Hogs / Pork

Decorative picture of hogs
Quick Facts 2022
  • 14.17 million hogs on 7,330 farms in Canada ( at Jan 1)
  • Quebec (31%) , Ontario (26%) and Manitoba (24%) account for 81% of Canada’s inventory
  • 21,656,185 hogs slaughtered in federally and provincially inspected establishments in Canada
  • 2.26 million tonnes of pork produced
  • Exports: 6.49 million hogs (of which 58% are weanlings) valued at $758.9 million; 1.39 million tonnes of pork valued at $4.82 billion
  • Imports: 4,349 hogs valued at $4.3 million; 229,411 tonnes of pork valued at 1.62 billion
  • Farm cash receipts from the sale of hogs totaled $6.5 billion, 6.9% of total receipts.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an e-mail to aafc.redmeat-vianderouge.aac@agr.gc.ca