Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and Employee Information

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Introduction to Info Source

Info Source provides information about the functions, programs, activities and related information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. It provides individuals and employees of the government (current and former) with relevant information to access personal information about themselves held by government institutions subject to the Privacy Act and to exercise their rights under the Privacy Act.

The Introduction about the Access to Information and Privacy program and a list of institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act are available centrally.

The Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act assign overall responsibility to the President of Treasury Board (as the designated Minister) for the government-wide administration of the legislation.

General information about Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


By Order in Council passed on July 1, 1867, Jean-Charles Chapais was appointed as Canada's first Minister of Agriculture. However, he actually presided over the pre-confederation Bureau of Agriculture until 1868. In that year, an Act for the Organization of the Department of Agriculture was passed by Parliament, which established the first Department of Agriculture in the Canadian government structure.

The formation of the Experimental Farms System followed in 1886. The Department has evolved over the years and, today, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada maintains offices and facilities from coast to coast.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, along with its portfolio partners, reports to Parliament and Canadians through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. The Department submits Departmental Plans and Departmental Results Reports, which are tabled in Parliament by the President of the Treasury Board on behalf of the ministers who preside over the appropriation-dependent departments and agencies identified in Schedules I, I.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act. These documents are usually tabled on or before March 31 and referred to committees, which may then report to the House of Commons pursuant to Standing Order 81(7).

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada publishes many reports and assessments every year. To learn more, read about our Planning and Reporting.


Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's mandate is based on the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act. The Minister is also responsible for the administration of several other Acts, such as the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act.

Under the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act, the Minister is responsible for agriculture; research related to agriculture; and products derived from agriculture including the operation of experimental farm stations, unless they have assigned by law to another department, board or agency.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides information, research and technology, and policies and programs to help Canada's agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector compete in markets at home and abroad, manage risk, and embrace innovation. The activities of the Department extend from the farmer to the consumer, from the farm to global markets, through all phases of sustainably producing, processing and marketing of agriculture and agri-food products. In this regard, and in recognition that agriculture is a shared jurisdiction, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works closely with provincial and territorial governments.

The Department is responsible for ensuring collaboration among the organizations within the Agriculture and Agri-Food Portfolio; this means coherent policy and program development and effective cooperation in meeting challenges on cross-portfolio issues. The other portfolio organizations consist of: the Canadian Dairy Commission; the Canadian Grain Commission; Farm Credit Canada; Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal; and the Farm Products Council of Canada.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada also includes the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency, a special operating agency that regulates and supervises betting at racetracks and betting theatres (off track betting sites) across Canada.

To learn more about Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, read about What We Do, our Key Department Initiatives, and our Partners and Agencies.

Institutional functions, programs and activities

Business Risk Management

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has a comprehensive suite of Business Risk Management programs to better equip producers with the tools and capacity to manage business risks. This suite provides support for income losses, a disaster relief framework and insurance to protect farmers against production losses due to uncontrollable natural hazards as well as research, development, implementation and administration of new agricultural risk management tools. In addition to the Business Risk Management suite, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides producers with the ability to market their products when conditions and prices may be more favourable through loan guarantee programs.

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act

The Advance Payments Program and the Price Pooling Program are active federal loan-guarantee programs legislated under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. Under the Advance Payments Program, the government guarantees the repayment of the cash advances made to crop and livestock producers by third-party administrators for a specified period of time, based on the value of their agricultural product. These cash advances improve producers' cash flow throughout the year, enabling them to meet financial obligations and benefit from the best market conditions. Eligible producers can receive an Advance Payments Program advance of up to $400,000 at a preferential interest rate, with the government paying the interest on the first $100,000. Producers repay their advance plus interest, as their product is sold. Target clients are producers of agricultural products as defined under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. The Price Pooling Program helps market agricultural products under cooperative plans by guaranteeing an average initial price for products sold by marketing agencies. This enables marketing agencies to secure financing and to issue initial delivery payments to their members. The government guarantee protects agencies against unanticipated declines in the market price of their products that exceed 35%. Target clients are marketing agencies of agricultural products defined under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (S.C, 1997, c. 20).

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act: Advance Payments Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration to support and document applications made by producer organizations, interest paid to lenders and advances made to producers and payments made to lenders to honour guaranteed loans.
Document Types:
Applications, assessments, reports, correspondence, agreements, bank statements, accounts statements, Business Risk Management program documents, procedures, policies, and legal opinions.
Record Number:
AAFC 2600
Agricultural Marketing Programs Act: Advance Payments Program (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about producers applying under the Advanced Payments Program, and on producers in default under the program. The Advanced Payments Program is delivered by producer organizations acting as Administrators that secure advances for producers from financial institutions. The Administrator collects personal information and routinely shares a small portion of the personal information with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In the event the producer goes into default and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is required to guarantee the advance, the entire applicant file is transferred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Personal information routinely transferred may include: name, signature, contact information, date of birth, financial information (such as information on commodities, farm properties, repayment schedule, product sales information and records related to government Business Risk Management programs used as security). Additional information collected in the event of default may include: government issued identification; communication documenting action taken by Administrators to obtain payment (such as comments, phone logs, correspondence); financial information on producers (such as, credit checks, copies of cheques and information regarding other financial advances); financial charges (such as, legal and collection fees and cost of judgment); documentation regarding mediation (such as judgments against defaults), information pertaining to fraudulent activities (such as, police reports, court orders); bankruptcy or death documentation and financial information on family members (related producers/applicants).
Administration of the Advanced Payments Program is associated with previous versions of cash advance programs under the Spring Credit Advance Program and the Enhanced Spring Credit Advance Program. Both of these programs have now ended however personal information from these two programs is used in making administrative decisions about eligibility and participation under the Advanced Payments Program.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian producers applying under the Advanced Payments Program.
Personal information is collected under the authority of section 10 of the Agriculture Marketing Programs Act for the purpose of administering the Advanced Payments Program. Personal information is used to administer advances and repayment of loans under Advanced Payments Program (and previously, the Spring Credit Advance Program and the Enhanced Spring Credit Advance Program). Information may be used to garnish payments received by individuals under several Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs. This activity would be used by the provinces to collect accounts receivable owing to the federal government from producers in default under the Advanced Payments Program.
Consistent Uses:
Personal Information is disclosed by the Administrators to the Provinces in the event that Business Risk Management participation is used as a security for the Advanced Payments Program. If the program participant enters into default, personal information is transferred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Farm Debt Mediation Service for the purpose of debt recovery.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
  1. Producer applicant files and data are kept for three years after repayment of the advance. These files may then be destroyed.
  2. Files with information from organizations delivering the program, related program materials and defaulted files, are retained for six years after the fiscal year of the repayment of the advance, the last financial transaction or the last action taken to recover the loan whichever occurs last. The files are transferred to Library and Archives Canada for selective retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2600
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Agricultural Marketing Programs Act: Price Pooling Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the admission into a Price Guarantee Agreement with marketing agencies to facilitate the marketing of agricultural products under a cooperative plan. It also includes records used to track the marketing agencies' monthly sales report.
Document Types:
Application forms, plans, financial statements and monthly sales reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 2610
Agricultural Marketing Programs Act: Price Pooling Program (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about applicants under the Price Pooling Program, Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. The personal information may include name, contact information, organizational structures, management and organizational process description, financial information including audited financial statements, marketing strategy, historical data on prices received, terms and conditions of guarantee provided.
Class of Individuals:
Marketing agencies, producer organizations and processors.
The personal information is used to determine eligibility of the applicants to this particular program. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act.
Consistent Uses:
Information is used to evaluate and ensure adherence to the terms and conditions of Agricultural Marketing Programs Act to ensure compliance to the terms of the price agreement entered into with the marketing agency; and to ensure the validity of claims for loss and to determine the government liability payment. The information is also used for reporting to senior management.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
These files are retained for a minimum of six years after the fiscal year of the termination of the agreement of the liability payment. The files are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada for selective retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2610
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:


AgriInsurance helps producers minimize the economic impacts of production losses caused by adverse weather, diseases and other specified perils. AgriInsurance is a program that uses premiums to fund liabilities. The premiums are cost shared between the federal government, provincial governments and producers. The commodities covered vary by province and continue to expand.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payments(s): (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriInsurance program.

AgriInsurance (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of this program that is a federal, provincial and territorial cost-shared program that stabilizes a producer's income by minimizing the economic effects of production losses caused by natural hazards like drought, flood, hail, frost, excessive moisture, and diseases. Producers are able to tailor the protection to their individual needs and use this protection to secure loans and plan for the longer term.
In 2007, the program was changed from Production Insurance to AgriInsurance under the Growing Forward Framework.
Document Types:
Federal-provincial agreements, strategic policy advice and consultations, statistics, analysis, provincial claims, audit reports and actuarial certifications.
Record Number:
AAFC 2400


AgriInvest helps producers manage income declines, and provides support for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income. Producers' AgriInvest accounts build as they make annual deposits based on a percentage of their Allowable Net Sales and receive matching contributions from federal, and provincial or territorial governments. AgriInvest is cost-shared 60:40 by federal, and provincial or territorial governments.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Grant payments for the AgriInvest program and (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriInvest program.

AgriInvest (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the AgriInvest program which provides support to Canadian agricultural producers for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income by depositing funds annually into a savings account and receiving a matching government contribution from federal, provincial and territorial governments.
Document Types:
Application forms (including statements of farming activities), contribution agreements, financial information, reports, correspondence, memoranda of understanding, legal opinions, meeting agendas, presentations, procedures and policies.
Record Number:
AAFC 2800
Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA)
This bank describes information related to net income stabilization funding provided to Canadian Agricultural producers. Personal information may include: name, contact information, financial information, Social Insurance Number (SIN), opinions and views of individuals and Appeals Committee Members (via the secure Portal messaging and Appeals submission forms), biographical and medical information, other identification numbers,(AgriStability/AgriInvest Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)), and signatures.
The Personal Information Bank (PIB) reflects the following ongoing programs entitled AgriInvest and AgriStability and was used for the former programs: Net Income Stabilization, Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP), and the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS).
Class of Individuals:
Canadian Agriculture Producers (or their designated representatives) including individuals, partnerships, co-operatives, corporations, estates, trusts, limited partnerships and landlords in joint ventures, who have applied for net income stabilization assistance under Section 4 of the Farm Income Protection Act (FIPA).
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process payments to Canadian agricultural producers under the Net Income Stabilization Account Programs authorized under Section 4 of the Farm Income Protection Act. Personal information (including the Social Insurance Number (SIN)) is collected and used only when issuing a taxable benefit, under the authority of sections 10 and 11 of the Farm Income Protection Act (FIPA) and subsection 241(4) (d)(xi) of the Income Tax Act (ITA). The personal information is also being collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act which provides the statutory basis for transfer payments by the Federal government to individuals.
Consistent Uses:
On the consent of the individual, information concerning bank deposits will be exchanged with financial institutions. In accordance with FIPA and the Income Tax Act, information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA PPU 005, Individual Income Tax Return and CRA PPU 025, Non-Compliance Identification Research Data). Personal information held by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) may also be shared with government institutions that perform services on AAFC’s behalf (for example, cheque mailing and electronic payment by PSPC) or to assist the Department in the collection of debts owed to the Crown by producers. When the personal information is provided to these entities, these entities are considered to have physical control of the personal information, and in the case of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), control of the banking information for the purposes of issuing payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared under FIPA with provincial or territorial departments responsible for agriculture for the purposes of audit, analysis, evaluation, program development and administration of farm income assistance programs. Information may be used for the distribution of material and for public opinion polls on agricultural programs. Information may also be shared with authorized parties (provinces/territories and other government departments) to assist the Department in the collection of debts owed to the Crown by the producers as a result of overpayment under FIPA. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes, or for the administration of other farm income programs as well as for the distribution of material on new agricultural programs. Information may also be used for the purpose of program eligibility and will be shared with the Appeals Committee as needed. The Appeals Committee reviews appeal requests in writing from participants or their representatives.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information is retained for seven years after assistance is provided and is then destroyed. Administrative records are retained for seven years after the program has ended and then they are transferred to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) for retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2700, AAFC 2800
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Farm Level Data Services (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about the characteristics of farms and farm operators and information relating to crops, livestock, poultry, machinery, farm operating expenses and receipts by type of farm. The personal information may include name, contact information, opinions, detailed revenue/expense and assets/liabilities listings, as well as investments for farm operators and farm families. The information is obtained from Statistics Canada's Census of Agriculture Database, STC PPU 030.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian producers applying under the Dairy Sector Investment Programs.
Personal information is used to administer farm level economic analysis on a wide variety of program and policy issues that impact at the farm level.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to monitor existing programs and policies and to evaluate potential changes to programs and policies.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
The information will be kept for a minimum of 20 years following the creation of the dataset, and then transferred to the Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2700, AAFC 2800
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:


AgriRecovery is a disaster-relief framework that allows federal, provincial and territorial governments to work together on a case-by-case basis to assess natural disasters (for example, extreme weather, disease, pests, et cetera) affecting Canadian farmers and respond with targeted, disaster-specific programming when assistance is needed beyond existing programming (AgriStability, AgriInvest, AgriInsurance, Canadian Food Inspection Agency compensation, et cetera). The aim of AgriRecovery is to provide affected producers with assistance to help them take action to mitigate the impacts of the disaster and/or resume business operations as quickly as possible following a disaster event.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Contribution payments for the Agricultural Disaster Relief program-AgriRecovery.

AgriRecovery (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of AgriRecovery which is a disaster-relief framework that allows the federal, provincial and territorial governments to work together to assist producers affected by regional disasters when assistance is needed beyond existing programming.
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory notes, ministerial recommendations, strategic environmental assessments, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms, surveys and background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 2300
Agricultural Disaster Relief Program under AgriRecovery (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to the administration of disaster assistance responses, including information to determine eligibility of producers and the disbursement of funds in respect to the disaster. The personal information is required to provide financial assistance to producers in response to a disaster. While there is unpredictability regarding the nature of disasters, the following elements of personal information are commonly collected: name, contact information, date of birth, Social Insurance Number, business numbers, and other identification numbers such as AgriStability/AgriInvest Personal Identification Numbers, financial information, and signatures.
Most initiatives developed under the Agricultural Disaster Relief Program are delivered by a province or its delivery agent and are therefore not part of this bank. The 2012 Canada-Quebec Livestock and Forage Transportation Assistance Initiative was delivered federally. The Cover Crop Protection Program and Circovirus Inoculation Program are associated with this bank although they were separate programs from Agricultural Disaster Relief Program and were delivered by what was then Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Division. The Cover Crop Protection Program was terminated in March, 2009. The Circovirus Inoculation Program was terminated in December, 2008.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agricultural producers or their designated representatives who have applied for disaster assistance from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The information is obtained to determine eligibility and make payments under the Agricultural Disaster Relief Program, as well as the Cover Crop Protection Program, and the Circovirus Inoculation Program. Information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act, sections 10, 11 and 12(5) of the Farm Income Protection Act and subsection 241(4)(d)(xi) of the Income Tax Act.
Consistent Uses:
The Social Insurance Number is collected and disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency under the authority of the Income Tax Act for the purposes of reporting income (CRA PPU 005, Individual Returns and Payment Processing and CRA PPU 047, Business Returns and Payment Processing). Personal information may be used and disclosed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to any third party for the purpose of verifying set–offs on any debt owed to the Crown. Personal information may also be used to contact applicants to inform them about other provincial and federal income stabilization, assistance or disaster programs. Personal information may be shared under the Farm Income Protection Act with respective provincial or territorial departments responsible for agriculture for the purposes of audit, analysis, evaluation, program development and administration of farm income assistance programs, and may additionally be used to conduct periodic surveys on the applicant's experience with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information is retained for seven years after the termination of the program and is then destroyed.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2300, AAFC 3515
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

AgriRisk Initiatives

The AgriRisk Initiatives program provides financial and technical assistance to private-sector or industry-led projects to research, develop, implement and deliver new risk management tools including insurance-based products. The objective of the program is to increase producers' ability to address the risks they face by facilitating the development and adoption of agricultural risk management tools. Research and development projects receive federal-only funding for implementation and delivery projects are cost shared with provinces or territories.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grant payments for the AgriRisk Initiatives program and Contributions for the AgriRisk Initiatives program.

