC wheat breeding | Cereals and pulses | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers create the perfect recipe for wheat breeding in the 21st century. |
New discoveries in beef cattle research will make big changes for farming practices | Forages and beef | Article | Three Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers discover game-changing methods to help cattle farmers improve efficiency and increase productivity, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
Oat cuisine: How AAFC science is powering up an ancient grain | Cereals and pulses | Article | Drs. Nicholas Tinker and Wubishet Bekele helped create the world’s first genetic reference map for oats, opening new opportunities for this incredibly diverse crop. |
Researchers protect environment, human and animal health with natural capital | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Who says you can’t have it all? Researchers from many departments and agencies have teamed up to create sustainable solutions using natural features on agricultural landscapes that not only benefit farmers, but environmental, human and animal health as well. |
Larger rootstocks prove fruitful in growing a more climate resilient apple | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Hao Xu and her team have discovered that large rootstocks can aid in alleviating heat stress and reducing sunburn damage in apple crops. |
Tiny tech tackles big problems: Cutting-edge nanotechnology helps producers battle their greatest foes | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Imagine if you could design a customized crop treatment program that targets the specific pests that are present in your field – with less spraying. |
Secret sauce: berries show potential to improve gut health and prevent gut-borne diseases in chickens | Agri-food | Article | An Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist has made a series of discoveries that show potential for cranberries and blueberries to help manage gut-borne diseases in chickens. |
Fighting fungi with fungi: Sustainable measures against grapevine trunk diseases | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. José Ramón Úrbez-Torres and his team are helping growers fight grapevine trunk diseases with a number of sustainable measures. |
Lingonberries: A promising crop (Video) | Agri-food | Video | Our very own Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientists at the Morden Research and Development Centre in Manitoba are learning more and more about lingonberries and have high hopes for this promising crop. Learn about its health benefits and cultivation. |
Treating strawberries with ultraviolet rays makes them just as tasty, but more disease resistant | Horticulture | Article | Scientist Marie Thérèse Charles of the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Research and Development Center has carried out research to treat strawberry diseases using UV-C rays. This viable alternative to pesticides could have a major beneficial impact on greenhouse production. |
Full “stream” ahead: AAFC scientist develops irrigation calculator helping Prince Edward Island farmers water crops more efficiently, reduce water use | Horticulture | Article | A new easy-to-use calculator helping farmers irrigate potato crops at the right time and with the right amount of water. |
Getting to the root of root rot and wilt disease in raspberry plants | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | New research from Dr. Rishi Burlakoti and his team aims to help growers tackle an infectious disease affecting a favourite summer fruit – the raspberry. |
Three new strawberry varieties to watch for this season | Horticulture | Article | After almost a decade of research, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Beatrice Amyotte and her team release three new strawberry varieties. Dive into the research behind breeding these delicious berries. |
Beyond Insecticide: How wireworm behaviour gives clues to managing their population | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | AAFC scientists studied the behaviours and winter survivability of wireworms to develop management strategies to reduce populations feeding on potato crops. |
Release the wasps! How a parasitoid wasp might aid in the management of a fruit fly pest issue | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food researcher Dr. Paul Abram is studying the potential for controlling spotted wing drosophila by introducing its natural enemy – a parasitoid wasp. |
Biofilm discoveries help AAFC research scientists fight back against the harmful bacteria and viruses behind foodborne illnesses | Agri-food | Article | An Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research team has discovered how harmful bacteria behave in communities called "biofilms" that can live on the surfaces of food processing facilities. |
Pest Detective: How AAFC is using pest monitoring data to model climate change impacts | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article |
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Meghan Vankosky is using historic and current data to map out and model the impacts of climate change on western Canada's most wanted pest populations. |
Yield Enhancement Network continuing to harvest yield growth and "ingrain" competitive spirit for Maritimes cereal farmers | Increasing agricultural productivity | Article |
The Yield Enhancement Network marks the end of its fourth growing season with year-over-year yield increases and optimism for the future of the initiative and industry. |
