AgriStability: Step 5. Managing your account

Step 5. Managing your account

Access your information online with My AAFC Account

With My AAFC Account you can view your account information online.

You can:

  • track the status of an application
  • view current and prior year statements
  • view the letters AAFC has sent
  • communicate with AAFC electronically in a secure environment
  • include attachments with your message
  • file an adjustment or appeal online, including attachments
  • manage your address and contacts

For more information, visit My AAFC Account.

Authorize a representative to access your My AAFC Account

You can now authorize a representative to access your AgriInvest online services in My AAFC Account even if you are not a My AAFC Account user. For more information, see Authorize a representative.

Register for direct deposit

Register for direct deposit to avoid delays in receiving your AgriStability benefits. Direct deposit is fast, convenient, reliable and secure.

There are 3 ways to register for direct deposit:

  1. with My AAFC Account:
    • you can quickly and conveniently provide your bank account information
    • after you enter and confirm your account details, you will be registered for direct deposit
    • you can view and change your bank account information any time
  2. by phone
    • call our toll-free number 1-866-367-8506
    • provide your bank account information and you will be registered for direct deposit
  3. complete an AgriStability Direct Deposit Registration Form:
    • send your completed and signed form
      by mail:

      AgriStability Administration
      PO Box 3200
      Winnipeg MB R3C 5R7

      by toll free fax: 1-877-949-4885

    • your completed form will be processed within 30 days from the date it is received
    • If you’re entitled to an AgriStability benefit while your Direct Deposit form is under review, your payment will be issued to you by cheque.

If you have more than one farming operation, register for direct deposit for each operation with a Participant Identification Number (PIN).

When you register for direct deposit your banking information is secure

The Government of Canada considers privacy and security of utmost importance when issuing payments.

  • Any information you provide to the Government of Canada for direct deposit is protected under the Privacy Act.
  • Access to your bank account is governed by your account agreement with your financial institution. Please consult with your financial institution for information on security measures for accessing your bank account.

Choose an account for direct deposit

You may use the following account (except an AgriInvest account):

  • an existing chequing or savings account
  • a joint chequing or savings account

You may not use an AgriInvest account for AgriStability payments. The AgriInvest account may only be used for AgriInvest program purposes.

Find your bank account information for direct deposit

For a chequing account, you can find your account details at the bottom left corner of a cheque. See the example below:

  1. cheque number (not required)
  2. branch number – 5 digits (required)
  3. institution number – 3 digits (required)
  4. account number – maximum 12 digits (required)

If you do not have a cheque available contact your financial institution.

Blank cheque with “void” written on it

For a savings account, check an account statement for your account details or contact your financial institution.

Change your bank account information

To change your bank account information, either:

Change your address

There are 3 ways to change your address:

  • Log into My AAFC Account
    • Select Manage Address/Contacts and update your address
  • Complete the AgriStability and AgriInvest Address Change form
    • Mail or fax your completed form to:
      • AgriStability and AgriInvest
      • PO Box 3200
      • Winnipeg MB R3C 5R7
      • Toll-free fax: 1-877-949-4885
  • Call 1-866-367-8506
    • You must provide:
      • your full name
      • your Participant identification number (PIN)
      • 2 figures from your most current AgriStability form or statement {for example, your Statement A form or Calculation of Program Benefits (COB)}

Change your AgriStability contacts

Your primary contact is the contact you identified on your AgriStability and AgriInvest form to provide and receive information on your behalf. This information is updated each year when you file your form.

Your additional contacts can provide and receive information on your behalf until you remove them. Remove a contact person using one of the methods listed below.

To add or remove a contact person in addition to your primary contact person:

  • log into My AAFC Account
    • select Manage Address/Contacts and update your address
  • complete the AgriStability and AgriInvest Additional Contact Person form
    • mail or fax your completed form to:
      • AgriStability and AgriInvest
      • PO Box 3200
      • Winnipeg MB  R3C 5R7
      • Toll-free fax: 1-877-949-4885
  • call 1-866-367-8506
    • you must provide:
      • your full name
      • your Participant Identification Number (PIN)
      • 2 figures from your most current AgriStability form or statement {for example, your Statement A form or Calculation of Program Benefits (COB)}

Make an adjustment to your form

You may adjust your AgriStability form by sending a completed adjustment request form within 18 months from the date on your original Calculation of Program Benefits.

If AAFC accepts your adjustment, they will make the changes and issue you a Revised Calculation of Program Benefits.

To adjust your original adjustment, you must send it the later of:

  • 90 days from the date on your Revised Calculation of Program Benefits
  • 18 months from the date on your original Calculation of Program Benefits

If your adjustment increases your original payment, AAFC will issue you the additional amount. If your adjustment decreases your original payment, you will have to repay the overpayment.

For more information on adjustments, visit How do I make an adjustment to my form?

File an appeal

You have 90 days from the date AAFC informs you of a decision they made to appeal. Use the appeal form to submit an appeal if:

  • you feel AAFC did not correctly apply the AgriStability program rules to your form
  • you missed a deadline because of exceptional circumstances beyond your control

Disagreeing with program rules is not a valid reason for an appeal. However, if you feel that AAFC did not apply program rules correctly, you may request a review of your application by the administration.

For information on appeals, visit How do you submit an appeal?

Manage estate participation

An estate may participate in AgriStability if it meets the eligibility requirements of the program.

If you are the executor, you must notify AAFC of the participant's death and send the following documents:

  • a certified copy of the death certificate or funeral director's certificate. This is needed to change the name of the account to include “Estate/Succession”; and
  • a certified copy of the will and letter of probate (or letters of administration). This is needed to identify who can act on behalf of the estate and beneficiaries.

For more information on estate participation, visit Can an estate participate in AgriStability?