AgriRisk Initiatives Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the AgriRisk Initiatives program to review applications and proposals for projects to receive AgriRisk Initiatives funding support. Eligible applicants include producer organizations and associations, provincial and territorial governments, academic institutions and for profit and not-for-profit providers of agricultural risk management products or services. It also includes records related to the financial standing of the program applicants and recipients (for example, financial statements, articles of incorporation, letters patent, et cetera), information related to the past project management experience of the applicant as well as general information on the structure and governance of the applicant/recipient (for example, Boards of Director minutes, Annual General Meeting Records of Decision, et cetera).
Document Types:
Application forms and addendums, project-related emails and letters, screening and evaluation forms, work plans (including budgets and cash flow forecasts), AgriRisk Initiatives project forms (for example, Copyright Permission, Consent to Disclose Personal and/or Business Information, and Applicant's Authorized Representative, EDI-bank deposit, system-user Security Authorization), recommendation forms, memoranda, project approval or rejection letters, grant and contribution agreements, claims for project funding reimbursements or advances, project progress, performance and final reporting, project technical reports, risk assessments, audits (financial or compliance), program policies and procedures, and applicant guide.
Record Number:
AAFC 2350


AgriStability provides support when producers experience large margin declines. A producer may be able to receive an AgriStability payment when their current year program margin falls below a percentage of their historical reference margin. AgriStability is cost-shared 60:40 by federal, and provincial or territorial governments.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Grant payments for the AgriStability program and (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriStability program.

AgriStability (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the AgriStability program which is designed to provide support when producers experience large margin declines.
Document Types:
Application forms (including statements of farming activities and inventory information), contribution agreements, financial information, reports, correspondence, meeting agendas, legal opinions, presentations, memoranda of understanding, procedures and policies.
Record Number:
AAFC 2700
Net Income Stabilization Account (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to net income stabilization funding provided to Canadian Agricultural producers. Personal information may include: name, contact information, financial information, Social Insurance Number (SIN), opinions and views of individuals and Appeals Committee Members (via the secure Portal messaging and Appeals submission forms), biographical and medical information, other identification numbers,(AgriStability/AgriInvest Personal Identification Numbers (PINs)), and signatures.
The Personal Information Bank (PIB) reflects the following ongoing programs entitled AgriInvest and AgriStability and was used for the former programs: Net Income Stabilization, Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP), and the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS).
Class of Individuals:
Canadian Agriculture Producers (or their designated representatives) including individuals, partnerships, co-operatives, corporations, estates, trusts, limited partnerships and landlords in joint ventures, who have applied for net income stabilization assistance under Section 4 of the Farm Income Protection Act (FIPA).
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process payments to Canadian agricultural producers under the Net Income Stabilization Account Programs authorized under Section 4 of the Farm Income Protection Act. Personal information (including the Social Insurance Number (SIN)) is collected and used only when issuing a taxable benefit, under the authority of sections 10 and 11 of the Farm Income Protection Act (FIPA) and subsection 241(4) (d)(xi) of the Income Tax Act (ITA). The personal information is also being collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act which provides the statutory basis for transfer payments by the Federal government to individuals.
Consistent Uses:
On the consent of the individual, information concerning bank deposits will be exchanged with financial institutions. In accordance with FIPA and the Income Tax Act, information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA PPU 005, Individual Income Tax Return and CRA PPU 025, Non-Compliance Identification Research Data). Personal information held by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) may also be shared with government institutions that perform services on AAFC’s behalf (for example, cheque mailing and electronic payment by PSPC) or to assist the Department in the collection of debts owed to the Crown by producers. When the personal information is provided to these entities, these entities are considered to have physical control of the personal information, and in the case of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), control of the banking information for the purposes of issuing payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared under FIPA with provincial or territorial departments responsible for agriculture for the purposes of audit, analysis, evaluation, program development and administration of farm income assistance programs. Information may be used for the distribution of material and for public opinion polls on agricultural programs. Information may also be shared with authorized parties (provinces/territories and other government departments) to assist the Department in the collection of debts owed to the Crown by the producers as a result of overpayment under FIPA. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes, or for the administration of other farm income programs as well as for the distribution of material on new agricultural programs. Information may also be used for the purpose of program eligibility and will be shared with the Appeals Committee as needed. The Appeals Committee reviews appeal requests in writing from participants or their representatives.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information is retained for seven years after assistance is provided and is then destroyed. Administrative records are retained for seven years after the program has ended and then they are transferred to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) for retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2700, AAFC 2800
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Farm Level Data Services (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about the characteristics of farms and farm operators and information relating to crops, livestock, poultry, machinery, farm operating expenses and receipts by type of farm. The personal information may include name, contact information, opinions, detailed revenue/expense and assets/liabilities listings, as well as investments for farm operators and farm families. The information is obtained from Statistics Canada's Census of Agriculture Database, STC PPU 030.
Class of Individuals:
Individuals who are included in the Census of Agriculture Database or participate in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs listed above.
Personal information is used to administer farm level economic analysis on a wide variety of program and policy issues that impact at the farm level.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to monitor existing programs and policies and to evaluate potential changes to programs and policies.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
The information will be kept for a minimum of 20 years following the creation of the dataset, and then transferred to the Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2700, AAFC 2800
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Canadian Agricultural Loans Act

The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act is a legislated financial loan guarantee program that improves availability of credit to farmers and agricultural co-operatives. Under the program, the Government of Canada guarantees to financial institutions repayment of the loans that they make to farmers and agricultural co-operatives for eligible purposes. Farmers use these loans to establish, improve, and develop their farms, while agricultural co-operatives use loans to process, distribute, or market the products of farming.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 25 [3rd Supp.]).

Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program to register loans made by financial institutions to farmers and agricultural co-operatives for the government guarantee under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program. It also includes information to record and process revisions to loans made by financial institutions to farmers or agricultural co-operatives, to report and track defaulted loans, to record and process claims for loss under the guarantee and to affect recoveries of accounts receivable when necessary.
The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program received Royal Assent on June 18, 2009, and replaced the former Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act.
Document Types:
Loan registrations and fee submissions, requests for revisions of loans terms, reports on defaulted loans and reports of claims for loss, loan account statements, promissory notes, security documentation, realization statements, and other documents related to the issuance of loans and realization procedures for defaulted loans, program procedures, policies, and legal opinions.
Record Number:
AAFC 2500
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to individuals who are given loans on behalf of this initiative. Personal information may include name, contact information of borrowers, signatures, the purposes and amounts of loans, loan terms and repayment details, allowable fees and other financial details (promissory notes, security documentation, realization statements, and other documents related to the issuance of loans and realization procedures for defaulted loans) when a claim for loss is submitted.
The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act program received Royal Assent on June 18, 2009, and replaced the former Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act and the bank by the same name.
Class of Individuals:
Farmers and agricultural co-operatives.
To facilitate the availability of intermediate and short-term credit to farmers and agricultural co-operatives for the establishment, improvement or development of farms. Information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act. Personal information is also used to register eligible loans under the guarantee, effect revisions to loan terms, monitor defaulted loans, and ensure the validity of claims for loss, effect recoveries of accounts receivable when necessary.
Consistent Uses:
Information may also be used to set-off payments received by individuals under several Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs, pursuant to the authority of the Financial Administration Act. The information may be shared with the Department of Justice (institution-specific personal information bank - Civil Proceedings and Legal Services JUS PPU 010) for debtor examination, or other legal matters, and to collection agencies for debt recovery purposes. Information will be used for program evaluation, research and aggregate reporting to senior management.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Dependent upon the negotiated default repayment terms, collection or legal action taken in the administration of the repayment of the loan, retention of the information will be seven years after the last financial action on the loan after which the information will be destroyed.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2500
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Dairy Sector Investment Programs

Dairy Sector Investment Programs (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the Dairy Sector Investment Programs which have been established to make available non-repayable financial assistance to help drive dairy farmers to make the necessary investments that will assist in preparing for evolving market conditions.
Document Types:
Application forms (including statements of farming/investment activities), terms and conditions, milk license, analysis documents, contribution agreements, financial information, reports, correspondence, agreement documents, meeting agendas, presentations, procedures and policies.
Record Number:
Dairy Sector Investment Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information that is used to determine the eligibility of producers applying for financial assistance, as well as to process and disburse financial claims, under the Dairy Sector Investment Programs. Personal information may include: contact information, credit card information, employee personnel information, financial information, language, name, signature, and social insurance number.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian producers applying under the Dairy Sector Investment Programs.

Personal information is used to determine eligibility for financial assistance under a Dairy Sector Investment Program, to determine the amount of non-repayable financial assistance provided by the program, to assist in disbursing financial claims under the program, and to assist in performing audits of a producer who has received financial assistance under the program.

Personal information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Act. The social insurance number, which is collected for the purpose of issuing an income tax form (Statement of Farm Support Payments), is collected under the authority of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent Uses:
Personal Information is disclosed within Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada to assist in delivering Dairy Sector Investment Programs. Personal information is disclosed to provincial and territorial milk licensing authorities to validate a producer’s milk license. Personal information, including the social insurance number, may be disclosed with the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose of reporting the disbursement of payments under the program.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Hog Farm Transition Program

The Hog Farm Transition Program was introduced in 2009 to help the hog sector in Canada adjust to new market realities brought about by a strong Canadian currency; high feed prices; rising energy costs; lower world pork prices; and increased competition in export markets. Under the program, producers least able or willing to participate in the new tougher hog market could exit the industry in an orderly fashion by tendering bids for the amount of funding they would accept to cease production for at least three years. The resulting decline in hog production combined with the anticipated cost efficiencies associated with the remaining producers is expected to improve the overall profitability of the sector.

Hog Farm Transition Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of the Hog Farm Transition Program to assist the hog sector transition to new market realities by providing compensation of up to a maximum of $75 million to hog producers who agree to cease production for a period of at least three years. Hog producers tender bids for the minimum amount of financial assistance they would accept to set aside production. The Canadian Pork Council delivers the program through a contribution agreement with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, forms, guides, correspondence and business plans.
Record Number:
AAFC 2270

Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program

The Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program (HILLRP) is aimed at assisting viable hog operations with their short term liquidity pressures by providing long term loans. The program will reduce lenders' exposure to risk by sharing the risk of long term loans with the Government of Canada, thereby encouraging these lenders to extend credit and facilitate debt restructuring.

Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program (Class of Record)
Includes records to assist the pork industry to deal with immediate short-term cash-flow pressures. It was designed to increase access to credit for eligible producers currently producing hogs in Canada and who could provide a business plan which demonstrated that the business was or could be viable and had a reasonable prospect of repaying the loan. The loans to an eligible hog producer are based on a credible business plan and the size of operation from recent production and sales records. The Government of Canada shares the risk with financial institutions in consolidating short-term debt into long term loans to these eligible hog producers.
The application deadline for producers was March 26, 2010; however reserves are in place until 2025.
Document Types:
Forms, loan account statements, proof of loan disbursements, proof of collection activities, copies of legal documents relating to collection activities and invoices.
Record Number:
AAFC 2900
Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about individuals applying under the HILLRP, and on individuals in default under the program. Personal information may include name of borrowers, contact information, credit information (including any outstanding 2008-09 Advance Payments Program advances for hogs), financial information, financial institution information and signature.
The application deadline for producers was March 26, 2010; however reserves are in place until 2025
Class of Individuals:
Individual applicants or claimants to this program.
Personal information is used to administer the HLLRP and to determine eligibility and to disburse funds for the program. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 12(5) of the Farm Income Protection Act.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used or disclosed for audit purposes and for quality assurance. Information may also be used for program evaluation to determine the program's effectiveness, statistical and reporting purposes. Cross-references are done with the Advance Payments Program and the Hog Farm Transition Program for verification purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Borrower information is retained for six years following the repayment in full of all eligible loans of borrowers and then destroyed in accordance with Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2900
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency

Section 204 of the Criminal Code of Canada designates the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food responsible for making the regulations that direct the lawful conduct of pari-mutuel betting in Canada on horse racing. The Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency is a special operating agency within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that approves and supervises pari-mutuel betting conducted at racetracks and betting theatres across Canada, with the objective of ensuring that betting is conducted in a way that is fair to the betting public. Costs associated with the activities of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency are recovered through a levy on every dollar bet in Canada on horse races. The levy is currently set at eight-tenths of a cent of every dollar bet. Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency's strategic plans are focused on regulating and supervising pari-mutuel betting on horse races in the most modern, effective and transparent manner.

Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency (Class of Record)

Includes records related to the licensing and supervision of pari-mutuel betting at racetracks and betting theatres (off track betting sites) and the operation of an equine drug control program. Records may include information related to all external communications, industry or public complaints, investigations, consultations with third parties and information received from or sent to other institutions with respect to regulatory issues, copies of relevant legislation, regulations and related policy instruments, as well as documentation related to equine drug control research and national wagering statistics. Also included are statistical, quality assurance, audit and betting system auditing reports.
Document Types:
Permits, licenses and betting approvals, correspondence, reports, consultations and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 7010

Equine Drug Control and Research (Class of Record)

Includes records related to drugs and medications used on racehorses, detection methodologies, as well as guidelines on drug elimination times.
Document Types:
Reports and guidelines.
Record Number:
AAFC 7020

Pari-Mutuel Supervision (Class of Record)

Includes records related to the authorized use of a pari-mutuel system of betting, and the regulatory compliance of associations authorized to conduct pari-mutuel betting in Canada on horse races. Supervision of pari-mutuel system includes overseeing pay-out price calculations, and pool take-outs and distributions, analysis of unusual pari-mutuel betting patterns, race dates, testing of totalizator equipment and betting systems, conducting inspections, preparing statistical reports, calculating and collecting federal levy, preparing sample collection and analysis reports, conducting quality assurance and audits.
Document Types:
Reports, tables, analysis, race dates, tests and collection records.
Record Number:
AAFC 7030

Industry Capacity

This program helps build the capacity of the sector and businesses to sustainably succeed in a market-driven and competitive world. The program encourages the use of sound business management practices, while also enabling businesses in the sector to understand their financial situation, be profitable and invest where needed. It provides for enhanced participation by young or new entrants, First Nations clients, and clients in specific sub-sectors in transition. The program also supports the sector and its businesses to improve access to key infrastructure.