The legacy of phosphorus and how it can assist farmers in reducing fertilizer applications | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Phosphorus fertilizer can build up in the soil and harm the wider environment when used in excess to what a plant actually needs. Researchers are helping farmers reduce environmental impacts and cut fertilizer costs by tapping into what's already there. |
Cow Patty Critters: A new guide on Canada's faecal friends | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Kevin Floate has developed the first comprehensive guide to discover and understand the faecal friends that provide big bug benefits. |
Living Lab – Atlantic uncovers the green energy of cover crops for the environment and farmer's yields | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | A collaborative four-year study though Living Lab – Atlantic deems cover crops as a "win-win" for farmers and the environment. |
Living Lab — Atlantic research solidifies enhanced efficiency fertilizer as a win-win for farmers and the environment | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | New Living Lab – Atlantic research proves the effectiveness of the latest enhanced efficiency fertilizer technology, with the same potato yields and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. |
The clubroot of the problem is in the genes | Oilseeds | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers are studying clubroot genetics to help producers stay ahead of this crop disease. |
Grass Fed Beef (Video) | Forages and beef | Video | In Nappan, Nova Scotia, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist Yousef Papadopoulos is developing new grass and legume mixtures for cattle forage to improve the quality of meat and growth results. These beef trials are ongoing. Learn about the initial successes of this project. |
Riparian strips, a prime habitat for pollinators | Living Lab Initiative | Article | What role do pollinators play in our ecosystems? Is their presence desirable or detrimental? Why opt for riparian strips? Dive into the collaborative research activities of the Living Lab project in Quebec to find out. |
New standardized tool helps researchers with pest surveys | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food researcher Michelle Franklin is helping the biovigilance community combat agricultural pest threats with a new standardized tool for pest surveys. |
Taking a walk on the wild side: How AAFC Scientists are using genetics to help Canada's wood bison | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | Scientists with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada are taking a walk on the wild side by providing their expertise in genetic research and biodiversity to conserve Canada's wood bison population. This research is not only good for the wild population, but could also lead to discoveries that can be applied in the agricultural industry. |
Shining a Spotlight on Millet | Cereal and Pulses | Article | The FAO has declared 2023 the "International Year of Millets" and to mark the occasion AAFC is sharing some of the research on millet being done across the country. |
Antioxidants, a booster shot for late blight prevention in potatoes | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists use antioxidants to boost immune response in potatoes and prevent late blight disease. |
Maritimes wild hops (Video) | Horticulture | Article | Prince Edward Island Research Scientist, Dr. Jason McCallum, is studying wild hops from the Maritimes and developing the best varieties into viable crops for producers and the craft brewing industry in Atlantic Canada. The project is continuing its experimentation but it's already turning heads in the brewing industry. |
Digitization unlocks millions of data points for biodiversity | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | A six-year, $30-million digitization project unlocks data from millions of plant and insect specimens. |
Continuous lighting discovery shines light on new energy-efficient way to grow crops indoors | Horticulture | Article | Crops grown in greenhouses were thought to follow a strict sleep cycle just like the growers that care for them, but a new lighting discovery shows that crops can perform just as well under continuous light, while lowering energy costs for the grower. |
Instruments to help measure the apple of the market's eye | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Masoumeh Bejaei is looking into ways to measure human perception of apples with the help of instruments. |
A new take on an old invention could help potato farmers crush the weed competition | Horticulture | Article | Every so often, an invention intended for one use evolves into something different and the resulting impact is far greater than its original purpose. |
Hot Potato! AAFC research into heat-tolerant potato genes builds on award-winning study | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research has identified genetic qualities that make potato varieties more tolerant to heat-stress and determined the biological mechanisms that result in heat-sprouting. |
Combating the striped and spotted cucumber beetles | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher Dr. Suzanne Blatt is researching an eco-friendly method to protect cucurbit crops from the striped and spotted cucumber beetle. |
Open source coding opens the door to robotic invention at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Overcoming COVID-related challenges to completing in-person lab work for food safety research brings about robotic invention for team at London Research and Development Centre. |
Better together: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) cultivates a collaborative approach to save good crops from bad pests | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers establish the Prairie Biovigilance Network to cultivate a collaborative approach to protecting good crops from bad pests. |