AgriFlexibility - Profitability Improvement

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Profitability Improvement component of AgriFlexibility provides funding to develop tools and systems that enhance producers' access to agronomic, commodity or market information that will improve business and farm management. AgriFlexibility - Profitability Improvement provides funding for activities, recipients, projects and initiatives that are not eligible under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Growing Forward programming to reduce costs of production, increase operational productivity and improve product quality.

AgriFlexibility - Profitability Improvement (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that would reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding was delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Profitability Improvement component of AgriFlexibility provided funding to develop tools and systems that enhance producers' access to agronomic, commodity or market information that would improve business and farm management. AgriFlexibility - Profitability Improvement provided funding for activities, recipients, projects and initiatives that were not eligible under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Growing Forward programming to reduce costs of production, increase operational productivity and improve product quality.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory notes, ministerial recommendations, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms and background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 2910
Renewal (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of programs that provided farmers and farm families with the assistance to access skills, knowledge, tools and advice to help them increase their profitability through on-and-off farm opportunities. Specifically, these programs were the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services including Farm Business Assessment and Specialized Business Planning Services; Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises; and the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service.
These programs ended on March 31, 2009.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, grants, legal opinions, policies, surveys, memoranda and procedures.
Record Number:
AAFC 2200
Renewal Programs under the Agricultural Policy Framework (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information that is related to producers and other stakeholders who participated in the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services which consists of two components, the Farm Business Assessment and the Specialized Business Planning Services; the Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises; and the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, educational information, financial information, Social Insurance Number and other identification numbers generated by the online database, and signature.
The following programs, Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services including Farm Business Assessment and Specialized Business Planning Services, Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises and Canadian Agricultural Skills Service all ended in 2009.
Class of Individuals:
Program applicants or claimants to the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services, Canadian Agricultural Skills Service and Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises programs as well as contractors for Specialized Business Planning Services.
Personal information is used to administer the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service, Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises and the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services programs and to determine eligibility for the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service training, for the advisory services offered by Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services and Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises as well as to disburse the funds in respect to these programs. Information is also used in order to obtain views and opinions on these programs. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and per the Financial Administration Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and is used to issue Tax Information Slips (AGR-1).
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to create an inventory of qualified applicants. The information may also be used for evaluation purposes of the Renewal programs as well as for performing audits. Applicant information and in particular Social Insurance Numbers may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency under the Income Tax Act and with Public Works and Government Services Canada as part of a memorandum of understanding. Applicant information may be shared with provinces that act as delivery agents for Canadian Agricultural Skills Service in Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Information may also be shared with financial consultants and Canadian Agricultural Skills service providers in order to provide program deliverables (for example, business plans, and individual learning plans).
Retention and Disposal Standards:
All information is retained for seven years then destroyed in accordance with Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2200
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program

The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-2019) helps the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sector seize opportunities, respond to new and/or emerging issues, and pathfind and/or pilot solutions to new and ongoing issues so it can adapt and remain competitive. The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-2019) is a five-year program providing non-repayable contributions for industry-led projects that address national or sector-wide matters. Funding is delivered directly from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to successful applicants.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program.

Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Programs (2009-2019) (Class of Record)
Includes records related to facilitating the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sector's ability to seize opportunities, to respond to new and emerging issues, and to pathfind and pilot solutions to new and ongoing issues in order to help it adapt and remain competitive.
Consistent Uses:
This class describes personal information used in support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-2019) which is required to maintain project contacts to support program delivery. Information may include phone numbers, addresses and e-mail coordinates for organizations and their representatives, who are required to apply, undertake activities and report on Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-2019) projects. The personal information of contact persons is not used for administrative purposes that could affect the individual at any step during the administration of the Program. Information may be shared within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Information is not organized nor intended to be retrieved by a personal identifier.
Note: The 2009-2013 program was extended to March 31, 2018
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, memoranda, ministerial recommendations, communication material, contribution agreements, and application forms.
Record Number:
AAFC 2040

Cattle Slaughter Industry Assistance

Cattle Slaughter Industry Assistance helps Canadian slaughterhouses become more competitive through two components: Abattoir Competitiveness provides grants to slaughterhouses to maintain critical domestic slaughter capacity for Canadian over thirty months (OTM) cattle while the industry works to better manage the regulatory and cost differentials with the United States; Slaughter Waste Innovation provides contibutions to slaughterhouses and stand-alone businesses handling Specified Risk Material (SRM) to support research, development, commercialization or adoption of innovative technologies and processes related to the removal, disposal or use of SRM to reduce handling costs and/or to create potential revenue sources from SRM.

Cattle Slaughter Industry Assistance (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Abattoir Competitiveness and the Slaughter Waste Innovation Program, which helped Canadian slaughterhouses become more competitive. The Abattoir Competitiveness Program provided grants to slaughterhouses to maintain critical domestic slaughter capacity for Canadian cattle over thirty months while the industry worked to better manage the regulatory and cost differentials with the United States. The Slaughter Waste Innovation Program provided contributions to slaughterhouses and stand-alone businesses handling specified risk material to support research, development, commercialization or adoption of innovative technologies and processes related to the removal, disposal or use of specified risk material to reduce handling costs and/or to create potential revenue sources from specified risk material.
The Slaughter Waste Innovation Program sunsetted March 31, 2013. The Abattoir Competitiveness Program operated from June 2010 to March 2011. Payments to eligible slaughterhouses were made in two phases and are now complete.
Document Types:
Application forms, proposals, reports, application review process and verification documents, policies, contribution agreements, meeting agendas, memoranda, records of decision, evaluations, briefing materials.
Record Number:
AAFC 3100

Churchill Port Utilization Program

The Churchill Port Utilization program provides grant payments to legal entities that arrange for the shipment of grain, outward, by ocean-going vessel, from the Port of Churchill. The Program is designed to provide support to the Port of Churchill during the transition to the new grain marketing model in Western Canada. Assistance under this federally delivered program is up to $4.6 million per year for up to 500,000 tonnes of grain. Total assistance is up to $23 million. This five year program ends on March 31, 2017.

Churchill Port Utilization Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the grant payment program for legal entities, that arrange for the shipment of grain, outward, by ocean-going vessel, from the Port of Churchill. This Program is designed to provide support to the Port of Churchill during the transition to the new grain marketing model in Western Canada.
Assistance under this federally-delivered program up to $4.6 million per year for up to 500,000 tonnes of grain. Total assistance is for up to $23 million. This 5-year program ended on March 31, 2017.
Document Types:
Application forms, proposals, reports, application review process and verification documents, policies, contribution agreements, meeting agendas, memoranda, records of decision, evaluations, briefing materials.
Record Number:
AAFC 3105

Community Pastures

The Community Pastures program enhances the sustainability of prairie rangeland for agriculture through livestock production. This work includes managing prairie rangeland to serve livestock producers and provide grazing for livestock.

Community Pastures Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the enhancement of the sustainability of prairie rangeland for agriculture through livestock production. This work includes managing prairie rangeland, serving some 1,500 livestock producers and providing grazing for some 130,000 head of livestock; while also conserving the resource and providing essential habitat for some 45 species that are identified under the Species at Risk Act. In addition, Action Plan IV resources ($10 million over four years) are being used to improve the long-term health and productivity of the landscape by enhancing the carrying capacity, rangeland productivity and infrastructure of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's community pastures through additional brush control, water development and forage rejuvenation measures.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas and meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 1055
Environment Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about funding or benefits provided to mitigate environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information may include: name, contact information, Social Insurance Number, business Numbers, other identification number (for example, unique Applicant Number), financial information, and signature.
The Greencover Program, the National Farm Stewardship Program and the National Water Supply Expansion Program were included in the broader Environment Programs Personal Information Bank, however, all ended March 31, 2009. This Personal Information Bank now reflects the following ongoing programs: Prairie Shelterbelt Program, Community Pastures program and Water Infrastructure programs.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agricultural producers and land managers who apply for funding or benefits under environment programs.
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process funding applications under environment programs, to support the realization of environmental benefits and the mitigation of environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected for income tax purposes.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be shared with other programs within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to verify that applicants for funding under these programs have not breached Treasury Board Secretariat restrictions on funding stacking provisions. Information is also shared with the Canada Revenue Agency for income tax purposes. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes. The evaluation of the needs assessment may be used in revising existing programs as well as in the development of future programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Individual producer and land manager information is retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then destroyed. Administrative and operational records are retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as historical records.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 1010, AAFC 1055, AAFC 1060, AAFC 1065
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Farm Debt Mediation Service

Pursuant to the Farm Debt Mediation Act, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada delivers the Farm Debt Mediation Service that provides financial counselling and mediation services to farmers who are having difficulty meeting their financial obligations. A financial consultant conducts a financial review of the operation and prepares a recovery plan. Professional mediators help the farmer and his or her creditors to reach a mutually satisfactory financial arrangement. A stay of proceedings may be put in place to protect the farmer against recovery or seizure of assets. To be eligible, clients must be insolvent individuals, corporations, partnerships, co-operatives or other associations of persons engaged in farming for commercial purposes.

This program receives funding as per the Farm Debt Mediation Act.

Farm Debt Mediation Service (Class of Record)
Includes records related to financial counselling and mediation services offered to insolvent farmers. Under the Farm Debt Mediation Service, a financial consultant is hired to work with the farmer to do a financial review, explore options and develop a recovery plan. A mediator is then hired to facilitate a meeting between the farmer and his/her creditors. At the meeting, the recovery plan is discussed and the mediator helps the farmer and the creditors to reach a solution that is mutually satisfactory. The service is free and confidential and is offered regionally across Canada.
There are two types of applications for the Farm Debt Mediation Service; an application which falls under section 5(1)(a) of the Farm Debt Mediation Act involves a Stay of Proceedings while an application which falls under Section 5(1)(b) of the Act does not. The Farm Debt Mediation Service is delivered regionally.
Document Types:
Application forms, reports, proposals (mediators and experts), statements of work, call ups, creditor lists, financial statements, correspondence, agreements, stays, proposals and recovery plans, meeting notices, attendance sheets, termination notices.
Record Number:
AAFC 3200
Farm Debt Mediation Service (Personal Information Bank)
The bank describes information on insolvent farmers who have applied for a review of their financial situation and mediation under section 5(1) (a) or (b) of the Farm Debt Mediation Act. Personal information may include name, contact information, credit information financial information and signatures.
Class of Individuals:
Insolvent farmers
Personal information is collected pursuant to the Farm Debt Mediation Act which provides a free and voluntary service for both producers and creditor(s). The Farm Debt Mediation Service offers financial counseling and mediation services to farmers who are having difficulties meeting their financial obligations. The Service ensures that insolvent farmers, whether or not they have received a Notice of Intent to Realize on Security, have access to an impartial third party review and mediation. This includes a review of the farmer's financial affairs and the provision of mediation between the farmer and the farmer's creditors for the purpose of assisting them to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement. In order for the Farm Debt Mediation Service to conduct a proper review, accurate financial information is required of the applicant to develop a Farm Financial Statement and a Recovery Plan with the help of a financial consultant. The recovery plan and repayment solution are shared with all parties involved.
Consistent Uses The financial information of farmers in the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba may be provided, with the farmer's consent, to the Saskatchewan Farm Land Security Board and the Manitoba Farm Mediation Board respectively to assist in their farm debt review programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
All files will be kept for a period of six years from the date the file closed or the last administrative action, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada for selective retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 3200
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Fostering Business Development

This Growing Forward 2 program builds awareness of the benefits and encourages the use of sound business management practices, while also enabling businesses in the sector to be profitable and invest where needed. It funds activities related to business management practices and skills that strengthen the capacity of businesses in the sector to: assess the financial implications of business improvements; respond to change and adapt; help agri-business owners understand their financial situation; and provide for enhanced participation by young or new entrants.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriCompetitiveness program under Growing Forward 2, and Contributions under the Career Focus Program – Youth Employment Strategy.

Fostering Business Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to support for agri-businesses to transition, adapt and improve their profitability and resilience by nurturing entrepreneurial capacity through the development of youth, young and established farmers, farm safety initiatives, skills and individual and industry leadership.
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, contracts, contribution agreements, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, funding documents, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas and meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 2020
Career Focus Program (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to the administration of the Career Focus Program, part of the government's Youth Employment Strategy. Personal information may include: name, contact information, date of birth (including a copy of the individual's birth certificate), biographical information such as gender and employment equity details, aboriginal status, residency status (including supporting documentation), work and education history, languages spoken, employment status (including participation in the Employment and Social Development Canada Employment Insurance program), personal opinions and views about the individual and personal references.
Class of Individuals:
Individuals applying to participate in the Career Focus Program, as well as individuals representing participating businesses, not-for-profit organizations, universities, colleges and other level of governments.
Personal information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and will be used to validate credentials, assess eligibility and provide funding under the Career Focus Program.
Consistent Uses:
Information will be shared with Employment and Social Development Canada for their evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy initiative, Reference Employment Benefits, Support Measures and Other Programs (HRSDC PPU 293). Information may be used for program evaluation and briefings to senior management.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Information will be kept for six years after last administrative action and then destroyed in accordance with Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2020
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Renewal (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of programs that provided farmers and farm families with the assistance to access skills, knowledge, tools and advice to help them increase their profitability through on-and-off farm opportunities. Specifically, these programs were the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services including Farm Business Assessment and Specialized Business Planning Services; Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises; and the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service.
These programs ended on March 31, 2009.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, grants, legal opinions, policies, surveys, memoranda and procedures.
Record Number:
AAFC 2200
Renewal Programs under the Agricultural Policy Framework (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information that is related to producers and other stakeholders who participated in the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services which consists of two components, the Farm Business Assessment and the Specialized Business Planning Services; the Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises; and the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service. Personal information may include name, contact information, biographical information, educational information, financial information, Social Insurance Number and other identification numbers generated by the online database, and signature.
The Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services including Farm Business Assessment and Specialized Business Planning Services, Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises and Canadian Agricultural Skills Service all ended in 2009.
Class of Individuals:
Program applicants or claimants to the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services, Canadian Agricultural Skills Service and Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises programs as well as contractors for Specialized Business Planning Services.
Personal information is used to administer the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service, Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises and the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services programs and to determine eligibility for the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service training, for the advisory services offered by Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services and Planning and Assessment for Value Added Enterprises as well as to disburse the funds in respect to these programs. Information is also used in order to obtain views and opinions on these programs. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Financial Administration Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and is used to issue Tax Information Slips (AGR-1).
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to create an inventory of qualified applicants. The information may also be used for evaluation purposes on the Renewal programs as well as for performing audits. Applicant information and in particular Social Insurance Numbers may be shared with Canada Revenue Agency under the Income Tax Act and with Public Works and Government Services Canada as part of a memorandum of understanding. Applicant information may be shared with provinces that act as delivery agents for Canadian Agricultural Skills Service in Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Information may also be shared with financial consultants and Canadian Agricultural Skills service providers in order to provide program deliverables (for example, business plans and individual learning plans).
Retention and Disposal Standards:
All information is retained for seven years then destroyed in accordance with Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2200
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Adaptability and Industry Capacity

This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at building capacity within the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector and its businesses to sustainably succeed in a market-driven and competitive world. These activities mainly focus on encouraging the use of sound business management practices and tools, while providing for enhanced participation by young or new entrants and clients in specific sub-sectors in transition; supporting the sector and its businesses to improve access to key infrastructure; and building leadership within the sector.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost Shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Adaptability and Industry Capacity under Growing Forward 2.