Canada's weed hunters set their sights on natural alternatives to herbicides | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Scientists are studying abrasive or projectile weed control on several high-value crops, aiming to help farmers reduce use of herbicides. |
Retro is the new modern for Maritimes-grown malt barley | Cereals and pulses | Article | PEI-based Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientist is studying heritage malt barley varieties that farmers can grow in Eastern Canada and the brewing industry is taking notice. |
Getting a leg up on canola disease: AAFC researchers get an accurate view of Canadian blackleg population | Oilseeds | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers get a leg up on canola disease, by completing the first large scale resequencing of the blackleg pathogen in the world. |
Lights, Colour, Nutrients! LEDs play a starring role in improving nutritional quality of plants | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Using more amber and blue LED lights and fewer red lights shown to improve nutritional quality of greenhouse-grown microgreens. |
AAFC green processing technology turns canola oil into richer source of Vitamin E | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Environmental friendly processing technologies used to extract Vitamin E from canola seeds for enhanced canola oil and other future health and medical uses. |
Waste not, want not: Reducing the environmental footprint of dairy farming with innovative manure management systems | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers find innovative integrated solutions to help dairy producers take advantage of nutrient-rich manure in the field, increase on-farm feed, and reduce their potential impact on the environment. |
AAFC scientist honoured as one of 2022's Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture | Cereals and pulses | Article | A vast list of accomplishments, a strong voice and tireless collaboration with the agriculture industry has led Dr. Christine Noronha to her latest accolade. |
The cereal breeding program is establishing new legacies in Atlantic Canada | Cereals and pulses | Article | Stepping out of the potato's shadow, the cereal breeding program is paying dividends for farmers in Atlantic Canada with a new barley variety and a unique honour bestowed upon it. |
How to transform livestock waste into products of economic and ecological value | Dairy, pork, poultry and other livestock | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are using a new biomethanation facility to degrade organic matter through fermentation. This unique process converts manure, slurry and other livestock waste into bioenergy and bioproducts with economic and ecological value for livestock farms. |
Going with the flow: AAFC's newest PEI scientist researching natural solutions for sustainable water | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Dr. Audrey Murray has her sights set on protecting one of the Island's and world's most precious resources – water. |
Improve food conservation in Canada's distribution chain | Agri-Food | Article | AAFC scientists have developed predictive tools to help reduce food waste in Canada. Their modelling will identify food refrigeration and distribution weaknesses in order to improve food management systems across the country. |
Finding a new pulse: scientists and farmers studying how to grow sweet white lupin in Canada | Cereals and pulses | Article | Is a market for sweet white lupin ripe for the taking? AAFC scientists are collaborating with a Calgary-based agri-business and farmers to take the pulse on growing this potentially valuable crop across Canada. |
Biochar can turn plant waste into healthy soils and improve the environment | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists study a unique charcoal-like material called "biochar" as a soil amendment and discover its positive effect on soil health and the environment. |
Building a better bean: discovery of amino acid behaviour poised to enhance protein composition of the common bean. | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Understanding the protein-building behaviour inside the common bean reveals pathways to future functional food and cultivar development for protein-enhanced beans. |
Antibody discovery aims to treat E. coli in pigs for improved livestock health and human | Dairy, pork, poultry and other livestock | Article | An Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researcher has identified an antibody aimed at treating E. coli in pigs for improved livestock health and human safety. |
Benefitting cattle producers and the environment: The value of native forages | Forages and beef | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are studying how native Prairie forages – the kind bison used to rely on – might benefit both the ecosystem and cattle producers of today. |
Identifying a common enemy to blueberries, canola and many other crops – the sooner the better | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | |
The Three Sisters: Optimizing the value and food potential of an ancestral indigenous crop system | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | |
Fat-free stirred yogurts: How to get the right recipe? | Agri-food | Article | |
Living Lab - Quebec, an inspiring example of winning collaboration | Agri-food | Article | |
New tool takes the guesswork out of crop yields | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | |
The SpectrAAC-2: A fast and effective device for validating food quality and authenticity (Video) | Agri-food | Video | |