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Adaptability and Industry Capacity (Class of Record)
Includes records related to sound business management practices for producers and agri-businesses to be profitable. Under the initiative, eligible programs provide producers and agri-businesses with knowledge, information and tools.
Document Types:
Correspondence, reports, briefing materials, presentations, brochures, agendas, meeting minutes, policies.
Record Number:
AAFC 3115

Orchards and Vineyards Transition Program

Orchards and Vineyards Transition Program helps producers compete in changing global markets and respond to market pressure by funding plant removal which is the very first step towards farm operations evolving to new varieties or other crops and by funding strategic planning activities which will increase the industry's knowledge and help the industry make business decisions.

Orchards and Vineyards Transition Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to producers to enable them to compete in the changing global markets and respond to market pressures. Records related to the management of plant removal which is the very first step towards farm operations evolving to new varieties or other crops. Also includes records related to the funding of strategic planning activities to increase the industry's knowledge and help industry make business decisions.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2011
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas, meeting notes, correspondence and statements of work.
Record Number:
AAFC 2160

Slaughter Improvement Program

This national, applications based program provides red meat packers and processors with repayable federal contributions to implement sound business plans for projects aimed at improving the operations of federally inspected packing plants. The program aims to allow industry stakeholders to strengthen their competitiveness by supporting new investments that could support profitability for red meat packers. These new investments focus on reducing operating costs, increasing revenues, adopting innovation to meet future business conditions and consumer expectations and addressing slaughter capacity gaps in regions where it can be demonstrated that this factor is constraining sector growth.

Slaughter Improvement Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the administration of this program that aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the red meat industry by providing interest-free, conditionally repayable contributions to support investment that will improve and modernize slaughter operations as well as enhance slaughter capacity in regions that have a demonstrated regional gap that is constraining sector growth.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2012
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, recipient applications including project plans/proposals and financial information, correspondence, statements of work, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, reports, agendas, and minutes of meetings.
Record Number:
AAFC 2210

Water Infrastructure

The Water Infrastructure program is the management and operation of federally owned water structures in southern Saskatchewan. This program was established to ensure sound asset management of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada dams and irrigation projects while ensuring that the responsibility for public safety and water delivery obligations to irrigators, local and/or regional communities, and international obligations were met. Dams and water conveyance structures serve the agriculture and rural communities by providing irrigation, recreation, community supplies and livestock watering.

Water Infrastructure (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the management and operation of federal owned water infrastructure in southern Saskatchewan. This activity ensures that the responsibilities for public safety and sound asset management are met, and ensure that water delivery obligations are fulfilled. A major component of the work includes developing and implementing changes in the management regime that enable Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to ultimately divest this infrastructure.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas, meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 1065
Environment Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about funding or benefits provided to mitigate environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information may include: name, contact information, Social Insurance Number, business numbers, other identification number (for example, unique Applicant Number), financial information, and signature.
The Greencover Program, the National Farm Stewardship Program and the National Water Supply Expansion Program were included in the broader Environment Programs Personal Information Bank; however, all have ended as of March 31, 2009. This Personal Information Bank now reflects the following ongoing programs: Prairie Shelterbelt Program, Community Pastures program, Water Infrastructure programs.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agricultural producers and land managers who apply for funding or benefits under environment programs.
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process funding applications under environment programs, to support the realization of environmental benefits and the mitigation of environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected for income tax purposes.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be shared with other programs within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to verify that applicants for funding under these programs have not breached Treasury Board Secretariat restrictions on funding stacking provisions. Information is also shared with Canada Revenue Agency for income tax purposes. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes. The evaluation of the needs assessment may be used in revising existing programs as well as in the development of future programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Individual producer and land manager information is retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then destroyed. Administrative and operational records are retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as historical records.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 1010, AAFC 1055, AAFC 1060, AAFC 1065
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada supports and equips industry for commercial success in order to maximize the sector's long-term profitability and competitiveness. In pursuing this objective, and in close collaboration with the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada works to enhance access to markets, facilitates industry-led activities aimed at developing international markets and assurance systems, and provides information to help position industry to capitalize on market opportunities both at home and abroad. Assurance systems include systems, standards and tools for food safety, biosecurity, traceability, surveillance, animal welfare, and other market attributes.

AgriFlexibility - Canada Brand Advocacy

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. AgriFlexibility - Canada Brand Advocacy Initiative focused exclusively on consumer-oriented activities in international markets where market opportunities or challenges were greatest. Unlike other activities undertaken previously, promotions were specific and sustained, targeted directly to consumers in identified priority countries. The main steps in the Canada Brand Advocacy Initiative were the selection of markets, detailed market research to inform a targeted campaign, development and implementation of a multi-channel consumer-oriented advocacy campaign, and post-campaign evaluation. The expected result was the limiting or reversal of the impact of a specific threat (through regained market share/export levels) or the increased export of food/beverage products.

AgriFlexibility - Canada Brand Advocacy (Class of Record)
Includes records related to promoting the Canada Brand in international markets. The Canada Brand Advocacy Initiative was designed to enhance the food and agriculture sector's competitiveness by increasing demand for Canadian products in select foreign markets. Through this $32 million initiative (2009-14), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada worked closely with industry to undertake consumer-oriented promotional activities to capture opportunities for growth and respond to threats to market success. The initiative promoted the Canada Brand for the sector at a broad level in target markets where industry was also carrying out its own complementary and more specific marketing activities.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Analysis documents, intelligence reports, promotional material, program planning and evaluation documents.
Record Number:
AAFC 2260

AgriFlexibility - Increased Market Demand

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Increased Market Demand component of AgriFlexibility provides funding to industry associations representing national / regional commodities in order to enhance market access, overcome trade barriers, capture market opportunities, develop and expand markets for value added products. Under AgriFlexibility - Increased Market Demand contribution funding is provided to successful applicants to expand or recapture market access for Canadian food and agriculture products and to increase domestic and international demand for Canadian food and agriculture products.

AgriFlexibility - Increased Market Demand (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Increased Market Demand component of AgriFlexibility provides funding to industry associations representing national / regional commodities in order to enhance market access, overcome trade barriers, capture market opportunities, develop and expand markets for value added products. Funding is provided to expand or recapture market access for Canadian food and agriculture products and to increase domestic and international demand for Canadian food and agriculture products.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory note, ministerial recommendations, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms, background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 6080

AgriFlexibility - Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative is an up to $20 million program funded through the Agricultural Flexibility Fund. This federally delivered initiative will provide contributions to assist primarily in the alteration of animal handling structures, which will enhance traceability capabilities at high-risk, high through-put sites where animals from different herds co-mingle. These sites include auction marts, assembly yards, privately managed community pastures, fairs and exhibitions, feedlots and backgrounders.

Agricultural Flexibility - Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Livestock Auction Traceability Initiative: a program of up to $20 million funded through the Agricultural Flexibility Fund. This federally delivered initiative provides contributions to assist primarily in the alteration of animal handling structures, which will enhance traceability capabilities at high-risk, high through-put sites where animals from different herds co-mingle. These sites include auction marts, assembly yards, privately managed community pastures, fairs and exhibitions, feedlots and backgrounders.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, supporting documentation for financial claims, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory notes, strategic environment assessments, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms, background briefs and news releases.
Record Number:
AAFC 6010

AgriFlexibility - Protection of the Food Supply

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Protection of the Food Supply component of AgriFlexibility provides funding to enhance the security of the food supply for activities, recipients, projects and initiatives that are not eligible under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Growing Forward programming. It promotes the adoption of proven food safety, biosecurity, traceability and risk management practices to ensure market access and increased demand for Canadian agricultural products.

AgriFlexibility - Protection of the Food Supply (Class of Record)
Includes records related to funding to enhance the security of the food supply for activities, recipients, projects and initiatives that were not eligible under Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Growing Forward programming. It promoted the adoption of proven food safety, biosecurity, traceability and risk management practices to ensure market access and increased demand for Canadian agricultural products.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory notes, ministerial recommendations, communication material, correspondence, contribution agreements, application forms, and background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 6020

Assurance Systems

The Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector is supported to prevent and control risks to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food and meet evolving market requirements and consumer demands for these assurances. Federal programming under Growing Forward 2 supports national organizations in developing national assurance systems, standards and tools that include food safety systems, biosecurity standards, traceability systems, animal and plant health surveillance systems, and market-attribute standards.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriMarketing program under Growing Forward 2.

Assurance Systems (Class of Record)
Includes records related to supports for industry to develop national assurance systems and standards, such as food safety systems, animal and plant health surveillance systems, market attributes, quality standards and traceability systems and their related tools. These systems support Canada's agriculture sector in meeting buyer and market demands for assurance, and to enhance its competitiveness at home and abroad.
Document Types:
Guidelines, reports, correspondence, research, memoranda, communication material and background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 6025
Plum Pox Eradication Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the overall objective of the Plum Pox Eradication program to increase the tender fruit sector's viability and profitability by eradicating the Plum Pox Virus in Canada. The eradication strategy requires sampling for the virus and eventual removal of infected fruit trees from the quarantine area in the Niagara region of Ontario. The program funds the sampling, and compensates affected growers for the loss of their trees.
Program authority expired March 31, 2011.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, reports, analysis, documents on monitoring, program integration strategies, approaches to eradication of the virus, and producer asset records.
Record Number:
AAFC 2190
Specified Risk Material (Class of Record)
Includes records related to contributions to provincial-led initiatives. This program is a transition measure that assists industry and provinces in adapting to the imposition of controls on animal feed with primary objectives of:
  1. bringing adequate disposal infrastructure (such as composting sites, incinerators);
  2. helping industry meet the regulatory requirements and thereby maintain domestic and international confidence in the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy risk mitigation measures Canada has undertaken; and
  3. investing in research to seek long-term value-added uses for Specified Risk Material.
Program authority expired March 31, 2011.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 3525

Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy

The Canadian Beef and Cattle Market Development Fund, also known as the Legacy Fund, was established in 2005 to recover and expand markets around the world for Canadian beef and cattle genetics. It is composed of $50 million invested by the Government of Canada, $30 million by the Alberta government, and is matched by national and provincial industry check-off funds for a total investment of $170 million over a ten year period 2005-15. It supports eligible export marketing activities completed through the national marketing organizations: Canada Beef Inc. and Canadian Beef Breeds Council.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund.

Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy's $50,000,000 grant program to support critical market development activities through the Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund. The grant was paid out in up to 10 annual installments of up to $10,000,000 per year beginning in 2005-06 based on annual Canadian Cattlemen's Association Legacy Fund business plan requirements. The purpose of this fund was to support critical market development activities that addressed the chronic decline in beef exports as a result of trade restrictions, and to help reduce the beef industry's dependence on the United States market. The grant was used to support international and domestic marketing campaigns to reclaim and expand markets for Canadian beef and beef genetics.
Program sunsetted on March 31, 2015.
Document Types:
Marketing strategies, business plans, funding agreements, financial information and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 7015

Canadian Wheat Board Transition Costs Program

The Canadian Wheat Board Transition Costs program reimburses specific costs incurred by the Canadian Wheat Board associated with its transition to a voluntary grain marketing organization, which it became on August 1, 2012. The Canadian Wheat Board Transition Costs Program will provide up to $349 million of grant and contribution payments to the Canadian Wheat Board in order to cover cost items related to the removal of its single desk selling authority for Western Canadian wheat and barley. They include costs of right-sizing of the Canadian Wheat Board, such as settling the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly-era pension and benefits plans and some severance costs; legacy debts; the cost of mitigating or terminating long-term logistical contracts entered into during the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly; and other transition costs.

Canadian Wheat Board Transition Costs Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the government reimbursement of specific costs incurred by the Canadian Wheat Board associated with its transition to a voluntary grain marketing organization, which it became on August 1, 2012. The Canadian Wheat Board Transition Costs Program will provide grant and contribution payments to the Canadian Wheat Board in order to cover cost items related to the removal of its single desk selling authority for Western Canadian wheat and barley. They include costs of right-sizing of the Canadian Wheat Board, such as settling the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly-era pension and benefits plans and some severance costs; legacy debts; the cost of mitigating or terminating long-term logistical contracts entered into during the Canadian Wheat Broad's monopoly; post July 31st costs of closing the 2011-12 pool accounts; and other transition costs. This program provides grant and contribution payments to the Canadian Wheat Board of up to $349 million to cover cost items related to removing the single desk selling authority from the Canadian Wheat Board.
The program sunsetted June 30, 2015.
Record Number:
AAFC 7040

Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry 2

Initiatives developed under Phase 2 of the Initiative for the Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry, and delivered through the Canadian Swine Health Board, have and/or continue to promote industry awareness and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the Canadian hog sector. In the program's final year, activities under Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry are focused on transitioning key initiatives, such as the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network, into a self-sustainable organization for the long-term benefit of the hog industry.

Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry 2 (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the development and implementation of biosecurity and best management practices, research projects, and long term risk management solutions under Control of Diseases in the Hog Industry. These initiatives, all of which promote industry awareness and activities to maintain a healthy Canadian hog herd, are coordinated and delivered at a national level by the Canadian Swine Health Board, contributing to the prosperity and stability of the Canadian Hog sector.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2015.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, monitoring, analysis, performance and reporting information, background briefs, memoranda, claims and claim tracking spreadsheets, documents on program design, development, integration strategies and approaches to swine health risks.
Record Number:
AAFC 3515
Agricultural Disaster Relief Program under AgriRecovery (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to the administration of disaster assistance responses, including information to determine eligibility of producers and the disbursement of funds in respect to the disaster. The personal information is required to provide financial assistance to producers in response to a disaster. While there is unpredictability regarding the nature of disasters, the following elements of personal information are commonly collected: name, contact information, date of birth, social insurance number, business numbers, and other identification numbers such as AgriStability/AgriInvest numbers, financial information, and signatures.
Most initiatives developed under the Agricultural Disaster Relief Program are delivered by a province or its delivery agent and are therefore not part of this bank. The 2012 Canada-Quebec Livestock and Forage Transportation Assistance Initiative was delivered federally. The Cover Crop Protection Program and Circovirus Inoculation Program are associated with this bank although they were separate programs from Agricultural Disaster Relief Program and were delivered by what was then Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Division. The Cover Crop Protection Program was terminated in March, 2009. The Circovirus Inoculation Program was terminated in December, 2008.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agriculture producers or their designated representatives who have applied for disaster assistance from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The information is obtained to determine eligibility and make payments under the Agricultural Disaster Relief Program, as well as the Cover Crop Protection Program, and the Circovirus Inoculation Program. Information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act, sections 10, 11 and 12(5) of the Farm Income Protection Act and subsection 241(4)(d)(xi) of the Income Tax Act.
Consistent Uses:
The Social Insurance Number is collected and disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency under the authority of the Income Tax Act for the purposes of reporting income (CRA PPU 005, Individual Returns and Payment Processing and CRA PPU 047, Business Returns and Payment Processing). Personal information may be used and disclosed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to any third party for the purpose of verifying set –offs on any debt owed to the Crown. Personal information may also be used to contact applicants to inform them about other provincial and federal income stabilization, assistance or disaster programs. Personal information may be shared under the Farm Income Protection Act with respective provincial or territorial departments responsible for agriculture for the purposes of audit, analysis, evaluation, program development and administration of farm income assistance programs, and may additionally be used to conduct periodic surveys on the applicant's experience with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information is retained for seven years after the termination of the program and then destroyed.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2300, AAFC 3515
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Food Safety Systems

Supporting the Canadian Integrated Food Safety Initiative, Food Safety Systems focuses on developing systems and tools the agricultural industry needs to provide safe food to enable market access and meet consumer demands. Federal programming addresses the Systems Development and Systems Recognition phases of food safety programming. Systems Implementation is administered by provinces and territories under Growing Forward. Systems Development supports national (or equivalent) organizations in developing national on-farm and/or post-farm Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point-based food safety systems. Systems Recognition (Canadian Food Inspection Agency-led) provides government recognition of on-farm and post-farm food safety systems developed by national (or equivalent) industry organizations.

Food Safety Systems Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the development of national on-farm and/or post-farm Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point-based food safety systems. Also includes records related to the early adoption of government-recognized food safety systems by producers and non-federally registered food-processing enterprises through financial incentives.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory note, ministerial recommendations, strategic environment assessments, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms, surveys, background briefs and financial claims.
Record Number:
AAFC 2150
Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program component: On-Farm Implementation (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about funding provided to individual producers through national producer associations to help develop and implement government-recognized safety and quality-control systems. Personal information may include: name, contact information, signature, Social Insurance Number, other identification numbers, and signature.
Effective March 31, 2015 the 2009 Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program including the on-farm inspection component ended in its current form.
Class of Individuals:
Individual producers as well as representatives of national producer associations that have applied for funding.
The information is collected to determine eligibility and to disburse funds for the On-Farm Implementation component of the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act.
Consistent Uses:
Individual producer information may be used for cross-compliance purposes to ensure that they are not exceeding funding caps as a result of participating in the program through more than one national producer. Information may be shared with federal, provincial, and territorial partners according to the Agricultural Policy Framework of 2003. In accordance with the Income Tax Act, information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA PPU 025) for taxation purposes. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information, as well as operational records, are retained for seven years after the final activity under the Contribution Agreement is completed and is then destroyed in accordance with Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2150
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Market Development and Competitiveness

This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at assisting the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector in maintaining and creating market-based opportunities for individual farms and firms, and providing industry with the knowledge and tools to compete at home and abroad. Specific provincial or territorial programs support the sector in identifying new domestic and global opportunities and markets that enhance competitiveness and prosperity as well as support the sector in its endeavors to prevent and control risks to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food and meet new market demands for assurance.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-Shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Competitiveness and Market Development under Growing Forward 2.

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Assurance Programming (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the prevention and control of risks to the animal/plant resource base, provision of safe food and new market demands for assurance. Records related to provincial/territorial programming that supports producers, processors and other individual enterprises in implementing national assurance systems, standards and tools, which include food safety systems, biosecurity standards, traceability systems and market-attribute standards. Federal programming supports national organizations in developing national assurance systems, standards and tools, which include food safety systems, biosecurity standards, traceability systems and market-attribute standards.
Formerly under Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-Shared Assurance Programming.
Document Types:
Memoranda of understanding, national commodity specific biosecurity standards, educational and training material, agreements and proposals.
Record Number:
AAFC 2140
Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Trade and Market Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to federal/provincial/territorial programming which assists the Canadian agricultural sector to identify new domestic and global opportunities and markets to enhance competitiveness and prosperity. This program also includes analysis of new and emerging market trends and sharing of market information between federal/provincial/territorial governments and stakeholders allow industry to adapt to increase their market competiveness.
Formerly under Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Trade and Market Development.
Document Types:
Funding agreements, commercial applications, requests for proposals, policies, procedures, correspondence, briefing notes, ministerial recommendations, assessment reports, analysis documents.
Record Number:
AAFC 2265

Market Development

This Growing Forward 2 program supports the agricultural sector by providing resources through matching contribution agreements to ensure that industry has the capacity to take advantage of gains made in market access, as well as to seize new opportunities presented by consumer preferences and emerging food trends, in order to be competitive in domestic and export markets. Market Development supports Canada's agriculture and agri-food industry to build and deliver on long-term international strategies, to gain and expand international recognition in key markets and enhance market opportunities for Canadian agriculture and agri-food products. This ensures that Canada is well-positioned to succeed in key markets and respond to consumer demands and global competition.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriMarketing program under Growing Forward 2.

Market Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the support of the agricultural sector by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada by providing resources through matching contribution agreements to ensure that industry has the capacity to build and deliver on long-term international strategies, to gain and expand international recognition in key markets and enhance market opportunities for Canadian agriculture and food products.
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, analysis documents, briefing notes, memoranda, ministerial recommendations, strategic environment assessments, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms and financial claims.
Record Number:
AAFC 6085

Pest Management: Pesticides Minor Use Program

This Growing Forward 2 program improves grower access to new minor uses of pesticides. Pesticide residue, efficacy and crop tolerance studies are conducted to generate and to inform regulatory data packages, which are submitted to Health Canada for new minor uses of pesticide products. In addition, collaborative work with our colleagues in the United States results in joint pesticide submissions to the regulatory agencies of both countries and the simultaneous availability of new pesticide minor uses in both countries The increased availability of new minor use pesticides prevents trade barriers with countries where these products are already available.

Pest Management: Pesticides Minor Use Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the joint delivery (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Health Canada of the program that improves grower access to new minor uses of pesticides. Pesticide residue, efficacy, and crop tolerance studies are conducted to generate and submit regulatory data packages to Health Canada for new minor uses of pesticide products. In addition, collaborative work with United States colleagues results in joint pesticide submissions to the regulatory agencies of both countries and the simultaneous availability of new pesticide minor uses in both countries. The increased availability of new minor use pesticides prevent trade barriers with countries where these products are already available.
Document Types:
Agreements, guidelines, reports, analysis documents, memoranda, communication material.
Record Number:
AAFC 2130

Pest Management: Pesticides Risk Reduction Program

Under the Pesticides Risk Reduction Program, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada develops technologies, tools (including biopesticides) and techniques aimed at reducing the risk to the environment and human health posed by pesticide use. The increased availability of biopesticides and reduced risk technologies, products and techniques contribute to sustainable agriculture. Collaboration with counterparts at Health Canada assists with targeting reduced risk alternatives to pesticides whose registration is being phased out due to toxicity.

Pest Management: Pesticides Risk Reduction Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the development of technologies, tools (including biopesticides), and techniques aimed at reducing the risk to the environment and human health posed by pesticide use; the increased availability of biopesticides and reduced risk technologies, products and techniques contribute to sustainable agriculture. Collaboration with counterparts at Health Canada assists with targeting reduced risk alternatives to pesticides whose registration are being phased out due to toxicity.
Document Types:
Agreements, guidelines, reports, analysis documents, memoranda, communication material.
Record Number:
AAFC 2135

Sector Engagement and Development

The Sector Engagement and Development program, funded by existing departmental resources and Growing Forward 2, seeks to improve the sector's competitiveness and market success. Regional and sector specialists work to maintain and expand working relationships through collaboration with provinces and territories, national and regional agricultural and food associations, individual companies and value chain members, in order to develop knowledge and address issues of importance facing the sector, including market and regulatory issues.

Enabling Research for Competitive Agriculture (Class of Record)
Includes records related to research on Growing Forward priority issues used by industry groups and producers to assist them in identifying new opportunities, new markets and ways to enhance productivity and improve competitiveness and success in global and domestic markets. This was achieved through collaborative research, workshops, seminars, joint meetings with government, industry and the academic community, including the Canadian Agri-Food Innovation Council, the Value Chain Round Tables and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in order to increase benefits to farmers and industry through stronger links and complementary activities. It improved mechanisms for collaboration within the Department and with other Agriculture and Agri-Food initiatives through a Departmental Steering Committee to ensure better links to industry and producers and a mechanism for voluntary contributions to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to support workshops that address Canadian policy research priorities in the global context.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Articles in peer reviewed journals, policy briefs, reports, working papers, Masters and Doctorate student theses.
Record Number:
AAFC 3330
Surveys (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information that is used in support of agricultural and non-agricultural surveys carried out by the Department. These agricultural surveys may include information on the socio-economic characteristics of farm operators and personal opinions and views relating to crops, livestock, poultry, machinery, farm operating expenses and agriculture receipts. Personal information may include name of participants, contact information, signature and financial information.
Class of Individuals:
Producers, processors, distributors, wholesalers and retailers.
Personal information is used to provide statistics which will assist the various branches in assessing the relevance and impact of Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada programs, and the extent to which these have successfully achieved their objectives. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act.
Consistent Uses:
Survey results are used to provide briefings to senior management and for program improvement.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Each survey will be retained for a minimum period of five years after the survey is completed. They are then transferred to Library and Archives Canada for selective retention.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 3330
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Facilitating Industry Adaptation to Regulatory Modernization (Class of Record)
Includes records related to identifying, prioritizing, researching and analyzing the impacts of regulatory issues and modernization-related changes affecting sector competitiveness; providing information and advice to stakeholders to help them navigate and fulfill the science-based regulatory requirements for foods and ingredients; and evaluating options for industry-led alternatives to agriculture and agri-food regulation in areas (for example, product quality/efficacy attributes) where government agencies, such as Canadian Food Inspection Agency, are shifting their role in favour of focusing on core health/safety mandates, yet where buyer confidence is essential to maintaining competitive advantage and market access.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, educational material meeting/seminar information, presentations, reference material and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 3095
Industry Engagement (Class of Record)
Includes information related to engagement with the food industry to identify issues impacting the sector. It provides government and industry with timely, analysis-based advice and information to inform decisions regarding policies, regulations, programs and research that support a competitive, innovative and sustainable agri-food industry.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, educational material and promotional material, meeting/seminar information, presentations, reference material and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 3090
International Pork Marketing Fund (Class of Record)
Includes records related to funding for the International Pork Marketing Fund Pork Legacy Funding Agreement, increased funding to the Market Access Secretariat and funding to support market access activities of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. These three components assist in the recovery and expansion of the international market for Canadian pork, support the recovery of markets that closed due to H1N1 and support the favourable positioning of Canada as a preferred supplier of high-valued pork products.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Strategies, business plans, funding agreements, financial information and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 7025
Science Substantiation (Class of Record)
Includes records related to Science Substantiation that fills critical gaps in evidence required for novel-ingredient safety and health-claim validity. It facilitates the determination and coordination of research priorities, providing advice for study designs, suggests methodologies and research protocols, and supports some studies to fill identified gaps in scientific knowledge. By working with targeted industries and/or other research partners, Science Substantiation assesses the technical feasibility of generating large quantities of real-life nutritious, appealing and stable products containing bioactives, while ensuring the products maintain their bioactivity until consumption. It catalyzes research efforts aimed at understanding the behaviour of targeted bioactives within the context of complex food matrices in human subjects, and provides advice and coordinates some human clinical trials to fill science gaps.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, financial information, correspondence, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, reports, intellectual property statements, meeting information and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 4200
Sector Development and Analysis (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Sector Development and Analysis program which develops and maintains working relationships with national and regional agriculture and food associations, and individual companies in order to resolve barriers to growth and competitiveness, including horizontal issues. The Sector Development and Analysis program undertakes sectoral technical analysis in the development and operations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs and policies and provides market data, analysis and benchmarking to facilitate market development for the agriculture and agri-food industry and related stakeholders.
Document Types:
Primary and secondary data banks, statistical reports, market reports, sector profiles and presentations.
Record Number:
AAFC 7035
Value Chain Roundtables (Class of Record)
Includes information relating to how industry engagement initiative works with value chains and industry groups. Includes records related to the Value Chain Round Tables which seek to provide a unique forum that enables industry-government collaboration to develop and implement strategies and plans aimed at improving adaptability, competitiveness, industry capacity, innovation and market success of a sector. These initiatives ensure an equal voice amongst all industry stakeholders, and help the sectors represented by roundtables to differentiate their industries from competitors to capitalize on current and future market opportunities.
Document Types:
Meeting minutes, records of decisions, membership lists, strategies, studies, reports, presentations, briefings, and financial records.
Record Number:
AAFC 7045


The objective of traceability programming is to minimize the occurrence and extent of animal and plant health risk incidents and enhance market access by developing the National Agriculture and Food Traceability System. With provinces/territories, industry, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is engaged in the development of the National Agriculture and Food Traceability System, an integrated agriculture and food traceability platform which allows industry to respond to requirements for tracing of product. Traceability is a fundamental building block that provides more precise information and promotes the flexible use of information to integrate and support related initiatives such as food safety and biosecurity.

Traceability Infrastructure for Enterprise, Government and Industry (Class of Record)
Includes records related to funding provided to individual businesses to assist in the purchase and installation of traceability infrastructure and the training of staff to implement traceability systems for plants, animals and products. For government, this includes records related to the investment in federal/provincial/territorial government infrastructure to provide an overarching framework to complement industry traceability system components. For industry, records relate to enhancing the ability to follow the movement of food through specified stage(s) of production, processing and distribution. The objective of traceability programming is to minimize the occurrence and extent of animal and plant health risk incidents and enhance market access by developing national livestock, plant and food traceability systems. Includes records of the operations of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Traceability Task Team and the Industry Government Advisory Committee on traceability, as well as studies undertaken to support the work for those two committees.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, performance reports, strategies, analysis documents, , meeting minutes, meeting records of decision, guidelines, communication documents, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment, memoranda, explanatory notes, ministerial recommendations, application forms, background briefs and financial claims.
Record Number:
AAFC 3535

Trade and Market Expansion

The Trade and Market Expansion program, funded by existing departmental resources and Growing Forward 2, enhances Canada's market presence by promoting science-based trade rules, re-opening, maintaining and expanding markets, and pursuing free trade agreements with key trading partners, recognizing the importance of global markets to the profitability of Canada's agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. To fully capture the benefits of free trade agreements and increased access, the Trade and Market Expansion program also provides resources and tools, such as market intelligence, a trade commissioner service and Canada Brand tools and coordination, that enable industry to capture new market opportunities and build commercial success.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture.