UV-C Light Increases Vitamin D in Mushrooms | Agri-food | Article | |
Drought outlook the first of its kind in Canada to provide 30-day glimpse into future drought conditions | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | |
Worth the wheat: new durum wheat line shows intermediate resistance to fusarium head blight, a first for Canada and the world | Cereals and pulses | Article | |
Diverse crop rotations shown to increase yields, improve soil health and lower GHGs | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | Diverse crop rotations including corn are a sustainable management practice that can improve crop response to changing climate conditions and restore soil health. |
'Participatory modelling' is a direct collaboration between researchers and agricultural producers that is bearing fruit | Agri-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are working with field crop producers to help them choose better rotation systems that include cover crops. |
Wetlands and Farmlands: Celebrating Canadian Environment Week (May 30 – June 5, 2021) | Agri-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Living Lab – Atlantic collaborators are constructing new wetlands on Prince Edward Island farms and conservationists, including Ducks Unlimited Canada, are taking notice of this important effort to preserve the environment. |
Yield Enhancement Network grows to new heights in second year | Cereals and pulses | Article | In 2020, the innovative Yield Enhancement Network expanded its reach across the Maritimes to more than 55 grain producers working together alongside researchers to achieve higher yields. |
A race against climate change spurs discovery of enzyme that transforms toxin threatening corn | Agri-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists discover enzyme that promises to remedy toxin-contaminated food and feed, helping corn producers, animals and the biofuel industry. |
The first Canadian reference barley genome: a gift beer drinkers can toast | Cereals and pulses | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has led the first project to sequence a Canadian variety of malting barley, which down the road will improve the breeding process for new varieties. |
Can buckwheat be the new top crop on the rotation block? | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers have discovered a rare chemical in buckwheat that affects wireworms while buckwheat can also be used as a soil amendment to suppress soil and root diseases. |
Vegetables in the North: AAFC, Government of Yukon and farmers in northern Canada are researching food production together | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers collaborate with Government of Yukon researchers and a Labrador farmer to find ways to increase crop production in northern Canadian communities. |
Facing a spud slump? | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers discover substitute for red clover in potato crop rotation. Using soybean will increase potato yield and reduce environmental impact, by reducing nitrogen leaching in soil and water. |
Perfecting the formula: AAFC scientists help to develop new weapon in the war against wireworms | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Testing by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers leads to the development of new highly-anticipated insecticide that effectively kills wireworm in potato, corn, and cereal crops. |
Darkening pinto bean problem solved by gene discovery | Cereals and pulses | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada team discovers a gene in pinto bean that causes postharvest seed coat darkening as the beans age. This finding will save farmers/processors money and please consumers with faster cooking times. |
Future-Friendly Crops: A National Goal | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | By looking at how plants respond to environmental stresses, plant physiologists across Canada are working to help ensure Canadian farmers can grow successful crops year after year. |
AAFC Scientists Earn International Accolades for Children’s Book on Soil Science | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | Two AAFC scientists (Ben Ellert and Katelyn Lutes) have achieved international recognition in what might seem like an unexpected category: a children's book contest. |
Winter cover crop research yields positive results for environment | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Sustainable farming: AAFC researcher identifies cover crops that improve soil health and combat erosion, protecting potato fields in winter. |
Finding the right genes to flatten potato common scab disease | Agri-food | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers discover genes that likely differentiate Green Mountain and Hindenburg potato varieties and that might be responsible for common scab resistance in some varieties of potatoes. |
"Hop"ping into the express lane: AAFC scientists discover ultra-fast research method with potential applications in agriculture, nutri-science and pharmaceuticals | Agri-food | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers developed a new chemical separation method that reduces the time and expense necessary to separate out chemical components from plant extracts to create new natural products. This method can be used for quicker development of new bio-pesticides, antibiotics and more. |
A fast and effective device for validating food quality and authenticity | Agri-food | Article | Researchers at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have invented a very promising device to make food quality and authenticity control more affordable, faster and easier to perform. |