Canada Brand (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Canada Brand program which continues to strengthen Canada’s food and agriculture sector brand and build on the foundation of food safety and quality, animal/plant health, traceability and environmental protection. The program involve working with industry stakeholders and provinces to encourage improvements to the infrastructure that underpins the sector, such as food production and processing systems, foster a pan-Canadian approach to market development, encourage Canada Brand membership and utilization, and provide Canada Brand tools to support success in export markets.
Document Types:
Analysis documents, graphics and associated guidelines, program planning and evaluation documents.
Record Number:
AAFC 6095
Market Information and Export Capacity Building (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the provision of timely and specific market intelligence and analysis to assist industry to maximize export opportunities in an increasingly competitive global environment. Through Global Analysis and with the collaboration of the provinces and other partners, new and potential exporters, especially Small and Medium Enterprises, are provided with market intelligence and analysis services prior to exploratory missions and trade shows as preparation to better ensure success.
Document Types:
Analysis documents, intelligence reports, promotional material, program planning and evaluation documents.
Record Number:
AAFC 7005
Trade Market Expansion (formerly known as Trade Negotiations and Market Access) (Class of Record)
Includes records related to trade negotiations and market access issues. This includes bilateral, regional and multilateral agriculture trade negotiations (World Trade Organization included) as well as the development of enhanced multilateral rules on domestic support and export competition in the area of agriculture, the management and strengthening of bilateral and multilateral trade relationships and the resolution of market access issues and international cooperation (through memoranda of understanding and other arrangements) aimed at fostering mutually beneficial bilateral relationships and implemented through joint and capacity building projects. Information gathered also relates to impediments to internal and international trade, resolution of trade disputes, defense of Canadian programs and policies against potential trade challenges, advancement of Canada's trade policy interests through strategic participation in offensive trade cases. This program also includes trade policy activities such as: domestic policy development related to ongoing international trade impediments and improvement of Canada's capacity to analyze and negotiate technical trade issues to allow the Canadian agriculture and food sector to take advantage of market opportunities; as well as activities related to the Agriculture and Food Goods and the Alcoholic Beverages Chapters of the Agreement in Internal Trade.
Document Types:
Trade negotiation documents, briefing materials, reports, policies, meeting documents and trade agreements.
Record Number:
AAFC 3050

Rural and Co-operatives Development

Rural and Co-operatives Development advances the development of rural communities and of co-operatives by providing advice to government on policies and programs affecting rural communities and co-operatives.

Co-operatives Development

The Co-operatives Development initiative enhances policy collaboration on agricultural cooperative and co-operative issues by seeding the adoption of innovative solutions that modernize and diversify the rural economic base and strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector and the Canadian economy.

Co-operatives Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the enhancement of policy collaboration on agricultural cooperative and co-operative issues by seeding the adoption of innovative solutions that modernize and diversify the rural economic base and strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector and the Canadian economy.
The Co-operatives Development activity includes records related to the Co-operative Development Initiative which ended March 31, 2014.
Document Types:
Proposals, contribution agreements, financial information and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 5020

Rural Development

Enhancement of policy collaboration on agriculture-rural, and rural development issues by seeding the adoption of innovation solutions that modernize and diversify the rural economic base and strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector and the Canadian economy.

Rural Development (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the enhancement of policy collaboration on agriculture-rural, and rural development issues by seeding the adoption of innovation solutions that modernize and diversify the rural economic base and strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector and the Canadian economy.
The Rural Development activity includes records related to Canada's Rural Partnership program which ended March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Proposals, contribution agreements, financial information, reports, issue papers.
Record Number:
AAFC 5010
Sand Plains Community Development Fund (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to rural communities in the tobacco-growing region of Ontario to transition to a non-tobacco based economy, thus building a stronger and more diversified economy. The program was intended for community initiatives which support regional development, stimulate business, investment and job creation, strengthen local populations and attract visitors. Rural project proponents in the counties of Brant, Elgin, Middlesex, Norfolk and Oxford may apply for assistance under two separate categories: Access to Capital or Community Development Support. Eligible applicants for Community Development Support and Access to Capital included community organizations, not-for-profit organizations, co-operatives, social service institutions and municipalities. In addition, the Access to Capital component accepted applications from business organizations and private enterprises.
While the government contributions to the program ended with the program sunset on March 31, 2012, a continuing Access to Capital loan component is being managed by the Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporation using funds repaid from earlier loans.
Document Types:
Proposals, contribution agreements, agendas, minutes, financial information and reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 5030
Tobacco Transition Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to Ontario flue-cured tobacco producers to help them exit the industry.
This program ran until March 31, 2009.
Document Types:
Contribution agreements, contracts, statements of work, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, reports, agendas, meeting notes, correspondence, and program fact sheets.
Record Number:
AAFC 2250

Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada contributes to innovation and sustainability of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector through science and associated activities designed to improve profitability in new and existing products, services, processes and markets. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides research, development and knowledge transfer that enhance the sector's resiliency, foster new areas of opportunity for the sector and support sector competitiveness as well as coordinated and informed decision making. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada promotes integrated planning, engaging industry, government and academia, and collaborative action to accelerate the flow of science and technology along the innovation continuum in support of industry defined strategies for future success. Farmers, agri-entrepreneurs and agri-based enterprises are supported in their efforts to adopt new technologies and commercialize new products and services. Pathfinding and transformational research help to define future sustainable opportunities and prepare the sector for emerging opportunities and challenges.

Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program

The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program provides contribution funding to the agriculture industry, provincial and territorial governments and academia for projects to undertake research on greenhouse gas mitigation and make new mitigation technologies and Beneficial Management Practices available to farmers. The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program represents Canada's contribution to the Global Research Alliance on agricultural greenhouse gases, an international alliance aimed at increasing collaboration in agricultural research on greenhouse gas mitigation and Beneficial Management Practices.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions in support of the Agricultural Greenhouse Gases program.

Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the support of an international network, the Global Research Alliance, to coordinate and increase agricultural research on greenhouse gas mitigation and make new mitigation technologies and Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) available to farmers. The Department provides contribution funding to industry proponents for approved projects. The Global Research Alliance deepens and broadens existing networks of research in relation to greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and builds new ones, enhances scientific and technology delivery capacities, and seeks to effect a fundamental change in the current relationship between food/agricultural production and greenhouse gases.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, meeting information, and project plans.
Record Number:
AAFC 1045

AgriFlexibility - Agri-based Processing

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The objective of the Agri-based Processing Initiative (API) is to increase the competitiveness of the Canadian agri-processing sector by enabling the adoption of new technology and processes and/or the introduction of new products. This is achieved by providing repayable contributions towards the purchase and installation of new-to-company equipment and machinery.

AgriFlexibility - Agri-based Processing (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Agri-based Processing Initiative (API) that provides agri-processing companies and co-operatives with repayable contributions of up to $2 million per project or up to 50% of eligible costs, whichever is less, for the purchase of new-to-company machinery and equipment and/or for hiring expertise for services related to equipment installation, and consultation, design, and advice regarding new-to-company manufacturing technologies, processes and products.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Application forms, application review processes, contribution agreements between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and project proponents, monitoring and evaluation reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 3080

AgriFlexibility - Environmental Action

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Environmental Action component of AgriFlexibility seeks to help the agriculture and agri-food industry improve environmental sustainability, effluent management, eco-efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. While Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Growing Forward programming aims to increase the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices at farm levels, AgriFlexibility-Environmental Action helps improve environmental performance by developing new tools and methods for the industry.

AgriFlexibility - Environmental Action (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to the agricultural sector in order to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that would reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding was delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. The Environmental Action component of AgriFlexibility sought to help the agriculture and agri-food industry improve sustainability, effluent management, eco-efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. While Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Growing Forward programming aimed to increase the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices at farm levels, AgriFlexibility-Environmental Action helped to improve performance by developing new tools and methods for the industry.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2014
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, ministerial recommendations, communications materials, contribution agreements, application forms and background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 3070

AgriFlexibility - Science Addressing Market Opportunities and Challenges

AgriFlexibility seeks to assist the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that will reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding is delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who have presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. AgriFlexibility - Science Addressing Market Opportunities and Challenges provides funding to develop scientific knowledge or new technology to: transform commodities into new value-added or bioeconomy market opportunities; enable the production of new products; respond to a market challenge; or to improve product quality for activities and recipients not eligible under other Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programming.

AgriFlexibility - Science Addressing Market Opportunities and Challenges (Class of Record)
Includes records related to assistance provided to the agricultural sector to adapt to pressures and improve its competitiveness by funding non-business risk-management measures that would reduce costs of production, improve environmental sustainability, promote innovation and respond to market challenges. AgriFlexibility funding was delivered to applicants either directly by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada or by provinces/territories or industry groups who presented successful proposals to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for a specific purpose to a targeted clientele. AgriFlexibility - Science Addressing Market Opportunities and Challenges provided funding to develop scientific knowledge or new technology to: transform commodities into new value-added or bioeconomy market opportunities; enable the production of new products; respond to a market challenge; or to improve product quality for activities and recipients not eligible under other Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programming.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013
Document Types:
Guidelines, terms and conditions, evaluations, reports, assessment requests, analysis documents, memoranda, explanatory note, ministerial recommendations, communication material, contribution agreements, application forms, background briefs.
Record Number:
AAFC 6070


Encourages new value-added opportunities in support of a competitive and viable agriculture and agri-product sector. Later stage commercialization funding is provided for successfully completed pre-commercialization projects. Target clients are Canadian for-profit and non-profit companies, including cooperatives, multinational corporations that have a Canadian business entity, non-government organizations and individuals.

Agri-Opportunities (Class of Record)
Includes records related to funding for the commercialization of innovative value-added products, services and processes that were not commercially produced or available in Canada and that were ready to be introduced to the marketplace. Agri-Opportunities provided repayable interest-free, unsecured contributions of up to one third of total eligible project costs to a maximum of $10 million per project.
The program authority expired as of March 31, 2011.
Document Types:
Application proposals and assessment reports, contribution agreements, memoranda and monitoring, evaluation and program reports.
Record Number:
AAFC 2010
Agri-Opportunities Program (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information regarding the applications for funding under the Agri-Opportunities Program for projects that accelerate the commercialization of new agricultural products, processes or services that are currently not produced or commercially available in Canada, and are ready to be introduced to the marketplace. Personal information may include name, contact information, business title, financial information, biographical information (for example, experience, language preference), file identification number, and signature.
Class of Individuals:
Individuals and representatives of: aboriginal groups, academic institutions, Canadian agri-businesses, co-operatives, corporations, Canadian subsidiaries of foreign companies, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, producers; and members of the Industry Review Committee.
Personal information is used in the assessment of applications against program eligibility criteria and for program monitoring. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to follow-up with applicants for purposes of proposal assessment, evaluation, clarification, or to conduct site visits. Program staff will be assisted in their assessment by other Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada program officials and external experts, including an independent Industry Review Committee of eight experts in the area of commercialization and financing for start-up companies. Committee members are selected from a cross section of stakeholder groups including academia, agri-business, finance and the science and technology communities. Members of this Industry Review Committee are listed on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website. Information may also be shared with similar federal or provincial funding programs to ensure that there is no duplication and that total government stacking provisions are respected. Information may also be used for evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Information will be retained for five years and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada for archival purposes.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2010
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Canadian Farm Families Options Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to a two-year pilot program announced in August 2006 that provided short-term income assistance to lower-income farmers and their families while they pursue training and advice to improve their on- or off-farm income prospects for the long-term.
The Options program ended on November 20, 2008.
Document Types:
Applications forms, contribution agreements, contracts, financial information, reports, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, agendas, meeting notes, correspondence.
Record Number:
AAFC 2050
Canadian Farm Families Options Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to agricultural producers who participate in short-term income assistance programs to review and possibly improve their family financial situation, under the Farm Business Assessment and/or the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service or equivalent programs. Personal information may include: name, contact information, Social Insurance Numbers, business numbers, financial information, and signature.
Class of Individuals:
Agricultural producers who apply for short-term income assistance programs, their spouse and other family members.
Information is collected to determine eligibility for financial assistance under the Farm Business Assessment and/or the Canadian Agricultural Skills Service or equivalent programs and to provide departmental advice to farmers on improving long-term business and income. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act.
Consistent Uses:
Information is shared with Canada Revenue Agency and data-matched for verification of identity, income and for income tax purposes (CRA PPU 025). Information may be disclosed to provincial governments via a data sharing agreement that requires similar information for provincial support or an equivalent program. With consent, contact information may be used for distribution of material on new agricultural programs and for public opinion research. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Producer information is retained for seven years after assistance is provided and then destroyed.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2050
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC) Initiative

The objective of this program is to provide opportunities for agricultural producers to participate in the renewable transportation fuel production industry while contributing towards the achievement of the Government of Canada's target of 5% renewable content in Canadian transportation fuels. Eligible applicants include: co-operatives, corporations and individuals, as well as limited or other partnerships. The program administers conditional repayable contributions towards the building and expanding of renewable fuels facilities which are subject to a cap of 25% of eligible project costs or $25 million per project, whichever is less. Proposed projects must have equity investments from agricultural producers equal to 5% or more of the eligible project costs.

ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC) Initiative (Class of Record)
Includes records related to applications for funding under the ecoABC Initiative which provides agricultural producers with an opportunity to participate in the emerging renewable fuels industry, while contributing towards the achievement of the Government of Canada's targets for renewable content in Canadian transportation fuels. The ecoABC Initiative provides conditionally repayable contributions of up to $25 million or 25% of eligible construction costs (whichever is less) for the construction or expansion of transportation biofuel (ethanol and biodiesel) production facilities in Canada which include new equity investment by farmers and use agricultural feedstock (for example, grain, corn, animal fats) to produce the transportation biofuel.
Current program authority expired March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Application proposals and assessments, reports, contribution agreements, memoranda and monitoring and evaluation documents.
Record Number:
AAFC 2060
ecoAgriculture Biofuels Capital (ecoABC Initiative) (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about applications for funding under the ecoABC Initiative, which consists of repayable contributions of up to $25 million per project that facilitate the opportunity for agricultural producers to participate in the emerging biofuel sector through investment in the construction or expansion of biofuel production facilities. Personal information may include name, contact information, citizenship status (for example, First Nation status), date of birth, other identification number (for example, Business Number), financial information, and signature.
Class of Individuals:
Individuals and representatives of agricultural producers (including co-operatives) who apply for funding under the ecoABC Initiative.
Information is used to determine applicant eligibility for funding under ecoABC to assess applications and to monitor projects during construction and post-completion. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used to conduct cross compliance with other Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs to ensure that applicants have not already received public funding for the same project; to verify possible debts owed to the Crown; and to conduct audits for program evaluation purposes. Information may also be used to follow-up with applicants for purposes of clarification, or to conduct site visits. Information on each consenting agricultural producer investor is exchanged with the Canada Revenue Agency to validate that the individual or company has reported farming income in one of the previous five years, CRA PPU 025. Information may also be shared with experts such as engineers to validate construction and proposed production technology costs. Information may also be shared with other federal government departments, provincial ministries of agriculture and administrators of other federal, provincial and/or municipal programs to ensure that total government support does not exceed ecoABC stacking provisions. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Eligible applicant information is retained for seven years after the final action on the file. Information on applicants who are not eligible to apply or do not meet certain program requirements will be retained for five years after the final action on the file and is then destroyed.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 2060
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Enabling Commercialization and Adoption

The objective of Enabling Commercialization and Adoption (Stream) under Growing Forward 2 is to accelerate the demonstration, commercialization and/or adoption of innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes or services to increase sector competitiveness. This program provides repayable contributions for industry-led agri-based projects aimed at facilitating the commercialization or adoption of agri-innovations. Funding is provided for activities including construction; purchase and installation of equipment; training; and marketing, where it forms a minor component of a project. Eligible recipients are for-profit organizations.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriInnovation program under Growing Forward 2.