50 years of preserving crop genetic diversity in Canada | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | The Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC), Canada's national genebank for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, is celebrating its 50th year of preserving crop genetic diversity. This important work contributes to national and global food security. |
Lingonberries: Good for Your Heart, Good for Your Kidneys, Good for Your Liver and Good for Agriculture | Agri-food | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are working in partnership to prove the health benefits of lingonberries and make it easier for producers to grow it. |
Taking the heat: AAFC research identifies genetic variation of potato varieties to heat tolerance | Agri-food | Article | In a recently published study of heat stress, Dr. Xiu-Qing Li's team at the Fredericton Research and Development Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) raised the temperature on 55 of Canada's most popular potato varieties and found that some varieties can take the heat better than others. |
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Microsoft Research join to win International Greenhouse Challenge | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | AAFC teams up with Microsoft Research to create winning team in International Greenhouse Challenge using Artificial Intelligence. |
Antibiotic resistant gene discovered but berries may be a solution | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers discovered a new antibiotic resistant gene that is making a common antibiotic less powerful, but berries may hold the solution. |
Fate of antibiotics on the farm | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers team up to identify ways manage waste that contain antibiotics and antimicrobial resistant genes. |
Ground Hemlock At Home on the Forest Floor | Horticulture | Research note | Ground hemlock (Taxus canadensis), also known as Canada yew or eastern yew, is a native evergreen shrub that can be found in forests throughout eastern Canada. Ground hemlock is a low-spreading and relatively slow-growing shrub. Interest in commercial production of ground hemlock is due to its paclitaxel (Taxol®) content, which is used as a chemotherapy drug to treat several types of cancer. |
Herbicide resistance – Genetic tools for zero tolerance | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | An Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist has developed a genetic method that could slow the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds which affect vegetable production in Canada. |
Intercropping – a new planting method for large-scale Prairie agriculture? | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers look into the benefits of intercropping chickpea and flax. |
The Canola Flower Midge: a newly discovered species | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Introducing Contarinia brassicola: a newly discovered midge that could be damaging canola in Saskatchewan |
Research is helping farmers seize Quinoa fever | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada scientists are discovering new ways to improve the productivity of quinoa crops for farmers. |
Space: Agriculture from a new stellar vantage point | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Canadian Space Agency launches RADARSAT-Constellation Mission satellites. Find out what's in it for agriculture. |
Strange brew: Maritimes wild hops could provide unique flavours to brewing industry | Horticulture | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers discover characteristics in the chemistry of Maritimes wild hops that could be attractive to the brewing industry. |
Sustainable Biocontrol Agents: A Standing Army at the Ready | Horticulture | Article | AAFC researchers have investigated a way to improve the sustainability of biocontrol agents. |
Using genomics to understand antimicrobial resistance | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada researchers lead a collaboration aimed at detecting antimicrobial resistance. |
What is hydroponics? | Agri-food | Research note | |
Reducing methane emissions from livestock | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Research note | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) scientists at the Lethbridge Research Centre in Alberta are developing methane mitigation strategies for the beef and dairy industries. |
A raw apple juice that doesn't turn brown! | Horticulture | Research note | Opalescent apple juice has lots of pulp, which enhances its sensory properties. However, just like cut apples, this juice turns brown with time. This browning reaction is caused by an enzyme, polyphenol oxidase or "PPO." The natural organic acids present in apple juice give it its characteristic slightly acidic taste. PPO functions very well at this level of acidity. However, by slightly increasing the acidity of the juice, it can be inactivated. |
Innovative biobed design prevents up to 70% of water contamination by pesticides on farms | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | Researchers from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada offer a robust biobed design that provides a safe and effective solution for managing pesticide waste disposal on Canadian farms. |
Polycultures: A cocktail mix for the semiarid prairies | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article | |
Learning From Nature: Wild Wheat Responds to Climate Change | Biodiversity and bioresources | Article | |
Potato Gold Rush: Canada 150 spud new gold standard for fresh market | Horticulture | Article | |
Maple syrup flavour research | Agro-ecosystem productivity and health | Article |