Enabling Commercialization and Adoption (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the acceleration, demonstration, commercialization and/or adoption of innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes or services to increase sector competitiveness across the value chain and realize returns on investments. This activity includes records related to repayable contributions for industry led agri-based commercialization and adoption projects as well as demonstration projects aimed at facilitating the commercialization or adoption of agri-innovations. Funding is provided for activities that could include capital costs such as construction, purchasing and installing equipment, as well as marketing, and skills development, contracted services and labour. Eligible recipients are for-profit organizations.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, educational material, financial information, forms, correspondence, records of decision, planning documents, procedures, presentations, promotional material, published information, requisitions, correspondence, intellectual property statements, licences and permits, meeting information, memoranda and organizational material.
Record Number:
AAFC 4265

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Environment

This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at supporting the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based sector and its businesses to assess and respond to priority environmental risks and manage the natural resource base sustainably. The programming is mainly designed to minimize and mitigate impacts and risks to the environment by maintaining or improving the quality of soil, water, air, and biodiversity; ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of natural resources used for agricultural production and, supporting the long-term economic and environmental viability of the agriculture industry.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-Shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Innovation under Growing Forward 2.

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Environment (formerly known as Cost-shared Environmental Risk Assessment and Implementation) (Class of Record)
Includes records related to providing a systematic approach to farmers, through federal/provincial partnerships, to assess priority environmental risks and address them by developing effective plans to mitigate these risks.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas and meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 1020

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Research, Adoption and Commercialization

This Growing Forward 2 program provides funding for provincial and territorial activities aimed at accelerating the pace of innovation in the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. The programming supports research and development activities and facilitates demonstration and commercialization in order to enhance the productivity, competitiveness, economic growth and adaptability of the sector, and assists in capturing opportunities for the sector in domestic and global markets.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-Shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Innovation under Growing Forward 2.

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Research, Adoption and Commercialization (formerly known as Cost-shared Innovation) (Class of Record)
Includes records related to federal/ provincial/territorial programming that accelerates the pace of innovation in the Canadian agricultural sector by supporting Research and Development (R&D) activities and facilitating the demonstration, commercialization and/or services in order to enhance productivity, competitiveness, economic growth, adaptability of Canadian agricultural sector, and assist in capturing opportunities for the sector in domestic and global markets. Funding is provided to academia, producers, agri-business and other organizations and encourages greater interaction among all parties.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, educational material, financial information, forms, correspondence, records of decision, planning documents, procedures, presentations, promotional material, published information, requisitions, correspondence, intellectual property statements, licenses and permits, meeting information, memoranda and organizational material.
Record Number:
AAFC 4280

Research Accelerating Innovation

This Growing Forward 2 program is designed to address emerging science-based requirements of the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector by generating and providing access to scientific knowledge that helps the industry to: identify and mitigate risks to agriculture and agri-food production; enhance the safety of the food system; sustainably increase productivity to improve its bottom line through more efficient use of inputs; enhance the resilience of the sector to a changing climate; and to capture market opportunities. Objectives of this program include: conduct innovative research to understand key challenges and opportunities facing the sector; transform scientific knowledge into agricultural products, processes and practices that improve competitiveness; promote research to understand the key environmental sustainability challenges facing Canadian farmers; encourage the transformation of scientific knowledge into agricultural practices that improve the environmental sustainability and profitability of farming operations; support scientific measurement and analysis of the environmental sustainability performance of the sector that will facilitate competitiveness; and work with industry to target Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada efforts towards key business risks and opportunities.

Agri-Environmental Applications and Measurement (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the use of knowledge and information to improve the agri-environmental decision-making capacity of farmers and employs measurement and analyses to inform efforts aimed at demonstrating the environmental impacts of sustainable agriculture practices.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas and meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 1010
Environment Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about funding or benefits provided to mitigate environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information may include: name, contact information, Social Insurance Number, business numbers, other identification number (for example, unique Applicant Number), financial information, and signature.
The Greencover Program, the National Farm Stewardship Program and the National Water Supply Expansion Program were included in the broader Environment Programs Personal Information Bank; however, all have ended as of March 31, 2009. This Personal Information Bank now reflects the following ongoing programs: Prairie Shelterbelt Program, Community Pastures program, Water Infrastructure programs.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agricultural producers and land managers who apply for funding or benefits under environment programs.
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process funding applications under environment programs, to support the realization of environmental benefits and the mitigation of environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected for income tax purposes.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be shared with other programs within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to verify that applicants for funding under these programs have not breached Treasury Board Secretariat restrictions on funding stacking provisions. Information is also shared with Canada Revenue Agency for income tax purposes. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes. The evaluation of the needs assessment may be used in revising existing programs as well as in the development of future programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Individual producer and land manager information is retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then destroyed. Administrative and operational records are retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as historical records.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 1010, AAFC, AAFC 1060, AAFC 1065
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:
Agri-Environmental Soil, Water, Air and Bioresource Protection (Class of Record)
Includes records related to new knowledge and improved understanding of the interactions between agriculture and the environment that provide improved protection of the agri-environment (Soil, Water, Air and Bioresource) through the use of new technologies, tools, and Beneficial Management Practices. Knowledge from this forms the foundation for enhancing the environmental performance of the agri-food sector and to secure soil, water, air and bioresource quality for use by Canadians (present and future generations).
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentation, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, geospatial information, meeting information, memoranda, organizational information and standards.
Record Number:
AAFC 3500
Adaptive Knowledge (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the development, adaptation and verification of science-based information and technology that contribute to environmental sustainability and profitability within the agricultural sector. The program draws on innovation and discovery from research and is ultimately used by producers and other users of land and water resources to make more informed decisions in response to climate change, and improve stewardship of water and land resources in agriculture.
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, meeting information, and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 1015
Agroforestry (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the national conduct of research and development of agroforestry practices, technology and genetic materials that enhance and improve the competitive and environmental performance of the agriculture sector, and develops agroforestry systems for use on agricultural landscapes. Agroforestry systems and trees developed are implemented by agricultural producers addressing environmental risks while capturing agricultural economic opportunities.
The program closed as part of budget 2012.
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, meeting information, and memoranda
Record Number:
AAFC 1025
National Land and Water Information Service (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Internet-based service that provides on-line access to agri-environmental information to support responsible land-use decisions. This integrated, geographic-based information and knowledge service provides expertise and up-to-date data and information related to the management of land, soil, water, climate and biodiversity to support a common understanding for local and regional land-use planning and management.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, meeting information, and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 1035
Research Accelerating Innovation (Class of Record)
Includes records relating to the emerging science-based requirements of the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector by generating and providing access to scientific knowledge that helps the industry identify and mitigate risks to agriculture and agri-food production, keep pace with sustainability considerations, improve productivity and capture market opportunities. Objectives of this program include: conducting innovative research to understand key challenges and opportunities facing the sector; transforming scientific knowledge into agricultural products, processes and practices that improve competitiveness, profitability and sustainability of the agricultural sector; and working with industry to target Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada efforts towards key business risks and opportunities.
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentation, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, geospatial information, meeting information, memoranda, organizational information and standards.
Record Number:
AAFC 3505
Sustainable Agriculture Environmental Systems (Class of Record)
Includes records related to peer reviewed innovation and discovery research focused on broadening the understanding by the scientific community at large of interactions between agricultural practices, water and climate variability. This will assist the sector through its use of this new knowledge in developing new and improved agricultural practices that can be adopted by producers to address challenges associated with climate variability and crop, livestock and water management in an economically sustainable manner.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, geospatial information, meeting information, memoranda, organizational information and standards.
Record Number:
AAFC 3520
Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices (Class of Record)
Includes records related to Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices (WEBS) that aims to increase the understanding of the effectiveness of beneficial management practices (BMP) in an agricultural watershed setting. WEBS will enable producers, policy/planners and the general public to make informed decisions as to which practices are likely to be most effective and where in the landscape they might best be applied. This builds understanding of the long-term relationships between BMPs and related agricultural land use activities, both environmental and economic.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Agreements, data, educational material, financial material, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, correspondence, reports, requisitions, meeting information, and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 1075

Research, Development and Knowledge Transfer

The objective of industry-led Research, Development and Knowledge Transfer under Growing Forward 2 is to accelerate the pace of innovation in the sector by supporting industry-led research, development and knowledge creation and transfer activities of innovative agricultural products, technologies, practices, processes and services in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector to increase market opportunities, foster innovation, industry investment and leadership. This program provides non-repayable contributions to recipients and research support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to conduct approved applied science activities in support of a project.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriInnovation program under Growing Forward 2.

Agri-Based Investment Opportunities (Class of Record)
Includes records related to this program that encouraged greater interactions between investors and entrepreneurs, and small to medium sized enterprises within the Canadian agriculture sector by supporting the delivery of a series of national Innovation Symposia that brought small to medium sized enterprises together with potential private investors to promote and explore potential opportunities in agri-based business ventures and to accelerate success stories, as well as transfer new information about innovation best practices and future directions for the sector.
The program ended March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Contractual information, data, educational material, forms, ministerial correspondence, planning documents, procedures, presentations, promotional material, correspondence, reports, meeting information, organizational information and standards.
Record Number:
AAFC 4330
Agri-Foresight (Class of Record)
Includes records related to connecting knowledgeable individuals such as scientists, economists, market-experts and consultants with decision makers and stakeholders in governments, academia and the private agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector to collaboratively define possible long-term future opportunities and challenges for the Canadian agriculture sector. Agri-Foresight included the anticipation of possible future scenarios, strategic analysis, and the design of strategies and action plans to address the potential significant economic, environmental and social pressures the sector may face in the future.
The program ended March 31, 2012
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published material, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4300
Agri-Science Clusters (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Agri-Science Clusters that were strategic concentrations of industry, academic, and government science and technical expertise in a particular sector. They encouraged key agricultural organizations to mobilize and coordinate a critical mass of scientific and technical capacity required to create, plan and implement a national program of applied science and technology research and development. They assisted the sector in coping with challenges of technology, organization, and knowledge management while developing new products, practices, and processes that increased their opportunities for profitability and competitiveness.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013.
Documents Types: Data, financial information, correspondence, records of decision, presentations, meeting information and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 4310
Regional Innovation (Class of Record)
Includes records related to a range of innovation programming administered by the provinces and territories, with the objective of bringing together resources and knowledge from across the three core players (governments, the private sector and academia) of the Innovation system and engaging them collaboratively along the three phases of the Innovation continuum (Discovery Phase, Pre-Commercialization Phase, and the Commercialization and Marketing Phase). The following are eligible initiatives: Agri-Innovation Fora, Science to Support Commercialization of New Innovation Investment Opportunities, and Innovation Commercialization Centres.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published material, reference material, correspondence, meeting agenda, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4340
Science to Support Commercialization of New Agri-Based Products (Class of Record)
Includes records related to funding to accelerate the pre-commercialization of new agri-practices, products and processes by filling the gap in the innovation continuum between the point where a new invention leaves the laboratory and the point where it is ready to enter the marketplace as a commercial product. Support was provided for collaboration between producers, processors, distributors, science providers and the marketplace to ensure all aspects of the value-chain were considered.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2013.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published material, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4320

Science Supporting an Innovative and Sustainable Sector

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducts longer term core research and development work to advance the understanding of the resource base upon which agriculture depends; threats to Canadian agriculture production; mechanisms to protect and conserve Canadian bioresources and genetic diversity; and future new opportunities for the sector. This program also maintains a strong network of world-class research centres and offices across the country with scientific expertise to meet the research needs of existing and emerging agricultural commodity groups, and to participate in collaborative partnerships with industry, academia, non-governmental organizations and others that undertake research aimed at yield enhancement, input reductions, prevention of diseases or pests, market access as well as risk mitigation, and development of new areas of opportunity for the sector.

This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture.

Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program that seeks to increase value-added opportunities for the agri-food sector by the innovative use of agricultural bioresources as a result of Research and Development network activities, technology transfer and commercialization of bioproducts and process.
The program sunsetted March 31, 2011.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, educational material, financial information, forms, correspondence, records of decision, planning documents, procedures, presentations, promotional material, published information, requisitions, intellectual property statements, licenses and permits, meeting information, memoranda and organizational material.
Record Number:
AAFC 4260
Animal and Plant Health Research (Class of Record)
Includes records related to research on plant and animal health focusing on emerging threats to the sector, such as wheat rust and clubroot, and develops risks mitigation strategies and measures adopted by the Canadian agri-food sector. In addition, scientific research supports these efforts by developing new technologies that can be adapted to assist both the on-farm and post-farm sectors with respect to food safety and the protection of the animal and plant resource base.
Documents Types: Agreements, contractual information, data, financial information, correspondence, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, requisitions, reports, intellectual property statements, published material and meeting information.
Record Number:
AAFC 3560
Canadian Bioresources and Genetic Diversity Protection and Conservation (Class of Record)
Includes records related to increasing the understanding of Canadian bioresources and protection and conservation of their genetic diversity. This consists of conducting basic and applied research to provide factual information on Canadian bioresources; and to acquire advanced knowledge and develop science-based models to predict the behaviour of biological resources in response to changes in the environment and to identify useful products or functions that will contribute to economic prosperity.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, educational material, planning documents, procedures, presentations, published information, reference material, requisitions, correspondence, reports, published material and meeting information.
Record Number:
AAFC 3550
Food Safety and Quality Science (Class of Record)
Includes records related to food safety research at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that is complementary to the efforts of other federal partners and is focused on the development of food safety strategies and practices to detect, monitor and control hazards throughout the food chain and reduce health risks based on integrated knowledge of production and processing systems with respect to biological and chemical hazards. Food quality research focuses on the development of integrated quality management strategies for maximum quality preservation, value-addition and traceability through practical and scientifically sound approaches linking primary production, post-harvest treatments and storage practices with appropriate food processing technologies. Target groups for food safety research are government regulatory departments, industry and consumers. Target groups for food quality research are industry and consumers.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, correspondence, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published material, reference material, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 3530
Health and Wellness Attributes of Agri-Food and Agri-Based Products (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the focus on improving the understanding of the link between food, nutrition, health and wellness leading to increased opportunities for agriculture in producing foods and nutraceuticals and other innovative health-related products. The establishment of clear linkages between food and health will support the science base needed for product approvals and provide balanced information to consumers permitting informed choice-making. Target groups are government regulatory departments, industry and consumers.
The program sunsetted on March 31, 2013
Documents Types: Agreements, contractual information, data, financial information, correspondence, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, reports, intellectual property statements, meeting information and memoranda.
Record Number:
AAFC 4240
Innovative and Sustainable Production Systems (Class of Record)
Includes records related to research focused on optimizing production while taking into account the need to maintain environmental sustainability. The research spans the continuum from basic to applied science and includes applied research and transferring usable technology directly to the farming sector thus making a direct contribution to farm profitability and maintaining affordable food costs for Canadians. Specific research areas include: development of varieties of economically important crops adapted to changing climate; resistant to diseases and pests; developments of production systems for crops and livestock having characteristics valued by consumers; and reduction of input costs in crops and livestock production through reduced usage of fertilizers, pesticides, energy and labour.
Documents Types: Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published materials, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda, reports and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4220
Matching Investment Initiative (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the objective of the Matching Investment Initiative which aims to accelerate the process of technology transfer to the private sector, increase collaboration between government and industry and strengthen Canadian agri-food technology development and commercialization. This is accomplished through collaborative innovative research with industry by funding collaborative initiatives supporting best investment opportunities by matching the industry investment in the selected research projects.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published materials, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda, reports and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4250
New Opportunities from Bioresources (Class of Record)
Includes records related to current and new agricultural commodities (that) can be an ongoing source of innovative, commercial products beyond food and feed, including such things as new manufacturing materials, industrial chemicals, energy sources, biochemicals, and health and wellness products. This program consists of scientific research to support the development of innovative commercial products from agriculture beyond food and feed.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published materials, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4230
Research Evaluation and Science Capacity (Class of Record)
Includes records related to ensuring consistent application of standards for relevance, excellence and accountability in science. Specific activities include the development and implementation of the comprehensive research evaluation process to ensure scientific excellence and alignment to national priorities. This program also develops and implements strategic policies and plans for science and innovation through consultations with representatives from Canadian producer organizations, processors, provincial and municipal governments, and other stakeholder groups.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, policies and procedures, presentations, published material, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4270
Security of the Food System Science (Class of Record)
Includes records related to Security of the Food System Science that contributes to the understanding of the causal agents of potential and emerging threats to the security of the Canadian food production and distribution systems and the behaviour of these agents along the food chain. Specifically, this program advances knowledge, tools and techniques that enhance the security and protection of the food supply, including developing and applying physical and biological systems models to predict the probable spread, behaviour and impact of threats to the security and protection of Canadian food production and distribution systems (examples: pathogens, pests and climate, deliberate or intentional contamination of food). The work of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada under this element is complementary to the risk management function of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in providing knowledge and tools for system-based enhancement of food security. Target groups are government regulatory departments, industry, and consumers.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, financial information, records of decision, planning documents, presentations, published information, reference material, requisitions, correspondence, reports, intellectual property statements and meeting information.
Record Number:
AAFC 3540
Science Supporting a Competitive Sector (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the development of new knowledge supporting development of products, processes, and practices to enhance the safety of the food system, to enhance security and protection of the food supply, and to enhance economic benefits for all stakeholders. This also includes developing an understanding of Canadian bioresources and protecting and conserving their genetic diversity, enabling the sector to respond to emerging agricultural threats, such as invasive alien species and disease, thereby developing a more sustainable agriculture.
Document Types:
Agreements, contractual information, data, educational material, planning documents, procedures, presentations, correspondence, reference material, reports and agendas and meeting minutes.
Record Number:
AAFC 3545
Science Supporting Agriculture Innovation (formerly known as Science Innovation and Adoption) (Class of Record)
Includes records relating to focused fundamental research and development in support of industry capacity to enhance human health and wellness through food, nutrition and innovative products, and to develop new opportunities for agriculture from bioresources. Records will include documentation related to knowledge, supporting development of processes, products or technologies to accelerate the flow of science and technology results into the innovation continuum.
Document Types:
Data, financial information, applications, assessments, financial records, records of decision, planning documents, policies and procedures, presentations, published material, reference material, correspondence, meeting information, memoranda and organizational information.
Record Number:
AAFC 4275
Visiting Fellowship in Canadian Government Laboratories (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to the granting of Visiting Fellowships in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Laboratories, a program administered by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada on behalf of a number of federal departments and agencies. Personal information may include name, contact information, post-secondary education, professional experience, gender, marital status, ages and number of dependents, financial information, Social Insurance Number, other identification number, assessments of applications, recommendations and decisions.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian citizen and researchers from other countries who participate in the program of Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Federal Government Laboratories and third parties who provide references and assessments of applicants' suitability for awards.
The information is used to review applications and to monitor and administer awards and programs. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act and is used to report income.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be used as part of the peer review process, selection committee members recruited from within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Information is also shared with Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada as part of memorandum of understanding (refer to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada PPU 085). Information submitted to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is subject to the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Integrity in Research and Scholarship. Some information on this program is routinely published and disseminated by participating institutions. Personal information may also be used for program planning, evaluation and review in audits and for generating statistics for these activities.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Applications that receive funding are retained for ten fiscal years after the last financial activity in the group. After this ten-year period, the applications are destroyed; except for those applications where the decision was challenged, in which case the file is transferred to Library and Archives Canada. Applications that do not receive funding are retained for five years after the year of the competition and then destroyed; except applications where the decision was challenged, in which case the file is transferred to Library and Archives Canada.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 4275
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Technical Information Transfer

Technical Information Transfer is interpreting and transferring technical information to farmers and others for actions that improve sustainability on agricultural lands. This technical assistance integrates practices for environmentally responsible agriculture with other on-farm actions and is coordinated with local land use planners, conservation authorities and others and effectively communicates the benefits of changing practices.

Innovative Approaches for Technical Assistance (Class of Record)
Includes records related to the interpretation and transfer of technical information for improved sustainability on agricultural lands. This program improves the technical quality of agri-environmental action on agricultural landscapes and producer decisions on the use of their land, labour and capital through the interpretation and transfer of technical information.
The program was cancelled as part of budget 2012.
Document Types:
Contracts, statements of work, proposals, evaluation criteria, memoranda, procedures, policies, legal opinions, project plans, statistical reports, agendas and meeting notes.
Record Number:
AAFC 1060
Environment Programs (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information about funding or benefits provided to mitigate environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information may include: name, contact information, Social Insurance Number, business numbers, other identification number (for example, unique Applicant Number), financial information, and signature.
The Greencover Program, the National Farm Stewardship Program and the National Water Supply Expansion Program were included in the broader Environment Programs Personal Information Bank, however, all have ended as of March 31, 2009. This Personal Information Bank now reflects the following ongoing programs: Prairie Shelterbelt Program, Community Pastures program, Water Infrastructure programs.
Class of Individuals:
Canadian agricultural producers and land managers who apply for funding or benefits under environment programs.
Information is collected to determine eligibility of benefits and to process funding applications under environment programs, to support the realization of environmental benefits and the mitigation of environmental risks in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act and the Social Insurance Number is collected for income tax purposes.
Consistent Uses:
Information may be shared with other programs within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to verify that applicants for funding under these programs have not breached Treasury Board Secretariat restrictions on funding stacking provisions. Information is also shared with Canada Revenue Agency for income tax purposes. Information may also be used for program evaluation and reporting purposes. The evaluation of the needs assessment may be used in revising existing programs as well as in the development of future programs.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Individual producer and land manager information is retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then destroyed. Administrative and operational records are retained for ten years after the programs have ended, and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as historical records.
RDA Number:
Related Record Number:
AAFC 1010, AAFC 1055, AAFC 1060, AAFC 1065
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Internal Services

Internal services constitute groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are management and oversight services, communications services, legal services, human resources management services, financial management services, information management services, information technology services, real property services, materiel services, acquisition services, and travel and other administrative services. Internal services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program.

Acquisition Services

Acquisition services involve activities undertaken to acquire a good or service to fulfill a properly completed request (including a complete and accurate definition of requirements and certification that funds are available) until entering into or amending a contract.

Communications Services

Communications services involve activities undertaken to ensure that Government of Canada communications are effectively managed, well coordinated and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. The communications management function ensures that the public—internal or external—receives government information, and that the views and concerns of the public are taken into account in the planning, management and evaluation of policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Financial Management Services

Financial management services involve activities undertaken to ensure the prudent use of public resources, including planning, budgeting, accounting, reporting, control and oversight, analysis, decision support and advice, and financial systems.

Human Resources Management Services

Human resources management services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction, allocating resources among services and processes, as well as activities relating to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies and plans.

Information Management Services

Information management services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective information management to support program and service delivery; foster informed decision making; facilitate accountability, transparency and collaboration; and preserve and ensure access to information and records for the benefit of present and future generations.

Information Technology Services

Information technology services involve activities undertaken to achieve efficient and effective use of information technology to support government priorities and program delivery, to increase productivity, and to enhance services to the public.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Credential Management (Class of Record)

Information on a full range of Information Technology Security products and services for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, including external and internal credential management.
Document Types:
Agendas, agreements, business analysis documents, business cases, business requirement documents, briefings and updates, budgets, contracts documentation, client agreements, charts, graphs and diagrams, communiqués, correspondence, cover letters, feasibility studies, guidelines, invoices, letters of acceptance, lists, line of business, minutes, memoranda of understanding, operating level agreements, operational procedures, policies, strategies and plans, preliminary assessments, pricing sheets, product roadmaps, reports, requests for proposals, records of decision, service agreements, service level agreements, service level agreements templates, services catalogue, standard statement of works, statements of qualification, submissions, Treasury Board submissions draft, technical documents, template documents, timesheets, terms of reference, work descriptions, work plan documents, project plans, presentations and proposals.
Record Number:
AAFC 7055
Internal and External Credential Management Services (Personal Information Bank)
This bank describes information related to identification, authentication and authorization services for validating the credentials of users of the federal on-line environment, including the issuance of Public Key Infrastructure certificates, both anonymous and identity-based certificates. Personal information may include: name, contact information, other identification numbers (for example, encrypted program identifier, meaningless but unique number, revocation reason codes); username, password, email address, Internet Protocol address, and recovery secrets.
Class of Individuals:
Individuals wishing to access items on the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website that require an authenticated user ID.
Personal information is used to validate and monitor credentials of on-line users of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada systems and applications. Personal information is collected under the authority of section 4 of the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food Act (as required under the Policy on Government Security).
Consistent Uses:
In the case of suspected security or privacy breaches, information may be shared with departmental security and access to information and privacy officials (see Standard Personal Information Bank Security Incidents and Privacy Breaches-PSU 939). For suspected criminal activity, information may also be disclosed to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigation purposes - see institution-specific Personal Information Bank Operational Case Records - RCMP PPU 005. Information may also be used to monitor audit trails regarding credential usage, and for evaluation and reporting purposes.
Retention and Disposal Standards:
Credential information will be retained for two years past the last log in, and then destroyed.
RDA Number:
Record Number:
AAFC 7055
TBS Registration:
Bank Number:

Legal services

Legal services involve activities undertaken to enable government departments and agencies to pursue policy, program and service delivery priorities and objectives within a legally sound framework.

Management and Oversight Services

Management and oversight services involve activities undertaken for determining strategic direction and allocating resources among services and processes, as well as those activities related to analyzing exposure to risk and determining appropriate countermeasures. They ensure that the service operations and programs of the federal government comply with applicable laws, regulations, policies or plans.

Materiel Services

Materiel services involve activities undertaken to ensure that materiel can be managed by departments in a sustainable and financially responsible manner that supports the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Real Property Services

Real property services involve activities undertaken to ensure that real property is managed in a sustainable and financially responsible manner, throughout its life cycle, to support the cost-effective and efficient delivery of government programs.

Travel and Other Administrative Services

Travel and other administrative services include Government of Canada travel services, as well as those other internal services that do not smoothly fit with any of the internal services categories.

Classes of Personal Information

Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program

This class describes personal information used in support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program which is aimed at supporting the establishment, development and operation of bioproducts research networks, thereby promoting research, development, technology transfer and commercialization activity in agricultural bioproducts in Canada. Networks, in the context of the Agricultural Bioproducts Innovation Program, comprise researchers and organizations coming together to form a critical mass of intellectual capacity and to address strategic scientific research issues focused on the development of the agricultural bioeconomy. The information collected is a part of a network proposal as a whole for the purpose of applying to the program for funding. Information collected may include phone numbers, addresses, biographical information, such as curriculum-vitae and e-mail coordinates for organizations and their representatives who are participants in these networks.

The personal information of contact persons collected by the program is not used for any administrative purpose that could affect the individual at any step during the administration of the program. Selection of networks to be funded is based on the entire proposal submitted to the program for consideration. Personal information of network participants is not intended to be shared outside the program. If sharing is required in order to further collaboration, it is done only with the permission of the network lead. Information is not organized or intended to be retrieved by a personal identifier.

Animal Pedigree Act - Legal Approvals and Administration

This class describes personal information used in support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's responsibilities for the administration of the Animal Pedigree Act. Under the Animal Pedigree Act, breed associations are incorporated and legal authorities are approved for the purposes of operating national registries. Information may include phone numbers, addresses and e-mail coordinates for breed associations and their representative individuals who interact with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for breed association purposes. In addition, signatures of authorized individuals may appear on various documents that are necessary for legal approvals under the Animal Pedigree Act.

Once approved, the legal documents containing signatures are available to all members. In addition, all contact information for breed association representatives is posted on Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's website and is made available by the breed associations themselves in industry publications and circulars and on websites. Breed associations have limited liability. The personal information of contact persons collected by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is not used for administrative purposes that could affect the individuals at any step during the administration of the program. Information may be shared with other federal departments as appropriate and consistent with the Animal Pedigree Act, as well as the purposes and activities of the respective breed associations. Information is not organized or intended to be retrieved by a personal identifier.

Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program

This class describes personal information used in support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program which is required to maintain project contacts to support program delivery. Information may include phone numbers, addresses and e-mail coordinates for organizations and their representative who are required to apply, undertake activities and report on Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program projects. The personal information of contact persons is not used for administrative purposes that could affect the individual at any step during the administration of the program. Information may be shared within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Information is not organized or intended to be retrieved by a personal identifier.

Pari-Mutuel Supervision - Application for Pari-Mutuel Betting Permits and Licenses

This class describes personal information used in support of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency's Pari-Mutuel Supervision mandate to regulate pari-mutuel betting in Canada on horse races through the issuance of pari-mutuel betting permits and licenses. Information may include phone numbers, addresses and e-mail coordinates for organizations and their representatives who manage horse racing and betting operations at racetracks and betting theatres (off track betting sites) across Canada. The personal information of contact persons collected is not used for administrative purposes that could affect the individuals at any step during the application process.


  • Administration Guidelines, Advance Payments Program, Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
  • Administration Guidelines, Price Pooling Program, Agricultural Marketing Programs Act
  • Farm Debt Mediation Service Guidelines
  • Field Manual on Buffer Design for the Canadian Prairies
  • Food and Agriculture Emergency Response System Manual
  • Information Handbook - Listeria Monocytogenes
  • Inspection and Trade Memoranda
  • National Production Insurance Actuarial Guidelines
  • Precipitation and Evaporation Tables (1911-1981)
  • Standard Track Operating Procedures Manual

Additional information

How to request information

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has an established Access to Information and Privacy Office responsible for processing requests for information made under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.

Please contact us to completed access to information requests.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducts Privacy Impact Assessments to ensure that privacy implications will be appropriately identified, assessed and resolved before a new or substantially modified program or activity involving personal information is implemented. Summaries of completed Privacy Impact Assessments are available.

Contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for additional information about the programs and activities.

Reading room

In accordance with the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, the applicant may wish to review material in person at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Access to Information and Privacy Office.